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<!--- AJAX FileUploader for ColdFusion version: 1.1.1 feedback: -----------update history---------------- 1.1.1 on 9/30/2010 by Martin Webb <martin[at]> - Change function for Upload to returnformat equals JSON - local var scoping. 1.1 on 9/9/2010 by Sid Maestre - Split Upload function to handle fallback uploads for browsers that don't support XHR data transfer ---> <cfcomponent hint="I handle AJAX File Uploads from Valum's AJAX file uploader library"> <cffunction name="Upload" access="remote" output="false" returntype="any" returnformat="JSON"> <cfargument name="qqfile" type="string" required="true"> <cfset var local = structNew()> <cfset local.response = structNew()> <cfset local.requestData = GetHttpRequestData()> <!--- check if XHR data exists ---> <cfif len(local.requestData.content) GT 0> <cfset local.response = UploadFileXhr(arguments.qqfile, local.requestData.content)> <cfelse> <!--- no XHR data process as standard form submission ---> <cffile action="upload" fileField="arguments.qqfile" destination="#ExpandPath('.')#" nameConflict="makeunique"> <cfset local.response['success'] = true> <cfset local.response['type'] = 'form'> </cfif> <cfreturn local.response> </cffunction> <cffunction name="UploadFileXhr" access="private" output="false" returntype="struct"> <cfargument name="qqfile" type="string" required="true"> <cfargument name="content" type="any" required="true"> <cfset var local = structNew()> <cfset local.response = structNew()> <!--- write the contents of the http request to a file. The filename is passed with the qqfile variable ---> <cffile action="write" file="#ExpandPath('.')#/#arguments.qqfile#" output="#arguments.content#"> <!--- if you want to return some JSON you can do it here. I'm just passing a success message ---> <cfset local.response['success'] = true> <cfset local.response['type'] = 'xhr'> <cfreturn local.response> </cffunction> </cfcomponent>