2022-11-05 21:01:06 -04:00
< ? php
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* @ copyright Copyright ( C ) 2010 - 2023 , the Friendica project
2022-11-05 21:01:06 -04:00
* @ license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version
* This program is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the
* License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program . If not , see < https :// www . gnu . org / licenses />.
namespace Friendica\Module\Moderation\Users ;
use Friendica\Content\Pager ;
use Friendica\Core\Renderer ;
use Friendica\Model\User ;
use Friendica\Module\Moderation\BaseUsers ;
class Active extends BaseUsers
protected function post ( array $request = [])
$this -> checkModerationAccess ();
2023-02-18 20:57:30 +01:00
self :: checkFormSecurityTokenRedirectOnError ( $this -> baseUrl , 'moderation_users_active' );
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$users = $request [ 'user' ] ? ? [];
if ( ! empty ( $request [ 'page_users_block' ])) {
foreach ( $users as $uid ) {
User :: block ( $uid );
$this -> systemMessages -> addInfo ( $this -> tt ( '%s user blocked' , '%s users blocked' , count ( $users )));
if ( ! empty ( $request [ 'page_users_delete' ])) {
foreach ( $users as $uid ) {
if ( $this -> session -> getLocalUserId () != $uid ) {
User :: remove ( $uid );
} else {
$this -> systemMessages -> addNotice ( $this -> t ( 'You can\'t remove yourself' ));
$this -> systemMessages -> addInfo ( $this -> tt ( '%s user deleted' , '%s users deleted' , count ( $users )));
$this -> baseUrl -> redirect ( $this -> args -> getQueryString ());
protected function content ( array $request = []) : string
parent :: content ();
$action = $this -> parameters [ 'action' ] ? ? '' ;
$uid = $this -> parameters [ 'uid' ] ? ? 0 ;
if ( $uid ) {
$user = User :: getById ( $uid , [ 'username' , 'blocked' ]);
if ( ! $user ) {
$this -> systemMessages -> addNotice ( $this -> t ( 'User not found' ));
$this -> baseUrl -> redirect ( 'moderation/users' );
switch ( $action ) {
case 'delete' :
if ( $this -> session -> getLocalUserId () != $uid ) {
self :: checkFormSecurityTokenRedirectOnError ( 'moderation/users/active' , 'moderation_users_active' , 't' );
// delete user
User :: remove ( $uid );
$this -> systemMessages -> addNotice ( $this -> t ( 'User "%s" deleted' , $user [ 'username' ]));
} else {
$this -> systemMessages -> addNotice ( $this -> t ( 'You can\'t remove yourself' ));
$this -> baseUrl -> redirect ( 'moderation/users/active' );
break ;
case 'block' :
self :: checkFormSecurityTokenRedirectOnError ( 'moderation/users/active' , 'moderation_users_active' , 't' );
User :: block ( $uid );
$this -> systemMessages -> addNotice ( $this -> t ( 'User "%s" blocked' , $user [ 'username' ]));
$this -> baseUrl -> redirect ( 'moderation/users/active' );
break ;
$pager = new Pager ( $this -> l10n , $this -> args -> getQueryString (), 100 );
$valid_orders = [
'name' ,
'email' ,
'register_date' ,
2022-12-04 07:03:11 +00:00
'last-activity' ,
2022-11-05 21:01:06 -04:00
'last-item' ,
'page-flags' ,
$order = 'name' ;
$order_direction = '+' ;
if ( ! empty ( $request [ 'o' ])) {
$new_order = $request [ 'o' ];
if ( $new_order [ 0 ] === '-' ) {
$order_direction = '-' ;
$new_order = substr ( $new_order , 1 );
if ( in_array ( $new_order , $valid_orders )) {
$order = $new_order ;
$users = User :: getList ( $pager -> getStart (), $pager -> getItemsPerPage (), 'active' , $order , ( $order_direction == '-' ));
$users = array_map ( $this -> setupUserCallback (), $users );
$th_users = array_map ( null , [ $this -> t ( 'Name' ), $this -> t ( 'Email' ), $this -> t ( 'Register date' ), $this -> t ( 'Last login' ), $this -> t ( 'Last public item' ), $this -> t ( 'Type' )], $valid_orders );
2023-09-08 15:01:51 +00:00
$count = $this -> database -> count ( 'user' , [ " `verified` AND NOT `blocked` AND NOT `account_removed` AND NOT `account_expired` AND `uid` != ? " , 0 ]);
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$t = Renderer :: getMarkupTemplate ( 'moderation/users/active.tpl' );
return self :: getTabsHTML ( 'active' ) . Renderer :: replaceMacros ( $t , [
// strings //
'$title' => $this -> t ( 'Moderation' ),
'$page' => $this -> t ( 'Active Accounts' ),
'$select_all' => $this -> t ( 'select all' ),
'$delete' => $this -> t ( 'Delete' ),
'$block' => $this -> t ( 'Block' ),
'$blocked' => $this -> t ( 'User blocked' ),
'$siteadmin' => $this -> t ( 'Site admin' ),
'$accountexpired' => $this -> t ( 'Account expired' ),
'$h_newuser' => $this -> t ( 'Create a new user' ),
'$th_users' => $th_users ,
'$order_users' => $order ,
'$order_direction_users' => $order_direction ,
'$confirm_delete_multi' => $this -> t ( 'Selected users will be deleted!\n\nEverything these users had posted on this site will be permanently deleted!\n\nAre you sure?' ),
'$confirm_delete' => $this -> t ( 'The user {0} will be deleted!\n\nEverything this user has posted on this site will be permanently deleted!\n\nAre you sure?' ),
'$form_security_token' => self :: getFormSecurityToken ( 'moderation_users_active' ),
// values //
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'$baseurl' => $this -> baseUrl ,
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'$query_string' => $this -> args -> getQueryString (),
'$users' => $users ,
'$count' => $count ,
'$pager' => $pager -> renderFull ( $count ),