. * */ namespace Friendica\Module\Conversation; use Friendica\BaseModule; use Friendica\Content\BoundariesPager; use Friendica\Content\ForumManager; use Friendica\Content\Nav; use Friendica\Content\Widget; use Friendica\Content\Text\HTML; use Friendica\Core\ACL; use Friendica\Core\Hook; use Friendica\Core\Renderer; use Friendica\Core\Session; use Friendica\Database\DBA; use Friendica\DI; use Friendica\Model\Contact; use Friendica\Model\Group; use Friendica\Model\Item; use Friendica\Model\Post; use Friendica\Model\Profile; use Friendica\Model\User; use Friendica\Model\Verb; use Friendica\Module\Contact as ModuleContact; use Friendica\Module\Security\Login; use Friendica\Protocol\Activity; use Friendica\Util\DateTimeFormat; class Network extends BaseModule { /** @var int */ private static $groupId; /** @var int */ private static $forumContactId; /** @var string */ private static $selectedTab; /** @var mixed */ private static $min_id; /** @var mixed */ private static $max_id; /** @var string */ private static $accountTypeString; /** @var int */ private static $accountType; /** @var string */ private static $network; /** @var int */ private static $itemsPerPage; /** @var string */ private static $dateFrom; /** @var string */ private static $dateTo; /** @var int */ private static $star; /** @var int */ private static $mention; /** @var string */ protected static $order; protected function content(array $request = []): string { if (!local_user()) { return Login::form(); } $this->parseRequest($_GET); $module = 'network'; DI::page()['aside'] .= Widget::accounttypes($module, self::$accountTypeString); DI::page()['aside'] .= Group::sidebarWidget($module, $module . '/group', 'standard', self::$groupId); DI::page()['aside'] .= ForumManager::widget($module . '/forum', local_user(), self::$forumContactId); DI::page()['aside'] .= Widget::postedByYear($module . '/archive', local_user(), false); DI::page()['aside'] .= Widget::networks($module, !self::$forumContactId ? self::$network : ''); DI::page()['aside'] .= Widget\SavedSearches::getHTML(DI::args()->getQueryString()); DI::page()['aside'] .= Widget::fileAs('filed', null); $arr = ['query' => DI::args()->getQueryString()]; Hook::callAll('network_content_init', $arr); $o = ''; // Fetch a page full of parent items for this page $params = ['limit' => self::$itemsPerPage]; $table = 'network-thread-view'; $items = self::getItems($table, $params); if (DI::pConfig()->get(local_user(), 'system', 'infinite_scroll') && ($_GET['mode'] ?? '') != 'minimal') { $tpl = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('infinite_scroll_head.tpl'); $o .= Renderer::replaceMacros($tpl, ['$reload_uri' => DI::args()->getQueryString()]); } if (!(isset($_GET['mode']) AND ($_GET['mode'] == 'raw'))) { $o .= self::getTabsHTML(self::$selectedTab); Nav::setSelected(DI::args()->get(0)); $content = ''; if (self::$forumContactId) { // If self::$forumContactId belongs to a communitity forum or a privat goup,.add a mention to the status editor $condition = ["`id` = ? AND `contact-type` = ?", self::$forumContactId, Contact::TYPE_COMMUNITY]; $contact = DBA::selectFirst('contact', ['addr'], $condition); if (!empty($contact['addr'])) { $content = '!' . $contact['addr']; } } $a = DI::app(); $default_permissions = []; if (self::$groupId) { $default_permissions['allow_gid'] = [self::$groupId]; } $allowedCids = []; if (self::$forumContactId) { $allowedCids[] = (int) self::$forumContactId; } elseif (self::$network) { $condition = [ 'uid' => local_user(), 'network' => self::$network, 'self' => false, 'blocked' => false, 'pending' => false, 'archive' => false, 'rel' => [Contact::SHARING, Contact::FRIEND], ]; $contactStmt = DBA::select('contact', ['id'], $condition); while ($contact = DBA::fetch($contactStmt)) { $allowedCids[] = (int) $contact['id']; } DBA::close($contactStmt); } if (count($allowedCids)) { $default_permissions['allow_cid'] = $allowedCids; } $x = [ 'lockstate' => self::$groupId || self::$forumContactId || self::$network || ACL::getLockstateForUserId($a->getLoggedInUserId()) ? 'lock' : 'unlock', 'acl' => ACL::getFullSelectorHTML(DI::page(), $a->getLoggedInUserId(), true, $default_permissions), 'bang' => ((self::$groupId || self::$forumContactId || self::$network) ? '!' : ''), 'content' => $content, ]; $o .= DI::conversation()->statusEditor($x); } if (self::$groupId) { $group = DBA::selectFirst('group', ['name'], ['id' => self::$groupId, 'uid' => local_user()]); if (!DBA::isResult($group)) { notice(DI::l10n()->t('No such group')); } $o = Renderer::replaceMacros(Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('section_title.tpl'), [ '$title' => DI::l10n()->t('Group: %s', $group['name']) ]) . $o; } elseif (self::$forumContactId) { $contact = Contact::getById(self::$forumContactId); if (DBA::isResult($contact)) { $o = Renderer::replaceMacros(Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('viewcontact_template.tpl'), [ 'contacts' => [ModuleContact::getContactTemplateVars($contact)], 'id' => DI::args()->get(0), ]) . $o; } else { notice(DI::l10n()->t('Invalid contact.')); } } elseif (!DI::config()->get('theme', 'hide_eventlist')) { $o .= Profile::getBirthdays(); $o .= Profile::getEventsReminderHTML(); } if (self::$order === 'received') { $ordering = '`received`'; } elseif (self::$order === 'created') { $ordering = '`created`'; } else { $ordering = '`commented`'; } $o .= DI::conversation()->create($items, 'network', false, false, $ordering, local_user()); if (DI::pConfig()->get(local_user(), 'system', 'infinite_scroll')) { $o .= HTML::scrollLoader(); } else { $pager = new BoundariesPager( DI::l10n(), DI::args()->getQueryString(), $items[0][self::$order] ?? null, $items[count($items) - 1][self::$order] ?? null, self::$itemsPerPage ); $o .= $pager->renderMinimal(count($items)); } return $o; } /** * Sets items as seen * * @param array $condition The array with the SQL condition * @throws \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException */ private static function setItemsSeenByCondition(array $condition) { if (empty($condition)) { return; } $unseen = Post::exists($condition); if ($unseen) { /// @todo handle huge "unseen" updates in the background to avoid timeout errors Item::update(['unseen' => false], $condition); } } /** * Get the network tabs menu * * @param string $selectedTab * @return string Html of the network tabs * @throws \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException */ private static function getTabsHTML(string $selectedTab) { $cmd = DI::args()->getCommand(); // tabs $tabs = [ [ 'label' => DI::l10n()->t('Latest Activity'), 'url' => $cmd . '?' . http_build_query(['order' => 'commented']), 'sel' => !$selectedTab || $selectedTab == 'commented' ? 'active' : '', 'title' => DI::l10n()->t('Sort by latest activity'), 'id' => 'activity-order-tab', 'accesskey' => 'e', ], [ 'label' => DI::l10n()->t('Latest Posts'), 'url' => $cmd . '?' . http_build_query(['order' => 'received']), 'sel' => $selectedTab == 'received' ? 'active' : '', 'title' => DI::l10n()->t('Sort by post received date'), 'id' => 'post-order-tab', 'accesskey' => 't', ], [ 'label' => DI::l10n()->t('Latest Creation'), 'url' => $cmd . '?' . http_build_query(['order' => 'created']), 'sel' => $selectedTab == 'created' ? 'active' : '', 'title' => DI::l10n()->t('Sort by post creation date'), 'id' => 'creation-order-tab', 'accesskey' => 'q', ], [ 'label' => DI::l10n()->t('Personal'), 'url' => $cmd . '?' . http_build_query(['mention' => true]), 'sel' => $selectedTab == 'mention' ? 'active' : '', 'title' => DI::l10n()->t('Posts that mention or involve you'), 'id' => 'personal-tab', 'accesskey' => 'r', ], [ 'label' => DI::l10n()->t('Starred'), 'url' => $cmd . '?' . http_build_query(['star' => true]), 'sel' => $selectedTab == 'star' ? 'active' : '', 'title' => DI::l10n()->t('Favourite Posts'), 'id' => 'starred-posts-tab', 'accesskey' => 'm', ], ]; $arr = ['tabs' => $tabs]; Hook::callAll('network_tabs', $arr); $tpl = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('common_tabs.tpl'); return Renderer::replaceMacros($tpl, ['$tabs' => $arr['tabs']]); } protected function parseRequest(array $get) { self::$groupId = $this->parameters['group_id'] ?? 0; self::$forumContactId = $this->parameters['contact_id'] ?? 0; self::$selectedTab = Session::get('network-tab', DI::pConfig()->get(local_user(), 'network.view', 'selected_tab', '')); self::$order = 'commented'; if (!empty($get['star'])) { self::$selectedTab = 'star'; self::$star = true; } else { self::$star = self::$selectedTab == 'star'; } if (!empty($get['mention'])) { self::$selectedTab = 'mention'; self::$mention = true; } else { self::$mention = self::$selectedTab == 'mention'; } if (!empty($get['order'])) { self::$selectedTab = $get['order']; self::$order = $get['order']; self::$star = false; self::$mention = false; } elseif (in_array(self::$selectedTab, ['received', 'star', 'mention'])) { self::$order = 'received'; } elseif (in_array(self::$selectedTab, ['created'])) { self::$order = 'created'; } self::$selectedTab = self::$selectedTab ?? self::$order; // Prohibit combined usage of "star" and "mention" if (self::$selectedTab == 'star') { self::$mention = false; } elseif (self::$selectedTab == 'mention') { self::$star = false; } Session::set('network-tab', self::$selectedTab); DI::pConfig()->set(local_user(), 'network.view', 'selected_tab', self::$selectedTab); self::$accountTypeString = $get['accounttype'] ?? $this->parameters['accounttype'] ?? ''; self::$accountType = User::getAccountTypeByString(self::$accountTypeString); self::$network = $get['nets'] ?? ''; self::$dateFrom = $this->parameters['from'] ?? ''; self::$dateTo = $this->parameters['to'] ?? ''; if (DI::mode()->isMobile()) { self::$itemsPerPage = DI::pConfig()->get(local_user(), 'system', 'itemspage_mobile_network', DI::config()->get('system', 'itemspage_network_mobile')); } else { self::$itemsPerPage = DI::pConfig()->get(local_user(), 'system', 'itemspage_network', DI::config()->get('system', 'itemspage_network')); } self::$min_id = $get['min_id'] ?? null; self::$max_id = $get['max_id'] ?? null; switch (self::$order) { case 'received': self::$max_id = $get['last_received'] ?? self::$max_id; break; case 'created': self::$max_id = $get['last_created'] ?? self::$max_id; break; case 'uriid': self::$max_id = $get['last_uriid'] ?? self::$max_id; break; default: self::$order = 'commented'; self::$max_id = $get['last_commented'] ?? self::$max_id; } } protected static function getItems(string $table, array $params, array $conditionFields = []) { $conditionFields['uid'] = local_user(); $conditionStrings = []; if (!is_null(self::$accountType)) { $conditionFields['contact-type'] = self::$accountType; } if (self::$star) { $conditionFields['starred'] = true; } if (self::$mention) { $conditionFields['mention'] = true; } if (self::$network) { $conditionFields['network'] = self::$network; } if (self::$dateFrom) { $conditionStrings = DBA::mergeConditions($conditionStrings, ["`received` <= ? ", DateTimeFormat::convert(self::$dateFrom, 'UTC', DI::app()->getTimeZone())]); } if (self::$dateTo) { $conditionStrings = DBA::mergeConditions($conditionStrings, ["`received` >= ? ", DateTimeFormat::convert(self::$dateTo, 'UTC', DI::app()->getTimeZone())]); } if (self::$groupId) { $conditionStrings = DBA::mergeConditions($conditionStrings, ["`contact-id` IN (SELECT `contact-id` FROM `group_member` WHERE `gid` = ?)", self::$groupId]); } elseif (self::$forumContactId) { $conditionStrings = DBA::mergeConditions($conditionStrings, ["((`contact-id` = ?) OR EXISTS(SELECT `uri-id` FROM `post-user-view` WHERE `post-user-view`.`parent-uri-id` = " . DBA::quoteIdentifier($table) . ".`uri-id` AND (`contact-id` = ? AND `gravity` = ? AND `vid` = ? AND `uid` = ?)))", self::$forumContactId, self::$forumContactId, GRAVITY_ACTIVITY, Verb::getID(Activity::ANNOUNCE), local_user()]); } // Currently only the order modes "received" and "commented" are in use if (isset(self::$max_id)) { switch (self::$order) { case 'received': $conditionStrings = DBA::mergeConditions($conditionStrings, ["`received` < ?", self::$max_id]); break; case 'commented': $conditionStrings = DBA::mergeConditions($conditionStrings, ["`commented` < ?", self::$max_id]); break; case 'created': $conditionStrings = DBA::mergeConditions($conditionStrings, ["`created` < ?", self::$max_id]); break; case 'uriid': $conditionStrings = DBA::mergeConditions($conditionStrings, ["`uri-id` < ?", self::$max_id]); break; } } if (isset(self::$min_id)) { switch (self::$order) { case 'received': $conditionStrings = DBA::mergeConditions($conditionStrings, ["`received` > ?", self::$min_id]); break; case 'commented': $conditionStrings = DBA::mergeConditions($conditionStrings, ["`commented` > ?", self::$min_id]); break; case 'created': $conditionStrings = DBA::mergeConditions($conditionStrings, ["`created` > ?", self::$min_id]); break; case 'uriid': $conditionStrings = DBA::mergeConditions($conditionStrings, ["`uri-id` > ?", self::$min_id]); break; } } if (isset(self::$min_id) && !isset(self::$max_id)) { // min_id quirk: querying in reverse order with min_id gets the most recent rows, regardless of how close // they are to min_id. We change the query ordering to get the expected data, and we need to reverse the // order of the results. $params['order'] = [self::$order => false]; } else { $params['order'] = [self::$order => true]; } $items = DBA::selectToArray($table, [], DBA::mergeConditions($conditionFields, $conditionStrings), $params); // min_id quirk, continued if (isset(self::$min_id) && !isset(self::$max_id)) { $items = array_reverse($items); } if (DBA::isResult($items)) { $parents = array_column($items, 'parent-uri-id'); } else { $parents = []; } // We aren't going to try and figure out at the item, group, and page // level which items you've seen and which you haven't. If you're looking // at the top level network page just mark everything seen. if (!self::$groupId && !self::$forumContactId && !self::$star && !self::$mention) { $condition = ['unseen' => true, 'uid' => local_user()]; self::setItemsSeenByCondition($condition); } elseif (!empty($parents)) { $condition = ['unseen' => true, 'uid' => local_user(), 'parent-uri-id' => $parents]; self::setItemsSeenByCondition($condition); } return $items; } }