<?php /** * @copyright Copyright (C) 2010-2021, the Friendica project * * @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * */ use Friendica\App; use Friendica\Content\Nav; use Friendica\Content\Pager; use Friendica\Content\Widget; use Friendica\Core\Renderer; use Friendica\Core\Session; use Friendica\Database\DBA; use Friendica\DI; use Friendica\Model\Attach; use Friendica\Model\Item; use Friendica\Model\Profile; use Friendica\Model\User; use Friendica\Module\BaseProfile; use Friendica\Security\Security; use Friendica\Network\HTTPException; function videos_init(App $a) { if (DI::config()->get('system', 'block_public') && !Session::isAuthenticated()) { return; } Nav::setSelected('home'); if (DI::args()->getArgc() > 1) { $owner = User::getOwnerDataByNick(DI::args()->getArgv()[1]); if (empty($owner)) { throw new HTTPException\NotFoundException(DI::l10n()->t('User not found.')); } // If not there, create 'aside' empty if (!isset(DI::page()['aside'])) { DI::page()['aside'] = ''; } DI::page()['aside'] .= Widget\VCard::getHTML($owner); $tpl = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate("videos_head.tpl"); DI::page()['htmlhead'] .= Renderer::replaceMacros($tpl); } return; } function videos_post(App $a) { $user = User::getByNickname(DI::args()->getArgv()[1]); if (!DBA::isResult($user)) { throw new HTTPException\NotFoundException(DI::l10n()->t('User not found.')); } if (local_user() != $user['uid']) { DI::baseUrl()->redirect('videos/' . $user['nickname']); } if ((DI::args()->getArgc() == 2) && !empty($_POST['delete']) && !empty($_POST['id'])) { $video_id = $_POST['id']; if (Attach::exists(['id' => $video_id, 'uid' => local_user()])) { // delete the attachment Attach::delete(['id' => $video_id, 'uid' => local_user()]); // delete items where the attach is used Item::deleteForUser(['`attach` LIKE ? AND `uid` = ?', '%attach/' . $video_id . '%', local_user() ], local_user()); } DI::baseUrl()->redirect('videos/' . $user['nickname']); return; // NOTREACHED } DI::baseUrl()->redirect('videos/' . $user['nickname']); } function videos_content(App $a) { // URLs (most aren't currently implemented): // videos/name // videos/name/upload // videos/name/upload/xxxxx (xxxxx is album name) // videos/name/album/xxxxx // videos/name/album/xxxxx/edit // videos/name/video/xxxxx // videos/name/video/xxxxx/edit $user = User::getByNickname(DI::args()->getArgv()[1]); if (!DBA::isResult($user)) { throw new HTTPException\NotFoundException(DI::l10n()->t('User not found.')); } if (DI::config()->get('system', 'block_public') && !Session::isAuthenticated()) { notice(DI::l10n()->t('Public access denied.')); return; } if (empty($user)) { notice(DI::l10n()->t('No videos selected') . EOL ); return; } $profile = Profile::getByUID($user['uid']); //$phototypes = Photo::supportedTypes(); $_SESSION['video_return'] = DI::args()->getCommand(); // // Parse arguments // if (DI::args()->getArgc() > 3) { $datatype = DI::args()->getArgv()[2]; } elseif((DI::args()->getArgc() > 2) && (DI::args()->getArgv()[2] === 'upload')) { $datatype = 'upload'; } else { $datatype = 'summary'; } // // Setup permissions structures // $can_post = false; $visitor = 0; $remote_contact = false; $contact_id = 0; $community_page = (($user['page-flags'] == User::PAGE_FLAGS_COMMUNITY) ? true : false); if ((local_user()) && (local_user() == $user['uid'])) { $can_post = true; } elseif ($community_page && !empty(Session::getRemoteContactID($user['uid']))) { $contact_id = Session::getRemoteContactID($user['uid']); $can_post = true; $remote_contact = true; $visitor = $contact_id; } // perhaps they're visiting - but not a community page, so they wouldn't have write access if (!empty(Session::getRemoteContactID($user['uid'])) && !$visitor) { $contact_id = Session::getRemoteContactID($user['uid']); $remote_contact = true; } if ($user['hidewall'] && (local_user() != $user['uid']) && !$remote_contact) { notice(DI::l10n()->t('Access to this item is restricted.')); return; } $sql_extra = Security::getPermissionsSQLByUserId($user['uid']); $o = ""; // tabs $_is_owner = (local_user() && (local_user() == $user['uid'])); $o .= BaseProfile::getTabsHTML($a, 'videos', $_is_owner, $user['nickname'], $profile['hide-friends']); // // dispatch request // if ($datatype === 'upload') { return; // no uploading for now // DELETED -- look at mod/photos.php if you want to implement } if ($datatype === 'album') { return; // no albums for now // DELETED -- look at mod/photos.php if you want to implement } if ($datatype === 'video') { return; // no single video view for now // DELETED -- look at mod/photos.php if you want to implement } // Default - show recent videos (no upload link for now) //$o = ''; $total = 0; $r = q("SELECT hash FROM `attach` WHERE `uid` = %d AND filetype LIKE '%%video%%' $sql_extra GROUP BY hash", intval($user['uid']) ); if (DBA::isResult($r)) { $total = count($r); } $pager = new Pager(DI::l10n(), DI::args()->getQueryString(), 20); $r = q("SELECT hash, ANY_VALUE(`id`) AS `id`, ANY_VALUE(`created`) AS `created`, ANY_VALUE(`filename`) AS `filename`, ANY_VALUE(`filetype`) as `filetype` FROM `attach` WHERE `uid` = %d AND filetype LIKE '%%video%%' $sql_extra GROUP BY hash ORDER BY `created` DESC LIMIT %d , %d", intval($user['uid']), $pager->getStart(), $pager->getItemsPerPage() ); $videos = []; if (DBA::isResult($r)) { foreach ($r as $rr) { $alt_e = $rr['filename']; /// @todo The album isn't part of the above query. This seems to be some unfinished code that needs to be reworked completely. $rr['album'] = ''; $name_e = $rr['album']; $videos[] = [ 'id' => $rr['id'], 'link' => DI::baseUrl() . '/videos/' . $user['nickname'] . '/video/' . $rr['hash'], 'title' => DI::l10n()->t('View Video'), 'src' => DI::baseUrl() . '/attach/' . $rr['id'] . '?attachment=0', 'alt' => $alt_e, 'mime' => $rr['filetype'], 'album' => [ 'link' => DI::baseUrl() . '/videos/' . $user['nickname'] . '/album/' . bin2hex($rr['album']), 'name' => $name_e, 'alt' => DI::l10n()->t('View Album'), ], ]; } } $tpl = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('videos_recent.tpl'); $o .= Renderer::replaceMacros($tpl, [ '$title' => DI::l10n()->t('Recent Videos'), '$can_post' => $can_post, '$upload' => [DI::l10n()->t('Upload New Videos'), DI::baseUrl() . '/videos/' . $user['nickname'] . '/upload'], '$videos' => $videos, '$delete_url' => (($can_post) ? DI::baseUrl() . '/videos/' . $user['nickname'] : false) ]); $o .= $pager->renderFull($total); return $o; }