mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 13:24:02 +00:00
Improve po2php transformation
- Use Geekwright\Po for po file parsing to catch corner case with multi-line message - Switch from risky double quoted strings to safer single quoted strings in the output file
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 128 additions and 177 deletions
@ -21,6 +21,9 @@
namespace Friendica\Console;
use Geekwright\Po\PoFile;
use Geekwright\Po\PoTokens;
* Read a messages.po file and create strings.php in the same directory
@ -84,121 +87,8 @@ HELP;
$this->out('Out to ' . $outfile);
$out = "<?php\n\n";
$out = $this->poFile2Php($lang, $pofile);
$infile = file($pofile);
$k = '';
$v = '';
$arr = false;
$ink = false;
$inv = false;
$escape_s_exp = '|[^\\\\]\$[a-z]|';
foreach ($infile as $l) {
$l = str_replace('\"', self::DQ_ESCAPE, $l);
$len = strlen($l);
if ($l[0] == "#") {
$l = "";
if (substr($l, 0, 15) == '"Plural-Forms: ') {
$match = [];
preg_match("|nplurals=([0-9]*); *plural=(.*?)[;\\\\]|", $l, $match);
$return = $this->convertCPluralConditionToPhpReturnStatement($match[2]);
// define plural select function if not already defined
$fnname = 'string_plural_select_' . $lang;
$out .= 'if(! function_exists("' . $fnname . '")) {' . "\n";
$out .= 'function ' . $fnname . '($n){' . "\n";
$out .= ' $n = intval($n);' . "\n";
$out .= ' ' . $return . "\n";
$out .= '}}' . "\n";
if ($k != '' && substr($l, 0, 7) == 'msgstr ') {
$v = substr($l, 8, $len - 10);
$v = preg_replace_callback($escape_s_exp, [$this, 'escapeDollar'], $v);
if ($v != '') {
$out .= '$a->strings["' . $k . '"] = "' . $v . '"';
} else {
$k = '';
$ink = false;
if ($k != "" && substr($l, 0, 7) == 'msgstr[') {
if ($ink) {
$ink = false;
$out .= '$a->strings["' . $k . '"] = ';
if ($inv) {
$inv = false;
$out .= '"' . $v . '"';
if (!$arr) {
$arr = true;
$out .= "[\n";
$match = [];
preg_match("|\[([0-9]*)\] (.*)|", $l, $match);
if ($match[2] !== '""') {
$out .= "\t"
. preg_replace_callback($escape_s_exp, [$this, 'escapeDollar'], $match[1])
. ' => '
. preg_replace_callback($escape_s_exp, [$this, 'escapeDollar'], $match[2])
. ",\n";
if (substr($l, 0, 6) == 'msgid_') {
$ink = false;
$out .= '$a->strings["' . $k . '"] = ';
if ($ink) {
$k .= trim($l, "\"\r\n");
$k = preg_replace_callback($escape_s_exp, [$this, 'escapeDollar'], $k);
if (substr($l, 0, 6) == 'msgid ') {
if ($inv) {
$inv = false;
$out .= '"' . $v . '"';
if ($k != "") {
$out .= ($arr) ? "];\n" : ";\n";
$arr = false;
$k = str_replace("msgid ", "", $l);
if ($k != '""') {
$k = trim($k, "\"\r\n");
} else {
$k = '';
$k = preg_replace_callback($escape_s_exp, [$this, 'escapeDollar'], $k);
$ink = true;
if ($inv && substr($l, 0, 6) != "msgstr") {
$v .= trim($l, "\"\r\n");
$v = preg_replace_callback($escape_s_exp, [$this, 'escapeDollar'], $v);
if ($inv) {
$out .= '"' . $v . '"';
if ($k != '') {
$out .= ($arr ? "];\n" : ";\n");
$out = str_replace(self::DQ_ESCAPE, '\"', $out);
if (!file_put_contents($outfile, $out)) {
throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to write to ' . $outfile);
@ -206,9 +96,70 @@ HELP;
return 0;
private function escapeDollar($match)
private function poFile2Php($lang, $infile): string
return str_replace('$', '\$', $match[0]);
$poFile = new PoFile();
$out = "<?php\n\n";
$pluralForms = $poFile->getHeaderEntry()->getHeader('plural-forms');
if (!$pluralForms) {
throw new \RuntimeException('No Plural-Forms header detected');
$regex = 'nplurals=([0-9]*); *plural=(.*?)[\\\\;]';
if (!preg_match('|' . $regex . '|', $pluralForms, $match)) {
throw new \RuntimeException('Unexpected Plural-Forms header value, expected "' . $regex . '", found ' . $pluralForms);
$out .= $this->createPluralSelectFunctionString($match[2], $lang);
foreach ($poFile->getEntries() as $entry) {
if (!implode('', $entry->getAsStringArray(PoTokens::TRANSLATED))) {
// Skip completely untranslated entries
$out .= '$a->strings[' . self::escapePhpString($entry->getAsString(PoTokens::MESSAGE)) . '] = ';
$msgid_plural = $entry->get(PoTokens::PLURAL);
if (empty($msgid_plural)) {
$out .= self::escapePhpString($entry->getAsString(PoTokens::TRANSLATED)) . ';' . "\n";
} else {
$out .= '[' . "\n";
foreach($entry->getAsStringArray(PoTokens::TRANSLATED) as $key => $msgstr) {
$out .= "\t" . $key . ' => ' . self::escapePhpString($msgstr) . ',' . "\n";
$out .= '];' . "\n";
return $out;
private function createPluralSelectFunctionString(string $pluralForms, string $lang): string
$return = $this->convertCPluralConditionToPhpReturnStatement(
$fnname = 'string_plural_select_' . $lang;
$out = 'if(! function_exists("' . $fnname . '")) {' . "\n";
$out .= 'function ' . $fnname . '($n){' . "\n";
$out .= ' $n = intval($n);' . "\n";
$out .= ' ' . $return . "\n";
$out .= '}}' . "\n";
return $out;
private static function escapePhpString($string): string
return "'" . strtr($string, ['\'' => '\\\'']) . "'";
@ -224,68 +175,68 @@ HELP;
$cond = str_replace('n', '$n', $cond);
* Parses the condition into an array if there's at least a ternary operator, to a string otherwise
* Warning: Black recursive magic
* @param string $string
* @param array|string $node
function parse(string $string, &$node = [])
// Removes extra outward parentheses
if (strpos($string, '(') === 0 && strrpos($string, ')') === strlen($string) - 1) {
$string = substr($string, 1, -1);
$q = strpos($string, '?');
$s = strpos($string, ':');
if ($q === false && $s === false) {
$node = $string;
if ($q === false || $s < $q) {
list($then, $else) = explode(':', $string, 2);
$node['then'] = $then;
$parsedElse = [];
parse($else, $parsedElse);
$node['else'] = $parsedElse;
} else {
list($if, $thenelse) = explode('?', $string, 2);
$node['if'] = $if;
parse($thenelse, $node);
* Renders the parsed condition tree into a return statement
* Warning: Black recursive magic
* @param $tree
* @return string
function render($tree)
if (is_array($tree)) {
$if = trim($tree['if']);
$then = trim($tree['then']);
$else = render($tree['else']);
return "if ({$if}) { return {$then}; } else {$else}";
$tree = trim($tree);
return " { return {$tree}; }";
$tree = [];
parse($cond, $tree);
self::parse($cond, $tree);
return is_string($tree) ? "return intval({$tree});" : render($tree);
return is_string($tree) ? "return intval({$tree});" : self::render($tree);
* Parses the condition into an array if there's at least a ternary operator, to a string otherwise
* Warning: Black recursive magic
* @param string $string
* @param array|string $node
private static function parse(string $string, &$node = [])
// Removes extra outward parentheses
if (strpos($string, '(') === 0 && strrpos($string, ')') === strlen($string) - 1) {
$string = substr($string, 1, -1);
$q = strpos($string, '?');
$s = strpos($string, ':');
if ($q === false && $s === false) {
$node = $string;
if ($q === false || $s < $q) {
list($then, $else) = explode(':', $string, 2);
$node['then'] = $then;
$parsedElse = [];
self::parse($else, $parsedElse);
$node['else'] = $parsedElse;
} else {
list($if, $thenelse) = explode('?', $string, 2);
$node['if'] = $if;
self::parse($thenelse, $node);
* Renders the parsed condition tree into a return statement
* Warning: Black recursive magic
* @param $tree
* @return string
private static function render($tree): string
if (is_array($tree)) {
$if = trim($tree['if']);
$then = trim($tree['then']);
$else = self::render($tree['else']);
return "if ({$if}) { return {$then}; } else {$else}";
$tree = trim($tree);
return " { return {$tree}; }";
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