mode = App::MODE_INSTALL; } /** * Checks the current installation environment. There are optional and mandatory checks. * * @param string $phpath Optional path to the PHP binary (Default is 'php') * * @return array First element is a list of all checks and their results, * the second element is a list of passed checks */ public static function check($phpath = 'php') { $checks = []; self::checkFunctions($checks); self::checkImagick($checks); self::checkHtConfig($checks); self::checkSmarty3($checks); self::checkKeys($checks); self::checkPHP($phpath, $checks); self::checkHtAccess($checks); $checkspassed = array_reduce($checks, function ($v, $c) { if (!empty($c['require'])) { $v = $v && $c['status']; } return $v; }, true); return array($checks, $checkspassed); } /** * Executes the installation of Friendica in the given environment. * - Creates `config/local.ini.php` * - Installs Database Structure * * @param string $urlpath Path based on the URL of Friendica (e.g. '/friendica') * @param string $dbhost Hostname/IP of the Friendica Database * @param string $dbuser Username of the Database connection credentials * @param string $dbpass Password of the Database connection credentials * @param string $dbdata Name of the Database * @param string $phpath Path to the PHP-Binary (e.g. 'php' or '/usr/bin/php') * @param string $timezone Timezone of the Friendica Installaton (e.g. 'Europe/Berlin') * @param string $language 2-letter ISO 639-1 code (eg. 'en') * @param string $adminmail Mail-Adress of the administrator * @param int $rino Rino-enabled (1 = true, 0 = false) */ public static function install($urlpath, $dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbdata, $phpath, $timezone, $language, $adminmail) { $tpl = get_markup_template('local.ini.tpl'); $txt = replace_macros($tpl,[ '$dbhost' => $dbhost, '$dbuser' => $dbuser, '$dbpass' => $dbpass, '$dbdata' => $dbdata, '$timezone' => $timezone, '$language' => $language, '$urlpath' => $urlpath, '$phpath' => $phpath, '$adminmail' => $adminmail, ]); $result = file_put_contents('config/local.ini.php', $txt); if (! $result) { self::getApp()->data['txt'] = $txt; } $errors = self::installDatabaseStructure(); if ($errors) { self::getApp()->data['db_failed'] = $errors; } else { self::getApp()->data['db_installed'] = true; } } /** * Adds new checks to the array $checks * * @param array $checks The list of all checks (by-ref parameter!) * @param string $title The title of the current check * @param bool $status 1 = check passed, 0 = check not passed * @param bool $required 1 = check is mandatory, 0 = check is optional * @param string $help A help-string for the current check * @param string $error_msg Optional. A error message, if the current check failed */ private static function addCheck(&$checks, $title, $status, $required, $help, $error_msg = "") { $checks[] = [ 'title' => $title, 'status' => $status, 'required' => $required, 'help' => $help, 'error_msg' => $error_msg, ]; } /** * PHP Check * * Checks the PHP environment. * * - Checks if a PHP binary is available * - Checks if it is the CLI version * - Checks if "register_argc_argv" is enabled * * @param string $phpath Optional. The Path to the PHP-Binary * @param array $checks The list of all checks (by-ref parameter!) */ public static function checkPHP(&$phpath, &$checks) { $passed = $passed2 = $passed3 = false; if (strlen($phpath)) { $passed = file_exists($phpath); } else { $phpath = trim(shell_exec('which php')); $passed = strlen($phpath); } $help = ""; if (!$passed) { $help .= L10n::t('Could not find a command line version of PHP in the web server PATH.') . EOL; $help .= L10n::t("If you don't have a command line version of PHP installed on your server, you will not be able to run the background processing. See 'Setup the worker'") . EOL; $help .= EOL . EOL; $tpl = get_markup_template('field_input.tpl'); $help .= replace_macros($tpl, [ '$field' => ['phpath', L10n::t('PHP executable path'), $phpath, L10n::t('Enter full path to php executable. You can leave this blank to continue the installation.')], ]); $phpath = ""; } self::addCheck($checks, L10n::t('Command line PHP').($passed?" ($phpath)":""), $passed, false, $help); if ($passed) { $cmd = "$phpath -v"; $result = trim(shell_exec($cmd)); $passed2 = (strpos($result, "(cli)") !== false); list($result) = explode("\n", $result); $help = ""; if (!$passed2) { $help .= L10n::t("PHP executable is not the php cli binary \x28could be cgi-fgci version\x29") . EOL; $help .= L10n::t('Found PHP version: ') . "$result"; } self::addCheck($checks, L10n::t('PHP cli binary'), $passed2, true, $help); } if ($passed2) { $str = autoname(8); $cmd = "$phpath testargs.php $str"; $result = trim(shell_exec($cmd)); $passed3 = $result == $str; $help = ""; if (!$passed3) { $help .= L10n::t('The command line version of PHP on your system does not have "register_argc_argv" enabled.') . EOL; $help .= L10n::t('This is required for message delivery to work.'); } self::addCheck($checks, L10n::t('PHP register_argc_argv'), $passed3, true, $help); } } /** * OpenSSL Check * * Checks the OpenSSL Environment * * - Checks, if the command "openssl_pkey_new" is available * * @param array $checks The list of all checks (by-ref parameter!) */ public static function checkKeys(&$checks) { $help = ''; $res = false; if (function_exists('openssl_pkey_new')) { $res = openssl_pkey_new([ 'digest_alg' => 'sha1', 'private_key_bits' => 4096, 'encrypt_key' => false ]); } // Get private key if (!$res) { $help .= L10n::t('Error: the "openssl_pkey_new" function on this system is not able to generate encryption keys') . EOL; $help .= L10n::t('If running under Windows, please see "".'); } self::addCheck($checks, L10n::t('Generate encryption keys'), $res, true, $help); } /** * PHP functions Check * * Checks the following PHP functions * - libCurl * - GD Graphics * - OpenSSL * - PDO or MySQLi * - mb_string * - XML * - iconv * - POSIX * * @param array $checks The list of all checks (by-ref parameter!) */ public static function checkFunctions(&$checks) { $ck_funcs = []; self::addCheck($ck_funcs, L10n::t('libCurl PHP module'), true, true, ""); self::addCheck($ck_funcs, L10n::t('GD graphics PHP module'), true, true, ""); self::addCheck($ck_funcs, L10n::t('OpenSSL PHP module'), true, true, ""); self::addCheck($ck_funcs, L10n::t('PDO or MySQLi PHP module'), true, true, ""); self::addCheck($ck_funcs, L10n::t('mb_string PHP module'), true, true, ""); self::addCheck($ck_funcs, L10n::t('XML PHP module'), true, true, ""); self::addCheck($ck_funcs, L10n::t('iconv PHP module'), true, true, ""); self::addCheck($ck_funcs, L10n::t('POSIX PHP module'), true, true, ""); if (function_exists('apache_get_modules')) { if (! in_array('mod_rewrite',apache_get_modules())) { self::addCheck($ck_funcs, L10n::t('Apache mod_rewrite module'), false, true, L10n::t('Error: Apache webserver mod-rewrite module is required but not installed.')); } else { self::addCheck($ck_funcs, L10n::t('Apache mod_rewrite module'), true, true, ""); } } if (!function_exists('curl_init')) { $ck_funcs[0]['status'] = false; $ck_funcs[0]['help'] = L10n::t('Error: libCURL PHP module required but not installed.'); } if (!function_exists('imagecreatefromjpeg')) { $ck_funcs[1]['status'] = false; $ck_funcs[1]['help'] = L10n::t('Error: GD graphics PHP module with JPEG support required but not installed.'); } if (!function_exists('openssl_public_encrypt')) { $ck_funcs[2]['status'] = false; $ck_funcs[2]['help'] = L10n::t('Error: openssl PHP module required but not installed.'); } if (!function_exists('mysqli_connect') && !class_exists('pdo')) { $ck_funcs[3]['status'] = false; $ck_funcs[3]['help'] = L10n::t('Error: PDO or MySQLi PHP module required but not installed.'); } if (!function_exists('mysqli_connect') && class_exists('pdo') && !in_array('mysql', \PDO::getAvailableDrivers())) { $ck_funcs[3]['status'] = false; $ck_funcs[3]['help'] = L10n::t('Error: The MySQL driver for PDO is not installed.'); } if (!function_exists('mb_strlen')) { $ck_funcs[4]['status'] = false; $ck_funcs[4]['help'] = L10n::t('Error: mb_string PHP module required but not installed.'); } if (!function_exists('iconv_strlen')) { $ck_funcs[6]['status'] = false; $ck_funcs[6]['help'] = L10n::t('Error: iconv PHP module required but not installed.'); } if (!function_exists('posix_kill')) { $ck_funcs[7]['status'] = false; $ck_funcs[7]['help'] = L10n::t('Error: POSIX PHP module required but not installed.'); } $checks = array_merge($checks, $ck_funcs); // check for XML DOM Documents being able to be generated try { $xml = new DOMDocument(); } catch (Exception $e) { $ck_funcs[5]['status'] = false; $ck_funcs[5]['help'] = L10n::t('Error, XML PHP module required but not installed.'); } } /** * "config/local.ini.php" - Check * * Checks if it's possible to create the "config/local.ini.php" * * @param array $checks The list of all checks (by-ref parameter!) */ public static function checkHtConfig(&$checks) { $status = true; $help = ""; if ((file_exists('config/local.ini.php') && !is_writable('config/local.ini.php')) || (!file_exists('config/local.ini.php') && !is_writable('.'))) { $status = false; $help = L10n::t('The web installer needs to be able to create a file called "local.ini.php" in the "config" folder of your web server and it is unable to do so.') . EOL; $help .= L10n::t('This is most often a permission setting, as the web server may not be able to write files in your folder - even if you can.') . EOL; $help .= L10n::t('At the end of this procedure, we will give you a text to save in a file named local.ini.php in your Friendica "config" folder.') . EOL; $help .= L10n::t('You can alternatively skip this procedure and perform a manual installation. Please see the file "INSTALL.txt" for instructions.') . EOL; } self::addCheck($checks, L10n::t('config/local.ini.php is writable'), $status, false, $help); } /** * Smarty3 Template Check * * Checks, if the directory of Smarty3 is writable * * @param array $checks The list of all checks (by-ref parameter!) */ public static function checkSmarty3(&$checks) { $status = true; $help = ""; if (!is_writable('view/smarty3')) { $status = false; $help = L10n::t('Friendica uses the Smarty3 template engine to render its web views. Smarty3 compiles templates to PHP to speed up rendering.') . EOL; $help .= L10n::t('In order to store these compiled templates, the web server needs to have write access to the directory view/smarty3/ under the Friendica top level folder.') . EOL; $help .= L10n::t("Please ensure that the user that your web server runs as \x28e.g. www-data\x29 has write access to this folder.") . EOL; $help .= L10n::t("Note: as a security measure, you should give the web server write access to view/smarty3/ only--not the template files \x28.tpl\x29 that it contains.") . EOL; } self::addCheck($checks, L10n::t('view/smarty3 is writable'), $status, true, $help); } /** * ".htaccess" - Check * * Checks, if "url_rewrite" is enabled in the ".htaccess" file * * @param array $checks The list of all checks (by-ref parameter!) */ public static function checkHtAccess(&$checks) { $status = true; $help = ""; $error_msg = ""; if (function_exists('curl_init')) { $test = Network::fetchUrlFull(System::baseUrl() . "/install/testrewrite"); $url = normalise_link(System::baseUrl() . "/install/testrewrite"); if ($test['body'] != "ok") { $test = Network::fetchUrlFull($url); } if ($test['body'] != "ok") { $status = false; $help = L10n::t('Url rewrite in .htaccess is not working. Check your server configuration.'); $error_msg = []; $error_msg['head'] = L10n::t('Error message from Curl when fetching'); $error_msg['url'] = $test['redirect_url']; $error_msg['msg'] = defaults($test, 'error', ''); } self::addCheck($checks, L10n::t('Url rewrite is working'), $status, true, $help, $error_msg); } else { // cannot check modrewrite if libcurl is not installed /// @TODO Maybe issue warning here? } } /** * Imagick Check * * Checks, if the imagick module is available * * @param array $checks The list of all checks (by-ref parameter!) */ public static function checkImagick(&$checks) { $imagick = false; $gif = false; if (class_exists('Imagick')) { $imagick = true; $supported = Image::supportedTypes(); if (array_key_exists('image/gif', $supported)) { $gif = true; } } if ($imagick == false) { self::addCheck($checks, L10n::t('ImageMagick PHP extension is not installed'), $imagick, false, ""); } else { self::addCheck($checks, L10n::t('ImageMagick PHP extension is installed'), $imagick, false, ""); if ($imagick) { self::addCheck($checks, L10n::t('ImageMagick supports GIF'), $gif, false, ""); } } } /** * Installs the Database structure * * @return string A possible error */ public static function installDatabaseStructure() { $errors = DBStructure::update(false, true, true); return $errors; } }