<?php /** * Name: Mail Stream * Description: Mail all items coming into your network feed to an email address * Version: 2.0 * Author: Matthew Exon <http://mat.exon.name> */ use Friendica\App; use Friendica\Content\Text\BBCode; use Friendica\Core\Hook; use Friendica\Core\Logger; use Friendica\Core\Renderer; use Friendica\Core\System; use Friendica\Core\Worker; use Friendica\Database\DBA; use Friendica\DI; use Friendica\Model\Contact; use Friendica\Model\Item; use Friendica\Model\Post; use Friendica\Model\User; use Friendica\Network\HTTPClient\Client\HttpClientAccept; use Friendica\Protocol\Activity; use Friendica\Util\DateTimeFormat; /** * Sets up the addon hooks and the database table */ function mailstream_install() { Hook::register('addon_settings', 'addon/mailstream/mailstream.php', 'mailstream_addon_settings'); Hook::register('addon_settings_post', 'addon/mailstream/mailstream.php', 'mailstream_addon_settings_post'); Hook::register('post_local_end', 'addon/mailstream/mailstream.php', 'mailstream_post_hook'); Hook::register('post_remote_end', 'addon/mailstream/mailstream.php', 'mailstream_post_hook'); Hook::register('mailstream_send_hook', 'addon/mailstream/mailstream.php', 'mailstream_send_hook'); Logger::info("mailstream: installed"); } /** * Enforces that mailstream_install has set up the current version */ function mailstream_check_version() { if (!is_null(DI::config()->get('mailstream', 'dbversion'))) { DI::config()->delete('mailstream', 'dbversion'); Logger::info("mailstream_check_version: old version detected, reinstalling"); mailstream_install(); Hook::loadHooks(); Hook::add( 'mailstream_convert_table_entries', 'addon/mailstream/mailstream.php', 'mailstream_convert_table_entries' ); Hook::fork(Worker::PRIORITY_LOW, 'mailstream_convert_table_entries'); } } /** * This is a statement rather than an actual function definition. The simple * existence of this method is checked to figure out if the addon offers a * module. */ function mailstream_module() {} /** * Adds an item in "addon features" in the admin menu of the site * * @param string $o HTML form data */ function mailstream_addon_admin(string &$o) { $frommail = DI::config()->get('mailstream', 'frommail'); $template = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('admin.tpl', 'addon/mailstream/'); $config = ['frommail', DI::l10n()->t('From Address'), $frommail, DI::l10n()->t('Email address that stream items will appear to be from.')]; $o .= Renderer::replaceMacros($template, [ '$frommail' => $config, '$submit' => DI::l10n()->t('Save Settings') ]); } /** * Process input from the "addon features" part of the admin menu */ function mailstream_addon_admin_post() { if (!empty($_POST['frommail'])) { DI::config()->set('mailstream', 'frommail', $_POST['frommail']); } } /** * Creates a message ID for a post URI in accordance with RFC 1036 * See also http://www.jwz.org/doc/mid.html * * @param string $uri the URI to be converted to a message ID * * @return string the created message ID */ function mailstream_generate_id(string $uri): string { $host = DI::baseUrl()->getHost(); $resource = hash('md5', $uri); $message_id = "<" . $resource . "@" . $host . ">"; Logger::debug('mailstream: Generated message ID ' . $message_id . ' for URI ' . $uri); return $message_id; } function mailstream_send_hook(array $data) { $criteria = array('uid' => $data['uid'], 'contact-id' => $data['contact-id'], 'uri' => $data['uri']); $item = Post::selectFirst([], $criteria); if (empty($item)) { Logger::error('mailstream_send_hook could not find item'); return; } $user = User::getById($item['uid']); if (empty($user)) { Logger::error('mailstream_send_hook could not fund user', ['uid' => $item['uid']]); return; } if (!mailstream_send($data['message_id'], $item, $user)) { Logger::debug('mailstream_send_hook send failed, will retry', $data); if (!Worker::defer()) { Logger::error('mailstream_send_hook failed and could not defer', $data); } } } /** * Called when either a local or remote post is created. If * mailstream is enabled and the necessary data is available, forks a * workerqueue item to send the email. * * @param array $item content of the item (may or may not already be stored in the item table) * @return void */ function mailstream_post_hook(array &$item) { mailstream_check_version(); if (!DI::pConfig()->get($item['uid'], 'mailstream', 'enabled')) { Logger::debug('mailstream: not enabled.', ['item' => $item['id'], ' uid ' => $item['uid']]); return; } if (!$item['uid']) { Logger::debug('mailstream: no uid for item ' . $item['id']); return; } if (!$item['contact-id']) { Logger::debug('mailstream: no contact-id for item ' . $item['id']); return; } if (!$item['uri']) { Logger::debug('mailstream: no uri for item ' . $item['id']); return; } if ($item['verb'] == Activity::ANNOUNCE) { Logger::debug('mailstream: announce item ', ['item' => $item['id']]); return; } if (DI::pConfig()->get($item['uid'], 'mailstream', 'nolikes')) { if ($item['verb'] == Activity::LIKE) { Logger::debug('mailstream: like item ' . $item['id']); return; } if ($item['verb'] == Activity::DISLIKE) { Logger::debug('mailstream: dislike item ' . $item['id']); return; } } $message_id = mailstream_generate_id($item['uri']); $send_hook_data = [ 'uid' => $item['uid'], 'contact-id' => $item['contact-id'], 'uri' => $item['uri'], 'message_id' => $message_id, 'tries' => 0, ]; Hook::fork(Worker::PRIORITY_LOW, 'mailstream_send_hook', $send_hook_data); } /** * If the user has configured attaching images to emails as * attachments, this function searches the post for such images, * retrieves the image, and inserts the data and metadata into the * supplied array * * @param array $item content of the item * @param array $attachments contains an array element for each attachment to add to the email * * @return array new value of the attachments table (results are also stored in the reference parameter) */ function mailstream_do_images(array &$item, array &$attachments) { if (!DI::pConfig()->get($item['uid'], 'mailstream', 'attachimg')) { return; } $attachments = []; preg_match_all("/\[img\=([0-9]*)x([0-9]*)\](.*?)\[\/img\]/ism", $item["body"], $matches1); preg_match_all("/\[img\](.*?)\[\/img\]/ism", $item["body"], $matches2); preg_match_all("/\[img\=([^\]]*)\]([^[]*)\[\/img\]/ism", $item["body"], $matches3); foreach (array_merge($matches1[3], $matches2[1], $matches3[1]) as $url) { $components = parse_url($url); if (!$components) { continue; } $cookiejar = tempnam(System::getTempPath(), 'cookiejar-mailstream-'); try { $curlResult = DI::httpClient()->fetchFull($url, HttpClientAccept::DEFAULT, 0, $cookiejar); } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) { Logger::error('mailstream_do_images exception fetching url', ['url' => $url, 'item_id' => $item['id']]); continue; } $attachments[$url] = [ 'data' => $curlResult->getBodyString(), 'guid' => hash('crc32', $url), 'filename' => basename($components['path']), 'type' => $curlResult->getContentType() ]; if (strlen($attachments[$url]['data'])) { $item['body'] = str_replace($url, 'cid:' . $attachments[$url]['guid'], $item['body']); continue; } } return $attachments; } /** * Creates a sender to use in the email, either from the contact or the author of the item, or both * * @param array $item content of the item * * @return string sender suitable for use in the email */ function mailstream_sender(array $item): string { $contact = Contact::getById($item['contact-id']); if (DBA::isResult($contact)) { if ($contact['name'] != $item['author-name']) { return $contact['name'] . ' - ' . $item['author-name']; } } return $item['author-name']; } /** * Converts a bbcode-encoded subject line into a plaintext version suitable for the subject line of an email * * @param string $subject bbcode-encoded subject line * @param int $uri_id * * @return string plaintext subject line */ function mailstream_decode_subject(string $subject, int $uri_id): string { $html = BBCode::convertForUriId($uri_id, $subject); if (!$html) { return $subject; } $notags = strip_tags($html); if (!$notags) { return $subject; } $noentity = html_entity_decode($notags); if (!$noentity) { return $notags; } $nocodes = preg_replace_callback("/(&#[0-9]+;)/", function ($m) { return mb_convert_encoding($m[1], 'UTF-8', 'HTML-ENTITIES'); }, $noentity); if (!$nocodes) { return $noentity; } $trimmed = trim($nocodes); if (!$trimmed) { return $nocodes; } return $trimmed; } /** * Creates a subject line to use in the email * * @param array $item content of the item * * @return string subject line suitable for use in the email */ function mailstream_subject(array $item): string { if ($item['title']) { return mailstream_decode_subject($item['title'], $item['uri-id']); } $parent = $item['thr-parent']; // Don't look more than 100 levels deep for a subject, in case of loops for ($i = 0; ($i < 100) && $parent; $i++) { $parent_item = Post::selectFirst(['thr-parent', 'title'], ['uri' => $parent]); if (!DBA::isResult($parent_item)) { break; } if ($parent_item['thr-parent'] === $parent) { break; } if ($parent_item['title']) { return DI::l10n()->t('Re:') . ' ' . mailstream_decode_subject($parent_item['title'], $item['uri-id']); } $parent = $parent_item['thr-parent']; } $contact = Contact::selectFirst([], ['id' => $item['contact-id'], 'uid' => $item['uid']]); if (!DBA::isResult($contact)) { Logger::error( 'mailstream_subject no contact for item', ['id' => $item['id'], 'plink' => $item['plink'], 'contact id' => $item['contact-id'], 'uid' => $item['uid']] ); return DI::l10n()->t("Friendica post"); } if ($contact['network'] === 'dfrn') { return DI::l10n()->t("Friendica post"); } if ($contact['network'] === 'dspr') { return DI::l10n()->t("Diaspora post"); } if ($contact['network'] === 'face') { $text = mailstream_decode_subject($item['body'], $item['uri-id']); // For some reason these do show up in Facebook $text = preg_replace('/\xA0$/', '', $text); $subject = (strlen($text) > 150) ? (substr($text, 0, 140) . '...') : $text; return preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', $subject); } if ($contact['network'] === 'feed') { return DI::l10n()->t("Feed item"); } if ($contact['network'] === 'mail') { return DI::l10n()->t("Email"); } return DI::l10n()->t("Friendica Item"); } /** * Sends a message using PHPMailer * * @param string $message_id ID of the message (RFC 1036) * @param array $item content of the item * @param array $user results from the user table * * @return bool True if this message has been completed. False if it should be retried. */ function mailstream_send(string $message_id, array $item, array $user): bool { if (!is_array($item)) { Logger::error('mailstream_send item is empty', ['message_id' => $message_id]); return false; } if (!$item['visible']) { Logger::debug('mailstream_send item not yet visible', ['item uri' => $item['uri']]); return false; } if (!$message_id) { Logger::error('mailstream_send no message ID supplied', ['item uri' => $item['uri'], 'user email' => $user['email']]); return true; } require_once (dirname(__file__) . '/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php'); $item['body'] = Post\Media::addAttachmentsToBody($item['uri-id'], $item['body']); $attachments = []; mailstream_do_images($item, $attachments); $frommail = DI::config()->get('mailstream', 'frommail'); if ($frommail == '') { $frommail = 'friendica@localhost.local'; } $address = DI::pConfig()->get($item['uid'], 'mailstream', 'address'); if (!$address) { $address = $user['email']; } $mail = new PHPmailer(); try { $mail->XMailer = 'Friendica Mailstream Addon'; $mail->SetFrom($frommail, mailstream_sender($item)); $mail->AddAddress($address, $user['username']); $mail->MessageID = $message_id; $mail->Subject = mailstream_subject($item); if ($item['thr-parent'] != $item['uri']) { $mail->addCustomHeader('In-Reply-To: ' . mailstream_generate_id($item['thr-parent'])); } $mail->addCustomHeader('X-Friendica-Mailstream-URI: ' . $item['uri']); if ($item['plink']) { $mail->addCustomHeader('X-Friendica-Mailstream-Plink: ' . $item['plink']); } $encoding = 'base64'; foreach ($attachments as $url => $image) { $mail->AddStringEmbeddedImage( $image['data'], $image['guid'], $image['filename'], $encoding, $image['type'] ); } $mail->IsHTML(true); $mail->CharSet = 'utf-8'; $template = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('mail.tpl', 'addon/mailstream/'); $mail->AltBody = BBCode::toPlaintext($item['body']); $item['body'] = BBCode::convertForUriId($item['uri-id'], $item['body'], BBCode::CONNECTORS); $item['url'] = DI::baseUrl() . '/display/' . $item['guid']; $mail->Body = Renderer::replaceMacros($template, [ '$upstream' => DI::l10n()->t('Upstream'), '$uri' => DI::l10n()->t('URI'), '$local' => DI::l10n()->t('Local'), '$item' => $item]); $mail->Body = mailstream_html_wrap($mail->Body); if (!$mail->Send()) { throw new Exception($mail->ErrorInfo); } Logger::debug('mailstream_send sent message', ['message ID' => $mail->MessageID, 'subject' => $mail->Subject, 'address' => $address]); } catch (phpmailerException $e) { Logger::debug('mailstream_send PHPMailer exception sending message ' . $message_id . ': ' . $e->errorMessage()); } catch (Exception $e) { Logger::debug('mailstream_send exception sending message ' . $message_id . ': ' . $e->getMessage()); } return true; } /** * Email tends to break if you send excessively long lines. To make * bbcode's output suitable for transmission, we try to break things * up so that lines are about 200 characters. * * @param string $text text to word wrap * @return string wrapped text */ function mailstream_html_wrap(string &$text) { $lines = str_split($text, 200); for ($i = 0; $i < count($lines); $i++) { $lines[$i] = preg_replace('/ /', "\n", $lines[$i], 1); } $text = implode($lines); return $text; } /** * Convert v1 mailstream table entries to v2 workerqueue items */ function mailstream_convert_table_entries() { $ms_item_ids = DBA::selectToArray('mailstream_item', [], ['message-id', 'uri', 'uid', 'contact-id'], ["`mailstream_item`.`completed` IS NULL"]); Logger::debug('mailstream_convert_table_entries processing ' . count($ms_item_ids) . ' items'); foreach ($ms_item_ids as $ms_item_id) { $send_hook_data = array('uid' => $ms_item_id['uid'], 'contact-id' => $ms_item_id['contact-id'], 'uri' => $ms_item_id['uri'], 'message_id' => $ms_item_id['message-id'], 'tries' => 0); if (!$ms_item_id['message-id'] || !strlen($ms_item_id['message-id'])) { Logger::info('mailstream_convert_table_entries: item has no message-id.', ['item' => $ms_item_id['id'], 'uri' => $ms_item_id['uri']]); continue; } Logger::info('mailstream_convert_table_entries: convert item to workerqueue', $send_hook_data); Hook::fork(Worker::PRIORITY_LOW, 'mailstream_send_hook', $send_hook_data); } DBA::e('DROP TABLE `mailstream_item`'); } /** * Form for configuring mailstream features for a user * * @param array $data Hook data array * @throws \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\ServiceUnavailableException */ function mailstream_addon_settings(array &$data) { $enabled = DI::pConfig()->get(DI::userSession()->getLocalUserId(), 'mailstream', 'enabled'); $address = DI::pConfig()->get(DI::userSession()->getLocalUserId(), 'mailstream', 'address'); $nolikes = DI::pConfig()->get(DI::userSession()->getLocalUserId(), 'mailstream', 'nolikes'); $attachimg = DI::pConfig()->get(DI::userSession()->getLocalUserId(), 'mailstream', 'attachimg'); $template = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('settings.tpl', 'addon/mailstream/'); $html = Renderer::replaceMacros($template, [ '$enabled' => [ 'mailstream_enabled', DI::l10n()->t('Enabled'), $enabled ], '$address' => [ 'mailstream_address', DI::l10n()->t('Email Address'), $address, DI::l10n()->t('Leave blank to use your account email address') ], '$nolikes' => [ 'mailstream_nolikes', DI::l10n()->t('Exclude Likes'), $nolikes, DI::l10n()->t('Check this to omit mailing "Like" notifications') ], '$attachimg' => [ 'mailstream_attachimg', DI::l10n()->t('Attach Images'), $attachimg, DI::l10n()->t('Download images in posts and attach them to the email. ' . 'Useful for reading email while offline.') ], ]); $data = [ 'addon' => 'mailstream', 'title' => DI::l10n()->t('Mail Stream Settings'), 'html' => $html, ]; } /** * Process data submitted to user's mailstream features form * @param array $post POST data * @return void */ function mailstream_addon_settings_post(array $post) { if (!DI::userSession()->getLocalUserId() || empty($post['mailstream-submit'])) { return; } if ($post['mailstream_address'] != "") { DI::pConfig()->set(DI::userSession()->getLocalUserId(), 'mailstream', 'address', $post['mailstream_address']); } else { DI::pConfig()->delete(DI::userSession()->getLocalUserId(), 'mailstream', 'address'); } if ($post['mailstream_nolikes']) { DI::pConfig()->set(DI::userSession()->getLocalUserId(), 'mailstream', 'nolikes', $post['mailstream_enabled']); } else { DI::pConfig()->delete(DI::userSession()->getLocalUserId(), 'mailstream', 'nolikes'); } if ($post['mailstream_enabled']) { DI::pConfig()->set(DI::userSession()->getLocalUserId(), 'mailstream', 'enabled', $post['mailstream_enabled']); } else { DI::pConfig()->delete(DI::userSession()->getLocalUserId(), 'mailstream', 'enabled'); } if ($post['mailstream_attachimg']) { DI::pConfig()->set(DI::userSession()->getLocalUserId(), 'mailstream', 'attachimg', $post['mailstream_attachimg']); } else { DI::pConfig()->delete(DI::userSession()->getLocalUserId(), 'mailstream', 'attachimg'); } }