$avatar, 'avatar-date' => DateTimeFormat::utcNow(), 'photo' => '', 'thumb' => '', 'micro' => '']; if (!DI::config()->get('system', 'avatar_cache')) { self::deleteCache($contact); return $fields; } if (DI::baseUrl()->isLocalUrl($avatar) || empty($avatar)) { self::deleteCache($contact); return $fields; } if (($avatar != $contact['avatar']) || $force) { self::deleteCache($contact); DI::logger()->debug('Avatar file name changed', ['new' => $avatar, 'old' => $contact['avatar']]); } elseif (self::isCacheFile($contact['photo']) && self::isCacheFile($contact['thumb']) && self::isCacheFile($contact['micro'])) { $fields['photo'] = $contact['photo']; $fields['thumb'] = $contact['thumb']; $fields['micro'] = $contact['micro']; DI::logger()->debug('Using existing cache files', ['uri-id' => $contact['uri-id'], 'fields' => $fields]); return $fields; } try { $fetchResult = HTTPSignature::fetchRaw($avatar, 0, [HttpClientOptions::ACCEPT_CONTENT => [HttpClientAccept::IMAGE]]); } catch (\Exception $exception) { DI::logger()->notice('Avatar is invalid', ['avatar' => $avatar, 'exception' => $exception]); return $fields; } if (!$fetchResult->isSuccess()) { DI::logger()->debug('Fetching was unsuccessful', ['avatar' => $avatar]); return $fields; } $img_str = $fetchResult->getBodyString(); if (empty($img_str)) { DI::logger()->debug('Avatar is invalid', ['avatar' => $avatar]); return $fields; } $image = new Image($img_str, $fetchResult->getContentType(), $avatar); if (!$image->isValid()) { DI::logger()->debug('Avatar picture is invalid', ['avatar' => $avatar]); return $fields; } $filename = self::getFilename($contact['url']); $timestamp = time(); $fields['blurhash'] = $image->getBlurHash($img_str); $fields['photo'] = self::storeAvatarCache($image, $filename, Proxy::PIXEL_SMALL, $timestamp); $fields['thumb'] = self::storeAvatarCache($image, $filename, Proxy::PIXEL_THUMB, $timestamp); $fields['micro'] = self::storeAvatarCache($image, $filename, Proxy::PIXEL_MICRO, $timestamp); DI::logger()->debug('Storing new avatar cache', ['uri-id' => $contact['uri-id'], 'fields' => $fields]); return $fields; } public static function storeAvatarByImage(array $contact, Image $image): array { $fields = ['photo' => '', 'thumb' => '', 'micro' => '']; if (!DI::config()->get('system', 'avatar_cache')) { self::deleteCache($contact); return $fields; } if (DI::baseUrl()->isLocalUrl($contact['avatar']) || empty($contact['avatar'])) { self::deleteCache($contact); return $fields; } $filename = self::getFilename($contact['url']); $timestamp = time(); $fields['photo'] = self::storeAvatarCache($image, $filename, Proxy::PIXEL_SMALL, $timestamp); $fields['thumb'] = self::storeAvatarCache($image, $filename, Proxy::PIXEL_THUMB, $timestamp); $fields['micro'] = self::storeAvatarCache($image, $filename, Proxy::PIXEL_MICRO, $timestamp); return $fields; } private static function getFilename(string $url): string { $guid = hash('ripemd128', $url); return substr($guid, 0, 3) . '/' . substr($guid, 4) . '-'; } private static function storeAvatarCache(Image $image, string $filename, int $size, int $timestamp): string { $image->scaleDown($size); if (is_null($image) || !$image->isValid()) { return ''; } $path = $filename . $size . $image->getExt(); $basepath = self::basePath(); if (empty($basepath)) { return ''; } $filepath = $basepath . $path; $dirpath = $basepath; DI::profiler()->startRecording('file'); // Fetch the permission and group ownership of the "avatar" path and apply to all files $dir_perm = fileperms($dirpath) & 0777; $file_perm = fileperms($dirpath) & 0666; $group = filegroup($dirpath); // Check directory permissions of all parts of the path foreach (explode('/', dirname($filename)) as $part) { $dirpath .= $part . '/'; if (!file_exists($dirpath)) { if (!@mkdir($dirpath, $dir_perm) && !file_exists($dirpath)) { DI::logger()->warning('Directory could not be created', ['directory' => $dirpath]); } } elseif ((($old_perm = fileperms($dirpath) & 0777) != $dir_perm) && !chmod($dirpath, $dir_perm)) { DI::logger()->warning('Directory permissions could not be changed', ['directory' => $dirpath, 'old' => $old_perm, 'new' => $dir_perm]); } if ((($old_group = filegroup($dirpath)) != $group) && !chgrp($dirpath, $group)) { DI::logger()->warning('Directory group could not be changed', ['directory' => $dirpath, 'old' => $old_group, 'new' => $group]); } } if (!file_put_contents($filepath, $image->asString())) { DI::logger()->warning('File could not be created', ['file' => $filepath]); } $old_perm = fileperms($filepath) & 0666; $old_group = filegroup($filepath); if (($old_perm != $file_perm) && !chmod($filepath, $file_perm)) { DI::logger()->warning('File permissions could not be changed', ['file' => $filepath, 'old' => $old_perm, 'new' => $file_perm]); } if (($old_group != $group) && !chgrp($filepath, $group)) { DI::logger()->warning('File group could not be changed', ['file' => $filepath, 'old' => $old_group, 'new' => $group]); } DI::profiler()->stopRecording(); if (!file_exists($filepath)) { DI::logger()->warning('Avatar cache file could not be stored', ['file' => $filepath]); return ''; } return self::baseUrl() . $path . '?ts=' . $timestamp; } /** * Check if the avatar cache file is locally stored * * @param string $avatar * @return boolean */ private static function isCacheFile(string $avatar): bool { return !empty(self::getCacheFile($avatar)); } /** * Fetch the name of locally cached avatar pictures * * @param string $avatar * @return string */ private static function getCacheFile(string $avatar): string { $parts = parse_url($avatar); if (empty($parts['host']) || ($parts['host'] != parse_url(self::baseUrl(), PHP_URL_HOST))) { return ''; } $avatarpath = parse_url(self::baseUrl(), PHP_URL_PATH); $pos = strpos($parts['path'], $avatarpath); if ($pos !== 0) { return ''; } $filename = self::basePath() . substr($parts['path'], strlen($avatarpath)); DI::profiler()->startRecording('file'); $exists = file_exists($filename); DI::profiler()->stopRecording(); if (!$exists) { return ''; } return $filename; } /** * Delete locally cached avatar pictures of a contact */ public static function deleteCache(array $contact): bool { $existed = (self::isCacheFile($contact['photo']) || self::isCacheFile($contact['thumb']) || self::isCacheFile($contact['micro'])); self::deleteCacheFile($contact['photo']); self::deleteCacheFile($contact['thumb']); self::deleteCacheFile($contact['micro']); return $existed; } /** * Delete a locally cached avatar picture * * @param string $avatar * @return void */ private static function deleteCacheFile(string $avatar) { $localFile = self::getCacheFile($avatar); if (!empty($localFile)) { @unlink($localFile); DI::logger()->debug('Unlink avatar', ['avatar' => $avatar, 'local' => $localFile]); } } /** * Fetch the avatar base path * * @return string */ private static function basePath(): string { $basepath = DI::config()->get('system', 'avatar_cache_path'); if (empty($basepath)) { $basepath = DI::basePath() . self::BASE_PATH; } $basepath = rtrim($basepath, '/') . '/'; if (!file_exists($basepath)) { // We only automatically create the folder when it is in the web root if (strpos($basepath, DI::basePath()) !== 0) { DI::logger()->warning('Base directory does not exist', ['directory' => $basepath]); return ''; } if (!mkdir($basepath, 0775)) { DI::logger()->warning('Base directory could not be created', ['directory' => $basepath]); return ''; } } return $basepath; } /** * Fetch the avatar base url * * @return string */ public static function baseUrl(): string { $baseurl = DI::config()->get('system', 'avatar_cache_url'); if (!empty($baseurl)) { return rtrim($baseurl, '/') . '/'; } return DI::baseUrl() . self::BASE_PATH; } }