. * */ namespace Friendica\Module\Notifications; use Friendica\App; use Friendica\BaseModule; use Friendica\Contact\Introduction\Repository\Introduction; use Friendica\Content\ForumManager; use Friendica\Core\Cache\Capability\ICanCache; use Friendica\Core\Cache\Enum\Duration; use Friendica\Core\Config\Capability\IManageConfigValues; use Friendica\Core\Hook; use Friendica\Core\L10n; use Friendica\Core\PConfig\Capability\IManagePersonalConfigValues; use Friendica\Core\Session\Capability\IHandleUserSessions; use Friendica\Core\System; use Friendica\Database\Database; use Friendica\Database\DBA; use Friendica\Model\Group; use Friendica\Model\Post; use Friendica\Model\User; use Friendica\Model\Verb; use Friendica\Module\Conversation\Network; use Friendica\Module\Register; use Friendica\Module\Response; use Friendica\Navigation\Notifications\Entity; use Friendica\Navigation\Notifications\Exception\NoMessageException; use Friendica\Navigation\Notifications\Factory; use Friendica\Navigation\Notifications\Repository; use Friendica\Navigation\Notifications\ValueObject; use Friendica\Navigation\SystemMessages; use Friendica\Protocol\Activity; use Friendica\Util\DateTimeFormat; use Friendica\Util\Profiler; use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri; use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface; class Ping extends BaseModule { /** @var SystemMessages */ private $systemMessages; /** @var Repository\Notification */ private $notificationRepo; /** @var Introduction */ private $introductionRepo; /** @var Factory\FormattedNavNotification */ private $formattedNavNotification; /** @var IHandleUserSessions */ private $session; /** @var IManageConfigValues */ private $config; /** @var IManagePersonalConfigValues */ private $pconfig; /** @var Database */ private $database; /** @var ICanCache */ private $cache; /** @var Repository\Notify */ private $notify; /** @var App */ private $app; public function __construct(App $app, Repository\Notify $notify, ICanCache $cache, Database $database, IManagePersonalConfigValues $pconfig, IManageConfigValues $config, IHandleUserSessions $session, SystemMessages $systemMessages, Repository\Notification $notificationRepo, Introduction $introductionRepo, Factory\FormattedNavNotification $formattedNavNotification, L10n $l10n, App\BaseURL $baseUrl, App\Arguments $args, LoggerInterface $logger, Profiler $profiler, Response $response, array $server, array $parameters = []) { parent::__construct($l10n, $baseUrl, $args, $logger, $profiler, $response, $server, $parameters); $this->systemMessages = $systemMessages; $this->notificationRepo = $notificationRepo; $this->introductionRepo = $introductionRepo; $this->formattedNavNotification = $formattedNavNotification; $this->session = $session; $this->config = $config; $this->pconfig = $pconfig; $this->database = $database; $this->cache = $cache; $this->notify = $notify; $this->app = $app; } protected function rawContent(array $request = []) { $registrations = []; $navNotifications = []; $intro_count = 0; $mail_count = 0; $home_count = 0; $network_count = 0; $register_count = 0; $sysnotify_count = 0; $groups_unseen = []; $forums_unseen = []; $event_count = 0; $today_event_count = 0; $birthday_count = 0; $today_birthday_count = 0; if ($this->session->getLocalUserId()) { if ($this->pconfig->get($this->session->getLocalUserId(), 'system', 'detailed_notif')) { $notifications = $this->notificationRepo->selectDetailedForUser($this->session->getLocalUserId()); } else { $notifications = $this->notificationRepo->selectDigestForUser($this->session->getLocalUserId()); } $condition = [ "`unseen` AND `uid` = ? AND NOT `origin` AND (`vid` != ? OR `vid` IS NULL)", $this->session->getLocalUserId(), Verb::getID(Activity::FOLLOW) ]; // No point showing counts for non-top-level posts when the network page is ordered by received field if (Network::getTimelineOrderBySession($this->session, $this->pconfig) == 'received') { $condition = DBA::mergeConditions($condition, ["`parent` = `id`"]); } $items_unseen = $this->database->toArray(Post::selectForUser( $this->session->getLocalUserId(), ['wall', 'uid', 'uri-id'], $condition, ['limit' => 1000], )); $arr = ['items' => $items_unseen]; Hook::callAll('network_ping', $arr); foreach ($items_unseen as $item) { if ($item['wall']) { $home_count++; } else { $network_count++; } } $compute_group_counts = $this->config->get('system','compute_group_counts'); if ($network_count && $compute_group_counts) { // Find out how unseen network posts are spread across groups foreach (Group::countUnseen() as $group_count) { if ($group_count['count'] > 0) { $groups_unseen[] = $group_count; } } foreach (ForumManager::countUnseenItems() as $forum_count) { if ($forum_count['count'] > 0) { $forums_unseen[] = $forum_count; } } } $intros = $this->introductionRepo->selectForUser($this->session->getLocalUserId()); $intro_count = $intros->count(); $myurl = $this->session->getMyUrl(); $mail_count = $this->database->count('mail', ["`uid` = ? AND NOT `seen` AND `from-url` != ?", $this->session->getLocalUserId(), $myurl]); if (intval($this->config->get('config', 'register_policy')) === Register::APPROVE && $this->app->isSiteAdmin()) { $registrations = \Friendica\Model\Register::getPending(); $register_count = count($registrations); } $cachekey = 'ping:events:' . $this->session->getLocalUserId(); $events = $this->cache->get($cachekey); if (is_null($events)) { $events = $this->database->selectToArray('event', ['type', 'start'], ["`uid` = ? AND `start` < ? AND `finish` > ? AND NOT `ignore`", $this->session->getLocalUserId(), DateTimeFormat::utc('now + 7 days'), DateTimeFormat::utcNow()]); $this->cache->set($cachekey, $events, Duration::HOUR); } $now_date = DateTimeFormat::localNow('Y-m-d'); foreach ($events as $event) { $is_birthday = false; if ($event['type'] === 'birthday') { $birthday_count++; $is_birthday = true; } else { $event_count++; } if (DateTimeFormat::local($event['start'], 'Y-m-d') === $now_date) { if ($is_birthday) { $today_birthday_count++; } else { $today_event_count++; } } } $owner = User::getOwnerDataById($this->session->getLocalUserId()); $navNotifications = array_map(function (Entity\Notification $notification) use ($owner) { if (!$this->notify->shouldShowOnDesktop($notification)) { return null; } if (($notification->type == Post\UserNotification::TYPE_NONE) && in_array($owner['page-flags'], [User::PAGE_FLAGS_NORMAL, User::PAGE_FLAGS_PRVGROUP])) { return null; } try { return $this->formattedNavNotification->createFromNotification($notification); } catch (NoMessageException $e) { return null; } }, $notifications->getArrayCopy()); $navNotifications = array_filter($navNotifications); $sysnotify_count = array_reduce($navNotifications, function (int $carry, ValueObject\FormattedNavNotification $navNotification) { return $carry + ($navNotification->seen ? 0 : 1); }, 0); // merge all notification types in one array foreach ($intros as $intro) { $navNotifications[] = $this->formattedNavNotification->createFromIntro($intro); } if (count($registrations) <= 1 || $this->pconfig->get($this->session->getLocalUserId(), 'system', 'detailed_notif')) { foreach ($registrations as $reg) { $navNotifications[] = $this->formattedNavNotification->createFromParams( [ 'name' => $reg['name'], 'url' => $reg['url'], ], $this->l10n->t('{0} requested registration'), new \DateTime($reg['created'], new \DateTimeZone('UTC')), new Uri($this->baseUrl->get(true) . '/moderation/users/pending') ); } } elseif (count($registrations) > 1) { $navNotifications[] = $this->formattedNavNotification->createFromParams( [ 'name' => $registrations[0]['name'], 'url' => $registrations[0]['url'], ], $this->l10n->t('{0} and %d others requested registration', count($registrations) - 1), new \DateTime($registrations[0]['created'], new \DateTimeZone('UTC')), new Uri($this->baseUrl->get(true) . '/moderation/users/pending') ); } // sort notifications by $[]['date'] $sort_function = function (ValueObject\FormattedNavNotification $a, ValueObject\FormattedNavNotification $b) { $a = $a->toArray(); $b = $b->toArray(); // Unseen messages are kept at the top if ($a['seen'] == $b['seen']) { if ($a['timestamp'] == $b['timestamp']) { return 0; } else { return $a['timestamp'] < $b['timestamp'] ? 1 : -1; } } else { return $a['seen'] ? 1 : -1; } }; usort($navNotifications, $sort_function); } $notification_count = $sysnotify_count + $intro_count + $register_count; $data = []; $data['intro'] = $intro_count; $data['mail'] = $mail_count; $data['net'] = ($network_count < 1000) ? $network_count : '999+'; $data['home'] = ($home_count < 1000) ? $home_count : '999+'; $data['register'] = $register_count; $data['events'] = $event_count; $data['events-today'] = $today_event_count; $data['birthdays'] = $birthday_count; $data['birthdays-today'] = $today_birthday_count; $data['groups'] = $groups_unseen; $data['forums'] = $forums_unseen; $data['notification'] = ($notification_count < 50) ? $notification_count : '49+'; $data['notifications'] = $navNotifications; $data['sysmsgs'] = [ 'notice' => $this->systemMessages->flushNotices(), 'info' => $this->systemMessages->flushInfos(), ]; if (isset($_GET['callback'])) { // JSONP support System::httpExit($_GET['callback'] . '(' . json_encode(['result' => $data]) . ')', Response::TYPE_BLANK, 'application/javascript'); } else { System::jsonExit(['result' => $data]); } } }