. * */ namespace Friendica\Worker; use Friendica\Core\Logger; use Friendica\Core\Protocol; use Friendica\Database\DBA; use Friendica\DI; use Friendica\Model; use Friendica\Protocol\DFRN; use Friendica\Protocol\Diaspora; use Friendica\Protocol\Email; use Friendica\Protocol\Activity; use Friendica\Util\Strings; use Friendica\Util\Network; use Friendica\Core\Worker; use Friendica\Model\Conversation; use Friendica\Model\FContact; use Friendica\Protocol\Relay; class Delivery { const MAIL = 'mail'; const SUGGESTION = 'suggest'; const RELOCATION = 'relocate'; const DELETION = 'drop'; const POST = 'wall-new'; const POKE = 'poke'; const UPLINK = 'uplink'; const REMOVAL = 'removeme'; const PROFILEUPDATE = 'profileupdate'; public static function execute($cmd, $target_id, $contact_id) { Logger::info('Invoked', ['cmd' => $cmd, 'target' => $target_id, 'contact' => $contact_id]); $top_level = false; $followup = false; $public_message = false; $items = []; if ($cmd == self::MAIL) { $target_item = DBA::selectFirst('mail', [], ['id' => $target_id]); if (!DBA::isResult($target_item)) { return; } $uid = $target_item['uid']; } elseif ($cmd == self::SUGGESTION) { $target_item = DBA::selectFirst('fsuggest', [], ['id' => $target_id]); if (!DBA::isResult($target_item)) { return; } $uid = $target_item['uid']; } elseif ($cmd == self::RELOCATION) { $uid = $target_id; $target_item = []; } else { $item = Model\Item::selectFirst(['parent'], ['id' => $target_id]); if (!DBA::isResult($item) || empty($item['parent'])) { return; } $parent_id = intval($item['parent']); $condition = ['id' => [$target_id, $parent_id], 'visible' => true, 'moderated' => false]; $params = ['order' => ['id']]; $itemdata = Model\Item::select([], $condition, $params); while ($item = Model\Item::fetch($itemdata)) { if ($item['verb'] == Activity::ANNOUNCE) { continue; } if ($item['id'] == $parent_id) { $parent = $item; } if ($item['id'] == $target_id) { $target_item = $item; } $items[] = $item; } DBA::close($itemdata); if (empty($target_item)) { Logger::log('Item ' . $target_id . "wasn't found. Quitting here."); return; } if (empty($parent)) { Logger::log('Parent ' . $parent_id . ' for item ' . $target_id . "wasn't found. Quitting here."); self::setFailedQueue($cmd, $target_item); return; } if (!empty($target_item['contact-uid'])) { $uid = $target_item['contact-uid']; } elseif (!empty($target_item['uid'])) { $uid = $target_item['uid']; } else { Logger::log('Only public users for item ' . $target_id, Logger::DEBUG); self::setFailedQueue($cmd, $target_item); return; } $condition = ['uri' => $target_item['thr-parent'], 'uid' => $target_item['uid']]; $thr_parent = Model\Item::selectFirst(['network', 'object'], $condition); if (!DBA::isResult($thr_parent)) { // Shouldn't happen. But when this does, we just take the parent as thread parent. // That's totally okay for what we use this variable here. $thr_parent = $parent; } if (!empty($contact_id) && Model\Contact::isArchived($contact_id)) { Logger::info('Contact is archived', ['id' => $contact_id, 'cmd' => $cmd, 'item' => $target_item['id']]); self::setFailedQueue($cmd, $target_item); return; } // avoid race condition with deleting entries if ($items[0]['deleted']) { foreach ($items as $item) { $item['deleted'] = 1; } } $top_level = $target_item['gravity'] == GRAVITY_PARENT; // This is IMPORTANT!!!! // We will only send a "notify owner to relay" or followup message if the referenced post // originated on our system by virtue of having our hostname somewhere // in the URI, AND it was a comment (not top_level) AND the parent originated elsewhere. // if $parent['wall'] == 1 we will already have the parent message in our array // and we will relay the whole lot. $localhost = DI::baseUrl()->getHostname(); if (strpos($localhost, ':')) { $localhost = substr($localhost, 0, strpos($localhost, ':')); } /** * * Be VERY CAREFUL if you make any changes to the following line. Seemingly innocuous changes * have been known to cause runaway conditions which affected several servers, along with * permissions issues. * */ if (!$top_level && ($parent['wall'] == 0) && stristr($target_item['uri'], $localhost)) { Logger::log('Followup ' . $target_item["guid"], Logger::DEBUG); // local followup to remote post $followup = true; } if (empty($parent['allow_cid']) && empty($parent['allow_gid']) && empty($parent['deny_cid']) && empty($parent['deny_gid']) && ($parent["private"] != Model\Item::PRIVATE)) { $public_message = true; } } if (empty($items)) { Logger::log('No delivery data for ' . $cmd . ' - Item ID: ' .$target_id . ' - Contact ID: ' . $contact_id); } $owner = Model\User::getOwnerDataById($uid); if (!DBA::isResult($owner)) { self::setFailedQueue($cmd, $target_item); return; } // We don't deliver our items to blocked, archived or pending contacts, and not to ourselves either $contact = DBA::selectFirst('contact', [], ['id' => $contact_id, 'archive' => false, 'blocked' => false, 'pending' => false, 'self' => false] ); if (!DBA::isResult($contact)) { self::setFailedQueue($cmd, $target_item); return; } if (Network::isUrlBlocked($contact['url'])) { self::setFailedQueue($cmd, $target_item); return; } $protocol = Model\GServer::getProtocol($contact['gsid']); // Transmit via Diaspora if the thread had started as Diaspora post. // Also transmit via Diaspora if this is a direct answer to a Diaspora comment. // This is done since the uri wouldn't match (Diaspora doesn't transmit it) // Also transmit relayed posts from Diaspora contacts via Diaspora. if (!empty($parent) && !empty($thr_parent) && in_array(Protocol::DIASPORA, [$parent['network'], $thr_parent['network'], $target_item['network']])) { $contact['network'] = Protocol::DIASPORA; } // Ensure that local contacts are delivered locally if (Model\Contact::isLocal($contact['url'])) { $contact['network'] = Protocol::DFRN; } Logger::notice('Delivering', ['cmd' => $cmd, 'target' => $target_id, 'followup' => $followup, 'network' => $contact['network']]); switch ($contact['network']) { case Protocol::DFRN: self::deliverDFRN($cmd, $contact, $owner, $items, $target_item, $public_message, $top_level, $followup, $protocol); break; case Protocol::DIASPORA: self::deliverDiaspora($cmd, $contact, $owner, $items, $target_item, $public_message, $top_level, $followup); break; case Protocol::MAIL: self::deliverMail($cmd, $contact, $owner, $target_item, $thr_parent); break; default: break; } return; } /** * Increased the "failed" counter in the item delivery data * * @param string $cmd Command * @param array $item Item array */ private static function setFailedQueue(string $cmd, array $item) { if (!in_array($cmd, [Delivery::POST, Delivery::POKE])) { return; } Model\Post\DeliveryData::incrementQueueFailed($item['uri-id'] ?? $item['id']); } /** * Deliver content via DFRN * * @param string $cmd Command * @param array $contact Contact record of the receiver * @param array $owner Owner record of the sender * @param array $items Item record of the content and the parent * @param array $target_item Item record of the content * @param boolean $public_message Is the content public? * @param boolean $top_level Is it a thread starter? * @param boolean $followup Is it an answer to a remote post? * @param int $server_protocol The protocol of the server * @throws \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException * @throws \ImagickException */ private static function deliverDFRN($cmd, $contact, $owner, $items, $target_item, $public_message, $top_level, $followup, $server_protocol) { // Transmit Diaspora reshares via Diaspora if the Friendica contact support Diaspora if (Diaspora::isReshare($target_item['body']) && !empty(FContact::getByURL($contact['addr'], false))) { Logger::info('Reshare will be transmitted via Diaspora', ['url' => $contact['url'], 'guid' => ($target_item['guid'] ?? '') ?: $target_item['id']]); self::deliverDiaspora($cmd, $contact, $owner, $items, $target_item, $public_message, $top_level, $followup); return; } Logger::info('Deliver ' . (($target_item['guid'] ?? '') ?: $target_item['id']) . ' via DFRN to ' . (($contact['addr'] ?? '') ?: $contact['url'])); if ($cmd == self::MAIL) { $item = $target_item; $item['body'] = Model\Item::fixPrivatePhotos($item['body'], $owner['uid'], null, $item['contact-id']); $atom = DFRN::mail($item, $owner); } elseif ($cmd == self::SUGGESTION) { $item = $target_item; $atom = DFRN::fsuggest($item, $owner); DBA::delete('fsuggest', ['id' => $item['id']]); } elseif ($cmd == self::RELOCATION) { $atom = DFRN::relocate($owner, $owner['uid']); } elseif ($followup) { $msgitems = [$target_item]; $atom = DFRN::entries($msgitems, $owner); } else { if ($target_item['deleted']) { $msgitems = [$target_item]; } else { $msgitems = []; foreach ($items as $item) { // Only add the parent when we don't delete other items. if (($target_item['id'] == $item['id']) || ($cmd != self::DELETION)) { $item["entry:comment-allow"] = true; $item["entry:cid"] = ($top_level ? $contact['id'] : 0); $msgitems[] = $item; } } } $atom = DFRN::entries($msgitems, $owner); } Logger::debug('Notifier entry: ' . $contact["url"] . ' ' . (($target_item['guid'] ?? '') ?: $target_item['id']) . ' entry: ' . $atom); // perform local delivery if we are on the same site if (Model\Contact::isLocal($contact['url'])) { $condition = ['nurl' => Strings::normaliseLink($contact['url']), 'self' => true]; $target_self = DBA::selectFirst('contact', ['uid'], $condition); if (!DBA::isResult($target_self)) { return; } $target_uid = $target_self['uid']; // Check if the user has got this contact $cid = Model\Contact::getIdForURL($owner['url'], $target_uid); if (!$cid) { // Otherwise there should be a public contact $cid = Model\Contact::getIdForURL($owner['url']); if (!$cid) { return; } } $target_importer = DFRN::getImporter($cid, $target_uid); if (empty($target_importer)) { // This should never happen return; } DFRN::import($atom, $target_importer, Conversation::PARCEL_LOCAL_DFRN, Conversation::PUSH); if (in_array($cmd, [Delivery::POST, Delivery::POKE])) { Model\Post\DeliveryData::incrementQueueDone($target_item['uri-id'], Model\Post\DeliveryData::DFRN); } return; } $protocol = Model\Post\DeliveryData::DFRN; // We don't have a relationship with contacts on a public post. // Se we transmit with the new method and via Diaspora as a fallback if (!empty($items) && (($items[0]['uid'] == 0) || ($contact['uid'] == 0))) { // Transmit in public if it's a relay post $public_dfrn = ($contact['contact-type'] == Model\Contact::TYPE_RELAY); $deliver_status = DFRN::transmit($owner, $contact, $atom, $public_dfrn); // We never spool failed relay deliveries if ($public_dfrn) { Logger::info('Relay delivery to ' . $contact["url"] . ' with guid ' . $target_item["guid"] . ' returns ' . $deliver_status); if (in_array($cmd, [Delivery::POST, Delivery::POKE])) { if (($deliver_status >= 200) && ($deliver_status <= 299)) { Model\Post\DeliveryData::incrementQueueDone($target_item['uri-id'], $protocol); Model\GServer::setProtocol($contact['gsid'], $protocol); } else { Model\Post\DeliveryData::incrementQueueFailed($target_item['uri-id']); } } return; } if ((($deliver_status < 200) || ($deliver_status > 299)) && (empty($server_protocol) || ($server_protocol == Model\Post\DeliveryData::LEGACY_DFRN))) { // Transmit via Diaspora if not possible via Friendica self::deliverDiaspora($cmd, $contact, $owner, $items, $target_item, $public_message, $top_level, $followup); return; } } elseif ($cmd != self::RELOCATION) { // DFRN payload over Diaspora transport layer $deliver_status = DFRN::transmit($owner, $contact, $atom); if (($deliver_status < 200) && (empty($server_protocol) || ($server_protocol == Model\Post\DeliveryData::LEGACY_DFRN))) { // Legacy DFRN $deliver_status = DFRN::deliver($owner, $contact, $atom); $protocol = Model\Post\DeliveryData::LEGACY_DFRN; } } else { $deliver_status = DFRN::deliver($owner, $contact, $atom); $protocol = Model\Post\DeliveryData::LEGACY_DFRN; } Logger::info('DFRN Delivery', ['cmd' => $cmd, 'url' => $contact['url'], 'guid' => ($target_item['guid'] ?? '') ?: $target_item['id'], 'return' => $deliver_status]); if (($deliver_status >= 200) && ($deliver_status <= 299)) { // We successfully delivered a message, the contact is alive Model\Contact::unmarkForArchival($contact); Model\GServer::setProtocol($contact['gsid'], $protocol); if (in_array($cmd, [Delivery::POST, Delivery::POKE])) { Model\Post\DeliveryData::incrementQueueDone($target_item['uri-id'], $protocol); } } else { // The message could not be delivered. We mark the contact as "dead" Model\Contact::markForArchival($contact); Logger::info('Delivery failed: defer message', ['id' => ($target_item['guid'] ?? '') ?: $target_item['id']]); if (!Worker::defer() && in_array($cmd, [Delivery::POST, Delivery::POKE])) { Model\Post\DeliveryData::incrementQueueFailed($target_item['uri-id']); } } } /** * Deliver content via Diaspora * * @param string $cmd Command * @param array $contact Contact record of the receiver * @param array $owner Owner record of the sender * @param array $items Item record of the content and the parent * @param array $target_item Item record of the content * @param boolean $public_message Is the content public? * @param boolean $top_level Is it a thread starter? * @param boolean $followup Is it an answer to a remote post? * @throws \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException * @throws \ImagickException */ private static function deliverDiaspora($cmd, $contact, $owner, $items, $target_item, $public_message, $top_level, $followup) { // We don't treat Forum posts as "wall-to-wall" to be able to post them via Diaspora $walltowall = $top_level && ($owner['id'] != $items[0]['contact-id']) & ($owner['account-type'] != Model\User::ACCOUNT_TYPE_COMMUNITY); if ($public_message) { $loc = 'public batch ' . $contact['batch']; } else { $loc = $contact['addr']; } Logger::notice('Deliver via Diaspora', ['target' => $target_item['id'], 'guid' => $target_item['guid'], 'to' => $loc]); if (DI::config()->get('system', 'dfrn_only') || !DI::config()->get('system', 'diaspora_enabled')) { return; } if ($cmd == self::MAIL) { Diaspora::sendMail($target_item, $owner, $contact); return; } if ($cmd == self::SUGGESTION) { return; } if (!$contact['pubkey'] && !$public_message) { return; } if ($cmd == self::RELOCATION) { $deliver_status = Diaspora::sendAccountMigration($owner, $contact, $owner['uid']); } elseif ($target_item['deleted'] && (($target_item['uri'] === $target_item['parent-uri']) || $followup)) { // top-level retraction Logger::log('diaspora retract: ' . $loc); $deliver_status = Diaspora::sendRetraction($target_item, $owner, $contact, $public_message); } elseif ($followup) { // send comments and likes to owner to relay Logger::log('diaspora followup: ' . $loc); $deliver_status = Diaspora::sendFollowup($target_item, $owner, $contact, $public_message); } elseif ($target_item['uri'] !== $target_item['parent-uri']) { // we are the relay - send comments, likes and relayable_retractions to our conversants Logger::log('diaspora relay: ' . $loc); $deliver_status = Diaspora::sendRelay($target_item, $owner, $contact, $public_message); } elseif ($top_level && !$walltowall) { // currently no workable solution for sending walltowall Logger::log('diaspora status: ' . $loc); $deliver_status = Diaspora::sendStatus($target_item, $owner, $contact, $public_message); } else { Logger::log('Unknown mode ' . $cmd . ' for ' . $loc); return; } if (($deliver_status >= 200) && ($deliver_status <= 299)) { // We successfully delivered a message, the contact is alive Model\Contact::unmarkForArchival($contact); Model\GServer::setProtocol($contact['gsid'], Model\Post\DeliveryData::DIASPORA); if (in_array($cmd, [Delivery::POST, Delivery::POKE])) { Model\Post\DeliveryData::incrementQueueDone($target_item['uri-id'], Model\Post\DeliveryData::DIASPORA); } } else { // The message could not be delivered. We mark the contact as "dead" Model\Contact::markForArchival($contact); // When it is delivered to the public endpoint, we do mark the relay contact for archival as well if ($public_message) { Relay::markForArchival($contact); } if (empty($contact['contact-type']) || ($contact['contact-type'] != Model\Contact::TYPE_RELAY)) { Logger::info('Delivery failed: defer message', ['id' => ($target_item['guid'] ?? '') ?: $target_item['id']]); // defer message for redelivery if (!Worker::defer() && in_array($cmd, [Delivery::POST, Delivery::POKE])) { Model\Post\DeliveryData::incrementQueueFailed($target_item['uri-id']); } } elseif (in_array($cmd, [Delivery::POST, Delivery::POKE])) { Model\Post\DeliveryData::incrementQueueFailed($target_item['uri-id']); } } } /** * Deliver content via mail * * @param string $cmd Command * @param array $contact Contact record of the receiver * @param array $owner Owner record of the sender * @param array $target_item Item record of the content * @param array $thr_parent Item record of the direct parent in the thread * @throws \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException * @throws \ImagickException */ private static function deliverMail($cmd, $contact, $owner, $target_item, $thr_parent) { if (DI::config()->get('system','dfrn_only')) { return; } $addr = $contact['addr']; if (!strlen($addr)) { return; } if (!in_array($cmd, [self::POST, self::POKE])) { return; } if ($target_item['verb'] != Activity::POST) { return; } if (!empty($thr_parent['object'])) { $data = json_decode($thr_parent['object'], true); if (!empty($data['reply_to'])) { $addr = $data['reply_to'][0]['mailbox'] . '@' . $data['reply_to'][0]['host']; Logger::info('Use "reply-to" address of the thread parent', ['addr' => $addr]); } elseif (!empty($data['from'])) { $addr = $data['from'][0]['mailbox'] . '@' . $data['from'][0]['host']; Logger::info('Use "from" address of the thread parent', ['addr' => $addr]); } } $local_user = DBA::selectFirst('user', [], ['uid' => $owner['uid']]); if (!DBA::isResult($local_user)) { return; } Logger::info('About to deliver via mail', ['guid' => $target_item['guid'], 'to' => $addr]); $reply_to = ''; $mailacct = DBA::selectFirst('mailacct', ['reply_to'], ['uid' => $owner['uid']]); if (DBA::isResult($mailacct) && !empty($mailacct['reply_to'])) { $reply_to = $mailacct['reply_to']; } $subject = ($target_item['title'] ? Email::encodeHeader($target_item['title'], 'UTF-8') : DI::l10n()->t("\x28no subject\x29")); // only expose our real email address to true friends if (($contact['rel'] == Model\Contact::FRIEND) && !$contact['blocked']) { if ($reply_to) { $headers = 'From: ' . Email::encodeHeader($local_user['username'],'UTF-8') . ' <' . $reply_to . '>' . "\n"; $headers .= 'Sender: ' . $local_user['email'] . "\n"; } else { $headers = 'From: ' . Email::encodeHeader($local_user['username'],'UTF-8') . ' <' . $local_user['email'] . '>' . "\n"; } } else { $sender = DI::config()->get('config', 'sender_email', 'noreply@' . DI::baseUrl()->getHostname()); $headers = 'From: '. Email::encodeHeader($local_user['username'], 'UTF-8') . ' <' . $sender . '>' . "\n"; } $headers .= 'Message-Id: <' . Email::iri2msgid($target_item['uri']) . '>' . "\n"; if ($target_item['uri'] !== $target_item['parent-uri']) { $headers .= 'References: <' . Email::iri2msgid($target_item['parent-uri']) . '>'; // Export more references on deeper nested threads if (($target_item['thr-parent'] != '') && ($target_item['thr-parent'] != $target_item['parent-uri'])) { $headers .= ' <' . Email::iri2msgid($target_item['thr-parent']) . '>'; } $headers .= "\n"; if (empty($target_item['title'])) { $condition = ['uri' => $target_item['parent-uri'], 'uid' => $owner['uid']]; $title = Model\Item::selectFirst(['title'], $condition); if (DBA::isResult($title) && ($title['title'] != '')) { $subject = $title['title']; } else { $condition = ['parent-uri' => $target_item['parent-uri'], 'uid' => $owner['uid']]; $title = Model\Item::selectFirst(['title'], $condition); if (DBA::isResult($title) && ($title['title'] != '')) { $subject = $title['title']; } } } if (strncasecmp($subject, 'RE:', 3)) { $subject = 'Re: ' . $subject; } } Email::send($addr, $subject, $headers, $target_item); Model\Post\DeliveryData::incrementQueueDone($target_item['uri-id'], Model\Post\DeliveryData::MAIL); Logger::info('Delivered via mail', ['guid' => $target_item['guid'], 'to' => $addr, 'subject' => $subject]); } }