<?php /* This file is part of the Diaspora protocol. It is used for fetching single public posts. */ use Friendica\App; use Friendica\Core\System; use Friendica\Database\DBM; use Friendica\Protocol\Diaspora; function p_init($a){ if ($a->argc != 2) { header($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"].' 510 '.t('Not Extended')); killme(); } $guid = $a->argv[1]; if (strtolower(substr($guid, -4)) != ".xml") { header($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"].' 404 '.t('Not Found')); killme(); } $guid = strtolower(substr($guid, 0, -4)); // Fetch the item $item = q("SELECT `uid`, `title`, `body`, `guid`, `contact-id`, `private`, `created`, `app`, `location`, `coord` FROM `item` WHERE `wall` AND NOT `private` AND `guid` = '%s' AND `network` IN ('%s', '%s') AND `id` = `parent` LIMIT 1", dbesc($guid), NETWORK_DFRN, NETWORK_DIASPORA); if (!$item) { $r = q("SELECT `author-link` FROM `item` WHERE `uid` = 0 AND `guid` = '%s' AND `network` IN ('%s', '%s') AND `id` = `parent` LIMIT 1", dbesc($guid), NETWORK_DFRN, NETWORK_DIASPORA); if ($r) { $parts = parse_url($r[0]["author-link"]); $host = $parts["scheme"]."://".$parts["host"]; if (normalise_link($host) != normalise_link(System::baseUrl())) { $location = $host."/p/".urlencode($guid).".xml"; header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently"); header("Location:".$location); killme(); } } header($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"].' 404 '.t('Not Found')); killme(); } // Fetch some data from the author (We could combine both queries - but I think this is more readable) $r = q("SELECT `user`.`prvkey`, `contact`.`addr`, `user`.`nickname`, `contact`.`nick` FROM `user` INNER JOIN `contact` ON `contact`.`uid` = `user`.`uid` AND `contact`.`self` WHERE `user`.`uid` = %d", intval($item[0]["uid"])); if (!DBM::is_result($r)) { header($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"].' 404 '.t('Not Found')); killme(); } $user = $r[0]; $status = Diaspora::build_status($item[0], $user); $xml = Diaspora::build_post_xml($status["type"], $status["message"]); header("Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8"); echo $xml; killme(); }