/* Jappix - An open social platform These are the interface JS scripts for Jappix ------------------------------------------------- License: AGPL Author: Vanaryon Last revision: 26/08/11 */ // Changes the title of the document function pageTitle(title) { // Anonymous mode? var head_name = getName(); if(isAnonymous()) head_name = ANONYMOUS_ROOM + ' (' + _e("anonymous mode") + ')'; // We change the title to give essential informations switch(title) { case 'home': document.title = SERVICE_NAME + ' • ' + _e("An open social network"); break; case 'talk': document.title = 'Jappix • ' + head_name; break; case 'new': document.title = '[' + pendingEvents() + '] Jappix • ' + head_name; break; case 'wait': document.title = 'Jappix • ' + _e("Please wait..."); break; } } // Creates a general-wait item function showGeneralWait() { // Item exists? if(exists('#general-wait')) return false; // Generate the HTML code var html = '<div id="general-wait" class="removable">' + '<div class="general-wait-content wait-big"></div>' + '</div>'; // Append the HTML code $('body').append(html); return true; } // Removes the general-wait item function removeGeneralWait() { $('#general-wait').remove(); } // Generates a file upload valid form content function generateFileShare() { return '<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="' + encodeQuotes(JAPPIX_MAX_FILE_SIZE) + '">' + '<input type="hidden" name="user" value="' + encodeQuotes(getXID()) + '" />' + '<input type="hidden" name="location" value="' + encodeQuotes(generateURL(JAPPIX_LOCATION)) + '" />' + '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="' + (new Date()).getTime() + '" />' + '<input type="file" name="file" required="" />' + '<input type="submit" value="' + _e("Send") + '" />'; } // Switches to the given chan function switchChan(id) { if(exists('#' + id)) { // We show the page-engine content $('.page-engine-chan').hide(); $('#' + id).show(); // We edit the tab switcher $('#page-switch .switcher').removeClass('activechan').addClass('chan'); $('#page-switch .' + id).addClass('activechan').removeClass('chan'); // Scroll down to the last message if(id != 'channel') autoScroll(id); // Manage input focus inputFocus(); } return false; } // Loads the complete chat switcher function loadChatSwitch() { // Path var more_content = '#page-switch .more-content'; // Yet displayed? if(exists(more_content)) return closeBubbles(); // Add the bubble showBubble(more_content); // Append the content $('#page-switch .more').append( '<div class="more-content bubble removable">' + $('#page-switch .chans').html() + '</div>' ); return false; } // Puts the selected smiley in the good page-engine input function insertSmiley(smiley, hash) { // We define the variables var selector = $('#' + hash + ' .message-area'); var oValue = selector.val(); // Any old value? if(oValue && !oValue.match(/^(.+)(\s)+$/)) oValue += ' '; var nValue = oValue + smiley + ' '; // Put the new value and focus on it $(document).oneTime(10, function() { selector.val(nValue).focus(); }); return false; } // Deletes all the associated elements of the chat we want to remove function deleteThisChat(hash) { $('#' + hash + ', #page-switch .' + hash).remove(); } // Closes the given chat function quitThisChat(xid, hash, type) { if(type == 'groupchat') { // Send our unavailable presence sendPresence(xid + '/' + getMUCNick(hash), 'unavailable'); // Remove all presence database entries for this groupchat for(var i = 0; i < sessionStorage.length; i++) { // Get the pointer values var current = sessionStorage.key(i); var cXID = explodeThis('_', current, 1); // If the pointer is on a presence from this groupchat if((explodeThis('_', current, 0) == 'presence') && (bareXID(cXID) == xid)) { // Generate the hash for the current XID var cHash = hex_md5(cXID); // Disable the message textarea $('#' + cHash + ' .message-area').attr('disabled', true); // Remove the presence for this XID removeDB('presence', cXID); presenceFunnel(cXID, cHash); } } } else chatStateSend('gone', xid, hash); // Get the chat ID which is before var previous = $('#' + hash).prev().attr('id'); // Remove the chat deleteThisChat(hash); // Reset the switcher if(!exists('#page-switch .switcher.activechan')) switchChan(previous); // Reset the notifications chanCleanNotify(hash); return false; } // Generates the chat logs function generateChatLog(xid, hash) { // Get the main values var path = '#' + hash + ' .'; var content = $(path + 'content').clone().contents(); var avatar = $(path + 'top .avatar-container:first').html(); var nick = $(path + 'top .bc-name').text(); var date = getXMPPTime('local'); var type = $('#' + hash).attr('data-type'); // Filter the content smileys $(content).find('img.emoticon').each(function() { $(this).replaceWith($(this).attr('alt')); }); // Remove the useless attributes $(content).removeAttr('data-type').removeAttr('data-stamp'); // Remove the content avatars $(content).find('.avatar-container').remove(); // Remove the content click events $(content).find('a').removeAttr('onclick'); // Extract the content HTML code content = $(content).parent().html(); // No avatar? if(!avatar || !avatar.match(/data:/)) avatar = 'none'; // POST the values to the server $.post('./php/generate-chat.php', { content: content, xid: xid, nick: nick, avatar: avatar, date: date, type: type }, function(data) { // Handled! $(path + 'tooltip-waitlog').replaceWith('<a class="tooltip-actionlog" href="./php/download-chat.php?id=' + data + '" target="_blank">' + _e("Download file!") + '</a>'); }); return false; } // Notifies the user from a new incoming message function messageNotify(hash, type) { // Initialize the vars var chat_switch = '#page-switch .'; var tested = chat_switch + hash; var active = $(tested).hasClass('activechan'); // We notify the user if he has not the focus on the chat if(!active || !isFocused()) { if(!active) { if(type == 'personnal') $(tested + ', ' + chat_switch + 'more-button').addClass('chan-newmessage'); else if(type == 'unread') $(tested).addClass('chan-unread'); } // Count the number of pending messages var pending = 1; if(exists('#' + hash + '[data-counter]')) pending = parseInt($('#' + hash).attr('data-counter')) + 1; $('#' + hash).attr('data-counter', pending); } // Update the page title updateTitle(); } // Returns the number of pending events function pendingEvents() { // Count the number of notifications var number = 0; $('.one-counter[data-counter]').each(function() { number = number + parseInt($(this).attr('data-counter')); }); return number; } // Updates the page title function updateTitle() { // Any pending events? if(exists('.one-counter[data-counter]')) pageTitle('new'); else pageTitle('talk'); } // Cleans the given chat notifications function chanCleanNotify(hash) { // We remove the class that tell the user of a new message var chat_switch = '#page-switch .'; $(chat_switch + hash).removeClass('chan-newmessage chan-unread'); // We reset the global notifications if no more unread messages if(!$(chat_switch + 'chans .chan-newmessage').size()) $(chat_switch + 'more-button').removeClass('chan-newmessage'); // We reset the chat counter $('#' + hash).removeAttr('data-counter'); // Update the page title updateTitle(); } // Scrolls to the last chat message function autoScroll(hash) { // Avoid a JS error if(exists('#' + hash)) { var container = document.getElementById('chat-content-' + hash); // Scroll down! container.scrollTop = container.scrollHeight; } } // Shows all the buddies in the buddy-list function showAllBuddies(from) { // Put a marker BLIST_ALL = true; // We switch the two modes $('.buddy-conf-more-display-unavailable').hide(); $('.buddy-conf-more-display-available').show(); // Security: reset all the groups toggle event $('#buddy-list .group-buddies').show(); $('#buddy-list .group span').text('-'); // We show the disconnected buddies $('.hidden-buddy').show(); // We show all the groups $('#buddy-list .one-group').show(); if(SEARCH_FILTERED) funnelFilterBuddySearch(); // Store this in the options if((from == 'roster') && loadedOptions()) { setDB('options', 'roster-showall', '1'); storeOptions(); } } // Shows only the online buddies in the buddy-list function showOnlineBuddies(from) { // Remove the marker BLIST_ALL = false; // We switch the two modes $('.buddy-conf-more-display-available').hide(); $('.buddy-conf-more-display-unavailable').show(); // Security: reset all the groups toggle event $('#buddy-list .group-buddies').show(); $('#buddy-list .group span').text('-'); // We hide the disconnected buddies $('.hidden-buddy').hide(); // We check the groups to hide updateGroups(); if(SEARCH_FILTERED) funnelFilterBuddySearch(); // Store this in the options if((from == 'roster') && loadedOptions()) { setDB('options', 'roster-showall', '0'); storeOptions(); } } // Focuses on the right input function inputFocus() { // No popup shown if(!exists('.popup')) $(document).oneTime(10, function() { $('.focusable:visible:first').focus(); }); } // Plugin launcher function launchInterface() { // Focus on the first visible input $(window).focus(inputFocus); } // Launch this plugin! $(document).ready(launchInterface);