<?php use \Friendica\Core\Config; require_once('include/socgraph.php'); require_once('include/datetime.php'); function discover_poco_run(&$argv, &$argc) { /* This function can be called in these ways: - dirsearch <search pattern>: Searches for "search pattern" in the directory. "search pattern" is url encoded. - checkcontact: Updates gcontact entries - suggestions: Discover other servers for their contacts. - server <poco url>: Searches for the poco server list. "poco url" is base64 encoded. - update_server: Frequently check the first 250 servers for vitality. - update_server_directory: Discover the given server id for their contacts - poco_load: Load POCO data from a given POCO address - check_profile: Update remote profile data */ if (($argc > 2) && ($argv[1] == "dirsearch")) { $search = urldecode($argv[2]); $mode = 1; } elseif (($argc == 2) && ($argv[1] == "checkcontact")) { $mode = 2; } elseif (($argc == 2) && ($argv[1] == "suggestions")) { $mode = 3; } elseif (($argc == 3) && ($argv[1] == "server")) { $mode = 4; } elseif (($argc == 2) && ($argv[1] == "update_server")) { $mode = 5; } elseif (($argc == 3) && ($argv[1] == "update_server_directory")) { $mode = 6; } elseif (($argc > 5) && ($argv[1] == "poco_load")) { $mode = 7; } elseif (($argc == 3) && ($argv[1] == "check_profile")) { $mode = 8; } elseif ($argc == 1) { $search = ""; $mode = 0; } else { die("Unknown or missing parameter ".$argv[1]."\n"); } logger('start '.$search); if ($mode == 8) { $profile_url = base64_decode($argv[2]); if ($profile_url != "") { poco_last_updated($profile_url, true); } } elseif ($mode == 7) { if ($argc == 6) { $url = base64_decode($argv[5]); } else { $url = ''; } poco_load_worker(intval($argv[2]), intval($argv[3]), intval($argv[4]), $url); } elseif ($mode == 6) { poco_discover_single_server(intval($argv[2])); } elseif ($mode == 5) { update_server(); } elseif ($mode == 4) { $server_url = base64_decode($argv[2]); if ($server_url == "") { return; } $server_url = filter_var($server_url, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL); if (substr(normalise_link($server_url), 0, 7) != "http://") { return; } $result = "Checking server ".$server_url." - "; $ret = poco_check_server($server_url); if ($ret) { $result .= "success"; } else { $result .= "failed"; } logger($result, LOGGER_DEBUG); } elseif ($mode == 3) { update_suggestions(); } elseif (($mode == 2) AND get_config('system','poco_completion')) { discover_users(); } elseif (($mode == 1) AND ($search != "") and get_config('system','poco_local_search')) { discover_directory($search); gs_search_user($search); } elseif (($mode == 0) AND ($search == "") and (get_config('system','poco_discovery') > 0)) { // Query Friendica and Hubzilla servers for their users poco_discover(); // Query GNU Social servers for their users ("statistics" addon has to be enabled on the GS server) if (!get_config('system','ostatus_disabled')) gs_discover(); } logger('end '.$search); return; } /** * @brief Updates the first 250 servers * */ function update_server() { $r = q("SELECT `url`, `created`, `last_failure`, `last_contact` FROM `gserver` ORDER BY rand()"); if (!dbm::is_result($r)) { return; } $updated = 0; foreach ($r AS $server) { if (!poco_do_update($server["created"], "", $server["last_failure"], $server["last_contact"])) { continue; } logger('Update server status for server '.$server["url"], LOGGER_DEBUG); proc_run(PRIORITY_LOW, "include/discover_poco.php", "server", base64_encode($server["url"])); if (++$updated > 250) { return; } } } function discover_users() { logger("Discover users", LOGGER_DEBUG); $starttime = time(); $users = q("SELECT `url`, `created`, `updated`, `last_failure`, `last_contact`, `server_url`, `network` FROM `gcontact` WHERE `last_contact` < UTC_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL 1 MONTH AND `last_failure` < UTC_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL 1 MONTH AND `network` IN ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '') ORDER BY rand()", dbesc(NETWORK_DFRN), dbesc(NETWORK_DIASPORA), dbesc(NETWORK_OSTATUS), dbesc(NETWORK_FEED)); if (!$users) { return; } $checked = 0; foreach ($users AS $user) { $urlparts = parse_url($user["url"]); if (!isset($urlparts["scheme"])) { q("UPDATE `gcontact` SET `network` = '%s' WHERE `nurl` = '%s'", dbesc(NETWORK_PHANTOM), dbesc(normalise_link($user["url"]))); continue; } if (in_array($urlparts["host"], array("www.facebook.com", "facebook.com", "twitter.com", "identi.ca", "alpha.app.net"))) { $networks = array("www.facebook.com" => NETWORK_FACEBOOK, "facebook.com" => NETWORK_FACEBOOK, "twitter.com" => NETWORK_TWITTER, "identi.ca" => NETWORK_PUMPIO, "alpha.app.net" => NETWORK_APPNET); q("UPDATE `gcontact` SET `network` = '%s' WHERE `nurl` = '%s'", dbesc($networks[$urlparts["host"]]), dbesc(normalise_link($user["url"]))); continue; } if ($user["server_url"] != "") { $server_url = $user["server_url"]; } else { $server_url = poco_detect_server($user["url"]); } if ((($server_url == "") AND ($user["network"] == NETWORK_FEED)) OR poco_check_server($server_url, $user["network"])) { logger('Check profile '.$user["url"]); proc_run(PRIORITY_LOW, "include/discover_poco.php", "check_profile", base64_encode($user["url"])); if (++$checked > 100) { return; } } else { q("UPDATE `gcontact` SET `last_failure` = '%s' WHERE `nurl` = '%s'", dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc(normalise_link($user["url"]))); } // Quit the loop after 3 minutes if (time() > ($starttime + 180)) { return; } } } function discover_directory($search) { $data = Cache::get("dirsearch:".$search); if (!is_null($data)) { // Only search for the same item every 24 hours if (time() < $data + (60 * 60 * 24)) { logger("Already searched for ".$search." in the last 24 hours", LOGGER_DEBUG); return; } } $x = fetch_url(get_server()."/lsearch?p=1&n=500&search=".urlencode($search)); $j = json_decode($x); if (count($j->results)) { foreach($j->results as $jj) { // Check if the contact already exists $exists = q("SELECT `id`, `last_contact`, `last_failure`, `updated` FROM `gcontact` WHERE `nurl` = '%s'", normalise_link($jj->url)); if ($exists) { logger("Profile ".$jj->url." already exists (".$search.")", LOGGER_DEBUG); if (($exists[0]["last_contact"] < $exists[0]["last_failure"]) AND ($exists[0]["updated"] < $exists[0]["last_failure"])) { continue; } // Update the contact poco_last_updated($jj->url); continue; } $server_url = poco_detect_server($jj->url); if ($server_url != '') { if (!poco_check_server($server_url)) { logger("Friendica server ".$server_url." doesn't answer.", LOGGER_DEBUG); continue; } logger("Friendica server ".$server_url." seems to be okay.", LOGGER_DEBUG); } $data = probe_url($jj->url); if ($data["network"] == NETWORK_DFRN) { logger("Profile ".$jj->url." is reachable (".$search.")", LOGGER_DEBUG); logger("Add profile ".$jj->url." to local directory (".$search.")", LOGGER_DEBUG); if ($jj->tags != "") { $data["keywords"] = $jj->tags; } update_gcontact($data); } else { logger("Profile ".$jj->url." is not responding or no Friendica contact - but network ".$data["network"], LOGGER_DEBUG); } } } Cache::set("dirsearch:".$search, time(), CACHE_DAY); } /** * @brief Search for GNU Social user with gstools.org * * @param str $search User name */ function gs_search_user($search) { // Currently disabled, since the service isn't available anymore. // It is not removed since I hope that there will be a successor. return false; $a = get_app(); $url = "http://gstools.org/api/users_search/".urlencode($search); $result = z_fetch_url($url); if (!$result["success"]) { return false; } $contacts = json_decode($result["body"]); if ($contacts->status == 'ERROR') { return false; } foreach($contacts->data AS $user) { //update_gcontact_from_probe($user->site_address."/".$user->name); $contact = probe_url($user->site_address."/".$user->name); if ($contact["network"] != NETWORK_PHANTOM) { $contact["about"] = $user->description; update_gcontact($contact); } } }