. * */ namespace Friendica\Module\Notifications; use Friendica\BaseModule; use Friendica\Content\ForumManager; use Friendica\Content\Text\BBCode; use Friendica\Core\Cache\Enum\Duration; use Friendica\Core\Hook; use Friendica\Core\Renderer; use Friendica\Database\DBA; use Friendica\DI; use Friendica\Model\Contact; use Friendica\Model\Group; use Friendica\Model\Notification; use Friendica\Model\Post; use Friendica\Model\Verb; use Friendica\Module\Register; use Friendica\Navigation\Notifications\Entity; use Friendica\Network\HTTPException; use Friendica\Protocol\Activity; use Friendica\Util\DateTimeFormat; use Friendica\Util\Proxy; use Friendica\Util\Temporal; class Ping extends BaseModule { protected function rawContent(array $request = []) { $regs = []; $notifications = []; $intro_count = 0; $mail_count = 0; $home_count = 0; $network_count = 0; $register_count = 0; $sysnotify_count = 0; $groups_unseen = []; $forums_unseen = []; $all_events = 0; $all_events_today = 0; $events = 0; $events_today = 0; $birthdays = 0; $birthdays_today = 0; if (local_user()) { $notifications = $this->getNotificationList(local_user()); $condition = [ "`unseen` AND `uid` = ? AND NOT `origin` AND (`vid` != ? OR `vid` IS NULL)", local_user(), Verb::getID(Activity::FOLLOW) ]; $items = Post::selectForUser(local_user(), ['wall', 'uid', 'uri-id'], $condition, ['limit' => 1000]); if (DBA::isResult($items)) { $items_unseen = Post::toArray($items, false); $arr = ['items' => $items_unseen]; Hook::callAll('network_ping', $arr); foreach ($items_unseen as $item) { if ($item['wall']) { $home_count++; } else { $network_count++; } } } DBA::close($items); if ($network_count) { // Find out how unseen network posts are spread across groups $group_counts = Group::countUnseen(); if (DBA::isResult($group_counts)) { foreach ($group_counts as $group_count) { if ($group_count['count'] > 0) { $groups_unseen[] = $group_count; } } } $forum_counts = ForumManager::countUnseenItems(); if (DBA::isResult($forum_counts)) { foreach ($forum_counts as $forum_count) { if ($forum_count['count'] > 0) { $forums_unseen[] = $forum_count; } } } } $intros1 = DBA::toArray(DBA::p( "SELECT `intro`.`id`, `intro`.`datetime`, `contact`.`name`, `contact`.`url`, `contact`.`photo` FROM `intro` INNER JOIN `contact` ON `intro`.`suggest-cid` = `contact`.`id` WHERE `intro`.`uid` = ? AND NOT `intro`.`blocked` AND NOT `intro`.`ignore` AND `intro`.`suggest-cid` != 0", local_user() )); $intros2 = DBA::toArray(DBA::p( "SELECT `intro`.`id`, `intro`.`datetime`, `contact`.`name`, `contact`.`url`, `contact`.`photo` FROM `intro` INNER JOIN `contact` ON `intro`.`contact-id` = `contact`.`id` WHERE `intro`.`uid` = ? AND NOT `intro`.`blocked` AND NOT `intro`.`ignore` AND `intro`.`contact-id` != 0 AND (`intro`.`suggest-cid` = 0 OR `intro`.`suggest-cid` IS NULL)", local_user() )); $intro_count = count($intros1) + count($intros2); $intros = $intros1 + $intros2; $myurl = DI::baseUrl() . '/profile/' . DI::app()->getLoggedInUserNickname(); $mail_count = DBA::count('mail', ["`uid` = ? AND NOT `seen` AND `from-url` != ?", local_user(), $myurl]); if (intval(DI::config()->get('config', 'register_policy')) === Register::APPROVE && DI::app()->isSiteAdmin()) { $regs = \Friendica\Model\Register::getPending(); if (DBA::isResult($regs)) { $register_count = count($regs); } } $cachekey = "ping_init:" . local_user(); $ev = DI::cache()->get($cachekey); if (is_null($ev)) { $ev = DBA::selectToArray('event', ['type', 'start'], ["`uid` = ? AND `start` < ? AND `finish` > ? AND NOT `ignore`", local_user(), DateTimeFormat::utc('now + 7 days'), DateTimeFormat::utcNow()]); if (DBA::isResult($ev)) { DI::cache()->set($cachekey, $ev, Duration::HOUR); } } if (DBA::isResult($ev)) { $all_events = count($ev); if ($all_events) { $str_now = DateTimeFormat::localNow('Y-m-d'); foreach ($ev as $x) { $bd = false; if ($x['type'] === 'birthday') { $birthdays ++; $bd = true; } else { $events ++; } if (DateTimeFormat::local($x['start'], 'Y-m-d') === $str_now) { $all_events_today ++; if ($bd) { $birthdays_today ++; } else { $events_today ++; } } } } } foreach ($notifications as $notification) { if ($notification['seen'] == 0) { $sysnotify_count ++; } } // merge all notification types in one array if (DBA::isResult($intros)) { foreach ($intros as $intro) { $notifications[] = [ 'href' => DI::baseUrl() . '/notifications/intros/' . $intro['id'], 'contact' => [ 'name' => strip_tags(BBCode::convert($intro['name'])), 'url' => $intro['url'], ], 'message' => DI::l10n()->t('{0}} wants to follow you'), 'date' => $intro['datetime'], 'seen' => false, ]; } } if (DBA::isResult($regs)) { if (count($regs) <= 1 || DI::pConfig()->get(local_user(), 'system', 'detailed_notif')) { foreach ($regs as $reg) { $notifications[] = [ 'href' => DI::baseUrl()->get(true) . '/admin/users/pending', 'contact' => [ 'name' => $reg['name'], 'url' => $reg['url'], ], 'message' => DI::l10n()->t('{0} requested registration'), 'date' => $reg['created'], 'seen' => false, ]; } } else { $notifications[] = [ 'href' => DI::baseUrl()->get(true) . '/admin/users/pending', 'contact' => [ 'name' => $regs[0]['name'], 'url' => $regs[0]['url'], ], 'message' => DI::l10n()->t('{0} and %d others requested registration', count($regs) - 1), 'date' => $regs[0]['created'], 'seen' => false, ]; } } // sort notifications by $[]['date'] $sort_function = function ($a, $b) { $adate = strtotime($a['date']); $bdate = strtotime($b['date']); // Unseen messages are kept at the top // The value 31536000 means one year. This should be enough :-) if (!$a['seen']) { $adate += 31536000; } if (!$b['seen']) { $bdate += 31536000; } if ($adate == $bdate) { return 0; } return ($adate < $bdate) ? 1 : -1; }; usort($notifications, $sort_function); } $sysmsgs = []; $sysmsgs_info = []; if (!empty($_SESSION['sysmsg'])) { $sysmsgs = $_SESSION['sysmsg']; unset($_SESSION['sysmsg']); } if (!empty($_SESSION['sysmsg_info'])) { $sysmsgs_info = $_SESSION['sysmsg_info']; unset($_SESSION['sysmsg_info']); } $notification_count = $sysnotify_count + $intro_count + $register_count; $tpl = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('notifications/nav/notify.tpl'); $data = []; $data['intro'] = $intro_count; $data['mail'] = $mail_count; $data['net'] = ($network_count < 1000) ? $network_count : '999+'; $data['home'] = ($home_count < 1000) ? $home_count : '999+'; $data['register'] = $register_count; $data['all-events'] = $all_events; $data['all-events-today'] = $all_events_today; $data['events'] = $events; $data['events-today'] = $events_today; $data['birthdays'] = $birthdays; $data['birthdays-today'] = $birthdays_today; $data['groups'] = $groups_unseen; $data['forums'] = $forums_unseen; $data['notification'] = ($notification_count < 50) ? $notification_count : '49+'; $data['notifications'] = array_map(function ($navNotification) use ($tpl) { $navNotification['contact']['photo'] = Contact::getAvatarUrlForUrl($navNotification['contact']['url'], local_user(), Proxy::SIZE_MICRO); $navNotification['timestamp'] = strtotime($navNotification['date']); $navNotification['localdate'] = DateTimeFormat::local($navNotification['date']); $navNotification['ago'] = Temporal::getRelativeDate($navNotification['date']); $navNotification['richtext'] = Entity\Notify::formatMessage($navNotification['contact']['name'], $navNotification['message']); $navNotification['plaintext'] = strip_tags($navNotification['richtext']); $navNotification['html'] = Renderer::replaceMacros($tpl, [ 'notify' => $navNotification, ]); return $navNotification; }, $notifications); $data['sysmsgs'] = [ 'notice' => $sysmsgs, 'info' => $sysmsgs_info ]; $json_payload = json_encode(["result" => $data]); if (isset($_GET['callback'])) { // JSONP support header("Content-type: application/javascript"); echo $_GET['callback'] . '(' . $json_payload . ')'; } else { header("Content-type: application/json"); echo $json_payload; } exit(); } /** * Retrieves the notifications array for the given user ID * * @param int $uid User id * @return array Associative array of notifications * @throws HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException */ private function getNotificationList(int $uid): array { $result = []; $offset = 0; $seen = false; $seensql = 'NOT'; $order = 'DESC'; $quit = false; do { $notifies = DBA::toArray(DBA::p( "SELECT `notify`.*, `post`.`visible`, `post`.`deleted` FROM `notify` LEFT JOIN `post` ON `post`.`uri-id` = `notify`.`uri-id` WHERE `notify`.`uid` = ? AND `notify`.`msg` != '' AND NOT (`notify`.`type` IN (?, ?)) AND $seensql `notify`.`seen` ORDER BY `notify`.`date` $order LIMIT ?, 50", $uid, Notification\Type::INTRO, Notification\Type::MAIL, $offset )); if (!$notifies && !$seen) { $seen = true; $seensql = ''; $order = 'DESC'; $offset = 0; } elseif (!$notifies) { $quit = true; } else { $offset += 50; } foreach ($notifies as $notify) { $notify['visible'] = $notify['visible'] ?? true; $notify['deleted'] = $notify['deleted'] ?? 0; if ($notify['msg_cache']) { $notify['name'] = $notify['name_cache']; $notify['message'] = $notify['msg_cache']; } else { $notify['name'] = strip_tags(BBCode::convert($notify['name'])); $notify['message'] = BBCode::toPlaintext($notify['msg']); // @todo Replace this with a call of the Notify model class DBA::update('notify', ['name_cache' => $notify['name'], 'msg_cache' => $notify['message']], ['id' => $notify['id']]); } if ($notify['visible'] && !$notify['deleted'] && empty($result['p:' . $notify['parent']]) ) { $notification = [ 'href' => DI::baseUrl() . '/notify/' . $notify['id'], 'contact' => [ 'name' => $notify['name'], 'url' => $notify['url'], ], 'message' => $notify['message'], 'date' => $notify['date'], 'seen' => $notify['seen'], ]; // Should we condense the notifications or show them all? if (($notify['verb'] != Activity::POST) || DI::pConfig()->get(local_user(), 'system', 'detailed_notif')) { $result[] = $notification; } else { $result['p:' . $notify['parent']] = $notification; } } } } while ((count($result) < 50) && !$quit); return($result); } }