<?php /* * This is the POST destination for most all locally posted * text stuff. This function handles status, wall-to-wall status, * local comments, and remote coments that are posted on this site * (as opposed to being delivered in a feed). * Also processed here are posts and comments coming through the * statusnet/twitter API. * * All of these become an "item" which is our basic unit of * information. * * Posts that originate externally or do not fall into the above * posting categories go through item_store() instead of this function. */ use Friendica\App; use Friendica\Core\Config; use Friendica\Core\System; use Friendica\Core\Worker; use Friendica\Database\DBM; use Friendica\Model\GlobalContact; use Friendica\Network\Probe; use Friendica\Protocol\Diaspora; require_once 'include/crypto.php'; require_once 'include/enotify.php'; require_once 'include/email.php'; require_once 'include/tags.php'; require_once 'include/files.php'; require_once 'include/threads.php'; require_once 'include/text.php'; require_once 'include/items.php'; require_once 'include/Contact.php'; function item_post(App $a) { if ((! local_user()) && (! remote_user()) && (! x($_REQUEST, 'commenter'))) { return; } require_once 'include/security.php'; $uid = local_user(); if (x($_REQUEST, 'dropitems')) { $arr_drop = explode(',', $_REQUEST['dropitems']); drop_items($arr_drop); $json = array('success' => 1); echo json_encode($json); killme(); } call_hooks('post_local_start', $_REQUEST); // logger('postinput ' . file_get_contents('php://input')); logger('postvars ' . print_r($_REQUEST,true), LOGGER_DATA); $api_source = ((x($_REQUEST, 'api_source') && $_REQUEST['api_source']) ? true : false); $message_id = ((x($_REQUEST, 'message_id') && $api_source) ? strip_tags($_REQUEST['message_id']) : ''); $return_path = ((x($_REQUEST, 'return')) ? $_REQUEST['return'] : ''); $preview = ((x($_REQUEST, 'preview')) ? intval($_REQUEST['preview']) : 0); /* * Check for doubly-submitted posts, and reject duplicates * Note that we have to ignore previews, otherwise nothing will post * after it's been previewed */ if (!$preview && x($_REQUEST, 'post_id_random')) { if (x($_SESSION, 'post-random') && $_SESSION['post-random'] == $_REQUEST['post_id_random']) { logger("item post: duplicate post", LOGGER_DEBUG); item_post_return(System::baseUrl(), $api_source, $return_path); } else { $_SESSION['post-random'] = $_REQUEST['post_id_random']; } } // Is this a reply to something? $parent = ((x($_REQUEST, 'parent')) ? intval($_REQUEST['parent']) : 0); $parent_uri = ((x($_REQUEST, 'parent_uri')) ? trim($_REQUEST['parent_uri']) : ''); $parent_item = null; $parent_contact = null; $thr_parent = ''; $parid = 0; $r = false; $objecttype = null; if ($parent || $parent_uri) { $objecttype = ACTIVITY_OBJ_COMMENT; if (! x($_REQUEST, 'type')) { $_REQUEST['type'] = 'net-comment'; } if ($parent) { $r = q("SELECT * FROM `item` WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($parent) ); } elseif ($parent_uri && local_user()) { // This is coming from an API source, and we are logged in $r = q("SELECT * FROM `item` WHERE `uri` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", dbesc($parent_uri), intval(local_user()) ); } // if this isn't the real parent of the conversation, find it if (DBM::is_result($r)) { $parid = $r[0]['parent']; $parent_uri = $r[0]['uri']; if ($r[0]['id'] != $r[0]['parent']) { $r = q("SELECT * FROM `item` WHERE `id` = `parent` AND `parent` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($parid) ); } } if (! DBM::is_result($r)) { notice( t('Unable to locate original post.') . EOL); if (x($_REQUEST, 'return')) { goaway($return_path); } killme(); } $parent_item = $r[0]; $parent = $r[0]['id']; // multi-level threading - preserve the info but re-parent to our single level threading //if(($parid) && ($parid != $parent)) $thr_parent = $parent_uri; if ($parent_item['contact-id'] && $uid) { $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($parent_item['contact-id']), intval($uid) ); if (DBM::is_result($r)) { $parent_contact = $r[0]; } // If the contact id doesn't fit with the contact, then set the contact to null $thrparent = q("SELECT `author-link`, `network` FROM `item` WHERE `uri` = '%s' LIMIT 1", dbesc($thr_parent)); if (DBM::is_result($thrparent) && ($thrparent[0]["network"] === NETWORK_OSTATUS) && (normalise_link($parent_contact["url"]) != normalise_link($thrparent[0]["author-link"]))) { $parent_contact = get_contact_details_by_url($thrparent[0]["author-link"]); if (!isset($parent_contact["nick"])) { $probed_contact = Probe::uri($thrparent[0]["author-link"]); if ($probed_contact["network"] != NETWORK_FEED) { $parent_contact = $probed_contact; $parent_contact["nurl"] = normalise_link($probed_contact["url"]); $parent_contact["thumb"] = $probed_contact["photo"]; $parent_contact["micro"] = $probed_contact["photo"]; $parent_contact["addr"] = $probed_contact["addr"]; } } logger('no contact found: ' . print_r($thrparent, true), LOGGER_DEBUG); } else { logger('parent contact: ' . print_r($parent_contact, true), LOGGER_DEBUG); } if ($parent_contact["nick"] == "") { $parent_contact["nick"] = $parent_contact["name"]; } } } if ($parent) { logger('mod_item: item_post parent=' . $parent); } $profile_uid = ((x($_REQUEST, 'profile_uid')) ? intval($_REQUEST['profile_uid']) : 0); $post_id = ((x($_REQUEST, 'post_id')) ? intval($_REQUEST['post_id']) : 0); $app = ((x($_REQUEST, 'source')) ? strip_tags($_REQUEST['source']) : ''); $extid = ((x($_REQUEST, 'extid')) ? strip_tags($_REQUEST['extid']) : ''); $object = ((x($_REQUEST, 'object')) ? $_REQUEST['object'] : ''); // Check for multiple posts with the same message id (when the post was created via API) if (($message_id != '') && ($profile_uid != 0)) { $r = q("SELECT * FROM `item` WHERE `uri` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", dbesc($message_id), intval($profile_uid) ); if (DBM::is_result($r)) { logger("Message with URI ".$message_id." already exists for user ".$profile_uid, LOGGER_DEBUG); return; } } $allow_moderated = false; // here is where we are going to check for permission to post a moderated comment. // First check that the parent exists and it is a wall item. if ((x($_REQUEST, 'commenter')) && ((! $parent) || (! $parent_item['wall']))) { notice(t('Permission denied.') . EOL) ; if (x($_REQUEST, 'return')) { goaway($return_path); } killme(); } /* * Now check that it is a page_type of PAGE_BLOG, and that valid personal details * have been provided, and run any anti-spam plugins */ if ((! can_write_wall($a, $profile_uid)) && (! $allow_moderated)) { notice(t('Permission denied.') . EOL) ; if (x($_REQUEST, 'return')) { goaway($return_path); } killme(); } // is this an edited post? $orig_post = null; if ($post_id) { $i = q("SELECT * FROM `item` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `id` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($profile_uid), intval($post_id) ); if (! DBM::is_result($i)) { killme(); } $orig_post = $i[0]; } $user = null; $r = q("SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($profile_uid) ); if (DBM::is_result($r)) { $user = $r[0]; } if ($orig_post) { $str_group_allow = $orig_post['allow_gid']; $str_contact_allow = $orig_post['allow_cid']; $str_group_deny = $orig_post['deny_gid']; $str_contact_deny = $orig_post['deny_cid']; $location = $orig_post['location']; $coord = $orig_post['coord']; $verb = $orig_post['verb']; $objecttype = $orig_post['object-type']; $emailcc = $orig_post['emailcc']; $app = $orig_post['app']; $categories = $orig_post['file']; $title = notags(trim($_REQUEST['title'])); $body = escape_tags(trim($_REQUEST['body'])); $private = $orig_post['private']; $pubmail_enable = $orig_post['pubmail']; $network = $orig_post['network']; $guid = $orig_post['guid']; $extid = $orig_post['extid']; } else { /* * if coming from the API and no privacy settings are set, * use the user default permissions - as they won't have * been supplied via a form. */ /// @TODO use x($_REQUEST, 'foo') here if (($api_source) && (! array_key_exists('contact_allow', $_REQUEST)) && (! array_key_exists('group_allow', $_REQUEST)) && (! array_key_exists('contact_deny', $_REQUEST)) && (! array_key_exists('group_deny', $_REQUEST))) { $str_group_allow = $user['allow_gid']; $str_contact_allow = $user['allow_cid']; $str_group_deny = $user['deny_gid']; $str_contact_deny = $user['deny_cid']; } else { // use the posted permissions $str_group_allow = perms2str($_REQUEST['group_allow']); $str_contact_allow = perms2str($_REQUEST['contact_allow']); $str_group_deny = perms2str($_REQUEST['group_deny']); $str_contact_deny = perms2str($_REQUEST['contact_deny']); } $title = notags(trim($_REQUEST['title'])); $location = notags(trim($_REQUEST['location'])); $coord = notags(trim($_REQUEST['coord'])); $verb = notags(trim($_REQUEST['verb'])); $emailcc = notags(trim($_REQUEST['emailcc'])); $body = escape_tags(trim($_REQUEST['body'])); $network = notags(trim($_REQUEST['network'])); $guid = get_guid(32); item_add_language_opt($_REQUEST); $postopts = $_REQUEST['postopts'] ? $_REQUEST['postopts'] : ""; $private = ((strlen($str_group_allow) || strlen($str_contact_allow) || strlen($str_group_deny) || strlen($str_contact_deny)) ? 1 : 0); if ($user['hidewall']) { $private = 2; } // If this is a comment, set the permissions from the parent. if ($parent_item) { // for non native networks use the network of the original post as network of the item if (($parent_item['network'] != NETWORK_DIASPORA) && ($parent_item['network'] != NETWORK_OSTATUS) && ($network == "")) { $network = $parent_item['network']; } $str_contact_allow = $parent_item['allow_cid']; $str_group_allow = $parent_item['allow_gid']; $str_contact_deny = $parent_item['deny_cid']; $str_group_deny = $parent_item['deny_gid']; $private = $parent_item['private']; } $pubmail_enable = ((x($_REQUEST, 'pubmail_enable') && intval($_REQUEST['pubmail_enable']) && (! $private)) ? 1 : 0); // if using the API, we won't see pubmail_enable - figure out if it should be set if ($api_source && $profile_uid && $profile_uid == local_user() && (! $private)) { $mail_disabled = ((function_exists('imap_open') && (! Config::get('system', 'imap_disabled'))) ? 0 : 1); if (! $mail_disabled) { /// @TODO Check if only pubmail is loaded, * loads all columns $r = q("SELECT * FROM `mailacct` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `server` != '' LIMIT 1", intval(local_user()) ); if (DBM::is_result($r) && intval($r[0]['pubmail'])) { $pubmail_enabled = true; } } } if (! strlen($body)) { if ($preview) { killme(); } info(t('Empty post discarded.') . EOL ); if (x($_REQUEST, 'return')) { goaway($return_path); } killme(); } } if (strlen($categories)) { // get the "fileas" tags for this post $filedas = file_tag_file_to_list($categories, 'file'); } // save old and new categories, so we can determine what needs to be deleted from pconfig $categories_old = $categories; $categories = file_tag_list_to_file(trim($_REQUEST['category']), 'category'); $categories_new = $categories; if (strlen($filedas)) { // append the fileas stuff to the new categories list $categories .= file_tag_list_to_file($filedas, 'file'); } // get contact info for poster $author = null; $self = false; $contact_id = 0; if ((local_user()) && (local_user() == $profile_uid)) { $self = true; $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `self` = 1 LIMIT 1", intval($_SESSION['uid'])); } elseif(remote_user()) { if (x($_SESSION, 'remote') && is_array($_SESSION['remote'])) { foreach ($_SESSION['remote'] as $v) { if ($v['uid'] == $profile_uid) { $contact_id = $v['cid']; break; } } } if ($contact_id) { $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($contact_id) ); } } if (DBM::is_result($r)) { $author = $r[0]; $contact_id = $author['id']; } // get contact info for owner if ($profile_uid == local_user()) { $contact_record = $author; } else { $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `self` = 1 LIMIT 1", intval($profile_uid) ); if (DBM::is_result($r)) { $contact_record = $r[0]; } } $post_type = notags(trim($_REQUEST['type'])); if ($post_type === 'net-comment' && $parent_item !== null) { if ($parent_item['wall'] == 1) { $post_type = 'wall-comment'; } else { $post_type = 'remote-comment'; } } /* * When a photo was uploaded into the message using the (profile wall) ajax * uploader, The permissions are initially set to disallow anybody but the * owner from seeing it. This is because the permissions may not yet have been * set for the post. If it's private, the photo permissions should be set * appropriately. But we didn't know the final permissions on the post until * now. So now we'll look for links of uploaded messages that are in the * post and set them to the same permissions as the post itself. */ $match = null; if ((! $preview) && preg_match_all("/\[img([\=0-9x]*?)\](.*?)\[\/img\]/",$body,$match)) { $images = $match[2]; if (count($images)) { $objecttype = ACTIVITY_OBJ_IMAGE; foreach ($images as $image) { if (! stristr($image,System::baseUrl() . '/photo/')) { continue; } $image_uri = substr($image,strrpos($image,'/') + 1); $image_uri = substr($image_uri,0, strpos($image_uri,'-')); if (! strlen($image_uri)) { continue; } $srch = '<' . intval($contact_id) . '>'; $r = q("SELECT `id` FROM `photo` WHERE `allow_cid` = '%s' AND `allow_gid` = '' AND `deny_cid` = '' AND `deny_gid` = '' AND `resource-id` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", dbesc($srch), dbesc($image_uri), intval($profile_uid) ); if (! DBM::is_result($r)) { continue; } $r = q("UPDATE `photo` SET `allow_cid` = '%s', `allow_gid` = '%s', `deny_cid` = '%s', `deny_gid` = '%s' WHERE `resource-id` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d AND `album` = '%s' ", dbesc($str_contact_allow), dbesc($str_group_allow), dbesc($str_contact_deny), dbesc($str_group_deny), dbesc($image_uri), intval($profile_uid), dbesc( t('Wall Photos')) ); } } } /* * Next link in any attachment references we find in the post. */ $match = false; if ((! $preview) && preg_match_all("/\[attachment\](.*?)\[\/attachment\]/", $body, $match)) { $attaches = $match[1]; if (count($attaches)) { foreach ($attaches as $attach) { $r = q("SELECT * FROM `attach` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `id` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($profile_uid), intval($attach) ); if (DBM::is_result($r)) { $r = q("UPDATE `attach` SET `allow_cid` = '%s', `allow_gid` = '%s', `deny_cid` = '%s', `deny_gid` = '%s' WHERE `uid` = %d AND `id` = %d", dbesc($str_contact_allow), dbesc($str_group_allow), dbesc($str_contact_deny), dbesc($str_group_deny), intval($profile_uid), intval($attach) ); } } } } // embedded bookmark or attachment in post? set bookmark flag $bookmark = 0; $data = get_attachment_data($body); if (preg_match_all("/\[bookmark\=([^\]]*)\](.*?)\[\/bookmark\]/ism", $body, $match, PREG_SET_ORDER) || isset($data["type"])) { $objecttype = ACTIVITY_OBJ_BOOKMARK; $bookmark = 1; } $body = bb_translate_video($body); // Fold multi-line [code] sequences $body = preg_replace('/\[\/code\]\s*\[code\]/ism', "\n", $body); $body = scale_external_images($body, false); // Setting the object type if not defined before if (!$objecttype) { $objecttype = ACTIVITY_OBJ_NOTE; // Default value require_once 'include/plaintext.php'; $objectdata = get_attached_data($body); if ($post["type"] == "link") { $objecttype = ACTIVITY_OBJ_BOOKMARK; } elseif ($post["type"] == "video") { $objecttype = ACTIVITY_OBJ_VIDEO; } elseif ($post["type"] == "photo") { $objecttype = ACTIVITY_OBJ_IMAGE; } } // Look for any tags and linkify them $str_tags = ''; $inform = ''; $tags = get_tags($body); /* * add a statusnet style reply tag if the original post was from there * and we are replying, and there isn't one already */ if ($parent && ($parent_contact['network'] == NETWORK_OSTATUS)) { $contact = '@[url=' . $parent_contact['url'] . ']' . $parent_contact['nick'] . '[/url]'; if (!in_array($contact, $tags)) { $body = $contact . ' ' . $body; $tags[] = $contact; } $toplevel_contact = ""; $toplevel_parent = q("SELECT `contact`.* FROM `contact` INNER JOIN `item` ON `item`.`contact-id` = `contact`.`id` AND `contact`.`url` = `item`.`author-link` WHERE `item`.`id` = `item`.`parent` AND `item`.`parent` = %d", intval($parent)); if (DBM::is_result($toplevel_parent)) { if (!empty($toplevel_parent[0]['addr'])) { $toplevel_contact = '@' . $toplevel_parent[0]['addr']; } else { $toplevel_contact = '@' . $toplevel_parent[0]['nick'] . '+' . $toplevel_parent[0]['id']; } } else { $toplevel_parent = q("SELECT `author-link`, `author-name` FROM `item` WHERE `id` = `parent` AND `parent` = %d", intval($parent)); $toplevel_contact = '@[url=' . $toplevel_parent[0]['author-link'] . ']' . $toplevel_parent[0]['author-name'] . '[/url]'; } if (!in_array($toplevel_contact, $tags)) { $tags[] = $toplevel_contact; } } $tagged = array(); $private_forum = false; $only_to_forum = false; $forum_contact = array(); if (count($tags)) { foreach ($tags as $tag) { $tag_type = substr($tag, 0, 1); if ($tag_type == '#') { continue; } /* * If we already tagged 'Robert Johnson', don't try and tag 'Robert'. * Robert Johnson should be first in the $tags array */ $fullnametagged = false; /// @TODO $tagged is initialized above if() block and is not filled, maybe old-lost code? foreach ($tagged as $nextTag) { if (stristr($nextTag, $tag . ' ')) { $fullnametagged = true; break; } } if ($fullnametagged) { continue; } $success = handle_tag($a, $body, $inform, $str_tags, (local_user()) ? local_user() : $profile_uid , $tag, $network); if ($success['replaced']) { $tagged[] = $tag; } // When the forum is private or the forum is addressed with a "!" make the post private if (is_array($success['contact']) && ($success['contact']['prv'] || ($tag_type == '!'))) { $private_forum = $success['contact']['prv']; $only_to_forum = ($tag_type == '!'); $private_id = $success['contact']['id']; $forum_contact = $success['contact']; } elseif (is_array($success['contact']) && $success['contact']['forum'] && ($str_contact_allow == '<' . $success['contact']['id'] . '>')) { $private_forum = false; $only_to_forum = true; $private_id = $success['contact']['id']; $forum_contact = $success['contact']; } } } if (!$parent && count($forum_contact) && ($private_forum || $only_to_forum)) { // we tagged a forum in a top level post. Now we change the post $private = $private_forum; $str_group_allow = ''; $str_contact_deny = ''; $str_group_deny = ''; if ($private_forum) { $str_contact_allow = '<' . $private_id . '>'; } else { $str_contact_allow = ''; } $contact_id = $private_id; $contact_record = $forum_contact; $_REQUEST['origin'] = false; } $attachments = ''; $match = false; if (preg_match_all('/(\[attachment\]([0-9]+)\[\/attachment\])/',$body,$match)) { foreach ($match[2] as $mtch) { $r = q("SELECT `id`,`filename`,`filesize`,`filetype` FROM `attach` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `id` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($profile_uid), intval($mtch) ); if (DBM::is_result($r)) { if (strlen($attachments)) { $attachments .= ','; } $attachments .= '[attach]href="' . System::baseUrl() . '/attach/' . $r[0]['id'] . '" length="' . $r[0]['filesize'] . '" type="' . $r[0]['filetype'] . '" title="' . (($r[0]['filename']) ? $r[0]['filename'] : '') . '"[/attach]'; } $body = str_replace($match[1],'',$body); } } $wall = 0; if (($post_type === 'wall' || $post_type === 'wall-comment') && !count($forum_contact)) { $wall = 1; } if (! strlen($verb)) { $verb = ACTIVITY_POST ; } if ($network == "") { $network = NETWORK_DFRN; } $gravity = (($parent) ? 6 : 0 ); // even if the post arrived via API we are considering that it // originated on this site by default for determining relayability. $origin = ((x($_REQUEST, 'origin')) ? intval($_REQUEST['origin']) : 1); $notify_type = (($parent) ? 'comment-new' : 'wall-new' ); $uri = (($message_id) ? $message_id : item_new_uri($a->get_hostname(),$profile_uid, $guid)); // Fallback so that we alway have a thr-parent if (!$thr_parent) { $thr_parent = $uri; } $datarray = array(); $datarray['uid'] = $profile_uid; $datarray['type'] = $post_type; $datarray['wall'] = $wall; $datarray['gravity'] = $gravity; $datarray['network'] = $network; $datarray['contact-id'] = $contact_id; $datarray['owner-name'] = $contact_record['name']; $datarray['owner-link'] = $contact_record['url']; $datarray['owner-avatar'] = $contact_record['thumb']; $datarray['owner-id'] = get_contact($datarray['owner-link'], 0); $datarray['author-name'] = $author['name']; $datarray['author-link'] = $author['url']; $datarray['author-avatar'] = $author['thumb']; $datarray['author-id'] = get_contact($datarray['author-link'], 0); $datarray['created'] = datetime_convert(); $datarray['edited'] = datetime_convert(); $datarray['commented'] = datetime_convert(); $datarray['received'] = datetime_convert(); $datarray['changed'] = datetime_convert(); $datarray['extid'] = $extid; $datarray['guid'] = $guid; $datarray['uri'] = $uri; $datarray['title'] = $title; $datarray['body'] = $body; $datarray['app'] = $app; $datarray['location'] = $location; $datarray['coord'] = $coord; $datarray['tag'] = $str_tags; $datarray['file'] = $categories; $datarray['inform'] = $inform; $datarray['verb'] = $verb; $datarray['object-type'] = $objecttype; $datarray['allow_cid'] = $str_contact_allow; $datarray['allow_gid'] = $str_group_allow; $datarray['deny_cid'] = $str_contact_deny; $datarray['deny_gid'] = $str_group_deny; $datarray['private'] = $private; $datarray['pubmail'] = $pubmail_enable; $datarray['attach'] = $attachments; $datarray['bookmark'] = intval($bookmark); $datarray['thr-parent'] = $thr_parent; $datarray['postopts'] = $postopts; $datarray['origin'] = $origin; $datarray['moderated'] = $allow_moderated; $datarray['gcontact-id'] = GlobalContact::getId(array("url" => $datarray['author-link'], "network" => $datarray['network'], "photo" => $datarray['author-avatar'], "name" => $datarray['author-name'])); $datarray['object'] = $object; /* * These fields are for the convenience of plugins... * 'self' if true indicates the owner is posting on their own wall * If parent is 0 it is a top-level post. */ $datarray['parent'] = $parent; $datarray['self'] = $self; // $datarray['prvnets'] = $user['prvnets']; // This triggers posts via API and the mirror functions $datarray['api_source'] = $api_source; $datarray['parent-uri'] = ($parent == 0) ? $uri : $parent_item['uri']; $datarray['plink'] = System::baseUrl() . '/display/' . urlencode($datarray['guid']); $datarray['last-child'] = 1; $datarray['visible'] = 1; $datarray['protocol'] = PROTOCOL_DFRN; $r = dba::fetch_first("SELECT `conversation-uri`, `conversation-href` FROM `conversation` WHERE `item-uri` = ?", $datarray['parent-uri']); if (DBM::is_result($r)) { if ($r['conversation-uri'] != '') { $datarray['conversation-uri'] = $r['conversation-uri']; } if ($r['conversation-href'] != '') { $datarray['conversation-href'] = $r['conversation-href']; } } if ($orig_post) { $datarray['edit'] = true; } // Search for hashtags item_body_set_hashtags($datarray); // preview mode - prepare the body for display and send it via json if ($preview) { require_once 'include/conversation.php'; // We set the datarray ID to -1 because in preview mode the dataray // doesn't have an ID. $datarray["id"] = -1; $o = conversation($a,array(array_merge($contact_record,$datarray)),'search', false, true); logger('preview: ' . $o); echo json_encode(array('preview' => $o)); killme(); } call_hooks('post_local',$datarray); if (x($datarray, 'cancel')) { logger('mod_item: post cancelled by plugin.'); if ($return_path) { goaway($return_path); } $json = array('cancel' => 1); if (x($_REQUEST, 'jsreload') && strlen($_REQUEST['jsreload'])) { $json['reload'] = System::baseUrl() . '/' . $_REQUEST['jsreload']; } echo json_encode($json); killme(); } // Fill the cache field put_item_in_cache($datarray); $datarray = store_conversation($datarray); if ($orig_post) { $r = q("UPDATE `item` SET `title` = '%s', `body` = '%s', `tag` = '%s', `attach` = '%s', `file` = '%s', `rendered-html` = '%s', `rendered-hash` = '%s', `edited` = '%s', `changed` = '%s' WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d", dbesc($datarray['title']), dbesc($datarray['body']), dbesc($datarray['tag']), dbesc($datarray['attach']), dbesc($datarray['file']), dbesc($datarray['rendered-html']), dbesc($datarray['rendered-hash']), dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc(datetime_convert()), intval($post_id), intval($profile_uid) ); create_tags_from_item($post_id); create_files_from_item($post_id); update_thread($post_id); // update filetags in pconfig file_tag_update_pconfig($uid,$categories_old,$categories_new,'category'); Worker::add(PRIORITY_HIGH, "Notifier", 'edit_post', $post_id); if ((x($_REQUEST, 'return')) && strlen($return_path)) { logger('return: ' . $return_path); goaway($return_path); } killme(); } else { $post_id = 0; } dba::transaction(); $r = q("INSERT INTO `item` (`guid`, `extid`, `uid`,`type`,`wall`,`gravity`, `network`, `contact-id`, `owner-name`,`owner-link`,`owner-avatar`, `owner-id`, `author-name`, `author-link`, `author-avatar`, `author-id`, `created`, `edited`, `commented`, `received`, `changed`, `uri`, `thr-parent`, `title`, `body`, `app`, `location`, `coord`, `tag`, `inform`, `verb`, `object-type`, `postopts`, `allow_cid`, `allow_gid`, `deny_cid`, `deny_gid`, `private`, `pubmail`, `attach`, `bookmark`,`origin`, `moderated`, `file`, `rendered-html`, `rendered-hash`, `gcontact-id`, `object`, `parent`, `parent-uri`, `plink`, `last-child`, `visible`) VALUES('%s', '%s', %d, '%s', %d, %d, '%s', %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %d, %d, '%s', %d, %d, %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', %d, '%s', %d, '%s', '%s', %d, %d)", dbesc($datarray['guid']), dbesc($datarray['extid']), intval($datarray['uid']), dbesc($datarray['type']), intval($datarray['wall']), intval($datarray['gravity']), dbesc($datarray['network']), intval($datarray['contact-id']), dbesc($datarray['owner-name']), dbesc($datarray['owner-link']), dbesc($datarray['owner-avatar']), intval($datarray['owner-id']), dbesc($datarray['author-name']), dbesc($datarray['author-link']), dbesc($datarray['author-avatar']), intval($datarray['author-id']), dbesc($datarray['created']), dbesc($datarray['edited']), dbesc($datarray['commented']), dbesc($datarray['received']), dbesc($datarray['changed']), dbesc($datarray['uri']), dbesc($datarray['thr-parent']), dbesc($datarray['title']), dbesc($datarray['body']), dbesc($datarray['app']), dbesc($datarray['location']), dbesc($datarray['coord']), dbesc($datarray['tag']), dbesc($datarray['inform']), dbesc($datarray['verb']), dbesc($datarray['object-type']), dbesc($datarray['postopts']), dbesc($datarray['allow_cid']), dbesc($datarray['allow_gid']), dbesc($datarray['deny_cid']), dbesc($datarray['deny_gid']), intval($datarray['private']), intval($datarray['pubmail']), dbesc($datarray['attach']), intval($datarray['bookmark']), intval($datarray['origin']), intval($datarray['moderated']), dbesc($datarray['file']), dbesc($datarray['rendered-html']), dbesc($datarray['rendered-hash']), intval($datarray['gcontact-id']), dbesc($datarray['object']), intval($datarray['parent']), dbesc($datarray['parent-uri']), dbesc($datarray['plink']), intval($datarray['last-child']), intval($datarray['visible']) ); if (DBM::is_result($r)) { $post_id = dba::lastInsertId(); } else { logger('mod_item: unable to create post.'); $post_id = 0; } if ($post_id == 0) { dba::commit(); logger('mod_item: unable to retrieve post that was just stored.'); notice(t('System error. Post not saved.') . EOL); goaway($return_path); // NOTREACHED } logger('mod_item: saved item ' . $post_id); $datarray["id"] = $post_id; item_set_last_item($datarray); // update filetags in pconfig file_tag_update_pconfig($uid,$categories_old,$categories_new,'category'); if ($parent) { // This item is the last leaf and gets the comment box, clear any ancestors $r = q("UPDATE `item` SET `last-child` = 0, `changed` = '%s' WHERE `parent` = %d AND `last-child` AND `id` != %d", dbesc(datetime_convert()), intval($parent), intval($post_id) ); // update the commented timestamp on the parent q("UPDATE `item` SET `visible` = 1, `commented` = '%s', `changed` = '%s' WHERE `id` = %d", dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc(datetime_convert()), intval($parent) ); if ($contact_record != $author) { notification(array( 'type' => NOTIFY_COMMENT, 'notify_flags' => $user['notify-flags'], 'language' => $user['language'], 'to_name' => $user['username'], 'to_email' => $user['email'], 'uid' => $user['uid'], 'item' => $datarray, 'link' => System::baseUrl().'/display/'.urlencode($datarray['guid']), 'source_name' => $datarray['author-name'], 'source_link' => $datarray['author-link'], 'source_photo' => $datarray['author-avatar'], 'verb' => ACTIVITY_POST, 'otype' => 'item', 'parent' => $parent, 'parent_uri' => $parent_item['uri'] )); } // Store the comment signature information in case we need to relay to Diaspora Diaspora::store_comment_signature($datarray, $author, ($self ? $user['prvkey'] : false), $post_id); } else { $parent = $post_id; $r = q("UPDATE `item` SET `parent` = %d WHERE `id` = %d", intval($parent), intval($post_id)); if (($contact_record != $author) && !count($forum_contact)) { notification(array( 'type' => NOTIFY_WALL, 'notify_flags' => $user['notify-flags'], 'language' => $user['language'], 'to_name' => $user['username'], 'to_email' => $user['email'], 'uid' => $user['uid'], 'item' => $datarray, 'link' => System::baseUrl().'/display/'.urlencode($datarray['guid']), 'source_name' => $datarray['author-name'], 'source_link' => $datarray['author-link'], 'source_photo' => $datarray['author-avatar'], 'verb' => ACTIVITY_POST, 'otype' => 'item' )); } } call_hooks('post_local_end', $datarray); if (strlen($emailcc) && $profile_uid == local_user()) { $erecips = explode(',', $emailcc); if (count($erecips)) { foreach ($erecips as $recip) { $addr = trim($recip); if (! strlen($addr)) { continue; } $disclaimer = '<hr />' . sprintf( t('This message was sent to you by %s, a member of the Friendica social network.'), $a->user['username']) . '<br />'; $disclaimer .= sprintf( t('You may visit them online at %s'), System::baseUrl() . '/profile/' . $a->user['nickname']) . EOL; $disclaimer .= t('Please contact the sender by replying to this post if you do not wish to receive these messages.') . EOL; if (!$datarray['title']=='') { $subject = email_header_encode($datarray['title'], 'UTF-8'); } else { $subject = email_header_encode('[Friendica]' . ' ' . sprintf( t('%s posted an update.'), $a->user['username']), 'UTF-8'); } $link = '<a href="' . System::baseUrl() . '/profile/' . $a->user['nickname'] . '"><img src="' . $author['thumb'] . '" alt="' . $a->user['username'] . '" /></a><br /><br />'; $html = prepare_body($datarray); $message = '<html><body>' . $link . $html . $disclaimer . '</body></html>'; include_once 'include/html2plain.php'; $params = array ( 'fromName' => $a->user['username'], 'fromEmail' => $a->user['email'], 'toEmail' => $addr, 'replyTo' => $a->user['email'], 'messageSubject' => $subject, 'htmlVersion' => $message, 'textVersion' => html2plain($html.$disclaimer), ); Emailer::send($params); } } } if ($post_id == $parent) { add_thread($post_id); } else { update_thread($parent, true); } dba::commit(); create_tags_from_item($post_id); create_files_from_item($post_id); // Insert an item entry for UID=0 for global entries. // We now do it in the background to save some time. // This is important in interactive environments like the frontend or the API. // We don't fork a new process since this is done anyway with the following command Worker::add(array('priority' => PRIORITY_HIGH, 'dont_fork' => true), "CreateShadowEntry", $post_id); // Call the background process that is delivering the item to the receivers Worker::add(PRIORITY_HIGH, "Notifier", $notify_type, $post_id); logger('post_complete'); item_post_return(System::baseUrl(), $api_source, $return_path); // NOTREACHED } function item_post_return($baseurl, $api_source, $return_path) { // figure out how to return, depending on from whence we came if ($api_source) { return; } if ($return_path) { goaway($return_path); } $json = array('success' => 1); if (x($_REQUEST, 'jsreload') && strlen($_REQUEST['jsreload'])) { $json['reload'] = $baseurl . '/' . $_REQUEST['jsreload']; } logger('post_json: ' . print_r($json,true), LOGGER_DEBUG); echo json_encode($json); killme(); } function item_content(App $a) { if ((! local_user()) && (! remote_user())) { return; } require_once 'include/security.php'; $o = ''; if (($a->argc == 3) && ($a->argv[1] === 'drop') && intval($a->argv[2])) { $o = drop_item($a->argv[2], !is_ajax()); if (is_ajax()) { // ajax return: [<item id>, 0 (no perm) | <owner id>] echo json_encode(array(intval($a->argv[2]), intval($o))); killme(); } } return $o; } /** * This function removes the tag $tag from the text $body and replaces it with * the appropiate link. * * @param App $a Application instance @TODO is unused in this function's scope (excluding included files) * @param unknown_type $body the text to replace the tag in * @param string $inform a comma-seperated string containing everybody to inform * @param string $str_tags string to add the tag to * @param integer $profile_uid * @param string $tag the tag to replace * @param string $network The network of the post * * @return boolean true if replaced, false if not replaced */ function handle_tag(App $a, &$body, &$inform, &$str_tags, $profile_uid, $tag, $network = "") { $replaced = false; $r = null; $tag_type = '@'; //is it a person tag? if ((strpos($tag, '@') === 0) || (strpos($tag, '!') === 0)) { $tag_type = substr($tag, 0, 1); //is it already replaced? if (strpos($tag, '[url=')) { //append tag to str_tags if (!stristr($str_tags, $tag)) { if (strlen($str_tags)) { $str_tags .= ','; } $str_tags .= $tag; } // Checking for the alias that is used for OStatus $pattern = "/[@!]\[url\=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/ism"; if (preg_match($pattern, $tag, $matches)) { $r = q("SELECT `alias`, `name` FROM `contact` WHERE `nurl` = '%s' AND `alias` != '' AND `uid` = 0", normalise_link($matches[1])); if (!DBM::is_result($r)) { $r = q("SELECT `alias`, `name` FROM `gcontact` WHERE `nurl` = '%s' AND `alias` != ''", normalise_link($matches[1])); } if (DBM::is_result($r)) { $data = $r[0]; } else { $data = Probe::uri($matches[1]); } if ($data["alias"] != "") { $newtag = '@[url=' . $data["alias"] . ']' . $data["name"] . '[/url]'; if (!stristr($str_tags, $newtag)) { if (strlen($str_tags)) { $str_tags .= ','; } $str_tags .= $newtag; } } } return $replaced; } $stat = false; //get the person's name $name = substr($tag, 1); // Sometimes the tag detection doesn't seem to work right // This is some workaround $nameparts = explode(" ", $name); $name = $nameparts[0]; // Try to detect the contact in various ways if ((strpos($name, '@')) || (strpos($name, 'http://'))) { // Is it in format @user@domain.tld or @http://domain.tld/...? // First check the contact table for the address $r = q("SELECT `id`, `url`, `nick`, `name`, `alias`, `network`, `notify`, `forum`, `prv` FROM `contact` WHERE `addr` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d AND (`network` != '%s' OR (`notify` != '' AND `alias` != '')) LIMIT 1", dbesc($name), intval($profile_uid), dbesc(NETWORK_OSTATUS) ); // Then check in the contact table for the url if (!DBM::is_result($r)) { $r = q("SELECT `id`, `url`, `nick`, `name`, `alias`, `network`, `notify`, `forum`, `prv` FROM `contact` WHERE `nurl` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d AND (`network` != '%s' OR (`notify` != '' AND `alias` != '')) LIMIT 1", dbesc(normalise_link($name)), intval($profile_uid), dbesc(NETWORK_OSTATUS) ); } // Then check in the global contacts for the address if (!DBM::is_result($r)) { $r = q("SELECT `url`, `nick`, `name`, `alias`, `network`, `notify` FROM `gcontact` WHERE `addr` = '%s' AND (`network` != '%s' OR (`notify` != '' AND `alias` != '')) LIMIT 1", dbesc($name), dbesc(NETWORK_OSTATUS) ); } // Then check in the global contacts for the url if (!DBM::is_result($r)) { $r = q("SELECT `url`, `nick`, `name`, `alias`, `network`, `notify` FROM `gcontact` WHERE `nurl` = '%s' AND (`network` != '%s' OR (`notify` != '' AND `alias` != '')) LIMIT 1", dbesc(normalise_link($name)), dbesc(NETWORK_OSTATUS) ); } if (!DBM::is_result($r)) { $probed = Probe::uri($name); if ($result['network'] != NETWORK_PHANTOM) { GlobalContact::update($probed); $r = q("SELECT `url`, `name`, `nick`, `network`, `alias`, `notify` FROM `gcontact` WHERE `nurl` = '%s' LIMIT 1", dbesc(normalise_link($probed["url"]))); } } } else { $r = false; if (strrpos($name, '+')) { // Is it in format @nick+number? $tagcid = intval(substr($name, strrpos($name, '+') + 1)); $r = q("SELECT `id`, `url`, `nick`, `name`, `alias`, `network` FROM `contact` WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($tagcid), intval($profile_uid) ); } // select someone by attag or nick and the name passed in the current network if(!DBM::is_result($r) && ($network != "")) $r = q("SELECT `id`, `url`, `nick`, `name`, `alias`, `network` FROM `contact` WHERE `attag` = '%s' OR `nick` = '%s' AND `network` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d ORDER BY `attag` DESC LIMIT 1", dbesc($name), dbesc($name), dbesc($network), intval($profile_uid) ); //select someone from this user's contacts by name in the current network if (!DBM::is_result($r) && ($network != "")) { $r = q("SELECT `id`, `url`, `nick`, `name`, `alias`, `network` FROM `contact` WHERE `name` = '%s' AND `network` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", dbesc($name), dbesc($network), intval($profile_uid) ); } // select someone by attag or nick and the name passed in if(!DBM::is_result($r)) { $r = q("SELECT `id`, `url`, `nick`, `name`, `alias`, `network` FROM `contact` WHERE `attag` = '%s' OR `nick` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d ORDER BY `attag` DESC LIMIT 1", dbesc($name), dbesc($name), intval($profile_uid) ); } // select someone from this user's contacts by name if(!DBM::is_result($r)) { $r = q("SELECT `id`, `url`, `nick`, `name`, `alias`, `network` FROM `contact` WHERE `name` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", dbesc($name), intval($profile_uid) ); } } if (DBM::is_result($r)) { if (strlen($inform) && (isset($r[0]["notify"]) || isset($r[0]["id"]))) { $inform .= ','; } if (isset($r[0]["id"])) { $inform .= 'cid:' . $r[0]["id"]; } elseif (isset($r[0]["notify"])) { $inform .= $r[0]["notify"]; } $profile = $r[0]["url"]; $alias = $r[0]["alias"]; $newname = $r[0]["nick"]; if (($newname == "") || (($r[0]["network"] != NETWORK_OSTATUS) && ($r[0]["network"] != NETWORK_TWITTER) && ($r[0]["network"] != NETWORK_STATUSNET) && ($r[0]["network"] != NETWORK_APPNET))) { $newname = $r[0]["name"]; } } //if there is an url for this persons profile if (isset($profile) && ($newname != "")) { $replaced = true; // create profile link $profile = str_replace(',', '%2c', $profile); $newtag = $tag_type.'[url=' . $profile . ']' . $newname . '[/url]'; $body = str_replace($tag_type . $name, $newtag, $body); // append tag to str_tags if (! stristr($str_tags, $newtag)) { if (strlen($str_tags)) { $str_tags .= ','; } $str_tags .= $newtag; } /* * Status.Net seems to require the numeric ID URL in a mention if the person isn't * subscribed to you. But the nickname URL is OK if they are. Grrr. We'll tag both. */ if (strlen($alias)) { $newtag = '@[url=' . $alias . ']' . $newname . '[/url]'; if (! stristr($str_tags, $newtag)) { if (strlen($str_tags)) { $str_tags .= ','; } $str_tags .= $newtag; } } } } return array('replaced' => $replaced, 'contact' => $r[0]); }