<?php /** * Name: Show More * Description: Collapse posts * Version: 1.0 * Author: Michael Vogel <ike@piratenpartei.de> * based upon NSFW from Mike Macgirvin <http://macgirvin.com/profile/mike> * */ use Friendica\Core\Addon; use Friendica\Core\L10n; use Friendica\Core\PConfig; function showmore_install() { Addon::registerHook('prepare_body', 'addon/showmore/showmore.php', 'showmore_prepare_body'); Addon::registerHook('addon_settings', 'addon/showmore/showmore.php', 'showmore_addon_settings'); Addon::registerHook('addon_settings_post', 'addon/showmore/showmore.php', 'showmore_addon_settings_post'); } function showmore_uninstall() { Addon::unregisterHook('prepare_body', 'addon/showmore/showmore.php', 'showmore_prepare_body'); Addon::unregisterHook('addon_settings', 'addon/showmore/showmore.php', 'showmore_addon_settings'); Addon::unregisterHook('addon_settings_post', 'addon/showmore/showmore.php', 'showmore_addon_settings_post'); } function showmore_addon_settings(&$a,&$s) { if(! local_user()) return; /* Add our stylesheet to the page so we can make our settings look nice */ $a->page['htmlhead'] .= '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.$a->get_baseurl().'/addon/showmore/showmore.css'.'" media="all"/>'."\r\n"; $enable_checked = (intval(PConfig::get(local_user(),'showmore','disable')) ? '' : ' checked="checked"'); $chars = PConfig::get(local_user(),'showmore','chars'); if(!$chars) $chars = '1100'; $s .= '<span id="settings_showmore_inflated" class="settings-block fakelink" style="display: block;" onclick="openClose(\'settings_showmore_expanded\'); openClose(\'settings_showmore_inflated\');">'; $s .= '<h3>' . L10n::t('"Show more" Settings').'</h3>'; $s .= '</span>'; $s .= '<div id="settings_showmore_expanded" class="settings-block" style="display: none;">'; $s .= '<span class="fakelink" onclick="openClose(\'settings_showmore_expanded\'); openClose(\'settings_showmore_inflated\');">'; $s .= '<h3>' . L10n::t('"Show more" Settings').'</h3>'; $s .= '</span>'; $s .= '<div id="showmore-wrapper">'; $s .= '<label id="showmore-enable-label" for="showmore-enable">'.L10n::t('Enable Show More').'</label>'; $s .= '<input id="showmore-enable" type="checkbox" name="showmore-enable" value="1"'.$enable_checked.' />'; $s .= '<div class="clear"></div>'; $s .= '<label id="showmore-label" for="showmore-chars">'.L10n::t('Cutting posts after how much characters').' </label>'; $s .= '<input id="showmore-words" type="text" name="showmore-chars" value="'.$chars.'" />'; $s .= '</div><div class="clear"></div>'; $s .= '<div class="settings-submit-wrapper" ><input type="submit" id="showmore-submit" name="showmore-submit" class="settings-submit" value="' . L10n::t('Save Settings') . '" /></div>'; // $s .= '<div class="showmore-desc">' . L10n::t('Use /expression/ to provide regular expressions') . '</div>'; $s .= '</div>'; return; } function showmore_addon_settings_post(&$a,&$b) { if(! local_user()) return; if($_POST['showmore-submit']) { PConfig::set(local_user(),'showmore','chars',trim($_POST['showmore-chars'])); $enable = ((x($_POST,'showmore-enable')) ? intval($_POST['showmore-enable']) : 0); $disable = 1-$enable; PConfig::set(local_user(),'showmore','disable', $disable); info(L10n::t('Show More Settings saved.') . EOL); } } function get_body_length($body) { $string = trim($body); // DomDocument doesn't like empty strings if(! strlen($string)) { return 0; } // We need to get rid of hidden tags (display: none) // Get rid of the warning. It would be better to have some valid html as input $dom = @DomDocument::loadHTML($body); $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom); /* * Checking any possible syntax of the style attribute with xpath is impossible * So we just get any element with a style attribute, and check them with a regexp */ $xr = $xpath->query('//*[@style]'); foreach($xr as $node) { if(preg_match('/.*display: *none *;.*/',$node->getAttribute('style'))) { // Hidden, remove it from its parent $node->parentNode->removeChild($node); } } // Now we can get the body of our HTML DomDocument, it contains only what is visible $string = $dom->saveHTML(); $string = strip_tags($string); return strlen($string); } function showmore_prepare_body(\Friendica\App $a, &$hook_data) { // No combination with content filters if (!empty($hook_data['filter_reasons'])) { return; } if (PConfig::get(local_user(), 'showmore', 'disable')) { return; } $chars = (int) PConfig::get(local_user(), 'showmore', 'chars'); if (!$chars) { $chars = 1100; } if (get_body_length($hook_data['html']) > $chars) { $found = true; $shortened = trim(showmore_cutitem($hook_data['html'], $chars)) . "..."; } if ($found) { $rnd = random_string(8); $hook_data['html'] = '<span id="showmore-teaser-' . $rnd . '" class="showmore-teaser" style="display: block;">' . $shortened . " " . '<span id="showmore-wrap-' . $rnd . '" style="white-space:nowrap;" class="showmore-wrap fakelink" onclick="openClose(\'showmore-' . $rnd . '\'); openClose(\'showmore-teaser-' . $rnd . '\');" >' . L10n::t('show more') . '</span></span>' . '<div id="showmore-' . $rnd . '" class="showmore-content" style="display: none;">' . $hook_data['html'] . '</div>'; } } function showmore_cutitem($text, $limit) { $text = trim($text); $text = mb_convert_encoding($text, 'HTML-ENTITIES', "UTF-8"); $text = substr($text, 0, $limit); $pos1 = strrpos($text, "<"); $pos2 = strrpos($text, ">"); $pos3 = strrpos($text, "&"); $pos4 = strrpos($text, ";"); if ($pos1 > $pos3) { if ($pos1 > $pos2) $text = substr($text, 0, $pos1); } else { if ($pos3 > $pos4) $text = substr($text, 0, $pos3); } $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->preserveWhiteSpace = false; $doctype = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/loose.dtd">'; @$doc->loadHTML($doctype."<html><body>".$text."</body></html>"); $text = $doc->saveHTML(); $text = str_replace(["<html><body>", "</body></html>", $doctype], ["", "", ""], $text); return($text); }