2013-05-09 11:11:17 +02:00
< ? php
* http . php
* @ ( #) $Header: /opt2/ena/metal/http/http.php,v 1.90 2013/02/20 11:45:28 mlemos Exp $
define ( 'HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_NO_ERROR' , 0 );
class http_class
var $host_name = " " ;
var $host_port = 0 ;
var $proxy_host_name = " " ;
var $proxy_host_port = 80 ;
var $socks_host_name = '' ;
var $socks_host_port = 1080 ;
var $socks_version = '5' ;
var $protocol = " http " ;
var $request_method = " GET " ;
var $user_agent = 'httpclient (http://www.phpclasses.org/httpclient $Revision: 1.90 $)' ;
var $accept = '' ;
var $authentication_mechanism = " " ;
var $user ;
var $password ;
var $realm ;
var $workstation ;
var $proxy_authentication_mechanism = " " ;
var $proxy_user ;
var $proxy_password ;
var $proxy_realm ;
var $proxy_workstation ;
var $request_uri = " " ;
var $request = " " ;
var $request_headers = array ();
var $request_user ;
var $request_password ;
var $request_realm ;
var $request_workstation ;
var $proxy_request_user ;
var $proxy_request_password ;
var $proxy_request_realm ;
var $proxy_request_workstation ;
var $request_body = " " ;
var $request_arguments = array ();
var $protocol_version = " 1.1 " ;
var $timeout = 0 ;
var $data_timeout = 0 ;
var $debug = 0 ;
var $log_debug = 0 ;
var $debug_response_body = 1 ;
var $html_debug = 0 ;
var $support_cookies = 1 ;
var $cookies = array ();
var $error = " " ;
var $error_code = HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_NO_ERROR ;
var $exclude_address = " " ;
var $follow_redirect = 0 ;
var $redirection_limit = 5 ;
var $response_status = " " ;
var $response_message = " " ;
var $file_buffer_length = 8000 ;
var $force_multipart_form_post = 0 ;
var $prefer_curl = 0 ;
var $keep_alive = 1 ;
var $sasl_authenticate = 1 ;
/* private variables - DO NOT ACCESS */
var $state = " Disconnected " ;
var $use_curl = 0 ;
var $connection = 0 ;
var $content_length = 0 ;
var $response = " " ;
var $read_response = 0 ;
var $read_length = 0 ;
var $request_host = " " ;
var $next_token = " " ;
var $redirection_level = 0 ;
var $chunked = 0 ;
var $remaining_chunk = 0 ;
var $last_chunk_read = 0 ;
var $months = array (
" Jan " => " 01 " ,
" Feb " => " 02 " ,
" Mar " => " 03 " ,
" Apr " => " 04 " ,
" May " => " 05 " ,
" Jun " => " 06 " ,
" Jul " => " 07 " ,
" Aug " => " 08 " ,
" Sep " => " 09 " ,
" Oct " => " 10 " ,
" Nov " => " 11 " ,
" Dec " => " 12 " );
var $session = '' ;
var $connection_close = 0 ;
var $force_close = 0 ;
var $connected_host = '' ;
var $connected_port = - 1 ;
var $connected_ssl = 0 ;
2024-11-27 23:14:01 +00:00
private $content_length_set ;
2013-05-09 11:11:17 +02:00
/* Private methods - DO NOT CALL */
2024-11-27 23:14:01 +00:00
private function Tokenize ( $string , $separator = " " )
2013-05-09 11:11:17 +02:00
if ( ! strcmp ( $separator , " " ))
$separator = $string ;
$string = $this -> next_token ;
for ( $character = 0 ; $character < strlen ( $separator ); $character ++ )
if ( GetType ( $position = strpos ( $string , $separator [ $character ])) == " integer " )
$found = ( IsSet ( $found ) ? min ( $found , $position ) : $position );
if ( IsSet ( $found ))
$this -> next_token = substr ( $string , $found + 1 );
return ( substr ( $string , 0 , $found ));
$this -> next_token = " " ;
return ( $string );
2024-11-27 23:14:01 +00:00
private function CookieEncode ( $value , $name )
2013-05-09 11:11:17 +02:00
return ( $name ? str_replace ( " = " , " %25 " , $value ) : str_replace ( " ; " , " %3B " , $value ));
2024-11-27 23:14:01 +00:00
private function SetError ( $error , $error_code = HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_UNSPECIFIED_ERROR )
2013-05-09 11:11:17 +02:00
$this -> error_code = $error_code ;
return ( $this -> error = $error );
2024-11-27 23:14:01 +00:00
private function SetPHPError ( $error , & $php_error_message , $error_code = HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_UNSPECIFIED_ERROR )
2013-05-09 11:11:17 +02:00
if ( IsSet ( $php_error_message )
&& strlen ( $php_error_message ))
$error .= " : " . $php_error_message ;
return ( $this -> SetError ( $error , $error_code ));
2024-11-27 23:14:01 +00:00
private function SetDataAccessError ( $error , $check_connection = 0 )
2013-05-09 11:11:17 +02:00
$this -> error = $error ;
if ( ! $this -> use_curl
&& function_exists ( " socket_get_status " ))
$status = socket_get_status ( $this -> connection );
if ( $status [ " timed_out " ])
$this -> error .= " : data access time out " ;
elseif ( $status [ " eof " ])
if ( $check_connection )
$this -> error = " " ;
$this -> error .= " : the server disconnected " ;
2024-11-27 23:14:01 +00:00
private function OutputDebug ( $message )
2013-05-09 11:11:17 +02:00
if ( $this -> log_debug )
error_log ( $message );
$message .= " \n " ;
if ( $this -> html_debug )
$message = str_replace ( " \n " , " <br /> \n " , HtmlEntities ( $message ));
echo $message ;
flush ();
2024-11-27 23:14:01 +00:00
private function GetLine ()
2013-05-09 11:11:17 +02:00
for ( $line = " " ;;)
if ( $this -> use_curl )
$eol = strpos ( $this -> response , " \n " , $this -> read_response );
$data = ( $eol ? substr ( $this -> response , $this -> read_response , $eol + 1 - $this -> read_response ) : " " );
$this -> read_response += strlen ( $data );
if ( feof ( $this -> connection ))
$this -> SetDataAccessError ( " reached the end of data while reading from the HTTP server connection " );
return ( 0 );
$data = fgets ( $this -> connection , 100 );
if ( GetType ( $data ) != " string "
|| strlen ( $data ) == 0 )
$this -> SetDataAccessError ( " it was not possible to read line from the HTTP server " );
return ( 0 );
$line .= $data ;
$length = strlen ( $line );
if ( $length
&& ! strcmp ( substr ( $line , $length - 1 , 1 ), " \n " ))
$length -= (( $length >= 2 && ! strcmp ( substr ( $line , $length - 2 , 1 ), " \r " )) ? 2 : 1 );
$line = substr ( $line , 0 , $length );
if ( $this -> debug )
$this -> OutputDebug ( " S $line " );
return ( $line );
2024-11-27 23:14:01 +00:00
private function PutLine ( $line )
2013-05-09 11:11:17 +02:00
if ( $this -> debug )
$this -> OutputDebug ( " C $line " );
if ( ! fputs ( $this -> connection , $line . " \r \n " ))
$this -> SetDataAccessError ( " it was not possible to send a line to the HTTP server " );
return ( 0 );
return ( 1 );
2024-11-27 23:14:01 +00:00
private function PutData ( $data )
2013-05-09 11:11:17 +02:00
if ( strlen ( $data ))
if ( $this -> debug )
$this -> OutputDebug ( 'C ' . $data );
if ( ! fputs ( $this -> connection , $data ))
$this -> SetDataAccessError ( " it was not possible to send data to the HTTP server " );
return ( 0 );
return ( 1 );
2024-11-27 23:14:01 +00:00
private function FlushData ()
2013-05-09 11:11:17 +02:00
if ( ! fflush ( $this -> connection ))
$this -> SetDataAccessError ( " it was not possible to send data to the HTTP server " );
return ( 0 );
return ( 1 );
2024-11-27 23:14:01 +00:00
private function ReadChunkSize ()
2013-05-09 11:11:17 +02:00
if ( $this -> remaining_chunk == 0 )
$debug = $this -> debug ;
if ( ! $this -> debug_response_body )
$this -> debug = 0 ;
$line = $this -> GetLine ();
$this -> debug = $debug ;
if ( GetType ( $line ) != " string " )
return ( $this -> SetError ( " could not read chunk start: " . $this -> error , $this -> error_code ));
$this -> remaining_chunk = hexdec ( $line );
if ( $this -> remaining_chunk == 0 )
if ( ! $this -> debug_response_body )
$this -> debug = 0 ;
$line = $this -> GetLine ();
$this -> debug = $debug ;
if ( GetType ( $line ) != " string " )
return ( $this -> SetError ( " could not read chunk end: " . $this -> error , $this -> error_code ));
return ( " " );
2024-11-27 23:14:01 +00:00
private function ReadBytes ( $length )
2013-05-09 11:11:17 +02:00
if ( $this -> use_curl )
$bytes = substr ( $this -> response , $this -> read_response , min ( $length , strlen ( $this -> response ) - $this -> read_response ));
$this -> read_response += strlen ( $bytes );
if ( $this -> debug
&& $this -> debug_response_body
&& strlen ( $bytes ))
$this -> OutputDebug ( " S " . $bytes );
if ( $this -> chunked )
for ( $bytes = " " , $remaining = $length ; $remaining ;)
if ( strlen ( $this -> ReadChunkSize ()))
return ( " " );
if ( $this -> remaining_chunk == 0 )
$this -> last_chunk_read = 1 ;
break ;
$ask = min ( $this -> remaining_chunk , $remaining );
$chunk =@ fread ( $this -> connection , $ask );
$read = strlen ( $chunk );
if ( $read == 0 )
$this -> SetDataAccessError ( " it was not possible to read data chunk from the HTTP server " );
return ( " " );
if ( $this -> debug
&& $this -> debug_response_body )
$this -> OutputDebug ( " S " . $chunk );
$bytes .= $chunk ;
$this -> remaining_chunk -= $read ;
$remaining -= $read ;
if ( $this -> remaining_chunk == 0 )
if ( feof ( $this -> connection ))
return ( $this -> SetError ( " reached the end of data while reading the end of data chunk mark from the HTTP server " , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_PROTOCOL_FAILURE ));
$data =@ fread ( $this -> connection , 2 );
if ( strcmp ( $data , " \r \n " ))
$this -> SetDataAccessError ( " it was not possible to read end of data chunk from the HTTP server " );
return ( " " );
$bytes =@ fread ( $this -> connection , $length );
if ( strlen ( $bytes ))
if ( $this -> debug
&& $this -> debug_response_body )
$this -> OutputDebug ( " S " . $bytes );
$this -> SetDataAccessError ( " it was not possible to read data from the HTTP server " , $this -> connection_close );
return ( $bytes );
2024-11-27 23:14:01 +00:00
private function EndOfInput ()
2013-05-09 11:11:17 +02:00
if ( $this -> use_curl )
return ( $this -> read_response >= strlen ( $this -> response ));
if ( $this -> chunked )
return ( $this -> last_chunk_read );
if ( $this -> content_length_set )
return ( $this -> content_length <= $this -> read_length );
return ( feof ( $this -> connection ));
2024-11-27 23:14:01 +00:00
private function Resolve ( $domain , & $ip , $server_type )
2013-05-09 11:11:17 +02:00
if ( preg_match ( '/^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$/' , $domain ))
$ip = $domain ;
if ( $this -> debug )
$this -> OutputDebug ( 'Resolving ' . $server_type . ' server domain "' . $domain . '"...' );
if ( ! strcmp ( $ip =@ gethostbyname ( $domain ), $domain ))
$ip = " " ;
if ( strlen ( $ip ) == 0
|| ( strlen ( $this -> exclude_address )
&& ! strcmp ( @ gethostbyname ( $this -> exclude_address ), $ip )))
return ( $this -> SetError ( " could not resolve the host domain \" " . $domain . " \" " , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_INVALID_SERVER_ADDRESS ));
return ( '' );
2024-11-27 23:14:01 +00:00
private function Connect ( $host_name , $host_port , $ssl , $server_type = 'HTTP' )
2013-05-09 11:11:17 +02:00
$domain = $host_name ;
$port = $host_port ;
if ( strlen ( $error = $this -> Resolve ( $domain , $ip , $server_type )))
return ( $error );
if ( strlen ( $this -> socks_host_name ))
switch ( $this -> socks_version )
case '4' :
$version = 4 ;
break ;
case '5' :
$version = 5 ;
break ;
default :
return ( 'it was not specified a supported SOCKS protocol version' );
break ;
$host_ip = $ip ;
$port = $this -> socks_host_port ;
$host_server_type = $server_type ;
$server_type = 'SOCKS' ;
if ( strlen ( $error = $this -> Resolve ( $this -> socks_host_name , $ip , $server_type )))
return ( $error );
if ( $this -> debug )
$this -> OutputDebug ( 'Connecting to ' . $server_type . ' server IP ' . $ip . ' port ' . $port . '...' );
if ( $ssl )
$ip = " ssl:// " . $host_name ;
if (( $this -> connection = ( $this -> timeout ? @ fsockopen ( $ip , $port , $errno , $error , $this -> timeout ) : @ fsockopen ( $ip , $port , $errno ))) == 0 )
switch ( $errno )
case - 3 :
return ( $this -> SetError ( " socket could not be created " , $error_code ));
case - 4 :
return ( $this -> SetError ( " dns lookup on hostname \" " . $host_name . " \" failed " , $error_code ));
case - 5 :
return ( $this -> SetError ( " connection refused or timed out " , $error_code ));
case - 6 :
return ( $this -> SetError ( " fdopen() call failed " , $error_code ));
case - 7 :
return ( $this -> SetError ( " setvbuf() call failed " , $error_code ));
default :
return ( $this -> SetPHPError ( $errno . " could not connect to the host \" " . $host_name . " \" " , $php_errormsg , $error_code ));
if ( $this -> data_timeout
&& function_exists ( " socket_set_timeout " ))
socket_set_timeout ( $this -> connection , $this -> data_timeout , 0 );
if ( strlen ( $this -> socks_host_name ))
if ( $this -> debug )
$this -> OutputDebug ( 'Connected to the SOCKS server ' . $this -> socks_host_name );
$send_error = 'it was not possible to send data to the SOCKS server' ;
$receive_error = 'it was not possible to receive data from the SOCKS server' ;
switch ( $version )
case 4 :
$command = 1 ;
$user = '' ;
if ( ! fputs ( $this -> connection , chr ( $version ) . chr ( $command ) . pack ( 'nN' , $host_port , ip2long ( $host_ip )) . $user . Chr ( 0 )))
$error = $this -> SetDataAccessError ( $send_error );
$response = fgets ( $this -> connection , 9 );
if ( strlen ( $response ) != 8 )
$error = $this -> SetDataAccessError ( $receive_error );
$socks_errors = array (
" \x5a " => '' ,
" \x5b " => 'request rejected' ,
" \x5c " => 'request failed because client is not running identd (or not reachable from the server)' ,
" \x5d " => 'request failed because client\'s identd could not confirm the user ID string in the request' ,
$error_code = $response [ 1 ];
$error = ( IsSet ( $socks_errors [ $error_code ]) ? $socks_errors [ $error_code ] : 'unknown' );
if ( strlen ( $error ))
$error = 'SOCKS error: ' . $error ;
break ;
case 5 :
if ( $this -> debug )
$this -> OutputDebug ( 'Negotiating the authentication method ...' );
$methods = 1 ;
$method = 0 ;
if ( ! fputs ( $this -> connection , chr ( $version ) . chr ( $methods ) . chr ( $method )))
$error = $this -> SetDataAccessError ( $send_error );
$response = fgets ( $this -> connection , 3 );
if ( strlen ( $response ) != 2 )
$error = $this -> SetDataAccessError ( $receive_error );
elseif ( Ord ( $response [ 1 ]) != $method )
$error = 'the SOCKS server requires an authentication method that is not yet supported' ;
if ( $this -> debug )
$this -> OutputDebug ( 'Connecting to ' . $host_server_type . ' server IP ' . $host_ip . ' port ' . $host_port . '...' );
$command = 1 ;
$address_type = 1 ;
if ( ! fputs ( $this -> connection , chr ( $version ) . chr ( $command ) . " \x00 " . chr ( $address_type ) . pack ( 'Nn' , ip2long ( $host_ip ), $host_port )))
$error = $this -> SetDataAccessError ( $send_error );
$response = fgets ( $this -> connection , 11 );
if ( strlen ( $response ) != 10 )
$error = $this -> SetDataAccessError ( $receive_error );
$socks_errors = array (
" \x00 " => '' ,
" \x01 " => 'general SOCKS server failure' ,
" \x02 " => 'connection not allowed by ruleset' ,
" \x03 " => 'Network unreachable' ,
" \x04 " => 'Host unreachable' ,
" \x05 " => 'Connection refused' ,
" \x06 " => 'TTL expired' ,
" \x07 " => 'Command not supported' ,
" \x08 " => 'Address type not supported'
$error_code = $response [ 1 ];
$error = ( IsSet ( $socks_errors [ $error_code ]) ? $socks_errors [ $error_code ] : 'unknown' );
if ( strlen ( $error ))
$error = 'SOCKS error: ' . $error ;
break ;
default :
$error = 'support for SOCKS protocol version ' . $this -> socks_version . ' is not yet implemented' ;
break ;
if ( strlen ( $error ))
fclose ( $this -> connection );
return ( $error );
if ( $this -> debug )
$this -> OutputDebug ( " Connected to $host_name " );
if ( strlen ( $this -> proxy_host_name )
&& ! strcmp ( strtolower ( $this -> protocol ), 'https' ))
if ( function_exists ( 'stream_socket_enable_crypto' )
&& in_array ( 'ssl' , stream_get_transports ()))
$this -> state = " ConnectedToProxy " ;
$this -> OutputDebug ( " It is not possible to start SSL after connecting to the proxy server. If the proxy refuses to forward the SSL request, you may need to upgrade to PHP 5.1 or later with OpenSSL support enabled. " );
$this -> state = " Connected " ;
$this -> state = " Connected " ;
return ( " " );
2024-11-27 23:14:01 +00:00
private function Disconnect ()
2013-05-09 11:11:17 +02:00
if ( $this -> debug )
$this -> OutputDebug ( " Disconnected from " . $this -> connected_host );
if ( $this -> use_curl )
curl_close ( $this -> connection );
$this -> response = " " ;
fclose ( $this -> connection );
$this -> state = " Disconnected " ;
return ( " " );
/* Public methods */
2024-11-27 23:14:01 +00:00
public function GetRequestArguments ( $url , & $arguments )
2013-05-09 11:11:17 +02:00
$this -> error = '' ;
$this -> error_code = HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_NO_ERROR ;
$arguments = array ();
$url = str_replace ( ' ' , '%20' , $url );
$parameters =@ parse_url ( $url );
if ( ! $parameters )
return ( $this -> SetError ( " it was not specified a valid URL " , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ));
if ( ! IsSet ( $parameters [ " scheme " ]))
return ( $this -> SetError ( " it was not specified the protocol type argument " , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ));
switch ( strtolower ( $parameters [ " scheme " ]))
case " http " :
case " https " :
$arguments [ " Protocol " ] = $parameters [ " scheme " ];
break ;
default :
return ( $parameters [ " scheme " ] . " connection scheme is not yet supported " );
if ( ! IsSet ( $parameters [ " host " ]))
return ( $this -> SetError ( " it was not specified the connection host argument " , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ));
$arguments [ " HostName " ] = $parameters [ " host " ];
$arguments [ " Headers " ] = array ( " Host " => $parameters [ " host " ] . ( IsSet ( $parameters [ " port " ]) ? " : " . $parameters [ " port " ] : " " ));
if ( IsSet ( $parameters [ " user " ]))
$arguments [ " AuthUser " ] = UrlDecode ( $parameters [ " user " ]);
if ( ! IsSet ( $parameters [ " pass " ]))
$arguments [ " AuthPassword " ] = " " ;
if ( IsSet ( $parameters [ " pass " ]))
if ( ! IsSet ( $parameters [ " user " ]))
$arguments [ " AuthUser " ] = " " ;
$arguments [ " AuthPassword " ] = UrlDecode ( $parameters [ " pass " ]);
if ( IsSet ( $parameters [ " port " ]))
if ( strcmp ( $parameters [ " port " ], strval ( intval ( $parameters [ " port " ]))))
return ( $this -> SetError ( " it was not specified a valid connection host argument " , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ));
$arguments [ " HostPort " ] = intval ( $parameters [ " port " ]);
$arguments [ " HostPort " ] = 0 ;
$arguments [ " RequestURI " ] = ( IsSet ( $parameters [ " path " ]) ? $parameters [ " path " ] : " / " ) . ( IsSet ( $parameters [ " query " ]) ? " ? " . $parameters [ " query " ] : " " );
if ( strlen ( $this -> user_agent ))
$arguments [ " Headers " ][ " User-Agent " ] = $this -> user_agent ;
if ( strlen ( $this -> accept ))
$arguments [ " Headers " ][ " Accept " ] = $this -> accept ;
return ( " " );
2024-11-27 23:14:01 +00:00
public function Open ( $arguments )
2013-05-09 11:11:17 +02:00
if ( strlen ( $this -> error ))
return ( $this -> error );
if ( IsSet ( $arguments [ " HostName " ]))
$this -> host_name = $arguments [ " HostName " ];
if ( IsSet ( $arguments [ " HostPort " ]))
$this -> host_port = $arguments [ " HostPort " ];
if ( IsSet ( $arguments [ " ProxyHostName " ]))
$this -> proxy_host_name = $arguments [ " ProxyHostName " ];
if ( IsSet ( $arguments [ " ProxyHostPort " ]))
$this -> proxy_host_port = $arguments [ " ProxyHostPort " ];
if ( IsSet ( $arguments [ " SOCKSHostName " ]))
$this -> socks_host_name = $arguments [ " SOCKSHostName " ];
if ( IsSet ( $arguments [ " SOCKSHostPort " ]))
$this -> socks_host_port = $arguments [ " SOCKSHostPort " ];
if ( IsSet ( $arguments [ " SOCKSVersion " ]))
$this -> socks_version = $arguments [ " SOCKSVersion " ];
if ( IsSet ( $arguments [ " Protocol " ]))
$this -> protocol = $arguments [ " Protocol " ];
switch ( strtolower ( $this -> protocol ))
case " http " :
$default_port = 80 ;
break ;
case " https " :
$default_port = 443 ;
break ;
default :
return ( $this -> SetError ( " it was not specified a valid connection protocol " , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ));
if ( strlen ( $this -> proxy_host_name ) == 0 )
if ( strlen ( $this -> host_name ) == 0 )
return ( $this -> SetError ( " it was not specified a valid hostname " , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ));
$host_name = $this -> host_name ;
$host_port = ( $this -> host_port ? $this -> host_port : $default_port );
$server_type = 'HTTP' ;
$host_name = $this -> proxy_host_name ;
$host_port = $this -> proxy_host_port ;
$server_type = 'HTTP proxy' ;
$ssl = ( strtolower ( $this -> protocol ) == " https " && strlen ( $this -> proxy_host_name ) == 0 );
if ( $ssl
&& strlen ( $this -> socks_host_name ))
return ( $this -> SetError ( 'establishing SSL connections via a SOCKS server is not yet supported' , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ));
$this -> use_curl = ( $ssl && $this -> prefer_curl && function_exists ( " curl_init " ));
switch ( $this -> state )
case 'Connected' :
if ( ! strcmp ( $host_name , $this -> connected_host )
&& intval ( $host_port ) == $this -> connected_port
&& intval ( $ssl ) == $this -> connected_ssl )
if ( $this -> debug )
$this -> OutputDebug ( " Reusing connection to " . $this -> connected_host );
return ( '' );
if ( strlen ( $error = $this -> Disconnect ()))
return ( $error );
case " Disconnected " :
break ;
default :
return ( " 1 already connected " );
if ( $this -> debug )
$this -> OutputDebug ( " Connecting to " . $this -> host_name );
if ( $this -> use_curl )
$error = (( $this -> connection = curl_init ( $this -> protocol . " :// " . $this -> host_name . ( $host_port == $default_port ? " " : " : " . strval ( $host_port )) . " / " )) ? " " : " Could not initialize a CURL session " );
if ( strlen ( $error ) == 0 )
if ( IsSet ( $arguments [ " SSLCertificateFile " ]))
curl_setopt ( $this -> connection , CURLOPT_SSLCERT , $arguments [ " SSLCertificateFile " ]);
if ( IsSet ( $arguments [ " SSLCertificatePassword " ]))
curl_setopt ( $this -> connection , CURLOPT_SSLCERTPASSWD , $arguments [ " SSLCertificatePassword " ]);
if ( IsSet ( $arguments [ " SSLKeyFile " ]))
curl_setopt ( $this -> connection , CURLOPT_SSLKEY , $arguments [ " SSLKeyFile " ]);
if ( IsSet ( $arguments [ " SSLKeyPassword " ]))
curl_setopt ( $this -> connection , CURLOPT_SSLKEYPASSWD , $arguments [ " SSLKeyPassword " ]);
$this -> state = " Connected " ;
$error = " " ;
if ( strlen ( $this -> proxy_host_name )
&& ( IsSet ( $arguments [ " SSLCertificateFile " ])
|| IsSet ( $arguments [ " SSLCertificateFile " ])))
$error = " establishing SSL connections using certificates or private keys via non-SSL proxies is not supported " ;
if ( $ssl )
if ( IsSet ( $arguments [ " SSLCertificateFile " ]))
$error = " establishing SSL connections using certificates is only supported when the cURL extension is enabled " ;
elseif ( IsSet ( $arguments [ " SSLKeyFile " ]))
$error = " establishing SSL connections using a private key is only supported when the cURL extension is enabled " ;
$version = explode ( " . " , function_exists ( " phpversion " ) ? phpversion () : " 3.0.7 " );
$php_version = intval ( $version [ 0 ]) * 1000000 + intval ( $version [ 1 ]) * 1000 + intval ( $version [ 2 ]);
if ( $php_version < 4003000 )
$error = " establishing SSL connections requires at least PHP version 4.3.0 or having the cURL extension enabled " ;
elseif ( ! function_exists ( " extension_loaded " )
|| ! extension_loaded ( " openssl " ))
$error = " establishing SSL connections requires the OpenSSL extension enabled " ;
if ( strlen ( $error ) == 0 )
$error = $this -> Connect ( $host_name , $host_port , $ssl , $server_type );
$error_code = $this -> error_code ;
if ( strlen ( $error ))
return ( $this -> SetError ( $error , $error_code ));
$this -> session = md5 ( uniqid ( " " ));
$this -> connected_host = $host_name ;
$this -> connected_port = intval ( $host_port );
$this -> connected_ssl = intval ( $ssl );
return ( " " );
2024-11-27 23:14:01 +00:00
public function Close ( $force = 0 )
2013-05-09 11:11:17 +02:00
if ( $this -> state == " Disconnected " )
return ( " 1 already disconnected " );
if ( ! $this -> force_close
&& $this -> keep_alive
&& ! $force
&& $this -> state == 'ResponseReceived' )
if ( $this -> debug )
$this -> OutputDebug ( 'Keeping the connection alive to ' . $this -> connected_host );
$this -> state = 'Connected' ;
return ( '' );
return ( $this -> Disconnect ());
2024-11-27 23:14:01 +00:00
private function PickCookies ( & $cookies , $secure )
2013-05-09 11:11:17 +02:00
if ( IsSet ( $this -> cookies [ $secure ]))
$now = gmdate ( " Y-m-d H-i-s " );
for ( $domain = 0 , Reset ( $this -> cookies [ $secure ]); $domain < count ( $this -> cookies [ $secure ]); Next ( $this -> cookies [ $secure ]), $domain ++ )
$domain_pattern = Key ( $this -> cookies [ $secure ]);
$match = strlen ( $this -> request_host ) - strlen ( $domain_pattern );
if ( $match >= 0
&& ! strcmp ( $domain_pattern , substr ( $this -> request_host , $match ))
&& ( $match == 0
|| $domain_pattern [ 0 ] == " . "
|| $this -> request_host [ $match - 1 ] == " . " ))
for ( Reset ( $this -> cookies [ $secure ][ $domain_pattern ]), $path_part = 0 ; $path_part < count ( $this -> cookies [ $secure ][ $domain_pattern ]); Next ( $this -> cookies [ $secure ][ $domain_pattern ]), $path_part ++ )
$path = Key ( $this -> cookies [ $secure ][ $domain_pattern ]);
if ( strlen ( $this -> request_uri ) >= strlen ( $path )
&& substr ( $this -> request_uri , 0 , strlen ( $path )) == $path )
for ( Reset ( $this -> cookies [ $secure ][ $domain_pattern ][ $path ]), $cookie = 0 ; $cookie < count ( $this -> cookies [ $secure ][ $domain_pattern ][ $path ]); Next ( $this -> cookies [ $secure ][ $domain_pattern ][ $path ]), $cookie ++ )
$cookie_name = Key ( $this -> cookies [ $secure ][ $domain_pattern ][ $path ]);
$expires = $this -> cookies [ $secure ][ $domain_pattern ][ $path ][ $cookie_name ][ " expires " ];
if ( $expires == " "
|| strcmp ( $now , $expires ) < 0 )
$cookies [ $cookie_name ] = $this -> cookies [ $secure ][ $domain_pattern ][ $path ][ $cookie_name ];
2024-11-27 23:14:01 +00:00
private function GetFileDefinition ( $file , & $definition )
2013-05-09 11:11:17 +02:00
$name = " " ;
if ( IsSet ( $file [ " FileName " ]))
$name = basename ( $file [ " FileName " ]);
if ( IsSet ( $file [ " Name " ]))
$name = $file [ " Name " ];
if ( strlen ( $name ) == 0 )
return ( " it was not specified the file part name " );
if ( IsSet ( $file [ " Content-Type " ]))
$content_type = $file [ " Content-Type " ];
$type = $this -> Tokenize ( strtolower ( $content_type ), " / " );
$sub_type = $this -> Tokenize ( " " );
switch ( $type )
case " text " :
case " image " :
case " audio " :
case " video " :
case " application " :
case " message " :
break ;
case " automatic " :
switch ( $sub_type )
case " name " :
switch ( GetType ( $dot = strrpos ( $name , " . " )) == " integer " ? strtolower ( substr ( $name , $dot )) : " " )
case " .xls " :
$content_type = " application/excel " ;
break ;
case " .hqx " :
$content_type = " application/macbinhex40 " ;
break ;
case " .doc " :
case " .dot " :
case " .wrd " :
$content_type = " application/msword " ;
break ;
case " .pdf " :
$content_type = " application/pdf " ;
break ;
case " .pgp " :
$content_type = " application/pgp " ;
break ;
case " .ps " :
case " .eps " :
case " .ai " :
$content_type = " application/postscript " ;
break ;
case " .ppt " :
$content_type = " application/powerpoint " ;
break ;
case " .rtf " :
$content_type = " application/rtf " ;
break ;
case " .tgz " :
case " .gtar " :
$content_type = " application/x-gtar " ;
break ;
case " .gz " :
$content_type = " application/x-gzip " ;
break ;
case " .php " :
case " .php3 " :
$content_type = " application/x-httpd-php " ;
break ;
case " .js " :
$content_type = " application/x-javascript " ;
break ;
case " .ppd " :
case " .psd " :
$content_type = " application/x-photoshop " ;
break ;
case " .swf " :
case " .swc " :
case " .rf " :
$content_type = " application/x-shockwave-flash " ;
break ;
case " .tar " :
$content_type = " application/x-tar " ;
break ;
case " .zip " :
$content_type = " application/zip " ;
break ;
case " .mid " :
case " .midi " :
case " .kar " :
$content_type = " audio/midi " ;
break ;
case " .mp2 " :
case " .mp3 " :
case " .mpga " :
$content_type = " audio/mpeg " ;
break ;
case " .ra " :
$content_type = " audio/x-realaudio " ;
break ;
case " .wav " :
$content_type = " audio/wav " ;
break ;
case " .bmp " :
$content_type = " image/bitmap " ;
break ;
case " .gif " :
$content_type = " image/gif " ;
break ;
case " .iff " :
$content_type = " image/iff " ;
break ;
case " .jb2 " :
$content_type = " image/jb2 " ;
break ;
case " .jpg " :
case " .jpe " :
case " .jpeg " :
$content_type = " image/jpeg " ;
break ;
case " .jpx " :
$content_type = " image/jpx " ;
break ;
case " .png " :
$content_type = " image/png " ;
break ;
case " .tif " :
case " .tiff " :
$content_type = " image/tiff " ;
break ;
case " .wbmp " :
$content_type = " image/vnd.wap.wbmp " ;
break ;
case " .xbm " :
$content_type = " image/xbm " ;
break ;
case " .css " :
$content_type = " text/css " ;
break ;
case " .txt " :
$content_type = " text/plain " ;
break ;
case " .htm " :
case " .html " :
$content_type = " text/html " ;
break ;
case " .xml " :
$content_type = " text/xml " ;
break ;
case " .mpg " :
case " .mpe " :
case " .mpeg " :
$content_type = " video/mpeg " ;
break ;
case " .qt " :
case " .mov " :
$content_type = " video/quicktime " ;
break ;
case " .avi " :
$content_type = " video/x-ms-video " ;
break ;
case " .eml " :
$content_type = " message/rfc822 " ;
break ;
default :
$content_type = " application/octet-stream " ;
break ;
break ;
default :
return ( $content_type . " is not a supported automatic content type detection method " );
break ;
default :
return ( $content_type . " is not a supported file content type " );
$content_type = " application/octet-stream " ;
$definition = array (
" Content-Type " => $content_type ,
" NAME " => $name
if ( IsSet ( $file [ " FileName " ]))
if ( GetType ( $length =@ filesize ( $file [ " FileName " ])) != " integer " )
$error = " it was not possible to determine the length of the file " . $file [ " FileName " ];
if ( ! file_exists ( $file [ " FileName " ]))
$error = " it was not possible to access the file " . $file [ " FileName " ];
return ( $error );
$definition [ " FILENAME " ] = $file [ " FileName " ];
$definition [ " Content-Length " ] = $length ;
elseif ( IsSet ( $file [ " Data " ]))
$definition [ " Content-Length " ] = strlen ( $definition [ " DATA " ] = $file [ " Data " ]);
return ( " it was not specified a valid file name " );
return ( " " );
2024-11-27 23:14:01 +00:00
private function ConnectFromProxy ( $arguments , & $headers )
2013-05-09 11:11:17 +02:00
if ( ! $this -> PutLine ( 'CONNECT ' . $this -> host_name . ':' . ( $this -> host_port ? $this -> host_port : 443 ) . ' HTTP/1.0' )
|| ( strlen ( $this -> user_agent )
&& ! $this -> PutLine ( 'User-Agent: ' . $this -> user_agent ))
|| ( strlen ( $this -> accept )
&& ! $this -> PutLine ( 'Accept: ' . $this -> accept ))
|| ( IsSet ( $arguments [ 'Headers' ][ 'Proxy-Authorization' ])
&& ! $this -> PutLine ( 'Proxy-Authorization: ' . $arguments [ 'Headers' ][ 'Proxy-Authorization' ]))
|| ! $this -> PutLine ( '' ))
$this -> Disconnect ();
return ( $this -> error );
$this -> state = " ConnectSent " ;
if ( strlen ( $error = $this -> ReadReplyHeadersResponse ( $headers )))
return ( $error );
$proxy_authorization = " " ;
while ( ! strcmp ( $this -> response_status , " 100 " ))
$this -> state = " ConnectSent " ;
if ( strlen ( $error = $this -> ReadReplyHeadersResponse ( $headers )))
return ( $error );
switch ( $this -> response_status )
case " 200 " :
if ( !@ stream_socket_enable_crypto ( $this -> connection , 1 , STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_SSLv23_CLIENT ))
$this -> SetPHPError ( 'it was not possible to start a SSL encrypted connection via this proxy' , $php_errormsg , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE );
$this -> Disconnect ();
return ( $this -> error );
$this -> state = " Connected " ;
break ;
case " 407 " :
if ( strlen ( $error = $this -> Authenticate ( $headers , - 1 , $proxy_authorization , $this -> proxy_request_user , $this -> proxy_request_password , $this -> proxy_request_realm , $this -> proxy_request_workstation )))
return ( $error );
break ;
default :
return ( $this -> SetError ( " unable to send request via proxy " , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_PROTOCOL_FAILURE ));
return ( " " );
2024-11-27 23:14:01 +00:00
public function SendRequest ( $arguments )
2013-05-09 11:11:17 +02:00
if ( strlen ( $this -> error ))
return ( $this -> error );
if ( IsSet ( $arguments [ " ProxyUser " ]))
$this -> proxy_request_user = $arguments [ " ProxyUser " ];
elseif ( IsSet ( $this -> proxy_user ))
$this -> proxy_request_user = $this -> proxy_user ;
if ( IsSet ( $arguments [ " ProxyPassword " ]))
$this -> proxy_request_password = $arguments [ " ProxyPassword " ];
elseif ( IsSet ( $this -> proxy_password ))
$this -> proxy_request_password = $this -> proxy_password ;
if ( IsSet ( $arguments [ " ProxyRealm " ]))
$this -> proxy_request_realm = $arguments [ " ProxyRealm " ];
elseif ( IsSet ( $this -> proxy_realm ))
$this -> proxy_request_realm = $this -> proxy_realm ;
if ( IsSet ( $arguments [ " ProxyWorkstation " ]))
$this -> proxy_request_workstation = $arguments [ " ProxyWorkstation " ];
elseif ( IsSet ( $this -> proxy_workstation ))
$this -> proxy_request_workstation = $this -> proxy_workstation ;
switch ( $this -> state )
case " Disconnected " :
return ( $this -> SetError ( " connection was not yet established " , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ));
case " Connected " :
$connect = 0 ;
break ;
case " ConnectedToProxy " :
if ( strlen ( $error = $this -> ConnectFromProxy ( $arguments , $headers )))
return ( $error );
$connect = 1 ;
break ;
default :
return ( $this -> SetError ( " can not send request in the current connection state " , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ));
if ( IsSet ( $arguments [ " RequestMethod " ]))
$this -> request_method = $arguments [ " RequestMethod " ];
if ( IsSet ( $arguments [ " User-Agent " ]))
$this -> user_agent = $arguments [ " User-Agent " ];
if ( ! IsSet ( $arguments [ " Headers " ][ " User-Agent " ])
&& strlen ( $this -> user_agent ))
$arguments [ " Headers " ][ " User-Agent " ] = $this -> user_agent ;
if ( IsSet ( $arguments [ " KeepAlive " ]))
$this -> keep_alive = intval ( $arguments [ " KeepAlive " ]);
if ( ! IsSet ( $arguments [ " Headers " ][ " Connection " ])
&& $this -> keep_alive )
$arguments [ " Headers " ][ " Connection " ] = 'Keep-Alive' ;
if ( IsSet ( $arguments [ " Accept " ]))
$this -> user_agent = $arguments [ " Accept " ];
if ( ! IsSet ( $arguments [ " Headers " ][ " Accept " ])
&& strlen ( $this -> accept ))
$arguments [ " Headers " ][ " Accept " ] = $this -> accept ;
if ( strlen ( $this -> request_method ) == 0 )
return ( $this -> SetError ( " it was not specified a valid request method " , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ));
if ( IsSet ( $arguments [ " RequestURI " ]))
$this -> request_uri = $arguments [ " RequestURI " ];
if ( strlen ( $this -> request_uri ) == 0
|| substr ( $this -> request_uri , 0 , 1 ) != " / " )
return ( $this -> SetError ( " it was not specified a valid request URI " , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ));
$this -> request_arguments = $arguments ;
$this -> request_headers = ( IsSet ( $arguments [ " Headers " ]) ? $arguments [ " Headers " ] : array ());
$body_length = 0 ;
$this -> request_body = " " ;
$get_body = 1 ;
if ( $this -> request_method == " POST "
|| $this -> request_method == " PUT " )
if ( IsSet ( $arguments [ 'StreamRequest' ]))
$get_body = 0 ;
$this -> request_headers [ " Transfer-Encoding " ] = " chunked " ;
elseif ( IsSet ( $arguments [ " PostFiles " ])
|| ( $this -> force_multipart_form_post
&& IsSet ( $arguments [ " PostValues " ])))
$boundary = " -- " . md5 ( uniqid ( time ()));
$this -> request_headers [ " Content-Type " ] = " multipart/form-data; boundary= " . $boundary . ( IsSet ( $arguments [ " CharSet " ]) ? " ; charset= " . $arguments [ " CharSet " ] : " " );
$post_parts = array ();
if ( IsSet ( $arguments [ " PostValues " ]))
$values = $arguments [ " PostValues " ];
if ( GetType ( $values ) != " array " )
return ( $this -> SetError ( " it was not specified a valid POST method values array " , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ));
for ( Reset ( $values ), $value = 0 ; $value < count ( $values ); Next ( $values ), $value ++ )
$input = Key ( $values );
$headers = " -- " . $boundary . " \r \n Content-Disposition: form-data; name= \" " . $input . " \" \r \n \r \n " ;
$data = $values [ $input ];
$post_parts [] = array ( " HEADERS " => $headers , " DATA " => $data );
$body_length += strlen ( $headers ) + strlen ( $data ) + strlen ( " \r \n " );
$body_length += strlen ( " -- " . $boundary . " -- \r \n " );
$files = ( IsSet ( $arguments [ " PostFiles " ]) ? $arguments [ " PostFiles " ] : array ());
Reset ( $files );
$end = ( GetType ( $input = Key ( $files )) != " string " );
for (; ! $end ;)
if ( strlen ( $error = $this -> GetFileDefinition ( $files [ $input ], $definition )))
return ( " 3 " . $error );
$headers = " -- " . $boundary . " \r \n Content-Disposition: form-data; name= \" " . $input . " \" ; filename= \" " . $definition [ " NAME " ] . " \" \r \n Content-Type: " . $definition [ " Content-Type " ] . " \r \n \r \n " ;
$part = count ( $post_parts );
$post_parts [ $part ] = array ( " HEADERS " => $headers );
if ( IsSet ( $definition [ " FILENAME " ]))
$post_parts [ $part ][ " FILENAME " ] = $definition [ " FILENAME " ];
$data = " " ;
$data = $definition [ " DATA " ];
$post_parts [ $part ][ " DATA " ] = $data ;
$body_length += strlen ( $headers ) + $definition [ " Content-Length " ] + strlen ( " \r \n " );
Next ( $files );
$end = ( GetType ( $input = Key ( $files )) != " string " );
$get_body = 0 ;
elseif ( IsSet ( $arguments [ " PostValues " ]))
$values = $arguments [ " PostValues " ];
if ( GetType ( $values ) != " array " )
return ( $this -> SetError ( " it was not specified a valid POST method values array " , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ));
for ( Reset ( $values ), $value = 0 ; $value < count ( $values ); Next ( $values ), $value ++ )
$k = Key ( $values );
if ( GetType ( $values [ $k ]) == " array " )
for ( $v = 0 ; $v < count ( $values [ $k ]); $v ++ )
if ( $value + $v > 0 )
$this -> request_body .= " & " ;
$this -> request_body .= UrlEncode ( $k ) . " = " . UrlEncode ( $values [ $k ][ $v ]);
if ( $value > 0 )
$this -> request_body .= " & " ;
$this -> request_body .= UrlEncode ( $k ) . " = " . UrlEncode ( $values [ $k ]);
$this -> request_headers [ " Content-Type " ] = " application/x-www-form-urlencoded " . ( IsSet ( $arguments [ " CharSet " ]) ? " ; charset= " . $arguments [ " CharSet " ] : " " );
$get_body = 0 ;
if ( $get_body
&& ( IsSet ( $arguments [ " Body " ])
|| IsSet ( $arguments [ " BodyStream " ])))
if ( IsSet ( $arguments [ " Body " ]))
$this -> request_body = $arguments [ " Body " ];
$stream = $arguments [ " BodyStream " ];
$this -> request_body = " " ;
for ( $part = 0 ; $part < count ( $stream ); $part ++ )
if ( IsSet ( $stream [ $part ][ " Data " ]))
$this -> request_body .= $stream [ $part ][ " Data " ];
elseif ( IsSet ( $stream [ $part ][ " File " ]))
if ( ! ( $file =@ fopen ( $stream [ $part ][ " File " ], " rb " )))
return ( $this -> SetPHPError ( " could not open upload file " . $stream [ $part ][ " File " ], $php_errormsg , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_CANNOT_ACCESS_LOCAL_FILE ));
while ( ! feof ( $file ))
if ( GetType ( $block =@ fread ( $file , $this -> file_buffer_length )) != " string " )
$error = $this -> SetPHPError ( " could not read body stream file " . $stream [ $part ][ " File " ], $php_errormsg , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_CANNOT_ACCESS_LOCAL_FILE );
fclose ( $file );
return ( $error );
$this -> request_body .= $block ;
fclose ( $file );
return ( " 5 it was not specified a valid file or data body stream element at position " . $part );
if ( ! IsSet ( $this -> request_headers [ " Content-Type " ]))
$this -> request_headers [ " Content-Type " ] = " application/octet-stream " . ( IsSet ( $arguments [ " CharSet " ]) ? " ; charset= " . $arguments [ " CharSet " ] : " " );
if ( IsSet ( $arguments [ " AuthUser " ]))
$this -> request_user = $arguments [ " AuthUser " ];
elseif ( IsSet ( $this -> user ))
$this -> request_user = $this -> user ;
if ( IsSet ( $arguments [ " AuthPassword " ]))
$this -> request_password = $arguments [ " AuthPassword " ];
elseif ( IsSet ( $this -> password ))
$this -> request_password = $this -> password ;
if ( IsSet ( $arguments [ " AuthRealm " ]))
$this -> request_realm = $arguments [ " AuthRealm " ];
elseif ( IsSet ( $this -> realm ))
$this -> request_realm = $this -> realm ;
if ( IsSet ( $arguments [ " AuthWorkstation " ]))
$this -> request_workstation = $arguments [ " AuthWorkstation " ];
elseif ( IsSet ( $this -> workstation ))
$this -> request_workstation = $this -> workstation ;
if ( strlen ( $this -> proxy_host_name ) == 0
|| $connect )
$request_uri = $this -> request_uri ;
switch ( strtolower ( $this -> protocol ))
case " http " :
$default_port = 80 ;
break ;
case " https " :
$default_port = 443 ;
break ;
$request_uri = strtolower ( $this -> protocol ) . " :// " . $this -> host_name . (( $this -> host_port == 0 || $this -> host_port == $default_port ) ? " " : " : " . $this -> host_port ) . $this -> request_uri ;
if ( $this -> use_curl )
$version = ( GetType ( $v = curl_version ()) == " array " ? ( IsSet ( $v [ " version " ]) ? $v [ " version " ] : " 0.0.0 " ) : ( preg_match ( " /^libcurl \\ /([0-9]+ \\ .[0-9]+ \\ .[0-9]+)/ " , $v , $m ) ? $m [ 1 ] : " 0.0.0 " ));
$curl_version = 100000 * intval ( $this -> Tokenize ( $version , " . " )) + 1000 * intval ( $this -> Tokenize ( " . " )) + intval ( $this -> Tokenize ( " " ));
$protocol_version = ( $curl_version < 713002 ? " 1.0 " : $this -> protocol_version );
$protocol_version = $this -> protocol_version ;
$this -> request = $this -> request_method . " " . $request_uri . " HTTP/ " . $protocol_version ;
if ( $body_length
|| ( $body_length = strlen ( $this -> request_body ))
|| ! strcmp ( $this -> request_method , 'POST' ))
$this -> request_headers [ " Content-Length " ] = $body_length ;
for ( $headers = array (), $host_set = 0 , Reset ( $this -> request_headers ), $header = 0 ; $header < count ( $this -> request_headers ); Next ( $this -> request_headers ), $header ++ )
$header_name = Key ( $this -> request_headers );
$header_value = $this -> request_headers [ $header_name ];
if ( GetType ( $header_value ) == " array " )
for ( Reset ( $header_value ), $value = 0 ; $value < count ( $header_value ); Next ( $header_value ), $value ++ )
$headers [] = $header_name . " : " . $header_value [ Key ( $header_value )];
$headers [] = $header_name . " : " . $header_value ;
if ( strtolower ( Key ( $this -> request_headers )) == " host " )
$this -> request_host = strtolower ( $header_value );
$host_set = 1 ;
if ( ! $host_set )
$headers [] = " Host: " . $this -> host_name ;
$this -> request_host = strtolower ( $this -> host_name );
if ( count ( $this -> cookies ))
$cookies = array ();
$this -> PickCookies ( $cookies , 0 );
if ( strtolower ( $this -> protocol ) == " https " )
$this -> PickCookies ( $cookies , 1 );
if ( count ( $cookies ))
$h = count ( $headers );
$headers [ $h ] = " Cookie: " ;
for ( Reset ( $cookies ), $cookie = 0 ; $cookie < count ( $cookies ); Next ( $cookies ), $cookie ++ )
$cookie_name = Key ( $cookies );
$headers [ $h ] .= " " . $cookie_name . " = " . $cookies [ $cookie_name ][ " value " ] . " ; " ;
$next_state = " RequestSent " ;
if ( $this -> use_curl )
if ( IsSet ( $arguments [ 'StreamRequest' ]))
return ( $this -> SetError ( " Streaming request data is not supported when using Curl " , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ));
if ( $body_length
&& strlen ( $this -> request_body ) == 0 )
for ( $request_body = " " , $success = 1 , $part = 0 ; $part < count ( $post_parts ); $part ++ )
$request_body .= $post_parts [ $part ][ " HEADERS " ] . $post_parts [ $part ][ " DATA " ];
if ( IsSet ( $post_parts [ $part ][ " FILENAME " ]))
if ( ! ( $file =@ fopen ( $post_parts [ $part ][ " FILENAME " ], " rb " )))
$this -> SetPHPError ( " could not open upload file " . $post_parts [ $part ][ " FILENAME " ], $php_errormsg , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_CANNOT_ACCESS_LOCAL_FILE );
$success = 0 ;
break ;
while ( ! feof ( $file ))
if ( GetType ( $block =@ fread ( $file , $this -> file_buffer_length )) != " string " )
$this -> SetPHPError ( " could not read upload file " , $php_errormsg , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_CANNOT_ACCESS_LOCAL_FILE );
$success = 0 ;
break ;
$request_body .= $block ;
fclose ( $file );
if ( ! $success )
break ;
$request_body .= " \r \n " ;
$request_body .= " -- " . $boundary . " -- \r \n " ;
$request_body = $this -> request_body ;
curl_setopt ( $this -> connection , CURLOPT_HEADER , 1 );
curl_setopt ( $this -> connection , CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER , 1 );
if ( $this -> timeout )
curl_setopt ( $this -> connection , CURLOPT_TIMEOUT , $this -> timeout );
curl_setopt ( $this -> connection , CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER , 0 );
curl_setopt ( $this -> connection , CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST , 0 );
$request = $this -> request . " \r \n " . implode ( " \r \n " , $headers ) . " \r \n \r \n " . $request_body ;
curl_setopt ( $this -> connection , CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST , $request );
if ( $this -> debug )
$this -> OutputDebug ( " C " . $request );
if ( ! ( $success = ( strlen ( $this -> response = curl_exec ( $this -> connection )) != 0 )))
$error = curl_error ( $this -> connection );
$this -> SetError ( " Could not execute the request " . ( strlen ( $error ) ? " : " . $error : " " ), HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_PROTOCOL_FAILURE );
if (( $success = $this -> PutLine ( $this -> request )))
for ( $header = 0 ; $header < count ( $headers ); $header ++ )
if ( ! $success = $this -> PutLine ( $headers [ $header ]))
break ;
if ( $success
&& ( $success = $this -> PutLine ( " " )))
if ( IsSet ( $arguments [ 'StreamRequest' ]))
$next_state = " SendingRequestBody " ;
elseif ( $body_length )
if ( strlen ( $this -> request_body ))
$success = $this -> PutData ( $this -> request_body );
for ( $part = 0 ; $part < count ( $post_parts ); $part ++ )
if ( ! ( $success = $this -> PutData ( $post_parts [ $part ][ " HEADERS " ]))
|| ! ( $success = $this -> PutData ( $post_parts [ $part ][ " DATA " ])))
break ;
if ( IsSet ( $post_parts [ $part ][ " FILENAME " ]))
if ( ! ( $file =@ fopen ( $post_parts [ $part ][ " FILENAME " ], " rb " )))
$this -> SetPHPError ( " could not open upload file " . $post_parts [ $part ][ " FILENAME " ], $php_errormsg , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_CANNOT_ACCESS_LOCAL_FILE );
$success = 0 ;
break ;
while ( ! feof ( $file ))
if ( GetType ( $block =@ fread ( $file , $this -> file_buffer_length )) != " string " )
$this -> SetPHPError ( " could not read upload file " , $php_errormsg , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_CANNOT_ACCESS_LOCAL_FILE );
$success = 0 ;
break ;
if ( ! ( $success = $this -> PutData ( $block )))
break ;
fclose ( $file );
if ( ! $success )
break ;
if ( ! ( $success = $this -> PutLine ( " " )))
break ;
if ( $success )
$success = $this -> PutLine ( " -- " . $boundary . " -- " );
if ( $success )
$sucess = $this -> FlushData ();
if ( ! $success )
return ( $this -> SetError ( " could not send the HTTP request: " . $this -> error , $this -> error_code ));
$this -> state = $next_state ;
return ( " " );
2024-11-27 23:14:01 +00:00
private function SetCookie ( $name , $value , $expires = " " , $path = " / " , $domain = " " , $secure = 0 , $verbatim = 0 )
2013-05-09 11:11:17 +02:00
if ( strlen ( $this -> error ))
return ( $this -> error );
if ( strlen ( $name ) == 0 )
return ( $this -> SetError ( " it was not specified a valid cookie name " , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ));
if ( strlen ( $path ) == 0
|| strcmp ( $path [ 0 ], " / " ))
return ( $this -> SetError ( $path . " is not a valid path for setting cookie " . $name , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ));
if ( $domain == " "
|| ! strpos ( $domain , " . " , $domain [ 0 ] == " . " ? 1 : 0 ))
return ( $this -> SetError ( $domain . " is not a valid domain for setting cookie " . $name , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ));
$domain = strtolower ( $domain );
if ( ! strcmp ( $domain [ 0 ], " . " ))
$domain = substr ( $domain , 1 );
if ( ! $verbatim )
$name = $this -> CookieEncode ( $name , 1 );
$value = $this -> CookieEncode ( $value , 0 );
$secure = intval ( $secure );
$this -> cookies [ $secure ][ $domain ][ $path ][ $name ] = array (
" name " => $name ,
" value " => $value ,
" domain " => $domain ,
" path " => $path ,
" expires " => $expires ,
" secure " => $secure
return ( " " );
2024-11-27 23:14:01 +00:00
private function SendRequestBody ( $data , $end_of_data )
2013-05-09 11:11:17 +02:00
if ( strlen ( $this -> error ))
return ( $this -> error );
switch ( $this -> state )
case " Disconnected " :
return ( $this -> SetError ( " connection was not yet established " , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ));
case " Connected " :
case " ConnectedToProxy " :
return ( $this -> SetError ( " request was not sent " , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ));
case " SendingRequestBody " :
break ;
case " RequestSent " :
return ( $this -> SetError ( " request body was already sent " , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ));
default :
return ( $this -> SetError ( " can not send the request body in the current connection state " , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ));
$length = strlen ( $data );
if ( $length )
$size = dechex ( $length ) . " \r \n " ;
if ( ! $this -> PutData ( $size )
|| ! $this -> PutData ( $data ))
return ( $this -> error );
if ( $end_of_data )
$size = " 0 \r \n " ;
if ( ! $this -> PutData ( $size ))
return ( $this -> error );
$this -> state = " RequestSent " ;
return ( " " );
2024-11-27 23:14:01 +00:00
private function ReadReplyHeadersResponse ( & $headers )
2013-05-09 11:11:17 +02:00
$headers = array ();
if ( strlen ( $this -> error ))
return ( $this -> error );
switch ( $this -> state )
case " Disconnected " :
return ( $this -> SetError ( " connection was not yet established " , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ));
case " Connected " :
return ( $this -> SetError ( " request was not sent " , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ));
case " ConnectedToProxy " :
return ( $this -> SetError ( " connection from the remote server from the proxy was not yet established " , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ));
case " SendingRequestBody " :
return ( $this -> SetError ( " request body data was not completely sent " , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ));
case " ConnectSent " :
$connect = 1 ;
break ;
case " RequestSent " :
$connect = 0 ;
break ;
default :
return ( $this -> SetError ( " can not get request headers in the current connection state " , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ));
$this -> content_length = $this -> read_length = $this -> read_response = $this -> remaining_chunk = 0 ;
$this -> content_length_set = $this -> chunked = $this -> last_chunk_read = $chunked = 0 ;
$this -> force_close = $this -> connection_close = 0 ;
for ( $this -> response_status = " " ;;)
$line = $this -> GetLine ();
if ( GetType ( $line ) != " string " )
return ( $this -> SetError ( " could not read request reply: " . $this -> error , $this -> error_code ));
if ( strlen ( $this -> response_status ) == 0 )
if ( ! preg_match ( $match = " /^http \\ /[0-9]+ \\ .[0-9]+[ \t ]+([0-9]+)[ \t ]*(.*) \$ /i " , $line , $matches ))
return ( $this -> SetError ( " it was received an unexpected HTTP response status " , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_PROTOCOL_FAILURE ));
$this -> response_status = $matches [ 1 ];
$this -> response_message = $matches [ 2 ];
if ( $line == " " )
if ( strlen ( $this -> response_status ) == 0 )
return ( $this -> SetError ( " it was not received HTTP response status " , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_PROTOCOL_FAILURE ));
$this -> state = ( $connect ? " GotConnectHeaders " : " GotReplyHeaders " );
break ;
$header_name = strtolower ( $this -> Tokenize ( $line , " : " ));
$header_value = Trim ( Chop ( $this -> Tokenize ( " \r \n " )));
if ( IsSet ( $headers [ $header_name ]))
if ( GetType ( $headers [ $header_name ]) == " string " )
$headers [ $header_name ] = array ( $headers [ $header_name ]);
$headers [ $header_name ][] = $header_value ;
$headers [ $header_name ] = $header_value ;
if ( ! $connect )
switch ( $header_name )
case " content-length " :
$this -> content_length = intval ( $headers [ $header_name ]);
$this -> content_length_set = 1 ;
break ;
case " transfer-encoding " :
$encoding = $this -> Tokenize ( $header_value , " ; \t " );
if ( ! $this -> use_curl
&& ! strcmp ( $encoding , " chunked " ))
$chunked = 1 ;
break ;
case " set-cookie " :
if ( $this -> support_cookies )
if ( GetType ( $headers [ $header_name ]) == " array " )
$cookie_headers = $headers [ $header_name ];
$cookie_headers = array ( $headers [ $header_name ]);
for ( $cookie = 0 ; $cookie < count ( $cookie_headers ); $cookie ++ )
$cookie_name = trim ( $this -> Tokenize ( $cookie_headers [ $cookie ], " = " ));
$cookie_value = $this -> Tokenize ( " ; " );
$domain = $this -> request_host ;
$path = " / " ;
$expires = " " ;
$secure = 0 ;
while (( $name = strtolower ( trim ( UrlDecode ( $this -> Tokenize ( " = " ))))) != " " )
$value = UrlDecode ( $this -> Tokenize ( " ; " ));
switch ( $name )
case " domain " :
$domain = $value ;
break ;
case " path " :
$path = $value ;
break ;
case " expires " :
if ( preg_match ( " /^((Mon|Monday|Tue|Tuesday|Wed|Wednesday|Thu|Thursday|Fri|Friday|Sat|Saturday|Sun|Sunday), )?([0-9] { 2}) \\ -(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec) \\ -([0-9] { 2,4}) ([0-9] { 2}) \\ :([0-9] { 2}) \\ :([0-9] { 2}) GMT \$ / " , $value , $matches ))
$year = intval ( $matches [ 5 ]);
if ( $year < 1900 )
$year += ( $year < 70 ? 2000 : 1900 );
$expires = " $year - " . $this -> months [ $matches [ 4 ]] . " - " . $matches [ 3 ] . " " . $matches [ 6 ] . " : " . $matches [ 7 ] . " : " . $matches [ 8 ];
break ;
case " secure " :
$secure = 1 ;
break ;
if ( strlen ( $this -> SetCookie ( $cookie_name , $cookie_value , $expires , $path , $domain , $secure , 1 )))
$this -> error = " " ;
break ;
case " connection " :
$this -> force_close = $this -> connection_close =! strcmp ( strtolower ( $header_value ), " close " );
break ;
$this -> chunked = $chunked ;
if ( $this -> content_length_set )
$this -> connection_close = 0 ;
return ( " " );
2024-11-27 23:14:01 +00:00
private function Redirect ( & $headers )
2013-05-09 11:11:17 +02:00
if ( $this -> follow_redirect )
if ( ! IsSet ( $headers [ " location " ])
|| ( GetType ( $headers [ " location " ]) != " array "
&& strlen ( $location = $headers [ " location " ]) == 0 )
|| ( GetType ( $headers [ " location " ]) == " array "
&& strlen ( $location = $headers [ " location " ][ 0 ]) == 0 ))
return ( $this -> SetError ( " it was received a redirect without location URL " , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_PROTOCOL_FAILURE ));
if ( strcmp ( $location [ 0 ], " / " ))
if ( ! ( $location_arguments =@ parse_url ( $location )))
return ( $this -> SetError ( " the server did not return a valid redirection location URL " , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_PROTOCOL_FAILURE ));
if ( ! IsSet ( $location_arguments [ " scheme " ]))
$location = (( GetType ( $end = strrpos ( $this -> request_uri , " / " )) == " integer " && $end > 1 ) ? substr ( $this -> request_uri , 0 , $end ) : " " ) . " / " . $location ;
if ( ! strcmp ( $location [ 0 ], " / " ))
$location = $this -> protocol . " :// " . $this -> host_name . ( $this -> host_port ? " : " . $this -> host_port : " " ) . $location ;
$error = $this -> GetRequestArguments ( $location , $arguments );
if ( strlen ( $error ))
return ( $this -> SetError ( " could not process redirect url: " . $error , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_PROTOCOL_FAILURE ));
$arguments [ " RequestMethod " ] = " GET " ;
if ( strlen ( $error = $this -> Close ()) == 0
&& strlen ( $error = $this -> Open ( $arguments )) == 0
&& strlen ( $error = $this -> SendRequest ( $arguments )) == 0 )
$this -> redirection_level ++ ;
if ( $this -> redirection_level > $this -> redirection_limit )
$error = " it was exceeded the limit of request redirections " ;
$error = $this -> ReadReplyHeaders ( $headers );
$this -> redirection_level -- ;
if ( strlen ( $error ))
return ( $this -> SetError ( $error , $this -> error_code ));
return ( " " );
2024-11-27 23:14:01 +00:00
private function Authenticate ( & $headers , $proxy , & $proxy_authorization , & $user , & $password , & $realm , & $workstation )
2013-05-09 11:11:17 +02:00
if ( $proxy )
$authenticate_header = " proxy-authenticate " ;
$authorization_header = " Proxy-Authorization " ;
$authenticate_status = " 407 " ;
$authentication_mechanism = $this -> proxy_authentication_mechanism ;
$authenticate_header = " www-authenticate " ;
$authorization_header = " Authorization " ;
$authenticate_status = " 401 " ;
$authentication_mechanism = $this -> authentication_mechanism ;
if ( IsSet ( $headers [ $authenticate_header ])
&& $this -> sasl_authenticate )
2024-11-27 23:14:01 +00:00
if ( ! class_exists ( 'sasl_client_class' ))
2013-05-09 11:11:17 +02:00
return ( $this -> SetError ( " the SASL client class needs to be loaded to be able to authenticate " . ( $proxy ? " with the proxy server " : " " ) . " and access this site " , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ));
2024-11-27 23:14:01 +00:00
2013-05-09 11:11:17 +02:00
if ( GetType ( $headers [ $authenticate_header ]) == " array " )
$authenticate = $headers [ $authenticate_header ];
$authenticate = array ( $headers [ $authenticate_header ]);
for ( $response = " " , $mechanisms = array (), $m = 0 ; $m < count ( $authenticate ); $m ++ )
$mechanism = $this -> Tokenize ( $authenticate [ $m ], " " );
$response = $this -> Tokenize ( " " );
if ( strlen ( $authentication_mechanism ))
if ( ! strcmp ( $authentication_mechanism , $mechanism ))
$mechanisms [] = $mechanism ;
break ;
$mechanisms [] = $mechanism ;
2024-11-27 23:14:01 +00:00
$sasl = new \sasl_client_class ();
2013-05-09 11:11:17 +02:00
if ( IsSet ( $user ))
$sasl -> SetCredential ( " user " , $user );
if ( IsSet ( $password ))
$sasl -> SetCredential ( " password " , $password );
if ( IsSet ( $realm ))
$sasl -> SetCredential ( " realm " , $realm );
if ( IsSet ( $workstation ))
$sasl -> SetCredential ( " workstation " , $workstation );
$sasl -> SetCredential ( " uri " , $this -> request_uri );
$sasl -> SetCredential ( " method " , $this -> request_method );
$sasl -> SetCredential ( " session " , $this -> session );
2024-11-27 23:14:01 +00:00
$message = '' ;
$interactions = [];
2013-05-09 11:11:17 +02:00
$status = $sasl -> Start ( $mechanisms , $message , $interactions );
while ( $status == SASL_INTERACT );
switch ( $status )
break ;
return ( $this -> SetError (( $proxy ? " proxy " : " " ) . " authentication error: " . ( strlen ( $authentication_mechanism ) ? " authentication mechanism " . $authentication_mechanism . " may not be used: " : " " ) . $sasl -> error , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ));
default :
return ( $this -> SetError ( " Could not start the SASL " . ( $proxy ? " proxy " : " " ) . " authentication client: " . $sasl -> error , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ));
if ( $proxy >= 0 )
for (;;)
if ( strlen ( $error = $this -> ReadReplyBody ( $body , $this -> file_buffer_length )))
return ( $error );
if ( strlen ( $body ) == 0 )
break ;
$authorization_value = $sasl -> mechanism . ( IsSet ( $message ) ? " " . ( $sasl -> encode_response ? base64_encode ( $message ) : $message ) : " " );
$request_arguments = $this -> request_arguments ;
$arguments = $request_arguments ;
$arguments [ " Headers " ][ $authorization_header ] = $authorization_value ;
if ( ! $proxy
&& strlen ( $proxy_authorization ))
$arguments [ " Headers " ][ " Proxy-Authorization " ] = $proxy_authorization ;
if ( strlen ( $error = $this -> Close ())
|| strlen ( $error = $this -> Open ( $arguments )))
return ( $this -> SetError ( $error , $this -> error_code ));
$authenticated = 0 ;
if ( IsSet ( $message ))
if ( $proxy < 0 )
if ( strlen ( $error = $this -> ConnectFromProxy ( $arguments , $headers )))
return ( $this -> SetError ( $error , $this -> error_code ));
if ( strlen ( $error = $this -> SendRequest ( $arguments ))
|| strlen ( $error = $this -> ReadReplyHeadersResponse ( $headers )))
return ( $this -> SetError ( $error , $this -> error_code ));
if ( ! IsSet ( $headers [ $authenticate_header ]))
$authenticate = array ();
elseif ( GetType ( $headers [ $authenticate_header ]) == " array " )
$authenticate = $headers [ $authenticate_header ];
$authenticate = array ( $headers [ $authenticate_header ]);
for ( $mechanism = 0 ; $mechanism < count ( $authenticate ); $mechanism ++ )
if ( ! strcmp ( $this -> Tokenize ( $authenticate [ $mechanism ], " " ), $sasl -> mechanism ))
$response = $this -> Tokenize ( " " );
break ;
switch ( $this -> response_status )
case $authenticate_status :
break ;
case " 301 " :
case " 302 " :
case " 303 " :
case " 307 " :
if ( $proxy >= 0 )
return ( $this -> Redirect ( $headers ));
default :
if ( intval ( $this -> response_status / 100 ) == 2 )
if ( $proxy )
$proxy_authorization = $authorization_value ;
$authenticated = 1 ;
break ;
if ( $proxy
&& ! strcmp ( $this -> response_status , " 401 " ))
$proxy_authorization = $authorization_value ;
$authenticated = 1 ;
break ;
return ( $this -> SetError (( $proxy ? " proxy " : " " ) . " authentication error: " . $this -> response_status . " " . $this -> response_message , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_PROTOCOL_FAILURE ));
for (; ! $authenticated ;)
$status = $sasl -> Step ( $response , $message , $interactions );
while ( $status == SASL_INTERACT );
switch ( $status )
$authorization_value = $sasl -> mechanism . ( IsSet ( $message ) ? " " . ( $sasl -> encode_response ? base64_encode ( $message ) : $message ) : " " );
$arguments = $request_arguments ;
$arguments [ " Headers " ][ $authorization_header ] = $authorization_value ;
if ( ! $proxy
&& strlen ( $proxy_authorization ))
$arguments [ " Headers " ][ " Proxy-Authorization " ] = $proxy_authorization ;
if ( $proxy < 0 )
if ( strlen ( $error = $this -> ConnectFromProxy ( $arguments , $headers )))
return ( $this -> SetError ( $error , $this -> error_code ));
if ( strlen ( $error = $this -> SendRequest ( $arguments ))
|| strlen ( $error = $this -> ReadReplyHeadersResponse ( $headers )))
return ( $this -> SetError ( $error , $this -> error_code ));
switch ( $this -> response_status )
case $authenticate_status :
if ( GetType ( $headers [ $authenticate_header ]) == " array " )
$authenticate = $headers [ $authenticate_header ];
$authenticate = array ( $headers [ $authenticate_header ]);
for ( $response = " " , $mechanism = 0 ; $mechanism < count ( $authenticate ); $mechanism ++ )
if ( ! strcmp ( $this -> Tokenize ( $authenticate [ $mechanism ], " " ), $sasl -> mechanism ))
$response = $this -> Tokenize ( " " );
break ;
if ( $proxy >= 0 )
for (;;)
if ( strlen ( $error = $this -> ReadReplyBody ( $body , $this -> file_buffer_length )))
return ( $error );
if ( strlen ( $body ) == 0 )
break ;
$this -> state = " Connected " ;
break ;
case " 301 " :
case " 302 " :
case " 303 " :
case " 307 " :
if ( $proxy >= 0 )
return ( $this -> Redirect ( $headers ));
default :
if ( intval ( $this -> response_status / 100 ) == 2 )
if ( $proxy )
$proxy_authorization = $authorization_value ;
$authenticated = 1 ;
break ;
if ( $proxy
&& ! strcmp ( $this -> response_status , " 401 " ))
$proxy_authorization = $authorization_value ;
$authenticated = 1 ;
break ;
return ( $this -> SetError (( $proxy ? " proxy " : " " ) . " authentication error: " . $this -> response_status . " " . $this -> response_message ));
break ;
default :
return ( $this -> SetError ( " Could not process the SASL " . ( $proxy ? " proxy " : " " ) . " authentication step: " . $sasl -> error , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_PROTOCOL_FAILURE ));
return ( " " );
2024-11-27 23:14:01 +00:00
public function ReadReplyHeaders ( & $headers )
2013-05-09 11:11:17 +02:00
if ( strlen ( $error = $this -> ReadReplyHeadersResponse ( $headers )))
return ( $error );
$proxy_authorization = " " ;
while ( ! strcmp ( $this -> response_status , " 100 " ))
$this -> state = " RequestSent " ;
if ( strlen ( $error = $this -> ReadReplyHeadersResponse ( $headers )))
return ( $error );
switch ( $this -> response_status )
case " 301 " :
case " 302 " :
case " 303 " :
case " 307 " :
if ( strlen ( $error = $this -> Redirect ( $headers )))
return ( $error );
break ;
case " 407 " :
if ( strlen ( $error = $this -> Authenticate ( $headers , 1 , $proxy_authorization , $this -> proxy_request_user , $this -> proxy_request_password , $this -> proxy_request_realm , $this -> proxy_request_workstation )))
return ( $error );
if ( strcmp ( $this -> response_status , " 401 " ))
return ( " " );
case " 401 " :
return ( $this -> Authenticate ( $headers , 0 , $proxy_authorization , $this -> request_user , $this -> request_password , $this -> request_realm , $this -> request_workstation ));
return ( " " );
2024-11-27 23:14:01 +00:00
private function ReadReplyBody ( & $body , $length )
2013-05-09 11:11:17 +02:00
$body = " " ;
if ( strlen ( $this -> error ))
return ( $this -> error );
switch ( $this -> state )
case " Disconnected " :
return ( $this -> SetError ( " connection was not yet established " , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ));
case " Connected " :
case " ConnectedToProxy " :
return ( $this -> SetError ( " request was not sent " , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ));
case " RequestSent " :
if (( $error = $this -> ReadReplyHeaders ( $headers )) != " " )
return ( $error );
break ;
case " GotReplyHeaders " :
break ;
case 'ResponseReceived' :
$body = '' ;
return ( '' );
default :
return ( $this -> SetError ( " can not get request headers in the current connection state " , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ));
if ( $this -> content_length_set )
$length = min ( $this -> content_length - $this -> read_length , $length );
$body = '' ;
if ( $length > 0 )
if ( ! $this -> EndOfInput ()
&& ( $body = $this -> ReadBytes ( $length )) == " " )
if ( strlen ( $this -> error ))
return ( $this -> SetError ( " could not get the request reply body: " . $this -> error , $this -> error_code ));
$this -> read_length += strlen ( $body );
if ( $this -> EndOfInput ())
$this -> state = 'ResponseReceived' ;
return ( " " );
2024-11-27 23:14:01 +00:00
public function ReadWholeReplyBody ( & $body )
2013-05-09 11:11:17 +02:00
$body = '' ;
for (;;)
if ( strlen ( $error = $this -> ReadReplyBody ( $block , $this -> file_buffer_length )))
return ( $error );
if ( strlen ( $block ) == 0 )
return ( '' );
$body .= $block ;
2024-11-27 23:14:01 +00:00
private function SaveCookies ( & $cookies , $domain = '' , $secure_only = 0 , $persistent_only = 0 )
2013-05-09 11:11:17 +02:00
$now = gmdate ( " Y-m-d H-i-s " );
$cookies = array ();
for ( $secure_cookies = 0 , Reset ( $this -> cookies ); $secure_cookies < count ( $this -> cookies ); Next ( $this -> cookies ), $secure_cookies ++ )
$secure = Key ( $this -> cookies );
if ( ! $secure_only
|| $secure )
for ( $cookie_domain = 0 , Reset ( $this -> cookies [ $secure ]); $cookie_domain < count ( $this -> cookies [ $secure ]); Next ( $this -> cookies [ $secure ]), $cookie_domain ++ )
$domain_pattern = Key ( $this -> cookies [ $secure ]);
$match = strlen ( $domain ) - strlen ( $domain_pattern );
if ( strlen ( $domain ) == 0
|| ( $match >= 0
&& ! strcmp ( $domain_pattern , substr ( $domain , $match ))
&& ( $match == 0
|| $domain_pattern [ 0 ] == " . "
|| $domain [ $match - 1 ] == " . " )))
for ( Reset ( $this -> cookies [ $secure ][ $domain_pattern ]), $path_part = 0 ; $path_part < count ( $this -> cookies [ $secure ][ $domain_pattern ]); Next ( $this -> cookies [ $secure ][ $domain_pattern ]), $path_part ++ )
$path = Key ( $this -> cookies [ $secure ][ $domain_pattern ]);
for ( Reset ( $this -> cookies [ $secure ][ $domain_pattern ][ $path ]), $cookie = 0 ; $cookie < count ( $this -> cookies [ $secure ][ $domain_pattern ][ $path ]); Next ( $this -> cookies [ $secure ][ $domain_pattern ][ $path ]), $cookie ++ )
$cookie_name = Key ( $this -> cookies [ $secure ][ $domain_pattern ][ $path ]);
$expires = $this -> cookies [ $secure ][ $domain_pattern ][ $path ][ $cookie_name ][ " expires " ];
if (( ! $persistent_only
&& strlen ( $expires ) == 0 )
|| ( strlen ( $expires )
&& strcmp ( $now , $expires ) < 0 ))
$cookies [ $secure ][ $domain_pattern ][ $path ][ $cookie_name ] = $this -> cookies [ $secure ][ $domain_pattern ][ $path ][ $cookie_name ];
2024-11-27 23:14:01 +00:00
private function SavePersistentCookies ( & $cookies , $domain = '' , $secure_only = 0 )
2013-05-09 11:11:17 +02:00
$this -> SaveCookies ( $cookies , $domain , $secure_only , 1 );
2024-11-27 23:14:01 +00:00
private function GetPersistentCookies ( & $cookies , $domain = '' , $secure_only = 0 )
2013-05-09 11:11:17 +02:00
$this -> SavePersistentCookies ( $cookies , $domain , $secure_only );
2024-11-27 23:14:01 +00:00
private function RestoreCookies ( $cookies , $clear = 1 )
2013-05-09 11:11:17 +02:00
$new_cookies = ( $clear ? array () : $this -> cookies );
for ( $secure_cookies = 0 , Reset ( $cookies ); $secure_cookies < count ( $cookies ); Next ( $cookies ), $secure_cookies ++ )
$secure = Key ( $cookies );
if ( GetType ( $secure ) != " integer " )
return ( $this -> SetError ( " invalid cookie secure value type ( " . serialize ( $secure ) . " ) " , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ));
for ( $cookie_domain = 0 , Reset ( $cookies [ $secure ]); $cookie_domain < count ( $cookies [ $secure ]); Next ( $cookies [ $secure ]), $cookie_domain ++ )
$domain_pattern = Key ( $cookies [ $secure ]);
if ( GetType ( $domain_pattern ) != " string " )
return ( $this -> SetError ( " invalid cookie domain value type ( " . serialize ( $domain_pattern ) . " ) " , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ));
for ( Reset ( $cookies [ $secure ][ $domain_pattern ]), $path_part = 0 ; $path_part < count ( $cookies [ $secure ][ $domain_pattern ]); Next ( $cookies [ $secure ][ $domain_pattern ]), $path_part ++ )
$path = Key ( $cookies [ $secure ][ $domain_pattern ]);
if ( GetType ( $path ) != " string "
|| strcmp ( substr ( $path , 0 , 1 ), " / " ))
return ( $this -> SetError ( " invalid cookie path value type ( " . serialize ( $path ) . " ) " , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ));
for ( Reset ( $cookies [ $secure ][ $domain_pattern ][ $path ]), $cookie = 0 ; $cookie < count ( $cookies [ $secure ][ $domain_pattern ][ $path ]); Next ( $cookies [ $secure ][ $domain_pattern ][ $path ]), $cookie ++ )
$cookie_name = Key ( $cookies [ $secure ][ $domain_pattern ][ $path ]);
$expires = $cookies [ $secure ][ $domain_pattern ][ $path ][ $cookie_name ][ " expires " ];
$value = $cookies [ $secure ][ $domain_pattern ][ $path ][ $cookie_name ][ " value " ];
if ( GetType ( $expires ) != " string "
|| ( strlen ( $expires )
&& ! preg_match ( " /^[0-9] { 4}-[0-9] { 2}-[0-9] { 2} [0-9] { 2}:[0-9] { 2}:[0-9] { 2} \$ / " , $expires )))
return ( $this -> SetError ( " invalid cookie expiry value type ( " . serialize ( $expires ) . " ) " , HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERS ));
$new_cookies [ $secure ][ $domain_pattern ][ $path ][ $cookie_name ] = array (
" name " => $cookie_name ,
" value " => $value ,
" domain " => $domain_pattern ,
" path " => $path ,
" expires " => $expires ,
" secure " => $secure
$this -> cookies = $new_cookies ;
return ( " " );
2013-10-27 22:27:33 +01:00