dba = $dba; $this->l10n = $l10n; } protected function doExecute(): int { $duplicates = $this->dba->p("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `total`, `uri-id`, MAX(`url`) AS `url` FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = 0 GROUP BY `uri-id` HAVING total > 1"); while ($duplicate = $this->dba->fetch($duplicates)) { $this->out($this->l10n->t('%d %s, %d duplicates.', $duplicate['uri-id'], $duplicate['url'], $duplicate['total'])); if ($this->getOption(['e', 'execute'], false)) { if (empty($duplicate['uri-id'])) { $this->err($this->l10n->t('uri-id is empty for contact %s.', $duplicate['url'])); continue; } $this->mergeContacts($duplicate['uri-id']); } } return 0; } private function mergeContacts(int $uriid) { $first = $this->dba->selectFirst('contact', ['id', 'nurl', 'url'], ["`uri-id` = ? AND `nurl` != ? AND `url` != ?", $uriid, '', ''], ['order' => ['id']]); if (empty($first)) { $this->err($this->l10n->t('No valid first contact found for uri-id %d.', $uriid)); return; } $this->out($first['url']); $duplicates = $this->dba->select('contact', ['id', 'nurl', 'url'], ['uri-id' => $uriid]); while ($duplicate = $this->dba->fetch($duplicates)) { if ($first['id'] == $duplicate['id']) { continue; } if ($first['url'] != $duplicate['url']) { $this->err($this->l10n->t('Wrong duplicate found for uri-id %d in %d (url: %s != %s).', $uriid, $duplicate['id'], $first['url'], $duplicate['url'])); continue; } if ($first['nurl'] != $duplicate['nurl']) { $this->err($this->l10n->t('Wrong duplicate found for uri-id %d in %d (nurl: %s != %s).', $uriid, $duplicate['id'], $first['nurl'], $duplicate['nurl'])); continue; } $this->out($duplicate['id'] . "\t" . $duplicate['url']); $this->mergeContactInTables($duplicate['id'], $first['id']); } } private function mergeContactInTables(int $from, int $to) { $this->out($from . "\t=> " . $to); foreach (['post', 'post-thread', 'post-thread-user', 'post-user'] as $table) { foreach (['author-id', 'causer-id', 'owner-id'] as $field) { $this->updateTable($table, $field, $from, $to, false); } } $this->updateTable('contact-relation', 'cid', $from, $to, true); $this->updateTable('contact-relation', 'relation-cid', $from, $to, true); $this->updateTable('event', 'cid', $from, $to, false); $this->updateTable('fsuggest', 'cid', $from, $to, false); $this->updateTable('group', 'cid', $from, $to, false); $this->updateTable('group_member', 'contact-id', $from, $to, true); $this->updateTable('intro', 'contact-id', $from, $to, false); $this->updateTable('intro', 'suggest-cid', $from, $to, false); $this->updateTable('mail', 'author-id', $from, $to, false); $this->updateTable('mail', 'contact-id', $from, $to, false); $this->updateTable('notification', 'actor-id', $from, $to, false); $this->updateTable('photo', 'contact-id', $from, $to, false); $this->updateTable('post-tag', 'cid', $from, $to, true); $this->updateTable('post-user', 'contact-id', $from, $to, false); $this->updateTable('post-thread-user', 'contact-id', $from, $to, false); $this->updateTable('user-contact', 'cid', $from, $to, true); if (!Contact::deleteById($from)) { $this->err($this->l10n->t('Deletion of id %d failed', $from)); } else { $this->out($this->l10n->t('Deletion of id %d was successful', $from)); } } private function updateTable(string $table, string $field, int $from, int $to, bool $in_unique_key) { $this->out($this->l10n->t('Updating "%s" in "%s" from %d to %d', $field, $table, $from, $to), false); if ($this->dba->exists($table, [$field => $from])) { $this->out($this->l10n->t(' - found'), false); if ($in_unique_key) { $params = ['ignore' => true]; } else { $params = []; } if (!$this->dba->update($table, [$field => $to], [$field => $from], [], $params)) { $this->out($this->l10n->t(' - failed'), false); } else { $this->out($this->l10n->t(' - success'), false); } if ($in_unique_key && $this->dba->exists($table, [$field => $from])) { $this->dba->delete($table, [$field => $from]); $this->out($this->l10n->t(' - deleted'), false); } } $this->out($this->l10n->t(' - done')); } }