mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 07:08:26 +00:00
Native probe support for AT-Proto
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 332 additions and 43 deletions
@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ class Protocol
return false;
if (in_array($protocol, array_merge(self::NATIVE_SUPPORT, [self::ZOT, self::PHANTOM]))) {
if (in_array($protocol, array_merge(self::NATIVE_SUPPORT, [self::ZOT, self::BLUESKY, self::PHANTOM]))) {
return true;
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ abstract class DI
* @return AtProtocol\Arguments
* @return ATProtocol\Actor
public static function atpActor()
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ namespace Friendica\Network;
use DOMDocument;
use DomXPath;
use Exception;
use Friendica\Content\Text\HTML;
use Friendica\Core\Hook;
use Friendica\Core\Logger;
use Friendica\Core\Protocol;
@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ use Friendica\Network\HTTPClient\Client\HttpClientOptions;
use Friendica\Network\HTTPClient\Client\HttpClientRequest;
use Friendica\Protocol\ActivityNamespace;
use Friendica\Protocol\ActivityPub;
use Friendica\Protocol\ATProtocol;
use Friendica\Protocol\Diaspora;
use Friendica\Protocol\Email;
use Friendica\Protocol\Feed;
@ -724,8 +726,8 @@ class Probe
$parts = parse_url($uri);
if (empty($parts['scheme']) && empty($parts['host']) && (empty($parts['path']) || strpos($parts['path'], '@') === false)) {
Logger::info('URI was not detectable', ['uri' => $uri]);
return [];
Logger::info('URI was not detectable, probe for AT Protocol now', ['uri' => $uri]);
return self::atProtocol($uri);
// If the URI starts with "mailto:" then jump directly to the mail detection
@ -749,6 +751,10 @@ class Probe
if (empty($data)) {
$data = self::atProtocol($uri);
if (!empty($data)) {
return $data;
if (!empty($parts['scheme'])) {
return self::feed($uri);
} elseif (!empty($uid)) {
@ -1677,6 +1683,75 @@ class Probe
return (string)Uri::fromParts((array)(array)$baseParts);
* Check for AT Protocol (Bluesky)
* @param string $uri Profile link
* @return array Profile data or empty array
private static function atProtocol(string $uri): array
if (parse_url($uri, PHP_URL_SCHEME) == 'did') {
$did = $uri;
} elseif (parse_url($uri, PHP_URL_PATH) == $uri && strpos($uri, '@') === false) {
$did = DI::atProtocol()->getDid($uri);
if (empty($did)) {
return [];
} elseif (Network::isValidHttpUrl($uri)) {
$did = DI::atProtocol()->getDidByProfile($uri);
if (empty($did)) {
return [];
} else {
return [];
$profile = DI::atProtocol()->XRPCGet('app.bsky.actor.getProfile', ['actor' => $did]);
if (empty($profile) || empty($profile->did)) {
return [];
$nick = $profile->handle ?? $profile->did;
$name = $profile->displayName ?? $nick;
$data = [
'network' => Protocol::BLUESKY,
'url' => $profile->did,
'alias' => ATProtocol::WEB . '/profile/' . $nick,
'name' => $name ?: $nick,
'nick' => $nick,
'addr' => $nick,
'poll' => ATProtocol::WEB . '/profile/' . $profile->did . '/rss',
'photo' => $profile->avatar ?? '',
if (!empty($profile->description)) {
$data['about'] = HTML::toBBCode($profile->description);
if (!empty($profile->banner)) {
$data['header'] = $profile->banner;
$directory = DI::atProtocol()->get(ATProtocol::DIRECTORY . '/' . $profile->did);
if (!empty($directory)) {
foreach ($directory->service as $service) {
if (($service->id == '#atproto_pds') && ($service->type == 'AtprotoPersonalDataServer') && !empty($service->serviceEndpoint)) {
$data['baseurl'] = $service->serviceEndpoint;
foreach ($directory->verificationMethod as $method) {
if (!empty($method->publicKeyMultibase)) {
$data['pubkey'] = $method->publicKeyMultibase;
return $data;
* Check for feed contact
@ -66,6 +66,11 @@ final class ATProtocol
$this->httpClient = $httpClient;
* Returns an array of user ids who want to import the Bluesky timeline
* @return array user ids
public function getUids(): array
$uids = [];
@ -92,6 +97,15 @@ final class ATProtocol
return $uids;
* Fetches XRPC data
* @see https://atproto.com/specs/xrpc#lexicon-http-endpoints
* @param string $url for example "app.bsky.feed.getTimeline"
* @param array $parameters Array with parameters
* @param integer $uid User ID
* @return stdClass|null Fetched data
public function XRPCGet(string $url, array $parameters = [], int $uid = 0): ?stdClass
if (!empty($parameters)) {
@ -119,6 +133,13 @@ final class ATProtocol
return $data;
* Fetch data from the given URL via GET and return it as a JSON class
* @param string $url HTTP URL
* @param array $opts HTTP options
* @return stdClass|null Fetched data
public function get(string $url, array $opts = []): ?stdClass
try {
@ -141,12 +162,30 @@ final class ATProtocol
return $data;
* Perform an XRPC post for a given user
* @see https://atproto.com/specs/xrpc#lexicon-http-endpoints
* @param integer $uid User ID
* @param string $url Endpoints like "com.atproto.repo.createRecord"
* @param [type] $parameters array or StdClass with parameters
* @return stdClass|null
public function XRPCPost(int $uid, string $url, $parameters): ?stdClass
$data = $this->post($uid, '/xrpc/' . $url, json_encode($parameters), ['Content-type' => 'application/json', 'Authorization' => ['Bearer ' . $this->getUserToken($uid)]]);
return $data;
* Post data to the user PDS
* @param integer $uid User ID
* @param string $url HTTP URL without the hostname
* @param string $params Parameter string
* @param array $headers HTTP header information
* @return stdClass|null
public function post(int $uid, string $url, string $params, array $headers): ?stdClass
$pds = $this->getUserPds($uid);
@ -180,6 +219,13 @@ final class ATProtocol
return $data;
* Fetches the PDS for a given user
* @see https://atproto.com/guides/glossary#pds-personal-data-server
* @param integer $uid User ID or 0
* @return string|null PDS or null if the user has got no PDS assigned. If UID set to 0, the public api URL is used
private function getUserPds(int $uid): ?string
if ($uid == 0) {
@ -205,6 +251,14 @@ final class ATProtocol
return $pds;
* Fetch the DID for a given user
* @see https://atproto.com/guides/glossary#did-decentralized-id
* @param integer $uid User ID
* @param boolean $refresh Default "false". If set to true, the DID is detected from the handle again.
* @return string|null DID or null if no DID has been found.
public function getUserDid(int $uid, bool $refresh = false): ?string
if (!$this->pConfig->get($uid, 'bluesky', 'post')) {
@ -233,6 +287,12 @@ final class ATProtocol
return $did;
* Fetches the DID for a given handle
* @param string $handle The user handle
* @return string DID (did:plc:...)
public function getDid(string $handle): string
if ($handle == '') {
@ -268,6 +328,12 @@ final class ATProtocol
return '';
* Fetches a DID for a given profile URL
* @param string $url HTTP path to the profile in the format https://bsky.app/profile/username
* @return string DID (did:plc:...)
public function getDidByProfile(string $url): string
if (preg_match('#^' . self::WEB . '/profile/(.+)#', $url, $matches)) {
@ -317,6 +383,13 @@ final class ATProtocol
return $ids['bsky_did'];
* Fetches the DID of a given handle via a HTTP request to the .well-known URL.
* This is one of the ways, custom handles can be authorized.
* @param string $handle The user handle
* @return string DID (did:plc:...)
private function getDidByWellknown(string $handle): string
$curlResult = $this->httpClient->get('http://' . $handle . '/.well-known/atproto-did');
@ -331,6 +404,13 @@ final class ATProtocol
return '';
* Fetches the DID of a given handle via a DND request.
* This is one of the ways, custom handles can be authorized.
* @param string $handle The user handle
* @return string DID (did:plc:...)
private function getDidByDns(string $handle): string
$records = @dns_get_record('_atproto.' . $handle . '.', DNS_TXT);
@ -350,7 +430,13 @@ final class ATProtocol
return '';
private function getPdsOfDid(string $did): ?string
* Fetch the PDS of a given DID
* @param string $did DID (did:plc:...)
* @return string|null URL of the PDS, e.g. https://enoki.us-east.host.bsky.network
public function getPdsOfDid(string $did): ?string
$data = $this->get(self::DIRECTORY . '/' . $did);
if (empty($data) || empty($data->service)) {
@ -366,6 +452,13 @@ final class ATProtocol
return null;
* Checks if the provided DID matches the handle
* @param string $did DID (did:plc:...)
* @param string $handle The user handle
* @return boolean
private function isValidDid(string $did, string $handle): bool
$data = $this->get(self::DIRECTORY . '/' . $did);
@ -376,6 +469,12 @@ final class ATProtocol
return in_array('at://' . $handle, $data->alsoKnownAs);
* Fetches the user token for a given user
* @param integer $uid User ID
* @return string user token
public function getUserToken(int $uid): string
$token = $this->pConfig->get($uid, 'bluesky', 'access_token');
@ -390,6 +489,12 @@ final class ATProtocol
return $token;
* Refresh and returns the user token for a given user.
* @param integer $uid User ID
* @return string user token
private function refreshUserToken(int $uid): string
$token = $this->pConfig->get($uid, 'bluesky', 'refresh_token');
@ -412,6 +517,13 @@ final class ATProtocol
return $data->accessJwt;
* Create a user token for the given user
* @param integer $uid User ID
* @param string $password Application password
* @return string user token
public function createUserToken(int $uid, string $password): string
$did = $this->getUserDid($uid);
@ -35,7 +35,13 @@ class Actor
$this->atprotocol = $atprotocol;
public function syncContacts(int $uid)
* Syncronize the contacts (followers, sharers) for the given user
* @param integer $uid User ID
* @return void
public function syncContacts(int $uid): void
$this->logger->info('Sync contacts for user - start', ['uid' => $uid]);
$contacts = Contact::selectToArray(['id', 'url', 'rel'], ['uid' => $uid, 'network' => Protocol::BLUESKY, 'rel' => [Contact::FRIEND, Contact::SHARING, Contact::FOLLOWER]]);
@ -93,9 +99,16 @@ class Actor
$this->logger->info('Sync contacts for user - done', ['uid' => $uid]);
public function updateContactByDID(string $did)
* Update a contact for a given DID and user id
* @param string $did DID (did:plc:...)
* @param integer $contact_uid User id of the contact to be updated
* @return void
public function updateContactByDID(string $did, int $contact_uid): void
$profile = $this->atprotocol->XRPCGet('app.bsky.actor.getProfile', ['actor' => $did]);
$profile = $this->atprotocol->XRPCGet('app.bsky.actor.getProfile', ['actor' => $did], $contact_uid);
if (empty($profile) || empty($profile->did)) {
@ -139,20 +152,7 @@ class Actor
@todo Add this part when the function will be callable with a uid
if (!empty($profile->viewer)) {
if (!empty($profile->viewer->following) && !empty($profile->viewer->followedBy)) {
$fields['rel'] = Contact::FRIEND;
} elseif (!empty($profile->viewer->following) && empty($profile->viewer->followedBy)) {
$fields['rel'] = Contact::SHARING;
} elseif (empty($profile->viewer->following) && !empty($profile->viewer->followedBy)) {
$fields['rel'] = Contact::FOLLOWER;
} else {
$fields['rel'] = Contact::NOTHING;
Contact::update($fields, ['nurl' => $profile->did, 'network' => Protocol::BLUESKY]);
if (!empty($profile->avatar)) {
$contact = Contact::selectFirst(['id', 'avatar'], ['network' => Protocol::BLUESKY, 'nurl' => $did, 'uid' => 0]);
@ -161,16 +161,37 @@ class Actor
$this->logger->notice('Update profile', ['did' => $profile->did, 'fields' => $fields]);
$this->logger->notice('Update global profile', ['did' => $profile->did, 'fields' => $fields]);
Contact::update($fields, ['nurl' => $profile->did, 'network' => Protocol::BLUESKY]);
if (!empty($profile->viewer) && ($contact_uid != 0)) {
if (!empty($profile->viewer->following) && !empty($profile->viewer->followedBy)) {
$user_fields = ['rel' => Contact::FRIEND];
} elseif (!empty($profile->viewer->following) && empty($profile->viewer->followedBy)) {
$user_fields = ['rel' => Contact::SHARING];
} elseif (empty($profile->viewer->following) && !empty($profile->viewer->followedBy)) {
$user_fields = ['rel' => Contact::FOLLOWER];
} else {
$user_fields = ['rel' => Contact::NOTHING];
Contact::update($user_fields, ['nurl' => $profile->did, 'network' => Protocol::BLUESKY, 'uid' => $contact_uid]);
$this->logger->notice('Update user profile', ['uid' => $contact_uid, 'did' => $profile->did, 'fields' => $user_fields]);
public function getContactByDID(string $did, int $uid, int $contact_uid): array
* Fetch and possibly create a contact array for a given DID
* @param string $did The contact DID
* @param integer $uid "0" when either the public contact or the user contact is desired
* @param integer $contact_uid If not found, the contact will be created for this user id
* @param boolean $auto_update Default "false". If activated, the contact will be updated every 24 hours
* @return array Contact array
public function getContactByDID(string $did, int $uid, int $contact_uid, bool $auto_update = false): array
$contact = Contact::selectFirst([], ['network' => Protocol::BLUESKY, 'nurl' => $did, 'uid' => [$contact_uid, $uid]], ['order' => ['uid' => true]]);
if (!empty($contact)) {
if (!empty($contact) && (!$auto_update || ($contact['updated'] > DateTimeFormat::utc('now -24 hours')))) {
return $contact;
@ -196,7 +217,7 @@ class Actor
$cid = $contact['id'];
$this->updateContactByDID($did, $contact_uid);
return Contact::getById($cid);
@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ class Jetstream
private $uids = [];
private $self = [];
private $capped = false;
private $next_stat = 0;
/** @var LoggerInterface */
private $logger;
@ -74,10 +73,12 @@ class Jetstream
$this->processor = $processor;
// *****************************************
// * Listener
// *****************************************
public function listen()
* Listen to incoming webstream messages from Jetstream
* @return void
public function listen(): void
$timeout = 300;
$timeout_limit = 10;
@ -137,7 +138,12 @@ class Jetstream
private function incrementMessages()
* Increment the message counter for the statistics page
* @return void
private function incrementMessages(): void
$packets = (int)($this->keyValue->get('jetstream_messages') ?? 0);
if ($packets >= PHP_INT_MAX) {
@ -146,6 +152,11 @@ class Jetstream
$this->keyValue->set('jetstream_messages', $packets + 1);
* Synchronize contacts for all active users
* @return void
private function syncContacts()
$active_uids = $this->atprotocol->getUids();
@ -158,6 +169,11 @@ class Jetstream
* Set options like the followed DIDs
* @return void
private function setOptions()
$active_uids = $this->atprotocol->getUids();
@ -219,6 +235,15 @@ class Jetstream
* Returns an array of DIDs provided by an array of contacts
* @param array $contacts Array of contact records
* @param array $uids Array with the user ids with enabled bluesky timeline import
* @param integer $did_limit Maximum limit of entries
* @param array $dids Array of DIDs that are added to the output list
* @return array DIDs
private function addDids(array $contacts, array $uids, int $did_limit, array $dids): array
foreach ($contacts as $contact) {
@ -233,7 +258,13 @@ class Jetstream
return $dids;
private function route(stdClass $data)
* Route incoming messages
* @param stdClass $data message object
* @return void
private function route(stdClass $data): void
@ -254,7 +285,13 @@ class Jetstream
private function routeCommits(stdClass $data)
* Route incoming commit messages
* @param stdClass $data message object
* @return void
private function routeCommits(stdClass $data): void
$drift = $this->getDrift($data);
$this->logger->notice('Received commit', ['time' => date(DateTimeFormat::ATOM, $data->time_us / 1000000), 'drift' => $drift, 'capped' => $this->capped, 'did' => $data->did, 'operation' => $data->commit->operation, 'collection' => $data->commit->collection, 'timestamp' => $data->time_us]);
@ -304,6 +341,12 @@ class Jetstream
* Calculate the drift between the server timestamp and the current time.
* @param stdClass $data message object
* @return integer The calculated drift
private function getDrift(stdClass $data): int
$drift = max(0, round(time() - $data->time_us / 1000000));
@ -321,7 +364,14 @@ class Jetstream
return $drift;
private function routePost(stdClass $data, int $drift)
* Route app.bsky.feed.post commits
* @param stdClass $data message object
* @param integer $drift
* @return void
private function routePost(stdClass $data, int $drift): void
switch ($data->commit->operation) {
case 'delete':
@ -338,7 +388,14 @@ class Jetstream
private function routeRepost(stdClass $data, int $drift)
* Route app.bsky.feed.repost commits
* @param stdClass $data message object
* @param integer $drift
* @return void
private function routeRepost(stdClass $data, int $drift): void
switch ($data->commit->operation) {
case 'delete':
@ -355,7 +412,13 @@ class Jetstream
private function routeLike(stdClass $data)
* Route app.bsky.feed.like commits
* @param stdClass $data message object
* @return void
private function routeLike(stdClass $data): void
switch ($data->commit->operation) {
case 'delete':
@ -372,7 +435,13 @@ class Jetstream
private function routeProfile(stdClass $data)
* Route app.bsky.actor.profile commits
* @param stdClass $data message object
* @return void
private function routeProfile(stdClass $data): void
switch ($data->commit->operation) {
case 'delete':
@ -380,11 +449,11 @@ class Jetstream
case 'create':
$this->actor->updateContactByDID($data->did, 0);
case 'update':
$this->actor->updateContactByDID($data->did, 0);
@ -393,7 +462,13 @@ class Jetstream
private function routeFollow(stdClass $data)
* Route app.bsky.graph.follow commits
* @param stdClass $data message object
* @return void
private function routeFollow(stdClass $data): void
switch ($data->commit->operation) {
case 'delete':
@ -416,7 +491,13 @@ class Jetstream
private function storeCommitMessage(stdClass $data)
* Store commit messages for debugging purposes
* @param stdClass $data message object
* @return void
private function storeCommitMessage(stdClass $data): void
if ($this->config->get('debug', 'jetstream_log')) {
$tempfile = tempnam(System::getTempPath(), 'at-proto.commit.' . $data->commit->collection . '.' . $data->commit->operation . '-');
Add table
Reference in a new issue