* License: MIT */ require_once('library/langdet/Text/LanguageDetect.php'); /* Define the hooks we want to use * that is, we have settings, we need to save the settings and we want * to modify the content of a posting when friendica prepares it. */ function langfilter_install() { register_hook('prepare_body', 'addon/langfilter/langfilter.php', 'langfilter_prepare_body', 10); register_hook('plugin_settings', 'addon/langfilter/langfilter.php', 'langfilter_addon_settings'); register_hook('plugin_settings_post', 'addon/langfilter/langfilter.php', 'langfilter_addon_settings_post'); } function langfilter_uninstall() { unregister_hook('prepare_body', 'addon/langfilter/langfilter.php', 'langfilter_prepare_body'); unregister_hook('plugin_settings', 'addon/langfilter/langfilter.php', 'langfilter_addon_settings'); unregister_hook('plugin_settings_post', 'addon/langfilter/langfilter.php', 'langfilter_addon_settings_post'); } /* The settings * 1st check if somebody logged in is calling * 2nd get the current settings * 3rd parse a SMARTY3 template, replacing some translateable strings for the form */ function langfilter_addon_settings(&$a,&$s) { if(! local_user()) return; $enable_checked = (intval(get_pconfig(local_user(),'langfilter','disable')) ? '' : ' checked="checked" '); $languages = get_pconfig(local_user(),'langfilter','languages'); if(! $languages) $languages = 'en,de,fr,it,es'; $t = get_markup_template("settings.tpl", "addon/langfilter/" ); $s .= replace_macros ($t, array( '$title' => t("Language Filter"), '$intro' => t ('This addon tries to identify the language of a postings. If it does not match any language spoken by you (see below) the posting will be collapsed. Remember detecting the language is not perfect, especially with short postings.'), '$enabled' => array('langfilter_enable', t('Use the language filter'), $enable_checked, ''), '$languages' => array('langfilter_languages', t('I speak'), $languages, t('List of abbreviations (iso2 codes) for languages you speak, comma separated. For excample "de,it".') ), '$submit' => t('Save Settings'), )); return; } /* Save the settings * 1st check it's a logged in user calling * 2nd check the langfilter form is to be saved * 3rd save the settings to the DB for later usage */ function langfilter_addon_settings_post(&$a,&$b) { if(! local_user()) return; if($_POST['langfilter-settings-submit']) { set_pconfig(local_user(),'langfilter','languages',trim($_POST['langfilter_languages'])); $enable = ((x($_POST,'langfilter_enable')) ? intval($_POST['langfilter_enable']) : 0); $disable = 1-$enable; set_pconfig(local_user(),'langfilter','disable', $disable); set_pconfig(local_user(),'langfilter','minconfidence', $disable); info( t('Language Filter Settings saved.') . EOL); } } /* Actually filter postings by their language * 1st check if the user wants to filter postings * 2nd get the user settings which languages shall be not filtered out * 3rd extract the language of a posting * 4th if the determined language does not fit to the spoken languages * of the user, then collapse the posting, but provide a link to * expand it again. */ function langfilter_prepare_body(&$a,&$b) { $logged_user = local_user(); if ( ! $logged_user ) return; # Never filter own messages # TODO: find a better way to extract this $logged_user_profile = $a->config['system']['url'] . '/profile/' . $a->user['nickname']; if ( $logged_user_profile == $b['item']['author-link'] ) return; # Don't filter if language filter is disabled if( get_pconfig($logged_user,'langfilter','disable') ) return; $spoken_config = get_pconfig(local_user(),'langfilter','languages'); # Don't filter if no spoken languages are configured if ( ! $spoken_config ) return; $spoken_languages = explode(',', $spoken_config); # Extract the language of the post $opts = $b['item']['postopts']; if ( ! $opts ) return; # no options associated to post if ( ! preg_match('/\blang=([^;]*);([^:]*)/', $opts, $matches ) ) return; # no lang options associated to post $lang = $matches[1]; $confidence = $matches[2]; # TODO: accept a confidence threshold in settings $iso2 = Text_LanguageDetect_ISO639::nameToCode2($lang); if ( ! $iso2 ) return; $spoken = in_array($iso2, $spoken_languages); if( ! $spoken ) { $rnd = random_string(8); $b['html'] = ''; } } ?>