'', 'header_signed' => false, 'header_valid' => false ]; // Decide if $data arrived via controller submission or curl. $headers = []; $headers['(request-target)'] = strtolower($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']).' '.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; foreach ($_SERVER as $k => $v) { if (strpos($k, 'HTTP_') === 0) { $field = str_replace('_', '-', strtolower(substr($k, 5))); $headers[$field] = $v; } } $sig_block = null; $sig_block = self::parseSigheader($headers['authorization']); if (!$sig_block) { logger('no signature provided.'); return $result; } $result['header_signed'] = true; $signed_headers = $sig_block['headers']; if (!$signed_headers) { $signed_headers = ['date']; } $signed_data = ''; foreach ($signed_headers as $h) { if (array_key_exists($h, $headers)) { $signed_data .= $h . ': ' . $headers[$h] . "\n"; } if (strpos($h, '.')) { $spoofable = true; } } $signed_data = rtrim($signed_data, "\n"); $algorithm = 'sha512'; if ($key && function_exists($key)) { $result['signer'] = $sig_block['keyId']; $key = $key($sig_block['keyId']); } logger('Got keyID ' . $sig_block['keyId']); if (!$key) { return $result; } $x = Crypto::rsaVerify($signed_data, $sig_block['signature'], $key, $algorithm); logger('verified: ' . $x, LOGGER_DEBUG); if (!$x) { return $result; } if (!$spoofable) { $result['header_valid'] = true; } return $result; } /** * @brief * * @param array $head * @param string $prvkey * @param string $keyid (optional, default 'Key') * * @return array */ public static function createSig($head, $prvkey, $keyid = 'Key') { $return_headers = []; $alg = 'sha512'; $algorithm = 'rsa-sha512'; $x = self::sign($head, $prvkey, $alg); $headerval = 'keyId="' . $keyid . '",algorithm="' . $algorithm . '",headers="' . $x['headers'] . '",signature="' . $x['signature'] . '"'; $sighead = 'Authorization: Signature ' . $headerval; if ($head) { foreach ($head as $k => $v) { $return_headers[] = $k . ': ' . $v; } } $return_headers[] = $sighead; return $return_headers; } /** * @brief * * @param array $head * @param string $prvkey * @param string $alg (optional) default 'sha256' * * @return array */ private static function sign($head, $prvkey, $alg = 'sha256') { $ret = []; $headers = ''; $fields = ''; foreach ($head as $k => $v) { $headers .= strtolower($k) . ': ' . trim($v) . "\n"; if ($fields) { $fields .= ' '; } $fields .= strtolower($k); } // strip the trailing linefeed $headers = rtrim($headers, "\n"); $sig = base64_encode(Crypto::rsaSign($headers, $prvkey, $alg)); $ret['headers'] = $fields; $ret['signature'] = $sig; return $ret; } /** * @brief * * @param string $header * @return array associate array with * - \e string \b keyID * - \e string \b algorithm * - \e array \b headers * - \e string \b signature */ public static function parseSigheader($header) { $ret = []; $matches = []; // if the header is encrypted, decrypt with (default) site private key and continue if (preg_match('/iv="(.*?)"/ism', $header, $matches)) { $header = self::decryptSigheader($header); } if (preg_match('/keyId="(.*?)"/ism', $header, $matches)) { $ret['keyId'] = $matches[1]; } if (preg_match('/algorithm="(.*?)"/ism', $header, $matches)) { $ret['algorithm'] = $matches[1]; } if (preg_match('/headers="(.*?)"/ism', $header, $matches)) { $ret['headers'] = explode(' ', $matches[1]); } if (preg_match('/signature="(.*?)"/ism', $header, $matches)) { $ret['signature'] = base64_decode(preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $matches[1])); } if (($ret['signature']) && ($ret['algorithm']) && (!$ret['headers'])) { $ret['headers'] = ['date']; } return $ret; } /** * @brief * * @param string $header * @param string $prvkey (optional), if not set use site private key * * @return array|string associative array, empty string if failue * - \e string \b iv * - \e string \b key * - \e string \b alg * - \e string \b data */ private static function decryptSigheader($header, $prvkey = null) { $iv = $key = $alg = $data = null; if (!$prvkey) { $prvkey = Config::get('system', 'prvkey'); } $matches = []; if (preg_match('/iv="(.*?)"/ism', $header, $matches)) { $iv = $matches[1]; } if (preg_match('/key="(.*?)"/ism', $header, $matches)) { $key = $matches[1]; } if (preg_match('/alg="(.*?)"/ism', $header, $matches)) { $alg = $matches[1]; } if (preg_match('/data="(.*?)"/ism', $header, $matches)) { $data = $matches[1]; } if ($iv && $key && $alg && $data) { return Crypto::unencapsulate(['iv' => $iv, 'key' => $key, 'alg' => $alg, 'data' => $data], $prvkey); } return ''; } /** * Functions for ActivityPub */ public static function transmit($data, $target, $uid) { $owner = User::getOwnerDataById($uid); if (!$owner) { return; } $content = json_encode($data); // Header data that is about to be signed. $host = parse_url($target, PHP_URL_HOST); $path = parse_url($target, PHP_URL_PATH); $digest = 'SHA-256=' . base64_encode(hash('sha256', $content, true)); $content_length = strlen($content); $headers = ['Content-Length: ' . $content_length, 'Digest: ' . $digest, 'Host: ' . $host]; $signed_data = "(request-target): post " . $path . "\ncontent-length: " . $content_length . "\ndigest: " . $digest . "\nhost: " . $host; $signature = base64_encode(Crypto::rsaSign($signed_data, $owner['uprvkey'], 'sha256')); $headers[] = 'Signature: keyId="' . $owner['url'] . '#main-key' . '",algorithm="rsa-sha256",headers="(request-target) content-length digest host",signature="' . $signature . '"'; $headers[] = 'Content-Type: application/activity+json'; Network::post($target, $content, $headers); $return_code = BaseObject::getApp()->get_curl_code(); logger('Transmit to ' . $target . ' returned ' . $return_code); } public static function verifyAP($content, $http_headers) { $object = json_decode($content, true); if (empty($object)) { return false; } $actor = JsonLD::fetchElement($object, 'actor', 'id'); $headers = []; $headers['(request-target)'] = strtolower($http_headers['REQUEST_METHOD']) . ' ' . $http_headers['REQUEST_URI']; // First take every header foreach ($http_headers as $k => $v) { $field = str_replace('_', '-', strtolower($k)); $headers[$field] = $v; } // Now add every http header foreach ($http_headers as $k => $v) { if (strpos($k, 'HTTP_') === 0) { $field = str_replace('_', '-', strtolower(substr($k, 5))); $headers[$field] = $v; } } $sig_block = self::parseSigHeader($http_headers['HTTP_SIGNATURE']); if (empty($sig_block) || empty($sig_block['headers']) || empty($sig_block['keyId'])) { return false; } $signed_data = ''; foreach ($sig_block['headers'] as $h) { if (array_key_exists($h, $headers)) { $signed_data .= $h . ': ' . $headers[$h] . "\n"; } } $signed_data = rtrim($signed_data, "\n"); if (empty($signed_data)) { return false; } $algorithm = null; if ($sig_block['algorithm'] === 'rsa-sha256') { $algorithm = 'sha256'; } if ($sig_block['algorithm'] === 'rsa-sha512') { $algorithm = 'sha512'; } if (empty($algorithm)) { return false; } $key = self::fetchKey($sig_block['keyId'], $actor); if (empty($key)) { return false; } if (!Crypto::rsaVerify($signed_data, $sig_block['signature'], $key, $algorithm)) { return false; } // Check the digest when it is part of the signed data if (in_array('digest', $sig_block['headers'])) { $digest = explode('=', $headers['digest'], 2); if ($digest[0] === 'SHA-256') { $hashalg = 'sha256'; } if ($digest[0] === 'SHA-512') { $hashalg = 'sha512'; } /// @todo add all hashes from the rfc if (!empty($hashalg) && base64_encode(hash($hashalg, $content, true)) != $digest[1]) { return false; } } // Check the content-length when it is part of the signed data if (in_array('content-length', $sig_block['headers'])) { if (strlen($content) != $headers['content-length']) { return false; } } return true; } private static function fetchKey($id, $actor) { $url = (strpos($id, '#') ? substr($id, 0, strpos($id, '#')) : $id); $profile = ActivityPub::fetchprofile($url); if (!empty($profile)) { return $profile['pubkey']; } elseif ($url != $actor) { $profile = ActivityPub::fetchprofile($actor); if (!empty($profile)) { return $profile['pubkey']; } } return false; } }