 * Part of Text_LanguageDetect
 * PHP version 5
 * @category  Text
 * @package   Text_LanguageDetect
 * @author    Nicholas Pisarro <infinityminusnine+pear@gmail.com>
 * @copyright 2005-2006 Nicholas Pisarro
 * @license   BSD http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
 * @link      http://pear.php.net/package/Text_LanguageDetect/

require_once 'Text/LanguageDetect/Exception.php';
require_once 'Text/LanguageDetect/Parser.php';
require_once 'Text/LanguageDetect/ISO639.php';

 * Detects the language of a given piece of text.
 * Attempts to detect the language of a sample of text by correlating ranked
 * 3-gram frequencies to a table of 3-gram frequencies of known languages.
 * Implements a version of a technique originally proposed by Cavnar & Trenkle
 * (1994): "N-Gram-Based Text Categorization"
 * Requires the language model database (lang.dat) that should have
 * accompanied this class definition in order to be instantiated.
 * Example usage:
 * <code>
 * require_once 'Text/LanguageDetect.php';
 * $l = new Text_LanguageDetect;
 * $stdin = fopen('php://stdin', 'r');
 * echo "Supported languages:\n";
 * try {
 *     $langs = $l->getLanguages();
 * } catch (Text_LanguageDetect_Exception $e) {
 *     die($e->getMessage());
 * }
 * sort($langs);
 * echo join(', ', $langs);
 * while ($line = fgets($stdin)) {
 *     print_r($l->detect($line, 4));
 * }
 * </code>
 * @category  Text
 * @package   Text_LanguageDetect
 * @author    Nicholas Pisarro <infinityminusnine+pear@gmail.com>
 * @copyright 2005 Nicholas Pisarro
 * @license   BSD http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
 * @version   Release: @package_version@
 * @link      http://pear.php.net/package/Text_LanguageDetect/
class Text_LanguageDetect
     * The filename that stores the trigram data for the detector
     * If this value starts with a slash (/) or a dot (.) the value of
     * $this->_data_dir will be ignored
     * @var string
    protected $_db_filename = 'lang.dat';

     * The filename that stores the unicode block definitions
     * If this value starts with a slash (/) or a dot (.) the value of
     * $this->_data_dir will be ignored
     * @var string
    protected $_unicode_db_filename = 'unicode_blocks.dat';

     * The data directory
     * Should be set by PEAR installer
     * @var string
    protected $_data_dir = '@data_dir@';

     * The trigram data for comparison
     * Will be loaded on start from $this->_db_filename
     * @var array
    protected $_lang_db = array();

     * Stores the map of the trigram data to unicode characters
     * @var array
    protected $_unicode_map;

     * The size of the trigram data arrays
     * @var int
    protected $_threshold = 300;

     * The maximum possible score.
     * Needed for score normalization. Different depending on the
     * perl compatibility setting
     * @var int
     * @see setPerlCompatible()
    protected $_max_score = 0;

     * Whether or not to simulate perl's Language::Guess exactly
     * @var bool
     * @see setPerlCompatible()
    protected $_perl_compatible = false;

     * Whether to use the unicode block detection to speed up processing
     * @var bool
    protected $_use_unicode_narrowing = true;

     * Stores the result of the clustering operation
     * @var array
     * @see clusterLanguages()
    protected $_clusters;

     * Which type of "language names" are accepted and returned:
     * 0 - language name ("english")
     * 2 - 2-letter ISO 639-1 code ("en")
     * 3 - 3-letter ISO 639-2 code ("eng")
    protected $_name_mode = 0;

     * Constructor
     * Will attempt to load the language database. If it fails, you will get
     * an exception.
    public function __construct()
        $data = $this->_readdb($this->_db_filename);
        $this->_lang_db = $data['trigram'];

        if (isset($data['trigram-unicodemap'])) {
            $this->_unicode_map = $data['trigram-unicodemap'];

        // Not yet implemented:
        if (isset($data['trigram-clusters'])) {
            $this->_clusters = $data['trigram-clusters'];

     * Returns the path to the location of the database
     * @param string $fname File name to load
     * @return string expected path to the language model database
    protected function _get_data_loc($fname)
        if ($fname{0} == '/' || $fname{0} == '.') {
            // if filename starts with a slash, assume it's an absolute pathname
            // and skip whatever is in $this->_data_dir
            return $fname;

        } elseif ($this->_data_dir != '@' . 'data_dir' . '@') {
            // if the data dir was set by the PEAR installer, use that
            return $this->_data_dir . '/Text_LanguageDetect/' . $fname;

        } else {
            // assume this was just unpacked somewhere
            // try the local working directory if otherwise
            return __DIR__ . '/../data/' . $fname;

     * Loads the language trigram database from filename
     * Trigram datbase should be a serialize()'d array
     * @param string $fname the filename where the data is stored
     * @return array the language model data
     * @throws Text_LanguageDetect_Exception
    protected function _readdb($fname)
        // finds the correct data dir
        $fname = $this->_get_data_loc($fname);

        // input check
        if (!file_exists($fname)) {
            throw new Text_LanguageDetect_Exception(
                'Language database does not exist: ' . $fname,
        } elseif (!is_readable($fname)) {
            throw new Text_LanguageDetect_Exception(
                'Language database is not readable: ' . $fname,

        return unserialize(file_get_contents($fname));

     * Checks if this object is ready to detect languages
     * @param array $trigram Trigram data from database
     * @return void
    protected function _checkTrigram($trigram)
        if (!is_array($trigram)) {
            if (ini_get('magic_quotes_runtime')) {
                throw new Text_LanguageDetect_Exception(
                    'Error loading database. Try turning magic_quotes_runtime off.',
            throw new Text_LanguageDetect_Exception(
                'Language database is not an array.',
        } elseif (empty($trigram)) {
            throw new Text_LanguageDetect_Exception(
                'Language database has no elements.',

     * Omits languages
     * Pass this function the name of or an array of names of
     * languages that you don't want considered
     * If you're only expecting a limited set of languages, this can greatly
     * speed up processing
     * @param mixed $omit_list    language name or array of names to omit
     * @param bool  $include_only if true will include (rather than
     *                            exclude) only those in the list
     * @return int number of languages successfully deleted
     * @throws Text_LanguageDetect_Exception
    public function omitLanguages($omit_list, $include_only = false)
        $deleted = 0;

        $omit_list = $this->_convertFromNameMode($omit_list);

        if (!$include_only) {
            // deleting the given languages
            if (!is_array($omit_list)) {
                $omit_list = strtolower($omit_list); // case desensitize
                if (isset($this->_lang_db[$omit_list])) {
            } else {
                foreach ($omit_list as $omit_lang) {
                    if (isset($this->_lang_db[$omit_lang])) {

        } else {
            // deleting all except the given languages
            if (!is_array($omit_list)) {
                $omit_list = array($omit_list);

            // case desensitize
            foreach ($omit_list as $key => $omit_lang) {
                $omit_list[$key] = strtolower($omit_lang);

            foreach (array_keys($this->_lang_db) as $lang) {
                if (!in_array($lang, $omit_list)) {

        // reset the cluster cache if the number of languages changes
        // this will then have to be recalculated
        if (isset($this->_clusters) && $deleted > 0) {
            $this->_clusters = null;

        return $deleted;

     * Returns the number of languages that this object can detect
     * @return int            the number of languages
     * @throws Text_LanguageDetect_Exception
    public function getLanguageCount()
        return count($this->_lang_db);

     * Checks if the language with the given name exists in the database
     * @param mixed $lang Language name or array of language names
     * @return bool true if language model exists
    public function languageExists($lang)
        $lang = $this->_convertFromNameMode($lang);

        if (is_string($lang)) {
            return isset($this->_lang_db[strtolower($lang)]);

        } elseif (is_array($lang)) {
            foreach ($lang as $test_lang) {
                if (!isset($this->_lang_db[strtolower($test_lang)])) {
                    return false;
            return true;

        } else {
            throw new Text_LanguageDetect_Exception(
                'Unsupported parameter type passed to languageExists()',

     * Returns the list of detectable languages
     * @return array        the names of the languages known to this object<<<<<<<
     * @throws Text_LanguageDetect_Exception
    public function getLanguages()
        return $this->_convertToNameMode(

     * Make this object behave like Language::Guess
     * @param bool $setting false to turn off perl compatibility
     * @return void
    public function setPerlCompatible($setting = true)
        if (is_bool($setting)) { // input check
            $this->_perl_compatible = $setting;

            if ($setting == true) {
                $this->_max_score = $this->_threshold;
            } else {
                $this->_max_score = 0;


     * Sets the way how language names are accepted and returned.
     * @param integer $name_mode One of the following modes:
     *                           0 - language name ("english")
     *                           2 - 2-letter ISO 639-1 code ("en")
     *                           3 - 3-letter ISO 639-2 code ("eng")
     * @return void
    public function setNameMode($name_mode)
        $this->_name_mode = $name_mode;

     * Whether to use unicode block ranges in detection
     * Should speed up most detections if turned on (detault is on). In some
     * circumstances it may be slower, such as for large text samples (> 10K)
     * in languages that use latin scripts. In other cases it should speed up
     * detection noticeably.
     * @param bool $setting false to turn off
     * @return void
    public function useUnicodeBlocks($setting = true)
        if (is_bool($setting)) {
            $this->_use_unicode_narrowing = $setting;

     * Converts a piece of text into trigrams
     * @param string $text text to convert
     * @return     array array of trigram frequencies
     * @deprecated Superceded by the Text_LanguageDetect_Parser class
    protected function _trigram($text)
        $s = new Text_LanguageDetect_Parser($text);
        return $s->getTrigramFreqs();

     * Converts a set of trigrams from frequencies to ranks
     * Thresholds (cuts off) the list at $this->_threshold
     * @param array $arr array of trigram
     * @return array ranks of trigrams
    protected function _arr_rank($arr)

        // sorts alphabetically first as a standard way of breaking rank ties

        // below might also work, but seemed to introduce errors in testing

        $rank = array();

        $i = 0;
        foreach ($arr as $key => $value) {
            $rank[$key] = $i++;

            // cut off at a standard threshold
            if ($i >= $this->_threshold) {

        return $rank;

     * Sorts an array by value breaking ties alphabetically
     * @param array $arr the array to sort
     * @return void
    protected function _bub_sort(&$arr)
        // should do the same as this perl statement:
        // sort { $trigrams{$b} == $trigrams{$a}
        //   ?  $a cmp $b : $trigrams{$b} <=> $trigrams{$a} }

        // needs to sort by both key and value at once
        // using the key to break ties for the value

        // converts array into an array of arrays of each key and value
        // may be a better way of doing this
        $combined = array();

        foreach ($arr as $key => $value) {
            $combined[] = array($key, $value);

        usort($combined, array($this, '_sort_func'));

        $replacement = array();
        foreach ($combined as $key => $value) {
            list($new_key, $new_value) = $value;
            $replacement[$new_key] = $new_value;

        $arr = $replacement;

     * Sort function used by bubble sort
     * Callback function for usort().
     * @param array $a first param passed by usort()
     * @param array $b second param passed by usort()
     * @return int 1 if $a is greater, -1 if not
     * @see    _bub_sort()
    protected function _sort_func($a, $b)
        // each is actually a key/value pair, so that it can compare using both
        list($a_key, $a_value) = $a;
        list($b_key, $b_value) = $b;

        if ($a_value == $b_value) {
            // if the values are the same, break ties using the key
            return strcmp($a_key, $b_key);

        } else {
            // if not, just sort normally
            if ($a_value > $b_value) {
                return -1;
            } else {
                return 1;

        // 0 should not be possible because keys must be unique

     * Calculates a linear rank-order distance statistic between two sets of
     * ranked trigrams
     * Sums the differences in rank for each trigram. If the trigram does not
     * appear in both, consider it a difference of $this->_threshold.
     * This distance measure was proposed by Cavnar & Trenkle (1994). Despite
     * its simplicity it has been shown to be highly accurate for language
     * identification tasks.
     * @param array $arr1 the reference set of trigram ranks
     * @param array $arr2 the target set of trigram ranks
     * @return int the sum of the differences between the ranks of
     *             the two trigram sets
    protected function _distance($arr1, $arr2)
        $sumdist = 0;

        foreach ($arr2 as $key => $value) {
            if (isset($arr1[$key])) {
                $distance = abs($value - $arr1[$key]);
            } else {
                // $this->_threshold sets the maximum possible distance value
                // for any one pair of trigrams
                $distance = $this->_threshold;
            $sumdist += $distance;

        return $sumdist;

        // todo: there are other distance statistics to try, e.g. relative
        //       entropy, but they're probably more costly to compute

     * Normalizes the score returned by _distance()
     * Different if perl compatible or not
     * @param int $score      the score from _distance()
     * @param int $base_count the number of trigrams being considered
     * @return float the normalized score
     * @see    _distance()
    protected function _normalize_score($score, $base_count = null)
        if ($base_count === null) {
            $base_count = $this->_threshold;

        if (!$this->_perl_compatible) {
            return 1 - ($score / $base_count / $this->_threshold);
        } else {
            return floor($score / $base_count);

     * Detects the closeness of a sample of text to the known languages
     * Calculates the statistical difference between the text and
     * the trigrams for each language, normalizes the score then
     * returns results for all languages in sorted order
     * If perl compatible, the score is 300-0, 0 being most similar.
     * Otherwise, it's 0-1 with 1 being most similar.
     * The $sample text should be at least a few sentences in length;
     * should be ascii-7 or utf8 encoded, if another and the mbstring extension
     * is present it will try to detect and convert. However, experience has
     * shown that mb_detect_encoding() *does not work very well* with at least
     * some types of encoding.
     * @param string $sample a sample of text to compare.
     * @param int    $limit  if specified, return an array of the most likely
     *                       $limit languages and their scores.
     * @return mixed sorted array of language scores, blank array if no
     *               useable text was found
     * @see    _distance()
     * @throws Text_LanguageDetect_Exception
    public function detect($sample, $limit = 0)
        // input check
        if (!Text_LanguageDetect_Parser::validateString($sample)) {
            return array();

        // check char encoding
        // (only if mbstring extension is compiled and PHP > 4.0.6)
        if (function_exists('mb_detect_encoding')
            && function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')
        ) {
            // mb_detect_encoding isn't very reliable, to say the least
            // detection should still work with a sufficient sample
            //  of ascii characters
            $encoding = mb_detect_encoding($sample);

            // mb_detect_encoding() will return FALSE if detection fails
            // don't attempt conversion if that's the case
            if ($encoding != 'ASCII' && $encoding != 'UTF-8'
                && $encoding !== false
            ) {
                // verify the encoding exists in mb_list_encodings
                if (in_array($encoding, mb_list_encodings())) {
                    $sample = mb_convert_encoding($sample, 'UTF-8', $encoding);

        $sample_obj = new Text_LanguageDetect_Parser($sample);
        if ($this->_use_unicode_narrowing) {

        $trigram_freqs = $sample_obj->getTrigramRanks();
        $trigram_count = count($trigram_freqs);

        if ($trigram_count == 0) {
            return array();

        $scores = array();

        // use unicode block detection to narrow down the possibilities
        if ($this->_use_unicode_narrowing) {
            $blocks = $sample_obj->getUnicodeBlocks();

            if (is_array($blocks)) {
                $present_blocks = array_keys($blocks);
            } else {
                throw new Text_LanguageDetect_Exception(
                    'Error during block detection',

            $possible_langs = array();

            foreach ($present_blocks as $blockname) {
                if (isset($this->_unicode_map[$blockname])) {

                    $possible_langs = array_merge(

                    // todo: faster way to do this?

            // could also try an intersect operation rather than a union
            // in other words, choose languages whose trigrams contain
            // ALL of the unicode blocks found in this sample
            // would improve speed but would be completely thrown off by an
            // unexpected character, like an umlaut appearing in english text

            $possible_langs = array_intersect(

            // needs to intersect it with the keys of _lang_db in case
            // languages have been omitted

        } else {
            // or just try 'em all
            $possible_langs = array_keys($this->_lang_db);

        foreach ($possible_langs as $lang) {
            $scores[$lang] = $this->_normalize_score(
                $this->_distance($this->_lang_db[$lang], $trigram_freqs),


        if ($this->_perl_compatible) {
        } else {

        // todo: drop languages with a score of $this->_max_score?

        // limit the number of returned scores
        if ($limit && is_numeric($limit)) {
            $limited_scores = array();

            $i = 0;
            foreach ($scores as $key => $value) {
                if ($i++ >= $limit) {

                $limited_scores[$key] = $value;

            return $this->_convertToNameMode($limited_scores, true);
        } else {
            return $this->_convertToNameMode($scores, true);

     * Returns only the most similar language to the text sample
     * Calls $this->detect() and returns only the top result
     * @param string $sample text to detect the language of
     * @return string the name of the most likely language
     *                or null if no language is similar
     * @see    detect()
     * @throws Text_LanguageDetect_Exception
    public function detectSimple($sample)
        $scores = $this->detect($sample, 1);

        // if top language has the maximum possible score,
        // then the top score will have been picked at random
        if (!is_array($scores) || empty($scores)
            || current($scores) == $this->_max_score
        ) {
            return null;
        } else {
            return key($scores);

     * Returns an array containing the most similar language and a confidence
     * rating
     * Confidence is a simple measure calculated from the similarity score
     * minus the similarity score from the next most similar language
     * divided by the highest possible score. Languages that have closely
     * related cousins (e.g. Norwegian and Danish) should generally have lower
     * confidence scores.
     * The similarity score answers the question "How likely is the text the
     * returned language regardless of the other languages considered?" The
     * confidence score is one way of answering the question "how likely is the
     * text the detected language relative to the rest of the language model
     * set?"
     * To see how similar languages are a priori, see languageSimilarity()
     * @param string $sample text for which language will be detected
     * @return array most similar language, score and confidence rating
     *               or null if no language is similar
     * @see    detect()
     * @throws Text_LanguageDetect_Exception
    public function detectConfidence($sample)
        $scores = $this->detect($sample, 2);

        // if most similar language has the max score, it
        // will have been picked at random
        if (!is_array($scores) || empty($scores)
            || current($scores) == $this->_max_score
        ) {
            return null;

        $arr['language'] = key($scores);
        $arr['similarity'] = current($scores);
        if (next($scores) !== false) { // if false then no next element
            // the goal is to return a higher value if the distance between
            // the similarity of the first score and the second score is high

            if ($this->_perl_compatible) {
                $arr['confidence'] = (current($scores) - $arr['similarity'])
                    / $this->_max_score;

            } else {
                $arr['confidence'] = $arr['similarity'] - current($scores);


        } else {
            $arr['confidence'] = null;

        return $arr;

     * Returns the distribution of unicode blocks in a given utf8 string
     * For the block name of a single char, use unicodeBlockName()
     * @param string $str          input string. Must be ascii or utf8
     * @param bool   $skip_symbols if true, skip ascii digits, symbols and
     *                             non-printing characters. Includes spaces,
     *                             newlines and common punctutation characters.
     * @return array
     * @throws Text_LanguageDetect_Exception
    public function detectUnicodeBlocks($str, $skip_symbols)
        $skip_symbols = (bool)$skip_symbols;
        $str          = (string)$str;

        $sample_obj = new Text_LanguageDetect_Parser($str);
        $blocks = $sample_obj->getUnicodeBlocks();
        return $blocks;

     * Returns the block name for a given unicode value
     * If passed a string, will assume it is being passed a UTF8-formatted
     * character and will automatically convert. Otherwise it will assume it
     * is being passed a numeric unicode value.
     * Make sure input is of the correct type!
     * @param mixed $unicode unicode value or utf8 char
     * @return mixed the block name string or false if not found
     * @throws Text_LanguageDetect_Exception
    public function unicodeBlockName($unicode)
        if (is_string($unicode)) {
            // assume it is being passed a utf8 char, so convert it
            if (self::utf8strlen($unicode) > 1) {
                throw new Text_LanguageDetect_Exception(
                    'Pass a single char only to this method',
            $unicode = $this->_utf8char2unicode($unicode);

        } elseif (!is_int($unicode)) {
            throw new Text_LanguageDetect_Exception(
                'Input must be of type string or int.',

        $blocks = $this->_read_unicode_block_db();

        $result = $this->_unicode_block_name($unicode, $blocks);

        if ($result == -1) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return $result[2];

     * Searches the unicode block database
     * Returns the block name for a given unicode value. unicodeBlockName() is
     * the public interface for this function, which does input checks which
     * this function omits for speed.
     * @param int   $unicode     the unicode value
     * @param array $blocks      the block database
     * @param int   $block_count the number of defined blocks in the database
     * @return mixed Block name, -1 if it failed
     * @see    unicodeBlockName()
    protected function _unicode_block_name($unicode, $blocks, $block_count = -1)
        // for a reference, see
        // http://www.unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/Blocks.txt

        // assume that ascii characters are the most common
        // so try it first for efficiency
        if ($unicode <= $blocks[0][1]) {
            return $blocks[0];

        // the optional $block_count param is for efficiency
        // so we this function doesn't have to run count() every time
        if ($block_count != -1) {
            $high = $block_count - 1;
        } else {
            $high = count($blocks) - 1;

        $low = 1; // start with 1 because ascii was 0

        // your average binary search algorithm
        while ($low <= $high) {
            $mid = floor(($low + $high) / 2);

            if ($unicode < $blocks[$mid][0]) {
                // if it's lower than the lower bound
                $high = $mid - 1;

            } elseif ($unicode > $blocks[$mid][1]) {
                // if it's higher than the upper bound
                $low = $mid + 1;

            } else {
                // found it
                return $blocks[$mid];

        // failed to find the block
        return -1;

        // todo: differentiate when it's out of range or when it falls
        //       into an unassigned range?

     * Brings up the unicode block database
     * @return array the database of unicode block definitions
     * @throws Text_LanguageDetect_Exception
    protected function _read_unicode_block_db()
        // since the unicode definitions are always going to be the same,
        // might as well share the memory for the db with all other instances
        // of this class
        static $data;

        if (!isset($data)) {
            $data = $this->_readdb($this->_unicode_db_filename);

        return $data;

     * Calculate the similarities between the language models
     * Use this function to see how similar languages are to each other.
     * If passed 2 language names, will return just those languages compared.
     * If passed 1 language name, will return that language compared to
     * all others.
     * If passed none, will return an array of every language model compared
     * to every other one.
     * @param string $lang1 the name of the first language to be compared
     * @param string $lang2 the name of the second language to be compared
     * @return array scores of every language compared
     *               or the score of just the provided languages
     *               or null if one of the supplied languages does not exist
     * @throws Text_LanguageDetect_Exception
    public function languageSimilarity($lang1 = null, $lang2 = null)
        $lang1 = $this->_convertFromNameMode($lang1);
        $lang2 = $this->_convertFromNameMode($lang2);
        if ($lang1 != null) {
            $lang1 = strtolower($lang1);

            // check if language model exists
            if (!isset($this->_lang_db[$lang1])) {
                return null;

            if ($lang2 != null) {
                if (!isset($this->_lang_db[$lang2])) {
                    // check if language model exists
                    return null;

                $lang2 = strtolower($lang2);

                // compare just these two languages
                return $this->_normalize_score(

            } else {
                // compare just $lang1 to all languages
                $return_arr = array();
                foreach ($this->_lang_db as $key => $value) {
                    if ($key != $lang1) {
                        // don't compare a language to itself
                        $return_arr[$key] = $this->_normalize_score(
                            $this->_distance($this->_lang_db[$lang1], $value)

                return $return_arr;

        } else {
            // compare all languages to each other
            $return_arr = array();
            foreach (array_keys($this->_lang_db) as $lang1) {
                foreach (array_keys($this->_lang_db) as $lang2) {
                    // skip comparing languages to themselves
                    if ($lang1 != $lang2) {

                        if (isset($return_arr[$lang2][$lang1])) {
                            // don't re-calculate what's already been done
                                = $return_arr[$lang2][$lang1];

                        } else {
                            // calculate
                                = $this->_normalize_score(

            return $return_arr;

     * Cluster known languages according to languageSimilarity()
     * WARNING: this method is EXPERIMENTAL. It is not recommended for common
     * use, and it may disappear or its functionality may change in future
     * releases without notice.
     * Uses a nearest neighbor technique to generate the maximum possible
     * number of dendograms from the similarity data.
     * @return     array language cluster data
     * @throws     Text_LanguageDetect_Exception
     * @see        languageSimilarity()
     * @deprecated this function will eventually be removed and placed into
     *              the model generation class
    public function clusterLanguages()
        // todo: set the maximum number of clusters
        // return cached result, if any
        if (isset($this->_clusters)) {
            return $this->_clusters;

        $langs = array_keys($this->_lang_db);

        $arr = $this->languageSimilarity();


        foreach ($langs as $lang) {
            if (!isset($this->_lang_db[$lang])) {
                throw new Text_LanguageDetect_Exception(
                    "missing $lang!",

        // http://www.psychstat.missouristate.edu/multibook/mlt04m.html
        foreach ($langs as $old_key => $lang1) {
            $langs[$lang1] = $lang1;

        $result_data = $really_map = array();

        $i = 0;
        while (count($langs) > 2 && $i++ < 200) {
            $highest_score = -1;
            $highest_key1 = '';
            $highest_key2 = '';
            foreach ($langs as $lang1) {
                foreach ($langs as $lang2) {
                    if ($lang1 != $lang2
                        && $arr[$lang1][$lang2] > $highest_score
                    ) {
                        $highest_score = $arr[$lang1][$lang2];
                        $highest_key1 = $lang1;
                        $highest_key2 = $lang2;

            if (!$highest_key1) {
                // should not ever happen
                throw new Text_LanguageDetect_Exception(
                    "no highest key? (step: $i)",

            if ($highest_score == 0) {
                // languages are perfectly dissimilar

            // $highest_key1 and $highest_key2 are most similar
            $sum1 = array_sum($arr[$highest_key1]);
            $sum2 = array_sum($arr[$highest_key2]);

            // use the score for the one that is most similar to the rest of
            // the field as the score for the group
            // todo: could try averaging or "centroid" method instead
            // seems like that might make more sense
            // actually nearest neighbor may be better for binary searching

            // for "Complete Linkage"/"furthest neighbor"
            // sign should be <
            // for "Single Linkage"/"nearest neighbor" method
            // should should be >
            // results seem to be pretty much the same with either method

            // figure out which to delete and which to replace
            if ($sum1 > $sum2) {
                $replaceme = $highest_key1;
                $deleteme = $highest_key2;
            } else {
                $replaceme = $highest_key2;
                $deleteme = $highest_key1;

            $newkey = $replaceme . ':' . $deleteme;

            // $replaceme is most similar to remaining languages
            // replace $replaceme with '$newkey', deleting $deleteme

            // keep a record of which fork is really which language
            $really_lang = $replaceme;
            while (isset($really_map[$really_lang])) {
                $really_lang = $really_map[$really_lang];
            $really_map[$newkey] = $really_lang;

            // replace the best fitting key, delete the other
            foreach ($arr as $key1 => $arr2) {
                foreach ($arr2 as $key2 => $value2) {
                    if ($key2 == $replaceme) {
                        $arr[$key1][$newkey] = $arr[$key1][$key2];
                        // replacing $arr[$key1][$key2] with $arr[$key1][$newkey]

                    if ($key1 == $replaceme) {
                        $arr[$newkey][$key2] = $arr[$key1][$key2];
                        // replacing $arr[$key1][$key2] with $arr[$newkey][$key2]

                    if ($key1 == $deleteme || $key2 == $deleteme) {
                        // deleting $arr[$key1][$key2]

            $langs[$newkey] = $newkey;

            // some of these may be overkill
            $result_data[$newkey] = array(
                                'newkey' => $newkey,
                                'count' => $i,
                                'diff' => abs($sum1 - $sum2),
                                'score' => $highest_score,
                                'bestfit' => $replaceme,
                                'otherfit' => $deleteme,
                                'really' => $really_lang,

        $return_val = array(
                'open_forks' => $langs,
                        // the top level of clusters
                        // clusters that are mutually exclusive
                        // or specified by a specific maximum

                'fork_data' => $result_data,
                        // data for each split

                'name_map' => $really_map,
                        // which cluster is really which language
                        // using the nearest neighbor technique, the cluster
                        // inherits all of the properties of its most-similar member
                        // this keeps track

        // saves the result in the object
        $this->_clusters = $return_val;

        return $return_val;

     * Perform an intelligent detection based on clusterLanguages()
     * WARNING: this method is EXPERIMENTAL. It is not recommended for common
     * use, and it may disappear or its functionality may change in future
     * releases without notice.
     * This compares the sample text to top the top level of clusters. If the
     * sample is similar to the cluster it will drop down and compare it to the
     * languages in the cluster, and so on until it hits a leaf node.
     * this should find the language in considerably fewer compares
     * (the equivalent of a binary search), however clusterLanguages() is costly
     * and the loss of accuracy from this technique is significant.
     * This method may need to be 'fuzzier' in order to become more accurate.
     * This function could be more useful if the universe of possible languages
     * was very large, however in such cases some method of Bayesian inference
     * might be more helpful.
     * @param string $str input string
     * @return array language scores (only those compared)
     * @throws Text_LanguageDetect_Exception
     * @see    clusterLanguages()
    public function clusteredSearch($str)
        // input check
        if (!Text_LanguageDetect_Parser::validateString($str)) {
            return array();

        // clusterLanguages() will return a cached result if possible
        // so it's safe to call it every time
        $result = $this->clusterLanguages();

        $dendogram_start = $result['open_forks'];
        $dendogram_data  = $result['fork_data'];
        $dendogram_alias = $result['name_map'];

        $sample_obj = new Text_LanguageDetect_Parser($str);
        $sample_result = $sample_obj->getTrigramRanks();
        $sample_count  = count($sample_result);

        // input check
        if ($sample_count == 0) {
            return array();

        $i = 0; // counts the number of steps

        foreach ($dendogram_start as $lang) {
            if (isset($dendogram_alias[$lang])) {
                $lang_key = $dendogram_alias[$lang];
            } else {
                $lang_key = $lang;

            $scores[$lang] = $this->_normalize_score(
                $this->_distance($this->_lang_db[$lang_key], $sample_result),


        if ($this->_perl_compatible) {
        } else {

        $top_score = current($scores);
        $top_key = key($scores);

        // of starting forks, $top_key is the most similar to the sample

        $cur_key = $top_key;
        while (isset($dendogram_data[$cur_key])) {
            $lang1 = $dendogram_data[$cur_key]['bestfit'];
            $lang2 = $dendogram_data[$cur_key]['otherfit'];
            foreach (array($lang1, $lang2) as $lang) {
                if (isset($dendogram_alias[$lang])) {
                    $lang_key = $dendogram_alias[$lang];
                } else {
                    $lang_key = $lang;

                $scores[$lang] = $this->_normalize_score(
                    $this->_distance($this->_lang_db[$lang_key], $sample_result),

                //todo: does not need to do same comparison again


            if ($scores[$lang1] > $scores[$lang2]) {
                $cur_key = $lang1;
                $loser_key = $lang2;
            } else {
                $cur_key = $lang2;
                $loser_key = $lang1;

            $diff = $scores[$cur_key] - $scores[$loser_key];

            // $cur_key ({$dendogram_alias[$cur_key]}) wins
            // over $loser_key ({$dendogram_alias[$loser_key]})
            // with a difference of $diff

        // found result in $i compares

        // rather than sorting the result, preserve it so that you can see
        // which paths the algorithm decided to take along the tree

        // but sometimes the last item is only the second highest
        if (($this->_perl_compatible  && (end($scores) > prev($scores)))
            || (!$this->_perl_compatible && (end($scores) < prev($scores)))
        ) {
            $real_last_score = current($scores);
            $real_last_key = key($scores);

            // swaps the 2nd-to-last item for the last item
            $scores[$real_last_key] = $real_last_score;

        if (!$this->_perl_compatible) {
            $scores = array_reverse($scores, true);
            // second param requires php > 4.0.3

        return $scores;

     * UTF8-safe strlen()
     * Returns the numbers of characters (not bytes) in a utf8 string
     * @param string $str string to get the length of
     * @return int number of chars
    public static function utf8strlen($str)
        // utf8_decode() will convert unknown chars to '?', which is actually
        // ideal for counting.

        return strlen(utf8_decode($str));

        // idea stolen from dokuwiki

     * Returns the unicode value of a utf8 char
     * @param string $char a utf8 (possibly multi-byte) char
     * @return int unicode value
     * @link   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8
    protected function _utf8char2unicode($char)
        // strlen() here will actually get the binary length of a single char
        switch (strlen($char)) {
        case 1:
            // normal ASCII-7 byte
            // 0xxxxxxx -->  0xxxxxxx
            return ord($char{0});

        case 2:
            // 2 byte unicode
            // 110zzzzx 10xxxxxx --> 00000zzz zxxxxxxx
            $z = (ord($char{0}) & 0x000001F) << 6;
            $x = (ord($char{1}) & 0x0000003F);
            return ($z | $x);

        case 3:
            // 3 byte unicode
            // 1110zzzz 10zxxxxx 10xxxxxx --> zzzzzxxx xxxxxxxx
            $z =  (ord($char{0}) & 0x0000000F) << 12;
            $x1 = (ord($char{1}) & 0x0000003F) << 6;
            $x2 = (ord($char{2}) & 0x0000003F);
            return ($z | $x1 | $x2);

        case 4:
            // 4 byte unicode
            // 11110zzz 10zzxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx -->
            // 000zzzzz xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
            $z1 = (ord($char{0}) & 0x00000007) << 18;
            $z2 = (ord($char{1}) & 0x0000003F) << 12;
            $x1 = (ord($char{2}) & 0x0000003F) << 6;
            $x2 = (ord($char{3}) & 0x0000003F);
            return ($z1 | $z2 | $x1 | $x2);

     * UTF8-safe fast character iterator
     * Will get the next character starting from $counter, which will then be
     * incremented. If a multi-byte char the bytes will be concatenated and
     * $counter will be incremeted by the number of bytes in the char.
     * @param string $str             the string being iterated over
     * @param int    $counter         the iterator, will increment by reference
     * @param bool   $special_convert whether to do special conversions
     * @return char the next (possibly multi-byte) char from $counter
    protected static function _next_char($str, &$counter, $special_convert = false)
        $char = $str{$counter++};
        $ord = ord($char);

        // for a description of the utf8 system see
        // http://www.phpclasses.org/browse/file/5131.html

        // normal ascii one byte char
        if ($ord <= 127) {
            // special conversions needed for this package
            // (that only apply to regular ascii characters)
            // lower case, and convert all non-alphanumeric characters
            // other than "'" to space
            if ($special_convert && $char != ' ' && $char != "'") {
                if ($ord >= 65 && $ord <= 90) { // A-Z
                    $char = chr($ord + 32); // lower case
                } elseif ($ord < 97 || $ord > 122) { // NOT a-z
                    $char = ' '; // convert to space

            return $char;

        } elseif ($ord >> 5 == 6) { // two-byte char
            // multi-byte chars
            $nextchar = $str{$counter++}; // get next byte

            // lower-casing of non-ascii characters is still incomplete

            if ($special_convert) {
                // lower case latin accented characters
                if ($ord == 195) {
                    $nextord = ord($nextchar);
                    $nextord_adj = $nextord + 64;
                    // for a reference, see
                    // http://www.ramsch.org/martin/uni/fmi-hp/iso8859-1.html

                    // &Agrave; - &THORN; but not &times;
                    if ($nextord_adj >= 192
                        && $nextord_adj <= 222
                        && $nextord_adj != 215
                    ) {
                        $nextchar = chr($nextord + 32);

                } elseif ($ord == 208) {
                    // lower case cyrillic alphabet
                    $nextord = ord($nextchar);
                    // if A - Pe
                    if ($nextord >= 144 && $nextord <= 159) {
                        // lower case
                        $nextchar = chr($nextord + 32);

                    } elseif ($nextord >= 160 && $nextord <= 175) {
                        // if Er - Ya
                        // lower case
                        $char = chr(209); // == $ord++
                        $nextchar = chr($nextord - 32);

            // tag on next byte
            return $char . $nextchar;
        } elseif ($ord >> 4  == 14) { // three-byte char

            // tag on next 2 bytes
            return $char . $str{$counter++} . $str{$counter++};

        } elseif ($ord >> 3 == 30) { // four-byte char

            // tag on next 3 bytes
            return $char . $str{$counter++} . $str{$counter++} . $str{$counter++};

        } else {
            // error?

     * Converts an $language input parameter from the configured mode
     * to the language name that is used internally.
     * Works for strings and arrays.
     * @param string|array $lang       A language description ("english"/"en"/"eng")
     * @param boolean      $convertKey If $lang is an array, setting $key
     *                                 converts the keys to the language name.
     * @return string|array Language name
    protected function _convertFromNameMode($lang, $convertKey = false)
        if ($this->_name_mode == 0) {
            return $lang;

        if ($this->_name_mode == 2) {
            $method = 'code2ToName';
        } else {
            $method = 'code3ToName';

        if (is_string($lang)) {
            return (string)Text_LanguageDetect_ISO639::$method($lang);

        $newlang = array();
        foreach ($lang as $key => $val) {
            if ($convertKey) {
                $newkey = (string)Text_LanguageDetect_ISO639::$method($key);
                $newlang[$newkey] = $val;
            } else {
                $newlang[$key] = (string)Text_LanguageDetect_ISO639::$method($val);
        return $newlang;

     * Converts an $language output parameter from the language name that is
     * used internally to the configured mode.
     * Works for strings and arrays.
     * @param string|array $lang       A language description ("english"/"en"/"eng")
     * @param boolean      $convertKey If $lang is an array, setting $key
     *                                 converts the keys to the language name.
     * @return string|array Language name
    protected function _convertToNameMode($lang, $convertKey = false)
        if ($this->_name_mode == 0) {
            return $lang;

        if ($this->_name_mode == 2) {
            $method = 'nameToCode2';
        } else {
            $method = 'nameToCode3';

        if (is_string($lang)) {
            return Text_LanguageDetect_ISO639::$method($lang);

        $newlang = array();
        foreach ($lang as $key => $val) {
            if ($convertKey) {
                $newkey = Text_LanguageDetect_ISO639::$method($key);
                $newlang[$newkey] = $val;
            } else {
                $newlang[$key] = Text_LanguageDetect_ISO639::$method($val);
        return $newlang;

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