mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 18:00:16 +00:00
Merge branch 'develop' into rewrite/gravity-constants
This commit is contained in:
181 changed files with 2408 additions and 2405 deletions
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
server_ip = ""
server_ip = ""
server_memory = "2048" # MB
server_timezone = "UTC"
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ if (php_sapi_name() !== 'cli') {
use Dice\Dice;
use Friendica\DI;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
require dirname(__DIR__) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
@ -33,6 +34,8 @@ require dirname(__DIR__) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$dice = (new Dice())->addRules(include __DIR__ . '/../static/dependencies.config.php');
$dice = $dice->addRule(LoggerInterface::class,['constructParams' => ['console']]);
/// @fixme Necessary until Hooks inside the Logger can get loaded without the DI-class
(new Friendica\Core\Console($dice, $argv))->execute();
@ -45,13 +45,13 @@ apt-get install -qq apache2
a2enmod rewrite actions ssl
cp /vagrant/bin/dev/vagrant_vhost.sh /usr/local/bin/vhost
chmod guo+x /usr/local/bin/vhost
vhost -s -d /var/www -p /etc/ssl/xip.io -c xip.io -a friendica.local
vhost -s -d /var/www -p /etc/ssl/xip.io -c xip.io -a friendica.local
a2dissite 000-default
service apache2 restart
#Install php
echo ">>> Installing PHP7"
apt-get install -qq php libapache2-mod-php php-cli php-mysql php-curl php-gd php-mbstring php-xml imagemagick php-imagick php-zip
apt-get install -qq php libapache2-mod-php php-cli php-mysql php-curl php-gd php-mbstring php-xml imagemagick php-imagick php-zip php-gmp
systemctl restart apache2
echo ">>> Installing PHP8"
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ apt-get install -qq -y lsb-release ca-certificates apt-transport-https software-
echo "deb https://packages.sury.org/php/ $(lsb_release -sc) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sury-php.list
wget -qO - https://packages.sury.org/php/apt.gpg | sudo apt-key add -
apt update
apt-get install -qq php8.0 php8.0-cli php8.0-mysql php8.0-curl php8.0-gd php8.0-mbstring php8.0-xml php8.0-imagick php8.0-zip
apt-get install -qq php8.0 php8.0-cli php8.0-mysql php8.0-curl php8.0-gd php8.0-mbstring php8.0-xml php8.0-imagick php8.0-zip php8.0-gmp
systemctl restart apache2
#Install mysql
@ -27,156 +27,37 @@
* easily as email does today.
use Friendica\Model\Contact;
define('FRIENDICA_PLATFORM', 'Friendica');
define('FRIENDICA_CODENAME', 'Giant Rhubarb');
define('FRIENDICA_VERSION', '2022.12-dev');
define('DFRN_PROTOCOL_VERSION', '2.23');
* Constant with a HTML line break.
* Contains a HTML line break (br) element and a real carriage return with line
* feed for the source.
* This can be used in HTML and JavaScript where needed a line break.
define('EOL', "<br />\r\n");
* @name CP
* Type of the community page
* @{
define('CP_NO_COMMUNITY_PAGE', -1);
define('CP_USERS_ON_SERVER', 0);
define('CP_USERS_AND_GLOBAL', 2);
* @}
* @name Priority
* Process priority for the worker
* @{
define('PRIORITY_CRITICAL', 10);
define('PRIORITY_HIGH', 20);
define('PRIORITY_MEDIUM', 30);
define('PRIORITY_LOW', 40);
/* @}*/
// Normally this constant is defined - but not if "pcntl" isn't installed
if (!defined('SIGTERM')) {
define('SIGTERM', 15);
* Depending on the PHP version this constant does exist - or not.
* See here: http://php.net/manual/en/curl.constants.php#117928
if (!function_exists('exif_imagetype')) {
function exif_imagetype($file)
$size = getimagesize($file);
return $size[2];
use Friendica\Core\Session;
* Returns the user id of locally logged in user or false.
* @return int|bool user id or false
* @deprecated since version 2022.12, use Core\Session::getLocalUser() instead
function local_user()
if (!empty($_SESSION['authenticated']) && !empty($_SESSION['uid'])) {
return intval($_SESSION['uid']);
return false;
return Session::getLocalUser();
* Returns the public contact id of logged in user or false.
* @return int|bool public contact id or false
* @deprecated since version 2022.12, use Core\Session:: getPublicContact() instead
function public_contact()
static $public_contact_id = false;
if (!$public_contact_id && !empty($_SESSION['authenticated'])) {
if (!empty($_SESSION['my_address'])) {
// Local user
$public_contact_id = intval(Contact::getIdForURL($_SESSION['my_address'], 0, false));
} elseif (!empty($_SESSION['visitor_home'])) {
// Remote user
$public_contact_id = intval(Contact::getIdForURL($_SESSION['visitor_home'], 0, false));
} elseif (empty($_SESSION['authenticated'])) {
$public_contact_id = false;
return $public_contact_id;
return Session::getPublicContact();
* Returns public contact id of authenticated site visitor or false
* @return int|bool visitor_id or false
* @deprecated since version 2022.12, use Core\Session:: getRemoteUser() instead
function remote_user()
if (empty($_SESSION['authenticated'])) {
return false;
if (!empty($_SESSION['visitor_id'])) {
return intval($_SESSION['visitor_id']);
return false;
* Show an error message to user.
* This function save text in session, to be shown to the user at next page load
* @param string $s - Text of notice
* @return void
* @deprecated since version 2022.09, use \Friendica\Navigation\SystemMessages instead
function notice(string $s)
* Show an info message to user.
* This function save text in session, to be shown to the user at next page load
* @param string $s - Text of notice
* @return void
* @deprecated since version 2022.09, use \Friendica\Navigation\SystemMessages instead
function info(string $s)
return Session::getRemoteUser();
@ -41,7 +41,6 @@
"michelf/php-markdown": "^1.7",
"minishlink/web-push": "^6.0",
"mobiledetect/mobiledetectlib": "^2.8",
"monolog/monolog": "^1.25",
"nikic/fast-route": "^1.3",
"paragonie/hidden-string": "^1.0",
"patrickschur/language-detection": "^5.0.0",
@ -50,6 +49,7 @@
"pragmarx/google2fa": "^5.0",
"pragmarx/recovery": "^0.2",
"psr/container": "^1.0",
"psr/log": "^1.1",
"seld/cli-prompt": "^1.0",
"smarty/smarty": "^4",
"ua-parser/uap-php": "^3.9",
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"Read more about it at https://getcomposer.org/doc/01-basic-usage.md#installing-dependencies",
"This file is @generated automatically"
"content-hash": "f5922f03b367e68a5930df6ed80c5c2f",
"content-hash": "c851fbba46ed090d0fbaf68e9b3b94df",
"packages": [
"name": "asika/simple-console",
@ -1543,88 +1543,6 @@
"time": "2022-02-17T19:24:25+00:00"
"name": "monolog/monolog",
"version": "1.27.1",
"source": {
"type": "git",
"url": "https://github.com/Seldaek/monolog.git",
"reference": "904713c5929655dc9b97288b69cfeedad610c9a1"
"dist": {
"type": "zip",
"url": "https://api.github.com/repos/Seldaek/monolog/zipball/904713c5929655dc9b97288b69cfeedad610c9a1",
"reference": "904713c5929655dc9b97288b69cfeedad610c9a1",
"shasum": ""
"require": {
"php": ">=5.3.0",
"psr/log": "~1.0"
"provide": {
"psr/log-implementation": "1.0.0"
"require-dev": {
"aws/aws-sdk-php": "^2.4.9 || ^3.0",
"doctrine/couchdb": "~1.0@dev",
"graylog2/gelf-php": "~1.0",
"php-amqplib/php-amqplib": "~2.4",
"php-console/php-console": "^3.1.3",
"phpstan/phpstan": "^0.12.59",
"phpunit/phpunit": "~4.5",
"ruflin/elastica": ">=0.90 <3.0",
"sentry/sentry": "^0.13",
"swiftmailer/swiftmailer": "^5.3|^6.0"
"suggest": {
"aws/aws-sdk-php": "Allow sending log messages to AWS services like DynamoDB",
"doctrine/couchdb": "Allow sending log messages to a CouchDB server",
"ext-amqp": "Allow sending log messages to an AMQP server (1.0+ required)",
"ext-mongo": "Allow sending log messages to a MongoDB server",
"graylog2/gelf-php": "Allow sending log messages to a GrayLog2 server",
"mongodb/mongodb": "Allow sending log messages to a MongoDB server via PHP Driver",
"php-amqplib/php-amqplib": "Allow sending log messages to an AMQP server using php-amqplib",
"php-console/php-console": "Allow sending log messages to Google Chrome",
"rollbar/rollbar": "Allow sending log messages to Rollbar",
"ruflin/elastica": "Allow sending log messages to an Elastic Search server",
"sentry/sentry": "Allow sending log messages to a Sentry server"
"type": "library",
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"Monolog\\": "src/Monolog"
"notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
"license": [
"authors": [
"name": "Jordi Boggiano",
"email": "j.boggiano@seld.be",
"homepage": "http://seld.be"
"description": "Sends your logs to files, sockets, inboxes, databases and various web services",
"homepage": "http://github.com/Seldaek/monolog",
"keywords": [
"funding": [
"url": "https://github.com/Seldaek",
"type": "github"
"url": "https://tidelift.com/funding/github/packagist/monolog/monolog",
"type": "tidelift"
"time": "2022-06-09T08:53:42+00:00"
"name": "nikic/fast-route",
"version": "v1.3.0",
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-- ------------------------------------------
-- Friendica 2022.09-rc (Giant Rhubarb)
-- Friendica 2022.12-dev (Giant Rhubarb)
-- ------------------------------------------
@ -1186,6 +1186,7 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `post-content` (
`content-warning` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '',
`body` mediumtext COMMENT 'item body content',
`raw-body` mediumtext COMMENT 'Body without embedded media links',
`quote-uri-id` int unsigned COMMENT 'Id of the item-uri table that contains the quoted uri',
`location` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'text location where this item originated',
`coord` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'longitude/latitude pair representing location where this item originated',
`language` text COMMENT 'Language information about this post',
@ -1202,7 +1203,9 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `post-content` (
INDEX `plink` (`plink`(191)),
INDEX `resource-id` (`resource-id`),
FULLTEXT INDEX `title-content-warning-body` (`title`,`content-warning`,`body`),
INDEX `quote-uri-id` (`quote-uri-id`),
) DEFAULT COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci COMMENT='Content for all posts';
@ -1289,6 +1292,7 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `post-media` (
`id` int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment COMMENT 'sequential ID',
`uri-id` int unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'Id of the item-uri table entry that contains the item uri',
`url` varbinary(1024) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Media URL',
`media-uri-id` int unsigned COMMENT 'Id of the item-uri table entry that contains the activities uri-id',
`type` tinyint unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'Media type',
`mimetype` varchar(60) COMMENT '',
`height` smallint unsigned COMMENT 'Height of the media',
@ -1308,7 +1312,9 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `post-media` (
UNIQUE INDEX `uri-id-url` (`uri-id`,`url`(512)),
INDEX `uri-id-id` (`uri-id`,`id`),
INDEX `media-uri-id` (`media-uri-id`),
) DEFAULT COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci COMMENT='Attached media';
@ -1807,6 +1813,8 @@ CREATE VIEW `post-user-view` AS SELECT
`post-user`.`thr-parent-id` AS `thr-parent-id`,
`conversation-item-uri`.`uri` AS `conversation`,
`post-thread-user`.`conversation-id` AS `conversation-id`,
`quote-item-uri`.`uri` AS `quote-uri`,
`post-content`.`quote-uri-id` AS `quote-uri-id`,
`item-uri`.`guid` AS `guid`,
`post-user`.`wall` AS `wall`,
`post-user`.`gravity` AS `gravity`,
@ -1962,6 +1970,7 @@ CREATE VIEW `post-user-view` AS SELECT
LEFT JOIN `event` ON `event`.`id` = `post-user`.`event-id`
LEFT JOIN `diaspora-interaction` ON `diaspora-interaction`.`uri-id` = `post-user`.`uri-id`
LEFT JOIN `post-content` ON `post-content`.`uri-id` = `post-user`.`uri-id`
LEFT JOIN `item-uri` AS `quote-item-uri` ON `quote-item-uri`.`id` = `post-content`.`quote-uri-id`
LEFT JOIN `post-delivery-data` ON `post-delivery-data`.`uri-id` = `post-user`.`uri-id` AND `post-user`.`origin`
LEFT JOIN `post-question` ON `post-question`.`uri-id` = `post-user`.`uri-id`
LEFT JOIN `permissionset` ON `permissionset`.`id` = `post-user`.`psid`
@ -1985,6 +1994,8 @@ CREATE VIEW `post-thread-user-view` AS SELECT
`post-user`.`thr-parent-id` AS `thr-parent-id`,
`conversation-item-uri`.`uri` AS `conversation`,
`post-thread-user`.`conversation-id` AS `conversation-id`,
`quote-item-uri`.`uri` AS `quote-uri`,
`post-content`.`quote-uri-id` AS `quote-uri-id`,
`item-uri`.`guid` AS `guid`,
`post-thread-user`.`wall` AS `wall`,
`post-user`.`gravity` AS `gravity`,
@ -2138,6 +2149,7 @@ CREATE VIEW `post-thread-user-view` AS SELECT
LEFT JOIN `event` ON `event`.`id` = `post-user`.`event-id`
LEFT JOIN `diaspora-interaction` ON `diaspora-interaction`.`uri-id` = `post-thread-user`.`uri-id`
LEFT JOIN `post-content` ON `post-content`.`uri-id` = `post-thread-user`.`uri-id`
LEFT JOIN `item-uri` AS `quote-item-uri` ON `quote-item-uri`.`id` = `post-content`.`quote-uri-id`
LEFT JOIN `post-delivery-data` ON `post-delivery-data`.`uri-id` = `post-thread-user`.`uri-id` AND `post-thread-user`.`origin`
LEFT JOIN `post-question` ON `post-question`.`uri-id` = `post-thread-user`.`uri-id`
LEFT JOIN `permissionset` ON `permissionset`.`id` = `post-thread-user`.`psid`
@ -2157,6 +2169,8 @@ CREATE VIEW `post-view` AS SELECT
`post`.`thr-parent-id` AS `thr-parent-id`,
`conversation-item-uri`.`uri` AS `conversation`,
`post-thread`.`conversation-id` AS `conversation-id`,
`quote-item-uri`.`uri` AS `quote-uri`,
`post-content`.`quote-uri-id` AS `quote-uri-id`,
`item-uri`.`guid` AS `guid`,
`post`.`gravity` AS `gravity`,
`external-item-uri`.`uri` AS `extid`,
@ -2279,6 +2293,7 @@ CREATE VIEW `post-view` AS SELECT
LEFT JOIN `verb` ON `verb`.`id` = `post`.`vid`
LEFT JOIN `diaspora-interaction` ON `diaspora-interaction`.`uri-id` = `post`.`uri-id`
LEFT JOIN `post-content` ON `post-content`.`uri-id` = `post`.`uri-id`
LEFT JOIN `item-uri` AS `quote-item-uri` ON `quote-item-uri`.`id` = `post-content`.`quote-uri-id`
LEFT JOIN `post-question` ON `post-question`.`uri-id` = `post`.`uri-id`
LEFT JOIN `post` AS `parent-post` ON `parent-post`.`uri-id` = `post`.`parent-uri-id`
LEFT JOIN `contact` AS `parent-post-author` ON `parent-post-author`.`id` = `parent-post`.`author-id`;
@ -2296,6 +2311,8 @@ CREATE VIEW `post-thread-view` AS SELECT
`post`.`thr-parent-id` AS `thr-parent-id`,
`conversation-item-uri`.`uri` AS `conversation`,
`post-thread`.`conversation-id` AS `conversation-id`,
`quote-item-uri`.`uri` AS `quote-uri`,
`post-content`.`quote-uri-id` AS `quote-uri-id`,
`item-uri`.`guid` AS `guid`,
`post`.`gravity` AS `gravity`,
`external-item-uri`.`uri` AS `extid`,
@ -2418,6 +2435,7 @@ CREATE VIEW `post-thread-view` AS SELECT
LEFT JOIN `verb` ON `verb`.`id` = `post`.`vid`
LEFT JOIN `diaspora-interaction` ON `diaspora-interaction`.`uri-id` = `post-thread`.`uri-id`
LEFT JOIN `post-content` ON `post-content`.`uri-id` = `post-thread`.`uri-id`
LEFT JOIN `item-uri` AS `quote-item-uri` ON `quote-item-uri`.`id` = `post-content`.`quote-uri-id`
LEFT JOIN `post-question` ON `post-question`.`uri-id` = `post-thread`.`uri-id`
LEFT JOIN `post` AS `parent-post` ON `parent-post`.`uri-id` = `post`.`parent-uri-id`
LEFT JOIN `contact` AS `parent-post-author` ON `parent-post-author`.`id` = `parent-post`.`author-id`;
@ -919,6 +919,10 @@ Here is a complete list of all hook callbacks with file locations (as of 24-Sep-
Hook::callAll('block', $hook_data);
Hook::callAll('unblock', $hook_data);
### src/Core/Logger/Factory.php
Hook::callAll('logger_instance', $data);
### src/Core/StorageManager
Hook::callAll('storage_instance', $data);
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ Due to the large variety of operating systems and PHP platforms in existence we
* The POSIX module of PHP needs to be activated (e.g. [RHEL, CentOS](http://www.bigsoft.co.uk/blog/index.php/2014/12/08/posix-php-commands-not-working-under-centos-7) have disabled it)
* Some form of email server or email gateway such that PHP mail() works.
If you cannot set up your own email server, you can use the [phpmailer](https://github.com/friendica/friendica-addons/tree/develop/phpmailer) addon and use a remote SMTP server.
* MySQL 5.6+ or an equivalent alternative for MySQL (MariaDB, Percona Server etc.)
* MySQL with support of InnoDB and Barracuda (we suggest a MariaDB server as all development is done using these, but alternatives like MySQL or Percona Server etc. might work as well)
* ability to schedule jobs with cron (Linux/Mac) or Scheduled Tasks (Windows)
* installation into a top-level domain or sub-domain (without a directory/path component in the URL) is RECOMMENDED. Directory paths will not be as convenient to use and have not been thoroughly tested. This is REQUIRED if you wish to communicate with the Diaspora network.
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Getting started
No need to setup up a webserver, database etc. before actually starting.
Vagrant creates a virtual machine for you that you can just run inside VirtualBox and start to work directly on Friendica.
It brings an Debian Bullseye with PHP 7.4 and MariaDB 10.5.11.
It brings an Debian Bullseye with PHP 8.0 and MariaDB 10.5.11.
What you need to do:
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ This will start the virtual machine.
Be patient: When it runs for the first time, it downloads a Debian Server image and installs Friendica.
4. Run `vagrant ssh` to log into the virtual machine to log in to the VM in case you need to debug something on the server.
5. Open you test installation in a browser.
Go to friendica.local (or
Go to friendica.local (or
friendica.local is using a self-signed TLS certificate, so you will need to add an exception to trust the certificate the first time you are visiting the page.
The mysql database is called "friendica", the mysql user and password both are "friendica".
6. Work on Friendica's code in your git clone on your machine (not in the VM).
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ Fields
| content-warning | | varchar(255) | NO | | | |
| body | item body content | mediumtext | YES | | NULL | |
| raw-body | Body without embedded media links | mediumtext | YES | | NULL | |
| quote-uri-id | Id of the item-uri table that contains the quoted uri | int unsigned | YES | | NULL | |
| location | text location where this item originated | varchar(255) | NO | | | |
| coord | longitude/latitude pair representing location where this item originated | varchar(255) | NO | | | |
| language | Language information about this post | text | YES | | NULL | |
@ -35,6 +36,7 @@ Indexes
| plink | plink(191) |
| resource-id | resource-id |
| title-content-warning-body | FULLTEXT, title, content-warning, body |
| quote-uri-id | quote-uri-id |
Foreign Keys
@ -42,5 +44,6 @@ Foreign Keys
| Field | Target Table | Target Field |
| uri-id | [item-uri](help/database/db_item-uri) | id |
| quote-uri-id | [item-uri](help/database/db_item-uri) | id |
Return to [database documentation](help/database)
@ -7,10 +7,11 @@ Fields
| Field | Description | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| --------------- | --------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------- | ---- | --- | ------- | -------------- |
| --------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------- | ---- | --- | ------- | -------------- |
| id | sequential ID | int unsigned | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| uri-id | Id of the item-uri table entry that contains the item uri | int unsigned | NO | | NULL | |
| url | Media URL | varbinary(1024) | NO | | NULL | |
| media-uri-id | Id of the item-uri table entry that contains the activities uri-id | int unsigned | YES | | NULL | |
| type | Media type | tinyint unsigned | NO | | 0 | |
| mimetype | | varchar(60) | YES | | NULL | |
| height | Height of the media | smallint unsigned | YES | | NULL | |
@ -32,10 +33,11 @@ Indexes
| Name | Fields |
| ---------- | ------------------------ |
| ------------ | ------------------------ |
| PRIMARY | id |
| uri-id-url | UNIQUE, uri-id, url(512) |
| uri-id-id | uri-id, id |
| media-uri-id | media-uri-id |
Foreign Keys
@ -43,5 +45,6 @@ Foreign Keys
| Field | Target Table | Target Field |
| uri-id | [item-uri](help/database/db_item-uri) | id |
| media-uri-id | [item-uri](help/database/db_item-uri) | id |
Return to [database documentation](help/database)
@ -405,6 +405,10 @@ Eine komplette Liste aller Hook-Callbacks mit den zugehörigen Dateien (am 01-Ap
Hook::callAll('block', $hook_data);
Hook::callAll('unblock', $hook_data);
### src/Core/Logger/Factory.php
Hook::callAll('logger_instance', $data);
### src/Core/StorageManager
Hook::callAll('storage_instance', $data);
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Requirements
* Das POSIX Modul muss aktiviert sein ([CentOS, RHEL](http://www.bigsoft.co.uk/blog/index.php/2014/12/08/posix-php-commands-not-working-under-centos-7http://www.bigsoft.co.uk/blog/index.php/2014/12/08/posix-php-commands-not-working-under-centos-7) haben dies z.B. deaktiviert)
* Einen E-Mail Server, so dass PHP `mail()` funktioniert.
Wenn kein eigener E-Mail Server zur Verfügung steht, kann alternativ das [phpmailer](https://github.com/friendica/friendica-addons/tree/develop/phpmailer) Addon mit einem externen SMTP Account verwendet werden.
* Mysql 5.6+ (oder eine äquivalente Alternative: MariaDB, Percona Server etc.)
* Mysql Server mit Unterstützung vom InnoDB und Barracuda (wir empfehlen MariaDB da die Entwicklung mit solchen Server erfolgt, aber Alternativen wie MySQL, Percona Server etc. sollten auch funktionieren)
* die Möglichkeit, wiederkehrende Aufgaben mit cron (Linux/Mac) oder "Scheduled Tasks" einzustellen (Windows) [Beachte: andere Optionen sind in Abschnitt 7 dieser Dokumentation zu finden]
* Installation in einer Top-Level-Domain oder Subdomain (ohne eine Verzeichnis/Pfad-Komponente in der URL) wird bevorzugt. Verzeichnispfade sind für diesen Zweck nicht so günstig und wurden auch nicht ausführlich getestet.
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ function cal_content(App $a)
$is_owner = local_user() == $owner['uid'];
if ($owner['hidewall'] && !$is_owner && !$remote_contact) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Access to this profile has been restricted.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Access to this profile has been restricted.'));
@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ function cal_content(App $a)
if ($mode == 'export') {
if (!$owner_uid) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('User not found'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('User not found'));
@ -271,9 +271,9 @@ function cal_content(App $a)
if (!$evexport["success"]) {
if ($evexport["content"]) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('This calendar format is not supported'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('This calendar format is not supported'));
} else {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('No exportable data found'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('No exportable data found'));
// If it the own calendar return to the events page
@ -35,14 +35,14 @@ function editpost_content(App $a)
$o = '';
if (!local_user()) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
$post_id = ((DI::args()->getArgc() > 1) ? intval(DI::args()->getArgv()[1]) : 0);
if (!$post_id) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Item not found'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Item not found'));
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ function editpost_content(App $a)
$item = Post::selectFirstForUser(local_user(), $fields, ['id' => $post_id, 'uid' => local_user()]);
if (!DBA::isResult($item)) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Item not found'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Item not found'));
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ function events_post(App $a)
$onerror_path = 'events/' . $action . '?' . http_build_query($params, '', '&', PHP_QUERY_RFC3986);
if (strcmp($finish, $start) < 0 && !$nofinish) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Event can not end before it has started.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Event can not end before it has started.'));
if (intval($_REQUEST['preview'])) {
System::httpExit(DI::l10n()->t('Event can not end before it has started.'));
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ function events_post(App $a)
if (!$summary || ($start === DBA::NULL_DATETIME)) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Event title and start time are required.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Event title and start time are required.'));
if (intval($_REQUEST['preview'])) {
System::httpExit(DI::l10n()->t('Event title and start time are required.'));
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ function events_post(App $a)
if (!$cid && $uri_id) {
Worker::add(PRIORITY_HIGH, "Notifier", Delivery::POST, (int)$uri_id, (int)$uid);
Worker::add(Worker::PRIORITY_HIGH, "Notifier", Delivery::POST, (int)$uri_id, (int)$uid);
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ function events_post(App $a)
function events_content(App $a)
if (!local_user()) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
return Login::form();
@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ function events_content(App $a)
if (Post::exists(['id' => $ev[0]['itemid']])) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Failed to remove event'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Failed to remove event'));
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ function follow_content(App $a)
$return_path = 'contact';
if (!local_user()) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ function follow_content(App $a)
if (DBA::isResult($user_contact)) {
if ($user_contact['pending']) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('You already added this contact.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('You already added this contact.'));
$submit = '';
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ function follow_content(App $a)
// Possibly it is a remote item and not an account
notice(DI::l10n()->t("The network type couldn't be detected. Contact can't be added."));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t("The network type couldn't be detected. Contact can't be added."));
$submit = '';
$contact = ['url' => $url, 'network' => Protocol::PHANTOM, 'name' => $url, 'keywords' => ''];
@ -105,12 +105,12 @@ function follow_content(App $a)
$protocol = Contact::getProtocol($contact['url'], $contact['network']);
if (($protocol == Protocol::DIASPORA) && !DI::config()->get('system', 'diaspora_enabled')) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t("Diaspora support isn't enabled. Contact can't be added."));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t("Diaspora support isn't enabled. Contact can't be added."));
$submit = '';
if (($protocol == Protocol::OSTATUS) && DI::config()->get('system', 'ostatus_disabled')) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t("OStatus support is disabled. Contact can't be added."));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t("OStatus support is disabled. Contact can't be added."));
$submit = '';
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ function follow_content(App $a)
$owner = User::getOwnerDataById($uid);
if (empty($owner)) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
@ -181,14 +181,14 @@ function follow_process(App $a, string $url)
if ($result['message']) {
} elseif ($result['cid']) {
DI::baseUrl()->redirect('contact/' . $result['cid']);
notice(DI::l10n()->t('The contact could not be added.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('The contact could not be added.'));
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ use Friendica\Core\Logger;
use Friendica\Core\Protocol;
use Friendica\Core\Session;
use Friendica\Core\System;
use Friendica\Core\Worker;
use Friendica\Database\DBA;
use Friendica\DI;
use Friendica\Model\Attach;
@ -128,7 +129,7 @@ function item_post(App $a) {
if (!DBA::isResult($toplevel_item)) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Unable to locate original post.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Unable to locate original post.'));
if ($return_path) {
@ -178,7 +179,7 @@ function item_post(App $a) {
// Now check that valid personal details have been provided
if (!Security::canWriteToUserWall($profile_uid) && !$allow_comment) {
Logger::warning('Permission denied.', ['local' => local_user(), 'profile_uid' => $profile_uid, 'toplevel_item_id' => $toplevel_item_id, 'network' => $toplevel_item['network']]);
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
if ($return_path) {
@ -334,7 +335,7 @@ function item_post(App $a) {
System::jsonExit(['preview' => '']);
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Empty post discarded.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Empty post discarded.'));
if ($return_path) {
@ -632,7 +633,7 @@ function item_post(App $a) {
Post\Delayed::add($datarray['uri'], $datarray, PRIORITY_HIGH, Post\Delayed::PREPARED_NO_HOOK, $scheduled_at);
Post\Delayed::add($datarray['uri'], $datarray, Worker::PRIORITY_HIGH, Post\Delayed::PREPARED_NO_HOOK, $scheduled_at);
item_post_return(DI::baseUrl(), $api_source, $return_path);
@ -681,7 +682,7 @@ function item_post(App $a) {
$post_id = Item::insert($datarray);
if (!$post_id) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Item wasn\'t stored.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Item wasn\'t stored.'));
if ($return_path) {
@ -837,7 +838,7 @@ function drop_item(int $id, string $return = ''): string
$item = Post::selectFirstForUser(local_user(), ['id', 'uid', 'guid', 'contact-id', 'deleted', 'gravity', 'parent'], ['id' => $id]);
if (!DBA::isResult($item)) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Item not found.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Item not found.'));
@ -861,7 +862,7 @@ function drop_item(int $id, string $return = ''): string
} else {
Logger::warning('Permission denied.', ['local' => local_user(), 'uid' => $item['uid'], 'cid' => $contact_id]);
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
DI::baseUrl()->redirect('display/' . $item['guid']);
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ function lostpass_post(App $a)
$condition = ['(`email` = ? OR `nickname` = ?) AND `verified` = 1 AND `blocked` = 0', $loginame, $loginame];
$user = DBA::selectFirst('user', ['uid', 'username', 'nickname', 'email', 'language'], $condition);
if (!DBA::isResult($user)) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('No valid account found.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('No valid account found.'));
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ function lostpass_post(App $a)
$result = DBA::update('user', $fields, ['uid' => $user['uid']]);
if ($result) {
info(DI::l10n()->t('Password reset request issued. Check your email.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addInfo(DI::l10n()->t('Password reset request issued. Check your email.'));
$sitename = DI::config()->get('config', 'sitename');
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ function lostpass_content(App $a)
$user = DBA::selectFirst('user', ['uid', 'username', 'nickname', 'email', 'pwdreset_time', 'language'], ['pwdreset' => hash('sha256', $pwdreset_token)]);
if (!DBA::isResult($user)) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t("Request could not be verified. \x28You may have previously submitted it.\x29 Password reset failed."));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t("Request could not be verified. \x28You may have previously submitted it.\x29 Password reset failed."));
return lostpass_form();
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ function lostpass_content(App $a)
DBA::update('user', $fields, ['uid' => $user['uid']]);
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Request has expired, please make a new one.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Request has expired, please make a new one.'));
return lostpass_form();
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ function lostpass_generate_password($user)
'$newpass' => $new_password,
info(DI::l10n()->t("Your password has been reset."));
DI::sysmsg()->addInfo(DI::l10n()->t("Your password has been reset."));
$sitename = DI::config()->get('config', 'sitename');
$preamble = Strings::deindent(DI::l10n()->t('
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ function match_content(App $a)
return '';
if (!$profile['pub_keywords'] && (!$profile['prv_keywords'])) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('No keywords to match. Please add keywords to your profile.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('No keywords to match. Please add keywords to your profile.'));
return '';
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ function match_content(App $a)
if (empty($entries)) {
info(DI::l10n()->t('No matches'));
DI::sysmsg()->addInfo(DI::l10n()->t('No matches'));
$tpl = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('viewcontact_template.tpl');
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ function message_init(App $a)
function message_post(App $a)
if (!local_user()) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
@ -80,20 +80,20 @@ function message_post(App $a)
switch ($ret) {
case -1:
notice(DI::l10n()->t('No recipient selected.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('No recipient selected.'));
$norecip = true;
case -2:
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Unable to locate contact information.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Unable to locate contact information.'));
case -3:
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Message could not be sent.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Message could not be sent.'));
case -4:
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Message collection failure.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Message collection failure.'));
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ function message_content(App $a)
if (!local_user()) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
return Login::form();
@ -146,12 +146,12 @@ function message_content(App $a)
if ($cmd === 'drop') {
$message = DBA::selectFirst('mail', ['convid'], ['id' => DI::args()->getArgv()[2], 'uid' => local_user()]);
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Conversation not found.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Conversation not found.'));
if (!DBA::delete('mail', ['id' => DI::args()->getArgv()[2], 'uid' => local_user()])) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Message was not deleted.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Message was not deleted.'));
$conversation = DBA::selectFirst('mail', ['id'], ['convid' => $message['convid'], 'uid' => local_user()]);
@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ function message_content(App $a)
$parent = $parentmail['parent-uri'];
if (!DBA::delete('mail', ['parent-uri' => $parent, 'uid' => local_user()])) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Conversation was not removed.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Conversation was not removed.'));
@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ function message_content(App $a)
$r = get_messages(local_user(), $pager->getStart(), $pager->getItemsPerPage());
if (!DBA::isResult($r)) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('No messages.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('No messages.'));
return $o;
@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ function message_content(App $a)
if (!DBA::isResult($messages)) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Message not available.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Message not available.'));
return $o;
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ function notes_init(App $a)
function notes_content(App $a, bool $update = false)
if (!local_user()) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ use Friendica\Protocol\ActivityPub;
function ostatus_subscribe_content(App $a): string
if (!local_user()) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
@ -157,14 +157,14 @@ function photos_post(App $a)
if (!$can_post) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
$owner_record = User::getOwnerDataById($page_owner_uid);
if (!$owner_record) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Contact information unavailable'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Contact information unavailable'));
DI::logger()->info('photos_post: unable to locate contact record for page owner. uid=' . $page_owner_uid);
@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ function photos_post(App $a)
$album = hex2bin(DI::args()->getArgv()[3]);
if (!DBA::exists('photo', ['album' => $album, 'uid' => $page_owner_uid, 'photo-type' => Photo::DEFAULT])) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Album not found.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Album not found.'));
DI::baseUrl()->redirect('photos/' . $user['nickname'] . '/album');
return; // NOTREACHED
@ -247,9 +247,9 @@ function photos_post(App $a)
// Update the photo albums cache
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Album successfully deleted'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Album successfully deleted'));
} else {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Album was empty.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Album was empty.'));
@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ function photos_post(App $a)
// Update the photo albums cache
} else {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Failed to delete the photo.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Failed to delete the photo.'));
DI::baseUrl()->redirect('photos/' . DI::args()->getArgv()[1] . '/image/' . DI::args()->getArgv()[3]);
@ -629,21 +629,21 @@ function photos_post(App $a)
if ($error !== UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
switch ($error) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Image exceeds size limit of %s', ini_get('upload_max_filesize')));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Image exceeds size limit of %s', ini_get('upload_max_filesize')));
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Image exceeds size limit of %s', Strings::formatBytes($_REQUEST['MAX_FILE_SIZE'] ?? 0)));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Image exceeds size limit of %s', Strings::formatBytes($_REQUEST['MAX_FILE_SIZE'] ?? 0)));
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Image upload didn\'t complete, please try again'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Image upload didn\'t complete, please try again'));
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Image file is missing'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Image file is missing'));
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Server can\'t accept new file upload at this time, please contact your administrator'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Server can\'t accept new file upload at this time, please contact your administrator'));
@ -659,7 +659,7 @@ function photos_post(App $a)
$maximagesize = DI::config()->get('system', 'maximagesize');
if ($maximagesize && ($filesize > $maximagesize)) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Image exceeds size limit of %s', Strings::formatBytes($maximagesize)));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Image exceeds size limit of %s', Strings::formatBytes($maximagesize)));
$foo = 0;
Hook::callAll('photo_post_end', $foo);
@ -667,7 +667,7 @@ function photos_post(App $a)
if (!$filesize) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Image file is empty.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Image file is empty.'));
$foo = 0;
Hook::callAll('photo_post_end', $foo);
@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ function photos_post(App $a)
if (!$image->isValid()) {
Logger::notice('unable to process image');
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Unable to process image.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Unable to process image.'));
$foo = 0;
@ -708,7 +708,7 @@ function photos_post(App $a)
if (!$r) {
Logger::warning('image store failed');
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Image upload failed.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Image upload failed.'));
@ -795,12 +795,12 @@ function photos_content(App $a)
if (DI::config()->get('system', 'block_public') && !Session::isAuthenticated()) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Public access denied.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Public access denied.'));
if (empty($user)) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('No photos selected'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('No photos selected'));
@ -869,7 +869,7 @@ function photos_content(App $a)
if ($user['hidewall'] && (local_user() != $owner_uid) && !$remote_contact) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Access to this item is restricted.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Access to this item is restricted.'));
@ -884,7 +884,7 @@ function photos_content(App $a)
// Display upload form
if ($datatype === 'upload') {
if (!$can_post) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
@ -1084,9 +1084,9 @@ function photos_content(App $a)
if (!DBA::isResult($ph)) {
if (DBA::exists('photo', ['resource-id' => $datum, 'uid' => $owner_uid])) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied. Access to this item may be restricted.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied. Access to this item may be restricted.'));
} else {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Photo not available'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Photo not available'));
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ use Friendica\Model\Contact;
function repair_ostatus_content(App $a) {
if (!local_user()) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ use Friendica\Protocol\Email;
function settings_init(App $a)
if (!local_user()) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ function settings_init(App $a)
function settings_post(App $a)
if (!$a->isLoggedIn()) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ function settings_post(App $a)
$mbox = Email::connect($mb, $mail_user, $dcrpass);
if (!$mbox) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Failed to connect with email account using the settings provided.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Failed to connect with email account using the settings provided.'));
@ -148,12 +148,12 @@ function settings_content(App $a)
if (!local_user()) {
//notice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
//DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
return Login::form();
if (!empty($_SESSION['submanage'])) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
return '';
@ -166,6 +166,6 @@ EOT;
$post = Post::selectFirst(['uri-id', 'uid'], ['id' => $post_id]);
Worker::add(PRIORITY_HIGH, "Notifier", Delivery::POST, $post['uri-id'], $post['uid']);
Worker::add(Worker::PRIORITY_HIGH, "Notifier", Delivery::POST, $post['uri-id'], $post['uid']);
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ use Friendica\DI;
function uimport_post(App $a)
if ((DI::config()->get('config', 'register_policy') != \Friendica\Module\Register::OPEN) && !$a->isSiteAdmin()) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ function uimport_post(App $a)
function uimport_content(App $a)
if ((DI::config()->get('config', 'register_policy') != \Friendica\Module\Register::OPEN) && !$a->isSiteAdmin()) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('User imports on closed servers can only be done by an administrator.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('User imports on closed servers can only be done by an administrator.'));
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ function uimport_content(App $a)
$total = DBA::count('user', ["`register_date` > UTC_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL 1 DAY"]);
if ($total >= $max_dailies) {
Logger::notice('max daily registrations exceeded.');
notice(DI::l10n()->t('This site has exceeded the number of allowed daily account registrations. Please try again tomorrow.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('This site has exceeded the number of allowed daily account registrations. Please try again tomorrow.'));
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ use Friendica\Util\Strings;
function unfollow_post(App $a)
if (!local_user()) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ function unfollow_content(App $a)
$base_return_path = 'contact';
if (!local_user()) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
@ -62,13 +62,13 @@ function unfollow_content(App $a)
$contact = DBA::selectFirst('contact', ['url', 'id', 'uid', 'network', 'addr', 'name'], $condition);
if (!DBA::isResult($contact)) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t("You aren't following this contact."));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t("You aren't following this contact."));
if (!Protocol::supportsFollow($contact['network'])) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Unfollowing is currently not supported by your network.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Unfollowing is currently not supported by your network.'));
DI::baseUrl()->redirect($base_return_path . '/' . $contact['id']);
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ function unfollow_content(App $a)
$self = DBA::selectFirst('contact', ['url'], ['uid' => $uid, 'self' => true]);
if (!DBA::isResult($self)) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ function unfollow_process(string $url)
$contact = DBA::selectFirst('contact', [], $condition);
if (!DBA::isResult($contact)) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t("You aren't following this contact."));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t("You aren't following this contact."));
@ -146,6 +146,6 @@ function unfollow_process(string $url)
$notice_message = DI::l10n()->t('Unable to unfollow this contact, please contact your administrator');
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ function wall_attach_post(App $a) {
if ($r_json) {
System::jsonExit(['error' => DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.')]);
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.') . EOL );
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
@ -90,12 +90,12 @@ function wall_attach_post(App $a) {
if ($filesize <= 0) {
$msg = DI::l10n()->t('Sorry, maybe your upload is bigger than the PHP configuration allows') . EOL .(DI::l10n()->t('Or - did you try to upload an empty file?'));
$msg = DI::l10n()->t('Sorry, maybe your upload is bigger than the PHP configuration allows') . '<br />' . (DI::l10n()->t('Or - did you try to upload an empty file?'));
if ($r_json) {
System::jsonExit(['error' => $msg]);
} else {
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ function wall_attach_post(App $a) {
if ($r_json) {
System::jsonExit(['error' => $msg]);
} else {
echo $msg . EOL;
echo $msg . '<br />';
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ function wall_attach_post(App $a) {
if ($r_json) {
System::jsonExit(['error' => $msg]);
} else {
echo $msg . EOL;
echo $msg . '<br />';
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ function wall_upload_post(App $a, $desktopmode = true)
if ($r_json) {
System::jsonExit(['error' => DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.')]);
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ function wall_upload_post(App $a, $desktopmode = true)
if ($r_json) {
System::jsonExit(['error' => DI::l10n()->t('Invalid request.')]);
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Invalid request.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Invalid request.'));
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ function wall_upload_post(App $a, $desktopmode = true)
if ($r_json) {
System::jsonExit(['error' => $msg]);
} else {
echo $msg. EOL;
echo $msg . '<br />';
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ function wall_upload_post(App $a, $desktopmode = true)
if ($r_json) {
System::jsonExit(['error' => $msg]);
} else {
echo $msg. EOL;
echo $msg . '<br />';
@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ function wall_upload_post(App $a, $desktopmode = true)
if ($r_json) {
System::jsonExit(['error' => $msg]);
} else {
echo $msg. EOL;
echo $msg . '<br />';
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ function wallmessage_post(App $a) {
$replyto = Profile::getMyURL();
if (!$replyto) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
@ -53,13 +53,13 @@ function wallmessage_post(App $a) {
if (!$user['unkmail']) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
$total = DBA::count('mail', ["`uid` = ? AND `created` > ? AND `unknown`", $user['uid'], DateTimeFormat::utc('now - 1 day')]);
if ($total > $user['cntunkmail']) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Number of daily wall messages for %s exceeded. Message failed.', $user['username']));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Number of daily wall messages for %s exceeded. Message failed.', $user['username']));
@ -67,16 +67,16 @@ function wallmessage_post(App $a) {
switch ($ret) {
case -1:
notice(DI::l10n()->t('No recipient selected.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('No recipient selected.'));
case -2:
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Unable to check your home location.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Unable to check your home location.'));
case -3:
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Message could not be sent.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Message could not be sent.'));
case -4:
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Message collection failure.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Message collection failure.'));
@ -87,33 +87,33 @@ function wallmessage_post(App $a) {
function wallmessage_content(App $a) {
if (!Profile::getMyURL()) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
$recipient = ((DI::args()->getArgc() > 1) ? DI::args()->getArgv()[1] : '');
if (!$recipient) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('No recipient.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('No recipient.'));
$user = User::getByNickname($recipient);
if (empty($user)) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('No recipient.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('No recipient.'));
Logger::notice('wallmessage: no recipient');
if (!$user['unkmail']) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Permission denied.'));
$total = DBA::count('mail', ["`uid` = ? AND `created` > ? AND `unknown`", $user['uid'], DateTimeFormat::utc('now - 1 day')]);
if ($total > $user['cntunkmail']) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Number of daily wall messages for %s exceeded. Message failed.', $user['username']));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Number of daily wall messages for %s exceeded. Message failed.', $user['username']));
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ return [
// ****************************************************************
'config' => [
'hostname' => 'friendica.local',
'hostname' => '',
'admin_email' => 'admin@friendica.local',
'sitename' => 'Friendica Social Network',
'register_policy' => \Friendica\Module\Register::OPEN,
@ -58,6 +58,10 @@ use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
class App
const PLATFORM = 'Friendica';
const CODENAME = 'Giant Rhubarb';
const VERSION = '2022.12-dev';
// Allow themes to control internal parameters
// by changing App values in theme.php
private $theme_info = [
@ -347,6 +351,11 @@ class App
// Normally this constant is defined - but not if "pcntl" isn't installed
if (!defined('SIGTERM')) {
define('SIGTERM', 15);
// Ensure that all "strtotime" operations do run timezone independent
@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ class Page implements ArrayAccess
public function registerStylesheet(string $path, string $media = 'screen')
$path = Network::appendQueryParam($path, ['v' => FRIENDICA_VERSION]);
$path = Network::appendQueryParam($path, ['v' => App::VERSION]);
if (mb_strpos($path, $this->basePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) === 0) {
$path = mb_substr($path, mb_strlen($this->basePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR));
@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ class Page implements ArrayAccess
$this->page['htmlhead'] = Renderer::replaceMacros($tpl, [
'$local_user' => local_user(),
'$generator' => 'Friendica' . ' ' . FRIENDICA_VERSION,
'$generator' => 'Friendica' . ' ' . App::VERSION,
'$delitem' => $l10n->t('Delete this item?'),
'$blockAuthor' => $l10n->t('Block this author? They won\'t be able to follow you nor see your public posts, and you won\'t be able to see their posts and their notifications.'),
'$update_interval' => $interval,
@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ class Page implements ArrayAccess
public function registerFooterScript($path)
$path = Network::appendQueryParam($path, ['v' => FRIENDICA_VERSION]);
$path = Network::appendQueryParam($path, ['v' => App::VERSION]);
$url = str_replace($this->basePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '', $path);
@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ class Page implements ArrayAccess
$page = $this->page;
header("X-Friendica-Version: " . FRIENDICA_VERSION);
header("X-Friendica-Version: " . App::VERSION);
header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
if ($config->get('system', 'hsts') && ($baseURL->getSSLPolicy() == BaseURL::SSL_POLICY_FULL)) {
@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ abstract class BaseModule implements ICanHandleRequests
public static function getFormSecurityStandardErrorMessage(): string
return DI::l10n()->t("The form security token was not correct. This probably happened because the form has been opened for too long \x28>3 hours\x29 before submitting it.") . EOL;
return DI::l10n()->t("The form security token was not correct. This probably happened because the form has been opened for too long \x28>3 hours\x29 before submitting it.");
public static function checkFormSecurityTokenRedirectOnError(string $err_redirect, string $typename = '', string $formname = 'form_security_token')
@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ abstract class BaseModule implements ICanHandleRequests
if (!self::checkFormSecurityToken($typename, $formname)) {
Logger::notice('checkFormSecurityToken failed: user ' . DI::app()->getLoggedInUserNickname() . ' - form element ' . $typename);
Logger::debug('checkFormSecurityToken failed', ['request' => $_REQUEST]);
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ HELP;
$this->out('Schedule relocation messages to remote Friendica and Diaspora hosts');
$users = $this->database->selectToArray('user', ['uid'], ['account_removed' => false, 'account_expired' => false]);
foreach ($users as $user) {
Worker::add(PRIORITY_HIGH, 'Notifier', Delivery::RELOCATION, $user['uid']);
Worker::add(Worker::PRIORITY_HIGH, 'Notifier', Delivery::RELOCATION, $user['uid']);
return 0;
@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ class Conversation
$expanded .= "\t" . '<p class="wall-item-' . $verb . '-expanded" id="' . $verb . 'list-' . $id . '" style="display: none;" >' . $explikers . EOL . '</p>';
$expanded .= "\t" . '<p class="wall-item-' . $verb . '-expanded" id="' . $verb . 'list-' . $id . '" style="display: none;" >' . $explikers . '</p>';
$o .= Renderer::replaceMacros(Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('voting_fakelink.tpl'), [
@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ class Conversation
$created_at = '';
$tpl = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate("jot.tpl");
$tpl = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('jot.tpl');
$o .= Renderer::replaceMacros($tpl, [
'$new_post' => $this->l10n->t('New Post'),
@ -394,6 +394,7 @@ class Conversation
'$browser' => $this->l10n->t('Browser'),
'$compose_link_title' => $this->l10n->t('Open Compose page'),
'$always_open_compose' => $this->pConfig->get(local_user(), 'frio', 'always_open_compose', false),
@ -574,9 +574,10 @@ class Item
* @param string $url
* @param integer $uid
* @param bool $add_media
* @return string
public function createSharedPostByUrl(string $url, int $uid = 0): string
public function createSharedPostByUrl(string $url, int $uid = 0, bool $add_media = false): string
if (!empty($uid)) {
$id = ModelItem::searchByLink($url, $uid);
@ -599,7 +600,7 @@ class Item
return '';
return $this->createSharedBlockByArray($shared_item);
return $this->createSharedBlockByArray($shared_item, $add_media);
@ -607,9 +608,10 @@ class Item
* @param integer $UriId
* @param integer $uid
* @param bool $add_media
* @return string
public function createSharedPostByUriId(int $UriId, int $uid = 0): string
public function createSharedPostByUriId(int $UriId, int $uid = 0, bool $add_media = false): string
$fields = ['uri-id', 'uri', 'body', 'title', 'author-name', 'author-link', 'author-avatar', 'guid', 'created', 'plink', 'network'];
$shared_item = Post::selectFirst($fields, ['uri-id' => $UriId, 'uid' => [$uid, 0], 'private' => [ModelItem::PUBLIC, ModelItem::UNLISTED]]);
@ -618,7 +620,7 @@ class Item
return '';
return $this->createSharedBlockByArray($shared_item);
return $this->createSharedBlockByArray($shared_item, $add_media);
@ -626,9 +628,10 @@ class Item
* @param string $guid
* @param integer $uid
* @param bool $add_media
* @return string
public function createSharedPostByGuid(string $guid, int $uid = 0, string $host = ''): string
public function createSharedPostByGuid(string $guid, int $uid = 0, string $host = '', bool $add_media = false): string
$fields = ['uri-id', 'uri', 'body', 'title', 'author-name', 'author-link', 'author-avatar', 'guid', 'created', 'plink', 'network'];
$shared_item = Post::selectFirst($fields, ['guid' => $guid, 'uid' => [$uid, 0], 'private' => [ModelItem::PUBLIC, ModelItem::UNLISTED]]);
@ -645,16 +648,17 @@ class Item
return '';
return $this->createSharedBlockByArray($shared_item);
return $this->createSharedBlockByArray($shared_item, $add_media);
* Add a share block for the given item array
* @param array $item
* @param bool $add_media
* @return string
public function createSharedBlockByArray(array $item): string
public function createSharedBlockByArray(array $item, bool $add_media = false): string
if ($item['network'] == Protocol::FEED) {
return PageInfo::getFooterFromUrl($item['plink']);
@ -662,6 +666,8 @@ class Item
$item['guid'] = '';
$item['uri'] = '';
$item['body'] = Post\Media::addAttachmentsToBody($item['uri-id'], $item['body']);
} elseif ($add_media) {
$item['body'] = Post\Media::addAttachmentsToBody($item['uri-id'], $item['body']);
$shared_content = BBCode::getShareOpeningTag($item['author-name'], $item['author-link'], $item['author-avatar'], $item['plink'], $item['created'], $item['guid'], $item['uri']);
@ -674,7 +680,7 @@ class Item
// If it is a reshared post then reformat it to avoid display problems with two share elements
if (Diaspora::isReshare($item['body'], false)) {
if (!empty($shared['guid']) && ($encaspulated_share = self::createSharedPostByGuid($shared['guid']))) {
if (!empty($shared['guid']) && ($encaspulated_share = self::createSharedPostByGuid($shared['guid'], 0, '', $add_media))) {
$item['body'] = preg_replace("/\[share.*?\](.*)\[\/share\]/ism", $encaspulated_share, $item['body']);
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ use Friendica\DI;
use Friendica\Model\Contact;
use Friendica\Model\Profile;
use Friendica\Model\User;
use Friendica\Module\Conversation\Community;
class Nav
@ -251,8 +252,8 @@ class Nav
if ((local_user() || DI::config()->get('system', 'community_page_style') != CP_NO_COMMUNITY_PAGE) &&
!(DI::config()->get('system', 'community_page_style') == CP_NO_INTERNAL_COMMUNITY)) {
if ((local_user() || DI::config()->get('system', 'community_page_style') != Community::DISABLED_VISITOR) &&
!(DI::config()->get('system', 'community_page_style') == Community::DISABLED)) {
$nav['community'] = ['community', DI::l10n()->t('Community'), '', DI::l10n()->t('Conversations on this and other servers')];
@ -1069,6 +1069,38 @@ class BBCode
return $attributes;
* Replace the share block with a link
* @param string $body
* @return string
public static function replaceSharedData(string $body): string
return BBCode::convertShare(
function (array $attributes) {
return '♲ ' . $attributes['link'];
* Remove the share block
* @param string $body
* @return string
public static function removeSharedData(string $body): string
return BBCode::convertShare(
function (array $attributes) {
return '';
* This function converts a [share] block to text according to a provided callback function whose signature is:
@ -1118,7 +1150,7 @@ class BBCode
return $return;
return trim($return);
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ namespace Friendica\Core;
use Dice\Dice;
use Friendica;
use Friendica\App;
* Description of Console
@ -133,7 +134,7 @@ HELP;
$command = null;
if ($this->getOption('version')) {
$this->out('Friendica Console version ' . FRIENDICA_VERSION);
$this->out('Friendica Console version ' . App::VERSION);
return 0;
} elseif ((count($this->options) === 0 || $this->getOption($this->customHelpOptions) === true || $this->getOption($this->customHelpOptions) === 1) && count($this->args) === 0
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ class Installer
$result = DBStructure::install();
if ($result) {
$txt = DI::l10n()->t('You may need to import the file "database.sql" manually using phpmyadmin or mysql.') . EOL;
$txt = DI::l10n()->t('You may need to import the file "database.sql" manually using phpmyadmin or mysql.') . '<br />';
$txt .= DI::l10n()->t('Please see the file "doc/INSTALL.md".');
$this->addCheck($txt, false, true, htmlentities($result, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'));
@ -259,9 +259,9 @@ class Installer
$help = "";
if (!$passed) {
$help .= DI::l10n()->t('Could not find a command line version of PHP in the web server PATH.') . EOL;
$help .= DI::l10n()->t("If you don't have a command line version of PHP installed on your server, you will not be able to run the background processing. See <a href='https://github.com/friendica/friendica/blob/stable/doc/Install.md#set-up-the-worker'>'Setup the worker'</a>") . EOL;
$help .= EOL . EOL;
$help .= DI::l10n()->t('Could not find a command line version of PHP in the web server PATH.') . '<br />';
$help .= DI::l10n()->t("If you don't have a command line version of PHP installed on your server, you will not be able to run the background processing. See <a href='https://github.com/friendica/friendica/blob/stable/doc/Install.md#set-up-the-worker'>'Setup the worker'</a>") . '<br />';
$help .= '<br /><br />';
$tpl = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('field_input.tpl');
/// @todo Separate backend Installer class and presentation layer/view
$help .= Renderer::replaceMacros($tpl, [
@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ class Installer
[$result] = explode("\n", $result);
$help = "";
if (!$passed2) {
$help .= DI::l10n()->t("PHP executable is not the php cli binary \x28could be cgi-fgci version\x29") . EOL;
$help .= DI::l10n()->t("PHP executable is not the php cli binary \x28could be cgi-fgci version\x29") . '<br />';
$help .= DI::l10n()->t('Found PHP version: ') . "<tt>$result</tt>";
$this->addCheck(DI::l10n()->t('PHP cli binary'), $passed2, true, $help);
@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ class Installer
$passed3 = $result == $str;
$help = "";
if (!$passed3) {
$help .= DI::l10n()->t('The command line version of PHP on your system does not have "register_argc_argv" enabled.') . EOL;
$help .= DI::l10n()->t('The command line version of PHP on your system does not have "register_argc_argv" enabled.') . '<br />';
$help .= DI::l10n()->t('This is required for message delivery to work.');
} else {
$this->phppath = $phppath;
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ class Installer
// Get private key
if (!$res) {
$help .= DI::l10n()->t('Error: the "openssl_pkey_new" function on this system is not able to generate encryption keys') . EOL;
$help .= DI::l10n()->t('Error: the "openssl_pkey_new" function on this system is not able to generate encryption keys') . '<br />';
$help .= DI::l10n()->t('If running under Windows, please see "http://www.php.net/manual/en/openssl.installation.php".');
$status = false;
@ -511,10 +511,10 @@ class Installer
(!file_exists('config/local.config.php') && !is_writable('.'))) {
$status = false;
$help = DI::l10n()->t('The web installer needs to be able to create a file called "local.config.php" in the "config" folder of your web server and it is unable to do so.') . EOL;
$help .= DI::l10n()->t('This is most often a permission setting, as the web server may not be able to write files in your folder - even if you can.') . EOL;
$help .= DI::l10n()->t('At the end of this procedure, we will give you a text to save in a file named local.config.php in your Friendica "config" folder.') . EOL;
$help .= DI::l10n()->t('You can alternatively skip this procedure and perform a manual installation. Please see the file "doc/INSTALL.md" for instructions.') . EOL;
$help = DI::l10n()->t('The web installer needs to be able to create a file called "local.config.php" in the "config" folder of your web server and it is unable to do so.') . '<br />';
$help .= DI::l10n()->t('This is most often a permission setting, as the web server may not be able to write files in your folder - even if you can.') . '<br />';
$help .= DI::l10n()->t('At the end of this procedure, we will give you a text to save in a file named local.config.php in your Friendica "config" folder.') . '<br />';
$help .= DI::l10n()->t('You can alternatively skip this procedure and perform a manual installation. Please see the file "doc/INSTALL.md" for instructions.') . '<br />';
$this->addCheck(DI::l10n()->t('config/local.config.php is writable'), $status, false, $help);
@ -537,10 +537,10 @@ class Installer
if (!is_writable('view/smarty3')) {
$status = false;
$help = DI::l10n()->t('Friendica uses the Smarty3 template engine to render its web views. Smarty3 compiles templates to PHP to speed up rendering.') . EOL;
$help .= DI::l10n()->t('In order to store these compiled templates, the web server needs to have write access to the directory view/smarty3/ under the Friendica top level folder.') . EOL;
$help .= DI::l10n()->t("Please ensure that the user that your web server runs as \x28e.g. www-data\x29 has write access to this folder.") . EOL;
$help .= DI::l10n()->t("Note: as a security measure, you should give the web server write access to view/smarty3/ only--not the template files \x28.tpl\x29 that it contains.") . EOL;
$help = DI::l10n()->t('Friendica uses the Smarty3 template engine to render its web views. Smarty3 compiles templates to PHP to speed up rendering.') . '<br />';
$help .= DI::l10n()->t('In order to store these compiled templates, the web server needs to have write access to the directory view/smarty3/ under the Friendica top level folder.') . '<br />';
$help .= DI::l10n()->t("Please ensure that the user that your web server runs as \x28e.g. www-data\x29 has write access to this folder.") . '<br />';
$help .= DI::l10n()->t("Note: as a security measure, you should give the web server write access to view/smarty3/ only--not the template files \x28.tpl\x29 that it contains.") . '<br />';
$this->addCheck(DI::l10n()->t('view/smarty3 is writable'), $status, true, $help);
@ -571,7 +571,7 @@ class Installer
if ($fetchResult->getReturnCode() != 204) {
$status = false;
$help = DI::l10n()->t('Url rewrite in .htaccess seems not working. Make sure you copied .htaccess-dist to .htaccess.') . EOL;
$help = DI::l10n()->t('Url rewrite in .htaccess seems not working. Make sure you copied .htaccess-dist to .htaccess.') . '<br />';
$help .= DI::l10n()->t('In some circumstances (like running inside containers), you can skip this error.');
$error_msg = [];
$error_msg['head'] = DI::l10n()->t('Error message from Curl when fetching');
@ -22,19 +22,16 @@
namespace Friendica\Core\Logger\Factory;
use Friendica\Core\Config\Capability\IManageConfigValues;
use Friendica\Core\Logger\Exception\LoggerException;
use Friendica\Core;
use Friendica\Core\Logger\Exception\LogLevelException;
use Friendica\Database\Database;
use Friendica\Network\HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException;
use Friendica\Util\FileSystem;
use Friendica\Core\Logger\Util\Introspection;
use Friendica\Core\Logger\Type\Monolog\DevelopHandler;
use Friendica\Core\Logger\Type\Monolog\IntrospectionProcessor;
use Friendica\Core\Logger\Type\ProfilerLogger;
use Friendica\Core\Logger\Type\StreamLogger;
use Friendica\Core\Logger\Type\SyslogLogger;
use Friendica\Util\Profiler;
use Monolog;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use Psr\Log\LogLevel;
use Psr\Log\NullLogger;
@ -60,9 +57,15 @@ class Logger
/** @var string The log-channel (app, worker, ...) */
private $channel;
public function __construct(string $channel)
public function __construct(string $channel, bool $includeAddon = true)
$this->channel = $channel;
/// @fixme clean solution = Making Addon & Hook dynamic and load them inside the constructor, so there's no custom load logic necessary anymore
if ($includeAddon) {
@ -88,35 +91,9 @@ class Logger
$minLevel = $minLevel ?? $config->get('system', 'loglevel');
$loglevel = self::mapLegacyConfigDebugLevel((string)$minLevel);
switch ($config->get('system', 'logger_config', 'stream')) {
case 'monolog':
$loggerTimeZone = new \DateTimeZone('UTC');
$logger = new Monolog\Logger($this->channel);
$logger->pushProcessor(new Monolog\Processor\PsrLogMessageProcessor());
$logger->pushProcessor(new Monolog\Processor\ProcessIdProcessor());
$logger->pushProcessor(new Monolog\Processor\UidProcessor());
$logger->pushProcessor(new IntrospectionProcessor($introspection, LogLevel::DEBUG));
$stream = $config->get('system', 'logfile');
// just add a stream in case it's either writable or not file
if (!is_file($stream) || is_writable($stream)) {
try {
static::addStreamHandler($logger, $stream, $loglevel);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
// No Logger ..
try {
$logger = new SyslogLogger($this->channel, $introspection, $loglevel);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
// No logger ...
$logger = new NullLogger();
$name = $config->get('system', 'logger_config', 'stream');
switch ($name) {
case 'syslog':
try {
$logger = new SyslogLogger($this->channel, $introspection, $loglevel, $config->get('system', 'syslog_flags', SyslogLogger::DEFAULT_FLAGS), $config->get('system', 'syslog_facility', SyslogLogger::DEFAULT_FACILITY));
@ -132,6 +109,24 @@ class Logger
case 'stream':
$data = [
'name' => $name,
'channel' => $this->channel,
'introspection' => $introspection,
'loglevel' => $loglevel,
'logger' => null,
try {
Core\Hook::callAll('logger_instance', $data);
} catch (InternalServerErrorException $exception) {
$data['logger'] = null;
if (($data['logger'] ?? null) instanceof LoggerInterface) {
$logger = $data['logger'];
if (empty($logger)) {
$stream = $config->get('system', 'logfile');
// just add a stream in case it's either writable or not file
if (!is_file($stream) || is_writable($stream)) {
@ -157,6 +152,7 @@ class Logger
$logger = new NullLogger();
@ -197,27 +193,11 @@ class Logger
return new NullLogger();
$loggerTimeZone = new \DateTimeZone('UTC');
$introspection = new Introspection(self::$ignoreClassList);
switch ($config->get('system', 'logger_config', 'stream')) {
$name = $config->get('system', 'logger_config', 'stream');
case 'monolog':
$loggerTimeZone = new \DateTimeZone('UTC');
$logger = new Monolog\Logger(self::DEV_CHANNEL);
$logger->pushProcessor(new Monolog\Processor\PsrLogMessageProcessor());
$logger->pushProcessor(new Monolog\Processor\ProcessIdProcessor());
$logger->pushProcessor(new Monolog\Processor\UidProcessor());
$logger->pushProcessor(new IntrospectionProcessor($introspection, LogLevel::DEBUG));
$logger->pushHandler(new DevelopHandler($developerIp));
static::addStreamHandler($logger, $stream, LogLevel::DEBUG);
switch ($name) {
case 'syslog':
$logger = new SyslogLogger(self::DEV_CHANNEL, $introspection, LogLevel::DEBUG);
@ -225,6 +205,23 @@ class Logger
case 'stream':
$data = [
'name' => $name,
'channel' => self::DEV_CHANNEL,
'introspection' => $introspection,
'loglevel' => LogLevel::DEBUG,
'logger' => null,
try {
Core\Hook::callAll('logger_instance', $data);
} catch (InternalServerErrorException $exception) {
$data['logger'] = null;
if (($data['logger'] ?? null) instanceof LoggerInterface) {
return $data['logger'];
$logger = new StreamLogger(self::DEV_CHANNEL, $stream, $introspection, $fileSystem, LogLevel::DEBUG);
@ -273,38 +270,4 @@ class Logger
return $level;
* Adding a handler to a given logger instance
* @param LoggerInterface $logger The logger instance
* @param mixed $stream The stream which handles the logger output
* @param string $level The level, for which this handler at least should handle logging
* @return void
* @throws LoggerException
public static function addStreamHandler(LoggerInterface $logger, $stream, string $level = LogLevel::NOTICE)
if ($logger instanceof Monolog\Logger) {
$loglevel = Monolog\Logger::toMonologLevel($level);
// fallback to notice if an invalid loglevel is set
if (!is_int($loglevel)) {
$loglevel = LogLevel::NOTICE;
try {
$fileHandler = new Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler($stream, $loglevel);
$formatter = new Monolog\Formatter\LineFormatter("%datetime% %channel% [%level_name%]: %message% %context% %extra%\n");
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
throw new LoggerException('Cannot create Monolog Logger.', $exception);
@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2010-2022, the Friendica project
* @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
namespace Friendica\Core\Logger\Type\Monolog;
use Friendica\App\Request;
use Monolog\Handler;
use Monolog\Logger;
* Simple handler for Friendica developers to use for deeper logging
* If you want to debug only interactions from your IP or the IP of a remote server for federation debug,
* you'll use Logger::develop() for the duration of your work, and you clean it up when you're done before submitting your PR.
class DevelopHandler extends Handler\AbstractHandler
* @var string The IP of the developer who wants to debug
private $developerIp;
* @var string The IP of the current request
private $remoteAddress;
* @param Request $request The current http request
* @param string $developerIp The IP of the developer who wants to debug
* @param int $level The minimum logging level at which this handler will be triggered
* @param bool $bubble Whether the messages that are handled can bubble up the stack or not
public function __construct(Request $request, $developerIp, int $level = Logger::DEBUG, bool $bubble = true)
parent::__construct($level, $bubble);
$this->developerIp = $developerIp;
$this->remoteAddress = $request->getRemoteAddress();
* {@inheritdoc}
public function handle(array $record): bool
if (!$this->isHandling($record)) {
return false;
/// Just in case the remote IP is the same as the developer IP log the output
if (!is_null($this->developerIp) && $this->remoteAddress != $this->developerIp) {
return false;
return false === $this->bubble;
@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2010-2022, the Friendica project
* @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
namespace Friendica\Core\Logger\Type\Monolog;
use Friendica\Core\Logger\Util\Introspection;
use Monolog\Logger;
use Monolog\Processor\ProcessorInterface;
* Injects line/file//function where the log message came from
class IntrospectionProcessor implements ProcessorInterface
private $level;
private $introspection;
* @param Introspection $introspection Holds the Introspection of the current call
* @param string|int $level The minimum logging level at which this Processor will be triggered
public function __construct(Introspection $introspection, $level = Logger::DEBUG)
$this->level = Logger::toMonologLevel($level);
$this->introspection = $introspection;
public function __invoke(array $record): array
// return if the level is not high enough
if ($record['level'] < $this->level) {
return $record;
// we should have the call source now
$record['extra'] = array_merge(
return $record;
@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ This namespace contains the different implementations of a Logger.
### Configuration guideline
The following settings are possible for `logger_config`:
- `monolog`: A Logging framework with lots of additions (see [Monolog](https://github.com/Seldaek/monolog/)). There are just Friendica additions inside the Monolog directory
- [`stream`](StreamLogger.php): A small logger for files or streams
- [`syslog`](SyslogLogger.php): Prints the logging output into the syslog
@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ class Search
// Add found profiles from the global directory to the local directory
Worker::add(PRIORITY_LOW, 'SearchDirectory', $search);
Worker::add(Worker::PRIORITY_LOW, 'SearchDirectory', $search);
return $resultList;
@ -69,6 +69,68 @@ class Session
* Returns the user id of locally logged in user or false.
* @return int|bool user id or false
public static function getLocalUser()
$session = DI::session();
if (!empty($session->get('authenticated')) && !empty($session->get('uid'))) {
return intval($session->get('uid'));
return false;
* Returns the public contact id of logged in user or false.
* @return int|bool public contact id or false
public static function getPublicContact()
static $public_contact_id = false;
$session = DI::session();
if (!$public_contact_id && !empty($session->get('authenticated'))) {
if (!empty($session->get('my_address'))) {
// Local user
$public_contact_id = intval(Contact::getIdForURL($session->get('my_address'), 0, false));
} elseif (!empty($session->get('visitor_home'))) {
// Remote user
$public_contact_id = intval(Contact::getIdForURL($session->get('visitor_home'), 0, false));
} elseif (empty($session->get('authenticated'))) {
$public_contact_id = false;
return $public_contact_id;
* Returns public contact id of authenticated site visitor or false
* @return int|bool visitor_id or false
public static function getRemoteUser()
$session = DI::session();
if (empty($session->get('authenticated'))) {
return false;
if (!empty($session->get('visitor_id'))) {
return intval($session->get('visitor_id'));
return false;
* Return the user contact ID of a visitor for the given user ID they are visiting
@ -442,10 +442,13 @@ class System
public static function getLoadAvg(): array
if (is_readable('/proc/loadavg')) {
$content = @file_get_contents('/proc/loadavg');
if (empty($content)) {
$content = shell_exec('cat /proc/loadavg');
if (empty($content) || !preg_match("#([.\d]+)\s([.\d]+)\s([.\d]+)\s(\d+)/(\d+)#", $content, $matches)) {
$load_arr = sys_getloadavg();
if (empty($load_arr)) {
@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ class Update
const SUCCESS = 0;
const FAILED = 1;
* Function to check if the Database structure needs an update.
@ -63,7 +65,7 @@ class Update
// We don't support upgrading from very old versions anymore
if ($build < self::NEW_TABLE_STRUCTURE_VERSION) {
$error = DI::l10n()->t('Updates from version %s are not supported. Please update at least to version 2021.01 and wait until the postupdate finished version 1383.', $build);
if (DI::mode()->getExecutor() == Mode::INDEX) {
@ -73,8 +75,8 @@ class Update
// The postupdate has to completed version 1288 for the new post views to take over
$postupdate = DI::config()->get('system', 'post_update_version', NEW_TABLE_STRUCTURE_VERSION);
if ($postupdate < NEW_TABLE_STRUCTURE_VERSION) {
$postupdate = DI::config()->get('system', 'post_update_version', self::NEW_TABLE_STRUCTURE_VERSION);
if ($postupdate < self::NEW_TABLE_STRUCTURE_VERSION) {
$error = DI::l10n()->t('Updates from postupdate version %s are not supported. Please update at least to version 2021.01 and wait until the postupdate finished version 1383.', $postupdate);
if (DI::mode()->getExecutor() == Mode::INDEX) {
@ -92,7 +94,7 @@ class Update
} else {
Worker::add(PRIORITY_CRITICAL, 'DBUpdate');
Worker::add(Worker::PRIORITY_CRITICAL, 'DBUpdate');
@ -123,13 +123,13 @@ class UserImport
$account = json_decode(file_get_contents($file['tmp_name']), true);
if ($account === null) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t("Error decoding account file"));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t("Error decoding account file"));
if (empty($account['version'])) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t("Error! No version data in file! This is not a Friendica account file?"));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t("Error! No version data in file! This is not a Friendica account file?"));
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ class UserImport
// check if username matches deleted account
if (DBA::exists('user', ['nickname' => $account['user']['nickname']])
|| DBA::exists('userd', ['username' => $account['user']['nickname']])) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t("User '%s' already exists on this server!", $account['user']['nickname']));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t("User '%s' already exists on this server!", $account['user']['nickname']));
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ class UserImport
$r = self::dbImportAssoc('user', $account['user']);
if ($r === false) {
Logger::warning("uimport:insert user : ERROR : " . DBA::errorMessage());
notice(DI::l10n()->t("User creation error"));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t("User creation error"));
$newuid = self::lastInsertId();
@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ class UserImport
if ($errorcount > 0) {
notice(DI::l10n()->tt("%d contact not imported", "%d contacts not imported", $errorcount));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->tt("%d contact not imported", "%d contacts not imported", $errorcount));
foreach ($account['group'] as &$group) {
@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ class UserImport
if ($r === false) {
Logger::warning("uimport:insert profile: ERROR : " . DBA::errorMessage());
notice(DI::l10n()->t("User profile creation error"));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t("User profile creation error"));
DBA::delete('user', ['uid' => $newuid]);
DBA::delete('profile_field', ['uid' => $newuid]);
@ -322,9 +322,9 @@ class UserImport
// send relocate messages
Worker::add(PRIORITY_HIGH, 'Notifier', Delivery::RELOCATION, $newuid);
Worker::add(Worker::PRIORITY_HIGH, 'Notifier', Delivery::RELOCATION, $newuid);
info(DI::l10n()->t("Done. You can now login with your username and password"));
DI::sysmsg()->addInfo(DI::l10n()->t("Done. You can now login with your username and password"));
@ -31,12 +31,20 @@ use Friendica\Util\DateTimeFormat;
class Worker
* @name Priority
* Process priority for the worker
* @{
const PRIORITY_HIGH = 20;
const PRIORITY_LOW = 40;
/* @}*/
const STATE_STARTUP = 1; // Worker is in startup. This takes most time.
const STATE_LONG_LOOP = 2; // Worker is processing the whole - long - loop.
@ -807,7 +815,7 @@ class Worker
$top_priority = self::highestPriority();
$high_running = self::processWithPriorityActive($top_priority);
if (!$high_running && ($top_priority > PRIORITY_UNDEFINED) && ($top_priority < PRIORITY_NEGLIGIBLE)) {
if (!$high_running && ($top_priority > self::PRIORITY_UNDEFINED) && ($top_priority < self::PRIORITY_NEGLIGIBLE)) {
Logger::info('Jobs with a higher priority are waiting but none is executed. Open a fastlane.', ['priority' => $top_priority]);
$queues = $active + 1;
@ -939,7 +947,7 @@ class Worker
private static function nextPriority()
$waiting = [];
foreach ($priorities as $priority) {
$stamp = (float)microtime(true);
if (DBA::exists('workerqueue', ["`priority` = ? AND `pid` = 0 AND NOT `done` AND `next_try` < ?", $priority, DateTimeFormat::utcNow()])) {
@ -948,8 +956,8 @@ class Worker
self::$db_duration += (microtime(true) - $stamp);
if (!empty($waiting[PRIORITY_CRITICAL])) {
if (!empty($waiting[self::PRIORITY_CRITICAL])) {
$running = [];
@ -1206,8 +1214,8 @@ class Worker
* @param (integer|array) priority or parameter array, strings are deprecated and are ignored
* next args are passed as $cmd command line
* or: Worker::add(PRIORITY_HIGH, 'Notifier', Delivery::DELETION, $drop_id);
* or: Worker::add(array('priority' => PRIORITY_HIGH, 'dont_fork' => true), 'Delivery', $post_id);
* or: Worker::add(Worker::PRIORITY_HIGH, 'Notifier', Delivery::DELETION, $drop_id);
* or: Worker::add(array('priority' => Worker::PRIORITY_HIGH, 'dont_fork' => true), 'Delivery', $post_id);
* @return int '0' if worker queue entry already existed or there had been an error, otherwise the ID of the worker task
* @throws \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException
@ -1230,7 +1238,7 @@ class Worker
return 1;
$priority = PRIORITY_MEDIUM;
$priority = self::PRIORITY_MEDIUM;
// Don't fork from frontend tasks by default
$dont_fork = DI::config()->get('system', 'worker_dont_fork', false) || !DI::mode()->isBackend();
$created = DateTimeFormat::utcNow();
@ -1266,9 +1274,9 @@ class Worker
$found = DBA::exists('workerqueue', ['command' => $command, 'parameter' => $parameters, 'done' => false]);
$added = 0;
if (!is_int($priority) || !in_array($priority, PRIORITIES)) {
if (!is_int($priority) || !in_array($priority, self::PRIORITIES)) {
Logger::warning('Invalid priority', ['priority' => $priority, 'command' => $command, 'callstack' => System::callstack(20)]);
$priority = PRIORITY_MEDIUM;
$priority = self::PRIORITY_MEDIUM;
// Quit if there was a database error - a precaution for the update process to 3.5.3
@ -1383,12 +1391,12 @@ class Worker
$delay = (($new_retrial + 2) ** 4) + (rand(1, 30) * ($new_retrial));
$next = DateTimeFormat::utc('now + ' . $delay . ' seconds');
if (($priority < PRIORITY_MEDIUM) && ($new_retrial > 3)) {
$priority = PRIORITY_MEDIUM;
} elseif (($priority < PRIORITY_LOW) && ($new_retrial > 6)) {
$priority = PRIORITY_LOW;
} elseif (($priority < PRIORITY_NEGLIGIBLE) && ($new_retrial > 8)) {
if (($priority < self::PRIORITY_MEDIUM) && ($new_retrial > 3)) {
$priority = self::PRIORITY_MEDIUM;
} elseif (($priority < self::PRIORITY_LOW) && ($new_retrial > 6)) {
$priority = self::PRIORITY_LOW;
} elseif (($priority < self::PRIORITY_NEGLIGIBLE) && ($new_retrial > 8)) {
$priority = self::PRIORITY_NEGLIGIBLE;
Logger::info('Deferred task', ['id' => $id, 'retrial' => $new_retrial, 'created' => $queue['created'], 'next_execution' => $next, 'old_prio' => $queue['priority'], 'new_prio' => $priority]);
@ -47,10 +47,10 @@ class Cron
Logger::info('Add cron entries');
// Check for spooled items
Worker::add(['priority' => PRIORITY_HIGH, 'force_priority' => true], 'SpoolPost');
Worker::add(['priority' => Worker::PRIORITY_HIGH, 'force_priority' => true], 'SpoolPost');
// Run the cron job that calls all other jobs
Worker::add(['priority' => PRIORITY_MEDIUM, 'force_priority' => true], 'Cron');
Worker::add(['priority' => Worker::PRIORITY_MEDIUM, 'force_priority' => true], 'Cron');
// Cleaning dead processes
@ -112,12 +112,12 @@ class Cron
// To avoid a blocking situation we reschedule the process at the beginning of the queue.
// Additionally we are lowering the priority. (But not PRIORITY_CRITICAL)
$new_priority = $entry['priority'];
if ($entry['priority'] == PRIORITY_HIGH) {
$new_priority = PRIORITY_MEDIUM;
} elseif ($entry['priority'] == PRIORITY_MEDIUM) {
$new_priority = PRIORITY_LOW;
} elseif ($entry['priority'] != PRIORITY_CRITICAL) {
$new_priority = PRIORITY_NEGLIGIBLE;
if ($entry['priority'] == Worker::PRIORITY_HIGH) {
$new_priority = Worker::PRIORITY_MEDIUM;
} elseif ($entry['priority'] == Worker::PRIORITY_MEDIUM) {
$new_priority = Worker::PRIORITY_LOW;
} elseif ($entry['priority'] != Worker::PRIORITY_CRITICAL) {
$new_priority = Worker::PRIORITY_NEGLIGIBLE;
DBA::update('workerqueue', ['executed' => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, 'created' => DateTimeFormat::utcNow(), 'priority' => $new_priority, 'pid' => 0], ['id' => $entry["id"]]
@ -166,13 +166,13 @@ class Cron
Logger::info('Directly deliver inbox', ['inbox' => $delivery['inbox'], 'result' => $result['success']]);
} elseif ($delivery['failed'] < 3) {
$priority = PRIORITY_HIGH;
$priority = Worker::PRIORITY_HIGH;
} elseif ($delivery['failed'] < 6) {
$priority = PRIORITY_MEDIUM;
$priority = Worker::PRIORITY_MEDIUM;
} elseif ($delivery['failed'] < 8) {
$priority = PRIORITY_LOW;
$priority = Worker::PRIORITY_LOW;
} else {
$priority = Worker::PRIORITY_NEGLIGIBLE;
if ($delivery['failed'] >= DI::config()->get('system', 'worker_defer_limit')) {
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ class DBStructure
echo DI::l10n()->t("\nError %d occurred during database update:\n%s\n",
DBA::errorNo(), DBA::errorMessage());
return DI::l10n()->t('Errors encountered performing database changes: ') . $message . EOL;
return DI::l10n()->t('Errors encountered performing database changes: ') . $message . '<br />';
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ use PDO;
use PDOException;
use PDOStatement;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use Psr\Log\NullLogger;
* This class is for the low level database stuff that does driver specific things.
@ -80,15 +81,17 @@ class Database
/** @var ViewDefinition */
protected $viewDefinition;
public function __construct(Cache $configCache, Profiler $profiler, DbaDefinition $dbaDefinition, ViewDefinition $viewDefinition, LoggerInterface $logger)
public function __construct(Cache $configCache, Profiler $profiler, DbaDefinition $dbaDefinition, ViewDefinition $viewDefinition)
// We are storing these values for being able to perform a reconnect
$this->configCache = $configCache;
$this->profiler = $profiler;
$this->logger = $logger;
$this->dbaDefinition = $dbaDefinition;
$this->viewDefinition = $viewDefinition;
// Temporary NullLogger until we can fetch the logger class from the config
$this->logger = new NullLogger();
@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ class Contact
// Update the contact in the background if needed
if (Probe::isProbable($contact['network']) && ($contact['next-update'] < DateTimeFormat::utcNow())) {
Worker::add(['priority' => PRIORITY_LOW, 'dont_fork' => true], 'UpdateContact', $contact['id']);
Worker::add(['priority' => Worker::PRIORITY_LOW, 'dont_fork' => true], 'UpdateContact', $contact['id']);
// Remove the internal fields
@ -884,7 +884,7 @@ class Contact
// Delete it in the background
Worker::add(PRIORITY_MEDIUM, 'Contact\Remove', $id);
Worker::add(Worker::PRIORITY_MEDIUM, 'Contact\Remove', $id);
@ -908,7 +908,7 @@ class Contact
if (in_array($contact['rel'], [self::SHARING, self::FRIEND])) {
$cdata = self::getPublicAndUserContactID($contact['id'], $contact['uid']);
if (!empty($cdata['public'])) {
Worker::add(PRIORITY_HIGH, 'Contact\Unfollow', $cdata['public'], $contact['uid']);
Worker::add(Worker::PRIORITY_HIGH, 'Contact\Unfollow', $cdata['public'], $contact['uid']);
@ -938,7 +938,7 @@ class Contact
if (in_array($contact['rel'], [self::FOLLOWER, self::FRIEND])) {
$cdata = self::getPublicAndUserContactID($contact['id'], $contact['uid']);
if (!empty($cdata['public'])) {
Worker::add(PRIORITY_HIGH, 'Contact\RevokeFollow', $cdata['public'], $contact['uid']);
Worker::add(Worker::PRIORITY_HIGH, 'Contact\RevokeFollow', $cdata['public'], $contact['uid']);
@ -966,11 +966,11 @@ class Contact
$cdata = self::getPublicAndUserContactID($contact['id'], $contact['uid']);
if (in_array($contact['rel'], [self::SHARING, self::FRIEND]) && !empty($cdata['public'])) {
Worker::add(PRIORITY_HIGH, 'Contact\Unfollow', $cdata['public'], $contact['uid']);
Worker::add(Worker::PRIORITY_HIGH, 'Contact\Unfollow', $cdata['public'], $contact['uid']);
if (in_array($contact['rel'], [self::FOLLOWER, self::FRIEND]) && !empty($cdata['public'])) {
Worker::add(PRIORITY_HIGH, 'Contact\RevokeFollow', $cdata['public'], $contact['uid']);
Worker::add(Worker::PRIORITY_HIGH, 'Contact\RevokeFollow', $cdata['public'], $contact['uid']);
@ -1248,7 +1248,7 @@ class Contact
$contact_id = $contact['id'];
if (Probe::isProbable($contact['network']) && ($contact['next-update'] < DateTimeFormat::utcNow())) {
Worker::add(['priority' => PRIORITY_LOW, 'dont_fork' => true], 'UpdateContact', $contact['id']);
Worker::add(['priority' => Worker::PRIORITY_LOW, 'dont_fork' => true], 'UpdateContact', $contact['id']);
if (empty($update) && (!empty($contact['uri-id']) || is_bool($update))) {
@ -2365,7 +2365,7 @@ class Contact
Logger::warning('account-user exists for a different contact id', ['account_user' => $account_user, 'id' => $id, 'uid' => $uid, 'uri-id' => $uri_id, 'url' => $url]);
Worker::add(PRIORITY_HIGH, 'MergeContact', $account_user['id'], $id, $uid);
Worker::add(Worker::PRIORITY_HIGH, 'MergeContact', $account_user['id'], $id, $uid);
} elseif (DBA::insert('account-user', ['id' => $id, 'uri-id' => $uri_id, 'uid' => $uid], Database::INSERT_IGNORE)) {
Logger::notice('account-user was added', ['id' => $id, 'uid' => $uid, 'uri-id' => $uri_id, 'url' => $url]);
} else {
@ -2406,7 +2406,7 @@ class Contact
Worker::add(PRIORITY_HIGH, 'MergeContact', $first, $duplicate['id'], $uid);
Worker::add(Worker::PRIORITY_HIGH, 'MergeContact', $first, $duplicate['id'], $uid);
Logger::info('Duplicates handled', ['uid' => $uid, 'nurl' => $nurl, 'callstack' => System::callstack(20)]);
@ -2608,7 +2608,7 @@ class Contact
if ($ret['network'] == Protocol::ACTIVITYPUB) {
$apcontact = APContact::getByURL($ret['url'], false);
if (!empty($apcontact['featured'])) {
Worker::add(PRIORITY_LOW, 'FetchFeaturedPosts', $ret['url']);
Worker::add(Worker::PRIORITY_LOW, 'FetchFeaturedPosts', $ret['url']);
@ -2649,7 +2649,7 @@ class Contact
self::updateContact($id, $uid, $uriid, $contact['url'], ['failed' => false, 'local-data' => $has_local_data, 'last-update' => $updated, 'next-update' => $success_next_update, 'success_update' => $updated]);
if (Contact\Relation::isDiscoverable($ret['url'])) {
Worker::add(PRIORITY_LOW, 'ContactDiscovery', $ret['url']);
Worker::add(Worker::PRIORITY_LOW, 'ContactDiscovery', $ret['url']);
// Update the public contact
@ -2693,7 +2693,7 @@ class Contact
self::updateContact($id, $uid, $ret['uri-id'], $ret['url'], $ret);
if (Contact\Relation::isDiscoverable($ret['url'])) {
Worker::add(PRIORITY_LOW, 'ContactDiscovery', $ret['url']);
Worker::add(Worker::PRIORITY_LOW, 'ContactDiscovery', $ret['url']);
return true;
@ -2853,30 +2853,30 @@ class Contact
// do we have enough information?
if (empty($protocol) || ($protocol == Protocol::PHANTOM) || (empty($ret['url']) && empty($ret['addr']))) {
$result['message'] .= DI::l10n()->t('The profile address specified does not provide adequate information.') . EOL;
$result['message'] .= DI::l10n()->t('The profile address specified does not provide adequate information.') . '<br />';
if (empty($ret['poll'])) {
$result['message'] .= DI::l10n()->t('No compatible communication protocols or feeds were discovered.') . EOL;
$result['message'] .= DI::l10n()->t('No compatible communication protocols or feeds were discovered.') . '<br />';
if (empty($ret['name'])) {
$result['message'] .= DI::l10n()->t('An author or name was not found.') . EOL;
$result['message'] .= DI::l10n()->t('An author or name was not found.') . '<br />';
if (empty($ret['url'])) {
$result['message'] .= DI::l10n()->t('No browser URL could be matched to this address.') . EOL;
$result['message'] .= DI::l10n()->t('No browser URL could be matched to this address.') . '<br />';
if (strpos($ret['url'], '@') !== false) {
$result['message'] .= DI::l10n()->t('Unable to match @-style Identity Address with a known protocol or email contact.') . EOL;
$result['message'] .= DI::l10n()->t('Use mailto: in front of address to force email check.') . EOL;
$result['message'] .= DI::l10n()->t('Unable to match @-style Identity Address with a known protocol or email contact.') . '<br />';
$result['message'] .= DI::l10n()->t('Use mailto: in front of address to force email check.') . '<br />';
return $result;
if ($protocol === Protocol::OSTATUS && DI::config()->get('system', 'ostatus_disabled')) {
$result['message'] .= DI::l10n()->t('The profile address specified belongs to a network which has been disabled on this site.') . EOL;
$result['message'] .= DI::l10n()->t('The profile address specified belongs to a network which has been disabled on this site.') . '<br />';
$ret['notify'] = '';
if (!$ret['notify']) {
$result['message'] .= DI::l10n()->t('Limited profile. This person will be unable to receive direct/personal notifications from you.') . EOL;
$result['message'] .= DI::l10n()->t('Limited profile. This person will be unable to receive direct/personal notifications from you.') . '<br />';
$writeable = ((($protocol === Protocol::OSTATUS) && ($ret['notify'])) ? 1 : 0);
@ -2935,7 +2935,7 @@ class Contact
$contact = DBA::selectFirst('contact', [], ['url' => $ret['url'], 'network' => $ret['network'], 'uid' => $uid]);
if (!DBA::isResult($contact)) {
$result['message'] .= DI::l10n()->t('Unable to retrieve contact information.') . EOL;
$result['message'] .= DI::l10n()->t('Unable to retrieve contact information.') . '<br />';
return $result;
@ -2949,13 +2949,13 @@ class Contact
// pull feed and consume it, which should subscribe to the hub.
if ($contact['network'] == Protocol::OSTATUS) {
Worker::add(PRIORITY_HIGH, 'OnePoll', $contact_id, 'force');
Worker::add(Worker::PRIORITY_HIGH, 'OnePoll', $contact_id, 'force');
if ($probed) {
self::updateFromProbeArray($contact_id, $ret);
} else {
Worker::add(PRIORITY_HIGH, 'UpdateContact', $contact_id);
Worker::add(Worker::PRIORITY_HIGH, 'UpdateContact', $contact_id);
$result['success'] = Protocol::follow($uid, $contact, $protocol);
@ -3407,10 +3407,10 @@ class Contact
$contact = self::getByURL($url, false, ['id', 'network', 'next-update']);
if (empty($contact['id']) && Network::isValidHttpUrl($url)) {
Worker::add(PRIORITY_LOW, 'AddContact', 0, $url);
Worker::add(Worker::PRIORITY_LOW, 'AddContact', 0, $url);
} elseif (!empty($contact['network']) && Probe::isProbable($contact['network']) && ($contact['next-update'] < DateTimeFormat::utcNow())) {
Worker::add(['priority' => PRIORITY_LOW, 'dont_fork' => true], 'UpdateContact', $contact['id']);
Worker::add(['priority' => Worker::PRIORITY_LOW, 'dont_fork' => true], 'UpdateContact', $contact['id']);
} else {
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ class FContact
$update = empty($person['guid']) || empty($person['uri-id']) || ($person['created'] <= DBA::NULL_DATETIME);
if (GServer::getNextUpdateDate(true, $person['created'], $person['updated'], false) < DateTimeFormat::utcNow()) {
Logger::debug('Start background update', ['handle' => $handle]);
Worker::add(['priority' => PRIORITY_LOW, 'dont_fork' => true], 'UpdateFContact', $handle);
Worker::add(['priority' => Worker::PRIORITY_LOW, 'dont_fork' => true], 'UpdateFContact', $handle);
} elseif (is_null($update)) {
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ class GServer
Worker::add(PRIORITY_LOW, 'UpdateGServer', $url, $only_nodeinfo);
Worker::add(Worker::PRIORITY_LOW, 'UpdateGServer', $url, $only_nodeinfo);
@ -2108,10 +2108,10 @@ class GServer
while ($gserver = DBA::fetch($gservers)) {
Logger::info('Update peer list', ['server' => $gserver['url'], 'id' => $gserver['id']]);
Worker::add(PRIORITY_LOW, 'UpdateServerPeers', $gserver['url']);
Worker::add(Worker::PRIORITY_LOW, 'UpdateServerPeers', $gserver['url']);
Logger::info('Update directory', ['server' => $gserver['url'], 'id' => $gserver['id']]);
Worker::add(PRIORITY_LOW, 'UpdateServerDirectory', $gserver);
Worker::add(Worker::PRIORITY_LOW, 'UpdateServerDirectory', $gserver);
$fields = ['last_poco_query' => DateTimeFormat::utcNow()];
self::update($fields, ['nurl' => $gserver['nurl']]);
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ class Group
$group = DBA::selectFirst('group', ['deleted'], ['id' => $gid]);
if (DBA::isResult($group) && $group['deleted']) {
DBA::update('group', ['deleted' => 0], ['id' => $gid]);
notice(DI::l10n()->t('A deleted group with this name was revived. Existing item permissions <strong>may</strong> apply to this group and any future members. If this is not what you intended, please create another group with a different name.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('A deleted group with this name was revived. Existing item permissions <strong>may</strong> apply to this group and any future members. If this is not what you intended, please create another group with a different name.'));
return true;
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ class Item
'commented', 'created', 'edited', 'received', 'verb', 'object-type', 'postopts', 'plink',
'wall', 'private', 'starred', 'origin', 'parent-origin', 'title', 'body', 'language',
'content-warning', 'location', 'coord', 'app', 'rendered-hash', 'rendered-html', 'object',
'allow_cid', 'allow_gid', 'deny_cid', 'deny_gid', 'mention', 'global',
'quote-uri', 'quote-uri-id', 'allow_cid', 'allow_gid', 'deny_cid', 'deny_gid', 'mention', 'global',
'author-id', 'author-link', 'author-name', 'author-avatar', 'author-network', 'author-updated', 'author-gsid', 'author-addr', 'author-uri-id',
'owner-id', 'owner-link', 'owner-name', 'owner-avatar', 'owner-network', 'owner-contact-type', 'owner-updated',
'causer-id', 'causer-link', 'causer-name', 'causer-avatar', 'causer-contact-type', 'causer-network',
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ class Item
'allow_cid', 'allow_gid', 'deny_cid', 'deny_gid',
'author-id', 'author-link', 'author-name', 'author-avatar', 'owner-id', 'owner-link', 'contact-uid',
'signed_text', 'network', 'wall', 'contact-id', 'plink', 'origin',
'thr-parent-id', 'parent-uri-id', 'postopts', 'pubmail',
'thr-parent-id', 'parent-uri-id', 'quote-uri', 'quote-uri-id', 'postopts', 'pubmail',
'event-created', 'event-edited', 'event-start', 'event-finish',
'event-summary', 'event-desc', 'event-location', 'event-type',
'event-nofinish', 'event-ignore', 'event-id'];
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ class Item
// All fields in the item table
const ITEM_FIELDLIST = ['id', 'uid', 'parent', 'uri', 'parent-uri', 'thr-parent',
'guid', 'uri-id', 'parent-uri-id', 'thr-parent-id', 'conversation', 'vid',
'contact-id', 'wall', 'gravity', 'extid', 'psid',
'quote-uri', 'quote-uri-id', 'contact-id', 'wall', 'gravity', 'extid', 'psid',
'created', 'edited', 'commented', 'received', 'changed', 'verb',
'postopts', 'plink', 'resource-id', 'event-id', 'inform',
'allow_cid', 'allow_gid', 'deny_cid', 'deny_gid', 'post-type', 'post-reason',
@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ class Item
foreach ($notify_items as $notify_item) {
$post = Post::selectFirst(['uri-id', 'uid'], ['id' => $notify_item]);
Worker::add(PRIORITY_HIGH, 'Notifier', Delivery::POST, (int)$post['uri-id'], (int)$post['uid']);
Worker::add(Worker::PRIORITY_HIGH, 'Notifier', Delivery::POST, (int)$post['uri-id'], (int)$post['uid']);
return $rows;
@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ class Item
* @return void
* @throws \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException
public static function markForDeletion(array $condition, int $priority = PRIORITY_HIGH)
public static function markForDeletion(array $condition, int $priority = Worker::PRIORITY_HIGH)
$items = Post::select(['id'], $condition);
while ($item = Post::fetch($items)) {
@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ class Item
if ($item['uid'] == $uid) {
self::markForDeletionById($item['id'], PRIORITY_HIGH);
self::markForDeletionById($item['id'], Worker::PRIORITY_HIGH);
} elseif ($item['uid'] != 0) {
Logger::warning('Wrong ownership. Not deleting item', ['id' => $item['id']]);
@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ class Item
* @return boolean success
* @throws \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException
public static function markForDeletionById(int $item_id, int $priority = PRIORITY_HIGH): bool
public static function markForDeletionById(int $item_id, int $priority = Worker::PRIORITY_HIGH): bool
Logger::info('Mark item for deletion by id', ['id' => $item_id, 'callstack' => System::callstack()]);
// locate item to be deleted
@ -822,7 +822,7 @@ class Item
$orig_item = $item;
$priority = PRIORITY_HIGH;
$priority = Worker::PRIORITY_HIGH;
// If it is a posting where users should get notifications, then define it as wall posting
if ($notify) {
@ -832,7 +832,7 @@ class Item
$item['protocol'] = Conversation::PARCEL_DIRECT;
$item['direction'] = Conversation::PUSH;
if (is_int($notify) && in_array($notify, PRIORITIES)) {
if (is_int($notify) && in_array($notify, Worker::PRIORITIES)) {
$priority = $notify;
} else {
@ -1125,6 +1125,13 @@ class Item
$item['raw-body'] = Post\Media::insertFromBody($item['uri-id'], $item['raw-body']);
$item['raw-body'] = self::setHashtags($item['raw-body']);
$quote_id = self::getQuoteUriId($item['body']);
if (!empty($quote_id) && Post::exists(['uri-id' => $quote_id, 'network' => Protocol::FEDERATED])) {
$item['quote-uri-id'] = $quote_id;
$item['raw-body'] = BBCode::removeSharedData($item['raw-body']);
if (!DBA::exists('contact', ['id' => $item['author-id'], 'network' => Protocol::DFRN])) {
Post\Media::insertFromRelevantUrl($item['uri-id'], $item['raw-body']);
@ -2945,17 +2952,44 @@ class Item
$body = $item['body'] ?? '';
$shared = BBCode::fetchShareAttributes($body);
if (!empty($shared['guid'])) {
$shared_item = Post::selectFirst(['uri-id', 'plink', 'has-media'], ['guid' => $shared['guid']]);
$shared_uri_id = $shared_item['uri-id'] ?? 0;
$shared_links = [strtolower($shared_item['plink'] ?? '')];
$shared_attachments = Post\Media::splitAttachments($shared_uri_id, $shared['guid'], [], $shared_item['has-media'] ?? false);
$shared_item = Post::selectFirst(['uri-id', 'guid', 'plink', 'has-media'], ['guid' => $shared['guid'], 'uid' => [$item['uid'], 0]]);
$fields = ['uri-id', 'uri', 'body', 'title', 'author-name', 'author-link', 'author-avatar', 'guid', 'created', 'plink', 'network', 'has-media'];
$shared_uri_id = 0;
$shared_links = [];
if (empty($shared_item['uri-id']) && !empty($item['quote-uri-id'])) {
$shared_item = Post::selectFirst($fields, ['uri-id' => $item['quote-uri-id']]);
$quote_uri_id = $item['quote-uri-id'] ?? 0;
$shared_links[] = strtolower($item['quote-uri']);
} elseif (empty($shared_item['uri-id']) && empty($item['quote-uri-id'])) {
$media = Post\Media::getByURIId($item['uri-id'], [Post\Media::ACTIVITY]);
if (!empty($media)) {
$shared_item = Post::selectFirst($fields, ['plink' => $media[0]['url'], 'uid' => [$item['uid'], 0]]);
if (empty($shared_item['uri-id'])) {
$shared_item = Post::selectFirst($fields, ['uri' => $media[0]['url'], 'uid' => [$item['uid'], 0]]);
$shared_links[] = strtolower($media[0]['url']);
$quote_uri_id = $shared_item['uri-id'] ?? 0;
if (!empty($quote_uri_id)) {
$item['body'] .= "\n" . DI::contentItem()->createSharedBlockByArray($shared_item);
if (!empty($shared_item['uri-id'])) {
$shared_uri_id = $shared_item['uri-id'];
$shared_links[] = strtolower($shared_item['plink']);
$shared_attachments = Post\Media::splitAttachments($shared_uri_id, $shared_item['guid'], [], $shared_item['has-media']);
$shared_links = array_merge($shared_links, array_column($shared_attachments['visual'], 'url'));
$shared_links = array_merge($shared_links, array_column($shared_attachments['link'], 'url'));
$shared_links = array_merge($shared_links, array_column($shared_attachments['additional'], 'url'));
$item['body'] = self::replaceVisualAttachments($shared_attachments, $item['body']);
} else {
$shared_uri_id = 0;
$shared_links = [];
$attachments = Post\Media::splitAttachments($item['uri-id'], $item['guid'] ?? '', $shared_links, $item['has-media'] ?? false);
@ -3277,7 +3311,7 @@ class Item
if (isset($data['url']) && !in_array($data['url'], $ignore_links)) {
if (isset($data['url']) && !in_array(strtolower($data['url']), $ignore_links)) {
if (!empty($data['description']) || !empty($data['image']) || !empty($data['preview'])) {
$parts = parse_url($data['url']);
if (!empty($parts['scheme']) && !empty($parts['host'])) {
@ -3611,9 +3645,10 @@ class Item
* Improve the data in shared posts
* @param array $item
* @param bool $add_media
* @return string body
public static function improveSharedDataInBody(array $item): string
public static function improveSharedDataInBody(array $item, bool $add_media = false): string
$shared = BBCode::fetchShareAttributes($item['body']);
if (empty($shared['guid']) && empty($shared['message_id'])) {
@ -3623,7 +3658,7 @@ class Item
$link = $shared['link'] ?: $shared['message_id'];
if (empty($shared_content)) {
$shared_content = DI::contentItem()->createSharedPostByUrl($link, $item['uid'] ?? 0);
$shared_content = DI::contentItem()->createSharedPostByUrl($link, $item['uid'] ?? 0, $add_media);
if (empty($shared_content)) {
@ -3635,4 +3670,19 @@ class Item
Logger::debug('New shared data', ['uri-id' => $item['uri-id'], 'link' => $link, 'guid' => $item['guid']]);
return $item['body'];
* Fetch the uri-id of a quote
* @param string $body
* @return integer
private static function getQuoteUriId(string $body): int
$shared = BBCode::fetchShareAttributes($body);
if (empty($shared['message_id'])) {
return 0;
return ItemURI::getIdByURI($shared['message_id']);
@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ class Mail
if ($post_id) {
Worker::add(PRIORITY_HIGH, "Notifier", Delivery::MAIL, $post_id);
Worker::add(Worker::PRIORITY_HIGH, "Notifier", Delivery::MAIL, $post_id);
return intval($post_id);
} else {
return -3;
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ class Delayed
Logger::notice('Adding post for delayed publishing', ['uid' => $item['uid'], 'delayed' => $delayed, 'uri' => $uri]);
$wid = Worker::add(['priority' => PRIORITY_HIGH, 'delayed' => $delayed], 'DelayedPublish', $item, $notify, $taglist, $attachments, $preparation_mode, $uri);
$wid = Worker::add(['priority' => Worker::PRIORITY_HIGH, 'delayed' => $delayed], 'DelayedPublish', $item, $notify, $taglist, $attachments, $preparation_mode, $uri);
if (!$wid) {
return 0;
@ -23,10 +23,12 @@ namespace Friendica\Model\Post;
use Friendica\Content\Text\BBCode;
use Friendica\Core\Logger;
use Friendica\Core\Protocol;
use Friendica\Core\System;
use Friendica\Database\Database;
use Friendica\Database\DBA;
use Friendica\DI;
use Friendica\Model\Contact;
use Friendica\Model\Item;
use Friendica\Model\Photo;
use Friendica\Model\Post;
@ -56,6 +58,7 @@ class Media
const HTML = 17;
const XML = 18;
const PLAIN = 19;
const ACTIVITY = 20;
const DOCUMENT = 128;
@ -215,6 +218,10 @@ class Media
$media = self::addType($media);
if (in_array($media['type'], [self::TEXT, self::APPLICATION, self::HTML, self::XML, self::PLAIN])) {
$media = self::addActivity($media);
if ($media['type'] == self::HTML) {
$data = ParseUrl::getSiteinfoCached($media['url'], false);
$media['preview'] = $data['images'][0]['src'] ?? null;
@ -232,6 +239,65 @@ class Media
return $media;
* Adds the activity type if the media entry is linked to an activity
* @param array $media
* @return array
private static function addActivity(array $media): array
$id = Item::fetchByLink($media['url']);
if (empty($id)) {
return $media;
$item = Post::selectFirst([], ['id' => $id, 'network' => Protocol::FEDERATED]);
if (empty($item['id'])) {
Logger::debug('Not a federated activity', ['id' => $id, 'uri-id' => $media['uri-id'], 'url' => $media['url']]);
return $media;
if (!empty($item['plink']) && Strings::compareLink($item['plink'], $media['url']) &&
parse_url($item['plink'], PHP_URL_HOST) != parse_url($item['uri'], PHP_URL_HOST)) {
Logger::debug('Not a link to an activity', ['uri-id' => $media['uri-id'], 'url' => $media['url'], 'plink' => $item['plink'], 'uri' => $item['uri']]);
return $media;
if (in_array($item['network'], [Protocol::ACTIVITYPUB, Protocol::DFRN])) {
$media['mimetype'] = 'application/activity+json';
} elseif ($item['network'] == Protocol::DIASPORA) {
$media['mimetype'] = 'application/xml';
} else {
$media['mimetype'] = '';
$contact = Contact::getById($item['author-id'], ['avatar', 'gsid']);
if (!empty($contact['gsid'])) {
$gserver = DBA::selectFirst('gserver', ['url', 'site_name'], ['id' => $contact['gsid']]);
$media['type'] = self::ACTIVITY;
$media['media-uri-id'] = $item['uri-id'];
$media['height'] = null;
$media['width'] = null;
$media['size'] = null;
$media['preview'] = null;
$media['preview-height'] = null;
$media['preview-width'] = null;
$media['description'] = $item['body'];
$media['name'] = $item['title'];
$media['author-url'] = $item['author-link'];
$media['author-name'] = $item['author-name'];
$media['author-image'] = $contact['avatar'] ?? $item['author-avatar'];
$media['publisher-url'] = $gserver['url'] ?? null;
$media['publisher-name'] = $gserver['site_name'] ?? null;
$media['publisher-image'] = null;
Logger::debug('Activity detected', ['uri-id' => $media['uri-id'], 'url' => $media['url'], 'plink' => $item['plink'], 'uri' => $item['uri']]);
return $media;
* Fetch media data from local resources
* @param array $media
@ -153,11 +153,11 @@ class Profile
if ($owner['net-publish'] || $force) {
// Update global directory in background
if (Search::getGlobalDirectory()) {
Worker::add(PRIORITY_LOW, 'Directory', $owner['url']);
Worker::add(Worker::PRIORITY_LOW, 'Directory', $owner['url']);
Worker::add(PRIORITY_LOW, 'ProfileUpdate', $uid);
Worker::add(Worker::PRIORITY_LOW, 'ProfileUpdate', $uid);
@ -865,7 +865,7 @@ class Profile
info(DI::l10n()->t('OpenWebAuth: %1$s welcomes %2$s', DI::baseUrl()->getHostname(), $visitor['name']));
DI::sysmsg()->addInfo(DI::l10n()->t('OpenWebAuth: %1$s welcomes %2$s', DI::baseUrl()->getHostname(), $visitor['name']));
Logger::info('OpenWebAuth: auth success from ' . $visitor['addr']);
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class PushSubscriber
* @return void
* @throws \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException
public static function publishFeed(int $uid, int $default_priority = PRIORITY_HIGH)
public static function publishFeed(int $uid, int $default_priority = Worker::PRIORITY_HIGH)
$condition = ['push' => 0, 'uid' => $uid];
DBA::update('push_subscriber', ['push' => 1, 'next_try' => DBA::NULL_DATETIME], $condition);
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ class PushSubscriber
* @return void
* @throws \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException
public static function requeue(int $default_priority = PRIORITY_HIGH)
public static function requeue(int $default_priority = Worker::PRIORITY_HIGH)
// We'll push to each subscriber that has push > 0,
// i.e. there has been an update (set in notifier.php).
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ class PushSubscriber
while ($subscriber = DBA::fetch($subscribers)) {
// We always handle retries with low priority
if ($subscriber['push'] > 1) {
$priority = PRIORITY_LOW;
$priority = Worker::PRIORITY_LOW;
} else {
$priority = $default_priority;
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ class Subscription
$subscriptions = DBA::select('subscription', [], ['uid' => $notification->uid, $type => true]);
while ($subscription = DBA::fetch($subscriptions)) {
Logger::info('Push notification', ['id' => $subscription['id'], 'uid' => $subscription['uid'], 'type' => $type]);
Worker::add(PRIORITY_HIGH, 'PushSubscription', $subscription['id'], $notification->id);
Worker::add(Worker::PRIORITY_HIGH, 'PushSubscription', $subscription['id'], $notification->id);
@ -994,7 +994,7 @@ class User
try {
$authurl = $openid->authUrl();
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new Exception(DI::l10n()->t('We encountered a problem while logging in with the OpenID you provided. Please check the correct spelling of the ID.') . EOL . EOL . DI::l10n()->t('The error message was:') . $e->getMessage(), 0, $e);
throw new Exception(DI::l10n()->t('We encountered a problem while logging in with the OpenID you provided. Please check the correct spelling of the ID.') . '<br />' . DI::l10n()->t('The error message was:') . $e->getMessage(), 0, $e);
@ -1317,7 +1317,7 @@ class User
if (DBA::isResult($profile) && $profile['net-publish'] && Search::getGlobalDirectory()) {
$url = DI::baseUrl() . '/profile/' . $user['nickname'];
Worker::add(PRIORITY_LOW, "Directory", $url);
Worker::add(Worker::PRIORITY_LOW, "Directory", $url);
$l10n = DI::l10n()->withLang($register['language']);
@ -1567,14 +1567,14 @@ class User
// The user and related data will be deleted in Friendica\Worker\ExpireAndRemoveUsers
DBA::update('user', ['account_removed' => true, 'account_expires_on' => DateTimeFormat::utc('now + 7 day')], ['uid' => $uid]);
Worker::add(PRIORITY_HIGH, 'Notifier', Delivery::REMOVAL, $uid);
Worker::add(Worker::PRIORITY_HIGH, 'Notifier', Delivery::REMOVAL, $uid);
// Send an update to the directory
$self = DBA::selectFirst('contact', ['url'], ['uid' => $uid, 'self' => true]);
Worker::add(PRIORITY_LOW, 'Directory', $self['url']);
Worker::add(Worker::PRIORITY_LOW, 'Directory', $self['url']);
// Remove the user relevant data
Worker::add(PRIORITY_NEGLIGIBLE, 'RemoveUser', $uid);
Worker::add(Worker::PRIORITY_NEGLIGIBLE, 'RemoveUser', $uid);
return true;
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ class Details extends BaseAdmin
$addon = Strings::sanitizeFilePathItem($this->parameters['addon']);
if (!is_file("addon/$addon/$addon.php")) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Addon not found.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Addon not found.'));
@ -73,10 +73,10 @@ class Details extends BaseAdmin
// Toggle addon status
if (Addon::isEnabled($addon)) {
info(DI::l10n()->t('Addon %s disabled.', $addon));
DI::sysmsg()->addInfo(DI::l10n()->t('Addon %s disabled.', $addon));
} else {
info(DI::l10n()->t('Addon %s enabled.', $addon));
DI::sysmsg()->addInfo(DI::l10n()->t('Addon %s enabled.', $addon));
DI::baseUrl()->redirect('admin/addons/' . $addon);
@ -39,18 +39,18 @@ class Index extends BaseAdmin
switch ($_GET['action']) {
case 'reload':
info(DI::l10n()->t('Addons reloaded'));
DI::sysmsg()->addInfo(DI::l10n()->t('Addons reloaded'));
case 'toggle' :
$addon = $_GET['addon'] ?? '';
if (Addon::isEnabled($addon)) {
info(DI::l10n()->t('Addon %s disabled.', $addon));
DI::sysmsg()->addInfo(DI::l10n()->t('Addon %s disabled.', $addon));
} elseif (Addon::install($addon)) {
info(DI::l10n()->t('Addon %s enabled.', $addon));
DI::sysmsg()->addInfo(DI::l10n()->t('Addon %s enabled.', $addon));
} else {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Addon %s failed to install.', $addon));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Addon %s failed to install.', $addon));
@ -46,12 +46,12 @@ class Contact extends BaseAdmin
if (!empty($_POST['page_contactblock_block'])) {
$contact = Model\Contact::getByURL($contact_url, null, ['id', 'nurl']);
if (empty($contact)) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Could not find any contact entry for this URL (%s)', $contact_url));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Could not find any contact entry for this URL (%s)', $contact_url));
if (Network::isLocalLink($contact['nurl'])) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('You can\'t block a local contact, please block the user instead'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('You can\'t block a local contact, please block the user instead'));
@ -59,18 +59,18 @@ class Contact extends BaseAdmin
if ($block_purge) {
foreach (Model\Contact::selectToArray(['id'], ['nurl' => $contact['nurl']]) as $contact) {
Worker::add(PRIORITY_LOW, 'Contact\RemoveContent', $contact['id']);
Worker::add(Worker::PRIORITY_LOW, 'Contact\RemoveContent', $contact['id']);
info(DI::l10n()->t('The contact has been blocked from the node'));
DI::sysmsg()->addInfo(DI::l10n()->t('The contact has been blocked from the node'));
if (!empty($_POST['page_contactblock_unblock'])) {
foreach ($contacts as $uid) {
info(DI::l10n()->tt('%s contact unblocked', '%s contacts unblocked', count($contacts)));
DI::sysmsg()->addInfo(DI::l10n()->tt('%s contact unblocked', '%s contacts unblocked', count($contacts)));
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ class Add extends BaseAdmin
if (!empty($request['purge'])) {
$gservers = GServer::listByDomainPattern($pattern);
foreach (Contact::selectToArray(['id'], ['gsid' => array_column($gservers, 'id')]) as $contact) {
Worker::add(PRIORITY_LOW, 'Contact\RemoveContent', $contact['id']);
Worker::add(Worker::PRIORITY_LOW, 'Contact\RemoveContent', $contact['id']);
$this->sysmsg->addInfo($this->l10n->tt('%s server scheduled to be purged.', '%s servers scheduled to be purged.', count($gservers)));
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ class DBSync extends BaseAdmin
DI::config()->set('system', 'build', intval($curr) + 1);
info(DI::l10n()->t('Update has been marked successful'));
DI::sysmsg()->addInfo(DI::l10n()->t('Update has been marked successful'));
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
namespace Friendica\Module\Admin;
use Friendica\App;
use Friendica\Core\Protocol;
use Friendica\Core\Renderer;
use Friendica\Database\DBA;
@ -202,7 +203,7 @@ class Federation extends BaseAdmin
'$page' => DI::l10n()->t('Federation Statistics'),
'$intro' => $intro,
'$counts' => $counts,
'$version' => FRIENDICA_VERSION,
'$version' => App::VERSION,
'$legendtext' => DI::l10n()->tt('Currently this node is aware of %2$s node (%3$s active users last month, %4$s active users last six months, %5$s registered users in total) from the following platforms:', 'Currently this node is aware of %2$s nodes (%3$s active users last month, %4$s active users last six months, %5$s registered users in total) from the following platforms:', $total, number_format($total), number_format($month), number_format($halfyear), number_format($users)),
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class Delete extends BaseAdmin
Item::markForDeletion(['guid' => $guid]);
info(DI::l10n()->t('Item marked for deletion.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addInfo(DI::l10n()->t('Item marked for deletion.'));
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ class Settings extends BaseAdmin
if (is_file($logfile) &&
!is_writeable($logfile)) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('The logfile \'%s\' is not writable. No logging possible', $logfile));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('The logfile \'%s\' is not writable. No logging possible', $logfile));
@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
namespace Friendica\Module\Admin;
use Friendica\App;
use Friendica\Core\Relocate;
use Friendica\Core\Renderer;
use Friendica\Core\Search;
use Friendica\Core\System;
@ -33,12 +32,11 @@ use Friendica\DI;
use Friendica\Model\Contact;
use Friendica\Model\User;
use Friendica\Module\BaseAdmin;
use Friendica\Module\Conversation\Community;
use Friendica\Module\Register;
use Friendica\Protocol\Relay;
use Friendica\Util\BasePath;
use Friendica\Util\EMailer\MailBuilder;
use Friendica\Util\Strings;
use Friendica\Worker\Delivery;
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../boot.php';
@ -53,7 +51,7 @@ class Site extends BaseAdmin
$a = DI::app();
if (!empty($_POST['republish_directory'])) {
Worker::add(PRIORITY_LOW, 'Directory');
Worker::add(Worker::PRIORITY_LOW, 'Directory');
@ -150,7 +148,7 @@ class Site extends BaseAdmin
// Has the directory url changed? If yes, then resubmit the existing profiles there
if ($global_directory != DI::config()->get('system', 'directory') && ($global_directory != '')) {
DI::config()->set('system', 'directory', $global_directory);
Worker::add(PRIORITY_LOW, 'Directory');
Worker::add(Worker::PRIORITY_LOW, 'Directory');
if (DI::baseUrl()->getUrlPath() != "") {
@ -364,11 +362,11 @@ class Site extends BaseAdmin
/* Community page style */
$community_page_style_choices = [
CP_NO_INTERNAL_COMMUNITY => DI::l10n()->t('No community page for local users'),
CP_NO_COMMUNITY_PAGE => DI::l10n()->t('No community page'),
CP_USERS_ON_SERVER => DI::l10n()->t('Public postings from users of this site'),
CP_GLOBAL_COMMUNITY => DI::l10n()->t('Public postings from the federated network'),
CP_USERS_AND_GLOBAL => DI::l10n()->t('Public postings from local users and the federated network')
Community::DISABLED => DI::l10n()->t('No community page'),
Community::DISABLED_VISITOR => DI::l10n()->t('No community page for visitors'),
Community::LOCAL => DI::l10n()->t('Public postings from users of this site'),
Community::GLOBAL => DI::l10n()->t('Public postings from the federated network'),
Community::LOCAL_AND_GLOBAL => DI::l10n()->t('Public postings from local users and the federated network')
/* get user names to make the install a personal install of X */
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ class Storage extends BaseAdmin
/** @var ICanConfigureStorage|false $newStorageConfig */
$newStorageConfig = DI::storageManager()->getConfigurationByName($storagebackend);
} catch (InvalidClassStorageException $storageException) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Storage backend, %s is invalid.', $storagebackend));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Storage backend, %s is invalid.', $storagebackend));
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ class Storage extends BaseAdmin
$storage_form_errors = $newStorageConfig->saveOptions($storage_opts_data);
if (count($storage_form_errors)) {
foreach ($storage_form_errors as $name => $err) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Storage backend %s error: %s', $storage_opts[$name][1], $err));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Storage backend %s error: %s', $storage_opts[$name][1], $err));
@ -81,10 +81,10 @@ class Storage extends BaseAdmin
$newstorage = DI::storageManager()->getWritableStorageByName($storagebackend);
if (!DI::storageManager()->setBackend($newstorage)) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Invalid storage backend setting value.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Invalid storage backend setting value.'));
} catch (InvalidClassStorageException $storageException) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Invalid storage backend setting value.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Invalid storage backend setting value.'));
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
namespace Friendica\Module\Admin;
use Friendica\App;
use Friendica\Core\Addon;
use Friendica\Core\Config\ValueObject\Cache;
use Friendica\Core\Logger;
@ -79,8 +80,8 @@ class Summary extends BaseAdmin
// the local version of Friendica. Check is opt-in, source may be stable or develop branch
if (DI::config()->get('system', 'check_new_version_url', 'none') != 'none') {
$gitversion = DI::config()->get('system', 'git_friendica_version');
if (version_compare(FRIENDICA_VERSION, $gitversion) < 0) {
$warningtext[] = DI::l10n()->t('There is a new version of Friendica available for download. Your current version is %1$s, upstream version is %2$s', FRIENDICA_VERSION, $gitversion);
if (version_compare(App::VERSION, $gitversion) < 0) {
$warningtext[] = DI::l10n()->t('There is a new version of Friendica available for download. Your current version is %1$s, upstream version is %2$s', App::VERSION, $gitversion);
@ -236,9 +237,9 @@ class Summary extends BaseAdmin
'$users' => [DI::l10n()->t('Registered users'), $users],
'$accounts' => $accounts,
'$pending' => [DI::l10n()->t('Pending registrations'), $pending],
'$version' => [DI::l10n()->t('Version'), FRIENDICA_VERSION],
'$platform' => FRIENDICA_PLATFORM,
'$codename' => FRIENDICA_CODENAME,
'$version' => [DI::l10n()->t('Version'), App::VERSION],
'$platform' => App::PLATFORM,
'$codename' => App::CODENAME,
'$build' => DI::config()->get('system', 'build'),
'$addons' => [DI::l10n()->t('Active addons'), Addon::getEnabledList()],
'$serversettings' => $server_settings,
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class Details extends BaseAdmin
$theme = Strings::sanitizeFilePathItem($this->parameters['theme']);
if (!is_dir("view/theme/$theme")) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t("Item not found."));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t("Item not found."));
return '';
@ -54,11 +54,11 @@ class Details extends BaseAdmin
if ($isEnabled) {
info(DI::l10n()->t('Theme %s disabled.', $theme));
DI::sysmsg()->addInfo(DI::l10n()->t('Theme %s disabled.', $theme));
} elseif (Theme::install($theme)) {
info(DI::l10n()->t('Theme %s successfully enabled.', $theme));
DI::sysmsg()->addInfo(DI::l10n()->t('Theme %s successfully enabled.', $theme));
} else {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Theme %s failed to install.', $theme));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Theme %s failed to install.', $theme));
DI::baseUrl()->redirect('admin/themes/' . $theme);
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ class Embed extends BaseAdmin
$theme = Strings::sanitizeFilePathItem($this->parameters['theme']);
if (!is_dir("view/theme/$theme")) {
notice($this->t('Unknown theme.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice($this->t('Unknown theme.'));
return '';
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ class Index extends BaseAdmin
info(DI::l10n()->t('Themes reloaded'));
DI::sysmsg()->addInfo(DI::l10n()->t('Themes reloaded'));
case 'toggle' :
@ -56,17 +56,17 @@ class Index extends BaseAdmin
if ($theme) {
$theme = Strings::sanitizeFilePathItem($theme);
if (!is_dir("view/theme/$theme")) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Item not found.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Item not found.'));
return '';
if (in_array($theme, Theme::getAllowedList())) {
info(DI::l10n()->t('Theme %s disabled.', $theme));
DI::sysmsg()->addInfo(DI::l10n()->t('Theme %s disabled.', $theme));
} elseif (Theme::install($theme)) {
info(DI::l10n()->t('Theme %s successfully enabled.', $theme));
DI::sysmsg()->addInfo(DI::l10n()->t('Theme %s successfully enabled.', $theme));
} else {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Theme %s failed to install.', $theme));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Theme %s failed to install.', $theme));
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class Active extends BaseUsers
foreach ($users as $uid) {
info(DI::l10n()->tt('%s user blocked', '%s users blocked', count($users)));
DI::sysmsg()->addInfo(DI::l10n()->tt('%s user blocked', '%s users blocked', count($users)));
if (!empty($_POST['page_users_delete'])) {
@ -50,11 +50,11 @@ class Active extends BaseUsers
if (local_user() != $uid) {
} else {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('You can\'t remove yourself'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('You can\'t remove yourself'));
info(DI::l10n()->tt('%s user deleted', '%s users deleted', count($users)));
DI::sysmsg()->addInfo(DI::l10n()->tt('%s user deleted', '%s users deleted', count($users)));
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ class Active extends BaseUsers
if ($uid) {
$user = User::getById($uid, ['username', 'blocked']);
if (!DBA::isResult($user)) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('User not found'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('User not found'));
return ''; // NOTREACHED
@ -83,9 +83,9 @@ class Active extends BaseUsers
// delete user
notice(DI::l10n()->t('User "%s" deleted', $user['username']));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('User "%s" deleted', $user['username']));
} else {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('You can\'t remove yourself'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('You can\'t remove yourself'));
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ class Active extends BaseUsers
case 'block':
self::checkFormSecurityTokenRedirectOnError('admin/users/active', 'admin_users_active', 't');
notice(DI::l10n()->t('User "%s" blocked', $user['username']));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('User "%s" blocked', $user['username']));
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ class Blocked extends BaseUsers
foreach ($users as $uid) {
User::block($uid, false);
info(DI::l10n()->tt('%s user unblocked', '%s users unblocked', count($users)));
DI::sysmsg()->addInfo(DI::l10n()->tt('%s user unblocked', '%s users unblocked', count($users)));
if (!empty($_POST['page_users_delete'])) {
@ -51,11 +51,11 @@ class Blocked extends BaseUsers
if (local_user() != $uid) {
} else {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('You can\'t remove yourself'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('You can\'t remove yourself'));
info(DI::l10n()->tt('%s user deleted', '%s users deleted', count($users)));
DI::sysmsg()->addInfo(DI::l10n()->tt('%s user deleted', '%s users deleted', count($users)));
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ class Blocked extends BaseUsers
if ($uid) {
$user = User::getById($uid, ['username', 'blocked']);
if (!DBA::isResult($user)) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('User not found'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('User not found'));
return ''; // NOTREACHED
@ -84,16 +84,16 @@ class Blocked extends BaseUsers
// delete user
notice(DI::l10n()->t('User "%s" deleted', $user['username']));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('User "%s" deleted', $user['username']));
} else {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('You can\'t remove yourself'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('You can\'t remove yourself'));
case 'unblock':
self::checkFormSecurityTokenRedirectOnError('/admin/users/blocked', 'admin_users_blocked', 't');
User::block($uid, false);
notice(DI::l10n()->t('User "%s" unblocked', $user['username']));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('User "%s" unblocked', $user['username']));
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ class Create extends BaseUsers
User::createMinimal($nu_name, $nu_email, $nu_nickname, $nu_language);
} catch (\Exception $ex) {
@ -42,14 +42,14 @@ class Index extends BaseUsers
foreach ($users as $uid) {
info(DI::l10n()->tt('%s user blocked', '%s users blocked', count($users)));
DI::sysmsg()->addInfo(DI::l10n()->tt('%s user blocked', '%s users blocked', count($users)));
if (!empty($_POST['page_users_unblock'])) {
foreach ($users as $uid) {
User::block($uid, false);
info(DI::l10n()->tt('%s user unblocked', '%s users unblocked', count($users)));
DI::sysmsg()->addInfo(DI::l10n()->tt('%s user unblocked', '%s users unblocked', count($users)));
if (!empty($_POST['page_users_delete'])) {
@ -57,11 +57,11 @@ class Index extends BaseUsers
if (local_user() != $uid) {
} else {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('You can\'t remove yourself'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('You can\'t remove yourself'));
info(DI::l10n()->tt('%s user deleted', '%s users deleted', count($users)));
DI::sysmsg()->addInfo(DI::l10n()->tt('%s user deleted', '%s users deleted', count($users)));
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ class Index extends BaseUsers
if ($uid) {
$user = User::getById($uid, ['username', 'blocked']);
if (!DBA::isResult($user)) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('User not found'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('User not found'));
return ''; // NOTREACHED
@ -90,9 +90,9 @@ class Index extends BaseUsers
// delete user
notice(DI::l10n()->t('User "%s" deleted', $user['username']));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('User "%s" deleted', $user['username']));
} else {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('You can\'t remove yourself'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('You can\'t remove yourself'));
@ -100,13 +100,13 @@ class Index extends BaseUsers
case 'block':
self::checkFormSecurityTokenRedirectOnError('admin/users', 'admin_users', 't');
notice(DI::l10n()->t('User "%s" blocked', $user['username']));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('User "%s" blocked', $user['username']));
case 'unblock':
self::checkFormSecurityTokenRedirectOnError('admin/users', 'admin_users', 't');
User::block($uid, false);
notice(DI::l10n()->t('User "%s" unblocked', $user['username']));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('User "%s" unblocked', $user['username']));
@ -45,14 +45,14 @@ class Pending extends BaseUsers
foreach ($pending as $hash) {
info(DI::l10n()->tt('%s user approved', '%s users approved', count($pending)));
DI::sysmsg()->addInfo(DI::l10n()->tt('%s user approved', '%s users approved', count($pending)));
if (!empty($_POST['page_users_deny'])) {
foreach ($pending as $hash) {
info(DI::l10n()->tt('%s registration revoked', '%s registrations revoked', count($pending)));
DI::sysmsg()->addInfo(DI::l10n()->tt('%s registration revoked', '%s registrations revoked', count($pending)));
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ class Pending extends BaseUsers
if ($uid) {
$user = User::getById($uid, ['username', 'blocked']);
if (!DBA::isResult($user)) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('User not found'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('User not found'));
return ''; // NOTREACHED
@ -78,13 +78,13 @@ class Pending extends BaseUsers
case 'allow':
self::checkFormSecurityTokenRedirectOnError('/admin/users/pending', 'admin_users_pending', 't');
User::allow(Register::getPendingForUser($uid)['hash'] ?? '');
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Account approved.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Account approved.'));
case 'deny':
self::checkFormSecurityTokenRedirectOnError('/admin/users/pending', 'admin_users_pending', 't');
User::deny(Register::getPendingForUser($uid)['hash'] ?? '');
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Registration revoked'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Registration revoked'));
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ class Create extends BaseApi
$item = ['network' => Protocol::DFRN, 'protocol' => Conversation::PARCEL_DIRECT, 'direction' => Conversation::PUSH];
$item = Event::getItemArrayForId($event_id, $item);
if (Item::insert($item)) {
Worker::add(PRIORITY_HIGH, "Notifier", Delivery::POST, (int)$item['uri-id'], $uid);
Worker::add(Worker::PRIORITY_HIGH, "Notifier", Delivery::POST, (int)$item['uri-id'], $uid);
@ -53,9 +53,8 @@ class Config extends BaseApi
'sslserver' => null,
'ssl' => DI::config()->get('system', 'ssl_policy') == App\BaseURL::SSL_POLICY_FULL ? 'always' : '0',
'friendica' => [
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ use Friendica\App\Router;
use Friendica\Content\Text\Markdown;
use Friendica\Core\Protocol;
use Friendica\Core\System;
use Friendica\Core\Worker;
use Friendica\Database\DBA;
use Friendica\DI;
use Friendica\Model\Contact;
@ -204,7 +205,7 @@ class Statuses extends BaseApi
if (!empty($request['scheduled_at'])) {
$item['guid'] = Item::guid($item, true);
$item['uri'] = Item::newURI($item['guid']);
$id = Post\Delayed::add($item['uri'], $item, PRIORITY_HIGH, Post\Delayed::PREPARED, $request['scheduled_at']);
$id = Post\Delayed::add($item['uri'], $item, Worker::PRIORITY_HIGH, Post\Delayed::PREPARED, $request['scheduled_at']);
if (empty($id)) {
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ use Friendica\Content\Nav;
use Friendica\Core\Config\Capability\IManageConfigValues;
use Friendica\Core\L10n;
use Friendica\Core\Renderer;
use Friendica\DI;
use Friendica\Util\Profiler;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ class Apps extends BaseModule
$apps = Nav::getAppMenu();
if (count($apps) == 0) {
notice($this->t('No installed applications.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice($this->t('No installed applications.'));
$tpl = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('apps.tpl');
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ abstract class BaseAdmin extends BaseModule
if (!local_user()) {
if ($interactive) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Please login to continue.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Please login to continue.'));
Session::set('return_path', DI::args()->getQueryString());
} else {
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ class BaseSearch extends BaseModule
protected static function printResult(ResultList $results, Pager $pager, string $header = ''): string
if ($results->getTotal() == 0) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('No matches'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('No matches'));
return '';
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ class Contact extends BaseModule
if ($count_actions > 0) {
info(DI::l10n()->tt('%d contact edited.', '%d contacts edited.', $count_actions));
DI::sysmsg()->addInfo(DI::l10n()->tt('%d contact edited.', '%d contacts edited.', $count_actions));
@ -126,9 +126,9 @@ class Contact extends BaseModule
// pull feed and consume it, which should subscribe to the hub.
Worker::add(PRIORITY_HIGH, 'OnePoll', $contact_id, 'force');
Worker::add(Worker::PRIORITY_HIGH, 'OnePoll', $contact_id, 'force');
} else {
Worker::add(PRIORITY_HIGH, 'UpdateContact', $contact_id);
Worker::add(Worker::PRIORITY_HIGH, 'UpdateContact', $contact_id);
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ use Friendica\Core\Protocol;
use Friendica\Core\Renderer;
use Friendica\Core\Session;
use Friendica\Database\Database;
use Friendica\DI;
use Friendica\Model;
use Friendica\Module\Contact;
use Friendica\Module\Response;
@ -96,7 +97,7 @@ class Advanced extends BaseModule
if (!$r) {
notice($this->t('Contact update failed.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice($this->t('Contact update failed.'));
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ use Friendica\Core\L10n;
use Friendica\Core\Protocol;
use Friendica\Core\Renderer;
use Friendica\Database\DBA;
use Friendica\DI;
use Friendica\Model\Contact;
use Friendica\Model\Group;
use Friendica\Module;
@ -124,7 +125,7 @@ class Profile extends BaseModule
if (!Contact::update($fields, ['id' => $cdata['user'], 'uid' => local_user()])) {
notice($this->t('Failed to update contact record.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice($this->t('Failed to update contact record.'));
@ -182,7 +183,7 @@ class Profile extends BaseModule
// @TODO: add $this->localRelationship->save($localRelationship);
if ($cmd === 'ignore') {
@ -198,7 +199,7 @@ class Profile extends BaseModule
// @TODO: add $this->localRelationship->save($localRelationship);
$this->baseUrl->redirect('contact/' . $contact['id']);
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ use Friendica\Core\L10n;
use Friendica\Core\Protocol;
use Friendica\Core\Renderer;
use Friendica\Database\Database;
use Friendica\DI;
use Friendica\Model;
use Friendica\Module\Contact;
use Friendica\Module\Response;
@ -87,7 +88,7 @@ class Revoke extends BaseModule
notice($this->t('Follow was successfully revoked.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice($this->t('Follow was successfully revoked.'));
$this->baseUrl->redirect('contact/' . $this->parameters['id']);
@ -40,6 +40,21 @@ use Friendica\Network\HTTPException;
class Community extends BaseModule
* @name CP
* Type of the community page
* @{
const DISABLED = -2;
const LOCAL = 0;
const GLOBAL = 1;
* @}
protected static $page_style;
protected static $content;
protected static $accountTypeString;
@ -69,7 +84,7 @@ class Community extends BaseModule
if (empty($_GET['mode']) || ($_GET['mode'] != 'raw')) {
$tabs = [];
if ((Session::isAuthenticated() || in_array(self::$page_style, [CP_USERS_AND_GLOBAL, CP_USERS_ON_SERVER])) && empty(DI::config()->get('system', 'singleuser'))) {
if ((Session::isAuthenticated() || in_array(self::$page_style, [self::LOCAL_AND_GLOBAL, self::LOCAL])) && empty(DI::config()->get('system', 'singleuser'))) {
$tabs[] = [
'label' => DI::l10n()->t('Local Community'),
'url' => 'community/local',
@ -80,7 +95,7 @@ class Community extends BaseModule
if (Session::isAuthenticated() || in_array(self::$page_style, [CP_USERS_AND_GLOBAL, CP_GLOBAL_COMMUNITY])) {
if (Session::isAuthenticated() || in_array(self::$page_style, [self::LOCAL_AND_GLOBAL, self::GLOBAL])) {
$tabs[] = [
'label' => DI::l10n()->t('Global Community'),
'url' => 'community/global',
@ -140,7 +155,7 @@ class Community extends BaseModule
$items = self::getItems();
if (!DBA::isResult($items)) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('No results.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('No results.'));
return $o;
@ -177,7 +192,7 @@ class Community extends BaseModule
self::$page_style = DI::config()->get('system', 'community_page_style');
if (self::$page_style == CP_NO_INTERNAL_COMMUNITY) {
if (self::$page_style == self::DISABLED) {
throw new HTTPException\ForbiddenException(DI::l10n()->t('Access denied.'));
@ -191,7 +206,7 @@ class Community extends BaseModule
self::$content = 'global';
} else {
// When only the global community is allowed, we use this as default
self::$content = self::$page_style == CP_GLOBAL_COMMUNITY ? 'global' : 'local';
self::$content = self::$page_style == self::GLOBAL ? 'global' : 'local';
@ -201,14 +216,14 @@ class Community extends BaseModule
// Check if we are allowed to display the content to visitors
if (!Session::isAuthenticated()) {
$available = self::$page_style == CP_USERS_AND_GLOBAL;
$available = self::$page_style == self::LOCAL_AND_GLOBAL;
if (!$available) {
$available = (self::$page_style == CP_USERS_ON_SERVER) && (self::$content == 'local');
$available = (self::$page_style == self::LOCAL) && (self::$content == 'local');
if (!$available) {
$available = (self::$page_style == CP_GLOBAL_COMMUNITY) && (self::$content == 'global');
$available = (self::$page_style == self::GLOBAL) && (self::$content == 'global');
if (!$available) {
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ class Network extends BaseModule
if (self::$groupId) {
$group = DBA::selectFirst('group', ['name'], ['id' => self::$groupId, 'uid' => local_user()]);
if (!DBA::isResult($group)) {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('No such group'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('No such group'));
$o = Renderer::replaceMacros(Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('section_title.tpl'), [
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ class Network extends BaseModule
'id' => DI::args()->get(0),
]) . $o;
} else {
notice(DI::l10n()->t('Invalid contact.'));
DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('Invalid contact.'));
} elseif (!DI::config()->get('theme', 'hide_eventlist')) {
$o .= Profile::getBirthdays();
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