<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <script src="jquery-1.4.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <link href="qunit/qunit/qunit.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" /> <script src="qunit/qunit/qunit.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="../client/fileuploader.js" type="text/javascript" ></script> <script> jQuery(function(){ module('qq'); test("contains", function(){ var el1 = document.createElement('div'); var el2 = document.createElement('div'); var el3 = document.createElement('div'); el1.appendChild(el2); el2.appendChild(el3); var el4 = document.createElement('div'); ok(qq.contains(el1,el1)); ok(qq.contains(el1,el2)); ok(qq.contains(el1,el3)); ok(!qq.contains(el1,el4)); ok(!qq.contains(el3,el2)); }); test("hasClass, addClass, removeClass", function(){ var element = document.createElement('div'); qq.addClass(element, 'some-class'); ok(!qq.hasClass(element, 'some'), 'dash in class name'); }); test("children", function(){ same(qq.children(document.createElement('div')), [], 'empty'); var element = document.createElement('div'); element.innerHTML = 'asdasd<div>text</div><span>asdas</span>asdasd'; same(qq.children(element).length, 2); }); test("getByClass", function(){ var element = document.createElement('div'); element.style.display = 'none'; element.innerHTML = '<div class="class"><div class="someclass class"></div></div><span></span><div class="test"></div><div class="class"></div>'; document.body.appendChild(element); var outside = document.createElement('div'); outside.className = 'outside class'; document.body.appendChild(outside); same(qq.getByClass(document, 'class').length, 4, 'in document'); same(qq.getByClass(element, 'class').length, 3, 'in test div'); qq.remove(element); qq.remove(outside); }); test("obj2url", function(){ var tests = [ {title:'empty', obj:{}, expect:''}, {title:'general json', obj:{a:'b',c:'d',e:'f'}, expect:'a=b&c=d&e=f'}, {title:'general json', obj:{a:1,b:2,c:3,d:4}, expect:'a=1&b=2&c=3&d=4'}, {title:'general json array', obj:{a:[1,2,3,4]}, expect:'a[0]=1&a[1]=2&a[2]=3&a[3]=4'}, {title:'complex json', obj:{a:'b',c:'d',e:['f',{g:'h',i:['j',{k:'l',m:'n'}], o:undefined,p:true,q:false}]}, expect:'a=b&c=d&' +'e[0]=f&' +'e[1][g]=h&' +'e[1][i][0]=j&' +'e[1][i][1][k]=l&' +'e[1][i][1][m]=n&' +'e[1][o]=undefined&' +'e[1][p]=true&' +'e[1][q]=false'}, {title:'function', obj:{a:function(){return 'b';}}, expect:'a=b'}, {title:'function no return', obj:{a:function(){},undefined:'b'}, expect:'a=undefined'}, {title:'null', obj:{a:null}, expect:'a=null'}, {title:'prevent double encoding', obj:{a:[1,2,3],'b[]':[4,5,6],'c[d]':[7,8,9]}, expect:'a[0]=1&a[1]=2&a[2]=3&' +'b[]=4&b[]=5&b[]=6&' +'c[d][0]=7&c[d][1]=8&c[d][2]=9'}, {title:'spaces', obj:{a:'All your base are belong to us'}, expect:'a=All+your+base+are+belong+to+us'}, {title:'undefined simple', obj:{undefined:undefined}, expect:''}, {title:'undefined complex', obj:{undefined:undefined, a:{undefined:undefined}, b:[{undefined:'c'},undefined,{d:'e'}]}, expect:'b[1]=undefined&b[2][d]=e'}, {title:'prefix url no params', obj:{a:'b'}, prefix:'http://any.url', expect:'http://any.url?a=b'}, {title:'prefix url trailing ?', obj:{a:'b'}, prefix:'http://any.url?', expect:'http://any.url?a=b'}, {title:'prefix url param', obj:{a:'b'}, prefix:'http://any.url?foo', expect:'http://any.url?foo&a=b'}, {title:'prefix url param=value', obj:{a:'b'}, prefix:'http://any.url?foo=bar', expect:'http://any.url?foo=bar&a=b'}, {title:'prefix url multi param', obj:{a:'b'}, prefix:'http://any.url?foo=bar&bla=blub', expect:'http://any.url?foo=bar&bla=blub&a=b'}, {title:'prefix url array param', obj:{a:'b',c:'d'}, prefix:'http://any.url?foo[0]=bla&foo[1]=blub', expect:'http://any.url?foo[0]=bla&foo[1]=blub&a=b&c=d'} ]; for (var i = 0, l = tests.length; i<l; i++) { //console.log('------------------ obj2url-test'+(i+1)+': '+tests[i].title); //console.log('object: '+tests[i].obj); //console.log('prefix: '+tests[i].prefix); var result = ''; if (tests[i].prefix) { result = qq.obj2url(tests[i].obj, tests[i].prefix); } else { result = qq.obj2url(tests[i].obj); } //console.log('result: '+result); same(decodeURIComponent(result), tests[i].expect, tests[i].title); } }); var uploadTimeout = 700, loadTimeout = 300; if (qq.UploadHandlerXhr.isSupported()){ $('.handlerform').remove(); } else { // module('qq.UploadHandlerForm'); // asyncTest("_getIframeContentJSON", function() { expect(3); setTimeout(start, loadTimeout); var exampleObject = { "example" : "&a<computer networks>, to download means to receive data to a local system from a remote system, or to initiate such a data transfer. Examples of a remote system from which a download might be performed include a webserver, FTP server, email server, or other similar systems. A download can mean either any file that is offered for downloading or that has been downloaded, or the process of receiving such a file.The inverse operation, uploading, can refer to the sending of data from a local system to a remote system such as a server or another client with the intent that the remote system should store a copy of the data being transferred, or the initiation of such a process. The words first came into popular usage among computer users with the increased popularity of Bulletin Board Systems (BBSs), facilitated by the widespread distribution and implementation of dial-up access the in the 1970s", "sub" : { "arr": [10,20,30], "boo": false } }; var testedFn = qq.UploadHandlerForm.prototype._getIframeContentJSON; // IE 7,8 doesn't support application-javascript, application-json, text-javascript, text-plain // as a response type, it also doesn't file load event when iframe loads page with 404 header createIframe('iframe-content-tests/somepage.php', function(iframe){ same(testedFn(iframe), {}, "Server didn't return valid JSON object"); }); createIframe('iframe-content-tests/text-html.php', function(iframe){ same(testedFn(iframe), exampleObject, "text-html"); }); // test larger response (>4k) //http://www.coderholic.com/firefox-4k-xml-node-limit/ createIframe('iframe-content-tests/text-html-large.php', function(iframe){ same(testedFn(iframe).length, 5000, ">4k"); }); function createIframe(src, onLoad){ var iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); qq.attach(iframe, 'load', function(){ onLoad(iframe); setTimeout(function(){ qq.remove(iframe); }, 1); }); iframe.src = src; document.body.appendChild(iframe); } }); test("upload, cancel with empty input", function(){ expect(1); var uploadHandlerForm = new qq.UploadHandlerForm({ action: 'action-slow-response.php', onComplete: function(id, fileName, response){ ok(false, 'onComplete should not run, the request should be cancelled'); } }); var input = document.createElement('input'); var id = uploadHandlerForm.add(input); uploadHandlerForm.cancel(id); try { // should fail uploadHandlerForm.upload(id); } catch (err){ ok(true, "wasn't uploaded after cancelling") }; }); asyncTest("upload", function() { expect(4); var data = {stringOne: 'rtdfghdfhfh',stringTwo: 'dfsgsdfgsdg',stringThree: 'dfsgfhdfhdg'}; var savedId; var uploadHandler = new qq.UploadHandlerForm({ action: 'action-handler-test.php', onComplete: function(id, fileName, response){ ok(savedId == id, 'proper id in callback'); same(fileName, uploadHandler.getName(id), 'getName method'); data.fileName = fileName; same(response, data, 'server received file and correct params, filenames match'); } }); var input = document.getElementById('testinput1'); qq.attach(input, 'change', function(){ setTimeout(start, uploadTimeout); savedId = uploadHandler.add(input); ok(savedId != null, 'id returned by add'); uploadHandler.upload(savedId, data); }); }); asyncTest("cancel", function() { var uploadHandlerForm = new qq.UploadHandlerForm({ action: 'action-slow-response.php', onComplete: function(id, fileName, response){ ok(false, 'onComplete should not run, the request should be cancelled'); } }); var input = document.getElementById('testinput2'); qq.attach(input, 'change', function(){ var id = uploadHandlerForm.add(input); uploadHandlerForm.upload(id); uploadHandlerForm.cancel(id); start(); }); }); test("check that forms and iframes were removed after use", function(){ same($('form,iframe').length, 0, 'check that forms and iframes were removed after use'); }); asyncTest('going back', function(){ setTimeout(function(){ var goBack = confirm("checking that the history wasn't changed, the page will go back to previous now"); if (goBack){ window.history.back(); start(); ok(false, "the page didn't change (fails in Opera)"); } }, 1000); }); } if (!qq.UploadHandlerXhr.isSupported()){ $('.handlerxhr').remove(); } else { // module('qq.UploadHandlerXhr'); // asyncTest("upload", function() { expect(9); var data = {stringOne: 'rtdfghdfhfh',stringTwo: 'dfsgsdfgsdg',stringThree: 'dfsgfhdfhdg'}; var onProgressCalled = false; var expectedId, expectedName; var uploadHandler = new qq.UploadHandlerXhr({ action: 'action-handler-test.php', onProgress: function(id, fileName, loaded, total){ if (!onProgressCalled) { onProgressCalled = true; same(id, expectedId, 'progress event fired with correct id param'); same(fileName, expectedName, 'progress event fired with correct fileName param') ok(loaded <= total && total > 0, 'progress event fired with possible loaded and total'); same(total, uploadHandler.getSize(id), 'getSize method'); } }, onComplete: function(id, fileName, response){ same(id, expectedId, 'progress event fired with correct id param'); same(fileName, expectedName, 'progress event fired with correct fileName param') data.fileName = fileName; data.qqfile = fileName; same(response, data, 'server received passed params, filenames match'); same(fileName, uploadHandler.getName(id), 'getName method'); } }); var input = document.getElementById('handlerxhr1'); qq.attach(input, 'change', function(){ setTimeout(start, uploadTimeout); var id = uploadHandler.add(input.files[0]); ok(id != null, 'id returned by add'); expectedId = id; expectedName = input.files[0].name || input.files[0].fileName; if (!expectedName){ ok(false, 'false value as a file name used'); } uploadHandler.upload(id, data); qq.remove(input); }); }); asyncTest("cancel", function() { var uploadHandler = new qq.UploadHandlerXhr({ action: 'action-slow-response.php', onComplete: function(id, fileName, response){ ok(false, 'onComplete should not run, the request should be cancelled'); } }); var input = document.getElementById('handlerxhr2'); if (!input){ // input removed because uploading via XHR is not supported return; } qq.attach(input, 'change', function(){ var id = uploadHandler.add(input.files[0]); uploadHandler.upload(id); uploadHandler.cancel(id); start(); qq.remove(input); }); }); } }); </script> </head> <body> <h1 id="qunit-header">File uploader tests</h1> <h2 id="qunit-banner"></h2> <h2 id="qunit-userAgent"></h2> <ol id="qunit-tests"></ol> <p> Open this page via https connection, and make sure that loading bar is not acting strange after all tests are run. Back button test fails in Opera. </p> <p>Please select a file for each input below (in order)</p> <p>qq.FileUploader</p> <div id="fileuploader1"></div> <p>qq.UploadHandlerForm</p> <input class="handlerform" id="testinput1" type="file"> <input class="handlerform" id="testinput2" type="file"> <p>qq.UploadHandlerXhr</p> <input class="handlerxhr" id="handlerxhr1" type="file"> <input class="handlerxhr" id="handlerxhr2" type="file"> </body> </html>