2013-10-23 19:41:06 +03:00
( function ( ) { function log ( ) { if ( typeof ( console ) != 'undefined' && typeof ( console . log ) == 'function' ) { Array . prototype . unshift . call ( arguments , '[Ajax Upload]' ) ; console . log ( Array . prototype . join . call ( arguments , ' ' ) ) ; } }
function addEvent ( el , type , fn ) { if ( el . addEventListener ) { el . addEventListener ( type , fn , false ) ; } else if ( el . attachEvent ) { el . attachEvent ( 'on' + type , function ( ) { fn . call ( el ) ; } ) ; } else { throw new Error ( 'not supported or DOM not loaded' ) ; } }
function addResizeEvent ( fn ) { var timeout ; addEvent ( window , 'resize' , function ( ) { if ( timeout ) { clearTimeout ( timeout ) ; }
timeout = setTimeout ( fn , 100 ) ; } ) ; }
var getOffsetSlow = function ( el ) { var top = 0 , left = 0 ; do { top += el . offsetTop || 0 ; left += el . offsetLeft || 0 ; el = el . offsetParent ; } while ( el ) ; return { left : left , top : top } ; } ; if ( document . documentElement . getBoundingClientRect ) { var getOffset = function ( el ) { var box = el . getBoundingClientRect ( ) ; var doc = el . ownerDocument ; var body = doc . body ; var docElem = doc . documentElement ; var clientTop = docElem . clientTop || body . clientTop || 0 ; var clientLeft = docElem . clientLeft || body . clientLeft || 0 ; var zoom = 1 ; if ( body . getBoundingClientRect ) { var bound = body . getBoundingClientRect ( ) ; zoom = ( bound . right - bound . left ) / body . clientWidth ; }
if ( zoom == 0 || body . clientWidth == 0 )
return getOffsetSlow ( el ) ; if ( zoom > 1 ) { clientTop = 0 ; clientLeft = 0 ; }
var top = box . top / zoom + ( window . pageYOffset || docElem && docElem . scrollTop / zoom || body . scrollTop / zoom ) - clientTop , left = box . left / zoom + ( window . pageXOffset || docElem && docElem . scrollLeft / zoom || body . scrollLeft / zoom ) - clientLeft ; return { top : top , left : left } ; } ; } else { var getOffset = getOffsetSlow ; }
function getBox ( el ) { var left , right , top , bottom ; var offset = getOffset ( el ) ; left = offset . left ; top = offset . top ; right = left + el . offsetWidth ; bottom = top + el . offsetHeight ; return { left : left , right : right , top : top , bottom : bottom } ; }
function addStyles ( el , styles ) { for ( var name in styles ) { if ( styles . hasOwnProperty ( name ) ) { el . style [ name ] = styles [ name ] ; } } }
function copyLayout ( from , to ) { var box = getBox ( from ) ; addStyles ( to , { position : 'absolute' , left : box . left + 'px' , top : box . top + 'px' , width : from . offsetWidth + 'px' , height : from . offsetHeight + 'px' } ) ; to . title = from . title ; }
var toElement = ( function ( ) { var div = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ; return function ( html ) { div . innerHTML = html ; var el = div . firstChild ; return div . removeChild ( el ) ; } ; } ) ( ) ; var getUID = ( function ( ) { var id = 0 ; return function ( ) { return 'ValumsAjaxUpload' + id ++ ; } ; } ) ( ) ; function fileFromPath ( file ) { return file . replace ( /.*(\/|\\)/ , "" ) ; }
function getExt ( file ) { return ( - 1 !== file . indexOf ( '.' ) ) ? file . replace ( /.*[.]/ , '' ) : '' ; }
function hasClass ( el , name ) { var re = new RegExp ( '\\b' + name + '\\b' ) ; return re . test ( el . className ) ; }
function addClass ( el , name ) { if ( ! hasClass ( el , name ) ) { el . className += ' ' + name ; } }
function removeClass ( el , name ) { var re = new RegExp ( '\\b' + name + '\\b' ) ; el . className = el . className . replace ( re , '' ) ; }
function removeNode ( el ) { el . parentNode . removeChild ( el ) ; }
window . AjaxUpload = function ( button , options ) { this . _settings = { action : 'upload.php' , name : 'userfile' , data : { } , autoSubmit : true , responseType : false , hoverClass : 'hover' , focusClass : 'focus' , disabledClass : 'disabled' , onChange : function ( file , extension ) { } , onSubmit : function ( file , extension ) { } , onComplete : function ( file , response ) { } } ; for ( var i in options ) { if ( options . hasOwnProperty ( i ) ) { this . _settings [ i ] = options [ i ] ; } }
if ( button . jquery ) { button = button [ 0 ] ; } else if ( typeof button == "string" ) { if ( /^#.*/ . test ( button ) ) { button = button . slice ( 1 ) ; }
button = document . getElementById ( button ) ; }
if ( ! button || button . nodeType !== 1 ) { throw new Error ( "Please make sure that you're passing a valid element" ) ; }
if ( button . nodeName . toUpperCase ( ) == 'A' ) { addEvent ( button , 'click' , function ( e ) { if ( e && e . preventDefault ) { e . preventDefault ( ) ; } else if ( window . event ) { window . event . returnValue = false ; } } ) ; }
this . _button = button ; this . _input = null ; this . _disabled = false ; this . enable ( ) ; this . _rerouteClicks ( ) ; } ; AjaxUpload . prototype = { setData : function ( data ) { this . _settings . data = data ; } , disable : function ( ) { addClass ( this . _button , this . _settings . disabledClass ) ; this . _disabled = true ; var nodeName = this . _button . nodeName . toUpperCase ( ) ; if ( nodeName == 'INPUT' || nodeName == 'BUTTON' ) { this . _button . setAttribute ( 'disabled' , 'disabled' ) ; }
if ( this . _input ) { this . _input . parentNode . style . visibility = 'hidden' ; } } , enable : function ( ) { removeClass ( this . _button , this . _settings . disabledClass ) ; this . _button . removeAttribute ( 'disabled' ) ; this . _disabled = false ; } , _createInput : function ( ) { var self = this ; var input = document . createElement ( "input" ) ; input . setAttribute ( 'type' , 'file' ) ; input . setAttribute ( 'name' , this . _settings . name ) ; addStyles ( input , { 'position' : 'absolute' , 'right' : 0 , 'margin' : 0 , 'padding' : 0 , 'fontSize' : '480px' , 'fontFamily' : 'sans-serif' , 'cursor' : 'pointer' } ) ; var div = document . createElement ( "div" ) ; addStyles ( div , { 'display' : 'block' , 'position' : 'absolute' , 'overflow' : 'hidden' , 'margin' : 0 , 'padding' : 0 , 'opacity' : 0 , 'direction' : 'ltr' , 'zIndex' : 2147483583 , 'cursor' : 'pointer' } ) ; if ( div . style . opacity !== "0" ) { if ( typeof ( div . filters ) == 'undefined' ) { throw new Error ( 'Opacity not supported by the browser' ) ; }
div . style . filter = "alpha(opacity=0)" ; }
addEvent ( input , 'change' , function ( ) { if ( ! input || input . value === '' ) { return ; }
var file = fileFromPath ( input . value ) ; if ( false === self . _settings . onChange . call ( self , file , getExt ( file ) ) ) { self . _clearInput ( ) ; return ; }
if ( self . _settings . autoSubmit ) { self . submit ( ) ; } } ) ; addEvent ( input , 'mouseover' , function ( ) { addClass ( self . _button , self . _settings . hoverClass ) ; } ) ; addEvent ( input , 'mouseout' , function ( ) { removeClass ( self . _button , self . _settings . hoverClass ) ; removeClass ( self . _button , self . _settings . focusClass ) ; input . parentNode . style . visibility = 'hidden' ; } ) ; addEvent ( input , 'focus' , function ( ) { addClass ( self . _button , self . _settings . focusClass ) ; } ) ; addEvent ( input , 'blur' , function ( ) { removeClass ( self . _button , self . _settings . focusClass ) ; } ) ; div . appendChild ( input ) ; document . body . appendChild ( div ) ; this . _input = input ; } , _clearInput : function ( ) { if ( ! this . _input ) { return ; }
removeNode ( this . _input . parentNode ) ; this . _input = null ; this . _createInput ( ) ; removeClass ( this . _button , this . _settings . hoverClass ) ; removeClass ( this . _button , this . _settings . focusClass ) ; } , _rerouteClicks : function ( ) { var self = this ; addEvent ( self . _button , 'mouseover' , function ( ) { if ( self . _disabled ) { return ; }
if ( ! self . _input ) { self . _createInput ( ) ; }
var div = self . _input . parentNode ; copyLayout ( self . _button , div ) ; div . style . visibility = 'visible' ; } ) ; } , _createIframe : function ( ) { var id = getUID ( ) ; var iframe = toElement ( '<iframe src="javascript:false;" name="' + id + '" />' ) ; iframe . setAttribute ( 'id' , id ) ; iframe . style . display = 'none' ; document . body . appendChild ( iframe ) ; return iframe ; } , _createForm : function ( iframe ) { var settings = this . _settings ; var form = toElement ( '<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"></form>' ) ; form . setAttribute ( 'action' , settings . action ) ; form . setAttribute ( 'target' , iframe . name ) ; form . style . display = 'none' ; document . body . appendChild ( form ) ; for ( var prop in settings . data ) { if ( settings . data . hasOwnProperty ( prop ) ) { var el = document . createElement ( "input" ) ; el . setAttribute ( 'type' , 'hidden' ) ; el . setAttribute ( 'name' , prop ) ; el . setAttribute ( 'value' , settings . data [ prop ] ) ; form . appendChild ( el ) ; } }
return form ; } , _getResponse : function ( iframe , file ) { var toDeleteFlag = false , self = this , settings = this . _settings ; addEvent ( iframe , 'load' , function ( ) { if ( iframe . src == "javascript:'%3Chtml%3E%3C/html%3E';" || iframe . src == "javascript:'<html></html>';" ) { if ( toDeleteFlag ) { setTimeout ( function ( ) { removeNode ( iframe ) ; } , 0 ) ; }
return ; }
var doc = iframe . contentDocument ? iframe . contentDocument : window . frames [ iframe . id ] . document ; if ( doc . readyState && doc . readyState != 'complete' ) { return ; }
if ( doc . body && doc . body . innerHTML == "false" ) { return ; }
var response ; if ( doc . XMLDocument ) { response = doc . XMLDocument ; } else if ( doc . body ) { response = doc . body . innerHTML ; if ( settings . responseType && settings . responseType . toLowerCase ( ) == 'json' ) { if ( doc . body . firstChild && doc . body . firstChild . nodeName . toUpperCase ( ) == 'PRE' ) { doc . normalize ( ) ; response = doc . body . firstChild . firstChild . nodeValue ; }
if ( response ) { response = eval ( "(" + response + ")" ) ; } else { response = { } ; } } } else { response = doc ; }
settings . onComplete . call ( self , file , response ) ; toDeleteFlag = true ; iframe . src = "javascript:'<html></html>';" ; } ) ; } , submit : function ( ) { var self = this , settings = this . _settings ; if ( ! this . _input || this . _input . value === '' ) { return ; }
var file = fileFromPath ( this . _input . value ) ; if ( false === settings . onSubmit . call ( this , file , getExt ( file ) ) ) { this . _clearInput ( ) ; return ; }
var iframe = this . _createIframe ( ) ; var form = this . _createForm ( iframe ) ; removeNode ( this . _input . parentNode ) ; removeClass ( self . _button , self . _settings . hoverClass ) ; removeClass ( self . _button , self . _settings . focusClass ) ; form . appendChild ( this . _input ) ; form . submit ( ) ; removeNode ( form ) ; form = null ; removeNode ( this . _input ) ; this . _input = null ; this . _getResponse ( iframe , file ) ; this . _createInput ( ) ; } } ; } ) ( ) ;