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synced 2025-03-07 02:28:26 +00:00
Merge pull request #13033 from tobiasd/20230425-lng
AR, CA, CS, DE, ES, FR, GD, HU, IT, JA, NL, PL, RU translation updates
This commit is contained in:
26 changed files with 16627 additions and 14754 deletions
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -60,9 +60,9 @@ $a->strings['
اسم الولوج: %3$s';
$a->strings['Password reset requested at %s'] = 'طُلب إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور على %s';
$a->strings['Request could not be verified. (You may have previously submitted it.) Password reset failed.'] = 'تعذر التحقق من الطلب (ربما تكون قد أرسلته مسبقاً). فشلت إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور.';
$a->strings['Request has expired, please make a new one.'] = 'انتهت صلاحيته، أرسل طلب واحد جديد.';
$a->strings['Request has expired, please make a new one.'] = 'انتهت صلاحيته، أرسل طلب جديد.';
$a->strings['Forgot your Password?'] = 'نسيت كلمة المرور؟';
$a->strings['Enter your email address and submit to have your password reset. Then check your email for further instructions.'] = 'أدخل عنوان بريدك الإلكتروني وأرسله من أجل إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور. بعد ذلك تحقق من بريدك الإلكتروني لمزيد من التعليمات.';
$a->strings['Enter your email address and submit to have your password reset. Then check your email for further instructions.'] = 'أدخل عنوان بريدك الإلكتروني لإعادة تعيين كلمة المرور. بعد ذلك راجع من بريدك الإلكتروني لمزيد من التعليمات.';
$a->strings['Nickname or Email: '] = 'اللقب أو البريد الإلكتروني: ';
$a->strings['Reset'] = 'أعد التعيين';
$a->strings['Password Reset'] = 'إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور';
@ -271,19 +271,8 @@ $a->strings['Diaspora Connector'] = 'موصل دياسبورا';
$a->strings['GNU Social Connector'] = 'موصل غنو سوشل';
$a->strings['ActivityPub'] = 'ActivityPub';
$a->strings['%s (via %s)'] = '%s (عبر %s)';
$a->strings['%s likes this.'] = 'أعجبَ %s.';
$a->strings['%s doesn\'t like this.'] = 'لم يعجب %s.';
$a->strings['%s attends.'] = 'يحضره %s.';
$a->strings['%s doesn\'t attend.'] = 'لن يحضره %s.';
$a->strings['%s attends maybe.'] = 'قد يحضره %s.';
$a->strings['%s reshared this.'] = 'أعاد %s نشره.';
$a->strings['and'] = 'و';
$a->strings['and %d other people'] = 'و %d أشخاص آخرين';
$a->strings['%s like this.'] = 'أعجب %s.';
$a->strings['%s don\'t like this.'] = 'لم يعجب %s.';
$a->strings['%s attend.'] = 'سيحضره %s.';
$a->strings['%s don\'t attend.'] = 'لن يحضره %s.';
$a->strings['%s attend maybe.'] = 'قد يحضره %s.';
$a->strings['Visible to <strong>everybody</strong>'] = 'مرئي <strong>للجميع</strong>';
$a->strings['Please enter a image/video/audio/webpage URL:'] = 'رجاء أدخل رابط صورة/فيديو/صوت/صفحة ويب:';
$a->strings['Tag term:'] = 'مصطلح الوسم:';
@ -327,6 +316,7 @@ $a->strings['remove'] = 'أزل';
$a->strings['Delete Selected Items'] = 'أزل العناصر المختارة';
$a->strings['You had been addressed (%s).'] = 'ذُكرت (%s).';
$a->strings['You are following %s.'] = 'تتابع %s.';
$a->strings['%s reshared this.'] = 'أعاد %s نشره.';
$a->strings['Reshared'] = 'أُعيد نشره';
$a->strings['Reshared by %s <%s>'] = 'أعاد نشره %s <%s>';
$a->strings['%s is participating in this thread.'] = '%s مشترك في هذا النقاش.';
@ -2389,7 +2379,7 @@ $a->strings['Light (Accented)'] = 'فاتح (ذو طابع لوني)';
$a->strings['Dark (Accented)'] = 'داكن (ذو طابع لوني)';
$a->strings['Black (Accented)'] = 'أسود (ذو طابع لوني)';
$a->strings['Note'] = 'ملاحظة';
$a->strings['Check image permissions if all users are allowed to see the image'] = 'تحقق من أذونات الصورة إذا كان مسموح للجميع مشاهدتها';
$a->strings['Check image permissions if all users are allowed to see the image'] = 'تحقق أن أذونات الصورة تسمح للجميع مشاهدتها';
$a->strings['Custom'] = 'مخصص';
$a->strings['Legacy'] = 'أثري';
$a->strings['Accented'] = 'ذو طابع لوني';
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -184,18 +184,8 @@ $a->strings['newer'] = 'Més nou';
$a->strings['older'] = 'més vell';
$a->strings['Email'] = 'Correu';
$a->strings['Diaspora'] = 'Diaspora';
$a->strings['%s likes this.'] = 'a %s agrada això.';
$a->strings['%s doesn\'t like this.'] = 'a %s desagrada això.';
$a->strings['%s attends.'] = '%s assisteix.';
$a->strings['%s doesn\'t attend.'] = '%s no acudeix';
$a->strings['%s attends maybe.'] = '%s assisteix potser';
$a->strings['%s reshared this.'] = '%s va tornar a compartir això';
$a->strings['and'] = 'i';
$a->strings['and %d other people'] = 'i %d altre gent';
$a->strings['%s like this.'] = '%sCom això';
$a->strings['%s don\'t like this.'] = '%s no m\'agrada';
$a->strings['%s attend.'] = '%sassistir.';
$a->strings['%s don\'t attend.'] = '%sno assistiu';
$a->strings['Visible to <strong>everybody</strong>'] = 'Visible per a <strong>tothom</strong>';
$a->strings['Please enter a image/video/audio/webpage URL:'] = 'Introduïu una URL / imatge / vídeo / àudio / pàgina web:';
$a->strings['Tag term:'] = 'Terminis de l\'etiqueta:';
@ -232,6 +222,7 @@ $a->strings['%s from %s'] = '%s des de %s';
$a->strings['View in context'] = 'Veure en context';
$a->strings['remove'] = 'esborrar';
$a->strings['Delete Selected Items'] = 'Esborra els Elements Seleccionats';
$a->strings['%s reshared this.'] = '%s va tornar a compartir això';
$a->strings['General Features'] = 'Característiques Generals';
$a->strings['Post Composition Features'] = 'Característiques de Composició d\'Enviaments';
$a->strings['Post/Comment Tools'] = 'Eines d\'Enviaments/Comentaris';
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -232,19 +232,8 @@ $a->strings['Diaspora Connector'] = 'Diaspora Connector';
$a->strings['GNU Social Connector'] = 'GNU social Connector';
$a->strings['ActivityPub'] = 'ActivityPub';
$a->strings['pnut'] = 'pnut';
$a->strings['%s likes this.'] = 'Uživateli %s se tohle líbí.';
$a->strings['%s doesn\'t like this.'] = 'Uživateli %s se tohle nelíbí.';
$a->strings['%s attends.'] = '%s se účastní.';
$a->strings['%s doesn\'t attend.'] = '%s se neúčastní.';
$a->strings['%s attends maybe.'] = '%s se možná účastní.';
$a->strings['%s reshared this.'] = '%s tohle znovusdílel/a.';
$a->strings['and'] = 'a';
$a->strings['and %d other people'] = 'a dalších %d lidí';
$a->strings['%s like this.'] = 'Uživatelům %s se tohle líbí.';
$a->strings['%s don\'t like this.'] = 'Uživatelům %s se tohle nelíbí.';
$a->strings['%s attend.'] = '%s se účastní.';
$a->strings['%s don\'t attend.'] = '%s se neúčastní';
$a->strings['%s attend maybe.'] = '%s se možná účastní';
$a->strings['Visible to <strong>everybody</strong>'] = 'Viditelné pro <strong>všechny</strong>';
$a->strings['Please enter a image/video/audio/webpage URL:'] = 'Prosím zadejte URL obrázku/videa/audia/webové stránky:';
$a->strings['Tag term:'] = 'Štítek:';
@ -281,6 +270,7 @@ $a->strings['%s from %s'] = '%s z %s';
$a->strings['View in context'] = 'Zobrazit v kontextu';
$a->strings['remove'] = 'odstranit';
$a->strings['Delete Selected Items'] = 'Smazat vybrané položky';
$a->strings['%s reshared this.'] = '%s tohle znovusdílel/a.';
$a->strings['General Features'] = 'Obecné vlastnosti';
$a->strings['Photo Location'] = 'Poloha fotky';
$a->strings['Photo metadata is normally stripped. This extracts the location (if present) prior to stripping metadata and links it to a map.'] = 'Metadata fotek jsou normálně odebrána. Tato funkce před odebrání metadat extrahuje polohu (pokud je k dispozici) a propojí ji s mapou.';
File diff suppressed because it is too large
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@ -198,6 +198,23 @@ $a->strings['Apologies but the website is unavailable at the moment.'] = 'Entsch
$a->strings['Delete this item?'] = 'Diesen Beitrag löschen?';
$a->strings['Block this author? They won\'t be able to follow you nor see your public posts, and you won\'t be able to see their posts and their notifications.'] = 'Soll dieser Autor geblockt werden? Sie werden nicht in der Lage sein, dir zu folgen oder deine öffentlichen Beiträge zu sehen. Außerdem wirst du nicht in der Lage sein ihre Beiträge und Benachrichtigungen zu lesen.';
$a->strings['Ignore this author? You won\'t be able to see their posts and their notifications.'] = 'Diesen Autor ignorieren? Du wirst seine Beiträge und Benachrichtigungen nicht mehr sehen können.';
$a->strings['Like not successful'] = 'Das "Mag ich" war nicht erfolgreich';
$a->strings['Dislike not successful'] = 'Das "Mag ich nicht" war nicht erfolgreich';
$a->strings['Sharing not successful'] = 'Das Teilen war nicht erfolgreich';
$a->strings['Attendance unsuccessful'] = 'Die Teilnahme war nicht erfolgreich';
$a->strings['Backend error'] = 'Fehler im Backend';
$a->strings['Network error'] = 'Netzwerkfehler';
$a->strings['Drop files here to upload'] = 'Ziehe Dateien hierher, um sie hochzuladen';
$a->strings['Your browser does not support drag and drop file uploads.'] = 'Ihr Browser unterstützt das Hochladen von Dateien per Drag & Drop nicht.';
$a->strings['Please use the fallback form below to upload your files like in the olden days.'] = 'Bitte verwenden Sie das untenstehende Formular, um Ihre Dateien wie früher hochzuladen.';
$a->strings['File is too big ({{filesize}}MiB). Max filesize: {{maxFilesize}}MiB.'] = 'Datei ist zu groß ({{filesize}}MiB). Maximale Dateigröße: {{maxFilesize}}MiB.';
$a->strings['You can\'t upload files of this type.'] = 'Sie können keine Dateien dieses Typs hochladen.';
$a->strings['Server responded with {{statusCode}} code.'] = 'Der Server antwortete mit Status-Code {{statusCode}} ';
$a->strings['Cancel upload'] = 'Hochladen abbrechen';
$a->strings['Upload canceled.'] = 'Hochladen abgebrochen';
$a->strings['Are you sure you want to cancel this upload?'] = 'Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diesen Upload abbrechen möchten?';
$a->strings['Remove file'] = 'Datei entfernen';
$a->strings['You can\'t upload any more files.'] = 'Sie können keine weiteren Dateien hochladen.';
$a->strings['toggle mobile'] = 'mobile Ansicht umschalten';
$a->strings['Method not allowed for this module. Allowed method(s): %s'] = 'Diese Methode ist in diesem Modul nicht erlaubt. Erlaubte Methoden sind: %s';
$a->strings['Page not found.'] = 'Seite nicht gefunden.';
@ -279,26 +296,58 @@ $a->strings['Diaspora Connector'] = 'Diaspora Connector';
$a->strings['GNU Social Connector'] = 'GNU Social Connector';
$a->strings['ActivityPub'] = 'ActivityPub';
$a->strings['pnut'] = 'pnut';
$a->strings['Tumblr'] = 'Tumblr';
$a->strings['%s (via %s)'] = '%s (via %s)';
$a->strings['%s likes this.'] = '%s mag das.';
$a->strings['%s doesn\'t like this.'] = '%s mag das nicht.';
$a->strings['%s attends.'] = '%s nimmt teil.';
$a->strings['%s doesn\'t attend.'] = '%s nimmt nicht teil.';
$a->strings['%s attends maybe.'] = '%s nimmt eventuell teil.';
$a->strings['%s reshared this.'] = '%s hat dies geteilt';
$a->strings['and'] = 'und';
$a->strings['and %d other people'] = 'und %dandere';
$a->strings['<button type="button" %1$s>%2$d people</button> like this'] = '<button type="button" %1$s>%2$d Menschen</button> mögen das';
$a->strings['%s like this.'] = '%s mögen das.';
$a->strings['<button type="button" %1$s>%2$d people</button> don\'t like this'] = '<button type="button" %1$s>%2$d Menschen</button> mögen das nicht';
$a->strings['%s don\'t like this.'] = '%s mögen dies nicht.';
$a->strings['<button type="button" %1$s>%2$d people</button> attend'] = '<button type="button" %1$s>%2$d Menschen</button> besuche';
$a->strings['%s attend.'] = '%s nehmen teil.';
$a->strings['<button type="button" %1$s>%2$d people</button> don\'t attend'] = '<button type="button" %1$s>%2$d people</button> besuche nicht';
$a->strings['%s don\'t attend.'] = '%s nehmen nicht teil.';
$a->strings['<button type="button" %1$s>%2$d people</button> attend maybe'] = '<button type="button" %1$s>%2$d people</button> besuche vielleicht';
$a->strings['%s attend maybe.'] = '%s nimmt eventuell teil.';
$a->strings['<button type="button" %1$s>%2$d people</button> reshared this'] = '<button type="button" %1$s>%2$d people</button> teile';
$a->strings['%2$s likes this.'] = [
0 => '%2$s mag das.',
1 => '%2$s mögen das.',
$a->strings['%2$s doesn\'t like this.'] = [
0 => '%2$s mag das nicht.',
1 => '%2$s mögen das nicht.',
$a->strings['%2$s attends.'] = [
0 => '%2$s nimmt teil.',
1 => '%2$s nehmen teil.',
$a->strings['%2$s doesn\'t attend.'] = [
0 => '%2$s nimmt nicht teil.',
1 => '%2$s nehmen nicht teil.',
$a->strings['%2$s attends maybe.'] = [
0 => '%2$s nimmt eventuell teil.',
1 => '%2$s nehmen eventuell teil.',
$a->strings['%2$s reshared this.'] = [
0 => '%2$s hat dies geteilt.',
1 => '%2$s haben dies geteilt.',
$a->strings['<button type="button" %2$s>%1$d person</button> likes this'] = [
0 => '<button type="button" %2$s>%1$d Person</button> mag das',
1 => '<button type="button" %2$s>%1$d Menschen</button> mögen das',
$a->strings['<button type="button" %2$s>%1$d person</button> doesn\'t like this'] = [
0 => '<button type="button" %2$s>%1$d Person</button> mag das nicht',
1 => '<button type="button" %2$s>%1$d Menschen </button> mögen das nicht',
$a->strings['<button type="button" %2$s>%1$d person</button> attends'] = [
0 => '<button type="button" %2$s>%1$d Person</button> besucht',
1 => '<button type="button" %2$s>%1$d Menschen </button> besuchen',
$a->strings['<button type="button" %2$s>%1$d person</button> doesn\'t attend'] = [
0 => '<button type="button" %2$s>%1$d Person</button> besucht nicht',
1 => '<button type="button" %2$s>%1$d Menschen </button> besuchen nicht',
$a->strings['<button type="button" %2$s>%1$d person</button> attends maybe'] = [
0 => '<button type="button" %2$s>%1$d Person</button> besucht vielleicht',
1 => '<button type="button" %2$s>%1$d Menschen</button> besuchen vielleicht',
$a->strings['<button type="button" %2$s>%1$d person</button> reshared this'] = [
0 => '<button type="button" %2$s>%1$d Person </button> teilte dies erneut',
1 => '<button type="button" %2$s>%1$d Menschen </button> teilten dies erneut',
$a->strings['Visible to <strong>everybody</strong>'] = 'Für <strong>jedermann</strong> sichtbar';
$a->strings['Please enter a image/video/audio/webpage URL:'] = 'Bitte gib eine Bild/Video/Audio/Webseiten-URL ein:';
$a->strings['Tag term:'] = 'Tag:';
@ -343,6 +392,7 @@ $a->strings['Delete Selected Items'] = 'Lösche die markierten Beiträge';
$a->strings['You had been addressed (%s).'] = 'Du wurdest angeschrieben (%s).';
$a->strings['You are following %s.'] = 'Du folgst %s.';
$a->strings['You subscribed to one or more tags in this post.'] = 'Du folgst einem oder mehreren Hashtags dieses Beitrags.';
$a->strings['%s reshared this.'] = '%s hat dies geteilt';
$a->strings['Reshared'] = 'Geteilt';
$a->strings['Reshared by %s <%s>'] = 'Geteilt von %s <%s>';
$a->strings['%s is participating in this thread.'] = '%s ist an der Unterhaltung beteiligt.';
@ -1054,6 +1104,7 @@ $a->strings['PHP log currently disabled.'] = 'PHP Protokollierung ist derzeit ni
$a->strings['Logs'] = 'Protokolle';
$a->strings['Clear'] = 'löschen';
$a->strings['Enable Debugging'] = 'Protokoll führen';
$a->strings['<strong>Read-only</strong> because it is set by an environment variable'] = '<strong>Schreibgeschützt</strong>, weil es durch eine Umgebungsvariable festgelegt ist';
$a->strings['Log file'] = 'Protokolldatei';
$a->strings['Must be writable by web server. Relative to your Friendica top-level directory.'] = 'Webserver muss Schreibrechte besitzen. Abhängig vom Friendica-Installationsverzeichnis.';
$a->strings['Log level'] = 'Protokoll-Level';
@ -1158,6 +1209,8 @@ $a->strings['Maximum length in pixels of the longest side of uploaded images. De
$a->strings['JPEG image quality'] = 'Qualität des JPEG Bildes';
$a->strings['Uploaded JPEGS will be saved at this quality setting [0-100]. Default is 100, which is full quality.'] = 'Hochgeladene JPEG-Bilder werden mit dieser Qualität [0-100] gespeichert. Grundeinstellung ist 100, kein Qualitätsverlust.';
$a->strings['Register policy'] = 'Registrierungsmethode';
$a->strings['Maximum Users'] = 'Maximale Benutzeranzahl';
$a->strings['If defined, the register policy is automatically closed when the given number of users is reached and reopens the registry when the number drops below the limit. It only works when the policy is set to open or close, but not when the policy is set to approval.'] = 'Falls definiert, wird die Registrierungsrichtlinie automatisch geschlossen, wenn die angegebene Anzahl von Benutzern erreicht ist, und die Registrierung wieder geöffnet, wenn die Anzahl unter den Grenzwert fällt. Dies funktioniert nur, wenn die Richtlinie auf "Öffnen" oder "Schließen" eingestellt ist, nicht aber, wenn die Richtlinie auf "Genehmigung" eingestellt ist.';
$a->strings['Maximum Daily Registrations'] = 'Maximum täglicher Registrierungen';
$a->strings['If registration is permitted above, this sets the maximum number of new user registrations to accept per day. If register is set to closed, this setting has no effect.'] = 'Wenn die Registrierung weiter oben erlaubt ist, regelt dies die maximale Anzahl von Neuanmeldungen pro Tag. Wenn die Registrierung geschlossen ist, hat diese Einstellung keinen Effekt.';
$a->strings['Register text'] = 'Registrierungstext';
@ -1296,6 +1349,7 @@ $a->strings['Save & Use storage backend'] = 'Speichern & Dieses Speicher-Backend
$a->strings['Use storage backend'] = 'Dieses Speicher-Backend verwenden';
$a->strings['Save & Reload'] = 'Speichern & Neu Laden';
$a->strings['This backend doesn\'t have custom settings'] = 'Dieses Backend hat keine zusätzlichen Einstellungen';
$a->strings['Changing the current backend is prohibited because it is set by an environment variable'] = 'Das Ändern des aktuellen Backends ist nicht möglich, da es durch eine Umgebungsvariable festgelegt ist';
$a->strings['Database (legacy)'] = 'Datenbank (legacy)';
$a->strings['Template engine (%s) error: %s'] = 'Template engine (%s) Fehler: %s';
$a->strings['Your DB still runs with MyISAM tables. You should change the engine type to InnoDB. As Friendica will use InnoDB only features in the future, you should change this! See <a href="%s">here</a> for a guide that may be helpful converting the table engines. You may also use the command <tt>php bin/console.php dbstructure toinnodb</tt> of your Friendica installation for an automatic conversion.<br />'] = 'Deine DB verwendet derzeit noch MyISAM Tabellen. Du solltest die Datenbank Engine auf InnoDB umstellen, da Friendica in Zukunft InnoDB-Features verwenden wird. Eine Anleitung zur Umstellung der Datenbank kannst du <a href="%s">hier</a> finden. Du kannst außerdem mit dem Befehl <tt>php bin/console.php dbstructure toinnodb</tt> auf der Kommandozeile die Umstellung automatisch vornehmen lassen.';
@ -1397,6 +1451,10 @@ $a->strings['Tips for New Members'] = 'Tipps für neue Nutzer';
$a->strings['People Search - %s'] = 'Personensuche - %s';
$a->strings['Forum Search - %s'] = 'Forensuche - %s';
$a->strings['No matches'] = 'Keine Übereinstimmungen';
$a->strings['%d result was filtered out because your node blocks the domain it is registered on. You can review the list of domains your node is currently blocking in the <a href="/friendica">About page</a>.'] = [
0 => '%d Ergebnis wurde herausgefiltert, weil Ihr Knoten die Domäne blockiert, auf der das Ergebnis registriert ist. Sie können die Liste aller Domänen, die Ihr Knoten derzeit blockiert, auf der <a href="/friendica">Info-Seite</a> einsehen.',
1 => '%d Ergebnisse wurden herausgefiltert, weil Ihr Knoten die Domäne blockiert, auf der die Ergebnisse registriert sind. Sie können die Liste aller Domänen, die Ihr Knoten derzeit blockiert, auf der<a href="/friendica">Info-Seite</a> einsehen.',
$a->strings['Account'] = 'Nutzerkonto';
$a->strings['Two-factor authentication'] = 'Zwei-Faktor Authentifizierung';
$a->strings['Display'] = 'Anzeige';
@ -2335,6 +2393,8 @@ $a->strings['Attach the link title'] = 'Link Titel hinzufügen';
$a->strings['When activated, the title of the attached link will be added as a title on posts to Diaspora. This is mostly helpful with "remote-self" contacts that share feed content.'] = 'Ist dies aktiviert, wird der Titel von angehangenen Links bei Beiträgen nach Diaspora* angefügt. Dies ist vorallem bei Entfernten Konten nützlich die Beiträge von Feeds weiterleiten.';
$a->strings['API: Use spoiler field as title'] = 'API: Verwende den Spoiler Text als Titel';
$a->strings['When activated, the "spoiler_text" field in the API will be used for the title on standalone posts. When deactivated it will be used for spoiler text. For comments it will always be used for spoiler text.'] = 'Ist dies aktiviert, wird das "spoiler_text" der API als Titel von neuen Beiträgen verwendet. Ist es deaktiviert wird der Text als Spoiler-Text verwendet. Bei Kommentaren wird der Inhalt immer als Spoiler-Text verwendet.';
$a->strings['API: Automatically links at the end of the post as attached posts'] = 'API: Automatische Links am Ende des Beitrags als angehängte Beiträge';
$a->strings['When activated, added links at the end of the post react the same way as added links in the web interface.'] = 'Wenn dies aktiviert ist, reagieren hinzugefügte Links am Ende des Beitrags genauso wie hinzugefügte Links in der Weboberfläche.';
$a->strings['Your legacy ActivityPub/GNU Social account'] = 'Dein alter ActivityPub/GNU Social-Account';
$a->strings['If you enter your old account name from an ActivityPub based system or your GNU Social/Statusnet account name here (in the format user@domain.tld), your contacts will be added automatically. The field will be emptied when done.'] = 'Wenn du deinen alten ActivityPub oder GNU Social/Statusnet-Account-Namen hier angibst (Format name@domain.tld), werden deine Kontakte automatisch hinzugefügt. Dieses Feld wird geleert, wenn die Kontakte hinzugefügt wurden.';
$a->strings['Repair OStatus subscriptions'] = 'OStatus-Abonnements reparieren';
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@ -255,19 +255,8 @@ $a->strings['GNU Social Connector'] = 'Conector GNU Social';
$a->strings['ActivityPub'] = 'ActivityPub';
$a->strings['pnut'] = 'pnut';
$a->strings['%s (via %s)'] = '%s (a través %s)';
$a->strings['%s likes this.'] = 'A %s le agrada.';
$a->strings['%s doesn\'t like this.'] = 'A %s no le agrada.';
$a->strings['%s attends.'] = '%s asiste.';
$a->strings['%s doesn\'t attend.'] = '%s no asiste.';
$a->strings['%s attends maybe.'] = '%s quizá asistirá';
$a->strings['%s reshared this.'] = '%s reenvió esto.';
$a->strings['and'] = 'y';
$a->strings['and %d other people'] = 'y a otras %d personas';
$a->strings['%s like this.'] = 'A %s le agrada.';
$a->strings['%s don\'t like this.'] = 'A %s no le agrada.';
$a->strings['%s attend.'] = '%s asiste.';
$a->strings['%s don\'t attend.'] = '%s no asiste.';
$a->strings['%s attend maybe.'] = '%s quizás asistirá.';
$a->strings['Visible to <strong>everybody</strong>'] = 'Visible para <strong>cualquiera</strong>';
$a->strings['Please enter a image/video/audio/webpage URL:'] = 'Escoja una dirección de imágen/video/audio/sitio:';
$a->strings['Tag term:'] = 'Etiqueta:';
@ -307,6 +296,7 @@ $a->strings['remove'] = 'eliminar';
$a->strings['Delete Selected Items'] = 'Eliminar los seleccionados';
$a->strings['You had been addressed (%s).'] = 'Has sido mencionado (%s).';
$a->strings['You are following %s.'] = 'Estas siguiendo %s.';
$a->strings['%s reshared this.'] = '%s reenvió esto.';
$a->strings['Reshared'] = 'Compartido';
$a->strings['%s is participating in this thread.'] = '%s participa en el hilo.';
$a->strings['Fetched'] = 'Recuperado';
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@ -280,25 +280,8 @@ $a->strings['GNU Social Connector'] = 'Connecteur GNU Social';
$a->strings['ActivityPub'] = 'ActivityPub';
$a->strings['pnut'] = 'pnut';
$a->strings['%s (via %s)'] = '%s (via %s)';
$a->strings['%s likes this.'] = '%s aime ça.';
$a->strings['%s doesn\'t like this.'] = '%s n\'aime pas ça.';
$a->strings['%s attends.'] = '%s participe';
$a->strings['%s doesn\'t attend.'] = '%s ne participe pas';
$a->strings['%s attends maybe.'] = '%s participe peut-être';
$a->strings['%s reshared this.'] = '%s a partagé ceci.';
$a->strings['and'] = 'et';
$a->strings['and %d other people'] = 'et %d autres personnes';
$a->strings['<button type="button" %1$s>%2$d people</button> like this'] = '<button type="button" %1$s>%2$d personne(s)</button> aiment ça';
$a->strings['%s like this.'] = '%s aiment ça.';
$a->strings['<button type="button" %1$s>%2$d people</button> don\'t like this'] = '<button type="button" %1$s>%2$d personne(s)</button> n\'aiment pas ça';
$a->strings['%s don\'t like this.'] = '%s n\'aiment pas ça.';
$a->strings['<button type="button" %1$s>%2$d people</button> attend'] = '<button type="button" %1$s>%2$d personne(s)</button> y assistent';
$a->strings['%s attend.'] = '%s participent.';
$a->strings['<button type="button" %1$s>%2$d people</button> don\'t attend'] = '<button type="button" %1$s>%2$d personne(s)</button> n\'y assistent pas';
$a->strings['%s don\'t attend.'] = '%s ne participent pas.';
$a->strings['<button type="button" %1$s>%2$d people</button> attend maybe'] = '<button type="button" %1$s>%2$d personne(s)</button> y assistent peut-être';
$a->strings['%s attend maybe.'] = '%sparticipent peut-être';
$a->strings['<button type="button" %1$s>%2$d people</button> reshared this'] = '<button type="button" %1$s>%2$d personne(s)</button> ont repartagé ça';
$a->strings['Visible to <strong>everybody</strong>'] = 'Visible par <strong>tout le monde</strong>';
$a->strings['Please enter a image/video/audio/webpage URL:'] = 'Veuillez entrer une URL d\'image/vidéo/page web.';
$a->strings['Tag term:'] = 'Étiquette :';
@ -343,6 +326,7 @@ $a->strings['Delete Selected Items'] = 'Supprimer les éléments sélectionnés'
$a->strings['You had been addressed (%s).'] = 'Vous avez été mentionné (%s)';
$a->strings['You are following %s.'] = 'Vous suivez %s.';
$a->strings['You subscribed to one or more tags in this post.'] = 'Vous vous êtes abonné(e) à une étiquette ou plus de cette publication.';
$a->strings['%s reshared this.'] = '%s a partagé ceci.';
$a->strings['Reshared'] = 'Partagé';
$a->strings['Reshared by %s <%s>'] = 'Partagé par %s <%s>';
$a->strings['%s is participating in this thread.'] = '%s participe à ce fil de discussion';
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@ -278,19 +278,8 @@ $a->strings['GNU Social Connector'] = 'Ceangladair GNU Social';
$a->strings['ActivityPub'] = 'ActivityPub';
$a->strings['pnut'] = 'pnut';
$a->strings['%s (via %s)'] = '%s (slighe %s)';
$a->strings['%s likes this.'] = '’S toigh le %s seo.';
$a->strings['%s doesn\'t like this.'] = 'Cha toigh le %s seo.';
$a->strings['%s attends.'] = 'Bidh %s an làthair.';
$a->strings['%s doesn\'t attend.'] = 'Cha bhi %s an làthair.';
$a->strings['%s attends maybe.'] = '’S dòcha gum bi %s an làthair.';
$a->strings['%s reshared this.'] = 'Co-roinn %s seo.';
$a->strings['and'] = 'agus';
$a->strings['and %d other people'] = 'agus %d eile';
$a->strings['%s like this.'] = '’S toigh le %s seo.';
$a->strings['%s don\'t like this.'] = 'Cha toigh le %s seo.';
$a->strings['%s attend.'] = 'Bidh %s an làthair.';
$a->strings['%s don\'t attend.'] = 'Cha bhi %s an làthair.';
$a->strings['%s attend maybe.'] = '’S dòcha gum bi %s an làthair.';
$a->strings['Visible to <strong>everybody</strong>'] = 'Chì <strong>a h-uile duine</strong> e';
$a->strings['Please enter a image/video/audio/webpage URL:'] = 'Cuir a-steach URL deilbh/video/fuaime/làraich-lìn:';
$a->strings['Tag term:'] = 'Teirm tagaidh:';
@ -335,6 +324,7 @@ $a->strings['Delete Selected Items'] = 'Sguab às na nithean a thagh thu';
$a->strings['You had been addressed (%s).'] = 'Chaidh d’ ainmeachadh (%s).';
$a->strings['You are following %s.'] = 'Tha thu a’ leantainn air %s.';
$a->strings['You subscribed to one or more tags in this post.'] = 'Dh’fho-sgrìobh thu air taga no dhà sa phost seo.';
$a->strings['%s reshared this.'] = 'Co-roinn %s seo.';
$a->strings['Reshared'] = '’Ga cho-roinneadh';
$a->strings['Reshared by %s <%s>'] = '’Ga cho-roinneadh le %s <%s>';
$a->strings['%s is participating in this thread.'] = 'Tha %s a’ gabhail pàirt san t-snàithlean seo.';
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@ -283,25 +283,8 @@ $a->strings['GNU Social Connector'] = 'GNU Social összekötő';
$a->strings['ActivityPub'] = 'ActivityPub';
$a->strings['pnut'] = 'pnut';
$a->strings['%s (via %s)'] = '%s (ezen keresztül: %s)';
$a->strings['%s likes this.'] = '%s kedveli ezt.';
$a->strings['%s doesn\'t like this.'] = '%s nem kedveli ezt.';
$a->strings['%s attends.'] = '%s részt vesz.';
$a->strings['%s doesn\'t attend.'] = '%s nem vesz részt.';
$a->strings['%s attends maybe.'] = '%s talán részt vesz.';
$a->strings['%s reshared this.'] = '%s újra megosztotta ezt.';
$a->strings['and'] = 'és';
$a->strings['and %d other people'] = 'és %d más személy';
$a->strings['<button type="button" %1$s>%2$d people</button> like this'] = '<button type="button" %1$s>%2$d személy</button> kedveli ezt';
$a->strings['%s like this.'] = '%s kedveli ezt.';
$a->strings['<button type="button" %1$s>%2$d people</button> don\'t like this'] = '<button type="button" %1$s>%2$d személy</button> nem kedveli ezt';
$a->strings['%s don\'t like this.'] = '%s nem kedveli ezt.';
$a->strings['<button type="button" %1$s>%2$d people</button> attend'] = '<button type="button" %1$s>%2$d személy</button> részt vesz';
$a->strings['%s attend.'] = '%s részt vesz.';
$a->strings['<button type="button" %1$s>%2$d people</button> don\'t attend'] = '<button type="button" %1$s>%2$d személy</button> nem vesz részt';
$a->strings['%s don\'t attend.'] = '%s nem vesz részt.';
$a->strings['<button type="button" %1$s>%2$d people</button> attend maybe'] = '<button type="button" %1$s>%2$d személy</button> talán részt vesz';
$a->strings['%s attend maybe.'] = '%s talán részt vesz.';
$a->strings['<button type="button" %1$s>%2$d people</button> reshared this'] = '<button type="button" %1$s>%2$d személy</button> újra megosztotta ezt';
$a->strings['Visible to <strong>everybody</strong>'] = 'Látható <strong>mindenkinek</strong>';
$a->strings['Please enter a image/video/audio/webpage URL:'] = 'Írjon be egy kép, videó, hang vagy weboldal URL-t:';
$a->strings['Tag term:'] = 'Címkézési kifejezés:';
@ -346,6 +329,7 @@ $a->strings['Delete Selected Items'] = 'Kijelölt elemek törlése';
$a->strings['You had been addressed (%s).'] = 'Önt megszólították (%s).';
$a->strings['You are following %s.'] = 'Ön követi őt: %s.';
$a->strings['You subscribed to one or more tags in this post.'] = 'Ön feliratkozott egy vagy több címkére ebben a bejegyzésben.';
$a->strings['%s reshared this.'] = '%s újra megosztotta ezt.';
$a->strings['Reshared'] = 'Újra megosztva';
$a->strings['Reshared by %s <%s>'] = '%s <%s> újra megosztotta';
$a->strings['%s is participating in this thread.'] = '%s részt vesz ebben a szálban.';
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@ -254,19 +254,8 @@ $a->strings['GNU Social Connector'] = 'Connettore GNU Social';
$a->strings['ActivityPub'] = 'ActivityPub';
$a->strings['pnut'] = 'pnut';
$a->strings['%s (via %s)'] = '%s (via %s)';
$a->strings['%s likes this.'] = 'Piace a %s.';
$a->strings['%s doesn\'t like this.'] = 'Non piace a %s.';
$a->strings['%s attends.'] = '%s partecipa.';
$a->strings['%s doesn\'t attend.'] = '%s non partecipa.';
$a->strings['%s attends maybe.'] = '%s forse partecipa.';
$a->strings['%s reshared this.'] = '%s ha ricondiviso questo.';
$a->strings['and'] = 'e';
$a->strings['and %d other people'] = 'e altre %d persone';
$a->strings['%s like this.'] = 'a %s piace.';
$a->strings['%s don\'t like this.'] = 'a %s non piace.';
$a->strings['%s attend.'] = '%s partecipa.';
$a->strings['%s don\'t attend.'] = '%s non partecipa.';
$a->strings['%s attend maybe.'] = '%s forse partecipano.';
$a->strings['Visible to <strong>everybody</strong>'] = 'Visibile a <strong>tutti</strong>';
$a->strings['Please enter a image/video/audio/webpage URL:'] = 'Inserisci l\'indirizzo di una immagine, un video o una pagina web:';
$a->strings['Tag term:'] = 'Tag:';
@ -309,6 +298,7 @@ $a->strings['remove'] = 'rimuovi';
$a->strings['Delete Selected Items'] = 'Cancella elementi selezionati';
$a->strings['You had been addressed (%s).'] = 'Sei stato nominato (%s).';
$a->strings['You are following %s.'] = 'Stai seguendo %s.';
$a->strings['%s reshared this.'] = '%s ha ricondiviso questo.';
$a->strings['Reshared'] = 'Ricondiviso';
$a->strings['Reshared by %s <%s>'] = 'Ricondiviso da %s <%s>';
$a->strings['%s is participating in this thread.'] = '%s partecipa in questa conversazione.';
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@ -242,19 +242,8 @@ $a->strings['GNU Social Connector'] = 'GNU Social Connector';
$a->strings['ActivityPub'] = 'ActivityPub';
$a->strings['pnut'] = 'pnut';
$a->strings['%s (via %s)'] = '%s (経由: %s)';
$a->strings['%s likes this.'] = '%s がいいねしました';
$a->strings['%s doesn\'t like this.'] = '%s はこれを好きではないようです';
$a->strings['%s attends.'] = '%s が参加します。';
$a->strings['%s doesn\'t attend.'] = '%s は欠席します。';
$a->strings['%s attends maybe.'] = '%s は様子見しています。';
$a->strings['%s reshared this.'] = '%s が再共有しました。';
$a->strings['and'] = 'と';
$a->strings['and %d other people'] = 'と他 %d 人';
$a->strings['%s like this.'] = '%s がいいねしました';
$a->strings['%s don\'t like this.'] = '%s はこれを好きではないようです';
$a->strings['%s attend.'] = '%s が参加します。';
$a->strings['%s don\'t attend.'] = '%s は欠席します。';
$a->strings['%s attend maybe.'] = '%s は様子見しています。';
$a->strings['Visible to <strong>everybody</strong>'] = '<strong>すべての人</strong> が閲覧可能です';
$a->strings['Please enter a image/video/audio/webpage URL:'] = '画像/動画/音声/ウェブページのURLを入力してください:';
$a->strings['Tag term:'] = '用語のタグ付け:';
@ -294,6 +283,7 @@ $a->strings['%s from %s'] = '%s から %s';
$a->strings['View in context'] = '文脈で表示する';
$a->strings['remove'] = '削除';
$a->strings['Delete Selected Items'] = '選択した項目を削除';
$a->strings['%s reshared this.'] = '%s が再共有しました。';
$a->strings['General Features'] = '一般的な機能';
$a->strings['Photo Location'] = '写真の場所';
$a->strings['Photo metadata is normally stripped. This extracts the location (if present) prior to stripping metadata and links it to a map.'] = '通常、写真のメタデータは削除されます。これにより、メタデータを除去する前に場所(存在する場合)が抽出され、マップにリンクされます。';
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@ -247,19 +247,8 @@ $a->strings['Diaspora Connector'] = 'Diaspora Connector';
$a->strings['GNU Social Connector'] = 'GNU Social Connector';
$a->strings['ActivityPub'] = 'ActivityPub';
$a->strings['pnut'] = 'pnut';
$a->strings['%s likes this.'] = '%s vindt dit leuk.';
$a->strings['%s doesn\'t like this.'] = '%s vindt dit niet leuk.';
$a->strings['%s attends.'] = '%s neemt deel';
$a->strings['%s doesn\'t attend.'] = '%s neemt niet deel';
$a->strings['%s attends maybe.'] = '%s neemt misschien deel';
$a->strings['%s reshared this.'] = '%s heeft dit gedeeld';
$a->strings['and'] = 'en';
$a->strings['and %d other people'] = 'en %d anderen';
$a->strings['%s like this.'] = '%s vinden dit leuk.';
$a->strings['%s don\'t like this.'] = '%s vinden dit niet leuk.';
$a->strings['%s attend.'] = '%s nemen deel.';
$a->strings['%s don\'t attend.'] = '%s nemen niet deel.';
$a->strings['%s attend maybe.'] = '%s neemt misschien deel.';
$a->strings['Visible to <strong>everybody</strong>'] = 'Zichtbaar voor <strong>iedereen</strong>';
$a->strings['Please enter a image/video/audio/webpage URL:'] = 'Geef een afbeelding/video/audio/webpagina in:';
$a->strings['Tag term:'] = 'Label:';
@ -297,6 +286,7 @@ $a->strings['%s from %s'] = '%s van %s';
$a->strings['View in context'] = 'In context bekijken';
$a->strings['remove'] = 'verwijder';
$a->strings['Delete Selected Items'] = 'Geselecteerde items verwijderen';
$a->strings['%s reshared this.'] = '%s heeft dit gedeeld';
$a->strings['General Features'] = 'Algemene functies';
$a->strings['Photo Location'] = 'Foto Locatie';
$a->strings['Photo metadata is normally stripped. This extracts the location (if present) prior to stripping metadata and links it to a map.'] = 'Foto metadata wordt normaal verwijderd. Dit extraheert de locatie (indien aanwezig) vooraleer de metadata te verwijderen en verbindt die met een kaart.';
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@ -281,19 +281,8 @@ $a->strings['GNU Social Connector'] = 'Łącze GNU Social';
$a->strings['ActivityPub'] = 'ActivityPub';
$a->strings['pnut'] = 'pnut';
$a->strings['%s (via %s)'] = '%s (przez %s)';
$a->strings['%s likes this.'] = '%s lubi to.';
$a->strings['%s doesn\'t like this.'] = '%s nie lubi tego.';
$a->strings['%s attends.'] = '%s uczestniczy.';
$a->strings['%s doesn\'t attend.'] = '%s nie uczestniczy.';
$a->strings['%s attends maybe.'] = '%s może bierze udział.';
$a->strings['%s reshared this.'] = '%sudostępnił to. ';
$a->strings['and'] = 'i';
$a->strings['and %d other people'] = 'i %d inni ludzie';
$a->strings['%s like this.'] = '%s lubię to.';
$a->strings['%s don\'t like this.'] = '%s nie lubię tego.';
$a->strings['%s attend.'] = '%s uczestniczy.';
$a->strings['%s don\'t attend.'] = '%s nie uczestniczy.';
$a->strings['%s attend maybe.'] = '%sbyć może uczestniczyć.';
$a->strings['Visible to <strong>everybody</strong>'] = 'Widoczne dla <strong>wszystkich</strong>';
$a->strings['Please enter a image/video/audio/webpage URL:'] = 'Wprowadź adres URL obrazu/wideo/audio/strony:';
$a->strings['Tag term:'] = 'Termin tagu:';
@ -338,6 +327,7 @@ $a->strings['Delete Selected Items'] = 'Usuń zaznaczone elementy';
$a->strings['You had been addressed (%s).'] = 'Zostałeś zaadresowany (%s).';
$a->strings['You are following %s.'] = 'Zacząłeś obserwować %s.';
$a->strings['You subscribed to one or more tags in this post.'] = 'Zasubskrybowałeś jeden lub więcej znaczników w tym wpisie.';
$a->strings['%s reshared this.'] = '%sudostępnił to. ';
$a->strings['Reshared'] = 'Udostępnione';
$a->strings['Reshared by %s <%s>'] = 'Udostępnione przez %s <%s>';
$a->strings['%s is participating in this thread.'] = '%s bierze udział w tym wątku.';
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@ -269,25 +269,8 @@ $a->strings['GNU Social Connector'] = 'GNU Social Connector';
$a->strings['ActivityPub'] = 'ActivityPub';
$a->strings['pnut'] = 'pnut';
$a->strings['%s (via %s)'] = '%s (через %s)';
$a->strings['%s likes this.'] = '%s нравится это.';
$a->strings['%s doesn\'t like this.'] = '%s не нравится это.';
$a->strings['%s attends.'] = '%s посещает.';
$a->strings['%s doesn\'t attend.'] = '%s не посетит.';
$a->strings['%s attends maybe.'] = '%s может быть посетит.';
$a->strings['%s reshared this.'] = '%s поделился этим.';
$a->strings['and'] = 'и';
$a->strings['and %d other people'] = 'и еще %d человек';
$a->strings['<button type="button" %1$s>%2$d people</button> like this'] = '<button type="button" %1$s>%2$d людям</button> нравится это';
$a->strings['%s like this.'] = '%s нравится это.';
$a->strings['<button type="button" %1$s>%2$d people</button> don\'t like this'] = '<button type="button" %1$s>%2$d людям</button> не нравится это';
$a->strings['%s don\'t like this.'] = '%s не нравится это';
$a->strings['<button type="button" %1$s>%2$d people</button> attend'] = '<button type="button" %1$s>%2$d людей</button> посетят';
$a->strings['%s attend.'] = '%s посетит.';
$a->strings['<button type="button" %1$s>%2$d people</button> don\'t attend'] = '<button type="button" %1$s>%2$d людей</button> не посетят';
$a->strings['%s don\'t attend.'] = '%s не посетит';
$a->strings['<button type="button" %1$s>%2$d people</button> attend maybe'] = '<button type="button" %1$s>%2$d людей</button> может быть посетят';
$a->strings['%s attend maybe.'] = '%s может быть посетит.';
$a->strings['<button type="button" %1$s>%2$d people</button> reshared this'] = '<button type="button" %1$s>%2$d людей</button> поделились этим';
$a->strings['Visible to <strong>everybody</strong>'] = 'Видимое <strong>всем</strong>';
$a->strings['Please enter a image/video/audio/webpage URL:'] = 'Пожалуйста, введите адрес картинки/видео/аудио/странички:';
$a->strings['Tag term:'] = 'Тег:';
@ -332,6 +315,7 @@ $a->strings['Delete Selected Items'] = 'Удалить выбранные поз
$a->strings['You had been addressed (%s).'] = 'К вам обратились (%s).';
$a->strings['You are following %s.'] = 'Вы подписаны на %s.';
$a->strings['You subscribed to one or more tags in this post.'] = 'Вы подписаны на один или несколько тегов в этой записи.';
$a->strings['%s reshared this.'] = '%s поделился этим.';
$a->strings['Reshared'] = 'Репост';
$a->strings['Reshared by %s <%s>'] = 'Репост от %s <%s>';
$a->strings['%s is participating in this thread.'] = '%s участвует в этом обсуждении';
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