diff --git a/doc/api.md b/doc/api.md
index e456da74a1..04abaa5632 100644
--- a/doc/api.md
+++ b/doc/api.md
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-Friendica API
-* [Home](help)
-The Friendica API aims to be compatible to the [GNU Social API](http://wiki.gnusocial.de/gnusocial:api) and the [Twitter API](https://dev.twitter.com/rest/public).
-Please refer to the linked documentation for further information.
-## Implemented API calls
-### General
-#### HTTP Method
-API endpoints can restrict the method used to request them.
-Using an invalid method results in HTTP error 405 "Method Not Allowed".
-In this document, the required method is listed after the endpoint name. "*" means every method can be used.
-#### Auth
-Friendica supports basic http auth and OAuth 1 to authenticate the user to the api.
-OAuth settings can be added by the user in web UI under /settings/oauth/
-In this document, endpoints which requires auth are marked with "AUTH" after endpoint name
-#### Unsupported parameters
-* cursor: Not implemented in GNU Social
-* trim_user: Not implemented in GNU Social
-* contributor_details: Not implemented in GNU Social
-* place_id: Not implemented in GNU Social
-* display_coordinates: Not implemented in GNU Social
-* include_rts: To-Do
-* include_my_retweet: Retweets in Friendica are implemented in a different way
-#### Different behaviour
-* screen_name: The nick name in friendica is only unique in each network but not for all networks. The users are searched in the following priority: Friendica, StatusNet/GNU Social, Diaspora, pump.io, Twitter. If no contact was found by this way, then the first contact is taken.
-* include_entities: Default is "false". If set to "true" then the plain text is formatted so that links are having descriptions.
-#### Return values
-* cid: Contact id of the user (important for "contact_allow" and "contact_deny")
-* network: network of the user
-#### Errors
-When an error occour in API call, an HTTP error code is returned, with an error message
-- 400 Bad Request: if parameter are missing or items can't be found
-- 403 Forbidden: if authenticated user is missing
-- 405 Method Not Allowed: if API was called with invalid method, eg. GET when API require POST
-- 501 Not Implemented: if requested API doesn't exists
-- 500 Internal Server Error: on other error contitions
-Error body is
-	{
-		"error": "Specific error message",
-		"request": "API path requested",
-		"code": "HTTP error code"
-	}
-	<status>
-		<error>Specific error message</error>
-		<request>API path requested</request>
-		<code>HTTP error code</code>
-	</status>
-### account/rate_limit_status (*; AUTH)
-### account/verify_credentials (*; AUTH)
-#### Parameters
-* skip_status: Don't show the "status" field. (Default: false)
-* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
-### conversation/show (*; AUTH)
-Unofficial Twitter command. It shows all direct answers (excluding the original post) to a given id.
-#### Parameter
-* id: id of the post
-* count: Items per page (default: 20)
-* page: page number
-* since_id: minimal id
-* max_id: maximum id
-* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
-#### Unsupported parameters
-* include_rts
-* trim_user
-* contributor_details
-### direct_messages (*; AUTH)
-#### Parameters
-* count: Items per page (default: 20)
-* page: page number
-* since_id: minimal id
-* max_id: maximum id
-* getText: Defines the format of the status field. Can be "html" or "plain"
-* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
-* friendica_verbose: "true" enables different error returns (default: "false")
-#### Unsupported parameters
-* skip_status
-### direct_messages/all (*; AUTH)
-#### Parameters
-* count: Items per page (default: 20)
-* page: page number
-* since_id: minimal id
-* max_id: maximum id
-* getText: Defines the format of the status field. Can be "html" or "plain"
-* friendica_verbose: "true" enables different error returns (default: "false")
-### direct_messages/conversation (*; AUTH)
-Shows all direct messages of a conversation
-#### Parameters
-* count: Items per page (default: 20)
-* page: page number
-* since_id: minimal id
-* max_id: maximum id
-* getText: Defines the format of the status field. Can be "html" or "plain"
-* uri: URI of the conversation
-* friendica_verbose: "true" enables different error returns (default: "false")
-### direct_messages/sent (*; AUTH)
-#### Parameters
-* count: Items per page (default: 20)
-* page: page number
-* since_id: minimal id
-* max_id: maximum id
-* getText: Defines the format of the status field. Can be "html" or "plain"
-* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
-* friendica_verbose: "true" enables different error returns (default: "false")
-### direct_messages/new (POST,PUT; AUTH)
-#### Parameters
-* user_id: id of the user
-* screen_name: screen name (for technical reasons, this value is not unique!)
-* text: The message
-* replyto: ID of the replied direct message
-* title: Title of the direct message
-### direct_messages/destroy (POST,DELETE; AUTH)
-#### Parameters
-* id: id of the message to be deleted
-* include_entities: optional, currently not yet implemented
-* friendica_parenturi: optional, can be used for increased safety to delete only intended messages
-* friendica_verbose: "true" enables different error returns (default: "false")
-#### Return values
-On success:
-* JSON return as defined for Twitter API not yet implemented
-* on friendica_verbose=true: JSON return {"result":"ok","message":"message deleted"}
-On error:
-HTTP 400 BadRequest
-* on friendica_verbose=true: different JSON returns {"result":"error","message":"xyz"}
-### externalprofile/show (*)
-#### Parameters
-* profileurl: profile url
-### favorites (*; AUTH)
-#### Parameters
-* count: Items per page (default: 20)
-* page: page number
-* since_id: minimal id
-* max_id: maximum id
-* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
-#### Unsupported parameters
-* user_id
-* screen_name
-Favorites aren't displayed to other users, so "user_id" and "screen_name" are unsupported.
-Set this values will result in an empty array.
-### favorites/create (POST,PUT; AUTH)
-#### Parameters
-* id
-* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
-### favorites/destroy (POST,DELETE; AUTH)
-#### Parameters
-* id
-* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
-### followers/ids (*; AUTH)
-#### Parameters
-* stringify_ids: Should the id numbers be sent as text (true) or number (false)? (default: false)
-#### Unsupported parameters
-* user_id
-* screen_name
-* cursor
-Friendica doesn't allow showing followers of other users.
-### friends/ids (*; AUTH)
-#### Parameters
-* stringify_ids: Should the id numbers be sent as text (true) or number (false)? (default: false)
-#### Unsupported parameters
-* user_id
-* screen_name
-* cursor
-Friendica doesn't allow showing friends of other users.
-### help/test (*)
-### media/upload (POST,PUT; AUTH)
-#### Parameters
-* media: image data
-### oauth/request_token (*)
-#### Parameters
-* oauth_callback
-#### Unsupported parameters
-* x_auth_access_type
-### oauth/access_token (*)
-#### Parameters
-* oauth_verifier
-#### Unsupported parameters
-* x_auth_password
-* x_auth_username
-* x_auth_mode
-### statuses/destroy (POST,DELETE; AUTH)
-#### Parameters
-* id: message number
-* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
-#### Unsupported parameters
-* trim_user
-### statuses/followers (*; AUTH)
-#### Parameters
-* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
-### statuses/friends (*; AUTH)
-#### Parameters
-* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
-### statuses/friends_timeline (*; AUTH)
-#### Parameters
-* count: Items per page (default: 20)
-* page: page number
-* since_id: minimal id
-* max_id: maximum id
-* exclude_replies: don't show replies (default: false)
-* conversation_id: Shows all statuses of a given conversation.
-* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
-#### Unsupported parameters
-* include_rts
-* trim_user
-* contributor_details
-### statuses/home_timeline (*; AUTH)
-#### Parameters
-* count: Items per page (default: 20)
-* page: page number
-* since_id: minimal id
-* max_id: maximum id
-* exclude_replies: don't show replies (default: false)
-* conversation_id: Shows all statuses of a given conversation.
-* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
-#### Unsupported parameters
-* include_rts
-* trim_user
-* contributor_details
-### statuses/mentions (*; AUTH)
-#### Parameters
-* count: Items per page (default: 20)
-* page: page number
-* since_id: minimal id
-* max_id: maximum id
-* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
-#### Unsupported parameters
-* include_rts
-* trim_user
-* contributor_details
-### statuses/public_timeline (*; AUTH)
-#### Parameters
-* count: Items per page (default: 20)
-* page: page number
-* since_id: minimal id
-* max_id: maximum id
-* exclude_replies: don't show replies (default: false)
-* conversation_id: Shows all statuses of a given conversation.
-* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
-#### Unsupported parameters
-* trim_user
-### statuses/replies (*; AUTH)
-#### Parameters
-* count: Items per page (default: 20)
-* page: page number
-* since_id: minimal id
-* max_id: maximum id
-* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
-#### Unsupported parameters
-* include_rts
-* trim_user
-* contributor_details
-### statuses/retweet (POST,PUT; AUTH)
-#### Parameters
-* id: message number
-* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
-#### Unsupported parameters
-* trim_user
-### statuses/show (*; AUTH)
-#### Parameters
-* id: message number
-* conversation: if set to "1" show all messages of the conversation with the given id
-* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
-#### Unsupported parameters
-* include_my_retweet
-* trim_user
-### statuses/update, statuses/update_with_media
-#### Parameters
-* title: Title of the status
-* status: Status in text format
-* htmlstatus: Status in HTML format
-* in_reply_to_status_id
-* lat: latitude
-* long: longitude
-* media: image data
-* source: Application name
-* group_allow
-* contact_allow
-* group_deny
-* contact_deny
-* network
-* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
-* media_ids: (By now only a single value, no array)
-#### Unsupported parameters
-* trim_user
-* place_id
-* display_coordinates
-### statuses/user_timeline (*; AUTH)
-#### Parameters
-* user_id: id of the user
-* screen_name: screen name (for technical reasons, this value is not unique!)
-* count: Items per page (default: 20)
-* page: page number
-* since_id: minimal id
-* max_id: maximum id
-* exclude_replies: don't show replies (default: false)
-* conversation_id: Shows all statuses of a given conversation.
-* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
-#### Unsupported parameters
-* include_rts
-* trim_user
-* contributor_details
-### statusnet/config (*)
-### statusnet/conversation (*; AUTH)
-It shows all direct answers (excluding the original post) to a given id.
-#### Parameter
-* id: id of the post
-* count: Items per page (default: 20)
-* page: page number
-* since_id: minimal id
-* max_id: maximum id
-* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
-### statusnet/version (*)
-#### Unsupported parameters
-* user_id
-* screen_name
-* cursor
-Friendica doesn't allow showing followers of other users.
-### users/search (*)
-#### Parameters
-* q: name of the user
-#### Unsupported parameters
-* page
-* count
-* include_entities
-### users/show (*)
-#### Parameters
-* user_id: id of the user
-* screen_name: screen name (for technical reasons, this value is not unique!)
-* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
-#### Unsupported parameters
-* user_id
-* screen_name
-* cursor
-Friendica doesn't allow showing friends of other users.
-### account/update_profile_image (POST; AUTH)
-#### Parameters
-* image: image data as base64 (Twitter has a limit of 700kb, Friendica allows more)
-* profile_id (optional): id of the profile for which the image should be used, default is changing the default profile
-uploads a new profile image (scales 4-6) to database, changes default or specified profile to the new photo
-#### Return values
-On success:
-* JSON return: returns the updated user details (see account/verify_credentials)
-On error:
-* 403 FORBIDDEN: if not authenticated
-* 400 BADREQUEST: "no media data submitted", "profile_id not available"
-* 500 INTERNALSERVERERROR: "image size exceeds PHP config settings, file was rejected by server", 
-			"image size exceeds Friendica Config setting (uploaded size: x)", 
-			"unable to process image data", 
-			"image upload failed"
-## Implemented API calls (not compatible with other APIs)
-### friendica/activity/<verb>
-#### parameters
-* id: item id
-Add or remove an activity from an item.
-'verb' can be one of:
-- like
-- dislike
-- attendyes
-- attendno
-- attendmaybe
-To remove an activity, prepend the verb with "un", eg. "unlike" or "undislike"
-Attend verbs disable eachother: that means that if "attendyes" was added to an item, adding "attendno" remove previous "attendyes".
-Attend verbs should be used only with event-related items (there is no check at the moment)
-#### Return values
-On success:
-On error:
-HTTP 400 BadRequest
-### friendica/group_show (*; AUTH)
-Return all or a specified group of the user with the containing contacts as array.
-#### Parameters
-* gid: optional, if not given, API returns all groups of the user
-#### Return values
-Array of:
-* name: name of the group
-* gid: id of the group
-* user: array of group members (return from api_get_user() function for each member)
-### friendica/group_delete (POST,DELETE; AUTH)
-delete the specified group of contacts; API call need to include the correct gid AND name of the group to be deleted.
-#### Parameters
-* gid: id of the group to be deleted
-* name: name of the group to be deleted
-#### Return values
-Array of:
-* success: true if successfully deleted
-* gid: gid of the deleted group
-* name: name of the deleted group
-* status: „deleted“ if successfully deleted
-* wrong users: empty array
-### friendica/group_create (POST,PUT; AUTH)
-Create the group with the posted array of contacts as members.
-#### Parameters
-* name: name of the group to be created
-#### POST data
-JSON data as Array like the result of "users/group_show":
-* gid
-* name
-* array of users
-#### Return values
-Array of:
-* success: true if successfully created or reactivated
-* gid: gid of the created group
-* name: name of the created group
-* status: „missing user“ | „reactivated“ | „ok“
-* wrong users: array of users, which were not available in the contact table
-### friendica/group_update (POST)
-Update the group with the posted array of contacts as members (post all members of the group to the call; function will remove members not posted).
-#### Parameters
-* gid: id of the group to be changed
-* name: name of the group to be changed
-#### POST data
-JSON data as array like the result of „users/group_show“:
-* gid
-* name
-* array of users
-#### Return values
-Array of:
-* success: true if successfully updated
-* gid: gid of the changed group
-* name: name of the changed group
-* status: „missing user“ | „ok“
-* wrong users: array of users, which were not available in the contact table
-### friendica/notifications (GET)
-Return last 50 notification for current user, ordered by date with unseen item on top
-#### Parameters
-#### Return values
-Array of:
-* id: id of the note
-* type: type of notification as int (see NOTIFY_* constants in boot.php)
-* name: full name of the contact subject of the note
-* url: contact's profile url
-* photo: contact's profile photo
-* date: datetime string of the note
-* timestamp: timestamp of the node
-* date_rel: relative date of the note (eg. "1 hour ago")
-* msg: note message in bbcode
-* msg_html: note message in html
-* msg_plain: note message in plain text
-* link: link to note
-* seen: seen state: 0 or 1
-### friendica/notifications/seen (POST)
-Set note as seen, returns item object if possible
-#### Parameters
-id: id of the note to set seen
-#### Return values
-If the note is linked to an item, the item is returned, just like one of the "statuses/*_timeline" api.
-If the note is not linked to an item, a success status is returned:
-* "success" (json) | "&lt;status&gt;success&lt;/status&gt;" (xml)
-### friendica/photo (*; AUTH)
-#### Parameters
-* photo_id: Resource id of a photo.
-* scale: (optional) scale value of the photo
-Returns data of a picture with the given resource.
-If 'scale' isn't provided, returned data include full url to each scale of the photo.
-If 'scale' is set, returned data include image data base64 encoded.
-possibile scale value are:
-* 0: original or max size by server settings
-* 1: image with or height at <= 640
-* 2: image with or height at <= 320
-* 3: thumbnail 160x160
-* 4: Profile image at 175x175
-* 5: Profile image at 80x80
-* 6: Profile image at 48x48
-An image used as profile image has only scale 4-6, other images only 0-3
-#### Return values
-	{
-		"id": "photo id"
-		"created": "date(YYYY-MM-GG HH:MM:SS)",
-		"edited": "date(YYYY-MM-GG HH:MM:SS)",
-		"title": "photo title",
-		"desc": "photo description",
-		"album": "album name",
-		"filename": "original file name",
-		"type": "mime type",
-		"height": "number",
-		"width": "number",
-		"profile": "1 if is profile photo",
-		"link": {
-			"<scale>": "url to image"
-			...
-		},
-		// if 'scale' is set
-		"datasize": "size in byte",
-		"data": "base64 encoded image data"
-	}
-	<photo>
-		<id>photo id</id>
-		<created>date(YYYY-MM-GG HH:MM:SS)</created>
-		<edited>date(YYYY-MM-GG HH:MM:SS)</edited>
-		<title>photo title</title>
-		<desc>photo description</desc>
-		<album>album name</album>
-		<filename>original file name</filename>
-		<type>mime type</type>
-		<height>number</height>
-		<width>number</width>
-		<profile>1 if is profile photo</profile>
-		<links type="array">
-		<link type="mime type" scale="scale number" href="image url"/>
-			...
-		</links>
-	</photo>
-### friendica/photos/list (*; AUTH)
-Returns a list of all photo resources of the logged in user.
-#### Return values
-	[
-		{
-			id: "resource_id",
-			album: "album name",
-			filename: "original file name",
-			type: "image mime type",
-			thumb: "url to thumb sized image"
-		},
-		...
-	]
-	<photos type="array">
-		<photo id="resource_id"
-		album="album name"
-		filename="original file name"
-		type="image mime type">
-			"url to thumb sized image"
-		</photo>
-		...
-	</photos>
-### friendica/photoalbum/delete (POST,DELETE; AUTH)
-#### Parameters
-* album: name of the album to be deleted
-deletes all images with the specified album name, is not reversible -> ensure that client is asking user for being sure to do this
-#### Return values
-On success:
-* JSON return {"result":"deleted","message":"album 'xyz' with all containing photos has been deleted."}
-On error:
-* 403 FORBIDDEN: if not authenticated
-* 400 BADREQUEST: "no albumname specified", "album not available"
-* 500 INTERNALSERVERERROR: "problem with deleting item occured", "unknown error - deleting from database failed"
-### friendica/photoalbum/update (POST,PUT; AUTH)
-#### Parameters
-* album: name of the album to be updated
-* album_new: new name of the album
-changes the album name to album_new for all photos in album
-#### Return values
-On success:
-* JSON return {"result":"updated","message":"album 'abc' with all containing photos has been renamed to 'xyz'."}
-On error:
-* 403 FORBIDDEN: if not authenticated
-* 400 BADREQUEST: "no albumname specified", "no new albumname specified", "album not available"
-* 500 INTERNALSERVERERROR: "unknown error - updating in database failed"
-### friendica/photo/create (POST; AUTH)
-### friendica/photo/update (POST; AUTH)
-#### Parameters
-* photo_id (optional): if specified the photo with this id will be updated
-* media (optional): image data as base64, only optional if photo_id is specified (new upload must have media)
-* desc (optional): description for the photo, updated when photo_id is specified
-* album: name of the album to be deleted (always necessary)
-* album_new (optional): can be used to change the album of a single photo if photo_id is specified
-* allow_cid/allow_gid/deny_cid/deny_gid (optional): on create: empty string or omitting = public photo, specify in format '```<x><y><z>```' for private photo; 
-			on update: keys need to be present with empty values for setting a private photo now to public
-both calls point to one function for creating AND updating photos. 
-Saves data for the scales 0-2 to database (see above for scale description). 
-Call adds non-visible entries to items table to enable authenticated contacts to comment/like the photo. 
-Client should pay attention to the fact that updated access rights are not transferred to the contacts. i.e. public photos remain publicly visible if they have been commented/liked before setting visibility back to a limited group.
-Currently it is best way to inform user that updating rights is not the best way, offer a solution to add photo as a new photo with the new rights. 
-#### Return values
-On success:
-* new photo uploaded: JSON return with photo data (see friendica/photo)
-* photo updated - changed photo data: JSON return with photo data (see friendica/photo)
-* photo updated - changed info: JSON return {"result":"updated","message":"Image id 'xyz' has been updated."}
-* photo updated - nothing changed: JSON return {"result":"cancelled","message":"Nothing to update for image id 'xyz'."}
-On error:
-* 403 FORBIDDEN: if not authenticated
-* 400 BADREQUEST: "no albumname specified", "no media data submitted", "photo not available", "acl data invalid"
-* 500 INTERNALSERVERERROR: "image size exceeds PHP config settings, file was rejected by server", 
-			"image size exceeds Friendica Config setting (uploaded size: x)", 
-			"unable to process image data", 
-			"image upload failed", 
-			"unknown error - uploading photo failed, see Friendica log for more information", 
-			"unknown error - update photo entry in database failed", 
-			"unknown error - this error on uploading or updating a photo should never happen"
-### friendica/photo/delete (DELETE; AUTH)
-#### Parameters
-* photo_id: id of the photo to be deleted
-deletes a single image with the specified id, is not reversible -> ensure that client is asking user for being sure to do this
-Sets item table entries for this photo to deleted = 1
-#### Return values
-On success:
-* JSON return {"result":"deleted","message":"photo with id 'xyz' has been deleted from server."}
-On error:
-* 403 FORBIDDEN: if not authenticated
-* 400 BADREQUEST: "no photo_id specified", "photo not available"
-* 500 INTERNALSERVERERROR: "unknown error on deleting photo", "problem with deleting items occurred"
-### friendica/direct_messages_setseen (GET; AUTH)
-#### Parameters
-* id: id of the message to be updated as seen
-#### Return values
-On success:
-* JSON return {"result":"ok","message":"message set to seen"}
-On error:
-* different JSON returns {"result":"error","message":"xyz"}
-### friendica/direct_messages_search (GET; AUTH)
-#### Parameters
-* searchstring: string for which the API call should search as '%searchstring%' in field 'body' of all messages of the authenticated user (caption ignored)
-#### Return values
-Returns only tested with JSON, XML might work as well.
-On success:
-* JSON return {"success":"true","search_results": array of found messages}
-* JSOn return {"success":"false","search_results":"nothing found"}
-On error:
-* different JSON returns {"result":"error","message":"searchstring not specified"}
-### friendica/profile/show (GET; AUTH)
-show data of all profiles or a single profile of the authenticated user
-#### Parameters
-* profile_id: id of the profile to be returned (optional, if omitted all profiles are returned by default)
-#### Return values
-On success: Array of:
-* multi_profiles: true if user has activated multi_profiles
-* global_dir: URL of the global directory set in server settings
-* friendica_owner: user data of the authenticated user
-* profiles: array of the profile data
-On error: 
-HTTP 403 Forbidden: when no authentication provided
-HTTP 400 Bad Request: if given profile_id is not in db or not assigned to authenticated user
-General description of profile data in API returns:
-* profile_id
-* profile_name
-* is_default: true if this is the public profile
-* hide_friends: true if friends are hidden
-* profile_photo
-* profile_thumb
-* publish: true if published on the server's local directory
-* net_publish: true if published to global_dir
-* description ... homepage: different data fields from 'profile' table in database
-* users: array with the users allowed to view this profile (empty if is_default=true)
-## Not Implemented API calls
-The following API calls are implemented in GNU Social but not in Friendica: (incomplete)
-* statuses/retweets_of_me
-* friendships/create
-* friendships/destroy
-* friendships/exists
-* friendships/show
-* account/update_profile_background_image
-* blocks/create
-* blocks/destroy
-The following API calls from the Twitter API aren't implemented neither in Friendica nor in GNU Social:
-* statuses/mentions_timeline
-* statuses/retweets/:id
-* statuses/oembed
-* statuses/retweeters/ids
-* statuses/lookup
-* direct_messages/show
-* search/tweets
-* friendships/no_retweets/ids
-* friendships/incoming
-* friendships/outgoing
-* friendships/update
-* friends/list
-* friendships/lookup
-* account/settings
-* account/update_delivery_device
-* account/update_profile
-* account/update_profile_background_image
-* blocks/list
-* blocks/ids
-* users/lookup
-* users/show
-* users/search
-* account/remove_profile_banner
-* account/update_profile_banner
-* users/profile_banner
-* mutes/users/create
-* mutes/users/destroy
-* mutes/users/ids
-* mutes/users/list
-* users/suggestions/:slug
-* users/suggestions
-* users/suggestions/:slug/members
-* favorites/list
-* lists/list
-* lists/statuses
-* lists/members/destroy
-* lists/memberships
-* lists/subscribers
-* lists/subscribers/create
-* lists/subscribers/show
-* lists/subscribers/destroy
-* lists/members/create_all
-* lists/members/show
-* lists/members
-* lists/members/create
-* lists/destroy
-* lists/update
-* lists/create
-* lists/show
-* lists/subscriptions
-* lists/members/destroy_all
-* lists/ownerships
-* saved_searches/list
-* saved_searches/show/:id
-* saved_searches/create
-* saved_searches/destroy/:id
-* geo/id/:place_id
-* geo/reverse_geocode
-* geo/search
-* geo/place
-* trends/place
-* trends/available
-* help/configuration
-* help/languages
-* help/privacy
-* help/tos
-* trends/closest
-* users/report_spam
-## Usage Examples
-### BASH / cURL
-Betamax has documentated some example API usage from a [bash script](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bash_(Unix_shell) employing [curl](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CURL) (see [his posting](https://betamax65.de/display/betamax65/43539)).
-/usr/bin/curl -u USER:PASS https://YOUR.FRIENDICA.TLD/api/statuses/update.xml -d source="some source id" -d status="the status you want to post"
-### Python
-The [RSStoFriedika](https://github.com/pafcu/RSStoFriendika) code can be used as an example of how to use the API with python. The lines for posting are located at [line 21](https://github.com/pafcu/RSStoFriendika/blob/master/RSStoFriendika.py#L21) and following.
-def tweet(server, message, group_allow=None):
-url = server + '/api/statuses/update'
-urllib2.urlopen(url, urllib.urlencode({'status': message,'group_allow[]':group_allow}, doseq=True))
-There is also a [module for python 3](https://bitbucket.org/tobiasd/python-friendica) for using the API.
+Friendica API
+* [Home](help)
+The Friendica API aims to be compatible to the [GNU Social API](http://wiki.gnusocial.de/gnusocial:api) and the [Twitter API](https://dev.twitter.com/rest/public).
+Please refer to the linked documentation for further information.
+## Implemented API calls
+### General
+#### HTTP Method
+API endpoints can restrict the method used to request them.
+Using an invalid method results in HTTP error 405 "Method Not Allowed".
+In this document, the required method is listed after the endpoint name. "*" means every method can be used.
+#### Auth
+Friendica supports basic http auth and OAuth 1 to authenticate the user to the api.
+OAuth settings can be added by the user in web UI under /settings/oauth/
+In this document, endpoints which requires auth are marked with "AUTH" after endpoint name
+#### Unsupported parameters
+* cursor: Not implemented in GNU Social
+* trim_user: Not implemented in GNU Social
+* contributor_details: Not implemented in GNU Social
+* place_id: Not implemented in GNU Social
+* display_coordinates: Not implemented in GNU Social
+* include_rts: To-Do
+* include_my_retweet: Retweets in Friendica are implemented in a different way
+#### Different behaviour
+* screen_name: The nick name in friendica is only unique in each network but not for all networks. The users are searched in the following priority: Friendica, StatusNet/GNU Social, Diaspora, pump.io, Twitter. If no contact was found by this way, then the first contact is taken.
+* include_entities: Default is "false". If set to "true" then the plain text is formatted so that links are having descriptions.
+#### Return values
+* cid: Contact id of the user (important for "contact_allow" and "contact_deny")
+* network: network of the user
+#### Errors
+When an error occour in API call, an HTTP error code is returned, with an error message
+- 400 Bad Request: if parameter are missing or items can't be found
+- 403 Forbidden: if authenticated user is missing
+- 405 Method Not Allowed: if API was called with invalid method, eg. GET when API require POST
+- 501 Not Implemented: if requested API doesn't exists
+- 500 Internal Server Error: on other error contitions
+Error body is
+	{
+		"error": "Specific error message",
+		"request": "API path requested",
+		"code": "HTTP error code"
+	}
+	<status>
+		<error>Specific error message</error>
+		<request>API path requested</request>
+		<code>HTTP error code</code>
+	</status>
+### account/rate_limit_status (*; AUTH)
+### account/verify_credentials (*; AUTH)
+#### Parameters
+* skip_status: Don't show the "status" field. (Default: false)
+* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
+### conversation/show (*; AUTH)
+Unofficial Twitter command. It shows all direct answers (excluding the original post) to a given id.
+#### Parameter
+* id: id of the post
+* count: Items per page (default: 20)
+* page: page number
+* since_id: minimal id
+* max_id: maximum id
+* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
+#### Unsupported parameters
+* include_rts
+* trim_user
+* contributor_details
+### direct_messages (*; AUTH)
+#### Parameters
+* count: Items per page (default: 20)
+* page: page number
+* since_id: minimal id
+* max_id: maximum id
+* getText: Defines the format of the status field. Can be "html" or "plain"
+* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
+* friendica_verbose: "true" enables different error returns (default: "false")
+#### Unsupported parameters
+* skip_status
+### direct_messages/all (*; AUTH)
+#### Parameters
+* count: Items per page (default: 20)
+* page: page number
+* since_id: minimal id
+* max_id: maximum id
+* getText: Defines the format of the status field. Can be "html" or "plain"
+* friendica_verbose: "true" enables different error returns (default: "false")
+### direct_messages/conversation (*; AUTH)
+Shows all direct messages of a conversation
+#### Parameters
+* count: Items per page (default: 20)
+* page: page number
+* since_id: minimal id
+* max_id: maximum id
+* getText: Defines the format of the status field. Can be "html" or "plain"
+* uri: URI of the conversation
+* friendica_verbose: "true" enables different error returns (default: "false")
+### direct_messages/sent (*; AUTH)
+#### Parameters
+* count: Items per page (default: 20)
+* page: page number
+* since_id: minimal id
+* max_id: maximum id
+* getText: Defines the format of the status field. Can be "html" or "plain"
+* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
+* friendica_verbose: "true" enables different error returns (default: "false")
+### direct_messages/new (POST,PUT; AUTH)
+#### Parameters
+* user_id: id of the user
+* screen_name: screen name (for technical reasons, this value is not unique!)
+* text: The message
+* replyto: ID of the replied direct message
+* title: Title of the direct message
+### direct_messages/destroy (POST,DELETE; AUTH)
+#### Parameters
+* id: id of the message to be deleted
+* include_entities: optional, currently not yet implemented
+* friendica_parenturi: optional, can be used for increased safety to delete only intended messages
+* friendica_verbose: "true" enables different error returns (default: "false")
+#### Return values
+On success:
+* JSON return as defined for Twitter API not yet implemented
+* on friendica_verbose=true: JSON return {"result":"ok","message":"message deleted"}
+On error:
+HTTP 400 BadRequest
+* on friendica_verbose=true: different JSON returns {"result":"error","message":"xyz"}
+### externalprofile/show (*)
+#### Parameters
+* profileurl: profile url
+### favorites (*; AUTH)
+#### Parameters
+* count: Items per page (default: 20)
+* page: page number
+* since_id: minimal id
+* max_id: maximum id
+* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
+#### Unsupported parameters
+* user_id
+* screen_name
+Favorites aren't displayed to other users, so "user_id" and "screen_name" are unsupported.
+Set this values will result in an empty array.
+### favorites/create (POST,PUT; AUTH)
+#### Parameters
+* id
+* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
+### favorites/destroy (POST,DELETE; AUTH)
+#### Parameters
+* id
+* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
+### followers/ids (*; AUTH)
+#### Parameters
+* stringify_ids: Should the id numbers be sent as text (true) or number (false)? (default: false)
+#### Unsupported parameters
+* user_id
+* screen_name
+* cursor
+Friendica doesn't allow showing followers of other users.
+### friends/ids (*; AUTH)
+#### Parameters
+* stringify_ids: Should the id numbers be sent as text (true) or number (false)? (default: false)
+#### Unsupported parameters
+* user_id
+* screen_name
+* cursor
+Friendica doesn't allow showing friends of other users.
+### help/test (*)
+### media/upload (POST,PUT; AUTH)
+#### Parameters
+* media: image data
+### oauth/request_token (*)
+#### Parameters
+* oauth_callback
+#### Unsupported parameters
+* x_auth_access_type
+### oauth/access_token (*)
+#### Parameters
+* oauth_verifier
+#### Unsupported parameters
+* x_auth_password
+* x_auth_username
+* x_auth_mode
+### statuses/destroy (POST,DELETE; AUTH)
+#### Parameters
+* id: message number
+* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
+#### Unsupported parameters
+* trim_user
+### statuses/followers (*; AUTH)
+#### Parameters
+* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
+### statuses/friends (*; AUTH)
+#### Parameters
+* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
+### statuses/friends_timeline (*; AUTH)
+#### Parameters
+* count: Items per page (default: 20)
+* page: page number
+* since_id: minimal id
+* max_id: maximum id
+* exclude_replies: don't show replies (default: false)
+* conversation_id: Shows all statuses of a given conversation.
+* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
+#### Unsupported parameters
+* include_rts
+* trim_user
+* contributor_details
+### statuses/home_timeline (*; AUTH)
+#### Parameters
+* count: Items per page (default: 20)
+* page: page number
+* since_id: minimal id
+* max_id: maximum id
+* exclude_replies: don't show replies (default: false)
+* conversation_id: Shows all statuses of a given conversation.
+* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
+#### Unsupported parameters
+* include_rts
+* trim_user
+* contributor_details
+### statuses/mentions (*; AUTH)
+#### Parameters
+* count: Items per page (default: 20)
+* page: page number
+* since_id: minimal id
+* max_id: maximum id
+* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
+#### Unsupported parameters
+* include_rts
+* trim_user
+* contributor_details
+### statuses/public_timeline (*; AUTH)
+#### Parameters
+* count: Items per page (default: 20)
+* page: page number
+* since_id: minimal id
+* max_id: maximum id
+* exclude_replies: don't show replies (default: false)
+* conversation_id: Shows all statuses of a given conversation.
+* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
+#### Unsupported parameters
+* trim_user
+### statuses/replies (*; AUTH)
+#### Parameters
+* count: Items per page (default: 20)
+* page: page number
+* since_id: minimal id
+* max_id: maximum id
+* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
+#### Unsupported parameters
+* include_rts
+* trim_user
+* contributor_details
+### statuses/retweet (POST,PUT; AUTH)
+#### Parameters
+* id: message number
+* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
+#### Unsupported parameters
+* trim_user
+### statuses/show (*; AUTH)
+#### Parameters
+* id: message number
+* conversation: if set to "1" show all messages of the conversation with the given id
+* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
+#### Unsupported parameters
+* include_my_retweet
+* trim_user
+### statuses/update, statuses/update_with_media
+#### Parameters
+* title: Title of the status
+* status: Status in text format
+* htmlstatus: Status in HTML format
+* in_reply_to_status_id
+* lat: latitude
+* long: longitude
+* media: image data
+* source: Application name
+* group_allow
+* contact_allow
+* group_deny
+* contact_deny
+* network
+* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
+* media_ids: (By now only a single value, no array)
+#### Unsupported parameters
+* trim_user
+* place_id
+* display_coordinates
+### statuses/user_timeline (*; AUTH)
+#### Parameters
+* user_id: id of the user
+* screen_name: screen name (for technical reasons, this value is not unique!)
+* count: Items per page (default: 20)
+* page: page number
+* since_id: minimal id
+* max_id: maximum id
+* exclude_replies: don't show replies (default: false)
+* conversation_id: Shows all statuses of a given conversation.
+* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
+#### Unsupported parameters
+* include_rts
+* trim_user
+* contributor_details
+### statusnet/config (*)
+### statusnet/conversation (*; AUTH)
+It shows all direct answers (excluding the original post) to a given id.
+#### Parameter
+* id: id of the post
+* count: Items per page (default: 20)
+* page: page number
+* since_id: minimal id
+* max_id: maximum id
+* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
+### statusnet/version (*)
+#### Unsupported parameters
+* user_id
+* screen_name
+* cursor
+Friendica doesn't allow showing followers of other users.
+### users/search (*)
+#### Parameters
+* q: name of the user
+#### Unsupported parameters
+* page
+* count
+* include_entities
+### users/show (*)
+#### Parameters
+* user_id: id of the user
+* screen_name: screen name (for technical reasons, this value is not unique!)
+* include_entities: "true" shows entities for pictures and links (Default: false)
+#### Unsupported parameters
+* user_id
+* screen_name
+* cursor
+Friendica doesn't allow showing friends of other users.
+### account/update_profile_image (POST; AUTH)
+#### Parameters
+* image: image data as base64 (Twitter has a limit of 700kb, Friendica allows more)
+* profile_id (optional): id of the profile for which the image should be used, default is changing the default profile
+uploads a new profile image (scales 4-6) to database, changes default or specified profile to the new photo
+#### Return values
+On success:
+* JSON return: returns the updated user details (see account/verify_credentials)
+On error:
+* 403 FORBIDDEN: if not authenticated
+* 400 BADREQUEST: "no media data submitted", "profile_id not available"
+* 500 INTERNALSERVERERROR: "image size exceeds PHP config settings, file was rejected by server",
+			"image size exceeds Friendica Config setting (uploaded size: x)",
+			"unable to process image data",
+			"image upload failed"
+## Implemented API calls (not compatible with other APIs)
+### friendica/activity/<verb>
+#### parameters
+* id: item id
+Add or remove an activity from an item.
+'verb' can be one of:
+- like
+- dislike
+- attendyes
+- attendno
+- attendmaybe
+To remove an activity, prepend the verb with "un", eg. "unlike" or "undislike"
+Attend verbs disable eachother: that means that if "attendyes" was added to an item, adding "attendno" remove previous "attendyes".
+Attend verbs should be used only with event-related items (there is no check at the moment)
+#### Return values
+On success:
+On error:
+HTTP 400 BadRequest
+### friendica/group_show (*; AUTH)
+Return all or a specified group of the user with the containing contacts as array.
+#### Parameters
+* gid: optional, if not given, API returns all groups of the user
+#### Return values
+Array of:
+* name: name of the group
+* gid: id of the group
+* user: array of group members (return from api_get_user() function for each member)
+### friendica/group_delete (POST,DELETE; AUTH)
+delete the specified group of contacts; API call need to include the correct gid AND name of the group to be deleted.
+#### Parameters
+* gid: id of the group to be deleted
+* name: name of the group to be deleted
+#### Return values
+Array of:
+* success: true if successfully deleted
+* gid: gid of the deleted group
+* name: name of the deleted group
+* status: „deleted“ if successfully deleted
+* wrong users: empty array
+### friendica/group_create (POST,PUT; AUTH)
+Create the group with the posted array of contacts as members.
+#### Parameters
+* name: name of the group to be created
+#### POST data
+JSON data as Array like the result of "users/group_show":
+* gid
+* name
+* array of users
+#### Return values
+Array of:
+* success: true if successfully created or reactivated
+* gid: gid of the created group
+* name: name of the created group
+* status: „missing user“ | „reactivated“ | „ok“
+* wrong users: array of users, which were not available in the contact table
+### friendica/group_update (POST)
+Update the group with the posted array of contacts as members (post all members of the group to the call; function will remove members not posted).
+#### Parameters
+* gid: id of the group to be changed
+* name: name of the group to be changed
+#### POST data
+JSON data as array like the result of „users/group_show“:
+* gid
+* name
+* array of users
+#### Return values
+Array of:
+* success: true if successfully updated
+* gid: gid of the changed group
+* name: name of the changed group
+* status: „missing user“ | „ok“
+* wrong users: array of users, which were not available in the contact table
+### friendica/notifications (GET)
+Return last 50 notification for current user, ordered by date with unseen item on top
+#### Parameters
+#### Return values
+Array of:
+* id: id of the note
+* type: type of notification as int (see NOTIFY_* constants in boot.php)
+* name: full name of the contact subject of the note
+* url: contact's profile url
+* photo: contact's profile photo
+* date: datetime string of the note
+* timestamp: timestamp of the node
+* date_rel: relative date of the note (eg. "1 hour ago")
+* msg: note message in bbcode
+* msg_html: note message in html
+* msg_plain: note message in plain text
+* link: link to note
+* seen: seen state: 0 or 1
+### friendica/notifications/seen (POST)
+Set note as seen, returns item object if possible
+#### Parameters
+id: id of the note to set seen
+#### Return values
+If the note is linked to an item, the item is returned, just like one of the "statuses/*_timeline" api.
+If the note is not linked to an item, a success status is returned:
+* "success" (json) | "&lt;status&gt;success&lt;/status&gt;" (xml)
+### friendica/photo (*; AUTH)
+#### Parameters
+* photo_id: Resource id of a photo.
+* scale: (optional) scale value of the photo
+Returns data of a picture with the given resource.
+If 'scale' isn't provided, returned data include full url to each scale of the photo.
+If 'scale' is set, returned data include image data base64 encoded.
+possibile scale value are:
+* 0: original or max size by server settings
+* 1: image with or height at <= 640
+* 2: image with or height at <= 320
+* 3: thumbnail 160x160
+* 4: Profile image at 175x175
+* 5: Profile image at 80x80
+* 6: Profile image at 48x48
+An image used as profile image has only scale 4-6, other images only 0-3
+#### Return values
+	{
+		"id": "photo id"
+		"created": "date(YYYY-MM-GG HH:MM:SS)",
+		"edited": "date(YYYY-MM-GG HH:MM:SS)",
+		"title": "photo title",
+		"desc": "photo description",
+		"album": "album name",
+		"filename": "original file name",
+		"type": "mime type",
+		"height": "number",
+		"width": "number",
+		"profile": "1 if is profile photo",
+		"link": {
+			"<scale>": "url to image"
+			...
+		},
+		// if 'scale' is set
+		"datasize": "size in byte",
+		"data": "base64 encoded image data"
+	}
+	<photo>
+		<id>photo id</id>
+		<created>date(YYYY-MM-GG HH:MM:SS)</created>
+		<edited>date(YYYY-MM-GG HH:MM:SS)</edited>
+		<title>photo title</title>
+		<desc>photo description</desc>
+		<album>album name</album>
+		<filename>original file name</filename>
+		<type>mime type</type>
+		<height>number</height>
+		<width>number</width>
+		<profile>1 if is profile photo</profile>
+		<links type="array">
+		<link type="mime type" scale="scale number" href="image url"/>
+			...
+		</links>
+	</photo>
+### friendica/photos/list (*; AUTH)
+Returns a list of all photo resources of the logged in user.
+#### Return values
+	[
+		{
+			id: "resource_id",
+			album: "album name",
+			filename: "original file name",
+			type: "image mime type",
+			thumb: "url to thumb sized image"
+		},
+		...
+	]
+	<photos type="array">
+		<photo id="resource_id"
+		album="album name"
+		filename="original file name"
+		type="image mime type">
+			"url to thumb sized image"
+		</photo>
+		...
+	</photos>
+### friendica/photoalbum/delete (POST,DELETE; AUTH)
+#### Parameters
+* album: name of the album to be deleted
+deletes all images with the specified album name, is not reversible -> ensure that client is asking user for being sure to do this
+#### Return values
+On success:
+* JSON return {"result":"deleted","message":"album 'xyz' with all containing photos has been deleted."}
+On error:
+* 403 FORBIDDEN: if not authenticated
+* 400 BADREQUEST: "no albumname specified", "album not available"
+* 500 INTERNALSERVERERROR: "problem with deleting item occured", "unknown error - deleting from database failed"
+### friendica/photoalbum/update (POST,PUT; AUTH)
+#### Parameters
+* album: name of the album to be updated
+* album_new: new name of the album
+changes the album name to album_new for all photos in album
+#### Return values
+On success:
+* JSON return {"result":"updated","message":"album 'abc' with all containing photos has been renamed to 'xyz'."}
+On error:
+* 403 FORBIDDEN: if not authenticated
+* 400 BADREQUEST: "no albumname specified", "no new albumname specified", "album not available"
+* 500 INTERNALSERVERERROR: "unknown error - updating in database failed"
+### friendica/photo/create (POST; AUTH)
+### friendica/photo/update (POST; AUTH)
+#### Parameters
+* photo_id (optional): if specified the photo with this id will be updated
+* media (optional): image data as base64, only optional if photo_id is specified (new upload must have media)
+* desc (optional): description for the photo, updated when photo_id is specified
+* album: name of the album to be deleted (always necessary)
+* album_new (optional): can be used to change the album of a single photo if photo_id is specified
+* allow_cid/allow_gid/deny_cid/deny_gid (optional): on create: empty string or omitting = public photo, specify in format '```<x><y><z>```' for private photo;
+			on update: keys need to be present with empty values for setting a private photo now to public
+both calls point to one function for creating AND updating photos.
+Saves data for the scales 0-2 to database (see above for scale description).
+Call adds non-visible entries to items table to enable authenticated contacts to comment/like the photo.
+Client should pay attention to the fact that updated access rights are not transferred to the contacts. i.e. public photos remain publicly visible if they have been commented/liked before setting visibility back to a limited group.
+Currently it is best way to inform user that updating rights is not the best way, offer a solution to add photo as a new photo with the new rights.
+#### Return values
+On success:
+* new photo uploaded: JSON return with photo data (see friendica/photo)
+* photo updated - changed photo data: JSON return with photo data (see friendica/photo)
+* photo updated - changed info: JSON return {"result":"updated","message":"Image id 'xyz' has been updated."}
+* photo updated - nothing changed: JSON return {"result":"cancelled","message":"Nothing to update for image id 'xyz'."}
+On error:
+* 403 FORBIDDEN: if not authenticated
+* 400 BADREQUEST: "no albumname specified", "no media data submitted", "photo not available", "acl data invalid"
+* 500 INTERNALSERVERERROR: "image size exceeds PHP config settings, file was rejected by server",
+			"image size exceeds Friendica Config setting (uploaded size: x)",
+			"unable to process image data",
+			"image upload failed",
+			"unknown error - uploading photo failed, see Friendica log for more information",
+			"unknown error - update photo entry in database failed",
+			"unknown error - this error on uploading or updating a photo should never happen"
+### friendica/photo/delete (DELETE; AUTH)
+#### Parameters
+* photo_id: id of the photo to be deleted
+deletes a single image with the specified id, is not reversible -> ensure that client is asking user for being sure to do this
+Sets item table entries for this photo to deleted = 1
+#### Return values
+On success:
+* JSON return {"result":"deleted","message":"photo with id 'xyz' has been deleted from server."}
+On error:
+* 403 FORBIDDEN: if not authenticated
+* 400 BADREQUEST: "no photo_id specified", "photo not available"
+* 500 INTERNALSERVERERROR: "unknown error on deleting photo", "problem with deleting items occurred"
+### friendica/direct_messages_setseen (GET; AUTH)
+#### Parameters
+* id: id of the message to be updated as seen
+#### Return values
+On success:
+* JSON return {"result":"ok","message":"message set to seen"}
+On error:
+* different JSON returns {"result":"error","message":"xyz"}
+### friendica/direct_messages_search (GET; AUTH)
+#### Parameters
+* searchstring: string for which the API call should search as '%searchstring%' in field 'body' of all messages of the authenticated user (caption ignored)
+#### Return values
+Returns only tested with JSON, XML might work as well.
+On success:
+* JSON return {"success":"true","search_results": array of found messages}
+* JSOn return {"success":"false","search_results":"nothing found"}
+On error:
+* different JSON returns {"result":"error","message":"searchstring not specified"}
+### friendica/profile/show (GET; AUTH)
+show data of all profiles or a single profile of the authenticated user
+#### Parameters
+* profile_id: id of the profile to be returned (optional, if omitted all profiles are returned by default)
+#### Return values
+On success: Array of:
+* multi_profiles: true if user has activated multi_profiles
+* global_dir: URL of the global directory set in server settings
+* friendica_owner: user data of the authenticated user
+* profiles: array of the profile data
+On error:
+HTTP 403 Forbidden: when no authentication provided
+HTTP 400 Bad Request: if given profile_id is not in db or not assigned to authenticated user
+General description of profile data in API returns:
+* profile_id
+* profile_name
+* is_default: true if this is the public profile
+* hide_friends: true if friends are hidden
+* profile_photo
+* profile_thumb
+* publish: true if published on the server's local directory
+* net_publish: true if published to global_dir
+* description ... homepage: different data fields from 'profile' table in database
+* users: array with the users allowed to view this profile (empty if is_default=true)
+## Not Implemented API calls
+The following API calls are implemented in GNU Social but not in Friendica: (incomplete)
+* statuses/retweets_of_me
+* friendships/create
+* friendships/destroy
+* friendships/exists
+* friendships/show
+* account/update_profile_background_image
+* blocks/create
+* blocks/destroy
+The following API calls from the Twitter API aren't implemented neither in Friendica nor in GNU Social:
+* statuses/mentions_timeline
+* statuses/retweets/:id
+* statuses/oembed
+* statuses/retweeters/ids
+* statuses/lookup
+* direct_messages/show
+* search/tweets
+* friendships/no_retweets/ids
+* friendships/incoming
+* friendships/outgoing
+* friendships/update
+* friends/list
+* friendships/lookup
+* account/settings
+* account/update_delivery_device
+* account/update_profile
+* account/update_profile_background_image
+* blocks/list
+* blocks/ids
+* users/lookup
+* users/show
+* users/search
+* account/remove_profile_banner
+* account/update_profile_banner
+* users/profile_banner
+* mutes/users/create
+* mutes/users/destroy
+* mutes/users/ids
+* mutes/users/list
+* users/suggestions/:slug
+* users/suggestions
+* users/suggestions/:slug/members
+* favorites/list
+* lists/list
+* lists/statuses
+* lists/members/destroy
+* lists/memberships
+* lists/subscribers
+* lists/subscribers/create
+* lists/subscribers/show
+* lists/subscribers/destroy
+* lists/members/create_all
+* lists/members/show
+* lists/members
+* lists/members/create
+* lists/destroy
+* lists/update
+* lists/create
+* lists/show
+* lists/subscriptions
+* lists/members/destroy_all
+* lists/ownerships
+* saved_searches/list
+* saved_searches/show/:id
+* saved_searches/create
+* saved_searches/destroy/:id
+* geo/id/:place_id
+* geo/reverse_geocode
+* geo/search
+* geo/place
+* trends/place
+* trends/available
+* help/configuration
+* help/languages
+* help/privacy
+* help/tos
+* trends/closest
+* users/report_spam
+## Usage Examples
+### BASH / cURL
+Betamax has documentated some example API usage from a [bash script](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bash_(Unix_shell) employing [curl](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CURL) (see [his posting](https://betamax65.de/display/betamax65/43539)).
+/usr/bin/curl -u USER:PASS https://YOUR.FRIENDICA.TLD/api/statuses/update.xml -d source="some source id" -d status="the status you want to post"
+### Python
+The [RSStoFriedika](https://github.com/pafcu/RSStoFriendika) code can be used as an example of how to use the API with python. The lines for posting are located at [line 21](https://github.com/pafcu/RSStoFriendika/blob/master/RSStoFriendika.py#L21) and following.
+def tweet(server, message, group_allow=None):
+url = server + '/api/statuses/update'
+urllib2.urlopen(url, urllib.urlencode({'status': message,'group_allow[]':group_allow}, doseq=True))
+There is also a [module for python 3](https://bitbucket.org/tobiasd/python-friendica) for using the API.
diff --git a/doc/autoloader.md b/doc/autoloader.md
index af76cf3299..5b894cb1a0 100644
--- a/doc/autoloader.md
+++ b/doc/autoloader.md
@@ -1,197 +1,197 @@
-Autoloader with Composer
-* [Home](help)
-  * [Developer Intro](help/Developers-Intro)
-Friendica uses [Composer](https://getcomposer.org) to manage dependencies libraries and the class autoloader both for libraries and namespaced Friendica classes.
-It's a command-line tool that downloads required libraries into the `vendor` folder and makes any namespaced class in `src` available through the whole application through `boot.php`.
-* [Using Composer](help/Composer)
-## A quick introduction to class autoloading
-The autoloader dynamically includes the file defining a class when it is first referenced, either by instantiating an object or simply making sure that it is available, without the need to explicitly use "require_once".
-Once it is set up you don't have to directly use it, you can directly use any class that is covered by the autoloader (currently `vendor` and `src`)
-Under the hood, Composer registers a callback with [`spl_autoload_register()`](http://php.net/manual/en/function.spl-autoload-register.php) that receives a class name as an argument and includes the corresponding class definition file.
-For more info about PHP autoloading, please refer to the [official PHP documentation](http://php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.autoload.php).
-### Example
-Let's say you have a PHP file in `src/` that define a very useful class:
-// src/ItemsManager.php
-namespace Friendica;
-class ItemsManager {
-	public function getAll() { ... }
-	public function getByID($id) { ... }
-The class `ItemsManager` has been declared in the `Friendica` namespace.
-Namespaces are useful to keep classes separated and avoid names conflicts (could be that a library you want to use also defines a class named `ItemsManager`, but as long as it is in another namespace, you don't have any problem)
-Let's say now that you need to load some items in a view, maybe in a fictional `mod/network.php`.
-In order for the Composer autoloader to work, it must first be included. In Friendica this is already done at the top of `boot.php`, with `require_once('vendor/autoload.php');`.
-The code will be something like:
-// mod/network.php
-function network_content(App $a) {
-	$itemsmanager = new Friendica\ItemsManager();
-	$items = $itemsmanager->getAll();
-	// pass $items to template
-	// return result
-That's a quite simple example, but look: no `require()`!
-If you need to use a class, you can simply use it and you don't need to do anything else.
-Going further: now we have a bunch of `*Manager` classes that cause some code duplication, let's define a `BaseManager` class, where we move all common code between all managers:
-// src/BaseManager.php
-namespace Friendica;
-class BaseManager {
-	public function thatFunctionEveryManagerUses() { ... }
-and then let's change the ItemsManager class to use this code
-// src/ItemsManager.php
-namespace Friendica;
-class ItemsManager extends BaseManager {
-	public function getAll() { ... }
-	public function getByID($id) { ... }
-Even though we didn't explicitly include the `src/BaseManager.php` file, the autoloader will when this class is first defined, because it is referenced as a parent class.
-It works with the "BaseManager" example here and it works when we need to call static methods:
-// src/Dfrn.php
-namespace Friendica;
-class Dfrn {
-	public static function  mail($item, $owner) { ... }
-// mod/mail.php
-	...
-	Friendica\dfrn::mail($item, $owner);
-	...
-If your code is in same namespace as the class you need, you don't need to prepend it:
-// include/delivery.php
-namespace Friendica;
-// this is the same content of current include/delivery.php,
-// but has been declared to be in "Friendica" namespace
-switch($contact['network']) {
-		if ($mail) {
-			$item['body'] = ...
-			$atom = Dfrn::mail($item, $owner);
-		} elseif ($fsuggest) {
-			$atom = Dfrn::fsuggest($item, $owner);
-			q("DELETE FROM `fsuggest` WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($item['id']));
-		} elseif ($relocate)
-			$atom = Dfrn::relocate($owner, $uid);
-This is the current code of `include/delivery.php`, and since the code is declared to be in the "Friendica" namespace, you don't need to write it when you need to use the "Dfrn" class.
-But if you want to use classes from another library, you need to use the full namespace, e.g.
-// src/Diaspora.php
-namespace Friendica;
-class Diaspora {
-	public function md2bbcode() {
-		$html = \Michelf\MarkdownExtra::defaultTransform($text);
-	}
-if you use that class in many places of the code and you don't want to write the full path to the class every time, you can use the "use" PHP keyword
-// src/Diaspora.php
-namespace Friendica;
-use \Michelf\MarkdownExtra;
-class Diaspora {
-	public function md2bbcode() {
-		$html = MarkdownExtra::defaultTransform($text);
-	}
-Note that namespaces are like paths in filesystem, separated by "\", with the first "\" being the global scope.
-You can go deeper if you want to, like:
-// src/Network/Dfrn.php
-namespace Friendica\Network;
-class Dfrn {
-Please note that the location of the file defining the class must be placed in the appropriate sub-folders of `src` if the namespace isn't plain `Friendica`.
-// src/Dba/Mysql
-namespace Friendica\Dba;
-class Mysql {
-So you can think of namespaces as folders in a Unix file system, with global scope as the root ("\").
-## Related
-* [Using Composer](help/Composer)
+Autoloader with Composer
+* [Home](help)
+  * [Developer Intro](help/Developers-Intro)
+Friendica uses [Composer](https://getcomposer.org) to manage dependencies libraries and the class autoloader both for libraries and namespaced Friendica classes.
+It's a command-line tool that downloads required libraries into the `vendor` folder and makes any namespaced class in `src` available through the whole application through `boot.php`.
+* [Using Composer](help/Composer)
+## A quick introduction to class autoloading
+The autoloader dynamically includes the file defining a class when it is first referenced, either by instantiating an object or simply making sure that it is available, without the need to explicitly use "require_once".
+Once it is set up you don't have to directly use it, you can directly use any class that is covered by the autoloader (currently `vendor` and `src`)
+Under the hood, Composer registers a callback with [`spl_autoload_register()`](http://php.net/manual/en/function.spl-autoload-register.php) that receives a class name as an argument and includes the corresponding class definition file.
+For more info about PHP autoloading, please refer to the [official PHP documentation](http://php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.autoload.php).
+### Example
+Let's say you have a PHP file in `src/` that define a very useful class:
+// src/ItemsManager.php
+namespace Friendica;
+class ItemsManager {
+	public function getAll() { ... }
+	public function getByID($id) { ... }
+The class `ItemsManager` has been declared in the `Friendica` namespace.
+Namespaces are useful to keep classes separated and avoid names conflicts (could be that a library you want to use also defines a class named `ItemsManager`, but as long as it is in another namespace, you don't have any problem)
+Let's say now that you need to load some items in a view, maybe in a fictional `mod/network.php`.
+In order for the Composer autoloader to work, it must first be included. In Friendica this is already done at the top of `boot.php`, with `require_once('vendor/autoload.php');`.
+The code will be something like:
+// mod/network.php
+function network_content(App $a) {
+	$itemsmanager = new Friendica\ItemsManager();
+	$items = $itemsmanager->getAll();
+	// pass $items to template
+	// return result
+That's a quite simple example, but look: no `require()`!
+If you need to use a class, you can simply use it and you don't need to do anything else.
+Going further: now we have a bunch of `*Manager` classes that cause some code duplication, let's define a `BaseManager` class, where we move all common code between all managers:
+// src/BaseManager.php
+namespace Friendica;
+class BaseManager {
+	public function thatFunctionEveryManagerUses() { ... }
+and then let's change the ItemsManager class to use this code
+// src/ItemsManager.php
+namespace Friendica;
+class ItemsManager extends BaseManager {
+	public function getAll() { ... }
+	public function getByID($id) { ... }
+Even though we didn't explicitly include the `src/BaseManager.php` file, the autoloader will when this class is first defined, because it is referenced as a parent class.
+It works with the "BaseManager" example here and it works when we need to call static methods:
+// src/Dfrn.php
+namespace Friendica;
+class Dfrn {
+	public static function  mail($item, $owner) { ... }
+// mod/mail.php
+	...
+	Friendica\dfrn::mail($item, $owner);
+	...
+If your code is in same namespace as the class you need, you don't need to prepend it:
+// include/delivery.php
+namespace Friendica;
+// this is the same content of current include/delivery.php,
+// but has been declared to be in "Friendica" namespace
+switch($contact['network']) {
+		if ($mail) {
+			$item['body'] = ...
+			$atom = Dfrn::mail($item, $owner);
+		} elseif ($fsuggest) {
+			$atom = Dfrn::fsuggest($item, $owner);
+			q("DELETE FROM `fsuggest` WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($item['id']));
+		} elseif ($relocate)
+			$atom = Dfrn::relocate($owner, $uid);
+This is the current code of `include/delivery.php`, and since the code is declared to be in the "Friendica" namespace, you don't need to write it when you need to use the "Dfrn" class.
+But if you want to use classes from another library, you need to use the full namespace, e.g.
+// src/Diaspora.php
+namespace Friendica;
+class Diaspora {
+	public function md2bbcode() {
+		$html = \Michelf\MarkdownExtra::defaultTransform($text);
+	}
+if you use that class in many places of the code and you don't want to write the full path to the class every time, you can use the "use" PHP keyword
+// src/Diaspora.php
+namespace Friendica;
+use \Michelf\MarkdownExtra;
+class Diaspora {
+	public function md2bbcode() {
+		$html = MarkdownExtra::defaultTransform($text);
+	}
+Note that namespaces are like paths in filesystem, separated by "\", with the first "\" being the global scope.
+You can go deeper if you want to, like:
+// src/Network/Dfrn.php
+namespace Friendica\Network;
+class Dfrn {
+Please note that the location of the file defining the class must be placed in the appropriate sub-folders of `src` if the namespace isn't plain `Friendica`.
+// src/Dba/Mysql
+namespace Friendica\Dba;
+class Mysql {
+So you can think of namespaces as folders in a Unix file system, with global scope as the root ("\").
+## Related
+* [Using Composer](help/Composer)
 * [How To Move Classes to `src`](help/Developer-How-To-Move-Classes-to-src)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/include/identity.php b/include/identity.php
index dea044b48e..3ab25cdc45 100644
--- a/include/identity.php
+++ b/include/identity.php
@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@
 use Friendica\App;
+require_once 'include/ForumManager.php';
+require_once 'include/bbcode.php';
+require_once 'mod/proxy.php';
+require_once 'include/cache.php';
@@ -85,9 +85,9 @@ function profile_load(App $a, $nickname, $profile = 0, $profiledata = array()) {
 	$a->set_template_engine(); // reset the template engine to the default in case the user's theme doesn't specify one
-	$theme_info_file = "view/theme/".current_theme()."/theme.php";
-	if (file_exists($theme_info_file)){
-		require_once($theme_info_file);
+	$theme_info_file = "view/theme/" . current_theme() . "/theme.php";
+	if (file_exists($theme_info_file)) {
+		require_once $theme_info_file;
 	if (! (x($a->page,'aside')))
@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ function profile_sidebar($profile, $block = 0) {
 		$diaspora = false;
-	if (!$block){
+	if (!$block) {
 		$contact_block = contact_block();
 		if (is_array($a->profile) AND !$a->profile['hide-friends']) {
@@ -537,13 +537,13 @@ function get_birthdays() {
 function get_events() {
-	require_once('include/bbcode.php');
+	require_once 'include/bbcode.php';
 	$a = get_app();
-	if (! local_user() || $a->is_mobile || $a->is_tablet)
+	if (! local_user() || $a->is_mobile || $a->is_tablet) {
 		return $o;
+	}
 //		$mobile_detect = new Mobile_Detect();
 //		$is_mobile = $mobile_detect->isMobile() || $mobile_detect->isTablet();
@@ -566,12 +566,14 @@ function get_events() {
 		$now = strtotime('now');
 		$istoday = false;
 		foreach ($r as $rr) {
-			if (strlen($rr['name']))
+			if (strlen($rr['name'])) {
 				$total ++;
+			}
 			$strt = datetime_convert('UTC',$rr['convert'] ? $a->timezone : 'UTC',$rr['start'],'Y-m-d');
-			if ($strt === datetime_convert('UTC',$a->timezone,'now','Y-m-d'))
+			if ($strt === datetime_convert('UTC',$a->timezone,'now','Y-m-d')) {
 				$istoday = true;
+			}
 		$classtoday = (($istoday) ? 'event-today' : '');
@@ -580,12 +582,14 @@ function get_events() {
 		foreach ($r as &$rr) {
 			$title = strip_tags(html_entity_decode(bbcode($rr['summary']),ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8'));
-			if (strlen($title) > 35)
+			if (strlen($title) > 35) {
 				$title = substr($title,0,32) . '... ';
+			}
 			$description = substr(strip_tags(bbcode($rr['desc'])),0,32) . '... ';
-			if (! $description)
+			if (! $description) {
 				$description = t('[No description]');
+			}
 			$strt = datetime_convert('UTC',$rr['convert'] ? $a->timezone : 'UTC',$rr['start']);
@@ -632,7 +636,9 @@ function advanced_profile(App $a) {
 		$profile['fullname'] = array( t('Full Name:'), $a->profile['name'] ) ;
-		if ($a->profile['gender']) $profile['gender'] = array( t('Gender:'),  $a->profile['gender'] );
+		if ($a->profile['gender']) {
+			$profile['gender'] = array( t('Gender:'),  $a->profile['gender'] );
+		}
 		if (($a->profile['dob']) && ($a->profile['dob'] > '0001-01-01')) {
 			$year_bd_format = t('j F, Y');
@@ -647,10 +653,13 @@ function advanced_profile(App $a) {
-		if ($age = age($a->profile['dob'],$a->profile['timezone'],''))  $profile['age'] = array( t('Age:'), $age );
+		if ($age = age($a->profile['dob'],$a->profile['timezone'],'')) {
+			$profile['age'] = array( t('Age:'), $age );
+		}
-		if ($a->profile['marital']) $profile['marital'] = array( t('Status:'), $a->profile['marital']);
+		if ($a->profile['marital']) {
+			$profile['marital'] = array( t('Status:'), $a->profile['marital']);
+		}
 		/// @TODO Maybe use x() here, plus below?
 		if ($a->profile['with']) {
@@ -753,7 +762,7 @@ function advanced_profile(App $a) {
 	return '';
-function profile_tabs($a, $is_owner=False, $nickname=Null){
+function profile_tabs($a, $is_owner=False, $nickname=Null) {
 	//echo "<pre>"; var_dump($a->user); killme();
 	if (is_null($nickname)) {
@@ -770,7 +779,7 @@ function profile_tabs($a, $is_owner=False, $nickname=Null){
 			'url' => $url,
-			'sel' => ((!isset($tab) && $a->argv[0]=='profile')?'active':''),
+			'sel' => ((!isset($tab) && $a->argv[0]=='profile') ? 'active' : ''),
 			'title' => t('Status Messages and Posts'),
 			'id' => 'status-tab',
 			'accesskey' => 'm',
@@ -778,7 +787,7 @@ function profile_tabs($a, $is_owner=False, $nickname=Null){
 			'label' => t('Profile'),
 			'url' 	=> $url.'/?tab=profile',
-			'sel'	=> ((isset($tab) && $tab=='profile')?'active':''),
+			'sel'	=> ((isset($tab) && $tab=='profile') ? 'active' : ''),
 			'title' => t('Profile Details'),
 			'id' => 'profile-tab',
 			'accesskey' => 'r',
@@ -786,7 +795,7 @@ function profile_tabs($a, $is_owner=False, $nickname=Null){
 			'label' => t('Photos'),
 			'url'	=> App::get_baseurl() . '/photos/' . $nickname,
-			'sel'	=> ((!isset($tab) && $a->argv[0]=='photos')?'active':''),
+			'sel'	=> ((!isset($tab) && $a->argv[0]=='photos') ? 'active' : ''),
 			'title' => t('Photo Albums'),
 			'id' => 'photo-tab',
 			'accesskey' => 'h',
@@ -794,7 +803,7 @@ function profile_tabs($a, $is_owner=False, $nickname=Null){
 			'label' => t('Videos'),
 			'url'	=> App::get_baseurl() . '/videos/' . $nickname,
-			'sel'	=> ((!isset($tab) && $a->argv[0]=='videos')?'active':''),
+			'sel'	=> ((!isset($tab) && $a->argv[0]=='videos') ? 'active' : ''),
 			'title' => t('Videos'),
 			'id' => 'video-tab',
 			'accesskey' => 'v',
@@ -806,7 +815,7 @@ function profile_tabs($a, $is_owner=False, $nickname=Null){
 			$tabs[] = array(
 				'label' => t('Events'),
 				'url'	=> App::get_baseurl() . '/events',
-				'sel' 	=>((!isset($tab) && $a->argv[0]=='events')?'active':''),
+				'sel' 	=>((!isset($tab) && $a->argv[0]=='events') ? 'active' : ''),
 				'title' => t('Events and Calendar'),
 				'id' => 'events-tab',
 				'accesskey' => 'e',
@@ -817,18 +826,18 @@ function profile_tabs($a, $is_owner=False, $nickname=Null){
 		$tabs[] = array(
 				'label' => t('Events'),
 				'url'	=> App::get_baseurl() . '/cal/' . $nickname,
-				'sel' 	=>((!isset($tab) && $a->argv[0]=='cal')?'active':''),
+				'sel' 	=>((!isset($tab) && $a->argv[0]=='cal') ? 'active' : ''),
 				'title' => t('Events and Calendar'),
 				'id' => 'events-tab',
 				'accesskey' => 'e',
-	if ($is_owner){
+	if ($is_owner) {
 		$tabs[] = array(
 			'label' => t('Personal Notes'),
 			'url'	=> App::get_baseurl() . '/notes',
-			'sel' 	=>((!isset($tab) && $a->argv[0]=='notes')?'active':''),
+			'sel' 	=>((!isset($tab) && $a->argv[0]=='notes') ? 'active' : ''),
 			'title' => t('Only You Can See This'),
 			'id' => 'notes-tab',
 			'accesskey' => 't',
@@ -839,7 +848,7 @@ function profile_tabs($a, $is_owner=False, $nickname=Null){
 		$tabs[] = array(
 			'label' => t('Contacts'),
 			'url'	=> App::get_baseurl() . '/viewcontacts/' . $nickname,
-			'sel'	=> ((!isset($tab) && $a->argv[0]=='viewcontacts')?'active':''),
+			'sel'	=> ((!isset($tab) && $a->argv[0]=='viewcontacts') ? 'active' : ''),
 			'title' => t('Contacts'),
 			'id' => 'viewcontacts-tab',
 			'accesskey' => 'k',
@@ -855,8 +864,9 @@ function profile_tabs($a, $is_owner=False, $nickname=Null){
 function get_my_url() {
-	if (x($_SESSION,'my_url'))
+	if (x($_SESSION, 'my_url')) {
 		return $_SESSION['my_url'];
+	}
 	return false;
@@ -868,33 +878,31 @@ function zrl_init(App $a) {
 		// The check fetches the cached value from gprobe to reduce the load for this system
 		$urlparts = parse_url($tmp_str);
-		$result = Cache::get("gprobe:".$urlparts["host"]);
-		if (!is_null($result)) {
-			if (in_array($result["network"], array(NETWORK_FEED, NETWORK_PHANTOM))) {
-				logger("DDoS attempt detected for ".$urlparts["host"]." by ".$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"].". server data: ".print_r($_SERVER, true), LOGGER_DEBUG);
-				return;
-			}
+		$result = Cache::get("gprobe:" . $urlparts["host"]);
+		if ((!is_null($result)) && (in_array($result["network"], array(NETWORK_FEED, NETWORK_PHANTOM)))) {
+			logger("DDoS attempt detected for " . $urlparts["host"] . " by " . $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] . ". server data: " . print_r($_SERVER, true), LOGGER_DEBUG);
+			return;
-		proc_run(PRIORITY_LOW, 'include/gprobe.php',bin2hex($tmp_str));
+		proc_run(PRIORITY_LOW, 'include/gprobe.php', bin2hex($tmp_str));
 		$arr = array('zrl' => $tmp_str, 'url' => $a->cmd);
-		call_hooks('zrl_init',$arr);
+		call_hooks('zrl_init', $arr);
-function zrl($s,$force = false) {
+function zrl($s, $force = false) {
 	if (! strlen($s)) {
 		return $s;
-	if ((! strpos($s,'/profile/')) && (! $force)) {
+	if ((! strpos($s, '/profile/')) && (! $force)) {
 		return $s;
-	if ($force && substr($s,-1,1) !== '/') {
+	if ($force && substr($s, -1, 1) !== '/') {
 		$s = $s . '/';
-	$achar = strpos($s,'?') ? '&' : '?';
+	$achar = strpos($s, '?') ? '&' : '?';
 	$mine = get_my_url();
-	if ($mine and ! link_compare($mine,$s)) {
+	if ($mine && ! link_compare($mine, $s)) {
 		return $s . $achar . 'zrl=' . urlencode($mine);
 	return $s;
@@ -916,10 +924,8 @@ function zrl($s,$force = false) {
 function get_theme_uid() {
 	$uid = (($_REQUEST['puid']) ? intval($_REQUEST['puid']) : 0);
-	if (local_user()) {
-		if ((get_pconfig(local_user(),'system','always_my_theme')) || (! $uid)) {
-			return local_user();
-		}
+	if ((local_user()) && ((get_pconfig(local_user(),'system','always_my_theme')) || (! $uid))) {
+		return local_user();
 	return $uid;
diff --git a/include/lock.php b/include/lock.php
index a48b0ad342..64f6319ef1 100644
--- a/include/lock.php
+++ b/include/lock.php
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
 // Provide some ability to lock a PHP function so that multiple processes
 // can't run the function concurrently
-if(! function_exists('lock_function')) {
+if (! function_exists('lock_function')) {
 function lock_function($fn_name, $block = true, $wait_sec = 2, $timeout = 30) {
-	if( $wait_sec == 0 )
+	if ( $wait_sec == 0 )
 		$wait_sec = 2;	// don't let the user pick a value that's likely to crash the system
 	$got_lock = false;
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ function lock_function($fn_name, $block = true, $wait_sec = 2, $timeout = 30) {
-		if((dbm::is_result($r)) AND (!$r[0]['locked'] OR (strtotime($r[0]['created']) < time() - 3600))) {
+		if ((dbm::is_result($r)) AND (!$r[0]['locked'] OR (strtotime($r[0]['created']) < time() - 3600))) {
 			q("UPDATE `locks` SET `locked` = 1, `created` = '%s' WHERE `name` = '%s'",
@@ -34,10 +34,10 @@ function lock_function($fn_name, $block = true, $wait_sec = 2, $timeout = 30) {
-		if(($block) && (! $got_lock))
+		if (($block) && (! $got_lock))
-	} while(($block) && (! $got_lock) && ((time() - $start) < $timeout));
+	} while (($block) && (! $got_lock) && ((time() - $start) < $timeout));
 	logger('lock_function: function ' . $fn_name . ' with blocking = ' . $block . ' got_lock = ' . $got_lock . ' time = ' . (time() - $start), LOGGER_DEBUG);
@@ -45,28 +45,29 @@ function lock_function($fn_name, $block = true, $wait_sec = 2, $timeout = 30) {
-if(! function_exists('block_on_function_lock')) {
+if (! function_exists('block_on_function_lock')) {
 function block_on_function_lock($fn_name, $wait_sec = 2, $timeout = 30) {
-	if( $wait_sec == 0 )
+	if ( $wait_sec == 0 )
 		$wait_sec = 2;	// don't let the user pick a value that's likely to crash the system
 	$start = time();
 	do {
 		$r = q("SELECT locked FROM locks WHERE name = '%s' LIMIT 1",
-				dbesc($fn_name)
-		     );
+			dbesc($fn_name)
+		);
-		if (dbm::is_result($r) && $r[0]['locked'])
+		if (dbm::is_result($r) && $r[0]['locked']) {
+		}
-	} while(dbm::is_result($r) && $r[0]['locked'] && ((time() - $start) < $timeout));
+	} while (dbm::is_result($r) && $r[0]['locked'] && ((time() - $start) < $timeout));
-if(! function_exists('unlock_function')) {
+if (! function_exists('unlock_function')) {
 function unlock_function($fn_name) {
 	$r = q("UPDATE `locks` SET `locked` = 0, `created` = '%s' WHERE `name` = '%s'",
diff --git a/include/message.php b/include/message.php
index 66e173d350..7a62af8c93 100644
--- a/include/message.php
+++ b/include/message.php
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ function send_message($recipient=0, $body='', $subject='', $replyto=''){
 	$a = get_app();
-	if(! $recipient) return -1;
+	if (! $recipient) return -1;
-	if(! strlen($subject))
+	if (! strlen($subject))
 		$subject = t('[no subject]');
 	$me = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `self` = 1 LIMIT 1",
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ function send_message($recipient=0, $body='', $subject='', $replyto=''){
-	if(! (count($me) && (count($contact)))) {
+	if (! (count($me) && (count($contact)))) {
 		return -2;
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ function send_message($recipient=0, $body='', $subject='', $replyto=''){
 	// look for any existing conversation structure
-	if(strlen($replyto)) {
+	if (strlen($replyto)) {
 		$reply = true;
 		$r = q("select convid from mail where uid = %d and ( uri = '%s' or `parent-uri` = '%s' ) limit 1",
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ function send_message($recipient=0, $body='', $subject='', $replyto=''){
 			$convid = $r[0]['convid'];
-	if(! $convid) {
+	if (! $convid) {
 		// create a new conversation
@@ -77,12 +77,12 @@ function send_message($recipient=0, $body='', $subject='', $replyto=''){
 			$convid = $r[0]['id'];
-	if(! $convid) {
+	if (! $convid) {
 		logger('send message: conversation not found.');
 		return -4;
-	if(! strlen($replyto)) {
+	if (! strlen($replyto)) {
 		$replyto = $convuri;
diff --git a/include/msgclean.php b/include/msgclean.php
index 50eb46368f..9e8ebed790 100644
--- a/include/msgclean.php
+++ b/include/msgclean.php
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ function removelinebreak($message)
 	$lines = array();
 	$lineno = 0;
-	foreach($arrbody as $i => $line) {
+	foreach ($arrbody as $i => $line) {
 		$currquotelevel = 0;
 		$currline = $line;
 		while ((strlen($currline)>0) and ((substr($currline, 0, 1) == '>')
diff --git a/include/nav.php b/include/nav.php
index 602bcd83ba..3c7c932e28 100644
--- a/include/nav.php
+++ b/include/nav.php
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ function nav(App $a) {
-	if(!(x($a->page,'nav')))
+	if (!(x($a->page,'nav')))
 		$a->page['nav'] = '';
 	$a->page['htmlhead'] .= replace_macros(get_markup_template('nav_head.tpl'), array());
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ function nav_info(App $a)
 	if (strlen(get_config('system', 'singleuser'))) {
 		$gdir = get_config('system', 'directory');
-		if(strlen($gdir)) {
+		if (strlen($gdir)) {
 			$gdirpath = zrl($gdir, true);
 	} elseif (get_config('system', 'community_page_style') == CP_USERS_ON_SERVER) {
diff --git a/include/network.php b/include/network.php
index eacde00b26..7d8cf36118 100644
--- a/include/network.php
+++ b/include/network.php
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ function z_fetch_url($url, $binary = false, &$redirects = 0, $opts = array()) {
 	// allow for HTTP/2.x without fixing code
 	while (preg_match('/^HTTP\/[1-2].+? [1-5][0-9][0-9]/', $base)) {
-		$chunk = substr($base, 0, strpos($base, "\r\n\r\n") + 4);
+		$chunk = substr($base, 0, strpos($base,"\r\n\r\n") + 4);
 		$header .= $chunk;
 		$base = substr($base, strlen($chunk));
@@ -196,9 +196,8 @@ function z_fetch_url($url, $binary = false, &$redirects = 0, $opts = array()) {
 		if (preg_match('/(Location:|URI:)(.*?)\n/i', $header, $matches)) {
 			$newurl = trim(array_pop($matches));
-		if (strpos($newurl, '/') === 0) {
-			$newurl = $old_location_info['scheme'] . '://' . $old_location_info['host'] . $newurl;
+		if (strpos($newurl,'/') === 0) {
+			$newurl = $old_location_info["scheme"]."://".$old_location_info["host"].$newurl;
 		if (filter_var($newurl, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) {
@@ -342,7 +341,7 @@ function post_url($url, $params, $headers = null, &$redirects = 0, $timeout = 0)
 		$newurl = trim(array_pop($matches));
 		if (strpos($newurl, '/') === 0) {
-			$newurl = $old_location_info['scheme'] . '://' . $old_location_info['host'] . $newurl;
+			$newurl = $old_location_info["scheme"] . "://" . $old_location_info["host"] . $newurl;
 		if (filter_var($newurl, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) {
@@ -375,7 +374,7 @@ function xml_status($st, $message = '') {
 	$xml_message = ((strlen($message)) ? "\t<message>" . xmlify($message) . "</message>\r\n" : '');
-	if($st)
+	if ($st)
 		logger('xml_status returning non_zero: ' . $st . " message=" . $message);
 	header( "Content-type: text/xml" );
@@ -403,12 +402,12 @@ function xml_status($st, $message = '') {
 function http_status_exit($val, $description = array()) {
 	$err = '';
-	if($val >= 400) {
+	if ($val >= 400) {
 		$err = 'Error';
 		if (!isset($description["title"]))
 			$description["title"] = $err." ".$val;
-	if($val >= 200 && $val < 300)
+	if ($val >= 200 && $val < 300)
 		$err = 'OK';
 	logger('http_status_exit ' . $val);
@@ -434,20 +433,20 @@ function http_status_exit($val, $description = array()) {
  * @return boolean True if it's a valid URL, fals if something wrong with it
 function validate_url(&$url) {
-	if(get_config('system','disable_url_validation'))
+	if (get_config('system','disable_url_validation'))
 		return true;
 	// no naked subdomains (allow localhost for tests)
-	if(strpos($url,'.') === false && strpos($url,'/localhost/') === false)
+	if (strpos($url,'.') === false && strpos($url,'/localhost/') === false)
 		return false;
-	if(substr($url,0,4) != 'http')
+	if (substr($url,0,4) != 'http')
 		$url = 'http://' . $url;
 	/// @TODO Really supress function outcomes? Why not find them + debug them?
 	$h = @parse_url($url);
-	if((is_array($h)) && (dns_get_record($h['host'], DNS_A + DNS_CNAME + DNS_PTR) || filter_var($h['host'], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) )) {
+	if ((is_array($h)) && (dns_get_record($h['host'], DNS_A + DNS_CNAME + DNS_PTR) || filter_var($h['host'], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) )) {
 		return true;
@@ -462,14 +461,14 @@ function validate_url(&$url) {
 function validate_email($addr) {
-	if(get_config('system','disable_email_validation'))
+	if (get_config('system','disable_email_validation'))
 		return true;
-	if(! strpos($addr,'@'))
+	if (! strpos($addr,'@'))
 		return false;
 	$h = substr($addr,strpos($addr,'@') + 1);
-	if(($h) && (dns_get_record($h, DNS_A + DNS_CNAME + DNS_PTR + DNS_MX) || filter_var($h, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) )) {
+	if (($h) && (dns_get_record($h, DNS_A + DNS_CNAME + DNS_PTR + DNS_MX) || filter_var($h, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) )) {
 		return true;
 	return false;
@@ -502,7 +501,6 @@ function allowed_url($url) {
 	$host = strtolower($h['host']);
 	// always allow our own site
 	if ($host == strtolower($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) {
 		return true;
@@ -563,24 +561,25 @@ function blocked_url($url) {
 function allowed_email($email) {
 	$domain = strtolower(substr($email,strpos($email,'@') + 1));
-	if(! $domain)
+	if (! $domain) {
 		return false;
+	}
 	$str_allowed = get_config('system','allowed_email');
-	if(! $str_allowed)
+	if (! $str_allowed) {
 		return true;
+	}
 	$found = false;
 	$fnmatch = function_exists('fnmatch');
 	$allowed = explode(',',$str_allowed);
-	if(count($allowed)) {
-		foreach($allowed as $a) {
+	if (count($allowed)) {
+		foreach ($allowed as $a) {
 			$pat = strtolower(trim($a));
-			if(($fnmatch && fnmatch($pat,$domain)) || ($pat == $domain)) {
+			if (($fnmatch && fnmatch($pat,$domain)) || ($pat == $domain)) {
 				$found = true;
@@ -609,8 +608,8 @@ function avatar_img($email) {
 function parse_xml_string($s,$strict = true) {
 	/// @todo Move this function to the xml class
-	if($strict) {
-		if(! strstr($s,'<?xml'))
+	if ($strict) {
+		if (! strstr($s,'<?xml'))
 			return false;
 		$s2 = substr($s,strpos($s,'<?xml'));
diff --git a/include/oauth.php b/include/oauth.php
index f67e3d2b70..9e2be68c77 100644
--- a/include/oauth.php
+++ b/include/oauth.php
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ class FKOAuth1 extends OAuthServer {
 		//notice( t("Welcome back ") . $record['username'] . EOL);
 		$a->user = $record;
-		if(strlen($a->user['timezone'])) {
+		if (strlen($a->user['timezone'])) {
 			$a->timezone = $a->user['timezone'];
diff --git a/include/oembed.php b/include/oembed.php
index 80b49fbf04..d28a97e322 100755
--- a/include/oembed.php
+++ b/include/oembed.php
@@ -304,9 +304,11 @@ function oembed_html2bbcode($text) {
 		$entries = $xpath->query("//span[$xattr]");
 		$xattr = "@rel='oembed'";//oe_build_xpath("rel","oembed");
-		foreach($entries as $e) {
+		foreach ($entries as $e) {
 			$href = $xpath->evaluate("a[$xattr]/@href", $e)->item(0)->nodeValue;
-			if(!is_null($href)) $e->parentNode->replaceChild(new DOMText("[embed]".$href."[/embed]"), $e);
+			if (!is_null($href)) {
+				$e->parentNode->replaceChild(new DOMText("[embed]".$href."[/embed]"), $e);
+			}
 		return oe_get_inner_html( $dom->getElementsByTagName("body")->item(0) );
 	} else {
diff --git a/include/onepoll.php b/include/onepoll.php
index 3483d24930..cf5a1f576a 100644
--- a/include/onepoll.php
+++ b/include/onepoll.php
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ function onepoll_run(&$argv, &$argc){
 		// But this may be our first communication, so set the writable flag if it isn't set already.
 		if (! intval($contact['writable'])) {
-			q("update contact set writable = 1 where id = %d", intval($contact['id']));
+			q("UPDATE `contact` SET `writable` = 1 WHERE `id` = %d", intval($contact['id']));
 		$url = $contact['poll'] . '?dfrn_id=' . $idtosend
@@ -437,16 +437,18 @@ function onepoll_run(&$argv, &$argc){
 						if ($raw_refs) {
 							$refs_arr = explode(' ', $raw_refs);
 							if (count($refs_arr)) {
-								for($x = 0; $x < count($refs_arr); $x ++)
+								for ($x = 0; $x < count($refs_arr); $x ++) {
 									$refs_arr[$x] = "'" . msgid2iri(str_replace(array('<','>',' '),array('','',''),dbesc($refs_arr[$x]))) . "'";
+								}
 							$qstr = implode(',',$refs_arr);
 							$r = q("SELECT `uri` , `parent-uri` FROM `item` USE INDEX (`uid_uri`) WHERE `uri` IN ($qstr) AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1",
-							if (dbm::is_result($r))
+							if (dbm::is_result($r)) {
 								$datarray['parent-uri'] = $r[0]['parent-uri'];  // Set the parent as the top-level item
-	//							$datarray['parent-uri'] = $r[0]['uri'];
+								//$datarray['parent-uri'] = $r[0]['uri'];
+							}
 						// Decoding the header
@@ -611,14 +613,17 @@ function onepoll_run(&$argv, &$argc){
 		$hubmode = 'subscribe';
-		if ($contact['network'] === NETWORK_DFRN || $contact['blocked'] || $contact['readonly'])
+		if ($contact['network'] === NETWORK_DFRN || $contact['blocked'] || $contact['readonly']) {
 			$hubmode = 'unsubscribe';
+		}
-		if (($contact['network'] === NETWORK_OSTATUS ||  $contact['network'] == NETWORK_FEED) && (! $contact['hub-verify']))
+		if (($contact['network'] === NETWORK_OSTATUS ||  $contact['network'] == NETWORK_FEED) && (! $contact['hub-verify'])) {
 			$hub_update = true;
+		}
-		if ($force)
+		if ($force) {
 			$hub_update = true;
+		}
 		logger("Contact ".$contact['id']." returned hub: ".$hub." Network: ".$contact['network']." Relation: ".$contact['rel']." Update: ".$hub_update);
diff --git a/include/ostatus.php b/include/ostatus.php
index 1e23e7bc32..a1da94f6a7 100644
--- a/include/ostatus.php
+++ b/include/ostatus.php
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ class ostatus {
 			$r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `nurl` IN ('%s', '%s') AND `network` != '%s'",
 				intval($importer["uid"]), dbesc(normalise_link($author["author-link"])),
 				dbesc(normalise_link($aliaslink)), dbesc(NETWORK_STATUSNET));
 			if (dbm::is_result($r)) {
 				$contact = $r[0];
 				$author["contact-id"] = $r[0]["id"];
@@ -79,6 +80,7 @@ class ostatus {
 			// Should not happen
 			$contact = dba::fetch_first("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = ? AND `addr` = ? AND `network` != ?",
 					$importer["uid"], $addr, NETWORK_STATUSNET);
 			if (dbm::is_result($contact)) {
 				$author["contact-id"] = $contact["id"];
 				$author["author-link"] = $contact["url"];
@@ -87,17 +89,20 @@ class ostatus {
 		$avatarlist = array();
 		$avatars = $xpath->query("atom:author/atom:link[@rel='avatar']", $context);
-		foreach($avatars AS $avatar) {
+		foreach ($avatars AS $avatar) {
 			$href = "";
 			$width = 0;
-			foreach($avatar->attributes AS $attributes) {
-				if ($attributes->name == "href")
+			foreach ($avatar->attributes AS $attributes) {
+				if ($attributes->name == "href") {
 					$href = $attributes->textContent;
-				if ($attributes->name == "width")
+				}
+				if ($attributes->name == "width") {
 					$width = $attributes->textContent;
+				}
-			if (($width > 0) AND ($href != ""))
+			if (($width > 0) AND ($href != "")) {
 				$avatarlist[$width] = $href;
+			}
 		if (count($avatarlist) > 0) {
@@ -105,8 +110,9 @@ class ostatus {
 		$displayname = $xpath->evaluate('atom:author/poco:displayName/text()', $context)->item(0)->nodeValue;
-		if ($displayname != "")
+		if ($displayname != "") {
 			$author["author-name"] = $displayname;
+		}
 		$author["owner-name"] = $author["author-name"];
 		$author["owner-link"] = $author["author-link"];
@@ -446,7 +452,7 @@ class ostatus {
 					foreach ($category->attributes AS $attributes) {
 						if ($attributes->name == "term") {
 							$term = $attributes->textContent;
-							if(strlen($item["tag"])) {
+							if (strlen($item["tag"])) {
 								$item["tag"] .= ',';
 							$item["tag"] .= "#[url=".App::get_baseurl()."/search?tag=".$term."]".$term."[/url]";
@@ -1146,6 +1152,7 @@ class ostatus {
+			/// @TODO One statment is okay (until if () )
 			$arr = array();
 			$arr["network"] = $details["network"];
 			$arr["uri"] = $single_conv->id;
@@ -2211,7 +2218,7 @@ class ostatus {
 		$owner = $r[0];
-		if(!strlen($last_update))
+		if (!strlen($last_update))
 			$last_update = 'now -30 days';
 		$check_date = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$last_update,'Y-m-d H:i:s');
diff --git a/include/uimport.php b/include/uimport.php
index 0ee15952af..eb971387fd 100644
--- a/include/uimport.php
+++ b/include/uimport.php
@@ -1,289 +1,293 @@
-use Friendica\App;
-define("IMPORT_DEBUG", False);
-function last_insert_id() {
-	global $db;
-		return 1;
-	return $db->insert_id();
-function last_error() {
-	global $db;
-	return $db->error;
- * Remove columns from array $arr that aren't in table $table
- *
- * @param string $table Table name
- * @param array &$arr Column=>Value array from json (by ref)
- */
-function check_cols($table, &$arr) {
-	$query = sprintf("SHOW COLUMNS IN `%s`", dbesc($table));
-	logger("uimport: $query", LOGGER_DEBUG);
-	$r = q($query);
-	$tcols = array();
-	// get a plain array of column names
-	foreach ($r as $tcol) {
-		$tcols[] = $tcol['Field'];
-	}
-	// remove inexistent columns
-	foreach ($arr as $icol => $ival) {
-		if (!in_array($icol, $tcols)) {
-			unset($arr[$icol]);
-		}
-	}
- * Import data into table $table
- *
- * @param string $table Table name
- * @param array $arr Column=>Value array from json
- */
-function db_import_assoc($table, $arr) {
-	if (isset($arr['id']))
-		unset($arr['id']);
-	check_cols($table, $arr);
-	$cols = implode("`,`", array_map('dbesc', array_keys($arr)));
-	$vals = implode("','", array_map('dbesc', array_values($arr)));
-	$query = "INSERT INTO `$table` (`$cols`) VALUES ('$vals')";
-	logger("uimport: $query", LOGGER_TRACE);
-		return true;
-	return q($query);
-function import_cleanup($newuid) {
-	q("DELETE FROM `user` WHERE uid = %d", $newuid);
-	q("DELETE FROM `contact` WHERE uid = %d", $newuid);
-	q("DELETE FROM `profile` WHERE uid = %d", $newuid);
-	q("DELETE FROM `photo` WHERE uid = %d", $newuid);
-	q("DELETE FROM `group` WHERE uid = %d", $newuid);
-	q("DELETE FROM `group_member` WHERE uid = %d", $newuid);
-	q("DELETE FROM `pconfig` WHERE uid = %d", $newuid);
- * @brief Import account file exported from mod/uexport
- *
- * @param App $a Friendica App Class
- * @param array $file array from $_FILES
- */
-function import_account(App $a, $file) {
-	logger("Start user import from " . $file['tmp_name']);
-	/*
-	  1. checks
-	  2. replace old baseurl with new baseurl
-	  3. import data (look at user id and contacts id)
-	  4. archive non-dfrn contacts
-	  5. send message to dfrn contacts
-	 */
-	$account = json_decode(file_get_contents($file['tmp_name']), true);
-	if ($account === null) {
-		notice(t("Error decoding account file"));
-		return;
-	}
-	if (!x($account, 'version')) {
-		notice(t("Error! No version data in file! This is not a Friendica account file?"));
-		return;
-	}
-	/*
-	// this is not required as we remove columns in json not in current db schema
-	if ($account['schema'] != DB_UPDATE_VERSION) {
-		notice(t("Error! I can't import this file: DB schema version is not compatible."));
-		return;
-	}
-	*/
-	// check for username
-	$r = q("SELECT uid FROM user WHERE nickname='%s'", $account['user']['nickname']);
-	if ($r === false) {
-		logger("uimport:check nickname : ERROR : " . last_error(), LOGGER_NORMAL);
-		notice(t('Error! Cannot check nickname'));
-		return;
-	}
-	if (dbm::is_result($r) > 0) {
-		notice(sprintf(t("User '%s' already exists on this server!"), $account['user']['nickname']));
-		return;
-	}
-	// check if username matches deleted account
-	$r = q("SELECT id FROM userd WHERE username='%s'", $account['user']['nickname']);
-	if ($r === false) {
-		logger("uimport:check nickname : ERROR : " . last_error(), LOGGER_NORMAL);
-		notice(t('Error! Cannot check nickname'));
-		return;
-	}
-	if (dbm::is_result($r) > 0) {
-		notice(sprintf(t("User '%s' already exists on this server!"), $account['user']['nickname']));
-		return;
-	}
-	$oldbaseurl = $account['baseurl'];
-	$newbaseurl = App::get_baseurl();
-	$olduid = $account['user']['uid'];
-        unset($account['user']['uid']);
-        unset($account['user']['account_expired']);
-        unset($account['user']['account_expires_on']);
-        unset($account['user']['expire_notification_sent']);
-	foreach ($account['user'] as $k => &$v) {
-		$v = str_replace($oldbaseurl, $newbaseurl, $v);
-	}
-	// import user
-	$r = db_import_assoc('user', $account['user']);
-	if ($r === false) {
-		//echo "<pre>"; var_dump($r, $query, mysql_error()); killme();
-		logger("uimport:insert user : ERROR : " . last_error(), LOGGER_NORMAL);
-		notice(t("User creation error"));
-		return;
-	}
-	$newuid = last_insert_id();
-	//~ $newuid = 1;
-	// Generate a new guid for the account. Otherwise there will be problems with diaspora
-	q("UPDATE `user` SET `guid` = '%s' WHERE `uid` = %d",
-		dbesc(generate_user_guid()), intval($newuid));
-	foreach ($account['profile'] as &$profile) {
-		foreach ($profile as $k => &$v) {
-			$v = str_replace($oldbaseurl, $newbaseurl, $v);
-			foreach (array("profile", "avatar") as $k)
-				$v = str_replace($oldbaseurl . "/photo/" . $k . "/" . $olduid . ".jpg", $newbaseurl . "/photo/" . $k . "/" . $newuid . ".jpg", $v);
-		}
-		$profile['uid'] = $newuid;
-		$r = db_import_assoc('profile', $profile);
-		if ($r === false) {
-			logger("uimport:insert profile " . $profile['profile-name'] . " : ERROR : " . last_error(), LOGGER_NORMAL);
-			info(t("User profile creation error"));
-			import_cleanup($newuid);
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	$errorcount = 0;
-	foreach ($account['contact'] as &$contact) {
-		if ($contact['uid'] == $olduid && $contact['self'] == '1') {
-			foreach ($contact as $k => &$v) {
-				$v = str_replace($oldbaseurl, $newbaseurl, $v);
-				foreach (array("profile", "avatar", "micro") as $k)
-					$v = str_replace($oldbaseurl . "/photo/" . $k . "/" . $olduid . ".jpg", $newbaseurl . "/photo/" . $k . "/" . $newuid . ".jpg", $v);
-			}
-		}
-		if ($contact['uid'] == $olduid && $contact['self'] == '0') {
-			// set contacts 'avatar-date' to NULL_DATE to let poller to update urls
-			$contact["avatar-date"] = NULL_DATE;
-			switch ($contact['network']) {
-				case NETWORK_DFRN:
-					//  send relocate message (below)
-					break;
-				case NETWORK_ZOT:
-					/// @TODO handle zot network
-					break;
-				case NETWORK_MAIL2:
-					/// @TODO ?
-					break;
-				case NETWORK_FEED:
-				case NETWORK_MAIL:
-					// Nothing to do
-					break;
-				default:
-					// archive other contacts
-					$contact['archive'] = "1";
-			}
-		}
-		$contact['uid'] = $newuid;
-		$r = db_import_assoc('contact', $contact);
-		if ($r === false) {
-			logger("uimport:insert contact " . $contact['nick'] . "," . $contact['network'] . " : ERROR : " . last_error(), LOGGER_NORMAL);
-			$errorcount++;
-		} else {
-			$contact['newid'] = last_insert_id();
-		}
-	}
-	if ($errorcount > 0) {
-		notice(sprintf(tt("%d contact not imported", "%d contacts not imported", $errorcount), $errorcount));
-	}
-	foreach ($account['group'] as &$group) {
-		$group['uid'] = $newuid;
-		$r = db_import_assoc('group', $group);
-		if ($r === false) {
-			logger("uimport:insert group " . $group['name'] . " : ERROR : " . last_error(), LOGGER_NORMAL);
-		} else {
-			$group['newid'] = last_insert_id();
-		}
-	}
-	foreach ($account['group_member'] as &$group_member) {
-		$group_member['uid'] = $newuid;
-		$import = 0;
-		foreach ($account['group'] as $group) {
-			if ($group['id'] == $group_member['gid'] && isset($group['newid'])) {
-				$group_member['gid'] = $group['newid'];
-				$import++;
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-		foreach ($account['contact'] as $contact) {
-			if ($contact['id'] == $group_member['contact-id'] && isset($contact['newid'])) {
-				$group_member['contact-id'] = $contact['newid'];
-				$import++;
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-		if ($import == 2) {
-			$r = db_import_assoc('group_member', $group_member);
-			if ($r === false) {
-				logger("uimport:insert group member " . $group_member['id'] . " : ERROR : " . last_error(), LOGGER_NORMAL);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	foreach ($account['photo'] as &$photo) {
-		$photo['uid'] = $newuid;
-		$photo['data'] = hex2bin($photo['data']);
-		$p = new Photo($photo['data'], $photo['type']);
-		$r = $p->store(
-				$photo['uid'], $photo['contact-id'], //0
-				$photo['resource-id'], $photo['filename'], $photo['album'], $photo['scale'], $photo['profile'], //1
-				$photo['allow_cid'], $photo['allow_gid'], $photo['deny_cid'], $photo['deny_gid']
-		);
-		if ($r === false) {
-			logger("uimport:insert photo " . $photo['resource-id'] . "," . $photo['scale'] . " : ERROR : " . last_error(), LOGGER_NORMAL);
-		}
-	}
-	foreach ($account['pconfig'] as &$pconfig) {
-		$pconfig['uid'] = $newuid;
-		$r = db_import_assoc('pconfig', $pconfig);
-		if ($r === false) {
-			logger("uimport:insert pconfig " . $pconfig['id'] . " : ERROR : " . last_error(), LOGGER_NORMAL);
-		}
-	}
-	// send relocate messages
-	proc_run(PRIORITY_HIGH, 'include/notifier.php', 'relocate', $newuid);
-	info(t("Done. You can now login with your username and password"));
-	goaway(App::get_baseurl() . "/login");
+use Friendica\App;
+define("IMPORT_DEBUG", False);
+function last_insert_id() {
+	global $db;
+		return 1;
+	}
+	return $db->insert_id();
+function last_error() {
+	global $db;
+	return $db->error;
+ * Remove columns from array $arr that aren't in table $table
+ *
+ * @param string $table Table name
+ * @param array &$arr Column=>Value array from json (by ref)
+ */
+function check_cols($table, &$arr) {
+	$query = sprintf("SHOW COLUMNS IN `%s`", dbesc($table));
+	logger("uimport: $query", LOGGER_DEBUG);
+	$r = q($query);
+	$tcols = array();
+	// get a plain array of column names
+	foreach ($r as $tcol) {
+		$tcols[] = $tcol['Field'];
+	}
+	// remove inexistent columns
+	foreach ($arr as $icol => $ival) {
+		if (!in_array($icol, $tcols)) {
+			unset($arr[$icol]);
+		}
+	}
+ * Import data into table $table
+ *
+ * @param string $table Table name
+ * @param array $arr Column=>Value array from json
+ */
+function db_import_assoc($table, $arr) {
+	if (isset($arr['id']))
+		unset($arr['id']);
+	check_cols($table, $arr);
+	$cols = implode("`,`", array_map('dbesc', array_keys($arr)));
+	$vals = implode("','", array_map('dbesc', array_values($arr)));
+	$query = "INSERT INTO `$table` (`$cols`) VALUES ('$vals')";
+	logger("uimport: $query", LOGGER_TRACE);
+		return true;
+	}
+	return q($query);
+function import_cleanup($newuid) {
+	q("DELETE FROM `user` WHERE uid = %d", $newuid);
+	q("DELETE FROM `contact` WHERE uid = %d", $newuid);
+	q("DELETE FROM `profile` WHERE uid = %d", $newuid);
+	q("DELETE FROM `photo` WHERE uid = %d", $newuid);
+	q("DELETE FROM `group` WHERE uid = %d", $newuid);
+	q("DELETE FROM `group_member` WHERE uid = %d", $newuid);
+	q("DELETE FROM `pconfig` WHERE uid = %d", $newuid);
+ * @brief Import account file exported from mod/uexport
+ *
+ * @param App $a Friendica App Class
+ * @param array $file array from $_FILES
+ */
+function import_account(App $a, $file) {
+	logger("Start user import from " . $file['tmp_name']);
+	/*
+	  1. checks
+	  2. replace old baseurl with new baseurl
+	  3. import data (look at user id and contacts id)
+	  4. archive non-dfrn contacts
+	  5. send message to dfrn contacts
+	 */
+	$account = json_decode(file_get_contents($file['tmp_name']), true);
+	if ($account === null) {
+		notice(t("Error decoding account file"));
+		return;
+	}
+	if (!x($account, 'version')) {
+		notice(t("Error! No version data in file! This is not a Friendica account file?"));
+		return;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * @TODO Old-lost code?
+	// this is not required as we remove columns in json not in current db schema
+	if ($account['schema'] != DB_UPDATE_VERSION) {
+		notice(t("Error! I can't import this file: DB schema version is not compatible."));
+		return;
+	}
+	*/
+	// check for username
+	$r = q("SELECT uid FROM user WHERE nickname='%s'", $account['user']['nickname']);
+	if ($r === false) {
+		logger("uimport:check nickname : ERROR : " . last_error(), LOGGER_NORMAL);
+		notice(t('Error! Cannot check nickname'));
+		return;
+	}
+	if (dbm::is_result($r) > 0) {
+		notice(sprintf(t("User '%s' already exists on this server!"), $account['user']['nickname']));
+		return;
+	}
+	// check if username matches deleted account
+	$r = q("SELECT id FROM userd WHERE username='%s'", $account['user']['nickname']);
+	if ($r === false) {
+		logger("uimport:check nickname : ERROR : " . last_error(), LOGGER_NORMAL);
+		notice(t('Error! Cannot check nickname'));
+		return;
+	}
+	if (dbm::is_result($r) > 0) {
+		notice(sprintf(t("User '%s' already exists on this server!"), $account['user']['nickname']));
+		return;
+	}
+	$oldbaseurl = $account['baseurl'];
+	$newbaseurl = App::get_baseurl();
+	$olduid = $account['user']['uid'];
+	unset($account['user']['uid']);
+	unset($account['user']['account_expired']);
+	unset($account['user']['account_expires_on']);
+	unset($account['user']['expire_notification_sent']);
+	foreach ($account['user'] as $k => &$v) {
+		$v = str_replace($oldbaseurl, $newbaseurl, $v);
+	}
+	// import user
+	$r = db_import_assoc('user', $account['user']);
+	if ($r === false) {
+		//echo "<pre>"; var_dump($r, $query, mysql_error()); killme();
+		logger("uimport:insert user : ERROR : " . last_error(), LOGGER_NORMAL);
+		notice(t("User creation error"));
+		return;
+	}
+	$newuid = last_insert_id();
+	//~ $newuid = 1;
+	// Generate a new guid for the account. Otherwise there will be problems with diaspora
+	q("UPDATE `user` SET `guid` = '%s' WHERE `uid` = %d",
+		dbesc(generate_user_guid()), intval($newuid));
+	foreach ($account['profile'] as &$profile) {
+		foreach ($profile as $k => &$v) {
+			$v = str_replace($oldbaseurl, $newbaseurl, $v);
+			foreach (array("profile", "avatar") as $k) {
+				$v = str_replace($oldbaseurl . "/photo/" . $k . "/" . $olduid . ".jpg", $newbaseurl . "/photo/" . $k . "/" . $newuid . ".jpg", $v);
+			}
+		}
+		$profile['uid'] = $newuid;
+		$r = db_import_assoc('profile', $profile);
+		if ($r === false) {
+			logger("uimport:insert profile " . $profile['profile-name'] . " : ERROR : " . last_error(), LOGGER_NORMAL);
+			info(t("User profile creation error"));
+			import_cleanup($newuid);
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+	$errorcount = 0;
+	foreach ($account['contact'] as &$contact) {
+		if ($contact['uid'] == $olduid && $contact['self'] == '1') {
+			foreach ($contact as $k => &$v) {
+				$v = str_replace($oldbaseurl, $newbaseurl, $v);
+				foreach (array("profile", "avatar", "micro") as $k) {
+					$v = str_replace($oldbaseurl . "/photo/" . $k . "/" . $olduid . ".jpg", $newbaseurl . "/photo/" . $k . "/" . $newuid . ".jpg", $v);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if ($contact['uid'] == $olduid && $contact['self'] == '0') {
+			// set contacts 'avatar-date' to NULL_DATE to let poller to update urls
+			$contact["avatar-date"] = NULL_DATE;
+			switch ($contact['network']) {
+				case NETWORK_DFRN:
+					//  send relocate message (below)
+					break;
+				case NETWORK_ZOT:
+					/// @TODO handle zot network
+					break;
+				case NETWORK_MAIL2:
+					/// @TODO ?
+					break;
+				case NETWORK_FEED:
+				case NETWORK_MAIL:
+					// Nothing to do
+					break;
+				default:
+					// archive other contacts
+					$contact['archive'] = "1";
+			}
+		}
+		$contact['uid'] = $newuid;
+		$r = db_import_assoc('contact', $contact);
+		if ($r === false) {
+			logger("uimport:insert contact " . $contact['nick'] . "," . $contact['network'] . " : ERROR : " . last_error(), LOGGER_NORMAL);
+			$errorcount++;
+		} else {
+			$contact['newid'] = last_insert_id();
+		}
+	}
+	if ($errorcount > 0) {
+		notice(sprintf(tt("%d contact not imported", "%d contacts not imported", $errorcount), $errorcount));
+	}
+	foreach ($account['group'] as &$group) {
+		$group['uid'] = $newuid;
+		$r = db_import_assoc('group', $group);
+		if ($r === false) {
+			logger("uimport:insert group " . $group['name'] . " : ERROR : " . last_error(), LOGGER_NORMAL);
+		} else {
+			$group['newid'] = last_insert_id();
+		}
+	}
+	foreach ($account['group_member'] as &$group_member) {
+		$group_member['uid'] = $newuid;
+		$import = 0;
+		foreach ($account['group'] as $group) {
+			if ($group['id'] == $group_member['gid'] && isset($group['newid'])) {
+				$group_member['gid'] = $group['newid'];
+				$import++;
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		foreach ($account['contact'] as $contact) {
+			if ($contact['id'] == $group_member['contact-id'] && isset($contact['newid'])) {
+				$group_member['contact-id'] = $contact['newid'];
+				$import++;
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		if ($import == 2) {
+			$r = db_import_assoc('group_member', $group_member);
+			if ($r === false) {
+				logger("uimport:insert group member " . $group_member['id'] . " : ERROR : " . last_error(), LOGGER_NORMAL);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	foreach ($account['photo'] as &$photo) {
+		$photo['uid'] = $newuid;
+		$photo['data'] = hex2bin($photo['data']);
+		$p = new Photo($photo['data'], $photo['type']);
+		$r = $p->store(
+				$photo['uid'], $photo['contact-id'], //0
+				$photo['resource-id'], $photo['filename'], $photo['album'], $photo['scale'], $photo['profile'], //1
+				$photo['allow_cid'], $photo['allow_gid'], $photo['deny_cid'], $photo['deny_gid']
+		);
+		if ($r === false) {
+			logger("uimport:insert photo " . $photo['resource-id'] . "," . $photo['scale'] . " : ERROR : " . last_error(), LOGGER_NORMAL);
+		}
+	}
+	foreach ($account['pconfig'] as &$pconfig) {
+		$pconfig['uid'] = $newuid;
+		$r = db_import_assoc('pconfig', $pconfig);
+		if ($r === false) {
+			logger("uimport:insert pconfig " . $pconfig['id'] . " : ERROR : " . last_error(), LOGGER_NORMAL);
+		}
+	}
+	// send relocate messages
+	proc_run(PRIORITY_HIGH, 'include/notifier.php', 'relocate', $newuid);
+	info(t("Done. You can now login with your username and password"));
+	goaway(App::get_baseurl() . "/login");
diff --git a/mod/login.php b/mod/login.php
index 79bd04862e..09f1f5d5cc 100644
--- a/mod/login.php
+++ b/mod/login.php
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ function login_content(App $a) {
 	if (x($_SESSION, 'theme')) {
 	if (x($_SESSION, 'mobile-theme')) {
@@ -13,6 +14,6 @@ function login_content(App $a) {
 	if (local_user()) {
 	return login(($a->config['register_policy'] == REGISTER_CLOSED) ? false : true);
diff --git a/mod/pretheme.php b/mod/pretheme.php
index e5bebc4eb7..b4eaa05536 100644
--- a/mod/pretheme.php
+++ b/mod/pretheme.php
@@ -19,6 +19,6 @@ function pretheme_init(App $a) {
 		echo json_encode(array('img' => get_theme_screenshot($theme), 'desc' => $desc, 'version' => $version, 'credits' => $credits));
diff --git a/mod/uimport.php b/mod/uimport.php
index 127933b96e..b9bde23880 100644
--- a/mod/uimport.php
+++ b/mod/uimport.php
@@ -1,77 +1,77 @@
- * View for user import
- */
-use Friendica\App;
-function uimport_post(App $a) {
-	switch ($a->config['register_policy']) {
-			$blocked = 0;
-			$verified = 1;
-			break;
-			$blocked = 1;
-			$verified = 0;
-			break;
-		default:
-			if ((!x($_SESSION, 'authenticated') && (!x($_SESSION, 'administrator')))) {
-				notice(t('Permission denied.') . EOL);
-				return;
-			}
-			$blocked = 1;
-			$verified = 0;
-			break;
-	}
-	if (x($_FILES, 'accountfile')) {
-		/// @TODO Pass $blocked / $verified, send email to admin on REGISTER_APPROVE
-		import_account($a, $_FILES['accountfile']);
-		return;
-	}
-function uimport_content(App $a) {
-	if ((!local_user()) && ($a->config['register_policy'] == REGISTER_CLOSED)) {
-		notice("Permission denied." . EOL);
-		return;
-	}
-	$max_dailies = intval(get_config('system', 'max_daily_registrations'));
-	if ($max_dailies) {
-		$r = q("select count(*) as total from user where register_date > UTC_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL 1 day");
-		if ($r && $r[0]['total'] >= $max_dailies) {
-			logger('max daily registrations exceeded.');
-			notice(t('This site has exceeded the number of allowed daily account registrations. Please try again tomorrow.') . EOL);
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	if (x($_SESSION, 'theme')) {
-		unset($_SESSION['theme']);
-	}
-	if (x($_SESSION, 'mobile-theme')) {
-		unset($_SESSION['mobile-theme']);
-	}
-	$tpl = get_markup_template("uimport.tpl");
-	return replace_macros($tpl, array(
-		'$regbutt' => t('Import'),
-		'$import' => array(
-			'title' => t("Move account"),
-			'intro' => t("You can import an account from another Friendica server."),
-			'instruct' => t("You need to export your account from the old server and upload it here. We will recreate your old account here with all your contacts. We will try also to inform your friends that you moved here."),
-			'warn' => t("This feature is experimental. We can't import contacts from the OStatus network (GNU Social/Statusnet) or from Diaspora"),
-			'field' => array('accountfile', t('Account file'), '<input id="id_accountfile" name="accountfile" type="file">', t('To export your account, go to "Settings->Export your personal data" and select "Export account"')),
-		),
-	));
+ * View for user import
+ */
+use Friendica\App;
+function uimport_post(App $a) {
+	switch ($a->config['register_policy']) {
+			$blocked = 0;
+			$verified = 1;
+			break;
+			$blocked = 1;
+			$verified = 0;
+			break;
+		default:
+			if ((!x($_SESSION, 'authenticated') && (!x($_SESSION, 'administrator')))) {
+				notice(t('Permission denied.') . EOL);
+				return;
+			}
+			$blocked = 1;
+			$verified = 0;
+			break;
+	}
+	if (x($_FILES, 'accountfile')) {
+		/// @TODO Pass $blocked / $verified, send email to admin on REGISTER_APPROVE
+		import_account($a, $_FILES['accountfile']);
+		return;
+	}
+function uimport_content(App $a) {
+	if ((!local_user()) && ($a->config['register_policy'] == REGISTER_CLOSED)) {
+		notice("Permission denied." . EOL);
+		return;
+	}
+	$max_dailies = intval(get_config('system', 'max_daily_registrations'));
+	if ($max_dailies) {
+		$r = q("select count(*) as total from user where register_date > UTC_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL 1 day");
+		if ($r && $r[0]['total'] >= $max_dailies) {
+			logger('max daily registrations exceeded.');
+			notice(t('This site has exceeded the number of allowed daily account registrations. Please try again tomorrow.') . EOL);
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+	if (x($_SESSION, 'theme')) {
+		unset($_SESSION['theme']);
+	}
+	if (x($_SESSION, 'mobile-theme')) {
+		unset($_SESSION['mobile-theme']);
+	}
+	$tpl = get_markup_template("uimport.tpl");
+	return replace_macros($tpl, array(
+		'$regbutt' => t('Import'),
+		'$import' => array(
+			'title' => t("Move account"),
+			'intro' => t("You can import an account from another Friendica server."),
+			'instruct' => t("You need to export your account from the old server and upload it here. We will recreate your old account here with all your contacts. We will try also to inform your friends that you moved here."),
+			'warn' => t("This feature is experimental. We can't import contacts from the OStatus network (GNU Social/Statusnet) or from Diaspora"),
+			'field' => array('accountfile', t('Account file'), '<input id="id_accountfile" name="accountfile" type="file">', t('To export your account, go to "Settings->Export your personal data" and select "Export account"')),
+		),
+	));
diff --git a/view/php/default.php b/view/php/default.php
index 17d4961fcd..5adef21a2d 100644
--- a/view/php/default.php
+++ b/view/php/default.php
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html >
-<html itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Blog" lang="<?php echo $lang; ?>">
-  <title><?php if(x($page,'title')) echo $page['title'] ?></title>
-  <script>var baseurl="<?php echo Friendica\App::get_baseurl() ?>";</script>
-  <?php if(x($page,'htmlhead')) echo $page['htmlhead'] ?>
-	<?php if(x($page,'nav')) echo $page['nav']; ?>
-	<aside><?php if(x($page,'aside')) echo $page['aside']; ?></aside>
-	<section>
-		<?php if(x($page,'content')) echo $page['content']; ?>
-		<div id="pause"></div> <!-- The pause/resume Ajax indicator -->
-		<div id="page-footer"></div>
-	</section>
-	<right_aside><?php if(x($page,'right_aside')) echo $page['right_aside']; ?></right_aside>
-	<footer><?php if(x($page,'footer')) echo $page['footer']; ?></footer>
+<!DOCTYPE html >
+<html itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Blog" lang="<?php echo $lang; ?>">
+  <title><?php if(x($page,'title')) echo $page['title'] ?></title>
+  <script>var baseurl="<?php echo Friendica\App::get_baseurl() ?>";</script>
+  <?php if(x($page,'htmlhead')) echo $page['htmlhead'] ?>
+	<?php if(x($page,'nav')) echo $page['nav']; ?>
+	<aside><?php if(x($page,'aside')) echo $page['aside']; ?></aside>
+	<section>
+		<?php if(x($page,'content')) echo $page['content']; ?>
+		<div id="pause"></div> <!-- The pause/resume Ajax indicator -->
+		<div id="page-footer"></div>
+	</section>
+	<right_aside><?php if(x($page,'right_aside')) echo $page['right_aside']; ?></right_aside>
+	<footer><?php if(x($page,'footer')) echo $page['footer']; ?></footer>
diff --git a/view/php/minimal.php b/view/php/minimal.php
index 39888630a4..9831ca5e55 100644
--- a/view/php/minimal.php
+++ b/view/php/minimal.php
@@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html >
-  <title><?php if(x($page,'title')) echo $page['title'] ?></title>
-  <script>var baseurl="<?php echo Friendica\App::get_baseurl() ?>";</script>
-  <?php if(x($page,'htmlhead')) echo $page['htmlhead'] ?>
-	<section class="minimal" style="margin:0px!important; padding:0px!important; float:none!important;display:block!important;"><?php if(x($page,'content')) echo $page['content']; ?>
-		<div id="page-footer"></div>
-	</section>
+<!DOCTYPE html >
+  <title><?php if(x($page,'title')) echo $page['title'] ?></title>
+  <script>var baseurl="<?php echo Friendica\App::get_baseurl() ?>";</script>
+  <?php if(x($page,'htmlhead')) echo $page['htmlhead'] ?>
+	<section class="minimal" style="margin:0px!important; padding:0px!important; float:none!important;display:block!important;"><?php if(x($page,'content')) echo $page['content']; ?>
+		<div id="page-footer"></div>
+	</section>
diff --git a/view/templates/group_drop.tpl b/view/templates/group_drop.tpl
index 0e3c320a94..b9a6953d8b 100644
--- a/view/templates/group_drop.tpl
+++ b/view/templates/group_drop.tpl
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 <div class="group-delete-wrapper button" id="group-delete-wrapper-{{$id}}" >
-	<a href="group/drop/{{$id}}?t={{$form_security_token}}" 
-		onclick="return confirmDelete();" 
-		id="group-delete-icon-{{$id}}" 
-		class="icon drophide group-delete-icon" 
-		onmouseover="imgbright(this);" 
-		onmouseout="imgdull(this);" 
+	<a href="group/drop/{{$id}}?t={{$form_security_token}}"
+		onclick="return confirmDelete();"
+		id="group-delete-icon-{{$id}}"
+		class="icon drophide group-delete-icon"
+		onmouseover="imgbright(this);"
+		onmouseout="imgdull(this);"
diff --git a/view/templates/groupeditor.tpl b/view/templates/groupeditor.tpl
index 28abc486ed..bde686040b 100644
--- a/view/templates/groupeditor.tpl
+++ b/view/templates/groupeditor.tpl
@@ -59,4 +59,3 @@
 	<div id="group-all-contacts-end"></div>
diff --git a/view/theme/frio/js/mod_group.js b/view/theme/frio/js/mod_group.js
index e6d73809e0..bc513aca9e 100644
--- a/view/theme/frio/js/mod_group.js
+++ b/view/theme/frio/js/mod_group.js
@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@
+$(document).ready(function() {
 	// Add an event listeners on buttons for switching the contact list view
-	$("body").on("click", ".group-list-switcher", function(){
+	$("body").on("click", ".group-list-switcher", function() {
@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@ $(document).ready(function(){
  * @brief Change the group membership of the contacts and fetch the new grup list
  * as html
- * 
+ *
  * @param {int} gid The group ID
  * @param {int} cid The contact ID
  * @param {string} sec_token The security token
- * 
+ *
  * @returns {undefined}
 function groupChangeMember(gid, cid, sec_token) {
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ function groupChangeMember(gid, cid, sec_token) {
  * @brief Change the group list view mode
- * 
+ *
  * @param {object} elm The button element of the view mode switcher
  * @returns {undefined}
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ function switchGroupViewMode(elm) {
 		// Add or remove the css classes for the group list with regard to the active view mode
-		if (elm.id === "group-list-small") {			
+		if (elm.id === "group-list-small") {
 			$("#contact-group-list > li").addClass("shortmode col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-12");
 		} else {
 			$("#contact-group-list > li").removeClass("shortmode col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-12");
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ function switchGroupViewMode(elm) {
  * @brief Filter the group member list for contacts
- * 
+ *
  * @returns {undefined}
 function filterList() {
diff --git a/view/theme/frio/templates/admin_aside.tpl b/view/theme/frio/templates/admin_aside.tpl
index 2ef95fa26e..ec19ec92e9 100644
--- a/view/theme/frio/templates/admin_aside.tpl
+++ b/view/theme/frio/templates/admin_aside.tpl
@@ -83,4 +83,3 @@
diff --git a/view/theme/frio/templates/group_edit.tpl b/view/theme/frio/templates/group_edit.tpl
index 7f735469be..d94dd3311d 100644
--- a/view/theme/frio/templates/group_edit.tpl
+++ b/view/theme/frio/templates/group_edit.tpl
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-{{* This template is for the "group" module. It provides the user the possibility to 
+{{* This template is for the "group" module. It provides the user the possibility to
     modify a specific contact group (remove contact group, edit contact group name,
     add or remove contacts to the contact group.
@@ -40,11 +40,11 @@
 				<div class="col-md-2"></div>
 				<div class="col-md-8 ">
 					<div class="form-group form-group-search">
-						<input type="text" 
-							name="filter" 
-							id="contacts-search" 
-							class="search-input form-control form-search" 
-							onkeyup="filterList(); return false;" 
+						<input type="text"
+							name="filter"
+							id="contacts-search"
+							class="search-input form-control form-search"
+							onkeyup="filterList(); return false;"
 							onfocus="this.select(); return false;"
diff --git a/view/theme/frio/templates/groupeditor.tpl b/view/theme/frio/templates/groupeditor.tpl
index 7d412766f9..8d1db5b222 100644
--- a/view/theme/frio/templates/groupeditor.tpl
+++ b/view/theme/frio/templates/groupeditor.tpl
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 	<ul id="contact-group-list" class="viewcontact_wrapper media-list">
 		{{* The contacts who are already members of the contact group *}}
-		{{foreach $groupeditor.members as $contact}} 
+		{{foreach $groupeditor.members as $contact}}
 			<li class="members active">{{include file="contact_template.tpl"}}</li>
diff --git a/view/theme/frost-mobile/php/default.php b/view/theme/frost-mobile/php/default.php
index 062ec3b8a9..9d920c2f62 100644
--- a/view/theme/frost-mobile/php/default.php
+++ b/view/theme/frost-mobile/php/default.php
@@ -1,45 +1,45 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html >
-<html lang="<?php echo $lang; ?>">
-  <title><?php if(x($page,'title')) echo $page['title'] ?></title>
-  <script>var baseurl="<?php echo Friendica\App::get_baseurl() ?>";</script>
-  <?php if(x($page,'htmlhead')) echo $page['htmlhead'] ?>
-<body <?php if($a->module === 'home') echo 'onLoad="setTimeout(\'homeRedirect()\', 1500)"'?>>
-	<?php if(x($page,'nav')) echo $page['nav']; ?>
-	<?php if( $a->module === 'home' ) { ?>
-	<center>
-	<div class="login-button">
-	<a href="login" class="login-button-link"><img class="login-button-image" src="images/friendica-1600.png" title="Click to log in"></a>
-	</div>
-	</center>
-	<?php } elseif ( $a->module === 'login' || $a->module === 'register' || $a->module === 'lostpass' ) {
-	?>
-	<div class='section-wrapper'>
-	<section><?php if(x($page,'content')) echo $page['content']; ?>
-	</section>
-	</div>
-	<footer><?php if(x($page,'footer')) echo $page['footer']; ?></footer>
-	<?php } else { ?>
-	<div class='main-container'>
-<!--		<div class='main-content-container'>-->
-		<div class='section-wrapper'>
-		<?php if( ($a->module === 'settings' || $a->module === 'message' || $a->module === 'profile') && x($page,'aside')) echo $page['aside']; ?>
-		<section>
-			<?php if(x($page,'content')) echo $page['content']; ?>
-			<div id="pause"></div> <!-- The pause/resume Ajax indicator -->
-			<div id="page-footer"></div>
-		</section>
-		</div>
-		<right_aside><?php if(x($page,'right_aside')) echo $page['right_aside']; ?></right_aside>
-		<?php if( ($a->module === 'contacts') && x($page,'aside')) echo $page['aside']; ?>
-		<footer><?php if(x($page,'footer')) echo $page['footer']; ?></footer>
-<!--		</div>-->
-	</div>
-	<?php } ?>
-	<?php if(x($page,'end')) echo $page['end']; ?>
+<!DOCTYPE html >
+<html lang="<?php echo $lang; ?>">
+  <title><?php if(x($page,'title')) echo $page['title'] ?></title>
+  <script>var baseurl="<?php echo Friendica\App::get_baseurl() ?>";</script>
+  <?php if(x($page,'htmlhead')) echo $page['htmlhead'] ?>
+<body <?php if($a->module === 'home') echo 'onLoad="setTimeout(\'homeRedirect()\', 1500)"'?>>
+	<?php if(x($page,'nav')) echo $page['nav']; ?>
+	<?php if( $a->module === 'home' ) { ?>
+	<center>
+	<div class="login-button">
+	<a href="login" class="login-button-link"><img class="login-button-image" src="images/friendica-1600.png" title="Click to log in"></a>
+	</div>
+	</center>
+	<?php } elseif ( $a->module === 'login' || $a->module === 'register' || $a->module === 'lostpass' ) {
+	?>
+	<div class='section-wrapper'>
+	<section><?php if(x($page,'content')) echo $page['content']; ?>
+	</section>
+	</div>
+	<footer><?php if(x($page,'footer')) echo $page['footer']; ?></footer>
+	<?php } else { ?>
+	<div class='main-container'>
+<!--		<div class='main-content-container'>-->
+		<div class='section-wrapper'>
+		<?php if( ($a->module === 'settings' || $a->module === 'message' || $a->module === 'profile') && x($page,'aside')) echo $page['aside']; ?>
+		<section>
+			<?php if(x($page,'content')) echo $page['content']; ?>
+			<div id="pause"></div> <!-- The pause/resume Ajax indicator -->
+			<div id="page-footer"></div>
+		</section>
+		</div>
+		<right_aside><?php if(x($page,'right_aside')) echo $page['right_aside']; ?></right_aside>
+		<?php if( ($a->module === 'contacts') && x($page,'aside')) echo $page['aside']; ?>
+		<footer><?php if(x($page,'footer')) echo $page['footer']; ?></footer>
+<!--		</div>-->
+	</div>
+	<?php } ?>
+	<?php if(x($page,'end')) echo $page['end']; ?>
diff --git a/view/theme/frost/php/default.php b/view/theme/frost/php/default.php
index 306345d391..65632ee071 100644
--- a/view/theme/frost/php/default.php
+++ b/view/theme/frost/php/default.php
@@ -1,43 +1,43 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html >
-<html lang="<?php echo $lang; ?>">
-  <title><?php if(x($page,'title')) echo $page['title'] ?></title>
-  <script>var baseurl="<?php echo Friendica\App::get_baseurl() ?>";</script>
-  <?php if(x($page,'htmlhead')) echo $page['htmlhead'] ?>
-<body <?php if($a->module === 'home') echo 'onLoad="setTimeout(\'homeRedirect()\', 1500)"'?>>
-	<?php if(x($page,'nav')) echo $page['nav']; ?>
-	<?php if( $a->module === 'home' ) { ?>
-	<center>
-	<div class="login-button">
-	<a href="login" class="login-button-link"><img class="login-button-image" src="/images/friendica-1600.png" title="Click to log in"></a>
-	</div>
-	</center>
-	<?php } elseif ( $a->module === 'login' || $a->module === 'register' || $a->module === 'lostpass' ) {
-	?>
-	<div class='section-wrapper'>
-	<section><?php if(x($page,'content')) echo $page['content']; ?>
-	</section>
-	</div>
-	<footer><?php if(x($page,'footer')) echo $page['footer']; ?></footer>
-	<?php } else { ?>
-	<div class='main-container'>
-		<!--<div class='main-content-loading'><img src="/view/theme/frost/images/ajax-loader.gif" alt="Please wait..."></div>-->
-		<div class='main-content-container'>
-		<aside><?php if(x($page,'aside')) echo $page['aside']; ?></aside>
-		<section>
-			<?php if(x($page,'content')) echo $page['content']; ?>
-			<div id="pause"></div> <!-- The pause/resume Ajax indicator -->
-			<div id="page-footer"></div>
-		</section>
-		<right_aside><?php if(x($page,'right_aside')) echo $page['right_aside']; ?></right_aside>
-		<footer><?php if(x($page,'footer')) echo $page['footer']; ?></footer>
-		</div>
-	</div>
-	<?php } ?>
-	<?php if(x($page,'end')) echo $page['end']; ?>
+<!DOCTYPE html >
+<html lang="<?php echo $lang; ?>">
+  <title><?php if(x($page,'title')) echo $page['title'] ?></title>
+  <script>var baseurl="<?php echo Friendica\App::get_baseurl() ?>";</script>
+  <?php if(x($page,'htmlhead')) echo $page['htmlhead'] ?>
+<body <?php if($a->module === 'home') echo 'onLoad="setTimeout(\'homeRedirect()\', 1500)"'?>>
+	<?php if(x($page,'nav')) echo $page['nav']; ?>
+	<?php if( $a->module === 'home' ) { ?>
+	<center>
+	<div class="login-button">
+	<a href="login" class="login-button-link"><img class="login-button-image" src="/images/friendica-1600.png" title="Click to log in"></a>
+	</div>
+	</center>
+	<?php } elseif ( $a->module === 'login' || $a->module === 'register' || $a->module === 'lostpass' ) {
+	?>
+	<div class='section-wrapper'>
+	<section><?php if(x($page,'content')) echo $page['content']; ?>
+	</section>
+	</div>
+	<footer><?php if(x($page,'footer')) echo $page['footer']; ?></footer>
+	<?php } else { ?>
+	<div class='main-container'>
+		<!--<div class='main-content-loading'><img src="/view/theme/frost/images/ajax-loader.gif" alt="Please wait..."></div>-->
+		<div class='main-content-container'>
+		<aside><?php if(x($page,'aside')) echo $page['aside']; ?></aside>
+		<section>
+			<?php if(x($page,'content')) echo $page['content']; ?>
+			<div id="pause"></div> <!-- The pause/resume Ajax indicator -->
+			<div id="page-footer"></div>
+		</section>
+		<right_aside><?php if(x($page,'right_aside')) echo $page['right_aside']; ?></right_aside>
+		<footer><?php if(x($page,'footer')) echo $page['footer']; ?></footer>
+		</div>
+	</div>
+	<?php } ?>
+	<?php if(x($page,'end')) echo $page['end']; ?>