# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2010 - 2024 the Friendica project # # SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 matrix: include: - PHP_MAJOR_VERSION: 7.4 PHP_VERSION: 7.4.33 - PHP_MAJOR_VERSION: 8.0 PHP_VERSION: 8.0.30 - PHP_MAJOR_VERSION: 8.1 PHP_VERSION: 8.1.27 - PHP_MAJOR_VERSION: 8.2 PHP_VERSION: 8.2.16 - PHP_MAJOR_VERSION: 8.3 PHP_VERSION: 8.3.3 # This forces PHP Unit executions at the "opensocial" labeled location (because of much more power...) labels: location: opensocial steps: php-lint: image: php:${PHP_MAJOR_VERSION} commands: - find . -name \*.php -not -path './vendor/*' -not -path './view/asset/*' -print0 | xargs -0 -n1 php -l restore_cache: image: meltwater/drone-cache:dev settings: backend: "filesystem" restore: true cache_key: "{{ .Repo.Name }}_php${PHP_MAJOR_VERSION}_{{ arch }}_{{ os }}" archive_format: "gzip" mount: - '.composer' volumes: - /tmp/drone-cache:/tmp/cache composer_install: image: friendicaci/php${PHP_MAJOR_VERSION}:php${PHP_VERSION} commands: - mkdir addon # create empty addon folder to appease composer - export COMPOSER_HOME=.composer - ./bin/composer.phar validate - ./bin/composer.phar install --prefer-dist volumes: - /etc/hosts:/etc/hosts rebuild_cache: image: meltwater/drone-cache:dev settings: backend: "filesystem" rebuild: true cache_key: "{{ .Repo.Name }}_php${PHP_MAJOR_VERSION}_{{ arch }}_{{ os }}" archive_format: "gzip" mount: - '.composer' volumes: - /tmp/drone-cache:/tmp/cache test: image: friendicaci/php${PHP_MAJOR_VERSION}:php${PHP_VERSION} environment: MYSQL_HOST: "mariadb" MYSQL_PORT: "3306" MYSQL_DATABASE: "test" MYSQL_PASSWORD: "test" MYSQL_USER: "test" REDIS_HOST: "redis" MEMCACHED_HOST: "memcached" MEMCACHE_HOST: "memcached" commands: - if [ "${PHP_MAJOR_VERSION}" = "8.2" ]; then bin/composer.phar run phpstan; fi - cp config/local-sample.config.php config/local.config.php - if ! bin/wait-for-connection $MYSQL_HOST $MYSQL_PORT 300; then echo "[ERROR] Waited 300 seconds, no response" >&2; exit 1; fi - mysql -h$MYSQL_HOST -P$MYSQL_PORT -p$MYSQL_PASSWORD -u$MYSQL_USER $MYSQL_DATABASE < database.sql - if [ "${PHP_MAJOR_VERSION}" = "8.2" -a "${CI_REPO}" = "friendica/friendica" ]; then phpenmod xdebug; export XDEBUG_MODE=coverage; phpunit --configuration tests/phpunit.xml -d memory_limit=-1 --coverage-clover clover.xml; else phpunit --configuration tests/phpunit.xml -d memory_limit=-1; fi codecov: image: friendicaci/codecov when: matrix: PHP_MAJOR_VERSION: 8.2 PHP_VERSION: 8.2.16 repo: - friendica/friendica commands: - codecov -R '.' -Z -f 'clover.xml' secrets: - source: codecov-token target: codecov_token services: mariadb: image: mariadb:latest environment: MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD: "true" MYSQL_DATABASE: "test" MYSQL_PASSWORD: "test" MYSQL_USER: "test" memcached: image: memcached redis: image: redis