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<title>iCalcreator 2.12 summary</title>
<meta name="author" content="Kjell-Inge Gustafsson - kigkonsult" />
<meta name="copyright" content="2007-2012 Kjell-Inge Gustafsson - kigkonsult" />
<meta name="keywords" content="ical, calendar, calender, xcal, xml, icalender, rfc2445, rfc5545, vcalender, php, create" />
<meta name="description" content="iCalcreator summary" />
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<h1>iCalcreator v2.12</h1>
iCalcreator v2.12<br />
copyright (c) 2007-2012 Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult<br />
<a href="http://kigkonsult.se/iCalcreator/index.php" title="kigkonsult.se/iCalcreator" target="_blank">kigkonsult.se iCalcreator</a><br>
<a href="http://kigkonsult.se/contact/index.php" title="kigkonsult.se/contact" target="_blank">kigkonsult.se contact</a><br>
<br />
iCalcreator is a <em>PHP</em> class package managing iCal files, supporting (non-)<strong>calendar</strong>
systems and applications to process and communicate <strong>calendar</strong> information like
events, agendas, tasks, reports, totos and journaling information.
<br /><br />
This is a <b>short summary</b> how to use iCalcreator; create, parse, edit, select and output functionality.
<br /><br />
The iCalcreator package, built of a <strong>calendar</strong> class with support of a function class and helper functions, are <strong>calendar</strong>
component property oriented. Development environment is <em>PHP</em> version 5.x but coding is done
to meet 4.x backward compatibility and may work. Some functions requires <em>PHP</em> >= 5.2.0.
<br /><br />
The iCalcreator main class, utility class and helper functions are included in the "iCalcreator.class.php" file.
<br /><br />
More iCalcreator supplementary and "howto" information will be found at
kigkonsult.se iCalcreator implement examples and test <a href="http://kigkonsult.se/test/index.php" title="kigkonsult.se iCalcreator implement and test examples" target="_blank">pages</a>.
A strong recommendation is to have the document <a href="http://kigkonsult.se/iCalcreator/docs/using.html" title="iCalcreator user's Manual" target="_blank">user's manual</a>
open in parallell when exploiting the link.
A short iCal description is found at <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ICalendar#Core_object" title="iCalendar From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" target="_blank">Wikipedia</a>. If You are not familiar with iCal, read this first!<br />
Knowledge of <strong>calendar</strong> protocol rfc5545/rfc5546 is to recommend;<br />
<a href="http://kigkonsult.se/downloads/dl.php?f=rfc5545" title="RFC5545" target="_blank">rfc5545</a>
- Internet Calendaring and Scheduling Core Object Specification (iCalendar)<br />
<a href="http://kigkonsult.se/downloads/dl.php?f=rfc5546" title="RFC5546" target="_blank">rfc5546</a>
- iCalendar Transport-Independent Interoperability Protocol (iTIP) Scheduling Events, BusyTime, To-dos and Journal Entries <br />
<a href="http://kigkonsult.se/downloads/dl.php?f=rfc5545" title="Download RFC5545 in text format">rfc5545</a> and
<a href="http://kigkonsult.se/downloads/dl.php?f=rfc5546" title="Download RFC5546 in text format">rfc5546</a>
obsoletes, respectively,
<a href="http://kigkonsult.se/downloads/dl.php?f=rfc2445" title="Download RFC2445 in text format">rfc2445</a> and
<a href="http://kigkonsult.se/downloads/dl.php?f=rfc2446" title="Download RFC2446 in text format">rfc2446</a>.
<br />
iCalcreator also supports xCal (iCal xml)<br />
<a href="http://kigkonsult.se/downloads/dl.php?f=rfc6321" title="Download RFC6321 in text format" target="_blank">rfc6321</a>
- "xCal: The XML Format for <strong>iCalendar</strong>"
<br />
The main support channel is using iCalcreator
<a title="Sourceforge" href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/icalcreator/forums/" target="_blank">Sourceforge</a> forum.
<br />
<br />
kigkonsult offer services for software support, design and development of customizations and adaptations of <em>PHP</em>/<em>MySQL</em> solutions
with a special focus on software long term utility and reliability,
supported through our agile acquire/design/transition process model.
<br />
You can show your appreciation for our free software,
and can support future development by making a donation to the kigkonsult GPL/LGPL projects.
<br />
<br />
Make a donation of any size by clicking <a href="http://kigkonsult.se/contact/index.php#Donate" title="Donate" target="_blank">here</a>.
Thanks in advance!
<br />
Use the contact <a href="http://kigkonsult.se/contact/index.php" title="kigkonsult.se/contact" target="_blank">page</a>
for queries, improvement/development issues or professional support and development.
Please note that paid support or consulting service has the highest priority.
<br />
<h4>Downloads and usage examples</h4>
On <a href="http://kigkonsult.se/iCalcreator/index.php" title="kigkonsult iCalcreator" target="_blank">kigkonsult.se</a> can you download the
<a href="http://kigkonsult.se/downloads/index.php#iCalcreator" title="iCalcreator complete manual" target="_blank"><b>complete manual</b></a>
and review
<a href="http://kigkonsult.se/test/index.php" title="kigkonsult.se iCalcreator implement and test examples" target="_blank">coding and test examples</b></a>.
<br />
Unpack to any folder<br />
- add this folder to your include-path<br />
- or unpack to your application-(include)-folder<br />
Add "require_once '[folder/]iCalcreator.class.php';" to your php-script.
<br />
<br />
If using <em>PHP</em> version 5.1 or higher, the default timezone need to be set/altered, now "Europe/Stockholm",
line 50 in the iCalcreator.class.php file.
<br />
When creating a new calendar/component instance, review config settings.
<br />
<br />
To really boost performance, visit kigkonsult.se contact <a href="http://kigkonsult.se/contact/index.php"><u>page</u></a> for information.
<br />
<br />
<p class="code">require_once( "iCalcreator.class.php" );
$config = array( "unique_id" => "kigkonsult.se" ); // <span class="comment">set a (site) unique id</span>
$v = new vcalendar( $config ); // <span class="comment">create a new calendar instance</span>
$tz = "Europe/Stockholm"; // <span class="comment">define time zone</span>
$v->setProperty( "method", "PUBLISH" ); // <span class="comment">required of some <strong>calendar</strong> software</span>
$v->setProperty( "x-wr-calname", "Calendar Sample" ); // <span class="comment">required of some <strong>calendar</strong> software</span>
$v->setProperty( "X-WR-CALDESC", "Calendar Description" ); // <span class="comment">required of some <strong>calendar</strong> software</span>
$v->setProperty( "X-WR-TIMEZONE", $tz ); // <span class="comment">required of some <strong>calendar</strong> software</span>
.. .
$xprops = array( "X-LIC-LOCATION" => $tz ); // <span class="comment">required of some <strong>calendar</strong> software</span>
iCalUtilityFunctions::createTimezone( $v, $tz, $xprops ); // <span class="comment">create timezone component(-s) <b>opt. 1</b></span>
.. . // <span class="comment">based on present date</span>
.. .
$vevent = & $v->newComponent( "vevent" ); // <span class="comment">create an event <strong>calendar</strong> component</span>
$vevent->setProperty( "dtstart", array( "year"=>2007, "month"=>4, "day"=>1, "hour"=>19, "min"=>0, "sec"=>0 ));
$vevent->setProperty( "dtend", array( "year"=>2007, "month"=>4, "day"=>1, "hour"=>22, "min"=>30, "sec"=>0 ));
$vevent->setProperty( "LOCATION", "Central Placa" ); // <span class="comment">property name - case independent</span>
$vevent->setProperty( "summary", "PHP summit" );
$vevent->setProperty( "description", "This is a description" );
$vevent->setProperty( "comment", "This is a comment" );
$vevent->setProperty( "attendee", "attendee1@icaldomain.net" );
.. .
$valarm = & $vevent->newComponent( "valarm" ); // <span class="comment">create an event alarm</span>
$valarm->setProperty("action", "DISPLAY" );
$valarm->setProperty("description", $vevent->getProperty( "description" );
.. . // <span class="comment">reuse the event description</span>
.. .
$d = sprintf( '%04d%02d%02d %02d%02d%02d', 2007, 3, 31, 15, 0, 0 );
iCalUtilityFunctions::transformDateTime( $d, $tz, "UTC", "Ymd\THis\Z");
$valarm->setProperty( "trigger", $d ); // <span class="comment">create alarm trigger (in UTC datetime)</span>
.. .
$vevent = & $v->newComponent( "vevent" ); // <span class="comment">create next event calendar component</span>
$vevent->setProperty( "dtstart", "20070401", array("VALUE" => "DATE"));// <span class="comment">alt. date format, now for an all-day event</span>
$vevent->setProperty( "organizer" , "boss@icaldomain.com" );
$vevent->setProperty( "summary", "ALL-DAY event" );
$vevent->setProperty( "description", "This is a description for an all-day event" );
$vevent->setProperty( "resources", "COMPUTER PROJECTOR" );
$vevent->setProperty( "rrule", array( "FREQ" => "WEEKLY", "count" => 4));// <span class="comment">weekly, four occasions</span>
$vevent->parse( "LOCATION:1CP Conference Room 4350" ); // <span class="comment">supporting parse of strict rfc5545 formatted text</span>
.. .
.. .// <span class="comment">all calendar components are described in <a href="http://kigkonsult.se/downloads/dl.php?f=rfc5545" title="RFC5545" target="_blank">rfc5545</a></span>
.. .// <span class="comment">a complete iCalcreator function list (ex. setProperty) in <a href="http://kigkonsult.se/downloads/index.php#iCalcreator" title="iCalcreator complete manual" target="_blank">iCalcreator manual</a></span>
.. .
iCalUtilityFunctions::createTimezone( $v, $tz, $xprops); // <span class="comment">create timezone component(-s) <b>opt. 2</b></span>
.. . // <span class="comment">based on all start dates in events (i.e. dtstart)</span>
.. .
.. .
<br />
<br />
<h4>iCal, rfc5545 / rfc2445 </h4>
<p class="code">require_once( "iCalcreator.class.php" );
$config = array( "unique_id" => "kigkonsult.se" ); // <span class="comment">set a (site) unique id, required if any component UID is missing</span>
$v = new vcalendar( $config ); // <span class="comment">create a new <strong>calendar</strong> instance</span>
/* start parse of local iCal file */
$config = array( "directory" => "calendar", "filename" => "file.ics" );
$v->setConfig( $config ); // <span class="comment">set directory and file name</span>
/* start parse of remote iCal file */
$v->setConfig( "url", "http://www.aDomain.net/file.ics" ); // <span class="comment">iCalcreator also support parse of remote files</span>
$v->setProperty( "method", "PUBLISH" ); // <span class="comment">required of some <strong>calendar</strong> software</span>
$v->setProperty( "x-wr-calname", "Calendar Sample" ); // <span class="comment">required of some <strong>calendar</strong> software</span>
$v->setProperty( "X-WR-CALDESC", "Calendar Description" ); // <span class="comment">required of some <strong>calendar</strong> software</span>
$v->setProperty( "X-WR-TIMEZONE", "Europe/Stockholm" ); // <span class="comment">required of some <strong>calendar</strong> software</span>
.. .
$v->sort(); // <span class="comment">ensure start date order</span>
.. .
.. . // <span class="comment">continue process (edit, parse,select) the iCalcreator instance</span>
.. .
<h4>xCal, rfc6321 (XML)</h4>
<p class="code">require_once( "iCalcreator.class.php" );
$config = array( "unique_id" => "kigkonsult.se" ); // <span class="comment">set a (site) unique id, required if any component UID is missing</span>
.. .
$filename = 'xmlfile.xml'; // <span class="comment">use a local xCal file</span>
// $filename = 'http://kigkonsult.se/xcal.php?a=1&b=2&c=3';// <span class="comment">or a remote xCal resource</span>
if( FALSE === ( $v = XMLfile2iCal( $filename, $config ))) // <span class="comment">convert the XML resource to an iCalcreator instance</span>
exit( "Error when parsing $filename" );
.. .
.. . // <span class="comment">continue process (edit, parse,select) the iCalcreator instance</span>
.. .
<br />
<p class="code">require_once( "iCalcreator.class.php" );
$config = array( "unique_id" => "kigkonsult.se", "directory" => "calendar", "filename" => "file.ics" );
// <span class="comment">set the (site) unique id, the import directory and file name</span>
$v = new vcalendar( $config ); // <span class="comment">create a new calendar instance</span>
$v->setProperty( "method", "PUBLISH" ); // <span class="comment">required of some <strong>calendar</strong> software</span>
$v->setProperty( "x-wr-calname", "Calendar Sample" ); // <span class="comment">required of some <strong>calendar</strong> software</span>
$v->setProperty( "X-WR-CALDESC", "Calendar Description" ); // <span class="comment">required of some <strong>calendar</strong> software</span>
$v->setProperty( "X-WR-TIMEZONE", "Europe/Stockholm" ); // <span class="comment">required of some <strong>calendar</strong> software</span>
while( $vevent = $v->getComponent( "vevent" )) { // <span class="comment">read events, one by one</span>
$uid = $vevent->getProperty( "uid" ); // <span class="comment">uid required, one occurrence (unique id/key for component)</span>
.. .
$dtstart = $vevent->getProperty( "dtstart" ); // <span class="comment">dtstart required, one occurrence</span>
.. .
if( $description = $vevent->getProperty( "description", 1 )) { // <span class="comment">description optional, first occurrence</span>
.. . // <span class="comment">edit the description</span>
$vevent->setProperty( "description", $description, FALSE, 1 ); // <span class="comment">update/replace the description</span>
while( $comment = $vevent->getProperty( "comment" )) { // <span class="comment">comment optional, may occur more than once </span>
.. . // <span class="comment">manage comments</span>
.. .
while( $vevent->deleteProperty( "attendee" ))
continue; // <span class="comment">remove all ATTENDEE properties .. .</span>
.. .
$v->setComponent ( $vevent, $uid ); // <span class="comment">update/replace event in calendar with <b>UID</b> as key </span>
.. .
.. .// <span class="comment">a complete iCalcreator function list (ex. getProperty, deleteProperty) in <a href="http://kigkonsult.se/downloads/index.php#iCalcreator" title="iCalcreator complete manual" target="_blank">iCalcreator manual</a></span>
.. .
<br />
<br />
<p class="code">require_once( "iCalcreator.class.php" );
$config = array( "unique_id" => "kigkonsult.se" ); // <span class="comment">set a (site) unique id</span>
$v = new vcalendar( $config ); // <span class="comment">create a new <strong>calendar</strong> instance</span>
$v->setConfig( "url", "http://www.aDomain.net/file.ics" ); // <span class="comment">iCalcreator also support remote files</span>
$v->sort(); // <span class="comment">ensure start date order</span>
$v->setProperty( "method", "PUBLISH" ); // <span class="comment">required of some <strong>calendar</strong> software</span>
$v->setProperty( "x-wr-calname", "Calendar Sample" ); // <span class="comment">required of some <strong>calendar</strong> software</span>
$v->setProperty( "X-WR-CALDESC", "Calendar Description" ); // <span class="comment">required of some <strong>calendar</strong> software</span>
$v->setProperty( "X-WR-TIMEZONE", "Europe/Stockholm" ); // <span class="comment">required of some <strong>calendar</strong> software</span>
<h4>Select components based on specific date period</h4>
<p class="code">$eventArray = $v->selectComponents(); // <span class="comment">select components occurring <b>today</b></span>
// <span class="comment">(including components with recurrence pattern)</span>
foreach( $eventArray as $year => $yearArray) {
foreach( $yearArray as $month => $monthArray ) {
foreach( $monthArray as $day => $dailyEventsArray ) {
foreach( $dailyEventsArray as $vevent ) {
$currddate = $event->getProperty( "x-current-dtstart" );
// <span class="comment">if member of a recurrence set (2nd occurrence etc)</span>
// <span class="comment">returns array( "x-current-dtstart"</span>
// <span class="comment"> , <(string) date("Y-m-d [H:i:s][timezone/UTC offset]")>)</span>
$dtstart = $vevent->getProperty( "dtstart" ); // <span class="comment">dtstart required, one occurrence, (orig. start date)</span>
$summary = $vevent->getProperty( "summary" );
$description = $vevent->getProperty( "description" );
.. .
.. .
<h4>Select specific property values</h4>
<p class="code">$valueOccur = $v->getProperty( "RESOURCES" ); // <span class="comment">fetch specific property (unique) values and occurrences</span>
// <span class="comment">ATTENDEE, CATEGORIES, DTSTART, LOCATION,</span>
// <span class="comment">ORGANIZER, PRIORITY, RESOURCES, STATUS,</span>
// <span class="comment">SUMMARY, UID</span>
foreach( $valueOccur as $uniqueValue => $occurCnt ) {
echo "The RESOURCES value <b>$uniqueValue</b> occurs <b>$occurCnt</b> times<br />";
.. .
<h4>Select components based on specific property value</h4>
<p class="code">$selectSpec = array( "CATEGORIES" => "course1" );
$specComps = $v->selectComponents( $selectSpec ); // <span class="comment">selects components based on specific property value(-s)</span>
// <span class="comment">ATTENDEE, CATEGORIES, LOCATION, ORGANIZER,</span>
// <span class="comment">PRIORITY, RESOURCES, STATUS, SUMMARY, UID</span>
foreach( $specComps as $comp ) {
.. .
<br />
<br />
<p class="code">require_once( "iCalcreator.class.php" );
$config = array( "unique_id" => "kigkonsult.se" ); // <span class="comment">set a (site) unique id</span>
$v = new vcalendar( $config ); // <span class="comment">create a new calendar instance</span>
$v->setProperty( "method", "PUBLISH" ); // <span class="comment">required of some <strong>calendar</strong> software</span>
$v->setProperty( "x-wr-calname", "Calendar Sample" ); // <span class="comment">required of some <strong>calendar</strong> software</span>
$v->setProperty( "X-WR-CALDESC", "Calendar Description" ); // <span class="comment">required of some <strong>calendar</strong> software</span>
$v->setProperty( "X-WR-TIMEZONE", "Europe/Stockholm" ); // <span class="comment">required of some <strong>calendar</strong> software</span>
.. .
.. . // <span class="comment">continue process (edit, parse,select) the iCalcreator instance</span>
.. .
<h4>opt 1</h4>
<p class="code">.. .
$v->returnCalendar(); // <span class="comment">redirect calendar file to browser</span>
<h4>opt 2</h4>
<p class="code">.. .
$config = array( "directory" => "depot", "filename" => "calendar.ics" );
$v->setConfig( $config ); // <span class="comment">set output directory and file name</span>
$v->saveCalendar(); // <span class="comment">save calendar to (local) file</span>
.. .
<h4>opt 3, xCal</h4>
<p class="code">.. .
$xmlstr = iCal2XML( $v ); // <span class="comment">create well-formed XML, rfc6321</span>
<br />
<br />
iCalcreator v2.12<br />
copyright (c) 2007-2012 Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult<br />
<a href="http://kigkonsult.se/iCalcreator/index.php" title="kigkonsult.se/iCalcreator" target="_blank">kigkonsult.se iCalcreator</a><br>
<a href="http://kigkonsult.se/contact/index.php" title="kigkonsult.se/contact" target="_blank">kigkonsult.se contact</a><br>
<br />
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
<br /><br />
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
<br /><br />
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
or download it <a href="http://kigkonsult.se/downloads/dl.php?f=LGPL" target="_blank">here</a>.
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