
510 lines
24 KiB

* @param wdcal_local $localization
* @param string $baseurl
* @param int $uid
* @param int $calendar_id
* @param int $uri
* @param string $recurr_uri
* @return string
function wdcal_getEditPage_str(&$localization, $baseurl, $uid, $calendar_id, $uri, $recurr_uri = "")
$server = dav_create_server(true, true, false);
if ($uri > 0) {
$calendar = dav_get_current_user_calendar_by_id($server, $calendar_id, DAV_ACL_WRITE);
if (!$calendar) {
$calendar = dav_get_current_user_calendar_by_id($server, $calendar_id, DAV_ACL_READ);
$calendars = array();
} else {
$calendars = dav_get_current_user_calendars($server, DAV_ACL_WRITE);
if ($calendar == null) return "Calendar not found";
$obj_uri = Sabre_CalDAV_Backend_Common::loadCalendarobjectById($uri);
$vObject = dav_get_current_user_calendarobject($server, $calendar, $obj_uri["uri"], DAV_ACL_WRITE);
$component = dav_get_eventComponent($vObject);
if ($component == null) return t('Could not open component for editing');
/** @var Sabre_VObject_Property_DateTime $dtstart */
$dtstart = $component->__get("DTSTART");
$event = array(
"id" => IntVal($uri),
"Summary" => ($component->__get("SUMMARY") ? $component->__get("SUMMARY")->value : null),
"StartTime" => $dtstart->getDateTime()->getTimeStamp(),
"EndTime" => Sabre_CalDAV_Backend_Common::getDtEndTimeStamp($component),
"IsAllDayEvent" => (strlen($dtstart->value) == 8),
"Description" => ($component->__get("DESCRIPTION") ? $component->__get("DESCRIPTION")->value : null),
"Location" => ($component->__get("LOCATION") ? $component->__get("LOCATION")->value : null),
"Color" => ($component->__get("X-ANIMEXX-COLOR") ? $component->__get("X-ANIMEXX-COLOR")->value : null),
$exdates = $component->select("EXDATE");
$recurrentce_exdates = array();
/** @var Sabre_VObject_Property_MultiDateTime $x */
foreach ($exdates as $x) {
/** @var DateTime $y */
$z = $x->getDateTimes();
foreach ($z as $y) $recurrentce_exdates[] = $y->getTimeStamp();
if ($component->select("RRULE")) $recurrence = new Sabre_VObject_RecurrenceIterator($vObject, (string)$component->__get("UID"));
else $recurrence = null;
} elseif (isset($_REQUEST["start"]) && $_REQUEST["start"] > 0) {
$calendars = dav_get_current_user_calendars($server, DAV_ACL_WRITE);
$calendar = dav_get_current_user_calendar_by_id($server, $calendar_id, DAV_ACL_WRITE);
$event = array(
"id" => 0,
"Summary" => $_REQUEST["title"],
"StartTime" => InTVal($_REQUEST["start"]),
"EndTime" => IntVal($_REQUEST["end"]),
"IsAllDayEvent" => $_REQUEST["isallday"],
"Description" => "",
"Location" => "",
"Color" => "#5858ff",
if ($_REQUEST["isallday"]) {
$notifications = array(array("rel" => "start", "type" => "duration", "period" => "hour", "period_val" => 24));
} else {
$notifications = array(array("rel" => "start", "type" => "duration", "period" => "hour", "period_val" => 1));
$recurrence = null;
$recurrentce_exdates = array();
} else {
$calendars = dav_get_current_user_calendars($server, DAV_ACL_WRITE);
$calendar = dav_get_current_user_calendar_by_id($server, $calendar_id, DAV_ACL_WRITE);
$event = array(
"id" => 0,
"Summary" => "",
"StartTime" => time(),
"EndTime" => time() + 3600,
"IsAllDayEvent" => "0",
"Description" => "",
"Location" => "",
"Color" => "#5858ff",
$notifications = array(array("rel" => "start", "type" => "duration", "period" => "hour", "period_val" => 1));
$recurrence = null;
$recurrentce_exdates = array();
$postto = $baseurl . "/dav/wdcal/" . ($uri == 0 ? "new/" : $calendar_id . "/" . $uri . "/edit/");
$out = "<a href='" . $baseurl . "/dav/wdcal/'>" . t("Go back to the calendar") . "</a><br><br>";
$out .= "<form method='POST' action='$postto'>
<input type='hidden' name='form_security_token' value='" . get_form_security_token('caledit') . "'>\n";
$out .= "<h2>" .t("Event data") . "</h2>";
$out .= "<label for='calendar'>" . t("Calendar") . ":</label><select name='calendar' size='1'>";
foreach ($calendars as $cal) {
$prop = $cal->getProperties(array("id", DAV_DISPLAYNAME));
$out .= "<option value='" . $prop["id"] . "' ";
if ($prop["id"] == $calendar_id) $out .= "selected";
$out .= ">" . escape_tags($prop[DAV_DISPLAYNAME]) . "</option>\n";
$out .= "</select><br>\n";
$out .= "<label class='block' for='cal_summary'>" . t("Subject") . ":</label>
<input name='color' id='cal_color' value='" . (strlen($event["Color"]) != 7 ? "#5858ff" : escape_tags($event["Color"])) . "'>
<input name='summary' id='cal_summary' value='" . escape_tags($event["Summary"]) . "'><br>\n";
$out .= "<label class='block' for='cal_allday'>Is All-Day event:</label><input type='checkbox' name='allday' id='cal_allday' " . ($event["IsAllDayEvent"] ? "checked" : "") . "><br>\n";
$out .= "<label class='block' for='cal_startdate'>" . t("Starts") . ":</label>";
$out .= "<input name='start_date' value='" . $localization->dateformat_datepicker_php($event["StartTime"]) . "' id='cal_start_date'>";
$out .= "<input name='start_time' value='" . date("H:i", $event["StartTime"]) . "' id='cal_start_time'>";
$out .= "<br>\n";
$out .= "<label class='block' for='cal_enddate'>" . t("Ends") . ":</label>";
$out .= "<input name='end_date' value='" . $localization->dateformat_datepicker_php($event["EndTime"]) . "' id='cal_end_date'>";
$out .= "<input name='end_time' value='" . date("H:i", $event["EndTime"]) . "' id='cal_end_time'>";
$out .= "<br>\n";
$out .= "<label class='block' for='cal_location'>" . t("Location") . ":</label><input name='location' id='cal_location' value='" . escape_tags($event["Location"]) . "'><br>\n";
$out .= "<label class='block' for='event-desc-textarea'>" . t("Description") . ":</label> <textarea id='event-desc-textarea' name='wdcal_desc' style='vertical-align: top; width: 400px; height: 100px;'>" . escape_tags($event["Description"]) . "</textarea>";
$out .= "<br style='clear: both;'>";
$out .= "<h2>" .t("Recurrence") . "</h2>";
$out .= "<label class='block' for='rec_frequency'>" . t("Frequency") . ":</label> <select id='rec_frequency' name='rec_frequency' size='1'>";
$out .= "<option value=''>" . t("None") . "</option>\n";
$out .= "<option value='daily' "; if ($recurrence && $recurrence->frequency == "daily") $out .= "selected"; $out .= ">" . t("Daily") . "</option>\n";
$out .= "<option value='weekly' "; if ($recurrence && $recurrence->frequency == "weekly") $out .= "selected"; $out .= ">" . t("Weekly") . "</option>\n";
$out .= "<option value='monthly' "; if ($recurrence && $recurrence->frequency == "monthly") $out .= "selected"; $out .= ">" . t("Monthly") . "</option>\n";
$out .= "<option value='yearly' "; if ($recurrence && $recurrence->frequency == "yearly") $out .= "selected"; $out .= ">" . t("Yearly") . "</option>\n";
$out .="</select><br>\n";
$out .= "<div id='rec_details'>";
$select = "<select id='rec_interval' name='rec_interval' size='1'>";
for ($i = 1; $i < 50; $i++) {
$select .= "<option value='$i' ";
if ($recurrence && $i == $recurrence->interval) $select .= "selected";
$select .= ">$i</option>\n";
$select .= "</select>";
$time = "<span class='rec_daily'>" . t("days") . "</span>";
$time .= "<span class='rec_weekly'>" . t("weeks") . "</span>";
$time .= "<span class='rec_monthly'>" . t("months") . "</span>";
$time .= "<span class='rec_yearly'>" . t("years") . "</span>";
$out .= "<label class='block' for='rev_interval'>" . t("Interval") . ":</label> " . str_replace(array("%select%", "%time%"), array($select, $time), t("All %select% %time%")) . "<br>";
$out .= "<div class='rec_daily'>";
$out .= "<label class='block'>" . t("Days") . ":</label>";
if ($recurrence && $recurrence->byDay) {
$byday = $recurrence->byDay;
} else {
$byday = array("MO", "TU", "WE", "TH", "FR", "SA", "SU");
if ($localization->getFirstDayOfWeek() == 0) {
$out .= "<label class='plain'><input class='rec_daily_byday' type='checkbox' name='rec_daily_byday[]' value='SU' "; if (in_array("SU", $byday)) $out .= "checked"; $out .= ">" . t("Sunday") . "</label> &nbsp; ";
$out .= "<label class='plain'><input class='rec_daily_byday' type='checkbox' name='rec_daily_byday[]' value='MO' "; if (in_array("MO", $byday)) $out .= "checked"; $out .= ">" . t("Monday") . "</label> &nbsp; ";
$out .= "<label class='plain'><input class='rec_daily_byday' type='checkbox' name='rec_daily_byday[]' value='TU' "; if (in_array("TU", $byday)) $out .= "checked"; $out .= ">" . t("Tuesday") . "</label> &nbsp; ";
$out .= "<label class='plain'><input class='rec_daily_byday' type='checkbox' name='rec_daily_byday[]' value='WE' "; if (in_array("WE", $byday)) $out .= "checked"; $out .= ">" . t("Wednesday") . "</label> &nbsp; ";
$out .= "<label class='plain'><input class='rec_daily_byday' type='checkbox' name='rec_daily_byday[]' value='TH' "; if (in_array("TH", $byday)) $out .= "checked"; $out .= ">" . t("Thursday") . "</label> &nbsp; ";
$out .= "<label class='plain'><input class='rec_daily_byday' type='checkbox' name='rec_daily_byday[]' value='FR' "; if (in_array("FR", $byday)) $out .= "checked"; $out .= ">" . t("Friday") . "</label> &nbsp; ";
$out .= "<label class='plain'><input class='rec_daily_byday' type='checkbox' name='rec_daily_byday[]' value='SA' "; if (in_array("SA", $byday)) $out .= "checked"; $out .= ">" . t("Saturday") . "</label> &nbsp; ";
if ($localization->getFirstDayOfWeek() != 0) {
$out .= "<label class='plain'><input class='rec_daily_byday' type='checkbox' name='rec_daily_byday[]' value='SU' "; if (in_array("SU", $byday)) $out .= "checked"; $out .= ">" . t("Sunday") . "</label> &nbsp; ";
$out .= "</div>";
$out .= "<div class='rec_weekly'>";
$out .= "<label class='block'>" . t("Days") . ":</label>";
if ($recurrence && $recurrence->byDay) {
$byday = $recurrence->byDay;
} else {
$byday = array("MO", "TU", "WE", "TH", "FR", "SA", "SU");
if ($localization->getFirstDayOfWeek() == 0) {
$out .= "<label class='plain'><input class='rec_weekly_byday' type='checkbox' name='rec_weekly_byday[]' value='SU' "; if (in_array("SU", $byday)) $out .= "checked"; $out .= ">" . t("Sunday") . "</label> &nbsp; ";
$out .= "<label class='plain'><input class='rec_weekly_byday' type='checkbox' name='rec_weekly_byday[]' value='MO' "; if (in_array("MO", $byday)) $out .= "checked"; $out .= ">" . t("Monday") . "</label> &nbsp; ";
$out .= "<label class='plain'><input class='rec_weekly_byday' type='checkbox' name='rec_weekly_byday[]' value='TU' "; if (in_array("TU", $byday)) $out .= "checked"; $out .= ">" . t("Tuesday") . "</label> &nbsp; ";
$out .= "<label class='plain'><input class='rec_weekly_byday' type='checkbox' name='rec_weekly_byday[]' value='WE' "; if (in_array("WE", $byday)) $out .= "checked"; $out .= ">" . t("Wednesday") . "</label> &nbsp; ";
$out .= "<label class='plain'><input class='rec_weekly_byday' type='checkbox' name='rec_weekly_byday[]' value='TH' "; if (in_array("TH", $byday)) $out .= "checked"; $out .= ">" . t("Thursday") . "</label> &nbsp; ";
$out .= "<label class='plain'><input class='rec_weekly_byday' type='checkbox' name='rec_weekly_byday[]' value='FR' "; if (in_array("FR", $byday)) $out .= "checked"; $out .= ">" . t("Friday") . "</label> &nbsp; ";
$out .= "<label class='plain'><input class='rec_weekly_byday' type='checkbox' name='rec_weekly_byday[]' value='SA' "; if (in_array("SA", $byday)) $out .= "checked"; $out .= ">" . t("Saturday") . "</label> &nbsp; ";
if ($localization->getFirstDayOfWeek() != 0) {
$out .= "<label class='plain'><input class='rec_weekly_byday' type='checkbox' name='rec_weekly_byday[]' value='SU' "; if (in_array("SU", $byday)) $out .= "checked"; $out .= ">" . t("Sunday") . "</label> &nbsp; ";
$out .= "<br>";
$out .= "<label class='block'>" . t("First day of week:") . "</label>";
if ($recurrence && $recurrence->weekStart != "") $wkst = $recurrence->weekStart;
else {
if ($localization->getFirstDayOfWeek() == 0) $wkst = "SU";
else $wkst = "MO";
$out .= "<label class='plain'><input type='radio' name='rec_weekly_wkst' value='SU' "; if ($wkst == "SU") $out .= "checked"; $out .= ">" . t("Sunday") . "</label> &nbsp; ";
$out .= "<label class='plain'><input type='radio' name='rec_weekly_wkst' value='MO' "; if ($wkst == "MO") $out .= "checked"; $out .= ">" . t("Monday") . "</label><br>\n";
$out .= "</div>";
$monthly_rule = "bymonthday"; // @TODO
$out .= "<div class='rec_monthly'>";
$out .= "<label class='block' name='rec_monthly_day'>" . t("Day of month") . ":</label>";
$out .= "<select id='rec_monthly_day' name='rec_monthly_day' size='1'>";
$out .= "<option value='bymonthday' "; if ($monthly_rule == "bymonthday") $out .= "selected"; $out .= ">" . t("#num#th of each month") . "</option>\n";
$out .= "<option value='bymonthday_neg' "; if ($monthly_rule == "bymonthday_neg") $out .= "selected"; $out .= ">" . t("#num#th-last of each month") . "</option>\n";
$out .= "<option value='byday' "; if ($monthly_rule == "byday") $out .= "selected"; $out .= ">" . t("#num#th #wkday# of each month") . "</option>\n";
$out .= "<option value='byday_neg' "; if ($monthly_rule == "byday_neg") $out .= "selected"; $out .= ">" . t("#num#th-last #wkday# of each month") . "</option>\n";
$out .= "</select>";
$out .= "</div>\n";
$out .= "<div class='rec_yearly'>";
$out .= "<label class='block' name='rec_yearly_day'>" . t("Month") . ":</label> <span class='rec_month_name'>#month#</span><br>\n";
$out .= "<label class='block' name='rec_yearly_day'>" . t("Day of month") . ":</label>";
$out .= "<select id='rec_yearly_day' name='rec_yearly_day' size='1'>";
$out .= "<option value='bymonthday' "; if ($monthly_rule == "bymonthday") $out .= "selected"; $out .= ">" . t("#num#th of each month") . "</option>\n";
$out .= "<option value='bymonthday_neg' "; if ($monthly_rule == "bymonthday_neg") $out .= "selected"; $out .= ">" . t("#num#th-last of each month") . "</option>\n";
$out .= "<option value='byday' "; if ($monthly_rule == "byday") $out .= "selected"; $out .= ">" . t("#num#th #wkday# of each month") . "</option>\n";
$out .= "<option value='byday_neg' "; if ($monthly_rule == "byday_neg") $out .= "selected"; $out .= ">" . t("#num#th-last #wkday# of each month") . "</option>\n";
$out .= "</select>";
$out .= "</div>\n";
if ($recurrence) {
$until = $recurrence->until;
$count = $recurrence->count;
if (is_a($until, "DateTime")) {
/** @var DateTime $until */
$rule_type = "date";
$rule_until_date = $until->getTimestamp();
$rule_until_count = 1;
} elseif ($count > 0) {
$rule_type = "count";
$rule_until_date = time();
$rule_until_count = $count;
} else {
$rule_type = "infinite";
$rule_until_date = time();
$rule_until_count = 1;
} else {
$rule_type = "infinite";
$rule_until_date = time();
$rule_until_count = 1;
$out .= "<label class='block' for='rec_until_type'>" . t("Repeat until") . ":</label> ";
$out .= "<select name='rec_until_type' id='rec_until_type' size='1'>";
$out .= "<option value='infinite' "; if ($rule_type == "infinite") $out .= "selected"; $out .= ">" . t("Infinite") . "</option>\n";
$out .= "<option value='date' "; if ($rule_type == "date") $out .= "selected"; $out .= ">" . t("Until the following date") . ":</option>\n";
$out .= "<option value='count' "; if ($rule_type == "count") $out .= "selected"; $out .= ">" . t("Number of times") . ":</option>\n";
$out .= "</select>";
$out .= "<input name='rec_until_date' value='" . $localization->dateformat_datepicker_php($rule_until_date) . "' id='rec_until_date'>";
$out .= "<input name='rec_until_count' value='$rule_until_count' id='rec_until_count'><br>";
$out .= "<label class='block'>" . t("Exceptions") . ":</label><div class='rec_exceptions'>";
$out .= "<div class='rec_exceptions_none' ";
if (count($recurrentce_exdates) > 0) $out .= "style='display: none;'";
$out .= ">" . t("none") . "</div>";
$out .= "<div class='rec_exceptions_holder' ";
if (count($recurrentce_exdates) == 0) $out .= "style='display: none;'";
$out .= ">";
foreach ($recurrentce_exdates as $exdate) {
$out .= "<div data-timestamp='$exdate' class='except'><input type='hidden' class='rec_exception' name='rec_exceptions[]' value='$exdate'>";
$out .= "<a href='#' class='exception_remover'>[remove]</a> ";
$out .= $localization->date_timestamp2localDate($exdate);
$out .= "</div>\n";
$out .= "</div><div><a href='#' class='exception_adder'>[add]</a></div>";
$out .= "</div>\n";
$out .= "<br>\n";
$out .= "</div><br>";
$out .= "<h2>" .t("Notification") . "</h2>";
$out .= '<input type="checkbox" name="notification" id="notification" ';
if ($notification) $out .= "checked";
$out .= '> ';
$out .= '<span id="notification_detail" style="display: none;">
<input name="notification_value" value="' . $notification_value . '" size="3">
<select name="notification_type" size="1">
<option value="minute" ';
if ($notification_type == "minute") $out .= "selected";
$out .= '> ' . t('Minutes') . '</option>
<option value="hour" ';
if ($notification_type == "hour") $out .= "selected";
$out .= '> ' . t('Hours') . '</option>
<option value="day" ';
if ($notification_type == "day") echo "selected";
$out .= '> ' . t('Days') . '</option>
</select> ' . t('before') . '
$out .= "<script>\$(function() {
wdcal_edit_init('" . $localization->dateformat_datepicker_js() . "', '${baseurl}/dav/');
$out .= "<input type='submit' name='save' value='Save'></form>";
return $out;
* @param Sabre_VObject_Component_VEvent $component
* @param wdcal_local $localization
function wdcal_set_component_date(&$component, &$localization) {
if (isset($_REQUEST["allday"])) {
$ts_start = $localization->date_local2timestamp($_REQUEST["start_date"] . " 00:00");
$ts_end = $localization->date_local2timestamp($_REQUEST["end_date"] . " 00:00");
$type = Sabre_VObject_Property_DateTime::DATE;
} else {
$ts_start = $localization->date_local2timestamp($_REQUEST["start_date"] . " " . $_REQUEST["start_time"]);
$ts_end = $localization->date_local2timestamp($_REQUEST["end_date"] . " " . $_REQUEST["end_time"]);
$type = Sabre_VObject_Property_DateTime::LOCALTZ;
$datetime_start = new Sabre_VObject_Property_DateTime("DTSTART");
$datetime_start->setDateTime(new DateTime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $ts_start)), $type);
$datetime_end = new Sabre_VObject_Property_DateTime("DTEND");
$datetime_end->setDateTime(new DateTime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $ts_end)), $type);
* @param Sabre_VObject_Component_VEvent $component
* @param wdcal_local $localization
function wdcal_set_component_recurrence(&$component, &$localization) {
$part_until = "";
switch ($_REQUEST["rec_until_type"]) {
case "date":
$date = $localization->date_local2timestamp($_REQUEST["rec_until_date"]);
$part_until = ";UNTIL=" . date("Ymd", $date);
$datetime_until = new Sabre_VObject_Property_DateTime("UNTIL");
$datetime_until->setDateTime(new DateTime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $date)), Sabre_VObject_Property_DateTime::DATE);
case "count":
$part_until = ";COUNT=" . IntVal($_REQUEST["rec_until_count"]);
switch ($_REQUEST["rec_frequency"]) {
case "daily":
$part_freq = "FREQ=DAILY";
if (isset($_REQUEST["rec_daily_byday"])) {
$days = array();
foreach ($_REQUEST["rec_daily_byday"] as $x) if (in_array($x, array("MO", "TU", "WE", "TH", "FR", "SA", "SU"))) $days[] = $x;
if (count($days) > 0) $part_freq .= ";BYDAY=" . implode(",", $days);
case "weekly":
$part_freq = "FREQ=WEEKLY";
if (isset($_REQUEST["rec_weekly_wkst"]) && in_array($_REQUEST["rec_weekly_wkst"], array("MO", "SU"))) $part_freq .= ";WKST=" . $_REQUEST["rec_weekly_wkst"];
if (isset($_REQUEST["rec_weekly_byday"])) {
$days = array();
foreach ($_REQUEST["rec_weekly_byday"] as $x) if (in_array($x, array("MO", "TU", "WE", "TH", "FR", "SA", "SU"))) $days[] = $x;
if (count($days) > 0) $part_freq .= ";BYDAY=" . implode(",", $days);
case "monthly":
$part_freq = "FREQ=MONTHLY";
case "FREQ=yearly":
$part_freq = "FREQ=YEARLY";
$part_freq = "";
if ($part_freq == "") return;
if (isset($_REQUEST["rec_interval"])) $part_freq .= ";INTERVAL=" . InTVal($_REQUEST["rec_interval"]);
if (isset($_REQUEST["rec_exceptions"])) {
$arr = array();
foreach ($_REQUEST["rec_exceptions"] as $except) {
$arr[] = new DateTime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $except));
/** @var Sabre_VObject_Property_MultiDateTime $prop */
$prop = Sabre_VObject_Property::create("EXDATE");
$rrule = $part_freq . $part_until;
$component->add(new Sabre_VObject_Property("RRULE", $rrule));
* @param string $uri
* @param string $recurr_uri
* @param int $uid
* @param string $timezone
* @param string $goaway_url
* @return array
function wdcal_postEditPage($uri, $recurr_uri = "", $uid = 0, $timezone = "", $goaway_url = "")
$uid = IntVal($uid);
$localization = wdcal_local::getInstanceByUser($uid);
$server = dav_create_server(true, true, false);
if ($uri > 0) {
$calendar = dav_get_current_user_calendar_by_id($server, $_REQUEST["calendar"], DAV_ACL_READ);
$obj_uri = Sabre_CalDAV_Backend_Common::loadCalendarobjectById($uri);
$obj_uri = $obj_uri["uri"];
$vObject = dav_get_current_user_calendarobject($server, $calendar, $obj_uri, DAV_ACL_WRITE);
$component = dav_get_eventComponent($vObject);
if ($component == null) return array("ok" => false, "msg" => t('Could not open component for editing'));
} else {
$calendar = dav_get_current_user_calendar_by_id($server, $_REQUEST["calendar"], DAV_ACL_WRITE);
$vObject = dav_create_empty_vevent();
$component = dav_get_eventComponent($vObject);
$obj_uri = $component->__get("UID");
wdcal_set_component_date($component, $localization);
wdcal_set_component_recurrence($component, $localization);
$component->add("SUMMARY", icalendar_sanitize_string(dav_compat_parse_text_serverside("summary")));
$component->add("LOCATION", icalendar_sanitize_string(dav_compat_parse_text_serverside("location")));
$component->add("DESCRIPTION", icalendar_sanitize_string(dav_compat_parse_text_serverside("wdcal_desc")));
$component->add("X-ANIMEXX-COLOR", $_REQUEST["color"]);
$data = $vObject->serialize();
if ($uri == 0) {
$calendar->createFile($obj_uri . ".ics", $data);
} else {
$obj = $calendar->getChild($obj_uri);
return array("ok" => false, "msg" => t("Saved"));
* @return string
function wdcal_getEditPage_exception_selector() {
header("Content-type: application/json");
$a = get_app();
$localization = wdcal_local::getInstanceByUser($a->user["uid"]);
$vObject = wdcal_create_empty_vevent();
foreach($vObject->getComponents() as $component) {
if ($component->name!=='VTIMEZONE') break;
/** @var Sabre_VObject_Component_VEvent $component */
wdcal_set_component_date($component, $localization);
wdcal_set_component_recurrence($component, $localization);
$it = new Sabre_VObject_RecurrenceIterator($vObject, (string)$component->__get("UID"));
$max_ts = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, CALDAV_MAX_YEAR + 1);
$last_start = 0;
$o = "<ul>";
$i = 0;
while($it->valid() && $last_start < $max_ts && $i++ < 1000) {
$last_start = $it->getDtStart()->getTimestamp();
$o .= "<li><a href='#' class='exception_selector_link' data-timestamp='$last_start'>" . $localization->date_timestamp2localDate($last_start) . "</a></li>\n";
$o .= "</ul>\n";
return $o;