{{* * Copyright (C) 2010-2024, the Friendica project * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2010-2024 the Friendica project * * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later *}} {{* Template for single photo view *}} {{* "live-photos" is needed for js autoupdate *}}
{{* The photo *}}
{{* Overlay buttons for previous and next photo *}} {{if $prevlink}} {{/if}} {{if $nextlink}} {{/if}}
{{* The photo description *}}
{{* Tags and mentions *}} {{if $tags}}
{{$tags.title}} {{foreach $tags.tags as $t}} {{$t.name nofilter}} {{if $t.removeurl}} (X) {{/if}} {{/foreach}}
{{/if}} {{if $tags.removeanyurl}} {{/if}} {{* The part for editing the photo - only available for the edit subpage *}} {{if $edit}}{{$edit nofilter}}{{/if}} {{if $likebuttons}}
{{$likebuttons nofilter}} {{$like nofilter}} {{$dislike nofilter}}
{{if !$edit}} {{* Insert the comments *}}
{{$comments nofilter}}
{{$paginate nofilter}} {{/if}}