is_mobile) { $itemspage_network = PConfig::get(local_user(),'system','itemspage_mobile_network', 20); } else { $itemspage_network = PConfig::get(local_user(),'system','itemspage_network', 40); } // now that we have the user settings, see if the theme forces // a maximum item number which is lower then the user choice if (($a->force_max_items > 0) && ($a->force_max_items < $itemspage_network)) { $itemspage_network = $a->force_max_items; } $a->set_pager_itemspage($itemspage_network); } $r = self::getPublicItems($a->pager['start'], $a->pager['itemspage']); if (!DBM::is_result($r)) { info(t('No results.') . EOL); return $o; } $o .= conversation($a, $r, 'community', $update); $o .= alt_pager($a, count($r)); $t = get_markup_template("community.tpl"); return replace_macros($t, array( '$content' => $o, '$header' => t("Global Timeline"), '$show_global_community_hint' => Config::get('system', 'show_global_community_hint'), '$global_community_hint' => t("This community stream shows all public posts received by this node. They may not reflect the opinions of this node’s users.") )); } private static function getPublicItems($start, $itemspage) { $r = dba::p("SELECT ".item_fieldlists()." FROM `thread` INNER JOIN `item` ON `item`.`id` = `thread`.`iid` ".item_joins(). "WHERE `thread`.`uid` = 0 AND `verb` = ? ORDER BY `thread`.`created` DESC LIMIT ".intval($start).", ".intval($itemspage), ACTIVITY_POST ); return dba::inArray($r); } }