<?php namespace Friendica\Test\Util; use Friendica\Core\Cache; use Friendica\Core\Lock\DatabaseLock; trait DbaLockMockTrait { use DBAMockTrait; use DateTimeFormatMockTrait; /** * Mocking acquireLock with DBA-backend * * @param mixed $key The key to lock * @param int $ttl The TimeToLive * * @param bool $locked Was the lock already set? * @param null $pid The PID which was set * @param bool $rowExists True, if a row already exists in the lock table * @param null $time The current timestamp * @param null|int $times How often the method will get used * *@see DatabaseLock::acquireLock() * */ public function mockAcquireLock($key, $ttl = Cache::FIVE_MINUTES, $locked = false, $pid = null, $rowExists = true, $time = null, $times = null) { if ($time === null) { $time = time(); } if ($pid === null) { $pid = getmypid(); } $this->mockDbaLock('locks', true, $times); $this->mockUtcNow($time, $times); $result = ['locked' => $locked, 'pid' => $pid]; $this->mockSelectFirst('locks', ['locked', 'pid'], ['`name` = ? AND `expires` >= ?', $key, $time], $result, $times); $this->mockIsResult($result, $rowExists, $times); if ($rowExists) { if (!$locked ) { $this->mockUtc('now + ' . $ttl . 'seconds', $time, $times); $this->mockDBAUpdate('locks', ['locked' => true, 'pid' => $pid, 'expires' => $time], ['name' => $key], [], true, $times); } } else { $this->mockUtc('now + ' . $ttl . 'seconds', $time, $times); $this->mockDBAInsert('locks', ['name' => $key, 'locked' => true, 'pid' => $pid, 'expires' => $time], false, true, $times); } $this->mockDbaUnlock($times); } /** * Mocking isLocked with DBA-backend * * @param mixed $key The key of the lock * @param null|bool $return True, if the key is already locked * @param null $time The current timestamp * @param null|int $times How often the method will get used * *@see DatabaseLock::isLocked() * */ public function mockIsLocked($key, $return = true, $time = null, $times = null) { if ($time === null) { $time = time(); } $this->mockUtcNow($time, $times); $return = ((isset($return)) ? ['locked' => $return] : null); $this->mockSelectFirst('locks', ['locked'], ['`name` = ? AND `expires` >= ?', $key, $time], $return, $times); $this->mockIsResult($return, (isset($return) && $return), $times); } /** * Mocking releaseAll with DBA-backend * * @param null $pid The PID which was set * @param null|int $times How often the method will get used * *@see DatabaseLock::releaseAll() * */ public function mockReleaseAll($pid = null, $times = null) { if ($pid === null) { $pid = getmypid(); } $this->mockDBADelete('locks', ['pid' => $pid], true, $times); } /** * Mocking ReleaseLock with DBA-backend * * @param mixed $key The key to release * @param null|int $pid The PID which was set * @param null|int $times How often the method will get used * *@see DatabaseLock::releaseLock() * */ public function mockReleaseLock($key, $pid = null, $times = null) { if ($pid === null) { $pid = getmypid(); } $this->mockDBADelete('locks', ['name' => $key, 'pid' => $pid], true, $times); } }