{{* * Copyright (C) 2010-2024, the Friendica project * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2010-2024 the Friendica project * * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later *}}
{{* Action buttons to interact with the item (like: like, dislike, share and so on *}} {{if $item.threaded}}{{/if}} {{* Buttons for like and dislike *}} {{if $item.vote}} {{if $item.vote.like}} {{/if}} {{if $item.vote.like AND $item.vote.dislike}} {{else}} {{/if}} {{* Event attendance buttons *}} {{if $item.isevent}} {{/if}} {{if $item.drop && $item.drop.pagedrop}} {{/if}}
{{* Display likes, dislike and attendance stats *}} {{if $item.emojis}} {{foreach $item.emojis as $emoji}} {{if $emoji.icon.fa}} {{/if}} {{if $item.vote.dislike}} {{/if}} {{if ($item.vote.like OR $item.vote.dislike) AND $item.comment_html}} {{/if}} {{/if}} {{* Button to open the comment text field *}} {{if $item.comment_html}} {{/if}} {{* Button for sharing the item *}} {{if $item.vote}} {{if $item.vote.share}} {{if $item.vote.like OR $item.vote.dislike OR $item.comment_html}} {{/if}} {{/if}} {{/if}} {{* Put additional actions in a dropdown menu *}} {{if $item.menu && ($item.edpost || $item.tagger || $item.filer || $item.pin || $item.star || $item.follow_thread || $item.ignore || $item.drop.dropping || $item.browsershare)}} {{$emoji.total}} {{else}} {{$emoji.emoji}} {{$emoji.total}} {{/if}} {{/foreach}} {{elseif $item.responses}}