. * */ namespace Friendica\Content; use Friendica\Content\Text\BBCode; use Friendica\Content\Text\HTML; use Friendica\Core\Hook; use Friendica\Core\L10n; use Friendica\Core\Logger; use Friendica\Core\Protocol; use Friendica\Core\Session\Capability\IHandleUserSessions; use Friendica\Core\System; use Friendica\Database\DBA; use Friendica\Model\Contact; use Friendica\Model\Group; use Friendica\Model\Item as ItemModel; use Friendica\Model\Photo; use Friendica\Model\Tag; use Friendica\Model\Post; use Friendica\Protocol\Activity; use Friendica\Util\Profiler; use Friendica\Util\Proxy; use Friendica\Util\XML; /** * A content helper class for displaying items */ class Item { /** @var Activity */ private $activity; /** @var L10n */ private $l10n; /** @var Profiler */ private $profiler; /** @var IHandleUserSessions */ private $userSession; public function __construct(Profiler $profiler, Activity $activity, L10n $l10n, IHandleUserSessions $userSession) { $this->profiler = $profiler; $this->activity = $activity; $this->l10n = $l10n; $this->userSession = $userSession; } /** * Return array with details for categories and folders for an item * * @param array $item * @param int $uid * @return [array, array] * * [ * [ // categories array * { * 'name': 'category name', * 'removeurl': 'url to remove this category', * 'first': 'is the first in this array? true/false', * 'last': 'is the last in this array? true/false', * } , * .... * ], * [ //folders array * { * 'name': 'folder name', * 'removeurl': 'url to remove this folder', * 'first': 'is the first in this array? true/false', * 'last': 'is the last in this array? true/false', * } , * .... * ] * ] */ public function determineCategoriesTerms(array $item, int $uid = 0): array { $categories = []; $folders = []; $first = true; $uid = $item['uid'] ?: $uid; if (empty($item['has-categories'])) { return [$categories, $folders]; } foreach (Post\Category::getArrayByURIId($item['uri-id'], $uid, Post\Category::CATEGORY) as $savedFolderName) { if (!empty($item['author-link'])) { $url = $item['author-link'] . "?category=" . rawurlencode($savedFolderName); } else { $url = '#'; } $categories[] = [ 'name' => $savedFolderName, 'url' => $url, 'removeurl' => $this->userSession->getLocalUserId() == $uid ? 'filerm/' . $item['id'] . '?cat=' . rawurlencode($savedFolderName) : '', 'first' => $first, 'last' => false ]; $first = false; } if (count($categories)) { $categories[count($categories) - 1]['last'] = true; } if ($this->userSession->getLocalUserId() == $uid) { foreach (Post\Category::getArrayByURIId($item['uri-id'], $uid, Post\Category::FILE) as $savedFolderName) { $folders[] = [ 'name' => $savedFolderName, 'url' => "#", 'removeurl' => $this->userSession->getLocalUserId() == $uid ? 'filerm/' . $item['id'] . '?term=' . rawurlencode($savedFolderName) : '', 'first' => $first, 'last' => false ]; $first = false; } } if (count($folders)) { $folders[count($folders) - 1]['last'] = true; } return [$categories, $folders]; } /** * This function removes the tag $tag from the text $body and replaces it with * the appropriate link. * * @param string $body the text to replace the tag in * @param int $profile_uid the user id to replace the tag for (0 = anyone) * @param string $tag the tag to replace * @param string $network The network of the post * * @return array|bool ['replaced' => $replaced, 'contact' => $contact] or "false" on if already replaced * @throws \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException * @throws \ImagickException */ public static function replaceTag(string &$body, int $profile_uid, string $tag, string $network = '') { $replaced = false; //is it a person tag? if (Tag::isType($tag, Tag::MENTION, Tag::IMPLICIT_MENTION, Tag::EXCLUSIVE_MENTION)) { $tag_type = substr($tag, 0, 1); //is it already replaced? if (strpos($tag, '[url=')) { return $replaced; } //get the person's name $name = substr($tag, 1); // Sometimes the tag detection doesn't seem to work right // This is some workaround $nameparts = explode(' ', $name); $name = $nameparts[0]; // Try to detect the contact in various ways if (strpos($name, 'http://') || strpos($name, '@')) { $contact = Contact::getByURLForUser($name, $profile_uid); } else { $contact = false; $fields = ['id', 'url', 'nick', 'name', 'alias', 'network', 'forum', 'prv']; if (strrpos($name, '+')) { // Is it in format @nick+number? $tagcid = intval(substr($name, strrpos($name, '+') + 1)); $contact = DBA::selectFirst('contact', $fields, ['id' => $tagcid, 'uid' => $profile_uid]); } // select someone by nick in the current network if (!DBA::isResult($contact) && ($network != '')) { $condition = ["`nick` = ? AND `network` = ? AND `uid` = ?", $name, $network, $profile_uid]; $contact = DBA::selectFirst('contact', $fields, $condition); } // select someone by attag in the current network if (!DBA::isResult($contact) && ($network != '')) { $condition = ["`attag` = ? AND `network` = ? AND `uid` = ?", $name, $network, $profile_uid]; $contact = DBA::selectFirst('contact', $fields, $condition); } //select someone by name in the current network if (!DBA::isResult($contact) && ($network != '')) { $condition = ['name' => $name, 'network' => $network, 'uid' => $profile_uid]; $contact = DBA::selectFirst('contact', $fields, $condition); } // select someone by nick in any network if (!DBA::isResult($contact)) { $condition = ["`nick` = ? AND `uid` = ?", $name, $profile_uid]; $contact = DBA::selectFirst('contact', $fields, $condition); } // select someone by attag in any network if (!DBA::isResult($contact)) { $condition = ["`attag` = ? AND `uid` = ?", $name, $profile_uid]; $contact = DBA::selectFirst('contact', $fields, $condition); } // select someone by name in any network if (!DBA::isResult($contact)) { $condition = ['name' => $name, 'uid' => $profile_uid]; $contact = DBA::selectFirst('contact', $fields, $condition); } } // Check if $contact has been successfully loaded if (DBA::isResult($contact)) { $profile = $contact['url']; $newname = ($contact['name'] ?? '') ?: $contact['nick']; } //if there is an url for this persons profile if (isset($profile) && ($newname != '')) { $replaced = true; // create profile link $profile = str_replace(',', '%2c', $profile); $newtag = $tag_type.'[url=' . $profile . ']' . $newname . '[/url]'; $body = str_replace($tag_type . $name, $newtag, $body); } } return ['replaced' => $replaced, 'contact' => $contact]; } /** * Render actions localized * * @param array $item * @return void * @throws ImagickException * @throws \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException */ public function localize(array &$item) { $this->profiler->startRecording('rendering'); /// @todo The following functionality needs to be cleaned up. if (!empty($item['verb'])) { $xmlhead = ''; if ($this->activity->match($item['verb'], Activity::TAG)) { $fields = ['author-id', 'author-link', 'author-name', 'author-network', 'verb', 'object-type', 'resource-id', 'body', 'plink']; $obj = Post::selectFirst($fields, ['uri' => $item['parent-uri']]); if (!DBA::isResult($obj)) { $this->profiler->stopRecording(); return; } $author_arr = [ 'uid' => 0, 'id' => $item['author-id'], 'network' => $item['author-network'], 'url' => $item['author-link'], ]; $author = '[url=' . Contact::magicLinkByContact($author_arr) . ']' . $item['author-name'] . '[/url]'; $author_arr = [ 'uid' => 0, 'id' => $obj['author-id'], 'network' => $obj['author-network'], 'url' => $obj['author-link'], ]; $objauthor = '[url=' . Contact::magicLinkByContact($author_arr) . ']' . $obj['author-name'] . '[/url]'; switch ($obj['verb']) { case Activity::POST: switch ($obj['object-type']) { case Activity\ObjectType::EVENT: $post_type = $this->l10n->t('event'); break; default: $post_type = $this->l10n->t('status'); } break; default: if ($obj['resource-id']) { $post_type = $this->l10n->t('photo'); $m=[]; preg_match("/\[url=([^]]*)\]/", $obj['body'], $m); $rr['plink'] = $m[1]; } else { $post_type = $this->l10n->t('status'); } // Let's break everthing ... ;-) break; } $plink = '[url=' . $obj['plink'] . ']' . $post_type . '[/url]'; $parsedobj = XML::parseString($xmlhead . $item['object']); $tag = sprintf('#[url=%s]%s[/url]', $parsedobj->id, $parsedobj->content); $item['body'] = $this->l10n->t('%1$s tagged %2$s\'s %3$s with %4$s', $author, $objauthor, $plink, $tag); } } $this->profiler->stopRecording(); } /** * Renders photo menu based on item * * @param array $item * @param string $formSecurityToken * @return string */ public function photoMenu(array $item, string $formSecurityToken): string { $this->profiler->startRecording('rendering'); $sub_link = $contact_url = $pm_url = $status_link = ''; $photos_link = $posts_link = $block_link = $ignore_link = ''; if ($this->userSession->getLocalUserId() && $this->userSession->getLocalUserId() == $item['uid'] && $item['gravity'] == ItemModel::GRAVITY_PARENT && !$item['self'] && !$item['mention']) { $sub_link = 'javascript:doFollowThread(' . $item['id'] . '); return false;'; } $author = [ 'uid' => 0, 'id' => $item['author-id'], 'network' => $item['author-network'], 'url' => $item['author-link'], ]; $profile_link = Contact::magicLinkByContact($author, $item['author-link']); $sparkle = (strpos($profile_link, 'redir/') === 0); $cid = 0; $pcid = $item['author-id']; $network = ''; $rel = 0; $condition = ['uid' => $this->userSession->getLocalUserId(), 'uri-id' => $item['author-uri-id']]; $contact = DBA::selectFirst('contact', ['id', 'network', 'rel'], $condition); if (DBA::isResult($contact)) { $cid = $contact['id']; $network = $contact['network']; $rel = $contact['rel']; } if ($sparkle) { $status_link = $profile_link . '/status'; $photos_link = str_replace('/profile/', '/photos/', $profile_link); $profile_link = $profile_link . '/profile'; } if (!empty($pcid)) { $contact_url = 'contact/' . $pcid; $posts_link = $contact_url . '/posts'; $block_link = $item['self'] ? '' : $contact_url . '/block?t=' . $formSecurityToken; $ignore_link = $item['self'] ? '' : $contact_url . '/ignore?t=' . $formSecurityToken; } if ($cid && !$item['self']) { $contact_url = 'contact/' . $cid; $posts_link = $contact_url . '/posts'; if (in_array($network, [Protocol::ACTIVITYPUB, Protocol::DFRN, Protocol::DIASPORA])) { $pm_url = 'message/new/' . $cid; } } if ($this->userSession->getLocalUserId()) { $menu = [ $this->l10n->t('Follow Thread') => $sub_link, $this->l10n->t('View Status') => $status_link, $this->l10n->t('View Profile') => $profile_link, $this->l10n->t('View Photos') => $photos_link, $this->l10n->t('Network Posts') => $posts_link, $this->l10n->t('View Contact') => $contact_url, $this->l10n->t('Send PM') => $pm_url, $this->l10n->t('Block') => $block_link, $this->l10n->t('Ignore') => $ignore_link ]; if (!empty($item['language'])) { $menu[$this->l10n->t('Languages')] = 'javascript:alert(\'' . ItemModel::getLanguageMessage($item) . '\');'; } if ((($cid == 0) || ($rel == Contact::FOLLOWER)) && in_array($item['network'], Protocol::FEDERATED)) { $menu[$this->l10n->t('Connect/Follow')] = 'contact/follow?url=' . urlencode($item['author-link']) . '&auto=1'; } } else { $menu = [$this->l10n->t('View Profile') => $item['author-link']]; } $args = ['item' => $item, 'menu' => $menu]; Hook::callAll('item_photo_menu', $args); $menu = $args['menu']; $o = ''; foreach ($menu as $k => $v) { if (strpos($v, 'javascript:') === 0) { $v = substr($v, 11); $o .= '