# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2010 - 2024 the Friendica project # # SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 # The phpmd check is just triggered for PRs and pushes to non-stable branches of Friendica when: branch: exclude: [ stable ] event: [ pull_request, push ] steps: restore_cache: image: meltwater/drone-cache:dev settings: backend: "filesystem" restore: true cache_key: "{{ .Repo.Name }}_php${PHP_MAJOR_VERSION}_{{ arch }}_{{ os }}" archive_format: "gzip" mount: - '.composer' volumes: - /tmp/drone-cache:/tmp/cache composer_install: image: friendicaci/php8.3:php8.3.3 commands: - mkdir addon # create empty addon folder to appease composer - export COMPOSER_HOME=.composer - ./bin/composer.phar install --prefer-dist rebuild_cache: image: meltwater/drone-cache:dev settings: backend: "filesystem" rebuild: true cache_key: "{{ .Repo.Name }}_php${PHP_MAJOR_VERSION}_{{ arch }}_{{ os }}" archive_format: "gzip" mount: - '.composer' volumes: - /tmp/drone-cache:/tmp/cache phpmd: image: friendicaci/php8.3:php8.3.3 commands: - ./bin/composer.phar run phpmd