$uid, 'cid' => null]; if (!$includesDeleted) { $conditions['deleted'] = false; } return DBA::selectToArray('group', [], $conditions); } /** * Checks whether given circle id is found in database * * @param int $circle_id Circle id * @param int $uid Optional user id * @return bool * @throws \Exception */ public static function exists(int $circle_id, int $uid = null): bool { $condition = ['id' => $circle_id, 'deleted' => false]; if (!is_null($uid)) { $condition = [ 'uid' => $uid ]; } return DBA::exists('group', $condition); } /** * Create a new contact circle * * Note: If we found a deleted circle with the same name, we restore it * * @param int $uid User id to create circle for * @param string $name Name of circle * @return int|boolean Id of newly created circle or false on error * @throws \Exception */ public static function create(int $uid, string $name) { $return = false; if (!empty($uid) && !empty($name)) { $gid = self::getIdByName($uid, $name); // check for dupes if ($gid !== false) { // This could be a problem. // Let's assume we've just created a circle which we once deleted // all the old members are gone, but the circle remains, so we don't break any security // access lists. What we're doing here is reviving the dead circle, but old content which // was restricted to this circle may now be seen by the new circle members. $circle = DBA::selectFirst('group', ['deleted'], ['id' => $gid]); if (DBA::isResult($circle) && $circle['deleted']) { DBA::update('group', ['deleted' => 0], ['id' => $gid]); DI::sysmsg()->addNotice(DI::l10n()->t('A deleted circle with this name was revived. Existing item permissions may apply to this circle and any future members. If this is not what you intended, please create another circle with a different name.')); } return true; } $return = DBA::insert('group', ['uid' => $uid, 'name' => $name]); if ($return) { $return = DBA::lastInsertId(); } } return $return; } /** * Update circle information. * * @param int $id Circle ID * @param string $name Circle name * * @return bool Was the update successful? * @throws \Exception */ public static function update(int $id, string $name): bool { return DBA::update('group', ['name' => $name], ['id' => $id]); } /** * Get a list of circle ids a contact belongs to * * @param int $cid Contact id * @return array Circle ids * @throws \Exception */ public static function getIdsByContactId(int $cid): array { $contact = Contact::getById($cid, ['rel']); if (!$contact) { return []; } $circleIds = []; $stmt = DBA::select('group_member', ['gid'], ['contact-id' => $cid]); while ($circle = DBA::fetch($stmt)) { $circleIds[] = $circle['gid']; } DBA::close($stmt); // Meta-circles if ($contact['rel'] == Contact::FOLLOWER || $contact['rel'] == Contact::FRIEND) { $circleIds[] = self::FOLLOWERS; } if ($contact['rel'] == Contact::FRIEND) { $circleIds[] = self::MUTUALS; } return $circleIds; } /** * count unread circle items * * Count unread items of each circle of the local user * * @param int $uid * @return array * 'id' => circle id * 'name' => circle name * 'count' => counted unseen circle items * @throws \Exception */ public static function countUnseen(int $uid) { $stmt = DBA::p("SELECT `circle`.`id`, `circle`.`name`, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `post-user` WHERE `uid` = ? AND `unseen` AND `contact-id` IN (SELECT `contact-id` FROM `group_member` AS `circle_member` WHERE `circle_member`.`gid` = `circle`.`id`) ) AS `count` FROM `group` AS `circle` WHERE `circle`.`uid` = ?;", $uid, $uid ); return DBA::toArray($stmt); } /** * Get the circle id for a user/name couple * * Returns false if no circle has been found. * * @param int $uid User id * @param string $name Circle name * @return int|boolean Circle's id number or false on error * @throws \Exception */ public static function getIdByName(int $uid, string $name) { if (!$uid || !strlen($name)) { return false; } $circle = DBA::selectFirst('group', ['id'], ['uid' => $uid, 'name' => $name]); if (DBA::isResult($circle)) { return $circle['id']; } return false; } /** * Mark a circle as deleted * * @param int $gid * @return boolean * @throws \Exception */ public static function remove(int $gid): bool { if (!$gid) { return false; } $circle = DBA::selectFirst('group', ['uid'], ['id' => $gid]); if (!DBA::isResult($circle)) { return false; } // remove circle from default posting lists $user = DBA::selectFirst('user', ['def_gid', 'allow_gid', 'deny_gid'], ['uid' => $circle['uid']]); if (DBA::isResult($user)) { $change = false; if ($user['def_gid'] == $gid) { $user['def_gid'] = 0; $change = true; } if (strpos($user['allow_gid'], '<' . $gid . '>') !== false) { $user['allow_gid'] = str_replace('<' . $gid . '>', '', $user['allow_gid']); $change = true; } if (strpos($user['deny_gid'], '<' . $gid . '>') !== false) { $user['deny_gid'] = str_replace('<' . $gid . '>', '', $user['deny_gid']); $change = true; } if ($change) { DBA::update('user', $user, ['uid' => $circle['uid']]); } } // remove all members DBA::delete('group_member', ['gid' => $gid]); // remove circle $return = DBA::update('group', ['deleted' => 1], ['id' => $gid]); return $return; } /** * Adds a contact to a circle * * @param int $gid * @param int $cid * @return boolean * @throws \Exception */ public static function addMember(int $gid, int $cid): bool { if (!$gid || !$cid) { return false; } // @TODO Backward compatibility with user contacts, remove by version 2022.03 $circle = DBA::selectFirst('group', ['uid'], ['id' => $gid]); if (empty($circle)) { throw new HTTPException\NotFoundException('Circle not found.'); } $ucid = Contact::getUserContactId($cid, $circle['uid']); if (!$ucid) { throw new HTTPException\NotFoundException('Invalid contact.'); } return DBA::insert('group_member', ['gid' => $gid, 'contact-id' => $ucid], Database::INSERT_IGNORE); } /** * Removes a contact from a circle * * @param int $gid * @param int $cid * @return boolean * @throws \Exception */ public static function removeMember(int $gid, int $cid): bool { if (!$gid || !$cid) { return false; } // @TODO Backward compatibility with user contacts, remove by version 2022.03 $circle = DBA::selectFirst('group', ['uid'], ['id' => $gid]); if (empty($circle)) { throw new HTTPException\NotFoundException('Circle not found.'); } $ucid = Contact::getUserContactId($cid, $circle['uid']); if (!$ucid) { throw new HTTPException\NotFoundException('Invalid contact.'); } return DBA::delete('group_member', ['gid' => $gid, 'contact-id' => $ucid]); } /** * Adds contacts to a circle * * @param int $gid * @param array $contacts Array with contact ids * @return void * @throws \Exception */ public static function addMembers(int $gid, array $contacts) { if (!$gid || !$contacts) { return; } // @TODO Backward compatibility with user contacts, remove by version 2022.03 $circle = DBA::selectFirst('group', ['uid'], ['id' => $gid]); if (empty($circle)) { throw new HTTPException\NotFoundException('Circle not found.'); } foreach ($contacts as $cid) { $ucid = Contact::getUserContactId($cid, $circle['uid']); if (!$ucid) { throw new HTTPException\NotFoundException('Invalid contact.'); } DBA::insert('group_member', ['gid' => $gid, 'contact-id' => $ucid], Database::INSERT_IGNORE); } } /** * Removes contacts from a circle * * @param int $gid Circle id * @param array $contacts Contact ids * @return bool * @throws \Exception */ public static function removeMembers(int $gid, array $contacts) { if (!$gid || !$contacts) { return false; } // @TODO Backward compatibility with user contacts, remove by version 2022.03 $circle = DBA::selectFirst('group', ['uid'], ['id' => $gid]); if (empty($circle)) { throw new HTTPException\NotFoundException('Circle not found.'); } $contactIds = []; foreach ($contacts as $cid) { $ucid = Contact::getUserContactId($cid, $circle['uid']); if (!$ucid) { throw new HTTPException\NotFoundException('Invalid contact.'); } $contactIds[] = $ucid; } // Return status of deletion return DBA::delete('group_member', ['gid' => $gid, 'contact-id' => $contactIds]); } /** * Returns the combined list of contact ids from a circle id list * * @param int $uid User id * @param array $circle_ids Circles ids * @param boolean $check_dead Whether check "dead" records (?) * @param boolean $expand_followers Expand the list of followers * @return array * @throws \Exception */ public static function expand(int $uid, array $circle_ids, bool $check_dead = false, bool $expand_followers = true): array { if (!is_array($circle_ids) || !count($circle_ids)) { return []; } $return = []; $pubmail = false; $followers_collection = false; $networks = Protocol::SUPPORT_PRIVATE; $mailacct = DBA::selectFirst('mailacct', ['pubmail'], ['`uid` = ? AND `server` != ""', $uid]); if (DBA::isResult($mailacct)) { $pubmail = $mailacct['pubmail']; } if (!$pubmail) { $networks = array_diff($networks, [Protocol::MAIL]); } $key = array_search(self::FOLLOWERS, $circle_ids); if ($key !== false) { if ($expand_followers) { $followers = Contact::selectToArray(['id'], [ 'uid' => $uid, 'rel' => [Contact::FOLLOWER, Contact::FRIEND], 'network' => $networks, 'contact-type' => [Contact::TYPE_UNKNOWN, Contact::TYPE_PERSON, Contact::TYPE_NEWS, Contact::TYPE_ORGANISATION], 'archive' => false, 'pending' => false, 'blocked' => false, ]); foreach ($followers as $follower) { $return[] = $follower['id']; } } else { $followers_collection = true; } unset($circle_ids[$key]); } $key = array_search(self::MUTUALS, $circle_ids); if ($key !== false) { $mutuals = Contact::selectToArray(['id'], [ 'uid' => $uid, 'rel' => [Contact::FRIEND], 'network' => $networks, 'contact-type' => [Contact::TYPE_UNKNOWN, Contact::TYPE_PERSON], 'archive' => false, 'pending' => false, 'blocked' => false, ]); foreach ($mutuals as $mutual) { $return[] = $mutual['id']; } unset($circle_ids[$key]); } $stmt = DBA::select('group_member', ['contact-id'], ['gid' => $circle_ids]); while ($circle_member = DBA::fetch($stmt)) { $return[] = $circle_member['contact-id']; } DBA::close($stmt); if ($check_dead) { $return = Contact::pruneUnavailable($return); } if ($followers_collection) { $return[] = -1; } return $return; } /** * Returns a templated circle selection list * * @param int $uid User id * @param int $gid A pre-selected circle * @param string $id The id of the option group * @param string $label The label of the option group * @return string * @throws \Exception */ public static function getSelectorHTML(int $uid, int $gid, string $id, string $label): string { $display_circles = [ [ 'name' => '', 'id' => '0', 'selected' => '' ] ]; $stmt = DBA::select('group', [], ['deleted' => false, 'uid' => $uid, 'cid' => null], ['order' => ['name']]); while ($circle = DBA::fetch($stmt)) { $display_circles[] = [ 'name' => $circle['name'], 'id' => $circle['id'], 'selected' => $gid == $circle['id'] ? 'true' : '' ]; } DBA::close($stmt); Logger::info('Got circles', $display_circles); $o = Renderer::replaceMacros(Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('circle_selection.tpl'), [ '$id' => $id, '$label' => $label, '$circles' => $display_circles ]); return $o; } /** * Create circle sidebar widget * * @param string $every * @param string $each * @param string $editmode * 'standard' => include link 'Edit circles' * 'extended' => include link 'Create new circle' * 'full' => include link 'Create new circle' and provide for each circle a link to edit this circle * @param string|int $circle_id Distinct circle id or 'everyone' * @param int $cid Contact id * @return string Sidebar widget HTML code * @throws \Exception */ public static function sidebarWidget(string $every = 'contact', string $each = 'circle', string $editmode = 'standard', $circle_id = '', int $cid = 0) { if (!DI::userSession()->getLocalUserId()) { return ''; } $display_circles = [ [ 'text' => DI::l10n()->t('Everybody'), 'id' => 0, 'selected' => (($circle_id === 'everyone') ? 'circle-selected' : ''), 'href' => $every, ] ]; $member_of = []; if ($cid) { $member_of = self::getIdsByContactId($cid); } $stmt = DBA::select('group', [], ['deleted' => false, 'uid' => DI::userSession()->getLocalUserId(), 'cid' => null], ['order' => ['name']]); while ($circle = DBA::fetch($stmt)) { $selected = (($circle_id == $circle['id']) ? ' circle-selected' : ''); if ($editmode == 'full') { $circleedit = [ 'href' => 'circle/' . $circle['id'], 'title' => DI::l10n()->t('edit'), ]; } else { $circleedit = null; } if ($each == 'circle') { $networks = Widget::unavailableNetworks(); $sql_values = array_merge([$circle['id']], $networks); $condition = ["`circle-id` = ? AND NOT `contact-network` IN (" . substr(str_repeat("?, ", count($networks)), 0, -2) . ")"]; $condition = array_merge($condition, $sql_values); $count = DBA::count('circle-member-view', $condition); $circle_name = sprintf('%s (%d)', $circle['name'], $count); } else { $circle_name = $circle['name']; } $display_circles[] = [ 'id' => $circle['id'], 'cid' => $cid, 'text' => $circle_name, 'href' => $each . '/' . $circle['id'], 'edit' => $circleedit, 'selected' => $selected, 'ismember' => in_array($circle['id'], $member_of), ]; } DBA::close($stmt); // Don't show the circles on the network page when there is only one if ((count($display_circles) <= 2) && ($each == 'network')) { return ''; } $tpl = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('circle_side.tpl'); $o = Renderer::replaceMacros($tpl, [ '$add' => DI::l10n()->t('add'), '$title' => DI::l10n()->t('Circles'), '$circles' => $display_circles, '$new_circle' => $editmode == 'extended' || $editmode == 'full' ? 1 : '', '$circle_page' => 'circle/', '$edittext' => DI::l10n()->t('Edit circle'), '$uncircled' => $every === 'contact' ? DI::l10n()->t('Contacts not in any circle') : '', '$uncircled_selected' => (($circle_id === 'none') ? 'circle-selected' : ''), '$createtext' => DI::l10n()->t('Create a new circle'), '$create_circle' => DI::l10n()->t('Circle Name: '), '$edit_circles_text' => DI::l10n()->t('Edit circles'), '$form_security_token' => BaseModule::getFormSecurityToken('circle_edit'), ]); return $o; } /** * Fetch the circle id for the given contact id * * @param integer $id Contact ID * @return integer Circle ID */ public static function getIdForGroup(int $id): int { Logger::info('Get id for group id', ['id' => $id]); $contact = Contact::getById($id, ['uid', 'name', 'contact-type', 'manually-approve']); if (empty($contact) || ($contact['contact-type'] != Contact::TYPE_COMMUNITY) || !$contact['manually-approve']) { return 0; } $circle = DBA::selectFirst('group', ['id'], ['uid' => $contact['uid'], 'cid' => $id]); if (empty($circle)) { $fields = [ 'uid' => $contact['uid'], 'name' => $contact['name'], 'cid' => $id, ]; DBA::insert('group', $fields); $gid = DBA::lastInsertId(); } else { $gid = $circle['id']; } return $gid; } /** * Fetch the followers of a given contact id and store them as circle members * * @param integer $id Contact ID * @return void */ public static function updateMembersForGroup(int $id) { Logger::info('Update group members', ['id' => $id]); $contact = Contact::getById($id, ['uid', 'url']); if (empty($contact)) { return; } $apcontact = APContact::getByURL($contact['url']); if (empty($apcontact['followers'])) { return; } $gid = self::getIdForGroup($id); if (empty($gid)) { return; } $circle_members = DBA::selectToArray('group_member', ['contact-id'], ['gid' => $gid]); if (!empty($circle_members)) { $current = array_unique(array_column($circle_members, 'contact-id')); } else { $current = []; } foreach (ActivityPub::fetchItems($apcontact['followers'], $contact['uid']) as $follower) { $id = Contact::getIdForURL($follower); if (!in_array($id, $current)) { DBA::insert('group_member', ['gid' => $gid, 'contact-id' => $id]); } else { $key = array_search($id, $current); unset($current[$key]); } } DBA::delete('group_member', ['gid' => $gid, 'contact-id' => $current]); Logger::info('Updated group members', ['id' => $id, 'count' => DBA::count('group_member', ['gid' => $gid])]); } }