argc >= 2 && $a->argv[1] == "wdcal") { if ($a->argc >= 3 && $a->argv[2] == "feed") { wdcal_print_feed(); killme(); } elseif ($a->argc >= 3 && strlen($a->argv[2]) > 0) { wdcal_addRequiredHeadersEdit(); } else { wdcal_addRequiredHeaders(); } return; } if ($a->argc >= 2 && $a->argv[1] == "settings") { return; } $authBackend = new Sabre_DAV_Auth_Backend_Friendica(); $principalBackend = new Sabre_DAVACL_PrincipalBackend_Friendica($authBackend); $caldavBackend_std = new Sabre_CalDAV_Backend_Std(); $caldavBackend_community = new Sabre_CalDAV_Backend_Friendica(); $carddavBackend_std = new Sabre_CardDAV_Backend_Std(); $carddavBackend_community = new Sabre_CardDAV_Backend_FriendicaCommunity(); if (isset($_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_USER"])) { $tree = new Sabre_DAV_SimpleCollection('root', array( new Sabre_DAV_SimpleCollection('principals', array( new Sabre_CalDAV_Principal_Collection($principalBackend, "principals/users"), )), new Sabre_CalDAV_AnimexxCalendarRootNode($principalBackend, array( $caldavBackend_std, $caldavBackend_community, )), new Sabre_CardDAV_AddressBookRootFriendica($principalBackend, array( $carddavBackend_std, $carddavBackend_community, )), )); } else { $tree = new Sabre_DAV_SimpleCollection('root', array()); } // The object tree needs in turn to be passed to the server class $server = new Sabre_DAV_Server($tree); $server->setBaseUri("/" . CALDAV_URL_PREFIX); $authPlugin = new Sabre_DAV_Auth_Plugin($authBackend, 'SabreDAV'); $server->addPlugin($authPlugin); $aclPlugin = new Sabre_DAVACL_Plugin_Friendica(); $aclPlugin->defaultUsernamePath = "principals/users"; $server->addPlugin($aclPlugin); $caldavPlugin = new Sabre_CalDAV_Plugin(); $server->addPlugin($caldavPlugin); $carddavPlugin = new Sabre_CardDAV_Plugin(); $server->addPlugin($carddavPlugin); $browser = new Sabre_DAV_Browser_Plugin(); $server->addPlugin($browser); $server->exec(); killme(); } /** * @return string */ function dav_content() { $a = get_app(); if (!isset($a->user["uid"]) || $a->user["uid"] == 0) { return login(); } $x = ""; if ($a->argv[1] == "settings") { return wdcal_getSettingsPage($a); } elseif ($a->argv[1] == "wdcal") { if ($a->argc >= 3 && strlen($a->argv[2]) > 0) { $uri = $a->argv[2]; $recurr_uri = ""; // @TODO if (isset($a->argv[3]) && $a->argv[3] == "edit") { $o = ""; if (isset($_REQUEST["save"])) $o .= wdcal_postEditPage($uri, $recurr_uri); $o .= wdcal_getEditPage($uri, $recurr_uri); return $o; } else { return wdcal_getDetailPage($uri, $recurr_uri); } } else { $cals = dav_getMyCals($a->user["uid"]); $cals_show = array(); foreach ($cals as $e) $cals_show[] = array("ns" => $e->namespace, "id" => $e->namespace_id, "displayname" => $e->displayname); $x = wdcal_printCalendar($cals, $cals_show, "/dav/wdcal/feed/", "week", 0, 200); } } return $x; } /** * @param App $a * @param object $b */ function dav_event_created_hook(&$a, &$b) { // @TODO Updating the cache instead of completely invalidating and rebuilding it FriendicaVirtualCalSourceBackend::invalidateCache($a->user["uid"], CALDAV_FRIENDICA_CONTACTS); FriendicaVirtualCalSourceBackend::invalidateCache($a->user["uid"], CALDAV_FRIENDICA_MINE); } /** * @param App $a * @param object $b */ function dav_event_updated_hook(&$a, &$b) { // @TODO Updating the cache instead of completely invalidating and rebuilding it FriendicaVirtualCalSourceBackend::invalidateCache($a->user["uid"], CALDAV_FRIENDICA_CONTACTS); FriendicaVirtualCalSourceBackend::invalidateCache($a->user["uid"], CALDAV_FRIENDICA_MINE); } /** * @param App $a * @param object $b */ function dav_profile_tabs_hook(&$a, &$b) { $b["tabs"][] = array( "label" => t('Calendar'), "url" => "/dav/wdcal/", "sel" => "", "title" => t('Extended calendar with CalDAV-support'), ); } /** * @param App $a * @param null|object $o */ function dav_plugin_admin_post(&$a = null, &$o = null) { check_form_security_token_redirectOnErr('/admin/plugins/dav', 'dav_admin_save'); require_once(__DIR__ . "/"); if (isset($_REQUEST["install"])) { $errs = dav_create_tables(); if (count($errs) == 0) info(t('The database tables have been installed.') . EOL); else notice(t("An error occurred during the installation.") . EOL); } } /** * @param App $a * @param null|object $o */ function dav_plugin_admin(&$a, &$o) { require_once(__DIR__ . "/"); $dbstatus = dav_check_tables(); $o = ''; $o .= '' . t("No system-wide settings yet.") . '

'; $o .= '

' . t('Database status') . '

'; switch ($dbstatus) { case 0: $o .= t('Installed'); break; case 1: $o .= t('Upgrade needed') . "

"; break; case -1: $o .= t('Not installed') . "

"; break; } $o .= "

"; $o .= "

" . t("Troubleshooting") . "

"; $o .= "

" . t("Manual creation of the database tables:") . "

"; $o .= "" . t("Show SQL-statements") . ""; }