# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2010 - 2024 the Friendica project # # SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 depends_on: - phpunit - code_standards_check - database_checks - messages.po_check # This prevents executing this pipeline at other servers than ci.friendi.ca labels: location: friendica type: releaser # CD is triggered after pushing new code to the develop or *-rc branch, excluding the stable branch when: repo: friendica/friendica branch: [ develop, '*-rc' ] event: push skip_clone: true steps: clone: image: alpine/git commands: - git clone $CI_REPO_CLONE_URL . - git checkout $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH - git fetch origin $CI_COMMIT_REF - git merge $CI_COMMIT_SHA restore_cache: image: meltwater/drone-cache:dev settings: backend: "filesystem" restore: true cache_key: "{{ .Repo.Name }}_php7.4_{{ arch }}_{{ os }}" archive_format: "gzip" mount: - '.composer' volumes: - /tmp/drone-cache:/tmp/cache composer_install: image: friendicaci/php8.2:php8.2.16 commands: - export COMPOSER_HOME=.composer - composer validate - composer install --no-dev --optimize-autoloader volumes: - /etc/hosts:/etc/hosts create_artifacts: image: debian commands: - apt-get update - apt-get install bzip2 - mkdir ./build - export VERSION="$(cat VERSION)" - export RELEASE="friendica-full-$VERSION" - export ARTIFACT="$RELEASE.tar.gz" - tar --transform "s,^,$RELEASE/,S" -X mods/release-list-exclude.txt -T mods/release-list-include.txt -cvzf ./build/$ARTIFACT - cd ./build - sha256sum "$ARTIFACT" > "$ARTIFACT.sum256" - chmod 664 ./* - ls -lh - cat "$ARTIFACT.sum256" - sha256sum "$ARTIFACT" sign_artifacts: image: plugins/gpgsign settings: key: from_secret: gpg_key passphrase: from_secret: gpg_password files: - build/* exclude: - build/*.sum256 detach_sign: true publish_artifacts: image: alpine commands: - cp -fr build/* /tmp/friendica_files/ volumes: - files:/tmp/friendica_files