<?php use Friendica\Core\Addon; use Friendica\Core\Config; use Friendica\Core\L10n; use Friendica\Core\Logger; use Friendica\Core\PConfig; use Friendica\Core\Update; use Friendica\Core\Worker; use Friendica\Database\DBA; use Friendica\Model\Contact; use Friendica\Model\GContact; use Friendica\Model\Item; use Friendica\Model\User; use Friendica\Model\Storage; use Friendica\Util\DateTimeFormat; use Friendica\Worker\Delivery; /** * * update.php - automatic system update * * This function is responsible for doing post update changes to the data * (not the structure) in the database. * * Database structure changes are done in static/dbstructure.config.php * * If there is a need for a post process to a structure change, update this file * by adding a new function at the end with the number of the new DB_UPDATE_VERSION. * * The numbered script in this file has to be exactly like the DB_UPDATE_VERSION * * Example: * You are currently on version 4711 and you are preparing changes that demand an update script. * * 1. Create a function "update_4712()" here in the update.php * 2. Apply the needed structural changes in static/dbStructure.php * 3. Set DB_UPDATE_VERSION in static/dbstructure.config.php to 4712. * * If you need to run a script before the database update, name the function "pre_update_4712()" */ function update_1178() { require_once 'mod/profiles.php'; $profiles = q("SELECT `uid`, `about`, `locality`, `pub_keywords`, `gender` FROM `profile` WHERE `is-default`"); foreach ($profiles as $profile) { if ($profile["about"].$profile["locality"].$profile["pub_keywords"].$profile["gender"] == "") { continue; } $profile["pub_keywords"] = profile_clean_keywords($profile["pub_keywords"]); $r = q("UPDATE `contact` SET `about` = '%s', `location` = '%s', `keywords` = '%s', `gender` = '%s' WHERE `self` AND `uid` = %d", DBA::escape($profile["about"]), DBA::escape($profile["locality"]), DBA::escape($profile["pub_keywords"]), DBA::escape($profile["gender"]), intval($profile["uid"]) ); } } function update_1179() { if (Config::get('system', 'no_community_page')) { Config::set('system', 'community_page_style', CP_NO_COMMUNITY_PAGE); } // Update the central item storage with uid=0 Worker::add(PRIORITY_LOW, "threadupdate"); return Update::SUCCESS; } function update_1181() { // Fill the new fields in the term table. Worker::add(PRIORITY_LOW, "TagUpdate"); return Update::SUCCESS; } function update_1189() { if (strlen(Config::get('system', 'directory_submit_url')) && !strlen(Config::get('system', 'directory'))) { Config::set('system', 'directory', dirname(Config::get('system', 'directory_submit_url'))); Config::delete('system', 'directory_submit_url'); } return Update::SUCCESS; } function update_1191() { Config::set('system', 'maintenance', 1); if (Addon::isEnabled('forumlist')) { $addon = 'forumlist'; $addons = Config::get('system', 'addon'); $addons_arr = []; if ($addons) { $addons_arr = explode(",", str_replace(" ", "", $addons)); $idx = array_search($addon, $addons_arr); if ($idx !== false) { unset($addons_arr[$idx]); //delete forumlist manually from addon and hook table // since Addon::uninstall() don't work here q("DELETE FROM `addon` WHERE `name` = 'forumlist' "); q("DELETE FROM `hook` WHERE `file` = 'addon/forumlist/forumlist.php' "); Config::set('system', 'addon', implode(", ", $addons_arr)); } } } // select old formlist addon entries $r = q("SELECT `uid`, `cat`, `k`, `v` FROM `pconfig` WHERE `cat` = '%s' ", DBA::escape('forumlist') ); // convert old forumlist addon entries in new config entries if (DBA::isResult($r)) { foreach ($r as $rr) { $uid = $rr['uid']; $family = $rr['cat']; $key = $rr['k']; $value = $rr['v']; if ($key === 'randomise') { PConfig::delete($uid, $family, $key); } if ($key === 'show_on_profile') { if ($value) { PConfig::set($uid, feature, forumlist_profile, $value); } PConfig::delete($uid, $family, $key); } if ($key === 'show_on_network') { if ($value) { PConfig::set($uid, feature, forumlist_widget, $value); } PConfig::delete($uid, $family, $key); } } } Config::set('system', 'maintenance', 0); return Update::SUCCESS; } function update_1203() { $r = q("UPDATE `user` SET `account-type` = %d WHERE `page-flags` IN (%d, %d)", DBA::escape(User::ACCOUNT_TYPE_COMMUNITY), DBA::escape(User::PAGE_FLAGS_COMMUNITY), DBA::escape(User::PAGE_FLAGS_PRVGROUP) ); } function update_1244() { // Sets legacy_password for all legacy hashes DBA::update('user', ['legacy_password' => true], ['SUBSTR(password, 1, 4) != "$2y$"']); // All legacy hashes are re-hashed using the new secure hashing function $stmt = DBA::select('user', ['uid', 'password'], ['legacy_password' => true]); while ($user = DBA::fetch($stmt)) { DBA::update('user', ['password' => User::hashPassword($user['password'])], ['uid' => $user['uid']]); } // Logged in users are forcibly logged out DBA::delete('session', ['1 = 1']); return Update::SUCCESS; } function update_1245() { $rino = Config::get('system', 'rino_encrypt'); if (!$rino) { return Update::SUCCESS; } Config::set('system', 'rino_encrypt', 1); return Update::SUCCESS; } function update_1247() { // Removing hooks with the old name DBA::e("DELETE FROM `hook` WHERE `hook` LIKE 'plugin_%'"); // Make sure we install the new renamed ones Addon::reload(); } function update_1260() { Config::set('system', 'maintenance', 1); Config::set( 'system', 'maintenance_reason', L10n::t( '%s: Updating author-id and owner-id in item and thread table. ', DateTimeFormat::utcNow().' '.date('e') ) ); $items = DBA::p("SELECT `id`, `owner-link`, `owner-name`, `owner-avatar`, `network` FROM `item` WHERE `owner-id` = 0 AND `owner-link` != ''"); while ($item = DBA::fetch($items)) { $contact = ['url' => $item['owner-link'], 'name' => $item['owner-name'], 'photo' => $item['owner-avatar'], 'network' => $item['network']]; $cid = Contact::getIdForURL($item['owner-link'], 0, false, $contact); if (empty($cid)) { continue; } Item::update(['owner-id' => $cid], ['id' => $item['id']]); } DBA::close($items); DBA::e("UPDATE `thread` INNER JOIN `item` ON `thread`.`iid` = `item`.`id` SET `thread`.`owner-id` = `item`.`owner-id` WHERE `thread`.`owner-id` = 0"); $items = DBA::p("SELECT `id`, `author-link`, `author-name`, `author-avatar`, `network` FROM `item` WHERE `author-id` = 0 AND `author-link` != ''"); while ($item = DBA::fetch($items)) { $contact = ['url' => $item['author-link'], 'name' => $item['author-name'], 'photo' => $item['author-avatar'], 'network' => $item['network']]; $cid = Contact::getIdForURL($item['author-link'], 0, false, $contact); if (empty($cid)) { continue; } Item::update(['author-id' => $cid], ['id' => $item['id']]); } DBA::close($items); DBA::e("UPDATE `thread` INNER JOIN `item` ON `thread`.`iid` = `item`.`id` SET `thread`.`author-id` = `item`.`author-id` WHERE `thread`.`author-id` = 0"); Config::set('system', 'maintenance', 0); return Update::SUCCESS; } function update_1261() { // This fixes the results of an issue in the develop branch of 2018-05. DBA::update('contact', ['blocked' => false, 'pending' => false], ['uid' => 0, 'blocked' => true, 'pending' => true]); return Update::SUCCESS; } function update_1278() { Config::set('system', 'maintenance', 1); Config::set( 'system', 'maintenance_reason', L10n::t( '%s: Updating post-type.', DateTimeFormat::utcNow().' '.date('e') ) ); Item::update(['post-type' => Item::PT_PAGE], ['bookmark' => true]); Item::update(['post-type' => Item::PT_PERSONAL_NOTE], ['type' => 'note']); Config::set('system', 'maintenance', 0); return Update::SUCCESS; } function update_1288() { // Updates missing `uri-id` values DBA::e("UPDATE `item-activity` INNER JOIN `item` ON `item`.`iaid` = `item-activity`.`id` SET `item-activity`.`uri-id` = `item`.`uri-id` WHERE `item-activity`.`uri-id` IS NULL OR `item-activity`.`uri-id` = 0"); DBA::e("UPDATE `item-content` INNER JOIN `item` ON `item`.`icid` = `item-content`.`id` SET `item-content`.`uri-id` = `item`.`uri-id` WHERE `item-content`.`uri-id` IS NULL OR `item-content`.`uri-id` = 0"); return Update::SUCCESS; } // Post-update script of PR 5751 function update_1298() { $keys = ['gender', 'marital', 'sexual']; foreach ($keys as $translateKey) { $allData = DBA::select('profile', ['id', $translateKey]); $allLangs = L10n::getAvailableLanguages(); $success = 0; $fail = 0; foreach ($allData as $key => $data) { $toTranslate = $data[$translateKey]; if ($toTranslate != '') { foreach ($allLangs as $key => $lang) { $a = new \stdClass(); $a->strings = []; // First we get the the localizations if (file_exists("view/lang/$lang/strings.php")) { include "view/lang/$lang/strings.php"; } if (file_exists("addon/morechoice/lang/$lang/strings.php")) { include "addon/morechoice/lang/$lang/strings.php"; } $localizedStrings = $a->strings; unset($a); $key = array_search($toTranslate, $localizedStrings); if ($key !== false) { break; } // defaulting to empty string $key = ''; } if ($key == '') { $fail++; } else { DBA::update('profile', [$translateKey => $key], ['id' => $data['id']]); Logger::notice('Updated contact', ['action' => 'update', 'contact' => $data['id'], "$translateKey" => $key, 'was' => $data[$translateKey]]); Worker::add(PRIORITY_LOW, 'ProfileUpdate', $data['id']); Contact::updateSelfFromUserID($data['id']); GContact::updateForUser($data['id']); $success++; } } } Logger::notice($translateKey . " fix completed", ['action' => 'update', 'translateKey' => $translateKey, 'Success' => $success, 'Fail' => $fail ]); } return Update::SUCCESS; } function update_1309() { $queue = DBA::select('queue', ['id', 'cid', 'guid']); while ($entry = DBA::fetch($queue)) { $contact = DBA::selectFirst('contact', ['uid'], ['id' => $entry['cid']]); if (!DBA::isResult($contact)) { continue; } $item = Item::selectFirst(['id', 'gravity'], ['uid' => $contact['uid'], 'guid' => $entry['guid']]); if (!DBA::isResult($item)) { continue; } $deliver_options = ['priority' => PRIORITY_MEDIUM, 'dont_fork' => true]; Worker::add($deliver_options, 'Delivery', Delivery::POST, $item['id'], $entry['cid']); Logger::info('Added delivery worker', ['command' => $cmd, 'item' => $item['id'], 'contact' => $entry['cid']]); DBA::delete('queue', ['id' => $entry['id']]); } return Update::SUCCESS; } function update_1315() { DBA::delete('item-delivery-data', ['postopts' => '', 'inform' => '', 'queue_count' => 0, 'queue_done' => 0]); return Update::SUCCESS; } function update_1318() { DBA::update('profile', ['marital' => "In a relation"], ['marital' => "Unavailable"]); DBA::update('profile', ['marital' => "Single"], ['marital' => "Available"]); Worker::add(PRIORITY_LOW, 'ProfileUpdate'); return Update::SUCCESS; } function update_1323() { $users = DBA::select('user', ['uid']); while ($user = DBA::fetch($users)) { Contact::updateSelfFromUserID($user['uid']); } DBA::close($users); return Update::SUCCESS; } function update_1327() { $contacts = DBA::select('contact', ['uid', 'id', 'blocked', 'readonly'], ["`uid` != ? AND (`blocked` OR `readonly`) AND NOT `pending`", 0]); while ($contact = DBA::fetch($contacts)) { Contact::setBlockedForUser($contact['id'], $contact['uid'], $contact['blocked']); Contact::setIgnoredForUser($contact['id'], $contact['uid'], $contact['readonly']); } DBA::close($contacts); return Update::SUCCESS; } function update_1330() { $currStorage = Config::get('storage', 'class', ''); // set the name of the storage instead of the classpath as config if (!empty($currStorage)) { /** @var Storage\IStorage $currStorage */ if (!Config::set('storage', 'name', $currStorage::getName()) || !Config::delete('storage', 'class')) { return Update::FAILED; }; } // Update attachments and photos if (!DBA::p("UPDATE `photo` SET `photo`.`backend-class` = SUBSTR(`photo`.`backend-class`, 22) WHERE `photo`.`backend-class` LIKE 'Friendica\\Model\\Storage\\%'") || !DBA::p("UPDATE `attach` SET `attach`.`backend-class` = SUBSTR(`attach`.`backend-class`, 22) WHERE `attach`.`backend-class` LIKE 'Friendica\\Model\\Storage\\%'")) { return Update::FAILED; }; return Update::SUCCESS; }