# FG Emoji Picker - Emoji picker created with vanilla javascript This is the simplest to use emoji picker built with vanilla javascript.  ## Benefits: - It is only one .js file without css or other files - There is no jQuery or other libraries - Simplicity of usage - Multiple textareas and triggers - Draggable emoji picker container ## Initialize Initialze plugin with ```new EmojiPicker({});``` ## Options - Trigger - must be an array of objects. Inside object there are two properties. First is selector, and second - **insertInto** method to define where emoji going to be inserted. If there are multiple 'textarea's - you can provide array of selectors as well. Watch example below. - Close button - **closeButton** method can be true of false depending on whether you want close button on emoji picker or not. - specialButtons - takes color code to change special (move and close) button colors. ``` new EmojiPicker({ trigger: [ { selector: '.first-btn', insertInto: ['.one', '.two'] // If there is only one '.selector', than it can be used without array }, { selector: '.second-btn', insertInto: '.two' } ], closeButton: true, specialButtons: 'green' // #008000, rgba(0, 128, 0); }); ```