configCache = $appHelper->getConfigCache(); $this->mode = $mode; $this->installer = $installer; if (!$this->mode->isInstall()) { throw new HTTPException\ForbiddenException(); } // route: install/testrwrite // $baseurl/install/testrwrite to test if rewrite in .htaccess is working if ($args->get(1, '') == 'testrewrite') { // Status Code 204 means that it worked without content throw new HTTPException\NoContentException(); } // get basic installation information and save them to the config cache $this->installer->setUpCache($this->configCache, $basePath->getPath()); // We overwrite current theme css, because during install we may not have a working mod_rewrite // so we may not have a css at all. Here we set a static css file for the install procedure pages Renderer::$theme['stylesheet'] = $this->baseUrl . '/view/install/style.css'; $this->currentWizardStep = ($_REQUEST['pass'] ?? '') ?: self::SYSTEM_CHECK; } protected function post(array $request = []) { switch ($this->currentWizardStep) { case self::SYSTEM_CHECK: case self::BASE_CONFIG: $this->checkSetting($this->configCache, $_POST, 'config', 'php_path'); break; case self::DATABASE_CONFIG: $this->checkSetting($this->configCache, $_POST, 'config', 'php_path'); $this->checkSetting($this->configCache, $_POST, 'system', 'basepath'); $this->checkSetting($this->configCache, $_POST, 'system', 'url'); break; case self::SITE_SETTINGS: $this->checkSetting($this->configCache, $_POST, 'config', 'php_path'); $this->checkSetting($this->configCache, $_POST, 'system', 'basepath'); $this->checkSetting($this->configCache, $_POST, 'system', 'url'); $this->checkSetting($this->configCache, $_POST, 'database', 'hostname', Core\Installer::DEFAULT_HOST); $this->checkSetting($this->configCache, $_POST, 'database', 'username', ''); $this->checkSetting($this->configCache, $_POST, 'database', 'password', ''); $this->checkSetting($this->configCache, $_POST, 'database', 'database', ''); // If we cannot connect to the database, return to the previous step if (!$this->installer->checkDB(DI::dba())) { $this->currentWizardStep = self::DATABASE_CONFIG; } break; case self::FINISHED: $this->checkSetting($this->configCache, $_POST, 'config', 'php_path'); $this->checkSetting($this->configCache, $_POST, 'system', 'basepath'); $this->checkSetting($this->configCache, $_POST, 'system', 'url'); $this->checkSetting($this->configCache, $_POST, 'database', 'hostname', Core\Installer::DEFAULT_HOST); $this->checkSetting($this->configCache, $_POST, 'database', 'username', ''); $this->checkSetting($this->configCache, $_POST, 'database', 'password', ''); $this->checkSetting($this->configCache, $_POST, 'database', 'database', ''); $this->checkSetting($this->configCache, $_POST, 'system', 'default_timezone', Core\Installer::DEFAULT_TZ); $this->checkSetting($this->configCache, $_POST, 'system', 'language', Core\Installer::DEFAULT_LANG); $this->checkSetting($this->configCache, $_POST, 'config', 'admin_email', ''); // If we cannot connect to the database, return to the Database config wizard if (!$this->installer->checkDB(DI::dba())) { $this->currentWizardStep = self::DATABASE_CONFIG; return; } if (!$this->installer->createConfig($this->configCache)) { return; } $this->installer->installDatabase(); // install allowed themes to register theme hooks // this is same as "Reload active theme" in /admin/themes $allowed_themes = Theme::getAllowedList(); $allowed_themes = array_unique($allowed_themes); foreach ($allowed_themes as $theme) { Theme::uninstall($theme); Theme::install($theme); } Theme::setAllowedList($allowed_themes); break; } DI::baseUrl()->redirect('install?pass=' . $this->currentWizardStep); } protected function content(array $request = []): string { $output = ''; $install_title = $this->t('Friendica Communications Server - Setup'); switch ($this->currentWizardStep) { case self::SYSTEM_CHECK: $php_path = $this->configCache->get('config', 'php_path'); $status = $this->installer->checkEnvironment($this->baseUrl, $php_path); $tpl = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('install/01_checks.tpl'); $output .= Renderer::replaceMacros($tpl, [ '$title' => $install_title, '$pass' => $this->t('System check'), '$required' => $this->t('Required'), '$requirement_not_satisfied' => $this->t('Requirement not satisfied'), '$optional_requirement_not_satisfied' => $this->t('Optional requirement not satisfied'), '$ok' => $this->t('OK'), '$checks' => $this->installer->getChecks(), '$passed' => $status, '$see_install' => $this->t('Please see the file "doc/".'), '$next' => $this->t('Next'), '$reload' => $this->t('Check again'), '$php_path' => $php_path, ]); break; case self::BASE_CONFIG: $baseUrl = $this->configCache->get('system', 'url') ? new Uri($this->configCache->get('system', 'url')) : $this->baseUrl; $tpl = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('install/02_base_config.tpl'); $output .= Renderer::replaceMacros($tpl, [ '$title' => $install_title, '$pass' => $this->t('Base settings'), '$basepath' => ['system-basepath', $this->t("Base path to installation"), $this->configCache->get('system', 'basepath'), $this->t("If the system cannot detect the correct path to your installation, enter the correct path here. This setting should only be set if you are using a restricted system and symbolic links to your webroot."), $this->t('Required')], '$system_url' => ['system-url', $this->t('The Friendica system URL'), (string)$baseUrl, $this->t("Overwrite this field in case the system URL determination isn't right, otherwise leave it as is."), $this->t('Required')], '$php_path' => $this->configCache->get('config', 'php_path'), '$submit' => $this->t('Submit'), ]); break; case self::DATABASE_CONFIG: $tpl = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('install/03_database_config.tpl'); $output .= Renderer::replaceMacros($tpl, [ '$title' => $install_title, '$pass' => $this->t('Database connection'), '$info_01' => $this->t('In order to install Friendica we need to know how to connect to your database.'), '$info_02' => $this->t('Please contact your hosting provider or site administrator if you have questions about these settings.'), '$info_03' => $this->t('The database you specify below should already exist. If it does not, please create it before continuing.'), '$required' => $this->t('Required'), '$requirement_not_satisfied' => $this->t('Requirement not satisfied'), '$checks' => $this->installer->getChecks(), '$basepath' => $this->configCache->get('system', 'basepath'), '$system_url' => $this->configCache->get('system', 'url'), '$dbhost' => ['database-hostname', $this->t('Database Server Name'), $this->configCache->get('database', 'hostname'), '', $this->t('Required')], '$dbuser' => ['database-username', $this->t('Database Login Name'), $this->configCache->get('database', 'username'), '', $this->t('Required'), 'autofocus'], '$dbpass' => ['database-password', $this->t('Database Login Password'), $this->configCache->get('database', 'password'), $this->t("For security reasons the password must not be empty"), $this->t('Required')], '$dbdata' => ['database-database', $this->t('Database Name'), $this->configCache->get('database', 'database'), '', $this->t('Required')], '$lbl_10' => $this->t('Please select a default timezone for your website'), '$php_path' => $this->configCache->get('config', 'php_path'), '$submit' => $this->t('Submit') ]); break; case self::SITE_SETTINGS: /* Installed langs */ $lang_choices = $this->l10n->getAvailableLanguages(); $tpl = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('install/04_site_settings.tpl'); $output .= Renderer::replaceMacros($tpl, [ '$title' => $install_title, '$required' => $this->t('Required'), '$checks' => $this->installer->getChecks(), '$pass' => $this->t('Site settings'), '$basepath' => $this->configCache->get('system', 'basepath'), '$system_url' => $this->configCache->get('system', 'url'), '$dbhost' => $this->configCache->get('database', 'hostname'), '$dbuser' => $this->configCache->get('database', 'username'), '$dbpass' => $this->configCache->get('database', 'password'), '$dbdata' => $this->configCache->get('database', 'database'), '$adminmail' => ['config-admin_email', $this->t('Site administrator email address'), $this->configCache->get('config', 'admin_email'), $this->t('Your account email address must match this in order to use the web admin panel.'), $this->t('Required'), 'autofocus', 'email'], '$timezone' => Temporal::getTimezoneField('system-default_timezone', $this->t('Please select a default timezone for your website'), $this->configCache->get('system', 'default_timezone'), ''), '$language' => ['system-language', $this->t('System Language:'), $this->configCache->get('system', 'language'), $this->t('Set the default language for your Friendica installation interface and to send emails.'), $lang_choices], '$php_path' => $this->configCache->get('config', 'php_path'), '$submit' => $this->t('Submit') ]); break; case self::FINISHED: $db_return_text = ""; if (count($this->installer->getChecks()) == 0) { $txt = '

'; $txt .= $this->t('Your Friendica site database has been installed.') . '
'; $db_return_text .= $txt; } $tpl = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('install/05_finished.tpl'); $output .= Renderer::replaceMacros($tpl, [ '$title' => $install_title, '$required' => $this->t('Required'), '$requirement_not_satisfied' => $this->t('Requirement not satisfied'), '$checks' => $this->installer->getChecks(), '$pass' => $this->t('Installation finished'), '$text' => $db_return_text . $this->whatNext(), ]); break; } return $output; } /** * Creates the text for the next steps * * @return string The text for the next steps * @throws \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException */ private function whatNext(): string { $baseurl = (string)$this->baseUrl; return $this->t('

What next

') . "

" . $this->t('IMPORTANT: You will need to [manually] setup a scheduled task for the worker.') . $this->t('Please see the file "doc/".') . "

" . $this->t('Go to your new Friendica node registration page and register as new user. Remember to use the same email you have entered as administrator email. This will allow you to enter the site admin panel.', $baseurl) . "

"; } /** * Checks the $_POST settings and updates the config Cache for it * * @param \Friendica\Core\Config\ValueObject\Cache $configCache The current config cache * @param array $post The $_POST data * @param string $cat The category of the setting * @param string $key The key of the setting * @param null|string $default The default value * @return void */ private function checkSetting(Cache $configCache, array $post, string $cat, string $key, ?string $default = null) { $value = null; if (isset($post[sprintf('%s-%s', $cat, $key)])) { $value = trim($post[sprintf('%s-%s', $cat, $key)]); } if (isset($value)) { $configCache->set($cat, $key, $value, Cache::SOURCE_ENV); return; } if (isset($default)) { $configCache->set($cat, $key, $default, Cache::SOURCE_ENV); } } }