2011-03-12 03:15:38 -08:00
< ? php
2011-03-22 14:12:33 -07:00
2017-01-27 13:31:04 +01:00
if ( ! function_exists ( " string_plural_select_sv " )) {
function string_plural_select_sv ( $n ){
2018-05-17 09:31:29 +02:00
$n = intval ( $n );
2021-01-29 20:02:54 -05:00
return intval ( $n != 1 );
2017-01-27 13:31:04 +01:00
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Unable to locate original post.' ] = 'Hittar inte det ursprungliga inlägget.' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Post updated.' ] = 'Inlägget uppdaterades.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Item wasn\'t stored.' ] = 'Objektet lagrades inte.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Item couldn\'t be fetched.' ] = 'Objektet kunde inte hämtas.' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Empty post discarded.' ] = 'Tomt inlägg. Inte sparat.' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Item not found.' ] = 'Hittar inte.' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Permission denied.' ] = 'Åtkomst nekad.' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'No valid account found.' ] = 'Inget giltigt konto hittades.' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Password reset request issued. Check your email.' ] = 'Nytt lösenord har begärts. Kolla din mail.' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ '
Dear % 1 $s ,
A request was recently received at " %2 $s " to reset your account
password . In order to confirm this request , please select the verification link
below or paste it into your web browser address bar .
If you did NOT request this change , please DO NOT follow the link
provided and ignore and / or delete this email , the request will expire shortly .
Your password will not be changed unless we can verify that you
issued this request . '] = '
Hej % 1 $s ,
Någon begärde nyligen att " %2 $s " skulle återställa ditt lösenord .
För att utföra denna begäran , vänligen besök länken nedan eller kopiera den till din webläsare .
Om du INTE begärde återställning av ditt lösenord så ska du INTE följa länken , utan ignorera detta mail . Denna begäran om återställning blir snart ogiltig .
Ditt lösenord kommer inte att återställas om vi inte kan verifiera att det var du som begärde det . ' ;
$a -> strings [ '
Follow this link soon to verify your identity :
% 1 $s
You will then receive a follow - up message containing the new password .
You may change that password from your account settings page after logging in .
The login details are as follows :
Site Location : % 2 $s
Login Name : % 3 $s '] = '
Följ denna länk snart för att bekräfta din identitet :
% 1 $s
Du kommer sedan att få ett mail med det nya lösenordet .
Du kan ändra det lösenordet från dina konto - inställningar efter att du loggat in .
Dina inloggningsuppgifter :
Web - plats : % 2 $s
Användarnamn : % 3 $s ' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Password reset requested at %s' ] = 'Nytt lösenord på %s har begärts' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Request could not be verified. (You may have previously submitted it.) Password reset failed.' ] = 'Begäran kunde inte verifieras. (Du kanske redan skickat den?) Det gick inte att byta lösenord.' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Request has expired, please make a new one.' ] = 'Förfrågningen har slutat gälla, vänligen gör en ny.' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Forgot your Password?' ] = 'Glömt lösenordet?' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Enter your email address and submit to have your password reset. Then check your email for further instructions.' ] = 'Ange din e-postadress för att få ett nytt lösenord. Du kommer att få ett meddelande med vidare instruktioner via e-post.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Nickname or Email: ' ] = 'Användarnamn eller e-post:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Reset' ] = 'Skicka' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Password Reset' ] = 'Glömt lösenordet?' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Your password has been reset as requested.' ] = 'Nu har du fått ett nytt lösenord.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Your new password is' ] = 'Det nya lösenordet är' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Save or copy your new password - and then' ] = 'Spara eller kopiera lösenordet och' ;
$a -> strings [ 'click here to login' ] = 'klicka här för att logga in' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Your password may be changed from the <em>Settings</em> page after successful login.' ] = 'När du loggat in kan du byta lösenord på sidan <em>Inställningar</em>.' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Your password has been reset.' ] = 'Ditt lösenord har återställts.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Your password has been changed at %s' ] = 'Ditt lösenord ändrades den %s' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'New Message' ] = 'Nytt meddelande' ;
$a -> strings [ 'No recipient selected.' ] = 'Ingen mottagare har valts.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Unable to locate contact information.' ] = 'Det gick inte att hitta kontaktuppgifterna.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Message could not be sent.' ] = 'Det gick inte att skicka meddelandet.' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Message collection failure.' ] = 'Insamling av meddelanden misslyckades.' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Discard' ] = 'Ta bort' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Messages' ] = 'Meddelanden' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Conversation not found.' ] = 'Konversationen hittades inte.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Message was not deleted.' ] = 'Meddelandet togs inte bort.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Conversation was not removed.' ] = 'Konversationen togs inte bort.' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Please enter a link URL:' ] = 'Ange en länk (URL):' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Send Private Message' ] = 'Skicka personligt meddelande' ;
$a -> strings [ 'To:' ] = 'Till:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Subject:' ] = 'Rubrik:' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Your message:' ] = 'Meddelande:' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Upload photo' ] = 'Ladda upp bild' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Insert web link' ] = 'Infoga länk' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Please wait' ] = 'Var god vänta' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Submit' ] = 'Spara' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'No messages.' ] = 'Inga meddelanden.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Message not available.' ] = 'Meddelandet är inte tillgängligt.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Delete message' ] = 'Ta bort meddelande' ;
$a -> strings [ 'D, d M Y - g:i A' ] = 'D, d M Y - g:i A' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Delete conversation' ] = 'Ta bort konversation' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'No secure communications available. You <strong>may</strong> be able to respond from the sender\'s profile page.' ] = 'Inga säkra kommunikationer tillgängliga. Du </strong>kanske</strong>kan ha möjlighet att svara från sändarens profilsida.' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Send Reply' ] = 'Skicka svar' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Unknown sender - %s' ] = 'Okänd sändare - %s' ;
$a -> strings [ 'You and %s' ] = 'Du och %s' ;
$a -> strings [ '%s and You' ] = '%s och Du' ;
$a -> strings [ '%d message' ] = [
0 => '%d meddelande' ,
1 => '%d meddelanden' ,
$a -> strings [ 'Personal Notes' ] = 'Personliga anteckningar' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Personal notes are visible only by yourself.' ] = 'Personliga anteckningar kan endast ses av dig själv.' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Save' ] = 'Spara' ;
$a -> strings [ 'User not found.' ] = 'Användaren hittades inte.' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Photo Albums' ] = 'Fotoalbum' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Recent Photos' ] = 'Nyligen tillagda bilder' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Upload New Photos' ] = 'Ladda upp bilder' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'everybody' ] = 'alla' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Contact information unavailable' ] = 'Kommer inte åt kontaktuppgifter.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Album not found.' ] = 'Albumet finns inte.' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Album successfully deleted' ] = 'Borttagningen av albumet lyckades' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Album was empty.' ] = 'Albumet var tomt.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Failed to delete the photo.' ] = 'Borttagningen av fotot misslyckades.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'a photo' ] = 'ett foto' ;
$a -> strings [ '%1$s was tagged in %2$s by %3$s' ] = '%1$s taggades i %2$s av %3$s' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Public access denied.' ] = 'Publik åtkomst nekades.' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'No photos selected' ] = 'Inga bilder har valts' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Upload Photos' ] = 'Ladda upp bilder' ;
$a -> strings [ 'New album name: ' ] = 'Nytt album med namn: ' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'or select existing album:' ] = 'eller välj befintligt album:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Do not show a status post for this upload' ] = 'Visa inte ett status-inlägg för den här uppladdningen' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Permissions' ] = 'Åtkomst' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Do you really want to delete this photo album and all its photos?' ] = 'Vill du verkligen ta bort det här fotoalbumet och alla dess foton?' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Delete Album' ] = 'Ta bort album' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Cancel' ] = 'Avbryt' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Edit Album' ] = 'Redigera album' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Drop Album' ] = 'Släpp albumet' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Show Newest First' ] = 'Visa nyaste först' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Show Oldest First' ] = 'Visa äldsta först' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'View Photo' ] = 'Visa bild' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Permission denied. Access to this item may be restricted.' ] = 'Tillståndet nekades. Åtkomst till det här objektet kan vara begränsad.' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Photo not available' ] = 'Bilden är inte tillgänglig' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Do you really want to delete this photo?' ] = 'Vill du verkligen ta bort det här fotot?' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Delete Photo' ] = 'Ta bort bild' ;
$a -> strings [ 'View photo' ] = 'Visa fotot' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Edit photo' ] = 'Hantera bild' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Delete photo' ] = 'Ta bort fotot' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Use as profile photo' ] = 'Använd som ett profilfoto' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Private Photo' ] = 'Privat foto' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'View Full Size' ] = 'Visa fullstor' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Tags: ' ] = 'Taggar: ' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ '[Select tags to remove]' ] = '[Välj taggar att ta bort]' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'New album name' ] = 'Nytt album med namn' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Caption' ] = 'Caption' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Add a Tag' ] = 'Lägg till tagg' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Example: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen, @jim@example.com, #California, #camping' ] = 'Exempel: @adam, @Anna_Andersson, @johan@exempel.com, #Stockholm, #camping' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Do not rotate' ] = 'Rotera inte' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Rotate CW (right)' ] = 'Rotera medurs (höger)' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Rotate CCW (left)' ] = 'Rotera Moturs (vänster)' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'This is you' ] = 'Det här är du' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Comment' ] = 'Kommentera' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Preview' ] = 'Förhandsgranskning' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Loading...' ] = 'Laddar...' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Select' ] = 'Välj' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Delete' ] = 'Ta bort' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Like' ] = 'Gilla' ;
$a -> strings [ 'I like this (toggle)' ] = 'Jag gillar det här (växla)' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Dislike' ] = 'Ogilla' ;
$a -> strings [ 'I don\'t like this (toggle)' ] = 'Jag ogillar det här (växla)' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Map' ] = 'Karta' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Delete this item?' ] = 'Ta bort?' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'toggle mobile' ] = 'växla mobil' ;
2025-02-08 16:33:37 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Close' ] = 'Stäng' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Page not found.' ] = 'Sidan hittades inte.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'You must be logged in to use addons. ' ] = 'Du måste vara inloggad för att använda insticksprogram.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'All contacts' ] = 'Alla kontakter' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Followers' ] = 'Följare' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Following' ] = 'Följer' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Common' ] = 'Vanlig' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Addon not found' ] = 'Insticksprogrammet hittades inte' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Addon already enabled' ] = 'Insticksprogrammet är redan aktiverat' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Addon already disabled' ] = 'Insticksprogrammet är redan inaktiverat' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'The contact entries have been archived' ] = 'Kontaktuppgifterna har arkiverats' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Could not find any contact entry for this URL (%s)' ] = 'Kunde inte hitta någon kontakt för denna URL (%s)' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Deletion of id %d failed' ] = 'Kunde inte ta bort id %d' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Deletion of id %d was successful' ] = 'Id %d har tagits bort' ;
2022-07-07 11:08:05 +02:00
$a -> strings [ ' - found' ] = '- hittad' ;
$a -> strings [ ' - failed' ] = '- misslyckad' ;
$a -> strings [ ' - success' ] = '- framgång' ;
$a -> strings [ ' - deleted' ] = '- borttagen' ;
$a -> strings [ ' - done' ] = '- klar' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Done.' ] = 'Färdig.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Enter user nickname: ' ] = 'Ange smeknamn för användaren:' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'User not found' ] = 'Användaren hittades inte' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Enter new password: ' ] = 'Ange nytt lösenord:' ;
2022-07-07 11:08:05 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Password update failed. Please try again.' ] = 'Det blev fel när lösenordet skulle ändras. Försök igen.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Password changed.' ] = 'Lösenordet har ändrats.' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Enter user name: ' ] = 'Ange användarnamn:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Enter user email address: ' ] = 'Ange användarens e-postadress:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Enter a language (optional): ' ] = 'Ange ett språk (valfritt):' ;
$a -> strings [ 'User has already been marked for deletion.' ] = 'Användaren har redan blivit markerad för borttagning.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Type "yes" to delete %s' ] = 'Skriv "ja" för att ta bort %s' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Deletion aborted.' ] = 'Borttagningen avbröts.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Enter category: ' ] = 'Ange kategori:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Enter key: ' ] = 'Ange nyckel:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Enter value: ' ] = 'Ange värde:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'newer' ] = 'nyare' ;
$a -> strings [ 'older' ] = 'äldre' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Frequently' ] = 'Ofta' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Hourly' ] = 'Varje timme' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Twice daily' ] = 'Två gånger dagligen' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Daily' ] = 'Dagligen' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Weekly' ] = 'Varje vecka' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Monthly' ] = 'Varje månad' ;
$a -> strings [ 'DFRN' ] = 'DFRN' ;
$a -> strings [ 'OStatus' ] = 'OStatus' ;
$a -> strings [ 'RSS/Atom' ] = 'RSS/Atom' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Email' ] = 'E-postadress' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Diaspora' ] = 'Diaspora' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Zot!' ] = 'Zot!' ;
$a -> strings [ 'LinkedIn' ] = 'LinkedIn' ;
$a -> strings [ 'XMPP/IM' ] = 'XMPP/IM' ;
$a -> strings [ 'MySpace' ] = 'MySpace' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Google+' ] = 'Google+' ;
$a -> strings [ 'pump.io' ] = 'pump.io' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Twitter' ] = 'Twitter' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Discourse' ] = 'Discourse' ;
$a -> strings [ 'ActivityPub' ] = 'ActivityPub' ;
$a -> strings [ 'pnut' ] = 'pnut' ;
$a -> strings [ 'and' ] = 'och' ;
$a -> strings [ 'and %d other people' ] = 'och %d andra' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Visible to <strong>everybody</strong>' ] = 'Synlig för <strong>alla</strong>' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Please enter a image/video/audio/webpage URL:' ] = 'Vänligen fyll i URL till en bild/video/ljudklipp/hemsida:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Tag term:' ] = 'Märkning/tagg:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Where are you right now?' ] = 'Var är du just nu?' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Delete item(s)?' ] = 'Ta bort?' ;
$a -> strings [ 'New Post' ] = 'Nytt inlägg' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Share' ] = 'Publicera' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'upload photo' ] = 'ladda upp bild' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Attach file' ] = 'Bifoga fil' ;
$a -> strings [ 'attach file' ] = 'bifoga fil' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Bold' ] = 'Fet' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Italic' ] = 'Kursiv' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Underline' ] = 'Understruken' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Quote' ] = 'Citat' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Code' ] = 'Källkod' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Image' ] = 'Bild' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Link' ] = 'Länk' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Link or Media' ] = 'Länk eller media' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Video' ] = 'Video' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Set your location' ] = 'Ange plats' ;
$a -> strings [ 'set location' ] = 'ange plats' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Clear browser location' ] = 'Clear browser location' ;
$a -> strings [ 'clear location' ] = 'rensa plats' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Set title' ] = 'Ange rubrik' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Categories (comma-separated list)' ] = 'Kategorier (kommaseparerad lista)' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Scheduled at' ] = 'Schemalades vid' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Permission settings' ] = 'Åtkomstinställningar' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Public post' ] = 'Offentligt inlägg' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Message' ] = 'Meddelande' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Browser' ] = 'Bläddra' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'remove' ] = 'ta bort' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Delete Selected Items' ] = 'Ta bort valda föremål' ;
$a -> strings [ 'You are following %s.' ] = 'Du följer %s.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Reshared' ] = 'Delad igen' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Reshared by %s <%s>' ] = 'Delad igen av %s <%s>' ;
$a -> strings [ '%s is participating in this thread.' ] = '%s deltar i den här tråden.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Fetched' ] = 'Hämtad' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Fetched because of %s <%s>' ] = 'Hämtades på grund av %s <%s>' ;
2023-10-02 08:22:48 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'View %s\'s profile @ %s' ] = 'Visa profilen som tillhör %s @ %s' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Categories:' ] = 'Kategorier:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Filed under:' ] = 'Sparad under:' ;
$a -> strings [ '%s from %s' ] = '%s från %s' ;
$a -> strings [ 'View in context' ] = 'Visa i sitt sammanhang' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Personal' ] = 'Privat' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Posts that mention or involve you' ] = 'Inlägg som nämnde eller involverade dig' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Starred' ] = 'Stjärnmärkt' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Favourite Posts' ] = 'Favoriserade inlägg' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'General Features' ] = 'Generella funktioner' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Add categories to your posts' ] = 'Lägg till kategorier till dina inlägg' ;
2024-05-24 07:59:09 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Archives' ] = 'Arkiv' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Protocols' ] = 'Protokoll' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Account Types' ] = 'Typer av konton' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Saved Searches' ] = 'Sparade sökningar' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Saved Folders' ] = 'Sparade mappar' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Own Contacts' ] = 'Egna kontakter' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Advanced Profile Settings' ] = 'Avancerade profil-inställningar' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Tag Cloud' ] = 'Taggmoln' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Display Membership Date' ] = 'Visa datum för medlemskap' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Display membership date in profile' ] = 'Visa datum för medlemskapet i profilen' ;
$a -> strings [ 'show less' ] = 'visa mindre' ;
$a -> strings [ 'show more' ] = 'visa mer' ;
$a -> strings [ 'event' ] = 'händelse' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'status' ] = 'status' ;
$a -> strings [ 'photo' ] = 'foto' ;
$a -> strings [ '%1$s tagged %2$s\'s %3$s with %4$s' ] = '%1$s taggade %2$ss %3$s med %4$s' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Follow Thread' ] = 'Följ tråd' ;
$a -> strings [ 'View Status' ] = 'Visa status' ;
$a -> strings [ 'View Profile' ] = 'Visa profil' ;
$a -> strings [ 'View Photos' ] = 'Visa foton' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Network Posts' ] = 'Nätverksinlägg' ;
$a -> strings [ 'View Contact' ] = 'Visa kontakt' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Send PM' ] = 'Skicka privat meddelande' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Block' ] = 'Blockera' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Ignore' ] = 'Ignorera' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Languages' ] = 'Språk' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Connect/Follow' ] = 'Gör till kontakt/Följ' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Nothing new here' ] = 'Inget nytt här' ;
2025-02-08 16:33:37 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Home' ] = 'Hem' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Clear notifications' ] = 'Rensa aviseringar' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Logout' ] = 'Logga ut' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'End this session' ] = 'Avsluta den här sessionen' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Login' ] = 'Logga in' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Sign in' ] = 'Logga in' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Profile' ] = 'Profil' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Your profile page' ] = 'Din profil-sida' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Photos' ] = 'Bilder' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Your photos' ] = 'Dina foton' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Media' ] = 'Media' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Personal notes' ] = 'Personliga anteckningar' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Your personal notes' ] = 'Dina personliga anteckningar' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Home Page' ] = 'Hemsida' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Register' ] = 'Registrera' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Create an account' ] = 'Skapa ett konto' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Help' ] = 'Hjälp' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Help and documentation' ] = 'Hjälp och dokumentation' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Apps' ] = 'Apps' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Search' ] = 'Sök' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Search site content' ] = 'Sök innehåll på sidan' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Full Text' ] = 'Fullständig text' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Tags' ] = 'Taggar' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Contacts' ] = 'Kontakter' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Community' ] = 'Gemenskap' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Conversations on this and other servers' ] = 'Konversationer i den här och andra servrar' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Directory' ] = 'Medlemskatalog' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Information' ] = 'Information' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Information about this friendica instance' ] = 'Information om den här friendica-instansen' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Terms of Service' ] = 'Villkor för användning' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Terms of Service of this Friendica instance' ] = 'Den här Friendica-instansens villkor för användning' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Network' ] = 'Nätverk' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Conversations from your friends' ] = 'Konversationer från dina vänner' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Your posts and conversations' ] = 'Dina inlägg och konversationer' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Introductions' ] = 'Presentationer' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Friend Requests' ] = 'Vänförfrågningar' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Notifications' ] = 'Aviseringar' ;
$a -> strings [ 'See all notifications' ] = 'Se alla aviseringar' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Mark as seen' ] = 'Markera som läst' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Private mail' ] = 'Privat e-post' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Inbox' ] = 'Inkorg' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Outbox' ] = 'Utkorg' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Accounts' ] = 'Konton' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Manage other pages' ] = 'Hantera andra sidor' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Settings' ] = 'Inställningar' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Account settings' ] = 'Kontoinställningar' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Manage/edit friends and contacts' ] = 'Hantera/redigera vänner och kontakter' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Admin' ] = 'Administratör' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Navigation' ] = 'Navigering' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Site map' ] = 'Karta över webbplatsen' ;
$a -> strings [ 'first' ] = 'första' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'prev' ] = 'föreg' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'next' ] = 'nästa' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'last' ] = 'sista' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ '<a href="%1$s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">%2$s</a> %3$s' ] = '<a href="%1$s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">%2$s</a> %3$s' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Link to source' ] = 'Länk till källa' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Click to open/close' ] = 'Klicka för att öppna/stänga' ;
$a -> strings [ '$1 wrote:' ] = '$1 skrev:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Encrypted content' ] = 'Krypterat innehåll' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Invalid source protocol' ] = 'Ogiltigt källprotokoll' ;
2022-07-07 11:08:05 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Invalid link protocol' ] = 'Ogiltigt länkprotokoll' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Loading more entries...' ] = 'Laddar fler poster...' ;
$a -> strings [ 'The end' ] = 'Slut' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Follow' ] = 'Följ' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Add New Contact' ] = 'Lägg till kontakt' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Enter address or web location' ] = 'Fyll i adress eller plats på internet' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Example: bob@example.com, http://example.com/barbara' ] = 'Exempel: adam@exempel.com, http://exempel.com/bertil' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Connect' ] = 'Skicka kontaktförfrågan' ;
$a -> strings [ '%d invitation available' ] = [
0 => '%d inbjudning tillgänglig' ,
1 => '%d inbjudningar tillgängliga' ,
$a -> strings [ 'Find People' ] = 'Hitta personer' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Enter name or interest' ] = 'Ange namn eller intresse' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Examples: Robert Morgenstein, Fishing' ] = 'Exempel: Robert Morgenstein, Fiskning' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Find' ] = 'Sök' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Friend Suggestions' ] = 'Vän-förslag' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Similar Interests' ] = 'Liknande intressen' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Random Profile' ] = 'Slumpmässig profil' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Invite Friends' ] = 'Bjud in folk du känner' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Global Directory' ] = 'Medlemskatalog för flera sajter (global)' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Local Directory' ] = 'Lokal-mapp' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Everyone' ] = 'Alla' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Relationships' ] = 'Relationer' ;
$a -> strings [ 'All Contacts' ] = 'Alla kontakter' ;
2022-07-07 11:08:05 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'All Protocols' ] = 'Alla protokoll' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Everything' ] = 'Allting' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Categories' ] = 'Kategorier' ;
$a -> strings [ '%d contact in common' ] = [
0 => '%d gemensam kontakt' ,
1 => '%d gemensamma kontakter' ,
$a -> strings [ 'Persons' ] = 'Personer' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Organisations' ] = 'Organisationer' ;
$a -> strings [ 'News' ] = 'Nyheter' ;
$a -> strings [ 'All' ] = 'Alla' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Export' ] = 'Exportera' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Export calendar as ical' ] = 'Exportera kalender som ical' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Export calendar as csv' ] = 'Exportera kalender som csv' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'No contacts' ] = 'Inga kontakter' ;
$a -> strings [ '%d Contact' ] = [
0 => '%d kontakt' ,
1 => '%d kontakter' ,
2018-01-15 08:05:12 -05:00
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'View Contacts' ] = 'Visa kontakter' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Remove term' ] = 'Ta bort villkor' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Trending Tags (last %d hour)' ] = [
0 => 'Trendande taggar (senaste %d timmen)' ,
1 => 'Trendande taggar (de senaste %d timmarna)' ,
$a -> strings [ 'More Trending Tags' ] = 'Fler trendande taggar' ;
2023-12-16 08:20:16 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Mention' ] = 'Nämn' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'XMPP:' ] = 'XMPP:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Matrix:' ] = 'Matrix:' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Location:' ] = 'Plats:' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Network:' ] = 'Nätverk:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Unfollow' ] = 'Avfölj' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Yourself' ] = 'Du själv' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Mutuals' ] = 'Ömsesidiga' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Public' ] = 'Publik' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Limited/Private' ] = 'Begränsad/Privat' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Show to:' ] = 'Visa till:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Except to:' ] = 'Förutom till:' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'CC: email addresses' ] = 'Kopia: e-postadresser' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Example: bob@example.com, mary@example.com' ] = 'Exempel: adam@exempel.com, bertil@exempel.com' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'You may need to import the file "database.sql" manually using phpmyadmin or mysql.' ] = 'Du kanske måste importera filen "database.sql" manuellt med phpmyadmin eller mysql.' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Please see the file "doc/INSTALL.md".' ] = 'Vänligen se filen "doc/INSTALL.md".' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Could not find a command line version of PHP in the web server PATH.' ] = 'Could not find a command line version of PHP in the web server PATH.' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'If you don\'t have a command line version of PHP installed on your server, you will not be able to run the background processing. See <a href=\'https://github.com/friendica/friendica/blob/stable/doc/Install.md#set-up-the-worker\'>\'Setup the worker\'</a>' ] = 'Om du inte har en kommandoradsversion av PHP installerad på din server kommer du inte att kunna köra bakgrundsbearbetningen.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Command line PHP' ] = 'Kommandorad för PHP' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Found PHP version: ' ] = 'Hittade PHP-version:' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'The command line version of PHP on your system does not have "register_argc_argv" enabled.' ] = 'The command line version of PHP on your system does not have "register_argc_argv" enabled.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'This is required for message delivery to work.' ] = 'Det krävs för att meddelanden ska kunna levereras.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Error: the "openssl_pkey_new" function on this system is not able to generate encryption keys' ] = 'Fel: funktionen "openssl_pkey_new" kan inte skapa krypteringsnycklar' ;
$a -> strings [ 'If running under Windows, please see "http://www.php.net/manual/en/openssl.installation.php".' ] = 'Läs mer på "http://www.php.net/manual/en/openssl.installation.php" om du kör Windows.' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Generate encryption keys' ] = 'Generera krypteringsnycklar' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Error: Apache webserver mod-rewrite module is required but not installed.' ] = 'Error: Apache webserver mod-rewrite module is required but not installed.' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Error: The MySQL driver for PDO is not installed.' ] = 'Fel: MySQL-drivrutinen för PDO är inte installerad.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'libCurl PHP module' ] = 'PHP-modul för libCurl' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Error: libCURL PHP module required but not installed.' ] = 'Error: libCURL PHP module required but not installed.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Error: GD graphics PHP module with JPEG support required but not installed.' ] = 'Error: GD graphics PHP module with JPEG support required but not installed.' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'OpenSSL PHP module' ] = 'PHP-modul för OpenSSL' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Error: openssl PHP module required but not installed.' ] = 'Error: openssl PHP module required but not installed.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'This is most often a permission setting, as the web server may not be able to write files in your folder - even if you can.' ] = 'This is most often a permission setting, as the web server may not be able to write files in your folder - even if you can.' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'config/local.config.php is writable' ] = 'config/local.config.php är skrivbar' ;
$a -> strings [ 'view/smarty3 is writable' ] = 'view/smarty3 är skrivbar' ;
$a -> strings [ 'No TLS detected' ] = 'Ingen TLS upptäcktes' ;
$a -> strings [ 'TLS detected' ] = 'TLS upptäcktes' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Database already in use.' ] = 'Databas används redan.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Could not connect to database.' ] = 'Kunde inte ansluta till databasen.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Monday' ] = 'måndag' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Tuesday' ] = 'tisdag' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Wednesday' ] = 'onsdag' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Thursday' ] = 'torsdag' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Friday' ] = 'fredag' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Saturday' ] = 'lördag' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Sunday' ] = 'söndag' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'January' ] = 'januari' ;
$a -> strings [ 'February' ] = 'februari' ;
$a -> strings [ 'March' ] = 'mars' ;
$a -> strings [ 'April' ] = 'april' ;
$a -> strings [ 'May' ] = 'maj' ;
$a -> strings [ 'June' ] = 'juni' ;
$a -> strings [ 'July' ] = 'juli' ;
$a -> strings [ 'August' ] = 'augusti' ;
$a -> strings [ 'September' ] = 'september' ;
$a -> strings [ 'October' ] = 'oktober' ;
$a -> strings [ 'November' ] = 'november' ;
$a -> strings [ 'December' ] = 'december' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Mon' ] = 'Mån' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Tue' ] = 'Tis' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Wed' ] = 'Ons' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Thu' ] = 'Tor' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Fri' ] = 'Fre' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Sat' ] = 'Lör' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Sun' ] = 'Sön' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Jan' ] = 'Jan' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Feb' ] = 'Feb' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Mar' ] = 'Mar' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Apr' ] = 'Apr' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Jun' ] = 'Jun' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Jul' ] = 'Jul' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Aug' ] = 'Aug' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Sep' ] = 'Sep' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Oct' ] = 'Okt' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Nov' ] = 'Nov' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Dec' ] = 'Dec' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Enter a valid existing folder' ] = 'Ange en giltig befintlig mapp' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Update %s failed. See error logs.' ] = 'Uppdateringen %s misslyckades. Se fler loggar.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'The error message is\n[pre]%s[/pre]' ] = 'Felmeddelandet är \n[pre]%s[/pre]' ;
$a -> strings [ '[Friendica Notify] Database update' ] = '[Friendica-avisering] Uppdatering av databas' ;
$a -> strings [ 'The database version had been set to %s.' ] = 'Databas-versionen har ställts in till %s.' ;
$a -> strings [ '%s: Database update' ] = '%s: Uppdatering av databas' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Record not found' ] = 'Posten hittades inte' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Unauthorized' ] = 'Ej autentiserad' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Internal Server Error' ] = 'Internt server-fel' ;
2023-10-02 08:22:48 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Everybody' ] = 'Alla' ;
$a -> strings [ 'edit' ] = 'redigera' ;
$a -> strings [ 'add' ] = 'lägg till' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Approve' ] = 'Godkänn' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Organisation' ] = 'Organisation' ;
2024-02-10 08:57:19 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Relay' ] = 'Fördröj' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Disallowed profile URL.' ] = 'Otillåten profil-URL.' ;
2022-07-07 11:08:05 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Blocked domain' ] = 'Blockerad domän' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'The profile address specified does not provide adequate information.' ] = 'Angiven profiladress ger inte tillräcklig information.' ;
2022-07-07 11:08:05 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'No compatible communication protocols or feeds were discovered.' ] = 'Inga kompatibla kommunikationsprotokoll eller flöden hittades.' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'An author or name was not found.' ] = 'En författare eller namnet hittades inte.' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Limited profile. This person will be unable to receive direct/personal notifications from you.' ] = 'Begränsad profil. Den här personen kommer inte att kunna ta emot personliga meddelanden från dig.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Unable to retrieve contact information.' ] = 'Det gick inte att komma åt kontaktinformationen.' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Starts:' ] = 'Börjar:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Finishes:' ] = 'Slutar:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'all-day' ] = 'hela dagen' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Sept' ] = 'Sept' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'today' ] = 'idag' ;
$a -> strings [ 'month' ] = 'månad' ;
$a -> strings [ 'week' ] = 'vecka' ;
$a -> strings [ 'day' ] = 'dag' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'No events to display' ] = 'Inga evenemang att visa' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Access to this profile has been restricted.' ] = 'Åtkomst till den här profilen har begränsats.' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'l, F j' ] = 'l, F j' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Edit event' ] = 'Redigera evenemang' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Duplicate event' ] = 'Fördubbla evenemanget' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Delete event' ] = 'Ta bort evenemanget' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Show map' ] = 'Visa karta' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Hide map' ] = 'Göm karta' ;
$a -> strings [ '%s\'s birthday' ] = '%s\'s födelsedag' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Happy Birthday %s' ] = 'Grattis på födelsedagen %s' ;
$a -> strings [ 'activity' ] = 'aktivitet' ;
$a -> strings [ 'comment' ] = 'kommentar' ;
$a -> strings [ 'post' ] = 'inlägg' ;
$a -> strings [ 'bytes' ] = 'bytes' ;
2022-07-07 11:08:05 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Poll end: %s' ] = 'Omröstningen slut om: %s' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'View on separate page' ] = 'Visa på en separat sida' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ '[no subject]' ] = '[ingen rubrik]' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Wall Photos' ] = 'Loggbilder' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Edit profile' ] = 'Redigera profil' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Change profile photo' ] = 'Byt profilbild' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Homepage:' ] = 'Hemsida:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'About:' ] = 'Om:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Atom feed' ] = 'Atom-flöde' ;
2022-01-27 11:19:48 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'F d' ] = 'F d' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ '[today]' ] = '[idag]' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Birthday Reminders' ] = 'Födelsedagspåminnelser' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Birthdays this week:' ] = 'Födelsedagar denna vecka:' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'g A l F d' ] = 'g A l F d' ;
$a -> strings [ '[No description]' ] = '[Ingen beskrivning]' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Event Reminders' ] = 'Evenemangspåminnare' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Upcoming events the next 7 days:' ] = 'Evenemang som kommer de kommande 7 dagarna:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Hometown:' ] = 'Hemstad:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Marital Status:' ] = 'Civilstånd:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'With:' ] = 'Med:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Since:' ] = 'Sedan:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Sexual Preference:' ] = 'Sexualitet' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Political Views:' ] = 'Politisk åskådning:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Religious Views:' ] = 'Religion:' ;
2022-07-07 11:08:05 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Likes:' ] = 'Gillar:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Dislikes:' ] = 'Ogillar:' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Title/Description:' ] = 'Titel/Beskrivning:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Summary' ] = 'Sammanfattning' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Musical interests' ] = 'Musik' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Books, literature' ] = 'Böcker, litteratur' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Television' ] = 'TV' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Film/dance/culture/entertainment' ] = 'Film/Dans/Kultur/Nöje' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Hobbies/Interests' ] = 'Hobbys/Intressen' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Love/romance' ] = 'Kärlek/Romantik' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Work/employment' ] = 'Arbete' ;
$a -> strings [ 'School/education' ] = 'Skola/Utbildning' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Contact information and Social Networks' ] = 'Kontaktuppgifter och sociala nätverk' ;
$a -> strings [ 'SERIOUS ERROR: Generation of security keys failed.' ] = 'SERIOUS ERROR: Generation of security keys failed.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Login failed' ] = 'Inloggningen misslyckades' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Not enough information to authenticate' ] = 'Inte tillräckligt med information för att autentisera' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Password can\'t be empty' ] = 'Lösenordet kan inte vara tomt' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Empty passwords are not allowed.' ] = 'Tomma lösenord är inte tillåtna.' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Passwords do not match. Password unchanged.' ] = 'Lösenorden skiljer sig åt. Lösenordet ändras inte.' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'An invitation is required.' ] = 'En inbjudning krävs.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Invitation could not be verified.' ] = 'Inbjudningen kunde inte bekräftas.' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Invalid OpenID url' ] = 'Ogiltig OpenID-URL' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'The error message was:' ] = 'Felmeddelandet var:' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Please enter the required information.' ] = 'Fyll i alla obligatoriska fält.' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Username should be at least %s character.' ] = [
0 => 'Användarnamnet bör ha åtminstone %s tecken.' ,
1 => 'Användarnamn borde ha åtminstone %s tecken.' ,
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'That doesn\'t appear to be your full (First Last) name.' ] = 'Du verkar inte ha angett ditt fullständiga namn.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Your email domain is not among those allowed on this site.' ] = 'Din e-postdomän är inte tillåten på den här webbplatsen.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Not a valid email address.' ] = 'Ogiltig e-postadress.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Cannot use that email.' ] = 'Otillåten e-postadress.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Nickname is already registered. Please choose another.' ] = 'Användarnamnet är upptaget. Välj ett annat.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'An error occurred during registration. Please try again.' ] = 'Något gick fel vid registreringen. Försök igen.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'An error occurred creating your default profile. Please try again.' ] = 'Det blev fel när din standardprofil skulle skapas. Prova igen.' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Friends' ] = 'Vänner' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Profile Photos' ] = 'Profilbilder' ;
2022-01-27 11:19:48 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Registration details for %s' ] = 'Registreringsdetaljer för 1%s' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Addon not found.' ] = 'Insticksprogrammet hittades inte.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Addon %s disabled.' ] = 'Insticksprogrammet %s är inaktiverat.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Addon %s enabled.' ] = 'Insticksprogrammet %s är aktiverat.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Disable' ] = 'Inaktivera' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Enable' ] = 'Aktivera' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Administration' ] = 'Administration' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Addons' ] = 'Insticksprogram' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Toggle' ] = 'Växla' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Author: ' ] = 'Författare:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Maintainer: ' ] = 'Underhållare:' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Save Settings' ] = 'Spara inställningar' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Update has been marked successful' ] = 'Uppdateringen har blivit markerad som lyckad' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Update %s was successfully applied.' ] = 'Verkställningen av uppdateringen av %s lyckades.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'No failed updates.' ] = 'Inga misslyckade uppdateringar.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Check database structure' ] = 'Kolla databas-strukturen' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Failed Updates' ] = 'Misslyckade uppdatering' ;
2024-05-24 07:59:09 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'No' ] = 'Nej' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Yes' ] = 'Ja' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Manage Additional Features' ] = 'Hantera ytterligare funktioner' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Other' ] = 'Annat' ;
$a -> strings [ 'unknown' ] = 'okänd' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Logs' ] = 'Loggar' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Clear' ] = 'Rensa' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Enable Debugging' ] = 'Aktivera avlusning' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Log file' ] = 'Logg-fil' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Log level' ] = 'Logg-nivå' ;
$a -> strings [ 'PHP logging' ] = 'PHP-loggning' ;
$a -> strings [ 'View Logs' ] = 'Visa loggar' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Search in logs' ] = 'Sök i loggar' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Show all' ] = 'Visa alla' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Date' ] = 'Datum' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Level' ] = 'Nivå' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Context' ] = 'Sammanhang' ;
$a -> strings [ 'ALL' ] = 'ALLA' ;
$a -> strings [ 'View details' ] = 'Visa detaljer' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Click to view details' ] = 'Klicka för att visa detaljer' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Event details' ] = 'Evenemangets detaljer' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Data' ] = 'Data' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Source' ] = 'Källa' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'File' ] = 'Fil' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Line' ] = 'Rad' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Function' ] = 'Funktion' ;
$a -> strings [ 'UID' ] = 'UID' ;
$a -> strings [ 'ID' ] = 'ID' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Command' ] = 'Kommando' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Job Parameters' ] = 'Jobb-parametrar' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Created' ] = 'Skapades' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Priority' ] = 'Prioritet' ;
$a -> strings [ 'No special theme for mobile devices' ] = 'Inget speciellt tema för mobil-enheter' ;
$a -> strings [ '%s - (Experimental)' ] = '%s - (Experimentell)' ;
$a -> strings [ 'No community page' ] = 'Ingen gemenskapssida' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Multi user instance' ] = 'Instans för flertalet användare' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Closed' ] = 'Stängd' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Requires approval' ] = 'Kräver godkännande' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Open' ] = 'Öppen' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Don\'t check' ] = 'Kolla inte' ;
$a -> strings [ 'check the stable version' ] = 'kolla den stabila versionen' ;
$a -> strings [ 'check the development version' ] = 'kolla utvecklingsversionen' ;
$a -> strings [ 'none' ] = 'ingen' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Local contacts' ] = 'Lokala kontakter ' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Site' ] = 'Sida' ;
$a -> strings [ 'General Information' ] = 'Generell information' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Registration' ] = 'Registrering' ;
$a -> strings [ 'File upload' ] = 'Fil-uppladdning' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Policies' ] = 'Policyer' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Advanced' ] = 'Avancerat' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Performance' ] = 'Prestanda' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Worker' ] = 'Arbetare' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Message Relay' ] = 'Meddelandefördröjning' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Site name' ] = 'Namn på sida' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Sender Email' ] = 'Sändare av e-post' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Banner/Logo' ] = 'Banderoll/Logga' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Email Banner/Logo' ] = 'E-postbanderoll/logga' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Shortcut icon' ] = 'Genvägsikon' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Additional Info' ] = 'Ytterligare info' ;
$a -> strings [ 'System language' ] = 'Systemets språk' ;
$a -> strings [ 'System theme' ] = 'Systemets tema' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Theme for mobile devices' ] = 'Tema för mobilenheter' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Force SSL' ] = 'Tvinga SSL' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Maximum image size' ] = 'Maximal bildstorlek' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Maximum image length' ] = 'Maximal bildlängd' ;
$a -> strings [ 'JPEG image quality' ] = 'Kvalité för JPEG-bilden' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Register policy' ] = 'Registrera policy' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Maximum Daily Registrations' ] = 'Maximala registreringar varje dag' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Register text' ] = 'Registrera text' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Forbidden Nicknames' ] = 'Förbjudna smeknamn' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Accounts abandoned after x days' ] = 'Konton som övergavs efter x dagar' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Allowed friend domains' ] = 'Tillåtna vän-domäner' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Allowed email domains' ] = 'Tillåtna e-postdomäner' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Block public' ] = 'Blockera publik' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Force publish' ] = 'Tvinga publicering' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Private posts by default for new users' ] = 'Privata inlägg som standard för nya användare' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Don\'t include post content in email notifications' ] = 'Inkludera inte inläggets innehåll i aviseringar för e-post' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Enable Diaspora support' ] = 'Aktivera Diaspora-support' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Verify SSL' ] = 'Bekräfta SSL' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Proxy user' ] = 'Proxy-användare' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Proxy URL' ] = 'URL för proxy' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Network timeout' ] = 'Tidsgräns för nätverket' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Value is in seconds. Set to 0 for unlimited (not recommended).' ] = 'Värdet är i sekunder. Ställ in det till 0 för obegränsat (rekommenderas inte).' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Temp path' ] = 'Tillfällig genväg' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Only search in tags' ] = 'Sök endast i taggar' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Message queues' ] = 'Meddelandeköer' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Version' ] = 'Version' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Screenshot' ] = 'Skärmdump' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Themes' ] = 'Teman' ;
$a -> strings [ '[Experimental]' ] = '[Experimentiell]' ;
$a -> strings [ '[Unsupported]' ] = '[Stöds inte]' ;
$a -> strings [ 'No installed applications.' ] = 'Inga installerade applikationer.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Applications' ] = 'Applikationer' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Item was not found.' ] = 'Objektet hittades inte.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Please login to continue.' ] = 'Vänligen logga in för att fortsätta.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Additional features' ] = 'Ytterligare funktioner' ;
$a -> strings [ 'DB updates' ] = 'DB-uppdateringar' ;
$a -> strings [ 'User registrations waiting for confirmation' ] = 'Användarens registreringar väntar på bekräftelse' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Daily posting limit of %d post reached. The post was rejected.' ] = [
0 => 'Daglig gräns av %d upplägg nådd. Upplägget avvisades.' ,
1 => 'Daglig gräns av %d upplägg nådd. Upplägget avvisades.' ,
$a -> strings [ 'Weekly posting limit of %d post reached. The post was rejected.' ] = [
0 => 'Veckovis gräns av %d inlägg nådd. Inlägged avvisades.' ,
1 => 'Veckovis gräns av %d inlägg nådd. Inlägged avvisades.' ,
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Users' ] = 'Användare' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Delete Item' ] = 'Ta bort objekt' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Item Source' ] = 'Objektets källa' ;
2022-01-27 11:19:48 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Profile Details' ] = 'Profildetaljer' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Only You Can See This' ] = 'Endast du kan se det här' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Tips for New Members' ] = 'Tips för nya medlemmar' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'No matches' ] = 'Ingen träff' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Account' ] = 'Konto' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Display' ] = 'Skärm' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Social Networks' ] = 'Sociala nätverk' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Connected apps' ] = 'Anslutna appar' ;
2024-12-26 08:45:47 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Import Contacts' ] = 'Importera kontakter' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Export personal data' ] = 'Exporter personlig data' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Remove account' ] = 'Ta bort konto' ;
$a -> strings [ 'The post was created' ] = 'Inlägget skapades' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Failed to remove event' ] = 'Borttagning av evenemanget misslyckades' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Event can not end before it has started.' ] = 'Evenemanget kan inte sluta före det har börjat.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Event title and start time are required.' ] = 'Evenemangets titel och start-tid krävs.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Starting date and Title are required.' ] = 'Start-datum och titel krävs.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Event Starts:' ] = 'Evenemanget börjar:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Required' ] = 'Krävs' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Finish date/time is not known or not relevant' ] = 'Slut-datum/tid är inte känt eller icke relevant' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Event Finishes:' ] = 'Evenemanget slutar:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Share this event' ] = 'Dela det här evenemanget' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Basic' ] = 'Standard' ;
$a -> strings [ 'This calendar format is not supported' ] = 'Kalenderformatet stöds inte' ;
$a -> strings [ 'No exportable data found' ] = 'Inga data att exportera hittades' ;
$a -> strings [ 'calendar' ] = 'kalender' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Events' ] = 'Evenemang' ;
$a -> strings [ 'View' ] = 'Visa' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Create New Event' ] = 'Skapa nytt evenemang' ;
$a -> strings [ 'list' ] = 'lista' ;
2023-10-02 08:22:48 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Contact not found.' ] = 'Kontakten hittades inte.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Invalid contact.' ] = 'Ogiltig kontakt.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Members' ] = 'Medlemmar' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Click on a contact to add or remove.' ] = 'Klicka på en kontakt för att lägga till eller ta bort.' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Show all contacts' ] = 'Visa alla kontakter' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Pending' ] = 'Väntande' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Blocked' ] = 'Blockerad' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Only show blocked contacts' ] = 'Visa endast blockerade kontakter' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Ignored' ] = 'Ignorerade' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Only show ignored contacts' ] = 'Visa endast ignorerade kontakter' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Archived' ] = 'Arkiverat' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Only show archived contacts' ] = 'Visa endast arkiverade kontakter' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Hidden' ] = 'Gömda' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Only show hidden contacts' ] = 'Visa endast gömda kontakter' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Search your contacts' ] = 'Sök dina kontakter' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Update' ] = 'Uppdatera' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Unblock' ] = 'Avblockera' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Unignore' ] = 'Sluta ignorera' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Mutual Friendship' ] = 'Ömsesidig vänskap' ;
$a -> strings [ 'is a fan of yours' ] = 'är ett fan till dig' ;
$a -> strings [ 'you are a fan of' ] = 'du är fan till' ;
2022-07-07 11:08:05 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Pending outgoing contact request' ] = 'Väntande utgående kontaktbegäran' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Pending incoming contact request' ] = 'Väntande inkommande kontaktbegäran' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Visit %s\'s profile [%s]' ] = 'Besök %s\'s profil [%s]' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Contact update failed.' ] = 'Det gick inte att uppdatera kontakt.' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Name' ] = 'Namn' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'New photo from this URL' ] = 'Nytt foto från den här webbadressen' ;
2022-07-07 11:08:05 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'No known contacts.' ] = 'Inga kända kontakter.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'No common contacts.' ] = 'Inga gemensamma kontakter.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Follower (%s)' ] = [
0 => 'Följare (%s)' ,
1 => 'Följare (%s)' ,
$a -> strings [ 'Following (%s)' ] = [
0 => 'Följer (%s)' ,
1 => 'Följer (%s)' ,
$a -> strings [ 'Mutual friend (%s)' ] = [
0 => 'Gemensam vän (%s)' ,
1 => 'Gemensamma vänner (%s)' ,
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Access denied.' ] = 'Åtkomst nekad.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Submit Request' ] = 'Skicka förfrågan' ;
$a -> strings [ 'You already added this contact.' ] = 'Du har redan lagt till den här kontakten.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'The network type couldn\'t be detected. Contact can\'t be added.' ] = 'Nätverkstypen kunde inte upptäckas. Kontakten kan inte läggas till.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Diaspora support isn\'t enabled. Contact can\'t be added.' ] = 'Stödet för Diaspora är inte aktiverat. Kontakten kan inte läggas till.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Please answer the following:' ] = 'Var vänlig besvara följande:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Your Identity Address:' ] = 'Din adress (ditt ID):' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Profile URL' ] = 'URL för profil' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Tags:' ] = 'Taggar:' ;
$a -> strings [ '%s knows you' ] = '%s känner dig' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Add a personal note:' ] = 'Lägg till ett personligt meddelande:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'The contact could not be added.' ] = 'Kontakten kunde inte läggas till.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Invalid request.' ] = 'Ogiltig förfrågning.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Profile Match' ] = 'Matcha profiler' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Failed to update contact record.' ] = 'Det blev fel när kontakten skulle uppdateras.' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Contact has been unblocked' ] = 'Kontakten är inte längre spärrad' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Contact has been blocked' ] = 'Kontakten har spärrats' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Contact has been unignored' ] = 'Kontakten ignoreras inte längre' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Contact has been ignored' ] = 'Kontakten ignoreras' ;
$a -> strings [ 'You are mutual friends with %s' ] = 'Ni är gemensamma vänner med %s' ;
$a -> strings [ 'You are sharing with %s' ] = 'Du delar med %s' ;
$a -> strings [ '%s is sharing with you' ] = '%s delar med dig' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Private communications are not available for this contact.' ] = 'Det går inte att utbyta personliga meddelanden med den här kontakten.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Never' ] = 'Aldrig' ;
$a -> strings [ '(Update was not successful)' ] = '(Uppdateringen lyckades inte)' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ '(Update was successful)' ] = '(Uppdateringen lyckades)' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Suggest friends' ] = 'Föreslå vänner' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Network type: %s' ] = 'Nätverkstyp: %s' ;
2022-01-27 11:19:48 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Communications lost with this contact!' ] = 'Kommunikationen med den här kontakten förlorades!' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Fetch information' ] = 'Hämta information' ;
$a -> strings [ 'No mirroring' ] = 'Ingen spegling' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Contact Information / Notes' ] = 'Kontaktuppgifter/Anteckningar' ;
2022-07-07 11:08:05 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Contact' ] = 'Kontakt' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Their personal note' ] = 'Deras personliga anteckning' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Edit contact notes' ] = 'Redigera kontaktanteckningar' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Block/Unblock contact' ] = 'Spärra kontakt eller häv spärr' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Ignore contact' ] = 'Ignorera kontakt' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'View conversations' ] = 'Visa konversationer' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Last update:' ] = 'Senaste uppdatering:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Update public posts' ] = 'Uppdatera publika inlägg' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Update now' ] = 'Updatera nu' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Currently blocked' ] = 'Spärrad' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Currently ignored' ] = 'Ignoreras' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Hide this contact from others' ] = 'Göm den här kontakten för andra' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Notification for new posts' ] = 'Avisering för nya inlägg' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Status' ] = 'Status' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Bad Request.' ] = 'Dålig begäran.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'You aren\'t following this contact.' ] = 'Du följer inte den här kontakten.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Unfollowing is currently not supported by your network.' ] = 'Avföljning stöds för närvarande inte av ditt nätverk.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Disconnect/Unfollow' ] = 'Koppla ur/Avfölj' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Contact was successfully unfollowed' ] = 'Avföljningen av kontakten lyckades' ;
2023-10-02 08:22:48 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'No results.' ] = 'Inga resultat.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Not available.' ] = 'Inte tillgängligt.' ;
2022-07-07 11:08:05 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Include' ] = 'Inkludera' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Hide' ] = 'Dölj' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Error' ] = [
0 => 'Fel' ,
1 => 'Fel' ,
2022-07-07 11:08:05 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'You must be logged in to use this module' ] = 'Du måste vara inloggad för att använda denna modul' ;
2022-01-27 11:19:48 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Time Conversion' ] = 'Tidskonvertering' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'UTC time: %s' ] = 'UTC-tid: %s' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Current timezone: %s' ] = 'Nuvarande tidszon: %s' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Converted localtime: %s' ] = 'Konverterad lokaltid: %s' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Please select your timezone:' ] = 'Vänligen välj din tidszon:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'No entries (some entries may be hidden).' ] = 'Inget att visa. (Man kan välja att inte synas här)' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Find on this site' ] = 'Hitta på den här sidan' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Site Directory' ] = 'Medlemskatalog' ;
$a -> strings [ '- select -' ] = '- välj -' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Friend suggestion sent.' ] = 'Vän-förslag skickades.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Suggest Friends' ] = 'Föreslå vänner' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Suggest a friend for %s' ] = 'Föreslå en vän till %s' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Reason for the block' ] = 'Anledning för blockeringen' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Bug reports and issues: please visit' ] = 'Anmäl buggar eller andra problem, gå till' ;
$a -> strings [ 'No profile' ] = 'Ingen profil' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Help:' ] = 'Hjälp:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Welcome to %s' ] = 'Välkommen till %s' ;
2022-01-27 11:19:48 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'System check' ] = 'Systemkontroll' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Next' ] = 'Nästa' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Check again' ] = 'Kolla igen' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Base path to installation' ] = 'Grundväg till installationen' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Database connection' ] = 'Databas-anslutning' ;
2022-01-27 11:19:48 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'In order to install Friendica we need to know how to connect to your database.' ] = 'För att kunna installera Friendica så behöver vi veta hur du ansluter till din databas.' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Please contact your hosting provider or site administrator if you have questions about these settings.' ] = 'Please contact your hosting provider or site administrator if you have questions about these settings.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Database Server Name' ] = 'Database Server Name' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Database Login Name' ] = 'Database Login Name' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Database Login Password' ] = 'Database Login Password' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Database Name' ] = 'Database Name' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Please select a default timezone for your website' ] = 'Please select a default timezone for your website' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Your Friendica site database has been installed.' ] = 'Databasen för din friendicasajt har installerats.' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ '<h1>What next</h1>' ] = '<h1>Det som kommer härnäst</h1>' ;
$a -> strings [ '%s : Not a valid email address.' ] = '%s : Ogiltig e-postadress.' ;
$a -> strings [ '%s : Message delivery failed.' ] = '%s : Meddelandet kom inte fram.' ;
$a -> strings [ '%d message sent.' ] = [
0 => '%d meddelande har skickats.' ,
1 => '%d meddelanden har skickats.' ,
$a -> strings [ 'You have no more invitations available' ] = 'Du har inga fler inbjudningar tillgängliga' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Send invitations' ] = 'Skicka inbjudningar' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Enter email addresses, one per line:' ] = 'Ange e-postadresser, en per rad:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Once you have registered, please connect with me via my profile page at:' ] = 'Vi kan bli kontakter via min profil. Besök min profil här när du har registrerat dig:' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'The feed for this item is unavailable.' ] = 'Flödet för det här föremålet är otillgängligt.' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'System down for maintenance' ] = 'Systemet är nere för underhåll' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Files' ] = 'Filer' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Upload' ] = 'Ladda upp' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Or - did you try to upload an empty file?' ] = 'Eller - provade du att ladda upp en tom fil?' ;
$a -> strings [ 'File exceeds size limit of %s' ] = 'Filen överstiger maxstorleken %s' ;
$a -> strings [ 'File upload failed.' ] = 'Uppladdning av filen misslyckades.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Unable to process image.' ] = 'Det gick inte att behandla bilden.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Image upload failed.' ] = 'Fel vid bilduppladdning.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'List of all users' ] = 'Lista över alla användare' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Active' ] = 'Aktiv' ;
$a -> strings [ 'List of active accounts' ] = 'Lista över aktiva konton' ;
$a -> strings [ 'List of pending registrations' ] = 'Lista över väntande registreringar' ;
$a -> strings [ 'List of blocked users' ] = 'Lista över blockerade användare' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Deleted' ] = 'Ta bort' ;
$a -> strings [ 'List of pending user deletions' ] = 'Lista över väntande borttagningar av användare' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Normal Account Page' ] = 'Normal konto-sida' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Personal Page' ] = 'Personlig sida' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Organisation Page' ] = 'Sida för organisation' ;
$a -> strings [ 'You can\'t block a local contact, please block the user instead' ] = 'Du kan inte blockera en lokal kontakt, vänligen blockera användaren istället' ;
$a -> strings [ 'select all' ] = 'välj alla' ;
$a -> strings [ 'select none' ] = 'välj ingen' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Photo' ] = 'Foto' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Reason' ] = 'Anledning' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Block Reason' ] = 'Anledning för blockering' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Matching known servers' ] = 'Matchar kända servrar' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Server Name' ] = 'Namn på server' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Server Domain' ] = 'Serverns domän' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Known Contacts' ] = 'Kända kontakter' ;
$a -> strings [ '%d known server' ] = [
0 => '%d känd server' ,
1 => '%d kända servrar' ,
$a -> strings [ 'Add pattern to the blocklist' ] = 'Lägg till mönster till blockeringslistan' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Add new entry to the blocklist' ] = 'Lägg till ny post till blockeringslistan' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Save changes to the blocklist' ] = 'Spara ändringen i blockeringslistan' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Current Entries in the Blocklist' ] = 'Nuvarande poster i blockeringslistan' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Delete entry from the blocklist' ] = 'Ta bort post från blockeringslistan' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Delete entry from the blocklist?' ] = 'Ta bort post från blockeringslistan?' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Item marked for deletion.' ] = 'Objektet är markerat för borttagning.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Delete this Item' ] = 'Ta bort det här objektet' ;
$a -> strings [ 'GUID' ] = 'GUID' ;
$a -> strings [ 'The GUID of the item you want to delete.' ] = 'Objektets GUID som du vill ta bort.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Terms' ] = 'Villkor' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Tag' ] = 'Taggar' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Type' ] = 'Typ' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Term' ] = 'Villkor' ;
$a -> strings [ 'URL' ] = 'Webbadress' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Item not found' ] = 'Hittades inte' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Registered users' ] = 'Registrerade användare' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Pending registrations' ] = 'Väntande registreringar' ;
$a -> strings [ '%s user deleted' ] = [
0 => '%sanvändare togs bort' ,
1 => '%s användare togs bort' ,
$a -> strings [ 'Register date' ] = 'Datum för registrering' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Last login' ] = 'Senaste inloggning' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Account expired' ] = 'Kontot slutade gälla' ;
$a -> strings [ 'New User' ] = 'Ny användare' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Add User' ] = 'Lägg till användare' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Name of the new user.' ] = 'Namn på den nya användaren.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Nickname' ] = 'Smeknamn' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Nickname of the new user.' ] = 'Smeknamn på den nya användaren.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Email address of the new user.' ] = 'E-postadress för den nya användaren.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Account approved.' ] = 'Kontot har godkänts.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Request date' ] = 'Datum för begäran' ;
$a -> strings [ 'No registrations.' ] = 'Inga registreringar.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Deny' ] = 'Avslå' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Show Ignored Requests' ] = 'Visa förfrågningar du ignorerat' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Hide Ignored Requests' ] = 'Dölj förfrågningar du ignorerat' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Claims to be known to you: ' ] = 'Hävdar att du vet vem han/hon är: ' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Friend' ] = 'Vän' ;
$a -> strings [ 'No introductions.' ] = 'Inga presentationer.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Network Notifications' ] = 'Nätverksaviseringar' ;
$a -> strings [ 'System Notifications' ] = 'Systemets aviseringar' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Personal Notifications' ] = 'Privata aviseringar' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Home Notifications' ] = 'Hem-aviseringar' ;
2022-07-07 11:08:05 +02:00
$a -> strings [ '{0} requested registration' ] = '{0} bad om registrering' ;
$a -> strings [ '{0} and %d others requested registration' ] = '{0} och %d andra bad om registrering' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Do you want to authorize this application to access your posts and contacts, and/or create new posts for you?' ] = 'Vill du ge den här applikationen åtkomst till dina inlägg och kontakter, och/eller skapa nya inlägg för dig?' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Subscribing to contacts' ] = 'Prenumererar på kontakter' ;
$a -> strings [ 'No contact provided.' ] = 'Ingen kontakt angedd' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Couldn\'t fetch information for contact.' ] = 'Kunde inte hämta information för kontakten.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Couldn\'t fetch friends for contact.' ] = 'Kunde inte hämta vänner för kontakt.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Couldn\'t fetch following contacts.' ] = 'Kunde inte hämta följande kontakter.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Couldn\'t fetch remote profile.' ] = 'Kunde inte hämta profil' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Unsupported network' ] = 'Nätverket stöds inte' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Done' ] = 'Färdig' ;
$a -> strings [ 'success' ] = 'lyckades' ;
$a -> strings [ 'failed' ] = 'misslyckades' ;
$a -> strings [ 'ignored' ] = 'ignorerades' ;
2024-10-16 05:37:07 +00:00
$a -> strings [ 'Keep this window open until done.' ] = 'Håll det här fönstret öppet tills du är klar.' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Edit post' ] = 'Ändra inlägg' ;
$a -> strings [ 'web link' ] = 'webblänk' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Insert video link' ] = 'Klistra in videolänk' ;
$a -> strings [ 'video link' ] = 'videolänk' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Insert audio link' ] = 'Klistra in ljudlänk' ;
$a -> strings [ 'audio link' ] = 'ljudlänk' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Remove Item Tag' ] = 'Ta bort tagg' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Select a tag to remove: ' ] = 'Välj vilken tagg som ska tas bort: ' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Remove' ] = 'Ta bort' ;
2024-05-24 07:59:09 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Remote privacy information not available.' ] = 'Remote privacy information not available.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Visible to:' ] = 'Synlig för:' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'No contacts.' ] = 'Inga kontakter.' ;
2023-10-02 08:22:48 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Image exceeds size limit of %s' ] = 'Bildstorlek överstiger %s' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Image upload didn\'t complete, please try again' ] = 'Uppladdningen av bilden slutfördes inte, vänligen försök igen.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Image file is missing' ] = 'Bildfilen saknas' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Server can\'t accept new file upload at this time, please contact your administrator' ] = 'Servern kan just nu inte acceptera uppladdning av en ny fil, vänligen kontakta din administratör' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Image file is empty.' ] = 'Bildfilen är tom.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'View Album' ] = 'Titta i album' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Profile not found.' ] = 'Profilen hittades inte.' ;
2022-07-07 11:08:05 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Full Name:' ] = 'Fullständigt namn:' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'j F, Y' ] = 'j F, Y' ;
$a -> strings [ 'j F' ] = 'j F' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Birthday:' ] = 'Födelsedatum:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Age: ' ] = 'Ålder: ' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Description:' ] = 'Beskrivning:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Profile unavailable.' ] = 'Profilen är inte tillgänglig.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Invalid locator' ] = 'Invalid locator' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Friend/Connection Request' ] = 'Vän- eller kontaktförfrågan' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'If you are not familiar with OpenID, please leave that field blank and fill in the rest of the items.' ] = 'Om du inte vet vad OpenID är, eller inte vill använda det, kan du lämna det fältet tomt och fylla i resten.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Your OpenID (optional): ' ] = 'OpenID (om du vill): ' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Include your profile in member directory?' ] = 'Ta med profilen i medlemskatalogen?' ;
2022-07-07 11:08:05 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'New Password:' ] = 'Nytt lösenord' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Confirm:' ] = 'Bekräfta (repetera):' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Choose a nickname: ' ] = 'Välj ett användarnamn: ' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Import' ] = 'Importera' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Import your profile to this friendica instance' ] = 'Importera din profil till den här friendica-instansen' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Registration successful. Please check your email for further instructions.' ] = 'Registrering klar. Kolla din e-post för vidare information.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Your registration can not be processed.' ] = 'Det går inte att behandla registreringen.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Your registration is pending approval by the site owner.' ] = 'Din registrering inväntar godkännande av webbplatsens ägare.' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Create a New Account' ] = 'Skapa nytt konto' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Or login using OpenID: ' ] = 'eller logga in genom att använda OpenID:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Password: ' ] = 'Lösenord: ' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Remember me' ] = 'Kom ihåg mig' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Forgot your password?' ] = 'Har du glömt lösenordet?' ;
$a -> strings [ 'terms of service' ] = 'användarvillkor' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Website Privacy Policy' ] = 'Integritetspolicy för hemsidan' ;
$a -> strings [ 'privacy policy' ] = 'integritetspolicy' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Logged out.' ] = 'Utloggad.' ;
2022-07-07 11:08:05 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Passwords do not match.' ] = 'Lösenorden matchar inte.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Password unchanged.' ] = 'Lösenordet oändrat.' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Current Password:' ] = 'Nuvarande lösenord:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Your current password to confirm the changes' ] = 'Ditt nuvarande lösenord för att bekräfta ändringar' ;
2022-07-07 11:08:05 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Please use a shorter name.' ] = 'Vänligen ange ett kortare namn.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Name too short.' ] = 'Namnet för kort.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Wrong Password.' ] = 'Fel lösenord.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Invalid email.' ] = 'Ogiltig e-postadress.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Cannot change to that email.' ] = 'Kan inte byta till den e-postadressen.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Settings were not updated.' ] = 'Inställningarna uppdaterades inte.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Unable to find your profile. Please contact your admin.' ] = 'Kunde inte hitta din profil. Vänligen kontakta din admin.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Account for a personal profile.' ] = 'Konto för personlig profil.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Automatically approves all contact requests.' ] = 'Godkänner automatiskt alla kontaktförfrågningar.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'OpenID:' ] = 'OpenID:' ;
$a -> strings [ '(Optional) Allow this OpenID to login to this account.' ] = '(Valfritt) Tillåt detta OpenID för att logga in till det här kontot.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Account Settings' ] = 'Kontoinställningar' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Password Settings' ] = 'Lösenordsinställningar' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Leave password fields blank unless changing' ] = 'Lämna fältet tomt om du inte vill byta lösenord' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Password:' ] = 'Lösenord:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Basic Settings' ] = 'Grundläggande inställningar' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Email Address:' ] = 'E-postadress:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Your Timezone:' ] = 'Tidszon:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Your Language:' ] = 'Ditt språk:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Default Post Location:' ] = 'Default Post Location:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Use Browser Location:' ] = 'Använd webbläsarens positionering:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Security and Privacy Settings' ] = 'Inställningar för säkerhet och sekretess' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Maximum Friend Requests/Day:' ] = 'Maximalt antal kontaktförfrågningar per dygn:' ;
$a -> strings [ '(to prevent spam abuse)' ] = '(för att motverka spam)' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Allow your profile to be searchable globally?' ] = 'Tillåta att din profil ska vara sökbar globalt?' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Allow friends to post to your profile page?' ] = 'Tillåta vänner att göra inlägg på din profilsida?' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Allow friends to tag your posts?' ] = 'Tillåt vänner att tagga dina inlägg?' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Your contacts can add additional tags to your posts.' ] = 'Dina kontakter kan lägga till ytterligare taggar till dina inlägg.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Default Post Permissions' ] = 'Standardåtkomst för inlägg' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Notification Settings' ] = 'Aviseringsinställningar' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Send a notification email when:' ] = 'Skicka ett aviseringsmail när:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'You receive an introduction' ] = 'En kontaktförfrågan anländer' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Your introductions are confirmed' ] = 'Dina förfrågningar godkänns' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Someone writes on your profile wall' ] = 'Någon gör inlägg på din profilsida' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Someone writes a followup comment' ] = 'Någon gör ett inlägg i samma tråd som du' ;
$a -> strings [ 'You receive a private message' ] = 'Du får personliga meddelanden' ;
$a -> strings [ 'You receive a friend suggestion' ] = 'Du tar emot ett vän-förslag' ;
$a -> strings [ 'You are tagged in a post' ] = 'Du är taggad i ett inlägg' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Create a desktop notification when:' ] = 'Skapa en skrivbordsavisering när:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Someone liked your content' ] = 'Någon gillade ditt innehåll' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Someone shared your content' ] = 'Någon delade ditt innehåll' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Activate desktop notifications' ] = 'Aktivera skrivbordsaviseringar' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Show detailled notifications' ] = 'Visa detaljerade aviseringar' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Relocate' ] = 'Omlokalisera' ;
$a -> strings [ 'If you have moved this profile from another server, and some of your contacts don\'t receive your updates, try pushing this button.' ] = 'Om du har flyttat den här profilen från en annan server och några av dina kontakter inte får dina uppdateringar, försök att trycka på den här knappen.' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Addon Settings' ] = 'Inställningar för Tillägg' ;
$a -> strings [ 'No Addon settings configured' ] = 'Inga inställningar för Tillägg har gjorts' ;
2023-12-16 08:20:16 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Add' ] = 'Lägg till' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Failed to connect with email account using the settings provided.' ] = 'Kunde inte ansluta till e-postkontot med aktuella inställningar' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Diaspora (Socialhome, Hubzilla)' ] = 'Diaspora (Socialhome, Hubzilla)' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Email access is disabled on this site.' ] = 'E-poståtkomst är inaktiverat på den här sidan.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'None' ] = 'Ingen' ;
$a -> strings [ 'General Social Media Settings' ] = 'Generella inställningar för sociala medier' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Enable intelligent shortening' ] = 'Aktivera intelligent förkortning' ;
$a -> strings [ 'If you wish to communicate with email contacts using this service (optional), please specify how to connect to your mailbox.' ] = 'För att kommunicera via e-post med denna tjänst (valfritt), vänligen ange anslutningssätt till ditt e-postkonto.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'IMAP server name:' ] = 'Namn på IMAP-server:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'IMAP port:' ] = 'Port för IMAP:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Security:' ] = 'Säkerhet:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Email login name:' ] = 'Inloggningsnamn för e-post:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Email password:' ] = 'Lösenord för e-post:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Reply-to address:' ] = 'Svara till-adress:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Send public posts to all email contacts:' ] = 'Skicka publika inlägg till alla e-postkontakter:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Action after import:' ] = 'Åtgärd efter importering:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Move to folder' ] = 'Flytta till mapp' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Move to folder:' ] = 'Flytta till mapp:' ;
2024-12-26 08:45:47 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Upload File' ] = 'Ladda upp fil' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Potential Delegates' ] = 'Potentiella delegater' ;
$a -> strings [ 'No entries.' ] = 'Inga poster.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Display Settings' ] = 'Skärm-inställningar' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Theme settings' ] = 'Tema-inställningar' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Display Theme:' ] = 'Tema/utseende:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Mobile Theme:' ] = 'Mobil-tema:' ;
2022-01-27 11:19:48 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Number of items to display per page:' ] = 'Antalet objekt att visa per sida:' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Maximum of 100 items' ] = 'Maximalt 100 objekt' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Infinite scroll' ] = 'Oändlig skroll' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Additional Features' ] = 'Ytterligare funktioner' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Connected Apps' ] = 'Anslutna appar' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Remove authorization' ] = 'Ta bort autentisering' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ '(click to open/close)' ] = '(klicka för att öppna/stänga)' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Edit Profile Details' ] = 'Ändra profilen' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Change Profile Photo' ] = 'Byt profilfoto' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Profile picture' ] = 'Profilbild' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Location' ] = 'Plats' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Miscellaneous' ] = 'Blandat' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Upload Profile Photo' ] = 'Ladda upp profilbild' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Street Address:' ] = 'Gatuadress:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Locality/City:' ] = 'Plats/Stad:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Region/State:' ] = 'Region:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Postal/Zip Code:' ] = 'Postnummer:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Country:' ] = 'Land:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Homepage URL:' ] = 'Hemsida: (URL)' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Public Keywords:' ] = 'Offentliga nyckelord:' ;
$a -> strings [ '(Used for suggesting potential friends, can be seen by others)' ] = '(Obs, synliga för andra. Används för att föreslå potentiella vänner.)' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Private Keywords:' ] = 'Privata nyckelord:' ;
$a -> strings [ '(Used for searching profiles, never shown to others)' ] = '(Obs, kan ge sökträffar vid sökning av profiler. Visas annars inte för andra.)' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Unable to process image' ] = 'Det gick inte att behandla bilden' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Crop Image' ] = 'Beskär bild' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Please adjust the image cropping for optimum viewing.' ] = 'Välj hur bilden ska beskäras för att bli så bra som möjligt.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'or' ] = 'eller' ;
$a -> strings [ 'skip this step' ] = 'hoppa över det här steget' ;
$a -> strings [ 'select a photo from your photo albums' ] = 'välj en bild från ett album' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ '[Friendica System Notify]' ] = '[System-avisering för Friendica]' ;
$a -> strings [ 'User deleted their account' ] = 'Användaren tog bort sitt konto' ;
$a -> strings [ 'The user id is %d' ] = 'ID för användaren är %d' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Remove My Account' ] = 'Ta bort mitt konto' ;
$a -> strings [ 'This will completely remove your account. Once this has been done it is not recoverable.' ] = 'Detta kommer att ta bort kontot helt och hållet. Efter att det är gjort går det inte att återställa.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Please enter your password for verification:' ] = 'Ange lösenordet igen för säkerhets skull:' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Export account' ] = 'Exportera konto' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Export all' ] = 'Exportera allt' ;
2025-02-08 16:33:37 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Go back' ] = 'Gå tillbaka' ;
2023-12-16 08:20:16 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'You are now logged in as %s' ] = 'Du är nu inloggad som %s' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Switch between your accounts' ] = 'Växla mellan dina konton' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Manage your accounts' ] = 'Hantera dina konton' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Select an identity to manage: ' ] = 'Välj vilken identitet du vill hantera: ' ;
2023-04-09 07:49:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Move account' ] = 'Flytta konto' ;
$a -> strings [ 'You can import an account from another Friendica server.' ] = 'Du kan importera ett konto från en annan Friendica-server.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'To export your account, go to "Settings->Export your personal data" and select "Export account"' ] = 'För att exportera ditt konto, gå till "Inställningar->Exportera din personliga data" och välj "Exportera konto"' ;
$a -> strings [ 'User \'%s\' already exists on this server!' ] = 'Användaren \'%s\' existerar redan i den här servern!' ;
$a -> strings [ 'User creation error' ] = 'Fel uppstod när användaren skulle skapas' ;
$a -> strings [ '%d contact not imported' ] = [
0 => '%d kontakt importerades inte' ,
1 => '%d kontakterna importerades inte' ,
$a -> strings [ 'Done. You can now login with your username and password' ] = 'Färdig. Du kan nu logga in med ditt användarnamn och lösenord' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Welcome to Friendica' ] = 'Välkommen till Friendica' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Getting Started' ] = 'Komma igång' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Friendica Walk-Through' ] = 'Genomgång av Friendica' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Go to Your Settings' ] = 'Gå till dina inställningar' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Edit Your Profile' ] = 'Redigera din profil' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Connecting' ] = 'Ansluter' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Importing Emails' ] = 'Importerar e-post' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Finding New People' ] = 'Hitta nya personer' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Why Aren\'t My Posts Public?' ] = 'Varför visas inte mina inlägg publikt?' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Getting Help' ] = 'Få hjälp' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Go to the Help Section' ] = 'Gå till Hjälp-sektionen' ;
$a -> strings [ '%s liked %s\'s post' ] = '%sgillade %s\'s inlägg' ;
$a -> strings [ '%s disliked %s\'s post' ] = '%s gillade inte %s\'s inlägg' ;
$a -> strings [ '%s is now friends with %s' ] = '%s är nu vänner med %s' ;
$a -> strings [ '%s commented on %s\'s post' ] = '%s kommenterade på %s\'s inlägg' ;
$a -> strings [ '%s created a new post' ] = '%s skapade ett nytt inlägg' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Friend Suggestion' ] = 'Vän-förslag' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Friend/Connect Request' ] = 'Vän- eller kontaktförfrågan' ;
$a -> strings [ '%1$s sent you a new private message at %2$s.' ] = '%1$sskickade ett privat meddelande till dig %2$s.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'a private message' ] = 'ett privat meddelande' ;
$a -> strings [ '%1$s sent you %2$s.' ] = '%1$sskickade%2$s.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Please visit %s to view and/or reply to your private messages.' ] = 'Gå till %sför att se och svara på dina privata meddelanden.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'You\'ve received an introduction from \'%1$s\' at %2$s' ] = 'Du tog emot en introduktion från \'%1$s\' vid %2$s' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Name:' ] = 'Namn:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Photo:' ] = 'Foto:' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Please contact the sender by replying to this post if you do not wish to receive these messages.' ] = 'Kontakta avsändaren genom att svara på det här meddelandet om du inte vill ha sådana här meddelanden.' ;
$a -> strings [ '%s posted an update.' ] = '%s har gjort ett inlägg.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Private Message' ] = 'Privat meddelande' ;
2022-07-07 11:08:05 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'This entry was edited' ] = 'Den här posten redigerades' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'Edit' ] = 'Ändra' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'to' ] = 'till' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ 'via' ] = 'via' ;
2021-10-10 08:22:58 +02:00
$a -> strings [ 'Wall-to-Wall' ] = 'Profil-till-profil' ;
$a -> strings [ 'via Wall-To-Wall:' ] = 'via profil-till-profil:' ;
2022-01-22 18:11:58 +01:00
$a -> strings [ '%d comment' ] = [
0 => '%d kommentar' ,
1 => '%d kommentarer' ,
$a -> strings [ 'Login failed.' ] = 'Inloggningen misslyckades.' ;
$a -> strings [ 'Please upload a profile photo.' ] = 'Vänligen ladda upp ett profil-foto.' ;
2024-10-16 05:37:07 +00:00
$a -> strings [ 'OpenWebAuth: %1$s welcomes %2$s' ] = 'OpenWebAuth: %1$s välkomnar %2$s' ;