[-h|--help|-?] [-v] Description With this tool, you can silence an account on the global community page. Postings from silenced accounts will not be displayed on the community page. This silencing does only affect the display on the community page, accounts following the silenced accounts will still get their postings. Options -h|--help|-? Show help information -v Show more debug information. HELP; return $help; } public function __construct(App\Mode $appMode, Database $dba, array $argv = null) { parent::__construct($argv); $this->appMode = $appMode; $this->dba =$dba; } protected function doExecute(): int { if ($this->getOption('v')) { $this->out('Class: ' . __CLASS__); $this->out('Arguments: ' . var_export($this->args, true)); $this->out('Options: ' . var_export($this->options, true)); } if (count($this->args) == 0) { $this->out($this->getHelp()); return 0; } if (count($this->args) > 1) { throw new \Asika\SimpleConsole\CommandArgsException('Too many arguments'); } if ($this->appMode->isInstall()) { throw new RuntimeException('Database isn\'t ready or populated yet'); } $contact_id = Contact::getIdForURL($this->getArgument(0)); if ($contact_id) { Contact::update(['hidden' => true], ['id' => $contact_id]); $this->out('The account has been successfully silenced from the global community page.'); } else { throw new RuntimeException('Could not find any public contact entry for this URL (' . $this->getArgument(0) . ')'); } return 0; } }