. * */ namespace Friendica\Module\Settings; use Friendica\App; use Friendica\Content\Conversation\Factory; use Friendica\Content\Conversation\Repository\UserDefinedChannel; use Friendica\Core\L10n; use Friendica\Core\Renderer; use Friendica\Core\Session\Capability\IHandleUserSessions; use Friendica\Model\Circle; use Friendica\Model\User; use Friendica\Module\BaseSettings; use Friendica\Module\Response; use Friendica\Network\HTTPException; use Friendica\Util\Profiler; use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface; class Channels extends BaseSettings { /** @var UserDefinedChannel */ private $channel; /** @var Factory\UserDefinedChannel */ private $userDefinedChannel; public function __construct(Factory\UserDefinedChannel $userDefinedChannel, UserDefinedChannel $channel, App\Page $page, IHandleUserSessions $session, L10n $l10n, App\BaseURL $baseUrl, App\Arguments $args, LoggerInterface $logger, Profiler $profiler, Response $response, array $server, array $parameters = []) { parent::__construct($session, $page, $l10n, $baseUrl, $args, $logger, $profiler, $response, $server, $parameters); $this->userDefinedChannel = $userDefinedChannel; $this->channel = $channel; } protected function post(array $request = []) { $uid = $this->session->getLocalUserId(); if (!$uid) { throw new HTTPException\ForbiddenException($this->t('Permission denied.')); } if (empty($request['edit_channel']) && empty($request['add_channel'])) { return; } self::checkFormSecurityTokenRedirectOnError('/settings/channels', 'settings_channels'); $channel_languages = User::getWantedLanguages($uid); if (!empty($request['add_channel'])) { if (!array_diff((array)$request['new_languages'], $channel_languages)) { $request['new_languages'] = null; } $channel = $this->userDefinedChannel->createFromTableRow([ 'label' => $request['new_label'], 'description' => $request['new_description'], 'access-key' => substr(mb_strtolower($request['new_access_key']), 0, 1), 'uid' => $uid, 'circle' => (int)$request['new_circle'], 'include-tags' => $this->cleanTags($request['new_include_tags']), 'exclude-tags' => $this->cleanTags($request['new_exclude_tags']), 'full-text-search' => $request['new_text_search'], 'media-type' => ($request['new_image'] ? 1 : 0) | ($request['new_video'] ? 2 : 0) | ($request['new_audio'] ? 4 : 0), 'languages' => $request['new_languages'], ]); $saved = $this->channel->save($channel); $this->logger->debug('New channel added', ['saved' => $saved]); return; } foreach (array_keys((array)$request['label']) as $id) { if ($request['delete'][$id]) { $success = $this->channel->deleteById($id, $uid); $this->logger->debug('Channel deleted', ['id' => $id, 'success' => $success]); continue; } if (!array_diff((array)$request['languages'][$id], $channel_languages)) { $request['languages'][$id] = null; } $channel = $this->userDefinedChannel->createFromTableRow([ 'id' => $id, 'label' => $request['label'][$id], 'description' => $request['description'][$id], 'access-key' => substr(mb_strtolower($request['access_key'][$id]), 0, 1), 'uid' => $uid, 'circle' => (int)$request['circle'][$id], 'include-tags' => $this->cleanTags($request['include_tags'][$id]), 'exclude-tags' => $this->cleanTags($request['exclude_tags'][$id]), 'full-text-search' => $request['text_search'][$id], 'media-type' => ($request['image'][$id] ? 1 : 0) | ($request['video'][$id] ? 2 : 0) | ($request['audio'][$id] ? 4 : 0), 'languages' => $request['languages'][$id], ]); $saved = $this->channel->save($channel); $this->logger->debug('Save channel', ['id' => $id, 'saved' => $saved]); } } protected function content(array $request = []): string { parent::content(); $uid = $this->session->getLocalUserId(); if (!$uid) { throw new HTTPException\ForbiddenException($this->t('Permission denied.')); } $user = User::getById($uid, ['account-type']); $account_type = $user['account-type']; if ($account_type == User::ACCOUNT_TYPE_RELAY) { $intro = $this->t('This page can be used to define the channels that will automatically be reshared by your account.'); $circles = [ 0 => $this->l10n->t('Global Community') ]; } else { $intro = $this->t('This page can be used to define your own channels.'); $circles = [ 0 => $this->l10n->t('Global Community'), -3 => $this->l10n->t('Network'), -1 => $this->l10n->t('Following'), -2 => $this->l10n->t('Followers'), ]; } foreach (Circle::getByUserId($uid) as $circle) { $circles[$circle['id']] = $circle['name']; } $languages = $this->l10n->getLanguageCodes(true); $channel_languages = User::getWantedLanguages($uid); $channels = []; foreach ($this->channel->selectByUid($uid) as $channel) { if (!empty($request['id'])) { $open = $channel->code == $request['id']; } elseif (!empty($request['new_label'])) { $open = $channel->label == $request['new_label']; } else { $open = false; } $channels[] = [ 'id' => $channel->code, 'open' => $open, 'label' => ["label[$channel->code]", $this->t('Label'), $channel->label, '', $this->t('Required')], 'description' => ["description[$channel->code]", $this->t("Description"), $channel->description], 'access_key' => ["access_key[$channel->code]", $this->t("Access Key"), $channel->accessKey], 'circle' => ["circle[$channel->code]", $this->t('Circle/Channel'), $channel->circle, '', $circles], 'include_tags' => ["include_tags[$channel->code]", $this->t("Include Tags"), str_replace(',', ', ', $channel->includeTags)], 'exclude_tags' => ["exclude_tags[$channel->code]", $this->t("Exclude Tags"), str_replace(',', ', ', $channel->excludeTags)], 'text_search' => ["text_search[$channel->code]", $this->t("Full Text Search"), $channel->fullTextSearch], 'image' => ["image[$channel->code]", $this->t("Images"), $channel->mediaType & 1], 'video' => ["video[$channel->code]", $this->t("Videos"), $channel->mediaType & 2], 'audio' => ["audio[$channel->code]", $this->t("Audio"), $channel->mediaType & 4], 'languages' => ["languages[$channel->code][]", $this->t('Languages'), $channel->languages ?? $channel_languages, $this->t('Select all languages that you want to see in this channel.'), $languages, 'multiple'], 'delete' => ["delete[$channel->code]", $this->t("Delete channel") . ' (' . $channel->label . ')', false, $this->t("Check to delete this entry from the channel list")] ]; } $t = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('settings/channels.tpl'); return Renderer::replaceMacros($t, [ 'open' => count($channels) == 0, 'label' => ["new_label", $this->t('Label'), '', $this->t('Short name for the channel. It is displayed on the channels widget.'), $this->t('Required')], 'description' => ["new_description", $this->t("Description"), '', $this->t('This should describe the content of the channel in a few word.')], 'access_key' => ["new_access_key", $this->t("Access Key"), '', $this->t('When you want to access this channel via an access key, you can define it here. Pay attention to not use an already used one.')], 'circle' => ['new_circle', $this->t('Circle/Channel'), 0, $this->t('Select a circle or channel, that your channel should be based on.'), $circles], 'include_tags' => ["new_include_tags", $this->t("Include Tags"), '', $this->t('Comma separated list of tags. A post will be used when it contains any of the listed tags.')], 'exclude_tags' => ["new_exclude_tags", $this->t("Exclude Tags"), '', $this->t('Comma separated list of tags. If a post contain any of these tags, then it will not be part of nthis channel.')], 'text_search' => ["new_text_search", $this->t("Full Text Search"), '', $this->t('Search terms for the body, supports the "boolean mode" operators from MariaDB. See the help for a complete list of operators and additional keywords: %s', 'help/Channels')], 'image' => ['new_image', $this->t("Images"), false, $this->t("Check to display images in the channel.")], 'video' => ["new_video", $this->t("Videos"), false, $this->t("Check to display videos in the channel.")], 'audio' => ["new_audio", $this->t("Audio"), false, $this->t("Check to display audio in the channel.")], 'languages' => ["new_languages[]", $this->t('Languages'), $channel_languages, $this->t('Select all languages that you want to see in this channel.'), $languages, 'multiple'], '$l10n' => [ 'title' => $this->t('Channels'), 'intro' => $intro, 'addtitle' => $this->t('Add new entry to the channel list'), 'addsubmit' => $this->t('Add'), 'savechanges' => $this->t('Save'), 'currenttitle' => $this->t('Current Entries in the channel list'), 'thurl' => $this->t('Blocked server domain pattern'), 'threason' => $this->t('Reason for the block'), 'delentry' => $this->t('Delete entry from the channel list'), 'confirm_delete' => $this->t('Delete entry from the channel list?'), ], '$entries' => $channels, '$baseurl' => $this->baseUrl, '$form_security_token' => self::getFormSecurityToken('settings_channels'), ]); } private function cleanTags(string $tag_list): string { $tags = []; $tagitems = explode(',', mb_strtolower($tag_list)); foreach ($tagitems as $tag) { $tag = trim($tag, '# '); if (!empty($tag)) { $tags[] = preg_replace('#\s#u', '', $tag); } } return implode(',', $tags); } }