. * */ namespace Friendica\Content\Text; use Friendica\DI; use Friendica\Model\Contact; /** * Friendica-specific usage of Markdown */ class Markdown { /** * Converts a Markdown string into HTML. The hardwrap parameter maximizes * compatibility with Diaspora in spite of the Markdown standard. * * @param string $text * @param bool $hardwrap Enables line breaks on \n without two trailing spaces * @param string $baseuri Optional. Prepend anchor links with this URL * @return string */ public static function convert($text, $hardwrap = true, $baseuri = null) { DI::profiler()->startRecording('rendering'); $MarkdownParser = new MarkdownParser(); $MarkdownParser->code_class_prefix = 'language-'; $MarkdownParser->hard_wrap = $hardwrap; $MarkdownParser->hashtag_protection = true; $MarkdownParser->url_filter_func = function ($url) use ($baseuri) { if (!empty($baseuri) && strpos($url, '#') === 0) { $url = ltrim($baseuri, '/') . $url; } return $url; }; $text = self::convertDiasporaMentionsToHtml($text); $html = $MarkdownParser->transform($text); DI::profiler()->stopRecording(); return $html; } /** * Replace Diaspora-style mentions in a text since they trip the Markdown parser autolinker. * * @param string $text * @return string */ private static function convertDiasporaMentionsToHtml(string $text) { return preg_replace_callback( '/([@!]){(?:([^}]+?); ?)?([^} ]+)}/', /* * Matching values for the callback * [1] = mention type (@ or !) * [2] = name (optional) * [3] = profile URL */ function ($matches) { if ($matches[3] == '') { return ''; } $data = Contact::getByURL($matches[3]); if (empty($data)) { return ''; } $name = $matches[2]; if ($name == '') { $name = $data['name']; } return $matches[1] . '' . $name . ''; }, $text ); } /* * we don't want to support a bbcode specific markdown interpreter * and the markdown library we have is pretty good, but provides HTML output. * So we'll use that to convert to HTML, then convert the HTML back to bbcode, * and then clean up a few Diaspora specific constructs. */ public static function toBBCode($s) { DI::profiler()->startRecording('rendering'); // The parser cannot handle paragraphs correctly $s = str_replace(['
', '', '
'], ['
', '
', '
'], $s);
// Escaping hashtags that could be titles
$s = preg_replace('/^\#([^\s\#])/im', '\#$1', $s);
$s = self::convert($s);
$s = HTML::toBBCode($s);
// protect the recycle symbol from turning into a tag, but without unescaping angles and naked ampersands
$s = str_replace('♲', html_entity_decode('♲', ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), $s);
//$s = preg_replace("/([^\]\=]|^)(https?\:\/\/)(vimeo|youtu|www\.youtube|soundcloud)([a-zA-Z0-9\:\/\-\?\&\;\.\=\_\~\#\%\$\!\+\,]+)/ism", '$1[url=$2$3$4]$2$3$4[/url]',$s);
$s = BBCode::pregReplaceInTag('/\[url\=?(.*?)\]https?:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v\=(.*?)\[\/url\]/ism', '[youtube]$2[/youtube]', 'url', $s);
$s = BBCode::pregReplaceInTag('/\[url\=https?:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v\=(.*?)\].*?\[\/url\]/ism' , '[youtube]$1[/youtube]', 'url', $s);
$s = BBCode::pregReplaceInTag('/\[url\=https?:\/\/www.youtube.com\/shorts\/(.*?)\].*?\[\/url\]/ism' , '[youtube]$1[/youtube]', 'url', $s);
$s = BBCode::pregReplaceInTag('/\[url\=?(.*?)\]https?:\/\/vimeo.com\/([0-9]+)(.*?)\[\/url\]/ism' , '[vimeo]$2[/vimeo]' , 'url', $s);
$s = BBCode::pregReplaceInTag('/\[url\=https?:\/\/vimeo.com\/([0-9]+)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/ism' , '[vimeo]$1[/vimeo]' , 'url', $s);
// remove duplicate adjacent code tags
$s = preg_replace('/(\[code\])+(.*?)(\[\/code\])+/ism', '[code]$2[/code]', $s);
// Don't show link to full picture (until it is fixed)
$s = BBCode::scaleExternalImages($s);
return $s;