diff --git a/view/theme/frio/css/style.css b/view/theme/frio/css/style.css
index deb3436ded..eda0b3d718 100644
--- a/view/theme/frio/css/style.css
+++ b/view/theme/frio/css/style.css
@@ -953,6 +953,55 @@ aside .vcard #dfrn-request-link,
aside .vcard #wallmessage-link {
width: 100%;
+/* vcard-short-info */
+#nav-short-info .contact-wrapper {
+ margin-top: 2px;
+ height: 40px;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ padding-right: 20px;
+ margin-left: -14px;
+#vcard-short-photo-wrapper img,
+#nav-short-info .contact-wrapper img {
+ height: 34px;
+ width: 34px;
+ border-radius: 3px;
+#nav-short-info .contact-wrapper .media-body {
+ display: block;
+ height: 34px;
+ width: 100%;
+ text-overflow: ellipsis;
+#vcard-short-desc > .media-heading,
+#vcard-short-desc > .vcard-short-addr,
+#nav-short-info .contact-wrapper .media-heading,
+#nav-short-info .contact-wrapper #contact-entry-url-network {
+ text-overflow: ellipsis;
+ overflow: hidden;
+#vcard-short-desc > .media-heading,
+#nav-short-info .contact-wrapper .media-heading {
+ margin-bottom: 1px;
+ font-weight: bold;
+#nav-short-info .contact-wrapper .media-heading a {
+ color: #555;
+ font-size: 14px !important;
+#vcard-short-desc > .vcard-short-addr,
+#nav-short-info .contact-wrapper #contact-entry-url-network {
+ color: #777;
+ font-size: 12px;
+.network-content-wrapper > #viewcontact_wrapper-network,
+#nav-short-info .contact-wrapper .contact-photo-overlay,
+#nav-short-info .contact-wrapper .contact-actions{
+ display: none
aside #peoplefind-sidebar input,
aside #follow-sidebar input {
@@ -978,6 +1027,15 @@ aside #group-sidebar .sidebar-group-li .group-edit-tool:hover,
aside #saved-search-list .saved-search-li .savedsearchdrop:hover {
opacity: 1;
+aside #group-sidebar li .group-checkbox {
+ margin: 0;
+aside #group-sidebar li .group-edit-tool {
+ padding-right: 10px;
+aside #group-sidebar li .group-edit-tool:first-child {
+ padding-right: 0px;
/* contact block widget */
#contact-block .contact-block-content {
@@ -1707,7 +1765,7 @@ ul.dropdown-menu li:hover {
/* PAGES */
/* Profile-page */
-#profile-page, .photos-content-wrapper, .settings-content-wrapper,
+.generic-page-wrapper ,#profile-page, .profile_photo-content-wrapper, .photos-content-wrapper,
.contacts-content-wrapper, .suggest-content-wrapper, .common-content-wrapper,
.allfriends-content-wrapper, .match-content-wrapper, .dirfind-content-wrapper,
.directory-content-wrapper, .manage-content-wrapper, .notes-content-wrapper,
@@ -1982,6 +2040,62 @@ td.fc-day {
#event-edit-form-wrapper #event-edit-time {
padding: 10px 0;
+/* Profiles Page */
+.profile-listing-table {
+ display: table;
+ width: 100%;
+.profile-listing-row {
+ display: table-row;
+.profile-listing-cell {
+ display: table-cell;
+.profile-listing-photo {
+ width: 48px;
+ height: 48px;
+ margin: 10px 0px;
+#profile-listing-new-link-wrapper {
+ margin-bottom: 20px;
+.panel-group-settings {
+ margin-left: -15px;
+ margin-right: -15px;
+.panel-group-settings > .panel {
+ padding-left: 15px;
+ padding-right: 15px;
+.profiles-content-wrapper #profile-photo-upload-section {
+ display: none;
+ margin-left: -15px;
+ margin-right: -15px;
+ margin-top: 15px;
+ padding: 15px;
+#profile-photo-upload-close {
+ font-size: 14px;
+/* Settings */
+.section-subtitle-wrapper {
+ padding: 1px 10px;
+.panel .section-subtitle-wrapper a.accordion-toggle:before {
+ font-family: FontAwesome;
+ content: "\f0d7";
+ padding-right: 5px;
+.panel .section-subtitle-wrapper a.accordion-toggle.collapsed:before {
+ font-family: FontAwesome;
+ content: "\f0da";
+#settings-nick-wrapper {
+ margin-bottom: 20px;
+.group {
+ margin-left: 20px;
* Overwriting for transparency and other colors
diff --git a/view/theme/frio/frameworks/jquery-scrollspy/README.md b/view/theme/frio/frameworks/jquery-scrollspy/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5707f31fec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view/theme/frio/frameworks/jquery-scrollspy/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+# NOTE: This is the latest version of ScrollSpy, which includes a ton of bug fixes and efficiency improvements. It's recommended that you use this version for now instead of the official (which hasn't been updated in a while).
+# jQuery-ScrollSpy
+An adaptation of the Mootools Scrollspy (http://davidwalsh.name/mootools-scrollspy) plugin for jQuery
+(c) 2011 Samuel Alexander (https://github.com/sxalexander/jquery-scrollspy)
+(c) 2015 SoftwareSpot
+Released under The MIT License.
+## Description:
+ScrollSpy is a simple jQuery plugin for firing events based on where the user has scrolled to in a page.
+## Homepage:
+## Source:
+Hosted at GitHub; browse at:
+ https://github.com/softwarespot/jquery-scrollspy/tree/master
+Or clone from:
+ git://github.com/softwarespot/jquery-scrollspy.git
+## Usage:
+1. Insert the necessary elements in to your document's `` section, e.g.:
+2. Initialise ScrollSpy once the DOM has been loaded:
+Check out the /examples for more info !
+## Documentation:
+ScrollSpy function signature:
+ $('container').scrollspy(options, action)
+Default options for ScrollSpy:
+// default options for ScrollSpy
+var defaults = {
+ // the offset to be applied to the left and top positions of the container
+ buffer: 0,
+ // the element to apply the 'scrolling' event to (default window)
+ container: window,
+ // the maximum value of the X or Y coordinate, depending on mode the selected
+ max: 0,
+ // the maximum value of the X or Y coordinate, depending on mode the selected
+ min: 0,
+ // whether to listen to the X (horizontal) or Y (vertical) scrolling
+ mode: 'vertical',
+ // namespace to append to the 'scroll' event
+ namespace: 'scrollspy',
+ // call the following callback function every time the user enters the min / max zone
+ onEnter: null,
+ // call the following callback function every time the user leaves the min / max zone
+ onLeave: null,
+ // call the following callback function every time the user leaves the top zone
+ onLeaveTop: null,
+ // call the following callback function every time the user leaves the bottom zone
+ onLeaveBottom: null,
+ // call the following callback function on each scroll event within the min and max parameters
+ onTick: null,
+ // call the following callback function on each scroll event when the element is inside the viewable view port
+ onView: null
+Events are triggered by ScrollSpy are:
+ scrollTick: Fires on each scroll event within the min and max parameters:
+ position: an object with the current X and Y position.
+ inside: a Boolean value for whether or not the user is within the min and max parameters
+ enters: the number of times the min / max has been entered.
+ leaves: the number of times the min / max has been left.
+ scrollEnter: Fires every time the user enters the min / max zone:
+ position: an object with the current X and Y position.
+ enters: the number of times the min / max has been entered.
+ scrollLeave: Fires every time the user leaves the min / max zone:
+ position: an object with the current X and Y position.
+ leaves: the number of times the min / max has been left.
+ scrollLeaveTop: Fires every time the user leaves the top zone:
+ position: an object with the current X and Y position.
+ leaves: the number of times the min / max has been left.
+ scrollLeaveBottom: Fires every time the user leaves the bottom zone:
+ position: an object with the current X and Y position.
+ leaves: the number of times the min / max has been left.
+ scrollView: Fires every time the element is inside the viewable view port:
+ position: an object with the current X and Y position.
+ leaves: the number of times the min / max has been left.
+### Tidy up
+To destroy ScrollSpy for a particular container, simple pass 'destroy' as the action parameter. The only options that will be honoured are `container` and `namespace`.
+## A note about forking:
+By forking this project you hereby grant permission for any commits to your fork to be
+merged back into this repository and, with attribution, be released under the terms of
+the MIT License.
+## Contribute
+To contribute to the project, you will first need to install [node](https://nodejs.org) globally on your system. Once installation has completed, change the working directory to the plugin's location and run the following command:
+ npm install
+After installation of the local modules, you're ready to start contributing to the project. Before you submit your PR, please don't forget to call `gulp`, which will run against [JSHint](http://jshint.com) for any errors, but will also minify the plugin.
+##### Watch
+Call the following command to start 'watching' for any changes to the main JavaScript file(s). This will automatically invoke JSHint and Uglify.
+ gulp watch
+##### JSHint
+Call the following command to invoke JSHint and check that the changes meet the requirements set in .jshintrc.
+ gulp jshint
+##### Uglify
+Call the following command to invoke Uglify, which will minify the main JavaScript file(s) and output to a .min.js file respectively.
+ gulp uglify
+##### Build
+Call the following command to invoke both JSHint and Uglify.
+ gulp
diff --git a/view/theme/frio/frameworks/jquery-scrollspy/bower.json b/view/theme/frio/frameworks/jquery-scrollspy/bower.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8257ebdd83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view/theme/frio/frameworks/jquery-scrollspy/bower.json
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ "name": "jquery-scrollspy",
+ "homepage": "https://github.com/sxalexander/jquery-scrollspy/",
+ "description": "scrollspy is a simple jQuery plugin for firing events based on where the user has scrolled to in a page.",
+ "main": "jquery-scrollspy.min.js",
+ "keywords": [
+ "scrolling",
+ "scroll"
+ ],
+ "license": "MIT",
+ "ignore": [
+ ],
+ "dependencies": {
+ "jquery": ">=1.7.0"
+ },
+ "devDependencies": {
+ }
diff --git a/view/theme/frio/frameworks/jquery-scrollspy/gulpfile.js b/view/theme/frio/frameworks/jquery-scrollspy/gulpfile.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4c7563c5d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view/theme/frio/frameworks/jquery-scrollspy/gulpfile.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+/* global require */
+var gulp = require('gulp');
+var eslint = require('gulp-eslint');
+var gulpIf = require('gulp-if');
+var rename = require('gulp-rename');
+var uglify = require('gulp-uglify');
+// Assets for the project
+var Assets = {
+ main: './jquery-scrollspy.js',
+ minified: './jquery-scrollspy.min.js',
+ package: './package.json',
+ readme: './README.md',
+ source: './',
+// See the uglify documentation for more details
+var _uglifySettings = {
+ compress: {
+ comparisons: true,
+ conditionals: true,
+ /* jscs: disable */
+ dead_code: true,
+ drop_console: true,
+ /* jscs: enable */
+ unsafe: true,
+ unused: true,
+ },
+// Check the main js file(s) meets the following standards outlined in .eslintrc
+gulp.task('eslint', function esLintTask() {
+ // Has ESLint fixed the file contents?
+ function isFixed(file) {
+ return file.eslint !== undefined && file.eslint !== null && file.eslint.fixed;
+ }
+ return gulp.src(Assets.main)
+ .pipe(eslint({
+ fix: true,
+ useEslintrc: '.eslintrc',
+ }))
+ .pipe(eslint.format())
+ .pipe(gulpIf(isFixed, gulp.dest(Assets.source)));
+// Uglify aka minify the main file
+gulp.task('uglify', function uglifyTask() {
+ return gulp.src(Assets.main)
+ .pipe(uglify(_uglifySettings))
+ .pipe(rename(Assets.minified))
+ .pipe(gulp.dest(Assets.source));
+// Watch for changes to the main file
+gulp.task('watch', function watchTask() {
+ gulp.watch(Assets.main, ['eslint', 'uglify']);
+// Register the default task
+gulp.task('default', ['eslint', 'uglify']);
+// 'gulp eslint' to check the syntax of the main js file(s)
+// 'gulp uglify' to uglify the main file
diff --git a/view/theme/frio/frameworks/jquery-scrollspy/jquery-scrollspy.js b/view/theme/frio/frameworks/jquery-scrollspy/jquery-scrollspy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4fd4f53a6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view/theme/frio/frameworks/jquery-scrollspy/jquery-scrollspy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+ * jQuery ScrollSpy Plugin
+ * Author: @sxalexander, softwarespot
+ * Licensed under the MIT license
+ */
+(function jQueryScrollspy(window, $) {
+ // Plugin Logic
+ $.fn.extend({
+ scrollspy: function scrollspy(options, action) {
+ // If the options parameter is a string, then assume it's an 'action', therefore swap the parameters around
+ if (_isString(options)) {
+ var tempOptions = action;
+ // Set the action as the option parameter
+ action = options;
+ // Set to be the reference action pointed to
+ options = tempOptions;
+ }
+ // override the default options with those passed to the plugin
+ options = $.extend({}, _defaults, options);
+ // sanitize the following option with the default value if the predicate fails
+ _sanitizeOption(options, _defaults, 'container', _isObject);
+ // cache the jQuery object
+ var $container = $(options.container);
+ // check if it's a valid jQuery selector
+ if ($container.length === 0) {
+ return this;
+ }
+ // sanitize the following option with the default value if the predicate fails
+ _sanitizeOption(options, _defaults, 'namespace', _isString);
+ // check if the action is set to DESTROY/destroy
+ if (_isString(action) && action.toUpperCase() === 'DESTROY') {
+ $container.off('scroll.' + options.namespace);
+ return this;
+ }
+ // sanitize the following options with the default values if the predicates fails
+ _sanitizeOption(options, _defaults, 'buffer', $.isNumeric);
+ _sanitizeOption(options, _defaults, 'max', $.isNumeric);
+ _sanitizeOption(options, _defaults, 'min', $.isNumeric);
+ // callbacks
+ _sanitizeOption(options, _defaults, 'onEnter', $.isFunction);
+ _sanitizeOption(options, _defaults, 'onLeave', $.isFunction);
+ _sanitizeOption(options, _defaults, 'onLeaveTop', $.isFunction);
+ _sanitizeOption(options, _defaults, 'onLeaveBottom', $.isFunction);
+ _sanitizeOption(options, _defaults, 'onTick', $.isFunction);
+ if ($.isFunction(options.max)) {
+ options.max = options.max();
+ }
+ if ($.isFunction(options.min)) {
+ options.min = options.min();
+ }
+ // check if the mode is set to VERTICAL/vertical
+ var isVertical = window.String(options.mode).toUpperCase() === 'VERTICAL';
+ return this.each(function each() {
+ // cache this
+ var _this = this;
+ // cache the jQuery object
+ var $element = $(_this);
+ // count the number of times a container is entered
+ var enters = 0;
+ // determine if the scroll is with inside the container
+ var inside = false;
+ // count the number of times a container is left
+ var leaves = 0;
+ // create a scroll listener for the container
+ $container.on('scroll.' + options.namespace, function onScroll() {
+ // cache the jQuery object
+ var $this = $(this);
+ // create a position object literal
+ var position = {
+ top: $this.scrollTop(),
+ left: $this.scrollLeft(),
+ };
+ var containerHeight = $container.height();
+ var max = options.max;
+ var min = options.min;
+ var xAndY = isVertical ? position.top + options.buffer : position.left + options.buffer;
+ if (max === 0) {
+ // get the maximum value based on either the height or the outer width
+ max = isVertical ? containerHeight : $container.outerWidth() + $element.outerWidth();
+ }
+ // if we have reached the minimum bound, though are below the max
+ if (xAndY >= min && xAndY <= max) {
+ // trigger the 'scrollEnter' event
+ if (!inside) {
+ inside = true;
+ enters++;
+ // trigger the 'scrollEnter' event
+ $element.trigger('scrollEnter', {
+ position: position,
+ });
+ // call the 'onEnter' function
+ if (options.onEnter !== null) {
+ options.onEnter(_this, position);
+ }
+ }
+ // trigger the 'scrollTick' event
+ $element.trigger('scrollTick', {
+ position: position,
+ inside: inside,
+ enters: enters,
+ leaves: leaves,
+ });
+ // call the 'onTick' function
+ if (options.onTick !== null) {
+ options.onTick(_this, position, inside, enters, leaves);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (inside) {
+ inside = false;
+ leaves++;
+ // trigger the 'scrollLeave' event
+ $element.trigger('scrollLeave', {
+ position: position,
+ leaves: leaves,
+ });
+ // call the 'onLeave' function
+ if (options.onLeave !== null) {
+ options.onLeave(_this, position);
+ }
+ if (xAndY <= min) {
+ // trigger the 'scrollLeaveTop' event
+ $element.trigger('scrollLeaveTop', {
+ position: position,
+ leaves: leaves,
+ });
+ // call the 'onLeaveTop' function
+ if (options.onLeaveTop !== null) {
+ options.onLeaveTop(_this, position);
+ }
+ } else if (xAndY >= max) {
+ // trigger the 'scrollLeaveBottom' event
+ $element.trigger('scrollLeaveBottom', {
+ position: position,
+ leaves: leaves,
+ });
+ // call the 'onLeaveBottom' function
+ if (options.onLeaveBottom !== null) {
+ options.onLeaveBottom(_this, position);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Idea taken from: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5353934/check-if-element-is-visible-on-screen
+ var containerScrollTop = $container.scrollTop();
+ // Get the element height
+ var elementHeight = $element.height();
+ // Get the element offset
+ var elementOffsetTop = $element.offset().top;
+ if ((elementOffsetTop < (containerHeight + containerScrollTop)) && (elementOffsetTop > (containerScrollTop - elementHeight))) {
+ // trigger the 'scrollView' event
+ $element.trigger('scrollView', {
+ position: position,
+ });
+ // call the 'onView' function
+ if (options.onView !== null) {
+ options.onView(_this, position);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ },
+ });
+ // Fields (Private)
+ // Defaults
+ // default options
+ var _defaults = {
+ // the offset to be applied to the left and top positions of the container
+ buffer: 0,
+ // the element to apply the 'scrolling' event to (default window)
+ container: window,
+ // the maximum value of the X or Y coordinate, depending on mode the selected
+ max: 0,
+ // the maximum value of the X or Y coordinate, depending on mode the selected
+ min: 0,
+ // whether to listen to the X (horizontal) or Y (vertical) scrolling
+ mode: 'vertical',
+ // namespace to append to the 'scroll' event
+ namespace: 'scrollspy',
+ // call the following callback function every time the user enters the min / max zone
+ onEnter: null,
+ // call the following callback function every time the user leaves the min / max zone
+ onLeave: null,
+ // call the following callback function every time the user leaves the top zone
+ onLeaveTop: null,
+ // call the following callback function every time the user leaves the bottom zone
+ onLeaveBottom: null,
+ // call the following callback function on each scroll event within the min and max parameters
+ onTick: null,
+ // call the following callback function on each scroll event when the element is inside the viewable view port
+ onView: null,
+ };
+ // Methods (Private)
+ // check if a value is an object datatype
+ function _isObject(value) {
+ return $.type(value) === 'object';
+ }
+ // check if a value is a string datatype with a length greater than zero when whitespace is stripped
+ function _isString(value) {
+ return $.type(value) === 'string' && $.trim(value).length > 0;
+ }
+ // check if an option is correctly formatted using a predicate; otherwise, return the default value
+ function _sanitizeOption(options, defaults, property, predicate) {
+ // set the property to the default value if the predicate returned false
+ if (!predicate(options[property])) {
+ options[property] = defaults[property];
+ }
+ }
+}(window, window.jQuery));
diff --git a/view/theme/frio/frameworks/jquery-scrollspy/jquery-scrollspy.min.js b/view/theme/frio/frameworks/jquery-scrollspy/jquery-scrollspy.min.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2782536b36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view/theme/frio/frameworks/jquery-scrollspy/jquery-scrollspy.min.js
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+!function(e,n){function o(e){return"object"===n.type(e)}function i(e){return"string"===n.type(e)&&n.trim(e).length>0}function t(e,n,o,i){i(e[o])||(e[o]=n[o])}n.fn.extend({scrollspy:function(l,s){if(i(l)){var a=s;s=l,l=a}l=n.extend({},r,l),t(l,r,"container",o);var c=n(l.container);if(0===c.length)return this;if(t(l,r,"namespace",i),i(s)&&"DESTROY"===s.toUpperCase())return c.off("scroll."+l.namespace),this;t(l,r,"buffer",n.isNumeric),t(l,r,"max",n.isNumeric),t(l,r,"min",n.isNumeric),t(l,r,"onEnter",n.isFunction),t(l,r,"onLeave",n.isFunction),t(l,r,"onLeaveTop",n.isFunction),t(l,r,"onLeaveBottom",n.isFunction),t(l,r,"onTick",n.isFunction),n.isFunction(l.max)&&(l.max=l.max()),n.isFunction(l.min)&&(l.min=l.min());var u="VERTICAL"===e.String(l.mode).toUpperCase();return this.each(function(){var e=this,o=n(e),i=0,t=!1,r=0;c.on("scroll."+l.namespace,function(){var s=n(this),a={top:s.scrollTop(),left:s.scrollLeft()},f=c.height(),p=l.max,m=l.min,v=u?a.top+l.buffer:a.left+l.buffer;if(0===p&&(p=u?f:c.outerWidth()+o.outerWidth()),v>=m&&p>=v)t||(t=!0,i++,o.trigger("scrollEnter",{position:a}),null!==l.onEnter&&l.onEnter(e,a)),o.trigger("scrollTick",{position:a,inside:t,enters:i,leaves:r}),null!==l.onTick&&l.onTick(e,a,t,i,r);else if(t)t=!1,r++,o.trigger("scrollLeave",{position:a,leaves:r}),null!==l.onLeave&&l.onLeave(e,a),m>=v?(o.trigger("scrollLeaveTop",{position:a,leaves:r}),null!==l.onLeaveTop&&l.onLeaveTop(e,a)):v>=p&&(o.trigger("scrollLeaveBottom",{position:a,leaves:r}),null!==l.onLeaveBottom&&l.onLeaveBottom(e,a));else{var g=c.scrollTop(),L=o.height(),h=o.offset().top;f+g>h&&h>g-L&&(o.trigger("scrollView",{position:a}),null!==l.onView&&l.onView(e,a))}})})}});var r={buffer:0,container:e,max:0,min:0,mode:"vertical",namespace:"scrollspy",onEnter:null,onLeave:null,onLeaveTop:null,onLeaveBottom:null,onTick:null,onView:null}}(window,window.jQuery);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/view/theme/frio/frameworks/jquery-scrollspy/package.json b/view/theme/frio/frameworks/jquery-scrollspy/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..27ca196630
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view/theme/frio/frameworks/jquery-scrollspy/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ "name": "jquery-scrollspy",
+ "version": "1.0.0",
+ "license": "MIT",
+ "repository": {
+ "type": "git",
+ "url": "https://github.com/softwarespot/jquery-scrollspy.git"
+ },
+ "devDependencies": {
+ "del": "^2.1.0",
+ "eslint": "^2.5.1",
+ "eslint-config-airbnb": "^6.2.0",
+ "gulp": "^3.9.1",
+ "gulp-eslint": "^2.0.0",
+ "gulp-if": "^2.0.0",
+ "gulp-rename": "~1.2.2",
+ "gulp-replace": "^0.5.4",
+ "gulp-uglify": "^1.5.3",
+ "merge2": "^1.0.1"
+ }
diff --git a/view/theme/frio/js/modal.js b/view/theme/frio/js/modal.js
index d27048e2df..0279b1c72e 100644
--- a/view/theme/frio/js/modal.js
+++ b/view/theme/frio/js/modal.js
@@ -62,6 +62,11 @@ $(document).ready(function(){
+ // bookmarklet page needs an jot modal which appears automatically
+ if(window.location.pathname.indexOf("/bookmarklet") >=0 && $("#jot-modal").length){
+ jotShow();
+ }
// Open filebrowser for elements with the class "image-select"
// The following part handles the filebrowser for field_fileinput.tpl
$("body").on("click", ".image-select", function(){
diff --git a/view/theme/frio/js/theme.js b/view/theme/frio/js/theme.js
index f3bd543c17..f2537f4872 100644
--- a/view/theme/frio/js/theme.js
+++ b/view/theme/frio/js/theme.js
@@ -149,12 +149,36 @@ $(document).ready(function(){
if( typeof searchValue !== "undefined") {
// move the "Save the search" button to the second navbar
$(".search-content-wrapper #search-save-form ").appendTo("#topbar-second > .container > #navbar-button");
+ // append the vcard-short-info to the second nav after passing the element
+ // with .fn (vcard username). Use scrollspy to get the scroll position.
+ if( $("aside .vcard .fn").length) {
+ $(".vcard .fn").scrollspy({
+ min: $(".vcard .fn").position().top - 50,
+ onLeaveTop: function onLeave(element) {
+ $("#vcard-short-info").fadeOut(500, function () {
+ $("#vcard-short-info").appendTo("#vcard-short-info-wrapper");
+ });
+ },
+ onEnter: function(element) {
+ $("#vcard-short-info").appendTo("#nav-short-info");
+ $("#vcard-short-info").fadeIn(500);
+ },
+ });
+ }
+ // move the forum contact information of the network page into the second navbar
+ if( $(".network-content-wrapper > #viewcontact_wrapper-network").length) {
+ // get the contact-wrapper element and append it to the second nav bar
+ // Note: We need the first() element with this class since at the present time we
+ // store also the js template information in the html code and thats why
+ // there are two elements with this class but we don't want the js template
+ $(".network-content-wrapper > #viewcontact_wrapper-network .contact-wrapper").first().appendTo("#nav-short-info");
+ }
//function commentOpenUI(obj, id) {
// $(document).unbind( "click.commentOpen", handler );
diff --git a/view/theme/frio/templates/field_input.tpl b/view/theme/frio/templates/field_input.tpl
index 1813602713..c7b0bbfb23 100644
--- a/view/theme/frio/templates/field_input.tpl
+++ b/view/theme/frio/templates/field_input.tpl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/view/theme/frio/templates/field_intcheckbox.tpl b/view/theme/frio/templates/field_intcheckbox.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..192cf73841
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view/theme/frio/templates/field_intcheckbox.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ {{* Most of the Variables used below are arrays in the following style
+ 0 => Some kind of identifier (e.g. for the ID)
+ 1 => The label description
+ 2 => The input values
+ 3 => The additional help text (if available)
+ *}}
+ {{* The short information which will appended to the second navbar by scrollspy *}}
+ {{if $profile.addr}}
diff --git a/view/theme/frio/templates/removeme.tpl b/view/theme/frio/templates/removeme.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2e599a0dab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view/theme/frio/templates/removeme.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ {{* include the title template for the settings title *}}
+ {{include file="section_title.tpl" title=$title }}
diff --git a/view/theme/frio/templates/searchbox.tpl b/view/theme/frio/templates/searchbox.tpl
index 8f6354b269..95673698b4 100644
--- a/view/theme/frio/templates/searchbox.tpl
+++ b/view/theme/frio/templates/searchbox.tpl
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{{* important notes: The frio theme hides under certain conditions some parts of the templates through css.
-Some parts of this template will be moved by js to other places (see theme.js) - E.g. the save-search button}}
+Some parts of this template will be moved by js to other places (see theme.js) - E.g. the save-search button *}}
diff --git a/view/theme/frio/templates/settings.tpl b/view/theme/frio/templates/settings.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6eed613ddd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view/theme/frio/templates/settings.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+ {{* include the title template for the settings title *}}
+ {{include file="section_title.tpl" title=$ptitle }}
+ {{$nickname_block}}
+ {{* The short information which will appended to the second navbar by scrollspy *}}
+ {{if $addr}}
{{if $addr}}
diff --git a/view/theme/frio/theme.php b/view/theme/frio/theme.php
index a7c3b0c5dc..bab2d696aa 100644
--- a/view/theme/frio/theme.php
+++ b/view/theme/frio/theme.php
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
ReadMe and GitHub.
- * Version: V.0.1 Alpha
+ * Description: Bootstrap V3 theme. The theme is currently under construction, so it is far from finished. For further information have a look at the ReadMe.
+ * Version: V.0.2 Alpha
* Author: Rabuzarus
diff --git a/view/theme/frost-mobile/templates/profile_edit.tpl b/view/theme/frost-mobile/templates/profile_edit.tpl
index 2855e8fb17..8d7407b09c 100644
--- a/view/theme/frost-mobile/templates/profile_edit.tpl
+++ b/view/theme/frost-mobile/templates/profile_edit.tpl
@@ -21,20 +21,20 @@