* Author: Michael Vogel * * Copyright (c) 2011-2013 Tobias Diekershoff, Michael Vogel * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ /*** * We have to alter the TwitterOAuth class a little bit to work with any StatusNet * installation abroad. Basically it's only make the API path variable and be happy. * * Thank you guys for the Twitter compatible API! */ define('STATUSNET_DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL', 5); // given in minutes require_once('library/twitteroauth.php'); class StatusNetOAuth extends TwitterOAuth { function get_maxlength() { $config = $this->get($this->host . 'statusnet/config.json'); return $config->site->textlimit; } function accessTokenURL() { return $this->host.'oauth/access_token'; } function authenticateURL() { return $this->host.'oauth/authenticate'; } function authorizeURL() { return $this->host.'oauth/authorize'; } function requestTokenURL() { return $this->host.'oauth/request_token'; } function __construct($apipath, $consumer_key, $consumer_secret, $oauth_token = NULL, $oauth_token_secret = NULL) { parent::__construct($consumer_key, $consumer_secret, $oauth_token, $oauth_token_secret); $this->host = $apipath; } /** * Make an HTTP request * * @return API results * * Copied here from the twitteroauth library and complemented by applying the proxy settings of friendica */ function http($url, $method, $postfields = NULL) { $this->http_info = array(); $ci = curl_init(); /* Curl settings */ $prx = get_config('system','proxy'); if(strlen($prx)) { curl_setopt($ci, CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL, 1); curl_setopt($ci, CURLOPT_PROXY, $prx); $prxusr = get_config('system','proxyuser'); if(strlen($prxusr)) curl_setopt($ci, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, $prxusr); } curl_setopt($ci, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $this->useragent); curl_setopt($ci, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $this->connecttimeout); curl_setopt($ci, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $this->timeout); curl_setopt($ci, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE); curl_setopt($ci, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Expect:')); curl_setopt($ci, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, $this->ssl_verifypeer); curl_setopt($ci, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, array($this, 'getHeader')); curl_setopt($ci, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE); switch ($method) { case 'POST': curl_setopt($ci, CURLOPT_POST, TRUE); if (!empty($postfields)) { curl_setopt($ci, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postfields); } break; case 'DELETE': curl_setopt($ci, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'DELETE'); if (!empty($postfields)) { $url = "{$url}?{$postfields}"; } } curl_setopt($ci, CURLOPT_URL, $url); $response = curl_exec($ci); $this->http_code = curl_getinfo($ci, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); $this->http_info = array_merge($this->http_info, curl_getinfo($ci)); $this->url = $url; curl_close ($ci); return $response; } } function statusnet_install() { // we need some hooks, for the configuration and for sending tweets register_hook('connector_settings', 'addon/statusnet/statusnet.php', 'statusnet_settings'); register_hook('connector_settings_post', 'addon/statusnet/statusnet.php', 'statusnet_settings_post'); register_hook('notifier_normal', 'addon/statusnet/statusnet.php', 'statusnet_post_hook'); register_hook('post_local', 'addon/statusnet/statusnet.php', 'statusnet_post_local'); register_hook('jot_networks', 'addon/statusnet/statusnet.php', 'statusnet_jot_nets'); register_hook('cron', 'addon/statusnet/statusnet.php', 'statusnet_cron'); logger("installed statusnet"); } function statusnet_uninstall() { unregister_hook('connector_settings', 'addon/statusnet/statusnet.php', 'statusnet_settings'); unregister_hook('connector_settings_post', 'addon/statusnet/statusnet.php', 'statusnet_settings_post'); unregister_hook('notifier_normal', 'addon/statusnet/statusnet.php', 'statusnet_post_hook'); unregister_hook('post_local', 'addon/statusnet/statusnet.php', 'statusnet_post_local'); unregister_hook('jot_networks', 'addon/statusnet/statusnet.php', 'statusnet_jot_nets'); unregister_hook('cron', 'addon/statusnet/statusnet.php', 'statusnet_cron'); // old setting - remove only unregister_hook('post_local_end', 'addon/statusnet/statusnet.php', 'statusnet_post_hook'); unregister_hook('plugin_settings', 'addon/statusnet/statusnet.php', 'statusnet_settings'); unregister_hook('plugin_settings_post', 'addon/statusnet/statusnet.php', 'statusnet_settings_post'); } function statusnet_jot_nets(&$a,&$b) { if(! local_user()) return; $statusnet_post = get_pconfig(local_user(),'statusnet','post'); if(intval($statusnet_post) == 1) { $statusnet_defpost = get_pconfig(local_user(),'statusnet','post_by_default'); $selected = ((intval($statusnet_defpost) == 1) ? ' checked="checked" ' : ''); $b .= '
' . t('Post to StatusNet') . '
'; } } function statusnet_settings_post ($a,$post) { if(! local_user()) return; // don't check statusnet settings if statusnet submit button is not clicked if (!x($_POST,'statusnet-submit')) return; if (isset($_POST['statusnet-disconnect'])) { /*** * if the statusnet-disconnect checkbox is set, clear the statusnet configuration */ del_pconfig(local_user(), 'statusnet', 'consumerkey'); del_pconfig(local_user(), 'statusnet', 'consumersecret'); del_pconfig(local_user(), 'statusnet', 'post'); del_pconfig(local_user(), 'statusnet', 'post_by_default'); del_pconfig(local_user(), 'statusnet', 'oauthtoken'); del_pconfig(local_user(), 'statusnet', 'oauthsecret'); del_pconfig(local_user(), 'statusnet', 'baseapi'); del_pconfig(local_user(), 'statusnet', 'post_taglinks'); del_pconfig(local_user(), 'statusnet', 'lastid'); del_pconfig(local_user(), 'statusnet', 'mirror_posts'); del_pconfig(local_user(), 'statusnet', 'intelligent_shortening'); } else { if (isset($_POST['statusnet-preconf-apiurl'])) { /*** * If the user used one of the preconfigured StatusNet server credentials * use them. All the data are available in the global config. * Check the API Url never the less and blame the admin if it's not working ^^ */ $globalsn = get_config('statusnet', 'sites'); foreach ( $globalsn as $asn) { if ($asn['apiurl'] == $_POST['statusnet-preconf-apiurl'] ) { $apibase = $asn['apiurl']; $c = fetch_url( $apibase . 'statusnet/version.xml' ); if (strlen($c) > 0) { set_pconfig(local_user(), 'statusnet', 'consumerkey', $asn['consumerkey'] ); set_pconfig(local_user(), 'statusnet', 'consumersecret', $asn['consumersecret'] ); set_pconfig(local_user(), 'statusnet', 'baseapi', $asn['apiurl'] ); set_pconfig(local_user(), 'statusnet', 'application_name', $asn['applicationname'] ); } else { notice( t('Please contact your site administrator.
The provided API URL is not valid.').EOL.$asn['apiurl'].EOL ); } } } goaway($a->get_baseurl().'/settings/connectors'); } else { if (isset($_POST['statusnet-consumersecret'])) { // check if we can reach the API of the StatusNet server // we'll check the API Version for that, if we don't get one we'll try to fix the path but will // resign quickly after this one try to fix the path ;-) $apibase = $_POST['statusnet-baseapi']; $c = fetch_url( $apibase . 'statusnet/version.xml' ); if (strlen($c) > 0) { // ok the API path is correct, let's save the settings set_pconfig(local_user(), 'statusnet', 'consumerkey', $_POST['statusnet-consumerkey']); set_pconfig(local_user(), 'statusnet', 'consumersecret', $_POST['statusnet-consumersecret']); set_pconfig(local_user(), 'statusnet', 'baseapi', $apibase ); set_pconfig(local_user(), 'statusnet', 'application_name', $_POST['statusnet-applicationname'] ); } else { // the API path is not correct, maybe missing trailing / ? $apibase = $apibase . '/'; $c = fetch_url( $apibase . 'statusnet/version.xml' ); if (strlen($c) > 0) { // ok the API path is now correct, let's save the settings set_pconfig(local_user(), 'statusnet', 'consumerkey', $_POST['statusnet-consumerkey']); set_pconfig(local_user(), 'statusnet', 'consumersecret', $_POST['statusnet-consumersecret']); set_pconfig(local_user(), 'statusnet', 'baseapi', $apibase ); } else { // still not the correct API base, let's do noting notice( t('We could not contact the StatusNet API with the Path you entered.').EOL ); } } goaway($a->get_baseurl().'/settings/connectors'); } else { if (isset($_POST['statusnet-pin'])) { // if the user supplied us with a PIN from StatusNet, let the magic of OAuth happen $api = get_pconfig(local_user(), 'statusnet', 'baseapi'); $ckey = get_pconfig(local_user(), 'statusnet', 'consumerkey' ); $csecret = get_pconfig(local_user(), 'statusnet', 'consumersecret' ); // the token and secret for which the PIN was generated were hidden in the settings // form as token and token2, we need a new connection to Twitter using these token // and secret to request a Access Token with the PIN $connection = new StatusNetOAuth($api, $ckey, $csecret, $_POST['statusnet-token'], $_POST['statusnet-token2']); $token = $connection->getAccessToken( $_POST['statusnet-pin'] ); // ok, now that we have the Access Token, save them in the user config set_pconfig(local_user(),'statusnet', 'oauthtoken', $token['oauth_token']); set_pconfig(local_user(),'statusnet', 'oauthsecret', $token['oauth_token_secret']); set_pconfig(local_user(),'statusnet', 'post', 1); set_pconfig(local_user(),'statusnet', 'post_taglinks', 1); // reload the Addon Settings page, if we don't do it see Bug #42 goaway($a->get_baseurl().'/settings/connectors'); } else { // if no PIN is supplied in the POST variables, the user has changed the setting // to post a dent for every new __public__ posting to the wall set_pconfig(local_user(),'statusnet','post',intval($_POST['statusnet-enable'])); set_pconfig(local_user(),'statusnet','post_by_default',intval($_POST['statusnet-default'])); set_pconfig(local_user(),'statusnet','post_taglinks',intval($_POST['statusnet-sendtaglinks'])); set_pconfig(local_user(), 'statusnet', 'mirror_posts', intval($_POST['statusnet-mirror'])); set_pconfig(local_user(), 'statusnet', 'intelligent_shortening', intval($_POST['statusnet-shortening'])); info( t('StatusNet settings updated.') . EOL); }}}} } function statusnet_settings(&$a,&$s) { if(! local_user()) return; $a->page['htmlhead'] .= '' . "\r\n"; /*** * 1) Check that we have a base api url and a consumer key & secret * 2) If no OAuthtoken & stuff is present, generate button to get some * allow the user to cancel the connection process at this step * 3) Checkbox for "Send public notices (respect size limitation) */ $api = get_pconfig(local_user(), 'statusnet', 'baseapi'); $ckey = get_pconfig(local_user(), 'statusnet', 'consumerkey' ); $csecret = get_pconfig(local_user(), 'statusnet', 'consumersecret' ); $otoken = get_pconfig(local_user(), 'statusnet', 'oauthtoken' ); $osecret = get_pconfig(local_user(), 'statusnet', 'oauthsecret' ); $enabled = get_pconfig(local_user(), 'statusnet', 'post'); $checked = (($enabled) ? ' checked="checked" ' : ''); $defenabled = get_pconfig(local_user(),'statusnet','post_by_default'); $defchecked = (($defenabled) ? ' checked="checked" ' : ''); $linksenabled = get_pconfig(local_user(),'statusnet','post_taglinks'); $linkschecked = (($linksenabled) ? ' checked="checked" ' : ''); $mirrorenabled = get_pconfig(local_user(),'statusnet','mirror_posts'); $mirrorchecked = (($mirrorenabled) ? ' checked="checked" ' : ''); $shorteningenabled = get_pconfig(local_user(),'statusnet','intelligent_shortening'); $shorteningchecked = (($shorteningenabled) ? ' checked="checked" ' : ''); $s .= ''; $s .= '

'. t('StatusNet Posting Settings').'

'; $s .= '
'; $s .= '
'; } function statusnet_post_local(&$a,&$b) { if($b['edit']) return; if((local_user()) && (local_user() == $b['uid']) && (! $b['private'])) { $statusnet_post = get_pconfig(local_user(),'statusnet','post'); $statusnet_enable = (($statusnet_post && x($_REQUEST,'statusnet_enable')) ? intval($_REQUEST['statusnet_enable']) : 0); // if API is used, default to the chosen settings if($_REQUEST['api_source'] && intval(get_pconfig(local_user(),'statusnet','post_by_default'))) $statusnet_enable = 1; if(! $statusnet_enable) return; if(strlen($b['postopts'])) $b['postopts'] .= ','; $b['postopts'] .= 'statusnet'; } } if (! function_exists( 'short_link' )) { function short_link($url) { require_once('library/slinky.php'); $slinky = new Slinky( $url ); $yourls_url = get_config('yourls','url1'); if ($yourls_url) { $yourls_username = get_config('yourls','username1'); $yourls_password = get_config('yourls', 'password1'); $yourls_ssl = get_config('yourls', 'ssl1'); $yourls = new Slinky_YourLS(); $yourls->set( 'username', $yourls_username ); $yourls->set( 'password', $yourls_password ); $yourls->set( 'ssl', $yourls_ssl ); $yourls->set( 'yourls-url', $yourls_url ); $slinky->set_cascade( array( $yourls, new Slinky_UR1ca(), new Slinky_Trim(), new Slinky_IsGd(), new Slinky_TinyURL() ) ); } else { // setup a cascade of shortening services // try to get a short link from these services // in the order ur1.ca, trim, id.gd, tinyurl $slinky->set_cascade( array( new Slinky_UR1ca(), new Slinky_Trim(), new Slinky_IsGd(), new Slinky_TinyURL() ) ); } return $slinky->short(); } }; function statusnet_shortenmsg($b, $max_char) { require_once("include/api.php"); require_once("include/bbcode.php"); require_once("include/html2plain.php"); $b['body'] = bb_CleanPictureLinks($b['body']); // Looking for the first image $cleaned_body = api_clean_plain_items($b['body']); $image = ''; if(preg_match("/\[img\=([0-9]*)x([0-9]*)\](.*?)\[\/img\]/is",$cleaned_body,$matches)) $image = $matches[3]; if ($image == '') if(preg_match("/\[img\](.*?)\[\/img\]/is",$cleaned_body,$matches)) $image = $matches[1]; $multipleimages = (strpos($cleaned_body, "[img") != strrpos($cleaned_body, "[img")); // When saved into the database the content is sent through htmlspecialchars // That means that we have to decode all image-urls $image = htmlspecialchars_decode($image); $body = $b["body"]; if ($b["title"] != "") $body = $b["title"]."\n\n".$body; if (strpos($body, "[bookmark") !== false) { // splitting the text in two parts: // before and after the bookmark $pos = strpos($body, "[bookmark"); $body1 = substr($body, 0, $pos); $body2 = substr($body, $pos); // Removing all quotes after the bookmark // they are mostly only the content after the bookmark. $body2 = preg_replace("/\[quote\=([^\]]*)\](.*?)\[\/quote\]/ism",'',$body2); $body2 = preg_replace("/\[quote\](.*?)\[\/quote\]/ism",'',$body2); $body = $body1.$body2; } // Add some newlines so that the message could be cut better $body = str_replace(array("[quote", "[bookmark", "[/bookmark]", "[/quote]"), array("\n[quote", "\n[bookmark", "[/bookmark]\n", "[/quote]\n"), $body); // remove the recycle signs and the names since they aren't helpful on twitter // recycle 1 $recycle = html_entity_decode("♲ ", ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $body = preg_replace( '/'.$recycle.'\[url\=(\w+.*?)\](\w+.*?)\[\/url\]/i', "\n", $body); // recycle 2 (Test) $recycle = html_entity_decode("◌ ", ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $body = preg_replace( '/'.$recycle.'\[url\=(\w+.*?)\](\w+.*?)\[\/url\]/i', "\n", $body); // remove the share element //$body = preg_replace("/\[share(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/share\]/ism","\n\n$2\n\n",$body); // At first convert the text to html $html = bbcode(api_clean_plain_items($body), false, false, 2); // Then convert it to plain text //$msg = trim($b['title']." \n\n".html2plain($html, 0, true)); $msg = trim(html2plain($html, 0, true)); $msg = html_entity_decode($msg,ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8'); // Removing multiple newlines while (strpos($msg, "\n\n\n") !== false) $msg = str_replace("\n\n\n", "\n\n", $msg); // Removing multiple spaces while (strpos($msg, " ") !== false) $msg = str_replace(" ", " ", $msg); $origmsg = $msg; // Removing URLs $msg = preg_replace('/(https?\:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\:\/\-\?\&\;\.\=\_\~\#\%\$\!\+\,]+)/i', "", $msg); $msg = trim($msg); $link = ''; // look for bookmark-bbcode and handle it with priority if(preg_match("/\[bookmark\=([^\]]*)\](.*?)\[\/bookmark\]/is",$b['body'],$matches)) $link = $matches[1]; $multiplelinks = (strpos($b['body'], "[bookmark") != strrpos($b['body'], "[bookmark")); // If there is no bookmark element then take the first link if ($link == '') { $links = collecturls($html); if (sizeof($links) > 0) { reset($links); $link = current($links); } $multiplelinks = (sizeof($links) > 1); } $msglink = ""; if ($multiplelinks) $msglink = $b["plink"]; else if ($link != "") $msglink = $link; else if ($multipleimages) $msglink = $b["plink"]; else if ($image != "") $msglink = $image; if (($msglink == "") and strlen($msg) > $max_char) $msglink = $b["plink"]; // If the message is short enough then don't modify it. (if the link exists in the original message) if ((strlen(trim($origmsg)) <= $max_char) AND (($msglink == "") OR strpos($origmsg, $msglink))) return(array("msg"=>trim($origmsg), "image"=>"")); // If the message is short enough and contains a picture then post the picture as well if ((strlen(trim($origmsg)) <= ($max_char - 20)) AND strpos($origmsg, $msglink)) return(array("msg"=>trim($origmsg), "image"=>$image)); // If the message is short enough and the link exists in the original message don't modify it as well if ((strlen(trim($origmsg)) <= $max_char) AND strpos($origmsg, $msglink)) return(array("msg"=>trim($origmsg), "image"=>"")); // Preserve the unshortened link $orig_link = $msglink; if (strlen($msglink) > 20) $msglink = short_link($msglink); if (strlen(trim($msg." ".$msglink)) > $max_char) { $msg = substr($msg, 0, $max_char - (strlen($msglink))); $lastchar = substr($msg, -1); $msg = substr($msg, 0, -1); $pos = strrpos($msg, "\n"); if ($pos > 0) $msg = substr($msg, 0, $pos); else if ($lastchar != "\n") $msg = substr($msg, 0, -3)."..."; } //$msg = str_replace("\n", " ", $msg); // Removing multiple spaces - again while (strpos($msg, " ") !== false) $msg = str_replace(" ", " ", $msg); //return(array("msg"=>trim($msg."\n".$msglink), "image"=>$image)); // Looking if the link points to an image $img_str = fetch_url($orig_link); $tempfile = tempnam(get_config("system","temppath"), "cache"); file_put_contents($tempfile, $img_str); $mime = image_type_to_mime_type(exif_imagetype($tempfile)); unlink($tempfile); if (($image == $orig_link) OR (substr($mime, 0, 6) == "image/")) return(array("msg"=>trim($msg), "image"=>$orig_link)); else if (($image != $orig_link) AND ($image != "") AND (strlen($msg." ".$msglink) <= ($max_char - 20))) return(array("msg"=>trim($msg." ".$msglink)."\n", "image"=>$image)); else return(array("msg"=>trim($msg." ".$msglink), "image"=>"")); } function statusnet_post_hook(&$a,&$b) { /** * Post to statusnet */ if($b['deleted'] || $b['private'] || ($b['created'] !== $b['edited'])) return; if(! strstr($b['postopts'],'statusnet')) return; if($b['parent'] != $b['id']) return; // if posts comes from statusnet don't send it back if($b['app'] == "StatusNet") return; logger('statusnet post invoked'); load_pconfig($b['uid'], 'statusnet'); $api = get_pconfig($b['uid'], 'statusnet', 'baseapi'); $ckey = get_pconfig($b['uid'], 'statusnet', 'consumerkey'); $csecret = get_pconfig($b['uid'], 'statusnet', 'consumersecret'); $otoken = get_pconfig($b['uid'], 'statusnet', 'oauthtoken'); $osecret = get_pconfig($b['uid'], 'statusnet', 'oauthsecret'); $intelligent_shortening = get_pconfig($b['uid'], 'statusnet', 'intelligent_shortening'); // Global setting overrides this if (get_config('statusnet','intelligent_shortening')) $intelligent_shortening = get_config('statusnet','intelligent_shortening'); if($ckey && $csecret && $otoken && $osecret) { require_once('include/bbcode.php'); $dent = new StatusNetOAuth($api,$ckey,$csecret,$otoken,$osecret); $max_char = $dent->get_maxlength(); // max. length for a dent // we will only work with up to two times the length of the dent // we can later send to StatusNet. This way we can "gain" some // information during shortening of potential links but do not // shorten all the links in a 200000 character long essay. $tempfile = ""; $intelligent_shortening = get_config('statusnet','intelligent_shortening'); if (!$intelligent_shortening) { if (! $b['title']=='') { $tmp = $b['title'].": \n".$b['body']; // $tmp = substr($tmp, 0, 4*$max_char); } else { $tmp = $b['body']; // substr($b['body'], 0, 3*$max_char); } // if [url=bla][img]blub.png[/img][/url] get blub.png $tmp = preg_replace( '/\[url\=(https?\:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\:\/\-\?\&\;\.\=\_\~\#\%\$\!\+\,]+)\]\[img\](\\w+.*?)\\[\\/img\]\\[\\/url\]/i', '$2', $tmp); // preserve links to images, videos and audios $tmp = preg_replace( '/\[img\=([0-9]*)x([0-9]*)\](.*?)\[\/img\]/ism', '$3', $tmp); $tmp = preg_replace( '/\[\\/?img(\\s+.*?\]|\])/i', '', $tmp); $tmp = preg_replace( '/\[\\/?video(\\s+.*?\]|\])/i', '', $tmp); $tmp = preg_replace( '/\[\\/?youtube(\\s+.*?\]|\])/i', '', $tmp); $tmp = preg_replace( '/\[\\/?vimeo(\\s+.*?\]|\])/i', '', $tmp); $tmp = preg_replace( '/\[\\/?audio(\\s+.*?\]|\])/i', '', $tmp); $linksenabled = get_pconfig($b['uid'],'statusnet','post_taglinks'); // if a #tag is linked, don't send the [url] over to SN // that is, don't send if the option is not set in the // connector settings if ($linksenabled=='0') { // #-tags $tmp = preg_replace( '/#\[url\=(\w+.*?)\](\w+.*?)\[\/url\]/i', '#$2', $tmp); // @-mentions $tmp = preg_replace( '/@\[url\=(\w+.*?)\](\w+.*?)\[\/url\]/i', '@$2', $tmp); // recycle 1 $recycle = html_entity_decode("♲ ", ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $tmp = preg_replace( '/'.$recycle.'\[url\=(\w+.*?)\](\w+.*?)\[\/url\]/i', $recycle.'$2', $tmp); // recycle 2 (test) $recycle = html_entity_decode("◌ ", ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $tmp = preg_replace( '/'.$recycle.'\[url\=(\w+.*?)\](\w+.*?)\[\/url\]/i', $recycle.'$2', $tmp); } // preserve links to webpages $tmp = preg_replace( '/\[url\=(https?\:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\:\/\-\?\&\;\.\=\_\~\#\%\$\!\+\,]+)\](\w+.*?)\[\/url\]/i', '$2 $1', $tmp); $tmp = preg_replace( '/\[bookmark\=(https?\:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\:\/\-\?\&\;\.\=\_\~\#\%\$\!\+\,]+)\](\w+.*?)\[\/bookmark\]/i', '$2 $1', $tmp); // find all http or https links in the body of the entry and // apply the shortener if the link is longer then 20 characters if (( strlen($tmp)>$max_char ) && ( $max_char > 0 )) { preg_match_all ( '/(https?\:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\:\/\-\?\&\;\.\=\_\~\#\%\$\!\+\,]+)/i', $tmp, $allurls ); foreach ($allurls as $url) { foreach ($url as $u) { if (strlen($u)>20) { $sl = short_link($u); $tmp = str_replace( $u, $sl, $tmp ); } } } } // ok, all the links we want to send out are save, now strip // away the remaining bbcode //$msg = strip_tags(bbcode($tmp, false, false)); $msg = bbcode($tmp, false, false, true); $msg = str_replace(array('
'),"\n",$msg); $msg = strip_tags($msg); // quotes not working - let's try this $msg = html_entity_decode($msg); if (( strlen($msg) > $max_char) && $max_char > 0) { $shortlink = short_link( $b['plink'] ); // the new message will be shortened such that "... $shortlink" // will fit into the character limit $msg = nl2br(substr($msg, 0, $max_char-strlen($shortlink)-4)); $msg = str_replace(array('
'),' ',$msg); $e = explode(' ', $msg); // remove the last word from the cut down message to // avoid sending cut words to the MicroBlog array_pop($e); $msg = implode(' ', $e); $msg .= '... ' . $shortlink; } $msg = trim($msg); $postdata = array('status' => $msg); } else { $msgarr = statusnet_shortenmsg($b, $max_char); $msg = $msgarr["msg"]; $image = $msgarr["image"]; if ($image != "") { $img_str = fetch_url($image); $tempfile = tempnam(get_config("system","temppath"), "cache"); file_put_contents($tempfile, $img_str); $postdata = array("status" => $msg, "media[]" => $tempfile); } else $postdata = array("status"=>$msg); } // and now dent it :-) if(strlen($msg)) { // New code that is able to post pictures require_once("addon/statusnet/codebird.php"); $cb = \CodebirdSN\CodebirdSN::getInstance(); $cb->setAPIEndpoint($api); $cb->setConsumerKey($ckey, $csecret); $cb->setToken($otoken, $osecret); $result = $cb->statuses_update($postdata); //$result = $dent->post('statuses/update', $postdata); logger('statusnet_post send, result: ' . print_r($result, true). "\nmessage: ".$msg, LOGGER_DEBUG."\nOriginal post: ".print_r($b, true)."\nPost Data: ".print_r($postdata, true)); if ($result->error) { logger('Send to StatusNet failed: "' . $result->error . '"'); } } if ($tempfile != "") unlink($tempfile); } } function statusnet_plugin_admin_post(&$a){ $sites = array(); foreach($_POST['sitename'] as $id=>$sitename){ $sitename=trim($sitename); $apiurl=trim($_POST['apiurl'][$id]); if (! (substr($apiurl, -1)=='/')) $apiurl=$apiurl.'/'; $secret=trim($_POST['secret'][$id]); $key=trim($_POST['key'][$id]); $applicationname = ((x($_POST, 'applicationname')) ? notags(trim($_POST['applicationname'][$id])):''); if ($sitename!="" && $apiurl!="" && $secret!="" && $key!="" && !x($_POST['delete'][$id])){ $sites[] = Array( 'sitename' => $sitename, 'apiurl' => $apiurl, 'consumersecret' => $secret, 'consumerkey' => $key, 'applicationname' => $applicationname ); } } $sites = set_config('statusnet','sites', $sites); } function statusnet_plugin_admin(&$a, &$o){ $sites = get_config('statusnet','sites'); $sitesform=array(); if (is_array($sites)){ foreach($sites as $id=>$s){ $sitesform[] = Array( 'sitename' => Array("sitename[$id]", "Site name", $s['sitename'], ""), 'apiurl' => Array("apiurl[$id]", "Api url", $s['apiurl'], t("Base API Path \x28remember the trailing /\x29") ), 'secret' => Array("secret[$id]", "Secret", $s['consumersecret'], ""), 'key' => Array("key[$id]", "Key", $s['consumerkey'], ""), 'applicationname' => Array("applicationname[$id]", "Application name", $s['applicationname'], ""), 'delete' => Array("delete[$id]", "Delete", False , "Check to delete this preset"), ); } } /* empty form to add new site */ $id++; $sitesform[] = Array( 'sitename' => Array("sitename[$id]", t("Site name"), "", ""), 'apiurl' => Array("apiurl[$id]", "Api url", "", t("Base API Path \x28remember the trailing /\x29") ), 'secret' => Array("secret[$id]", t("Consumer Secret"), "", ""), 'key' => Array("key[$id]", t("Consumer Key"), "", ""), 'applicationname' => Array("applicationname[$id]", t("Application name"), "", ""), ); $t = get_markup_template( "admin.tpl", "addon/statusnet/" ); $o = replace_macros($t, array( '$submit' => t('Save Settings'), '$sites' => $sitesform, )); } function statusnet_cron($a,$b) { $last = get_config('statusnet','last_poll'); $poll_interval = intval(get_config('statusnet','poll_interval')); if(! $poll_interval) $poll_interval = STATUSNET_DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL; if($last) { $next = $last + ($poll_interval * 60); if($next > time()) { logger('statusnet: poll intervall not reached'); return; } } logger('statusnet: cron_start'); $r = q("SELECT * FROM `pconfig` WHERE `cat` = 'statusnet' AND `k` = 'mirror_posts' AND `v` = '1' ORDER BY RAND() "); if(count($r)) { foreach($r as $rr) { logger('statusnet: fetching for user '.$rr['uid']); statusnet_fetchtimeline($a, $rr['uid']); } } logger('statusnet: cron_end'); set_config('statusnet','last_poll', time()); } function statusnet_fetchtimeline($a, $uid) { $ckey = get_pconfig($uid, 'statusnet', 'consumerkey'); $csecret = get_pconfig($uid, 'statusnet', 'consumersecret'); $api = get_pconfig($uid, 'statusnet', 'baseapi'); $otoken = get_pconfig($uid, 'statusnet', 'oauthtoken'); $osecret = get_pconfig($uid, 'statusnet', 'oauthsecret'); $lastid = get_pconfig($uid, 'statusnet', 'lastid'); // get the application name for the SN app // 1st try personal config, then system config and fallback to the // hostname of the node if neither one is set. $application_name = get_pconfig( $uid, 'statusnet', 'application_name'); if ($application_name == "") $application_name = get_config('statusnet', 'application_name'); if ($application_name == "") $application_name = $a->get_hostname(); $connection = new StatusNetOAuth($api, $ckey,$csecret,$otoken,$osecret); $parameters = array("exclude_replies" => true, "trim_user" => true, "contributor_details" => false, "include_rts" => false); $first_time = ($lastid == ""); if ($lastid <> "") $parameters["since_id"] = $lastid; $items = $connection->get('statuses/user_timeline', $parameters); if (!is_array($items)) return; $posts = array_reverse($items); if (count($posts)) { foreach ($posts as $post) { if ($post->id > $lastid) $lastid = $post->id; if ($first_time) continue; if ($post->source == "activity") continue; if (is_object($post->retweeted_status)) continue; if ($post->in_reply_to_status_id != "") continue; if (!strpos($post->source, $application_name)) { $_SESSION["authenticated"] = true; $_SESSION["uid"] = $uid; unset($_REQUEST); $_REQUEST["type"] = "wall"; $_REQUEST["api_source"] = true; $_REQUEST["profile_uid"] = $uid; $_REQUEST["source"] = "StatusNet"; //$_REQUEST["date"] = $post->created_at; $_REQUEST["title"] = ""; $_REQUEST["body"] = $post->text; if (is_string($post->place->name)) $_REQUEST["location"] = $post->place->name; if (is_string($post->place->full_name)) $_REQUEST["location"] = $post->place->full_name; if (is_array($post->geo->coordinates)) $_REQUEST["coord"] = $post->geo->coordinates[0]." ".$post->geo->coordinates[1]; if (is_array($post->coordinates->coordinates)) $_REQUEST["coord"] = $post->coordinates->coordinates[1]." ".$post->coordinates->coordinates[0]; //print_r($_REQUEST); if ($_REQUEST["body"] != "") { logger('statusnet: posting for user '.$uid); require_once('mod/item.php'); item_post($a); } } } } set_pconfig($uid, 'statusnet', 'lastid', $lastid); }