<?php if (!file_exists("boot.php") AND (sizeof($_SERVER["argv"]) != 0)) { $directory = dirname($_SERVER["argv"][0]); if (substr($directory, 0, 1) != "/") $directory = $_SERVER["PWD"]."/".$directory; $directory = realpath($directory."/.."); chdir($directory); } require_once("boot.php"); function twitter_sync_run($argv, $argc){ global $a, $db; if (is_null($a)) { $a = new App; } if (is_null($db)) { @include(".htconfig.php"); require_once("include/dba.php"); $db = new dba($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_data); unset($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_data); }; require_once("addon/twitter/twitter.php"); require_once("include/pidfile.php"); $maxsysload = intval(get_config('system','maxloadavg')); if ($maxsysload < 1) { $maxsysload = 50; } if (function_exists('sys_getloadavg')) { $load = sys_getloadavg(); if (intval($load[0]) > $maxsysload) { logger('system: load ' . $load[0] . ' too high. Twitter sync deferred to next scheduled run.'); return; } } if ($argc < 3) { return; } $mode = intval($argv[1]); $uid = intval($argv[2]); // This is deprecated with the worker if (function_exists("get_lockpath")) { $lockpath = get_lockpath(); if ($lockpath != '') { $pidfile = new pidfile($lockpath, 'twitter_sync-'.$mode.'-'.$uid); if ($pidfile->is_already_running()) { logger("Already running"); if ($pidfile->running_time() > 9*60) { $pidfile->kill(); logger("killed stale process"); // Calling a new instance proc_run('php','addon/twitter/twitter_sync.php', $mode, $uid); } exit; } } } if ($mode == 1) { twitter_fetchtimeline($a, $uid); } elseif ($mode == 2) { twitter_fetchhometimeline($a, $uid); } } if (array_search(__file__,get_included_files())===0){ twitter_sync_run($_SERVER["argv"],$_SERVER["argc"]); killme(); } ?>