<?php /** * @file mod/wallmessage.php */ use Friendica\App; use Friendica\Core\L10n; use Friendica\Core\Logger; use Friendica\Core\Renderer; use Friendica\Database\DBA; use Friendica\DI; use Friendica\Model\Mail; use Friendica\Model\Profile; use Friendica\Util\Strings; function wallmessage_post(App $a) { $replyto = Profile::getMyURL(); if (!$replyto) { notice(L10n::t('Permission denied.') . EOL); return; } $subject = (!empty($_REQUEST['subject']) ? Strings::escapeTags(trim($_REQUEST['subject'])) : ''); $body = (!empty($_REQUEST['body']) ? Strings::escapeHtml(trim($_REQUEST['body'])) : ''); $recipient = (($a->argc > 1) ? Strings::escapeTags($a->argv[1]) : ''); if ((! $recipient) || (! $body)) { return; } $r = q("select * from user where nickname = '%s' limit 1", DBA::escape($recipient) ); if (! DBA::isResult($r)) { Logger::log('wallmessage: no recipient'); return; } $user = $r[0]; if (! intval($user['unkmail'])) { notice(L10n::t('Permission denied.') . EOL); return; } $r = q("select count(*) as total from mail where uid = %d and created > UTC_TIMESTAMP() - INTERVAL 1 day and unknown = 1", intval($user['uid']) ); if ($r[0]['total'] > $user['cntunkmail']) { notice(L10n::t('Number of daily wall messages for %s exceeded. Message failed.', $user['username'])); return; } $ret = Mail::sendWall($user, $body, $subject, $replyto); switch ($ret) { case -1: notice(L10n::t('No recipient selected.') . EOL); break; case -2: notice(L10n::t('Unable to check your home location.') . EOL); break; case -3: notice(L10n::t('Message could not be sent.') . EOL); break; case -4: notice(L10n::t('Message collection failure.') . EOL); break; default: info(L10n::t('Message sent.') . EOL); } DI::baseUrl()->redirect('profile/'.$user['nickname']); } function wallmessage_content(App $a) { if (!Profile::getMyURL()) { notice(L10n::t('Permission denied.') . EOL); return; } $recipient = (($a->argc > 1) ? $a->argv[1] : ''); if (!$recipient) { notice(L10n::t('No recipient.') . EOL); return; } $r = q("select * from user where nickname = '%s' limit 1", DBA::escape($recipient) ); if (! DBA::isResult($r)) { notice(L10n::t('No recipient.') . EOL); Logger::log('wallmessage: no recipient'); return; } $user = $r[0]; if (!intval($user['unkmail'])) { notice(L10n::t('Permission denied.') . EOL); return; } $r = q("select count(*) as total from mail where uid = %d and created > UTC_TIMESTAMP() - INTERVAL 1 day and unknown = 1", intval($user['uid']) ); if ($r[0]['total'] > $user['cntunkmail']) { notice(L10n::t('Number of daily wall messages for %s exceeded. Message failed.', $user['username'])); return; } $tpl = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('wallmsg-header.tpl'); DI::page()['htmlhead'] .= Renderer::replaceMacros($tpl, [ '$baseurl' => DI::baseUrl()->get(true), '$nickname' => $user['nickname'], '$linkurl' => L10n::t('Please enter a link URL:') ]); $tpl = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('wallmessage.tpl'); $o = Renderer::replaceMacros($tpl, [ '$header' => L10n::t('Send Private Message'), '$subheader' => L10n::t('If you wish for %s to respond, please check that the privacy settings on your site allow private mail from unknown senders.', $user['username']), '$to' => L10n::t('To:'), '$subject' => L10n::t('Subject:'), '$recipname' => $user['username'], '$nickname' => $user['nickname'], '$subjtxt' => $_REQUEST['subject'] ?? '', '$text' => $_REQUEST['body'] ?? '', '$readonly' => '', '$yourmessage'=> L10n::t('Your message:'), '$parent' => '', '$upload' => L10n::t('Upload photo'), '$insert' => L10n::t('Insert web link'), '$wait' => L10n::t('Please wait') ]); return $o; }